How to become an archpriest. Orthodox priest

Orthodox priest- in the commonly used (non-terminological) meaning - a minister of a religious cult. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in religion (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

According to the teaching of the Church, priesthood- one of the seven Sacraments. This means that in order to become a priest, it is not enough to obtain a diploma, and even more so, it is impossible to declare oneself a priest.

A person becomes a priest after he is ordained, that is, consecrated, by a bishop who, according to church teaching, has special power. The bishop, in turn, received this power from previous bishops. The chain of ordination stretches back centuries and begins with Christ and the apostles, therefore it is called Apostolic Succession. It makes it possible to receive spiritual gifts for performing the sacraments.

The priest performs six of the seven church sacraments: baptism, confirmation, communion, repentance (confession), marriage (wedding) and consecration of oil (unction). The sacrament of the priesthood (ordination to the priesthood) can only be performed by a bishop. During services, the priest offers a prayer for the whole world. Since one of the most important responsibilities is confession, the priest must be able to deeply feel a person, his problems and characteristics. In addition, the parish priest is called to be the organizer of parish life; he must be not only a mentor, but also a friend of his parishioners, ready to be with them in sorrow and joy.

The priesthood has three degrees: bishop (patriarch and metropolitan - types of episcopal service), priest, deacon (colloquially deacon). The clergy is divided into black (monks) and white. Only a monk can become a bishop; priests and deacons can be monks (hieromonks and hierodeacons) or not. Typically, white clergy are family-based, but you can only marry before ordination and only once. Women are not ordained in the Orthodox Church, but women occupy an important and prominent place in church life.

Important qualities

The profession of a priest is not ordinary; it should be called a ministry; it requires a special calling. Like a doctor, a priest must be connected with people not only by professional knowledge, but also by personal qualities: goodwill, openness to needs and problems. Of course, first of all, it is necessary that the priest himself has faith: trying to perform priestly functions mechanically, “not for the sake of Jesus, but for the sake of the bread” is not only dishonest, but also pointless and untenable even from a purely professional point of view. Therefore, marriage in the work of both a doctor and a priest is especially unacceptable: profanity in these ministries is more dangerous than in other professions.


Where to study to be a priest

Usually they become priests after studying in theological seminaries. True, at one time, due to a shortage of priests, it was necessary to ordain people who did not have special education, but now this is no longer necessary: ​​the number of seminaries and theological schools has increased in recent years.

The most famous of them are the Moscow Theological Seminary and Academy in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and St. Petersburg. A candidate for admission is required, in addition to passing exams, to have a reference from the parish priest.

The path to becoming a priest, like any profession, begins with special education. To become a priest, you must graduate from a theological seminary. A man aged 18-35 years old, who has completed secondary education, is single or in his first marriage (divorced or remarried people are not allowed to enter the seminary) can enter there. In addition to the usual documents that are presented in all educational institutions, the applicant must submit a recommendation from an Orthodox clergyman, a written blessing from the bishop, a baptismal certificate, and if the applicant is married, a wedding certificate.

Submission of all required documents does not guarantee admission to the entrance exams. The applicant must undergo an interview in which his beliefs and motives for entering the seminary are tested.

The main entrance exam is the Law of God. Here you need to demonstrate knowledge of Orthodox teaching, sacred history and liturgical regulations. Other exams include church history and church singing. Future seminarians also take a language exam in the form of an essay, but the range of topics is special - church history. In addition, the applicant must know many prayers by heart and read fluently in Church Slavonic.

They study at the seminary for 5 years. Future priests study not only theology, liturgical disciplines and church singing, but also philosophy, logic, rhetoric, literature and other humanitarian subjects. A seminary graduate must decide whether he will be a monk or a parish priest. In the second case, he is obliged to marry.

But receiving a special education does not mean that a person has become a priest, because the priesthood is one of the sacraments.

A person becomes a priest in the sacrament of consecration - ordination. At the same time, the Holy Spirit descends on him, and thanks to this, the priest becomes not just a spiritual mentor for the laity, but also a bearer of Grace. Only a bishop can perform consecration; this takes place in the altar during the liturgy.

Ordination must be preceded by ordination - ordination to the rank of subdeacon. This is not a clergyman, but a clergyman. It is not necessary to be married at the time of ordination, but if you have not married before ordination, you cannot marry later.

A subdeacon can be ordained as a deacon - this is the first level of the church hierarchy. The deacon participates in the performance of the sacraments, but does not perform them independently - with the exception of Baptism.

The next step is ordination to the priesthood. A priest, unlike a deacon, has the right to perform the sacraments, with the exception of ordination.

Unless we are talking about a monk, the ordained person is required to be absolutely monogamous. Not only is divorce and remarriage of the initiate himself not allowed (even in the event of the death of his first wife), he must not be married to a widow or divorced woman. A person should not be under ecclesiastical or secular court or be bound by government duties that could interfere with priestly service. And, of course, special moral and spiritual qualities are required from the future priest. This is revealed during a special henchman confession.

The third level of the hierarchy is the bishop. Such an ordination is performed by a council of bishops. Not every priest can become a bishop; this is available only to hieromonks - priest-monks. The bishop has the right to perform all sacraments, including ordination, and to consecrate churches according to the full rite.

Becoming a Catholic priest is a very serious decision. If you feel that this is the will of God, are ready to devote yourself to a righteous life and agree to celibacy, then perhaps you are destined to be ordained. Remember, the life of a Catholic priest is subordinated to serving God and others.


Getting on the path

    Compliance with basic requirements. Currently, in most dioceses, a priest must be single and never married. Both rules have their exceptions, but they are rare, and almost everywhere you need to comply with them.

    Active participation in the life of the church parish. You need to start helping in your parish even before you first think about entering a university or seminary. Applicants to become priests must have been practicing Catholics in good standing for at least the past five years, and they must have been actively involved in the life of the parish for at least two years. In addition, it will be better if those who want to become a priest study the conduct of mass, special services and other studies.

    • Meet your favorite priest. Tell him about your desire to enter the seminary, find out if you could help him during services, when visiting sick parishioners or organizing events in the parish.
    • In addition to altar services, help with singing and reading. Having thoroughly studied the books and psalms, you will greatly simplify your further path.
  1. Think about your faith. The decision to become ordained is not one that can be made without hesitation - years will pass before the ordination is accepted, and this is not for those who are weak in spirit or faith. If you are confident, perhaps san is for you.

    • Pray to God for help in recognizing the situation. Attend Mass regularly, interact with the clergy of your parish, and try to sort out your thoughts and feelings. Seek advice from church leaders or someone you trust in the clergy.
  2. Think about your options. In addition to being a priest, there are other positions in the church that will help you stay closer to God. Besides deacons and monks, consider missionary work. Missionaries primarily engage in cross-cultural missions while living among the poor and disadvantaged.

    • Again, it is best to consult an expert. If you are already involved in the activities of the church, then you have several acquaintances who can suggest the right path. Research the issue and connect with the clergy, they will be able to help.

    Getting an education

    1. Go to university. For bachelors, the time in the seminary is reduced to 4 years. The training will take 8 years anyway - the decision is yours. If you decide to enroll in higher education (public or private), it is better to get a degree in a related field, be it philosophy, theology, or even history.

      • At university, get involved in a church organization. Visit hermits, help other students, and become involved in the life of a new parish or diocese. Under no circumstances should you give up your studies - the university will give you the knowledge you need for your future career.
    2. Apply to seminary. Apply to seminary through your diocese or religious order. The process usually involves several questions about you and your desire to be ordained. Find out from your parish where to start.

      In seminary it is important to study very well. You'll study philosophy, Latin, Greek, Gregorian chant, dogmatic and moral theology, exegesis, canon law, church history... for starters. One year will be devoted to an in-depth study of “religion” - so you’ll be poring over books almost all the time!

    Achieving Success After Seminary

      Receiving appointment to the post of deacon. This is almost the same as priesthood, but a little simpler. If you have completed 8 years of study/seminary, you are given 180 days before you are ordained. Six months of diaconate and you're almost there.

      • Essentially, this is a probationary period. You will be able to experience what awaits you. This is the last obstacle, and only those who truly want to devote themselves to the priesthood will overcome it. For your information, vows of celibacy and devotion to God are taken at this stage.
    1. Be ordained. The call of a bishop is the final “test” of whether the priesthood is truly your calling. If the bishop does not ordain you, then the priesthood is not your calling. Unless the bishop has some reason for not actually ordaining you, then everything will be fine. Be ordained and you're in business!

    2. Receive an appointment as a priest in a specific parish. After the bishop ordains you, you will first be assigned to a diocese. In some cases you may be asked to move. They will help you with accommodation if possible.

      • Once the process is complete, the most important thing is to remain submissive to God and celibate. This will not bring any special financial benefits, but your soul will soar.
    • You can be ordained even if you are not a Catholic. Often people realize their calling to the priesthood at the same time as the need to convert to Catholicism.
    • Prayer is extremely important to the process of discernment. It is important to attend daytime masses, go to confession often, read spiritual books, and choose one of the saints as your patron.
    • Celibacy and sexual abuse scandals may make you less determined to recognize your calling to the priesthood. Understand that these fears are shared by many men in the process of becoming ordained; prayer will help overcome them. Understand also that sexual abuse represents the actions of only a few people in the church, but these people in no way represent the church as a whole or the majority of the priests.
    • Remember, entering the seminary is not the same as being ordained. Many enter seminary or become students in a religious congregation, but realize that they are not called to the priesthood. So, if you are not completely sure of your calling (and, by the way, the absolute majority are like that), you can still enroll in a seminary or become a student.
    • Remember the two vows of a Catholic priest: obedience and celibacy. Lay priests make these vows to their bishop. The priests of the order take vows of obedience, chastity and poverty.
    • You can go to and order a free copy of Father Brett A. Brannen's book, Saving Thousands of Souls. This is perhaps one of the most powerful books on diligently recognizing your recognition, the book is free.
    • You can look at the program for becoming a priest.
    • The terms “vocation” and “knowing” are useful. Everyone is called to be godly, but everyone is called in a different way—callings include religious life, priesthood, singleness, and marriage. “Knowing” is the lifelong process of knowing God through prayer and faith. Knowledge requires enormous patience.

A priest is not just a profession, but a choice of a whole life path. Few are capable of it, because it requires not only certain knowledge and skills, but also a general disposition towards ordination, spirituality, responsibility and maturity. There are many common questions regarding church ministry. In particular, how to become a priest without a seminary? At what age can one choose such a profession? There are other questions, and all of them, without a doubt, require detailed and thorough answers. So let's find out how to become a priest, and who can devote themselves to serving the church.

Almost every man can devote himself to serving the church if he wishes. However, this path is not easy and requires great endurance and faith. Even before receiving theological education, a priest must show an inclination to serve, cultivate high moral qualities, tame his base and sinful aspirations and, of course, often attend church. It will be better if he studies church books and hymns in advance, becomes familiar with how the service is performed, and so on. This will greatly facilitate further learning.

Finding a profession and admission

Those who are wondering how to become a priest in Russia need to know certain rules. The primary task is to obtain an education at a theological seminary. Applicants must comply with the following rules:

    age: from 18 to 35 years, male;

    marital status: married for the first time or single;

After submitting all the required papers, the applicant undergoes an interview, during which the motives for admission, the sincerity of intentions, as well as the ability to correctly and coherently express their thoughts are assessed.

The entrance examination assesses knowledge of the Old and New Testaments, the Catechism and the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. In addition, applicants must pass a written exam - a presentation on a church-historical or biblical topic. Knowledge of basic prayers and chants, as well as vocal abilities, are tested. A mandatory requirement is the ability to read the Psalter in Church Slavonic.

How is the training going?

Those who are interested in how to become a priest should also know the conditions of study at the seminary. Entrance exams are held in August. Classes, as in other educational institutions, begin on the first of September. Studying in seminary is a tough test of faith and the correctness of the choice of life path. Strict discipline reigns in it, and not everyone can complete this stage.

Please note that students who come from other cities receive a place in a dormitory for all five years of study. Naturally, seminarians must strictly observe the rules of living there; in particular, they must spend nights in their room.

All students are provided with a scholarship. Young people who complete the training can expect to be ordained priests. This is possible only after going through confession and passing another exam. At the same time, we note that studying at a seminary does not guarantee obligatory ordination.

Parish priest or monk?

Before graduating from seminary, students must determine whether they intend to marry. This decision is very responsible, because it is no longer possible to change your marital status after initiation. So, the future minister of the church must either choose the path of a monk, who is forbidden to marry, or get married and become a parish priest. In this case, absolute monogamy is assumed not only from the man being ordained (he cannot divorce or remarry even if widowed), but also from his wife: she should not be a widow or divorced.

What happens after graduating from seminary?

Having completed their education, graduates are distributed among the parishes to which they are assigned. As the service progresses, it becomes possible to receive a new rank. The first level of the church hierarchy is the deacon. This is immediately followed by ordination. And the highest degree of priesthood is the rank of bishop. At the same time, those who want to know how to become a priest need to know one more detail.

Monks (those who choose celibacy) have more opportunities to move up in the church hierarchy. Only they have a chance to receive the rank of bishop and become a metropolitan, leading an entire diocese. In addition, the Patriarch is chosen exclusively from among the monks. If a graduate chooses the path of a married parish priest, he cannot rise above the archpriest in the position of rector.

Is it possible to become a priest without special spiritual education?

There is a question that interests many who want to devote themselves to the church. It goes like this: “Is it possible and how to become a priest without a seminary?” In fact, this is possible, but only if the head of his parish personally performs the dedication ceremony. It should be noted right away that receiving ordination in this way is practiced in very few churches. So you still can’t do without special theological education in a seminary. This is an indispensable condition for receiving rank.

Spiritual education in Belarus

For many, the important question is how to become a priest in Belarus. In this country there are a large number of relevant institutions where those who wish to devote themselves to the church can study. Let's try to list them. So, there are now three schools in Belarus, located in Minsk, Vitebsk and Slonim. In addition, there is a seminary and a theological academy in the capital. It is also necessary to mention the Institute of Theology at the Belarusian State University.

At the same time, only men with a higher theological education are accepted into the Academy. The future priest must be single or in his first marriage, and must be baptized. The Minsk seminary accepts both those with higher education and those with only secondary theological education. In addition, only those who have served in the army or are documented to be exempt from it can get here. Let us note that girls can also enroll in some departments of theological schools.

Thus, the choice of educational institutions is great, and here, too, everything is primarily determined by the sincerity of the motives and faith of the future clergyman.

What about Catholics?

Those who are interested in how to become a Catholic priest need to know some nuances. The path to serving in the church turns out to be even more difficult than is customary in Orthodoxy. The first difference is that in Catholicism there is no so-called white clergy. Thus, a priest cannot create a family. Future church ministers are trained in seminaries, which can be entered either after receiving higher education or after graduating from high school.

In the first case, the training will take four years, in the second - eight. It is worth noting that a young man who wants to come to the seminary must already be a devout Catholic and actively participate in parish life for at least two years. Having completed his studies, the future priest must serve in the church as a deacon for six months and make sure that the chosen path is correct. After this time, the rite of ordination and appointment to a specific parish are performed.

Thus, the path of a Catholic pastor, although not in many ways, differs from how to become an Orthodox priest.

Age restrictions

As already mentioned in the article, only a man who is no younger than 18 and no older than 35 can enter the seminary, that is, after completing his studies, you can become a priest at 40 or earlier. However, some people begin to feel drawn to this calling much later than the established deadlines. They ask themselves: “Is it possible to become a priest in this case?”

An option for such people could be distance learning at a theological academy - where the age limit is up to 55 years. But there is one condition: the applicant must bear parochial obedience, and this must be documented. Even after admission, you must annually provide a reference from the place of obedience, and it must be certified by the ruling bishop.

In any case, the issue of priesthood after the established deadlines must be resolved on an individual basis.

How to become a priest's wife?

Many religious girls want to marry a priest. However, such a life is also a kind of calling, and not everyone is ready for it. But those who are still interested in how to become a priest’s wife need to know some details.

First of all, it is worth understanding that a young man studying at a theological seminary cannot meet people in the usual way, for example, by attending parties or concerts. The brides of future priests are usually girls from religious families who attend church or the regency class at the seminary. As we have already mentioned, the chosen one of the priest cannot be a widow or divorcee and, moreover, must be a virgin, however, like her fiancé. In this case, only the rector can give permission for a seminarian to get married.

By the way, certain requirements are also imposed on the profession of the future wife of a priest. She should not compromise her husband in any way. Previously, there was a regulation prohibiting church ministers from marrying actresses; this profession was considered unworthy.

Be that as it may, girls who want to join their destiny with a priest should be aware that this choice is fraught with certain difficulties. For example, a wife should follow her husband to any parish, even the most remote and poor one, and not complain that her husband pays much more attention to other people.

In addition, mother’s life often causes discussion among church parishioners; she is always in sight. Thus, this path involves high responsibility and requires great moral strength and endurance in order to be not just a companion, but also a support and reliable rear for your spouse.

Profession or calling?

Now we know how a person can become a priest. However, certain moral qualities should also be considered among the basic requirements: fortitude, patience, the desire to help in word and deed, love for people. Those who wish to become priests must be prepared to live according to special canons, to voluntarily renounce many joys and pleasures.

Not everyone is ready for such steps. And they must be done solely at the behest of the heart, only then does this path become truly righteous and good. And then the question of how to become a priest and how difficult it is fades into the background. And the desire to adequately prove oneself in this difficult field becomes paramount. Thus, the priesthood is not primarily a profession, but a vocation and choice that determines a person’s entire life.

Becoming a priest requires dedication, time and education. But if you feel called to it, then the path to ministry awaits you no matter what. Here's what awaits you if you intend to follow your calling



    Pray and reflect. If you are waiting for God to call you to pursue your destined career as a reverend, pray and reflect to receive clues and determine whether the call is coming from God, and to understand what you are getting yourself into.

    • Being a priest or following any ministry is not for you. Moreover, you have been called to serve God and others in a special way. For you, this is not a profession out of despair or a way to glorify yourself.
    • Consider what other people have told you in the past. If you have been particularly active in the church, and others have noticed your dedication and invited you to officially become ordained, then your calling is true, and others see it. If there are no such approving responses, you should not neglect the spiritual impulse. Ultimately, the approval of others is not the only indicator of whether you have been called by God.
  1. Study the specific tenets of your denomination. Most Christian followers follow the same path described in this article, but some may skip or rearrange some steps while others advance additional tenets not described here. Before you begin this journey, find out what you will need to do before becoming a reverend.

    • There are different sources where you can learn about dogmas. The simplest, perhaps, is the Internet. Otherwise, you may want to ask your youth or young adult church leader. Or talk directly to your pastor about what you can expect.
  2. Talk to your pastor. The first person you can consult with on an “official” level is the pastor of your church. He or she will want to know why you are interested in becoming a priest. If the pastor believes your intentions are noble, he or she will raise the issue with a formal church council or committee.

    • If there are no clear warning signs that your intentions to become a priest are impure, your pastor will support you and help you take the next step. The interview with your shepherd will be the most personal and ceremonial of all the interviews you will undergo during this process.
  3. Get support from your church. In most cases, when you receive approval from your pastor, you will need to go to a council or committee in your local or house church where you will discuss your calling with the congregation. If the committee recognizes your intentions as sincere, they will most likely offer you their support.

    • Please note that this is not always the case. It all depends on how your faith is structured. If the church has a formal patriarchal hierarchy rather than a small community-oriented structure, the approval of your pastor may be all you need to move to the next stage. In this case, you may end up attending your church and support groups, but they will simply support and guide you without deciding whether you are worthy of going through this path.
  4. Go to the church committee. When your home church acknowledges your desires, you must convince the local church committee to support you as well. These committees will interview and test you on a more professional level to determine whether the path is right for you. If you are rejected, the process is over, at least for the time being.

    • The names of this committee may vary depending on the name of your denomination. You may have heard terms such as “diocese,” “presbytery,” “synod,” or “annual conference.”
    • The regional committee will interview you. He may require you to provide a psychological profile or a certificate indicating whether you have a criminal record.
    • Throughout the conversation, be frank, even personal problems should be stated.
    • Undoubtedly, the committee will reject you if it suspects that you are planning to enrich yourself at the expense of the church, running away from your old life or problems at work, or if you do not prove yourself to be an adequate person. In addition, you may be denied if you have a criminal record.
    • If you earn the committee's recognition, you will be appointed as a seminarian. This means that you will need to enroll in a theological seminary.
    • While you are studying there, you will be required to report your progress to the committee.
  5. Find a mentor. If the church committee approves of your candidacy, it may assign you a support group or mentor to help you in your spiritual training. If you haven't been assigned a mentor, find one yourself.

    • A mentor or support group guides you through the process to ensure you don't burn out. If you feel like you can't cope, they will try to help you out of any trouble.


  1. Get your bachelor's degree. Before entering the seminary, it is necessary to complete four years of study at the Faculty with a basic cycle of study. There is essentially no need to major in a specific field, but a bachelor's degree in some area of ​​religious studies will be a distinct plus when applying to seminary.

  2. Be active in your studies. During your undergraduate college experience, you should be sure to get involved in any of the institution's extracurricular activities. This way, you will not only get a taste of what it is like to be a priest, but you will also prepare a more convincing application to the seminary.

    • If your school does not have any spiritual groups, you can start a small Bible group with a few like-minded people. Moreover, you can find ministers and clergy in your local church.
  3. Prepare for seminary. Some seminaries have special requirements that you will face before enrolling. These conditions may require more than just obtaining a bachelor's degree and having the support of a church committee.

    • Choose the right seminary. Most denominations require that you choose a seminary that is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools. Some denominations also insist that you choose a seminary that matches your religion. However, this is not the case everywhere.
    • Most likely, you will need various letters of recommendation. An application for admission to study is also required.
  4. Take seminary classes. It takes two to four years to complete a seminary education. When all is said and done, you will receive a Master of Divinity degree, but you can work up to a Doctor of Clergy or Doctor of Divinity degree.

    • Take classes in Old and New Testament studies, biblical interpretation, preaching, biblical languages, history of Christian worship, Christian worship practice, counseling, curriculum development, sociology, church history, ethics, theology, and nonprofit management.
  5. Take internships and workshops. Seminars will require you to complete a certain number of internships and practicums before qualifying. Find out the requirements and follow them.

    • During your internship, you will work part-time with a pastor at a local church, charity home or hospital.
    • However, you are unlikely to be required to write and defend a dissertation.
    • For part-time students, studies can last up to eight years.
  6. Complete any required additional training. Although not always required, some denominations may insist that you complete additional training during or after your seminary studies. This training focuses on such aspects as working with people and the legal aspects of the profession.

    • Additional training also includes pressing topics such as sexual abuse, clinical pastoral care, and religious persecution. Classes are usually conducted under the direction of the denomination's responsible insurance company. For this purpose, you can also undergo psychological and personality testing.

Final Steps

  1. Write a petition for ordination. Once you have received the necessary education, you will need to write a petition for ordination describing your experience and calling. This document will be reviewed by your church committee.

    • The length of the letter may vary, but it should fully reveal the entire educational, social and spiritual path throughout the development that you have gone through to this day. You will also need to demonstrate personal conviction and commitment to the calling.

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