How to make a bottle waterer for chickens. Making a drinking bowl for chickens with your own hands: tips and tricks. Drinker made from plastic sewer pipe

We are glad to meet you again, dear readers. Today we will tell you how to make a waterer for chickens with your own hands at home. Photos and videos are attached.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that chickens' water consumption is twice as large as the amount of feed consumed in one day, so drinkers must be made with sufficient water capacity. This will maintain adequate water balance, which ensures normal growth.

They are constantly trying to get into the water, taking this into account, it is necessary to choose a device that will prevent a dangerous moment. Wet chicken legs will lead to colds, and quickly contaminated water can cause infections, especially in chickens!

The amount of water a chick or hen should consume depends on many situations:

  • Ambient temperatures.
  • Age of the bird.
  • Amount of food eaten per day.

Each individual should have an average of at least half a liter of water to avoid dehydration.

To organize a high-quality and proper watering place, you need to choose an original idea. All the diverse options for drinking birds can be divided into the following groups:

Simple drinking bowls from ordinary enameled and galvanized basins and buckets or plastic bowls:

  1. Cup (drip).
  2. Vacuum.
  3. Siphon.
  4. Automatic water supply using nipples.
  5. Drinker made of plastic pipe.
  6. A simple drinking bowl made from a plastic bucket.

Simple containers are very inconvenient. You will have to frequently change the water or top up the bowl, since in an open container the liquid evaporates quickly. Birds can easily overturn the dishes and be left without water. You need to constantly monitor this and add water in a timely manner.

It is advisable to use shallow open bowls for water only to water the chickens, but at this moment you need to carefully monitor the process, the water should not spill out.

Plastic bottle for drip drinker? Easily!

Drinker for chickens from a plastic bottle

Plastic is a common material that can be used to make various bird gadgets. A homemade plastic drinker is suitable for ordinary young animals and broilers; its installation does not take much time or cost.

When arranging a drinking regime for poultry, it is necessary to take into account that the drinking bowls made are convenient for all ages of chickens and hens.

Tools and necessary materials to use:

  1. A plastic shallow bowl so the chickens can drink from it freely.
  2. A screwdriver.
  3. With screws.
  4. Cutting tool.

How to make a waterer for chickens with your own hands from a plastic bottle? Take a 2.5-liter plastic bottle, 15 cm away from the neck of the flask, and make a puncture with an awl to create a through hole. Cut off the bottom of the flask with a sharp knife, so you can then pour water into it.

Attach the stopper of the bottle with a fastening element to the bottom of the bowl. Fill the bottle with water, now water will begin to flow into the bowl from the punctured holes. When the liquid reaches the edges of the bowl, the water stops pouring out. A tray should be placed in front of the bottle for the chicks to drink from the bowl comfortably.

Vacuum drinking bowl for chickens made from plastic flasks

Requirements for a vacuum device consisting of two plastic flasks.

To prevent garbage from getting into the water for birds, we make a do-it-yourself drinking bowl for chickens, convenient for chickens, laying hens and broilers:

  • The drinking bowl must be a closed device.
  • Convenient access to watering holes for chickens and hens.
  • The container with water in the poultry house should not turn over and break in the event of a possible attack by birds.

The design of a vacuum drinking bowl from two plastic flasks is very easy to make!

Take a plastic flask with a volume of six liters and cut off the cork along the first corrugation on the surface of the flask, you will get the appearance of a bowl. Select a smaller 2.0 liter plastic bottle, turn it upside down and insert it into the bowl. Using a drill with an 8 mm drill bit, make holes on both covers. Secure the two caps of both bottles connected with two bolts.

Use an awl to pierce the smaller bottle, moving 10 cm away from the cork, maybe a little higher. Fill a smaller flask with water until punctured. Take a bowl from a large bottle and screw it onto the smaller container on top, then turn it over. Water from the punctures will begin to flow into the bowl. As soon as it is full, the water will stop pouring, and when the level in the bowl drops, liquid will again flow through the small holes.

To prevent chickens from overturning the drinking device, it should be secured to the wall. From a wire or metal profile of a tape, roll a ring along the diameter of the flask and hang it on the wall. Secure the flask to the wire with clamps. Install a stand for the chickens at the drinking bowl; they should easily climb onto the landing board. With such a drinking bowl, where you can see how much water is left in the flask, the chickens will not be left without drinking.

DIY siphon drinker for chickens

Siphon water supply. Where the number of chickens and hens is small (about 10 pieces), it is very beneficial to use a siphon drinker. To make it you need a siphon system. To make such a design you will need:

  1. Plastic bowl with shallow sides.
  2. Five liter plastic flask.

Take the bottle and drill at the very bottom. The hole in the bottle should not be higher than the side of the bowl, so as not to overflow. Place the flask in the prepared bowl, and with your finger closed, pour water to the top. Water will rush sharply from the opening of the flask, but its flow will stop at a certain level of the sides of the bowl. When the space between the walls of the bowl and container is filled, the water level will remain above the holes.

After the chickens start drinking water, the liquid in the bowl will decrease, the hole in the wall of the flask will begin to fill with air, the air pressure will change, and the bowl will be filled with water again. Five liters of water for 10 chickens per day is enough.

The liquid will drain from the bowl, and the punctures will gradually begin to fill the bowl. The design of the siphon liquid supply is not a thorough design, so drinkers with nipple liquid supply have replaced it.

DIY nipple drinker for chickens

Automatic water supply through nipples. Automatic water supply in a chicken coop using nipples is an example of an economic indicator in compliance with hygienic standards in a poultry house.

The form of the nipple system for watering birds has become widespread. You can use any container for drinking, a large bucket with nipples inserted into the base; they turn on when the chickens start drinking.

The simplest nipple-shaped drinker is a bucket that is suspended and several nipples are screwed into the bottom. It needs to be made of large plastic. Drill the bottom, make four holes so that they have a diameter of 9 mm, screw the nipples there.

Place the bucket at the desired height and fill with water. This drinker is easy to clean, but you will need to fill it by hand. A nipple bird drinker, which is connected to a water supply or a large-volume mounted boiler, is in great demand.

You should prepare in advance the materials and tools that will be required for the work:

Take a square or round plastic pipe for automatic nipple feeding, so that there are grooves inside, with a wall thickness of 22 by 22 mm. Plugs at the end and adapters for connecting to the water supply.

  1. Flexible tube for eyeliner.
  2. Hang the pipe using clamps.
  3. Use a 9 mm drill.
  4. Use a tap to cut a 1/8-inch thread.

Work order.

Before starting work, you need to decide on the supply of parts and calculate everything. First you need to mark the pipe. Make marks under the nipples with a gap of up to 15 cm between them. Using a screwdriver or drill, from the side where the internal grooves are located in the pipe (to prevent water from leaking, use Teflon tape), drill holes in which to cut threads using a tap. Close the ends.

Install a plug on one end of the pipe, and put an adapter for a flexible tube on the other. Now you should put the nipples in place. Then connect the hose to a water tap or boiler with a large volume of water.

The strength of the structure is ensured by reliable fastening to the wall. It should not leak; all joints and connections are sealed using special tape. The use of a chicken drinker with a nipple form of liquid supply is the most practical and convenient system.

Security measures

High-quality, comfortable drinkers for chickens should be safe and not injure the birds’ beaks. You should maintain safety in the chicken coop. Drinkers should be made of high-quality plastic material. It is not allowed to make a metal container with burrs to avoid injury to the bird.

When making drinkers for chickens, hens, and broilers, the edges of the drinker must be carefully processed so that the birds cannot get hurt. The edge of the bowl should be smooth or have a rubber rim around it.

There are safety measures in winter. There must be protection to prevent water from freezing in cold weather. You can provide heat by making a heating element, which must be placed under a container of water, or by using an aquarium heater.

Drinker made of plastic pipes

This DIY chicken waterer is on the portal about construction and repair. As a rule, all ingenious inventions are distinguished by their simplicity. This can also be said about the use of plastic pipes to make drinking bowls. There are many advantages of such drinking bowls for chickens - first of all, they are simplicity of design, low cost of materials and reliability. Let's look at the step-by-step process of making a drinking bowl from plastic pipes.

Step 1. For the drinking bowl you will need a plastic pipe. In this case, a 1.5-meter pipe with a diameter of 15 cm is used. A plug is installed at one end, and a bend is installed at the other. Using a building level, draw a straight line on the pipe (on both sides of the level) with a marker.

A line is drawn on the pipe.

Step 2. Next you will need a small rectangular block. Use it to make marks for future holes, as shown in the figure. Mark with a cross those parts that do not need to be cut, or vice versa, so as not to make a mistake and not damage the pipe.

Marks for future holes. Step 3. Make small holes along the edges of the marked rectangle with a drill or screwdriver. To prevent the drill from jumping off, you can first make a small indentation with a nail or awl.

Drilling holes in accordance with the markings.

Step 4. After making the holes, use a jigsaw to cut out the desired shape on the surface of the pipe. All resulting irregularities at the cut site must be treated with sandpaper.

Using a jigsaw for cutting.

Step 5. After cutting out all the necessary holes, install special clamps or latches, which you then attach to the wooden stand. You shouldn’t skimp on these elements so that you don’t have to pay twice later. After this, the finished structure can be placed on the ground, and water can be added through the bend.

Installation of clamps.

A simple do-it-yourself drinking bowl for chickens from a bucket

If you don’t want to go to a lot of trouble making a waterer or spend money on special devices, then make your own waterer for chickens from an old bucket (necessarily a whole one).

Step 1. Holes are cut in the bottom of the bucket

Step 2. Then screw on a cover like this

There are certain recommendations that must be followed to protect the structure from contamination. First of all, when making a drinker and choosing materials, make sure that the upper edge of the structure is flush with the back of the chickens being raised. You can also connect two structural elements using aluminum wire or strong rope for convenience.

On a note! Depending on the temperature in the chicken coop or the feed used, the dimensions of the drinking bowl may vary. For example, if the room temperature does not drop below +18 degrees, then the volume of water in the device should not be more than 300 ml. Based on this, you can decide what size drinking bowl you need.

Homemade waterer for chickens with your own hands from a jar.

You can also make a simple drinking bowl in another way. To do this, take a paint bucket and a tray from a flower pot. You just need to make sure that the size of the pallet is larger than the bucket itself. Approximately 1 cm from the lid, you need to make a small hole in the container and its rim.

After this, pour some water into the bucket and close the lid. Then carefully, placing the tray with the inside on the lid, turn the bucket of water over. Gradually, water will accumulate in the pan, coming from the two holes made. Once the liquid level reaches the holes, water will not flow out. When the birds drink water from the drinking bowl, the pan will be replenished again.

Video - How to make a nipple drinker for chickens

Drinking bowls for chickens photo

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For high-quality growth and development, young chickens need a large amount of clean water. That is why a conscious poultry farmer should ensure that convenient drinking bowls for chickens are installed in poultry houses. There are many varieties of this design, but what is especially important is the fact that in order to save money, it can be assembled with your own hands without much difficulty.

For those who have ever kept chickens, it will not be big news that these birds at any age are very sloppy - they can climb into a homemade drinking bowl with their whole body or even turn it over, which ensures constant dirt in the house. That is why homemade drinking bowls must be stable and as closed as possible. The most widespread are three types of drinkers: simple, nipple and vacuum. It is the features of assembling these structures at home that will be discussed in the article.

Making a regular drinking bowl for young animals will not pose any problems. You only need a special container - a basin or bowl from which the chickens will drink water. The main thing is to choose a container that is not very high so that the bird can reach the water. Among the advantages of such a homemade drinking bowl is the fact that it is made within a couple of minutes. But, of course, there are some drawbacks: the container may overturn or the chickens will make a swimming pool in it. That is why experienced poultry farmers recommend making a regular drinker from a piece of pipe.

  1. We cut 2 meters of plastic pipe with a diameter of 10 centimeters. We select brackets for fastening the structure, plugs and an outlet through which water will flow into the drinker. At this stage, you can provide another outlet through which water will be drained.
  2. A hole is cut in the pipe with a heated knife or jigsaw. Everything needs to be done as carefully as possible, but if the edges of the hole are too sharp, they should be processed.
  3. Next, we install the brackets with our own hands, after which we can begin fixing the pipe.

The advantages of this homemade design include the possibility of keeping a large number of poultry with a constant supply of water. If necessary, rainwater can be supplied to the system. But such a drinking bowl, assembled with your own hands, also has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, unforeseen expenses, because you will have to spend money on buying a plastic pipe, while you can make the simplest drinking bowl from any old bowl in the house. Secondly, such a homemade design quickly becomes dirty, and cleaning it takes too much time.

We make vacuum

Another simple, cheap, but at the same time highly effective option for a do-it-yourself drinking bowl is a vacuum drinking bowl. It is also often called a bunker. The principle of its operation is quite simple - water is always inside the container and does not spill due to the created vacuum. To assemble it yourself, you don’t need any special tools or materials; you just need to find an ordinary three-liter jar, a bowl and convenient stands.

  • Clean water is filled into the jar.
  • Place a bowl with the bottom on the neck of the jar.
  • Holding the bowl, you need to turn the jar over and place it on stands for stability.

The main advantages of vacuum drinkers are low cost and ease of implementation of the design.
At the same time, the use of vacuum drinkers does not pose any particular problems. Naturally, it is not without its drawbacks. Firstly, such a homemade assembly can be turned over by chickens. And if we are talking about adult chickens, then they often climb onto such banks as perches and dirty them.

We design the nipple

If you have enough free time, effort and financial resources, you can start assembling the nipple structure. It is considered the most convenient and reliable, due to which this technology is most often used by industrial poultry farms. The design, although it seems quite complicated at first glance, can in fact be assembled with your own hands without any problems.

Kira Stoletova

The chicken breeder should provide the birds not only with comfortable living conditions, but also do everything in his power to ensure that they can approach the drinking bowl at any time. An easy way to do this is to use a plastic bottle to drink chickens with your own skillful hands, as in the photo or video. This device is suitable for both chickens and adult broilers. A chicken drinker is inexpensive for the farmer. The main thing is to know about the operating features of such a device and step by step follow the instructions for its manufacture.

  • Homemade or specialized?

    In specialized stores you can find a large number of models of drinkers for adult broilers and chickens. Each sippy cup has its own design features, as well as advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the livestock breeder will have to pay a considerable amount for such a device. Especially if the number of birds kept at home does not exceed 20 birds. Most often, not many people decide to spend money on such devices. Birds can also get the necessary comfort from.

    The simplest and most cost-effective way to satisfy the drinking needs of small chickens is considered to be a device such as a do-it-yourself chicken drinker. In addition, a homemade drinking bowl is easy to clean from debris. In addition to ease of use, the advantage of such a container is its design itself, which protects the volume of water from external pollution.

    Some breeders also make open drinking bowls for chickens.

    Such containers require regular washing and refilling with clean water. And such a simple design requires less human attention. In addition, if a farmer knows how to make convenient vacuum chicken feeders or homemade chicken feeders, he will have more time to solve other problems related to keeping birds.

    Varieties of homemade drinking bowls

    Water for small birds is an important product for life, which means you need to make a waterer for chickens with your own hands.

    Chickens need special care, because they have a fast metabolism and require regular drinking. Day-old chicks often have to be fed and watered with a pipette, but by 2-3 days they are taught to do all this independently. Therefore, the breeder should know when a waterer is needed in the chicken coop for the smallest chickens and how to make it.

    With your own hands, the easiest way to satisfy the birds' need for drinking is to construct it from a plastic bottle. It has several design options. The most popular are:

    • simple horizontal;
    • automatic;

    A simple horizontal drinker can be made in a few minutes, but is only suitable for a small number of birds. Others provide proper comfort to a larger population. In addition, the farmer should know about some of the features that drinkers made with his own hands should have, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

    The behavior of both broilers and small birds in the chicken coop is unpredictable. Chickens can behave calmly, and sometimes show aggression towards each other. Therefore, it is important to provide the homemade drinking bowl with the necessary stability. The safety of the birds themselves is equally important. Containers that are too large may be perceived by chicks as a basking area. Weak chicks may drown. Therefore, at home it is better to use closed drinking bowls or make them small.

    The simplest sippy cup

    It is not difficult to construct a device for chickens from a plastic bottle yourself. So let’s look at how to make a drinking bowl for chickens. It will only take a few minutes to do it. The main thing is to acquire several materials and tools for its manufacture. The breeder will need:

    • one and a half liter bottle with cork;
    • a small flat sheet of cardboard, plastic or other material;
    • glue or wire;

    In order to make such a device with your own hands, you need to attach the prepared sheet to a bottle located in a horizontal position. It should be glued or tied with wire. This design will allow the drinker to remain stable in any conditions. Aggression from poultry will not cause the container to overturn and water to spill out of it.

    Having created a reliable foundation for the future drinking bowl, you should start cutting windows through which the chickens will drink. Using a knife, you need to cut small round or oval holes, with the expectation that 1 or 2 chickens can drink at the same time in one such cell. The cells are cut along the entire bottle at the same distance from each other.

    DIY chicken drinker

    Do it yourself waterer for chickens quickly

    Super do-it-yourself drinking bowl for chickens from ChTP’s grandfather.

    If there is an unnecessary plastic pipe

    The simplest horizontal drinker made from bottles will be less durable than the design of their pipe. The instructions for its manufacture are the same, but the quality and strength are much higher. If there is an unnecessary piece of such material lying around on the farm, then it would be a mistake not to use it. In addition, there will be no large additional waste. The main thing is to prepare:

    • a piece of plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm;
    • plugs for the prepared pipe or a plastic elbow of the same diameter;
    • 2-3 plumbing fasteners;
    • drill or hammer drill;
    • saw or grinder.

    The main difference between such a device and the simplest sippy cup made from second-rate raw materials is its stationary nature. A piece of pipe is attached to the wall of the chicken coop with special fasteners. The sippy cup itself is suitable for livestock of different ages and will be effective in operation. The instructions for making such a container are identical to a regular drinking bowl. It is necessary to make holes along the length of the pipe with a diameter convenient for birds. Instead of a cork, plugs are put on such a vessel.

    A homemade drinking bowl for broilers of different ages must be made convenient for the breeder himself. It is inconvenient to replenish water through the cut-out windows, and removing it from the wall is difficult. Therefore, instead of a pipe plug, some farmers use a plastic elbow. It is put on in the same way on the edge of the structure and is positioned with the hole facing up. With this design, it will be easier for a person to fill the vessel with water. You can see what the finished product should look like in the photo.

    Homemade vacuum drinker

    It is also easy to make a closed-type drinker with your own hands, like an automatic drinker for chickens. Such containers protect water from external contamination by elements of their own design. One of the most popular and cheapest devices of this type are vacuum drinkers. To make them you will need:

    • plastic canister 5 or 6 liters;
    • bottle cap;
    • a bowl with sides (with a larger diameter than the bottle);
    • 3 – 5 self-tapping screws;
    • screwdriver or drill.

    Anyone can make such a drinking bowl on their own. All you need to do is screw the screws into the lid from the outside so that their heads rise above its surface. It is important that they are located at the same level. After this action, there is no need to drill or tighten anything. It is necessary to pour water into the bottle, put a lid on it, and turn the vessel upside down, placing it on the bottom of the bowl. Such a sippy cup will fill itself as the water in the bowl decreases, constantly maintaining the same level. Anyone can verify the simplicity of making such a design by watching the video tutorial. In just a few minutes of constructing such a container with your own hands, it is a good alternative to expensive drinking bowls. In everyday life, such a drinking bowl is called automatic and it can be seen in photos on the Internet.

    Some breeders make vacuum devices using a glass jar rather than a bottle. The manufacturing procedure is the same, but it has separate advantages and disadvantages. When keeping broiler or regular chickens, farmers often notice the wildness and aggression of birds. They can easily overturn the waterer, spilling water all over the chicken coop. The advantage of such a device is its heavy weight. There is only one drawback - if the birds manage to turn the drinker over, the glass vessel may break. It is not difficult to install a new jar, but small fragments from the old one can injure the chickens.

    Nipple drinker

    Drip drinkers for small chickens or nipple drinkers are also made from second-class raw materials, as are the vacuum or simple type of device. But the automatic drinker has one important drawback - it is designed for a minimum number of heads. Therefore, before undertaking the manufacture of such a structure on your own, it is necessary to calculate the effectiveness of their use. Sometimes the breeder has to make several of these drinkers, and sometimes consider other design options.

    You can make your own nipple drinker in a few step-by-step steps. A hole is made in the cap of the bottle equal to the diameter of the nipple. The dispenser itself is treated with sealant or wrapped with FUM tape and inserted into the plug. The farmer himself only has to fill the bottle with water and screw the cap and nipple onto it. The volume of water that birds consume, they will consume themselves by touching the lid with their beaks. Everyone can learn about all the features of making such a device with their own hands from a detailed video.

    Many small farmers have made their own waterer for chickens, since industrially produced units are intended for large farms where thousands of birds are raised.

    And miniature devices will be useful to summer residents who raise chickens on their property. You can make a small-sized and convenient device yourself, using scrap materials found on the farm.

    What should a drinking bowl for chicks be like?

    Birds are rather messy creatures. They can turn over a vessel with water, cover it with garbage, or put their feet into water intended for drinking.

    Based on this, the device must meet the following requirements:

    1. Be airtight. The drinker must have a sealed lid so that when the container is turned over, water does not spill out of it.
    2. Be resilient. If there is a lot of water in the drinking bowl (usually at least 5 liters), then the unstable structure can crush the chicks if it falls.
    3. Have a small volume. If there is more than 20 liters of liquid in a vessel, the water begins to quickly deteriorate.

    It is desirable that the design involves the use of environmentally friendly, lightweight material.

    Types of bird drinkers and how you can make them yourself

    A homemade drinking bowl must fit freely into the chicken coop, so farmers make the unit from a vessel with a volume of no more than 15-20 liters.

    The following types of structures are convenient:

    • sippy cup made of plastic bottles;
    • nipple device;
    • vacuum water supply unit;
    • rubber hose: its use is possible if there is a central water supply system through pipes on the site.

    Apart from the last example, in all other cases, to make a drinking bowl you will need a plastic bottle or other container, clamps and a vessel from which the chicken will drink.

    If desired and possible, the process of watering birds can be easily automated.

    Vacuum homemade drinking bowl for chickens

    It is advisable to use this device for small chicks at the beginning of their life (30 days).

    To create you need the following parts and materials:

    • aluminum sheet;
    • 3 liter jar (enough for 30-35 birds);
    • bowl or basin with a diameter of 20-25 cm and a height of 5-6 cm;
    • steel wire (annealed).

    First, a cuff is made from an aluminum sheet. It should have a diameter of 15-16 cm with a height of 10.5 to 11.5 cm. The edges of the cuff are fastened with wire.

    A hole with a diameter of 1 mm is drilled on the side surface of the resulting cylinder. The distance from this hole to the bottom edge of the cuff should be 4 cm.

    It is placed tightly on a jar or bottle. The neck of the vessel should be at a height of 4 cm from the lower edge of the cuff. The vessel is filled with water and then covered with a bowl or basin on top.

    After this, they are carefully turned over and placed on a pre-prepared wooden pallet.

    There is a lightweight version of the vacuum drinker. If there is a plastic bottle (volume 1 liter) with a lid, then use a bowl instead of a basin.

    To make the device you need:

    1. Unscrew the cap from the bottle, and then screw it with a self-tapping screw to the bottom of the bowl.
    2. Make a hole in the neck of the vessel, which should be 1 centimeter below the side of the basin.
    3. Fill the bottle with water, screw the cap with a bowl onto its neck and turn it over.

    This drinker always gives the same amount of liquid , which is very convenient for raising chickens. It is too small for large chickens, so you will have to increase its volume.

    It is convenient for raising broilers , but adults also use it with pleasure. The unit must be connected to the water supply network (if it is supplied to the household) or to a tank with liquid.

    The manufacture of the device begins with the selection of materials.

    You will need:

    • square plastic pipe with a side of 20-22 cm;
    • rubber hose;
    • fixing clamps (2-3 pcs.);
    • adapter from square to round (for installing a hose);
    • stub;
    • nipple (3-5 pcs.);
    • drill with a diameter of 8.7-9.1 mm;
    • ¼ inch tap.

    Manufacturing begins by fixing the square pipe in a vice. Then markings are made for the nipples. The distance between them is chosen within 20-25 cm, a hole is drilled for each, and then a thread is cut.

    Screw in the nipples, sealing them with FUM tape. Small cups are placed under each outlet.

    A plug is mounted on the pipe on one side, and on the other, an adapter with a hose that is connected to a water tank. The drinking bowl is secured in the right place in the chicken coop with clamps.

    As the chickens grow, the drinking bowl will have to be gradually raised higher. For a simplified device, a plastic bucket is used, into the bottom of which nipples are screwed.

    Water is poured into it, and a lid with a hole for the hose is installed on top. To ensure that there is a constant level of liquid in the drinking bowl, it is connected to the water supply network.

    From a plastic bottle

    With this item you can easily make your own waterer for chickens.

    For this you need the following materials:

    • 5-6 l bottle;
    • container (basin) 10 cm high and 8 cm in diameter larger than the first container.

    The manufacturing process of the apparatus begins by making a hole in the side of the vessel with a knife. The diameter of the hole should be about 10 mm, and the level should be 2 cm below the side of the container used.

    Fill the container with water, turn it over into a basin, and place it vertically. The process of liquid flowing through the side hole will begin, and the bird can safely drink water.

    Creating an automatic device

    Vacuum and nipple drinkers are well suited for such a device.

    • increase the volume of the vessel with water to 15-20 l;
    • connect a bucket or pipe with a hose to a tank with liquid, and if there is a water supply network, then to a tap;
    • Instead of a plastic bottle, use a bucket with holes in the side as the main vessel.

    Broiler chickens should reach the surface of the water with their beaks. As the liquid level in the open container decreases, additional water will flow from the tank, so there will always be some in the main container.

    It is also necessary to take into account the fact that it is difficult for chickens to lift their heads when drinking, so it is advisable that the height of the bowl into which the water is drained does not exceed 15 cm (for chickens) and 20 cm (for adult chickens and roosters).

    Frost protection, how to insulate

    When cold weather sets in, when the birds are given food in a closed chicken coop, care must be taken to heat the water in the drinking bowl. If this is not done, the birds may get sick.

    Experienced farm owners use an extension cord with incandescent sources for these purposes. The drinking bowl is placed on a wooden grate, and lamps are installed under it, which, when heated, give off their heat to the liquid.

    Therefore, the water does not freeze even in severe frosts. If possible, it is better to supply warm liquid to the device. To do this, some farmers install heating elements in the supply tank.

    The main mistake when choosing a drinker

    If the device is purchased from any manufacturer, then the main mistake of novice farmers is the incorrect selection of the required container. Another problem is the purchase of painted products, which negatively affects the health of the birds.

    The simple plastic or metal containers used by many farmers for watering chickens do not meet the necessary requirements, since the liquid in them quickly becomes contaminated.

    How to train chickens to drink

    There is no need to accustom chickens to a vacuum or bottle drinker. They see where the water is and go to the bowl to drink the liquid.

    If a nipple version is used, it is recommended to place miniature bowls under the holes. They are installed at a height of no more than 3-4 cm from the floor so that babies can get the liquid with their beaks. The chicks will see where the water is dripping and then begin to drink it.


    Beginning poultry keepers can freely raise chickens on their own. To do this, you just need to select the appropriate materials and tools.

    If a person can do something with his own hands, he can freely assemble a simple device and provide water to his livestock. If there is any doubt about the ability to assemble the device, they are purchased from well-known manufacturers who monitor product quality.

    Many farmers keep chickens on their farms. This poultry can produce a lot of eggs and tasty meat. However, in order for the productivity of these individuals to be high, they need to be provided with ideal conditions. It is important to ensure that the chickens live in good and comfortable conditions. It is also worth considering what drinking bowls should be like in a chicken coop and how you can build them with your own hands.

    Primary requirements

    It is not at all necessary to look for a good waterer for hens or small chicks in specialized retail outlets or markets. Many poultry farmers prefer to make these designs themselves.

    In this case, you can independently design the optimal model of a drinking bowl of suitable sizes.

    True, before starting work on its creation, you need to understand the list of basic requirements that apply to it.

    • A drinking bowl for poultry must be reliable and stable, not subject to damage in the event of “aggressive” mechanical influences. Otherwise, the birds may accidentally damage the structure or knock it over, causing their entire “neighborhood” to be left without water.
    • It is necessary to pay due attention to the edges of homemade drinking bowls. They must be neat and even so that birds cannot accidentally injure themselves on them.
    • The drinking bowl must be practical so that you can easily and quickly pour water into it or replace it.
    • Drinking bowls for chickens must be closed. If the containers are open, the liquid in them will not be clean, and chickens should not drink contaminated water.
    • Experts advise making drinking bowls from special food-grade plastic, from which any sediment can be washed off very easily and quickly. It is also permissible to refer to a tree. The main thing is that the material from which the drinker is made is of high quality and environmentally friendly, without aggressive chemicals and impurities.
    • Any sediment from the surface of the drinking bowl should be washed off easily and without residue.
    • If you keep birds in the northern regions, then you need to protect the drinking bowls from destructive freezing. To do this, small-sized heaters are made and installed and placed under the structures themselves.

    To operate the drinker for all kinds of birds - broilers, day-old babies, and chickens, it is recommended to make it automatic. Such models are filled directly from the water supply. These options are very convenient and simple. The poultry farmer with these drinkers does not have to constantly keep them under control.


    There are several types of drinking bowls for chickens. They have different designs and also work differently. Let's take a closer look at what types of drinkers for chickens exist and what parameters they have.


    Simple models have a basic structure and are ordinary tanks. These can be basins, bowls, plastic bowls of different sizes, galvanized or enameled iron containers.

    It is recommended to install similar types of drinkers in the poultry house for small chickens. For example, for one-day-old babies, it is permissible to place a small saucer, fix a jar in the center and add water. But you need to make sure that small birds do not spill water.

    Do not forget that wet chickens can get sick and die from the cold.


    Otherwise, these models are called siphon. These specimens are considered the most successful for a small population of birds (from 10 to 12 birds). Such designs operate on a simple principle - the liquid in the container does not pour out under pressure, remaining in a vacuum.

    It is quite possible to build a vacuum drinking bowl with your own hands. This will not take a lot of free time or expensive materials. Pour clean liquid into a separate container, and then place a saucer or shallow bowl on the top of the neck on small wooden spacers. Next, you will need to turn the container over. At first a small part of the water will flow out, but then the flow will stop. The liquid will fill the container as it is consumed.

    In special stores you can find special bowls for models of this type. They initially have a deepening made. All the poultry farmer needs to do is just pour clean water into the container.

    The main disadvantage of a vacuum system is that birds can easily turn the structure over.

    That is why, instead of homemade ones, it is often advisable to use a ready-made purchased product.

    They have an affordable price and do not require large expenses. The one with legs is especially good - it will be more stable compared to other types of vacuum drinkers.


    It is possible to build drinking systems of this subspecies with your own hands, but this will be a difficult task. Many poultry farmers prefer to purchase ready-made cup drinkers for their feathered charges. The design of such models cannot be called too complicated - the base is fixed with a bowl and a special tongue with a valve. The tongue is located on top of the liquid and, as it decreases, opens the valve. After this, the water is sent back into the cup, filling it to the desired level.

    On top of this entire structure there is a special screw responsible for adjustment. It allows you to adjust the liquid level in the cup. Water flows through the fitting to which the hose is attached. Another end of the hose is attached to a container with liquid.


    The second name for these drinkers is drip drinkers. They work according to a simple scheme: water comes into a PVC tube into which nipples are screwed in at a specific interval.

    The liquid moves into this tube from a certain container, for example, a plastic canister, fixed at a level slightly higher than the structure itself.

    The result is a simple automatic drinker, where you only need to add liquid to the container.

    The described automatic drinker is one of the most convenient to use. It is possible to build it with your own hands. Moreover, many craftsmen modify these designs, making them even more functional and practical in their own way.

    How to make a drinking bowl?

    It was already mentioned above that most models of drinking bowls can be made independently. In order for such a design to be of high quality, safe and convenient, it is better to do it based on diagrams and instructions, especially if you are doing such work for the first time. Let's look at several options for a guide to assembling drinking bowls for chickens.

    First, let's look at how it is possible to build a vacuum structure on your own. We must try to make it as stable and strong as possible. A suitable option is one made from plastic bottles, of which there are many on the farm. You will also need to take a regular plastic basin with high sides. They will be slightly above the neck line of the birds. It is advisable to take bottles of at least 5 liters in volume. You will need to make holes in them at a level of 15 cm from the bottom, and then, when filled, move them into a plastic basin.

    Water will flow out, fill the gap between the container and the walls of the dish, and then begin to be held slightly above the opening point.

    When the water runs out, the level in the basin will drop, and the hole in the wall of the bottle will become noticeable. Air will enter it, the pressure of the air bubble will change, and the water will return to the basin. A container of 5 liters will be enough for 10 chickens for a day.

    Nipple drinkers for birds are considered to be one of the most practical to use. This homemade design turns out to be very economical and in demand in matters of hygiene. In this case, water can be found in a variety of containers. For example, it could be a bucket. The basis of this model is a dropper, which is triggered by a chicken command.

    That is why ordinary nipple systems are represented as a suspended bucket with nipples protruding from the bottom.

    This model can operate from a storage tank or be flow-through.

    To independently make the model described above, the home craftsman will need certain skills in plumbing work, as well as a little patience. As a result, you can get a drinking bowl that will be in no way inferior to the structures that are present in poultry farms. To complete all work you will need the following components.

    • You will need a round or square plastic pipe and nipples. There should be grooves inside it. The optimal wall thickness is 22 mm.
    • You will need special end caps. They should come with an adapter for connecting to the main line.
    • Prepare a flexible hose for the liner, as well as clamps for hanging the pipe.
    • Prepare a 9 mm drill bit and a 1/8 inch thread preparation tap.

    Having all these things, it is worth moving on to the construction of a nipple drinker. The procedure here will be as follows:

    • the first step will be to mark the pipe;
    • You will need to drill holes on the side of the grooves;
    • thread is cut;
    • nipples are screwed in;
    • the ends are closed;
    • drop eliminators are fixed and secured;
    • the structure is installed on the wall in the poultry house;
    • liquid is supplied there for the birds to drink.

    You can use clear diagrams when creating nipple instances. It is advisable to choose European nipples - they are more reliable and durable. You also need to select a plastic pipe and mounting equipment. This won't take much time. The pipe will need to be plugged from the ends, making markings for the nipples. They should be placed every 30 cm. You just need to make holes, make threads and tighten the nipples with sealing tape or tow. You will definitely need to make sure that all connecting areas are tight. Only after this will it be possible to supply liquid from the vessel through the embedded hose.

    Saucers made from the bottoms of plastic bottles can serve as drop catchers. Such small and light cups in a situation where the nipple leaks will be responsible for ensuring that the litter does not get wet.

    It is possible to create a long drinking bowl for chickens from a sewer pipe. Let's look at the instructions for making it.

    • Take a plastic pipe 1.5 m long and 15 cm in diameter. Place a plug on one of its ends and a bend on the other.
    • Attach a building level to the pipe and draw even strips on both sides of it.
    • Take a small rectangular block 25-35 cm long. Make marks for the planned holes with it. The first of them will need to be drawn at a distance of 10-20 cm from the edge of the pipe. Additionally, place marks on those parts where you will need to make slits.
    • Make small holes at the edges of the marked rectangles using a screwdriver or drill. To prevent the drill from jumping off, initially make small indentations using a nail or an awl.
    • Prepare the holes, cut out the required shape on the surface of the pipe with a jigsaw. If irregularities appear, they must be eliminated with sandpaper.
    • After cutting all the necessary holes, install special fixing elements or latches. Next, they will need to be attached to a wooden stand.

    The finished structure can be placed on the ground and water can be poured into it through the bend. The pipe is allowed to be connected to an existing water supply system so that filling it with water is as simple and problem-free as possible.

    It is impossible to describe absolutely all the schemes for making drinking bowls for chickens. Home craftsmen are constantly making something new and more practical, developing fresh, original ideas. The main thing is to use high-quality materials for this and take your time. It is also always necessary to check the structure for stability and leaks.

    Simple drinking containers

    Drinking containers can be not only automatic, but also very simple, made from scrap materials. For example, it could be a simple design made from a plastic canister. It can be built easily and quickly.

    • First, you will need to thoroughly rinse the canister you selected. Detergents should not be used for this.
    • Now you need to screw on the lid and place the canister on its side.
    • Use a utility knife to cut rectangular holes. Fill the container with clean water.

    A similar drinking bowl can be made from a large 5-liter bottle. Only you won’t need to put it on the bottom, but you will also need to lay it on its side.

    Cut rectangular horizontal holes in the bottle. You need to measure at least 10 cm from the bottom. Fill the container with water.

    How to place it correctly?

    It is not enough to make a drinking bowl for a chicken coop or cage of high quality; it also needs to be placed in the most suitable place for this purpose. Birds must always have access to clean water. This applies to both the chicken coop itself and the bird walking area.

    If we are talking about a nipple drinker, it must be installed at a certain angle.

    If you want such a model to work correctly, it should be fixed in such a way that it deviates vertically by no more than 30 degrees.

    It is most convenient to place drinking bowls near the walls. It is also recommended to place bird feeders there. This arrangement of containers is due to the fact that chickens are not the neatest birds and can scatter food and splash water. It is also permissible to install drinking bowls between perches or nests. The main thing is that they are clearly visible to all chickens.

    The drinking bowl in the chicken coop must be used correctly. Let's consider several recommendations for the operation of these structures.

    • One bird should drink an average of 0.5 liters of liquid daily. The volume may vary depending on the temperature and the amount of feed eaten. In accordance with these features, we can come to the conclusion that making a drinking bowl with your own hands from available materials is not difficult.

    • Only use drinkers that do not have sharp edges. If any are left during production, they must be leveled, otherwise the bird may receive serious injuries.

    • When using water bowls for birds, it is very important to ensure that the water in them is only clean. Under no circumstances should there be any chicken droppings, dirt or other debris in it. Always keep the situation under control. That is why experienced poultry farmers recommend making or buying closed drinking bowls, which do not need to be constantly monitored.

    • Install heating elements under the containers if necessary.

    • Make sure that there is no sediment on the walls of the containers. You need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

    • Secure your homemade waterer well, even if you are placing it not for chickens, but for adults. This way you will protect yourself from the structure falling, because the chickens can knock it over and pour out all the water.

    • Always monitor the water level in containers. Birds should always have access to fresh and clean water. If it ends and the birds are without it for a long time, then nothing good will come of it, especially if it is a hot summer.

    A drinking bowl filled with clean and fresh water is the key to healthy and active chickens at any age. If you decide to make this important structure with your own hands, then you should have some useful tips and recommendations from experienced poultry farmers.

    • When choosing which drinking bowl to make for your feathered charges, you need to remember that standard open designs have the most disadvantages. Firstly, chickens very often knock them over, leaving the entire house without anything to drink. Secondly, birds are always swarming, which is why the water in open drinking bowls quickly becomes dirty and will have to be changed daily. It is important to remember these nuances when deciding which drinking bowl to build.

    • If you choose the most effective and convenient drinker, then, in the opinion of most poultry farmers, it is a nipple model. You can install it in an open area, in a cage, or in a bird shed. But keep in mind that it will take longer to do than a simple vacuum or open design.

    • Before you assemble and install a drinking bowl in the chicken coop yourself, you need to take into account that the chickens should reach for liquid. Due to this feature, water easily enters the crop of birds.

    • If you make a vacuum drinker yourself from plastic bottles, then you should pay attention to ensuring that the edge of the bowl is in the correct position and that a protective rubber rim is put on it. Chickens can get damaged and scratched if they have sharp edges. After some time, pecking may begin because of this.

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