How to spend the day of lifting the blockade for children. School scenario “Lifting the siege of Leningrad. It's true that you're tired

The storm of war has passed.
But it’s still a memory for people
Looks intently into the eyes.
O. Berggolts
Words carved on the memorial
Piskarevsky cemetery-museum.


Scenario of a rally and laying of wreaths at the monuments of Leningraders and Leningrad children who died during the evacuation during the Great Patriotic War, dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the breaking of the siege of Leningrad and the 70th anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege.

The rally participants - WWII veterans, residents and guests of the city - gather in front of the monument to the fallen Leningraders.

Participants of the Youth Council distribute “Leningrad Victory Ribbons.”

A guard and fireworks group line up at the memorial stone.

A set of sound equipment is located on the territory of the meeting; the sound engineer is located in a tent.

The rally area is decorated with flags (red).

The radio microphone stand is installed in the center of the site.

Before the start, while everyone is gathering,
phonograms of documentary recordings about the blockade are heard.

A recording of the phonogram of Levitan's speech about breaking the siege of Leningrad on January 18, 1943 is played - 45 seconds.

The phonogram “Let's bow to those great years” sounds - call signs.

We were waiting for the blockade to break,
Half a thousand days and nights
Catching the distant roar of cannonade,
Worried and happy about it.
How slowly he approached
Holy breakthrough this hour,
And I couldn't wait for this day
Almost every third of you.

Good afternoon, dear residents of besieged Leningrad, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Tikhvin residents and guests of our city.
These days mark 71 years since the beginning of the breaking of the siege and 70 years since the complete lifting of the siege of Leningrad.
For nine hundred days and nights the Nazis kept the city on the Neva in a blockade ring, but Leningrad lived and fought. Hunger and cold did not break the spirit of Leningraders, despite the hardships of the siege, Leningraders managed to maintain faith in Victory and love for Life.
To open the meeting, I invite the Head of the Tikhvin region ___________________________ to the microphone.

Speech by the Head.
At the end of the speeches the meeting is declared open.
The Russian Anthem plays (short version) - 1 minute 30 seconds.

In a short time, Leningrad turned into a fortress city. Hitler prepared a terrible fate for the city. Here is an excerpt from the secret documentation of the German naval headquarters dated June 22, 1941:
“The Fuhrer decided to wipe out the city of Leningrad from the face of the earth.... After the defeat of Soviet Russia there is no interest in the continued existence of this large population center. It has been proposed to blockade the city and raze it to the ground.” Fascist troops surrounded the rebellious city with a 200-kilometer siege ring. The blockade began.
The whole country rose to the aid of the Leningraders. Everything needed was delivered to Leningrad via Ladoga. And the blockade continued. The Nazis tortured Leningrad with hunger, hoping that the Leningraders would falter. The cruel and great truth was learned by people who survived the Leningrad blockade. The truth about man and his limits.
The Motherland highly appreciated the immortal feat of heroic Leningrad, awarding the city the Order of Lenin and giving it the title “Hero City”.
Breaking the blockade meant that the city survived and won.
The floor is given to the Chairman of the Committee on the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Leningrad Region, Andrei Valerievich Gavrilov.

Speech by the Chairman of the Committee on the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Leningrad Region _________________.

The words “No one is forgotten, and nothing is forgotten” apply to every Leningrader who survived the blockade. "Siege Book" It was written in order to preserve a living memory of the siege. The book was not created in vain, now everyone can read it, vividly imagine how everything was and try to improve themselves and the world around them at least a little, so that this does not happen again.
And each of them can say these words:

We too will become legends
During your blockade days,
Let's leave genes to descendants
That perseverance and love.

With deep respect and warmth, I give the floor to a resident of besieged Leningrad, Honorary Citizen ____________________.


The Medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” is a state award for awarding military and civilians, defenders of the city of Leningrad. Established in December 1942, it became one of the first Soviet wartime medals. More than a million Leningraders were awarded this high award, 15 thousand of them were children.
All blockade survivors call January 27 “our Leningrad Victory Day” and many of them have commemorative ribbons of the Leningrad Victory pinned on their chests on this day. The colors of this ribbon correspond to the colors of the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”. Olive means "victory" or "peace" and green is a symbol of life. These two colors mean "Victory of Life."
This year, everyone who was awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”
and a memorial sign will be presented to “Resident of besieged Leningrad”
“In honor of the 70th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade.” In the Tikhvin region, 123 people whose memories were seared by the blockade will receive this badge.
The floor is given to the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Policy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region, Alexander Evgenievich Petrov.
Speech by A.E. Petrova.
During the Great Patriotic War and the siege of Leningrad, the route of Leningraders from the besieged city to the mainland lay through Tikhvin.
Unfortunately, it was not always successful. The largest massive Nazi raid on the railway station took place on October 14, 1941, when two children's trains and one train with adult evacuated Leningraders were bombed. This day became the Day of Remembrance of Leningraders in Tikhvin. Since the war, there have been two “small” Piskarevkas – one for children and one for adults.
Let's lower our heads and bend our knees,
Let us remember with silence and soul
Siege Holy Generation,
What brought out this unequal battle!

In memory of the Leningraders who died from shelling and bombing, who died of hunger and cold, who endured inhuman torment and suffering, a Minute of Silence is declared.

Minute of Silence - Metronome sounds.

Like a continuation of the life of a soldier
Under the stars of a peaceful power
Flowers burn on military graves
Wreaths of unfading glory.

On October 14, 1941, during the bombing, Tikhvin railway workers and firefighters were the first to come to the aid of people in trouble, many at the cost of their own lives.
Their feat is etched in history forever. This past is timeless. It will not fade, will not disappear, will never be forgotten.
Dear participants of the rally, I ask you to begin laying flowers and wreaths.

A flower and wreath laying ceremony takes place.

At this time, the fireworks group will fire a three-shot salvo.

Leading: (at the end of the laying)
The day of lifting the siege of Leningrad is rightfully the day of military glory of Russia. This date personifies the resilience, courage and mass heroism of Leningraders unprecedented in history, who saved not only their beautiful city, but also Moscow from destruction during the battle for the capital, and, consequently, the entire country as a whole.
Dear participants of the rally, I ask everyone to go to the grave of the Leningrad children who died as a result of the terrible bombing in October 1941.

Participants of the rally go to the grave of the dead children.

At this time, the song “Children of War” performed by T. Gvertsiteli sounds.

This is a requiem for you, Leningrad children.
I would like to remember you all by name,
But I'm afraid that no one in the world will tell me,
How many of you are there in the millions lost to war?

In the history of Tikhvin there is a date that is special in its tragedy - October 14, 1941. That day the bombing lasted six hours, several dozen high-explosive and hundreds of incendiary bombs were dropped. The railway station turned into a burning inferno.
After this tragedy, a grave appeared in Tikhvin in which Leningrad children, “mercilessly killed by the war on October 14, 1941,” were buried. All the cruelty of war is felt so keenly here...

I give the floor to ___________________________.


In the spring of 1942, many Leningraders wore a small tin badge on their chest, and on it was a Swallow with a letter in its beak.
This symbol was a response to German propaganda statements that “now even a bird will not fly into the city.” People waited for news from the front, never losing touch with the vast country. The “Siege Swallow” has become a symbol of hope for the best, for a quick meeting and victory.
The “Siege Swallow” action was held in St. Petersburg, which was carried out with the aim of preserving the memory of the blockade among the younger generation, who are now at the same age as the children who survived in Leningrad in the terrible 1942. These are letters - triangles from children of peace to children of war.
Pupils of Tikhvin schools 7, 6 and 9 also wrote triangle letters to the children of the besieged city. And let one of them sound today...
It will be read by ___________________, a student of ____ class at school No. __.


She unfolds the letter - a triangle and reads it,
then rolls it up and leaves it with the children's toy
on the pedestal of the monument to Leningrad children.
For 5 years now, to commemorate the anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of Leningrad, the “Candle of Memory” event has been taking place in St. Petersburg.
At 19:00 in the evening, St. Petersburg residents light and place a candle in the window in memory of all the residents and defenders of besieged Leningrad, and at this time the metronome will sound again through the emergency response channels.
I invite you to take part in the “Candle of Memory” event on January 27. And each of us, lighting a candle, let us bow our heads before the bright memory of children, women, soldiers, and remember that we are the sons and daughters of a great nation - a winner, and we will be worthy of it.
Please begin laying flowers and wreaths.

The soundtrack of S. Rachmaninov's concert is playing.

A flower and wreath laying ceremony takes place.

At the end of the laying, a recording of the phonogram of Levitan’s speech about the complete lifting of the siege of Leningrad on January 27, 1943 is played - 45 seconds.

Dear veterans!
Years and generations will pass,
The river will continue the path of history,
And your feat is great, unparalleled,
It will remain among the people for centuries.

My deepest bow to you, dear veterans, for your courage and perseverance. On this sacred day for all of us, please accept our sincere wishes for good health, happiness, optimism, peace and prosperity for many years to come.
Sincere gratitude to everyone who came to the obelisk today, because the dates January 18, 43 and January 27, 44 are sacred for each of us.
The ceremonial meeting dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the breaking of the siege of Leningrad and the 70th anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege is declared closed.
I ask everyone to go to the bus parking area.

All rally participants pass through and board buses.

At this time, songs about besieged Leningrad are heard.

"900 days of blockade"
Scenario dedicated to lifting the blockade

“Remember, this city is Leningrad,
Remember, these people are Leningraders!”
to cultivate the spiritual culture of students;
instill citizenship and respect for the history of your country;
cultivate a sense of patriotism;
instill a sense of pride, a desire to experience in your heart what they experienced
peers during the war;
convey to the children the idea of ​​the connection between generations, that we are one people, that
We have a common history;
give ideas about the blockade of Leningrad, the reasons for its occurrence,
the heroism of the inhabitants of the besieged city;
Equipment: book exhibition: “Leningrad Speaks”. On the table -
blockade bread – 125 grams
There was a house - no light, no water.
There was bread - the additional weight of trouble.
There was one fate for everyone.
We lost our bright laughter.
We were dying...
The city lived - full of our small forces.
Progress of the event:
Host: We don’t remember the war then
To boast about Victory once again
We simply repeat everything to everyone.
This cannot happen again.
Host: Today we will talk about Leningrad. It seems to us that in
his fate reflected the most characteristic features of that war, the victory
which we celebrate again and again.
In the early autumn of 1941, the first shells exploded in the city.

Leningraders were real fighters, although not all of them
The Nazis met face to face.
Their opponents were death and its allies: hunger, thirst, cold,
darkness... blockade.
1st: I remember that autumn and the cold
In the darkness there are mounds of barricades
And the reflection of a fire in the puddles.
And formidable as the night, Petrograd!
Presenter: Fighting began near the walls of Leningrad. In a short time
Leningrad turned into a fortress city. Fascist troops
suffered heavy losses and went on the defensive. And then Hitler
prepared a terrible fate for the city. Here is an excerpt from the secret
documentation of the German naval headquarters dated June 22, 1941
of the year.
“The Fuhrer decided to wipe out the city of Leningrad from the face of the earth.... After
the defeat of Soviet Russia is of no interest to
the continued existence of this large settlement.
It was proposed to blockade the city and by firing artillery at all
calibers and continuous bombing from the air to level it with
Fascist troops covered 200 km with a ring of rebellious siege
city. The blockade began.
3rd: The enemy could not overpower us by force,
He wants to starve us,
Take Leningrad from Russia,
And take the Leningraders captive.
4th: Yes, we won’t hide it – these days
We ate glue, then belts,
But, having eaten the soup from the belt,
The stubborn master stood up to the machine,
To sharpen gun parts,
Necessary for war.
But he sharpened until his hand
Could make movements.
And if you fell at the machine -
How a soldier falls in battle

5th: And there, between the humpbacked snowdrifts,
Where it is difficult for adults to walk,
Guys on narrow sleds
They're bringing their dead mother...
Host: Death entered all houses. Over 640 thousand
Leningraders died of hunger. Many people know the sad story
12-year-old Leningrad girl Tanya Savicheva. The blockade took away
native girls. On those same terrible days, Tanya wrote in her notebook
such short tragic notes.
6th: Yes, Leningrad has cooled down and become depopulated,
And empty floors rise,
But we know how to live, we want and we will,
We defended this right to live
There are no cowards here, there should be no timid people here,
And this city is invincible
What kind of lentil stew are we?
We will not sell our dignity
There is a break - we will take a break,
There is no respite - we will fight again
For a city consumed by fire
For the sweet world, for everything that was in it,
For the sweet world, for everything that will be in it,
For our city, tested by fire,
For the right to be called a Leningrader!
Host: In the first year of the severe blockade winter, 39 schools operated.
Some bomb shelters of residential buildings also became study sites.
Even in terrible conditions, the children learned. It was a feat. Dangerous and
The way to school is hard. Shells often exploded in the streets. IN
It was so cold in the rooms that the ink froze. Students
sat in coats, hats, mittens. My hands were numb and the chalk
slipped out of my fingers. The disciples were staggering from hunger. Everyone had
common disease - dystrophy. The students died not only at home, but also
on the street, on the way to school, but also right in the classroom.

7th: The girl stretched out her arms and fell asleep.
But it turned out that she died...
Nobody said a word
Only hoarsely, through a blizzard groan,
The teacher squeezed out that again
Lessons after the funeral...
Presenter: Olga Bergolts wrote: “... one hundred and twenty-five blockade
gram with fire and blood in half..." The city not only lived, it gave
tanks and planes to the front. City industry over 900
heroic days gave the front more than 2000 tanks, 1500 aircraft,
150 heavy guns, 12,000 mortars and machine guns, 10 million
shells and mines
Workers were needed. Boys came to factories and
girls. Many of them stood on stands to get
levers of their machines. Teenage workers worked in unbearable conditions
conditions. Hungry, they did not leave the frozen for 1214 hours
workshops and contributed to the defeat of the enemy.
For 900 days and nights, Leningrad was under enemy blockade.
The Nazis surrounded the city by land, but Lake Ladoga remained
Soviet. The country helped Leningrad in its heroic struggle.
Leningraders paved a road on the water and ice of Lake Ladoga,
connecting the city with the mainland, not occupied by the enemy. This
the road is called the ROAD OF LIFE.
On November 22, 1941, the first
trucks with flour.
(slide No. 26)
8th: “On the road of life” bread came to us,
"Dear Life" many to many.
They don't know on earth yet
Scarier and more joyful than the road.
Presenter: For more than two years, day and night, we walked “The Road of Life”
ships and cars, saving Leningrad from death by starvation. Everyone who
served the ice track, drivers, road workers, signalmen,
anti-aircraft gunners, traffic controllers - worked in unusually difficult
conditions: in the cold, in a snowstorm, under continuous bombing and

9th: Oh, yes, they couldn’t do it any other way
Neither those fighters, nor those drivers,
When the trucks were driving
Along the lake to the hungry city.
Cold even light of the moon,
The snows shine frantically,
And from the glass heights,
Clearly visible to the enemy
Columns running below.
10th: And it was all that year
The rear car has settled
The driver jumped up, the driver was on the ice.
Well, that’s right, the engine is stuck.
A five-minute repair is a trifle,
This breakdown is not a threat,
Yes, there’s no way to open your hands:
They were frozen on the steering wheel.
If you straighten it out a little, it will bring it together again.
11th: Stand? What about bread? Should I wait for others?
And bread – two tons?
He will save 16,000 Leningraders.
And so he wet his hands in gasoline,
I set them on fire from the engine,
And the repairs moved quickly
In the flaming hands of the driver.
12th: Forward! How the blisters ache
The palms were frozen to the mittens.
But he will deliver the bread,
Will drive you to the bakery before dawn.
Sixteen thousand mothers
Rations will be received at dawn.
One hundred twenty-five blockade grams
With fire and blood in half.

Presenter: Until April 23, 1942 on Lake Ladoga
convoys with food were constantly moving, and back to
Children, wounded, and exhausted people were taken out to the mainland.
How many people have this road saved? People called her very accurately
"dear life"
The spring of 1942 finally arrived. But with spring they came to the city
new worries. The city was not cleaned in winter. People were threatened by an epidemic.
Hungry, exhausted from the winter, they tidied up the yards and
On December 22, 1941, the medal “For Defense” was established
Leningrad". 1,500,000 Leningraders were nominated for the award, from
There are 15249 children.
13th: Who did not let the enemy into the city,
Who overcame the blockade in mortal combat,
To that, as the highest order, the road
Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad"
Presenter: Leningraders survived and won. January 27, 1944 –
the day of great rejoicing of Leningraders, which everyone stubbornly awaited
his defenders 900 long days and nights. The radio announced: "City
Leningrad has been liberated from the enemy blockade! Everyone ran out to
street, shouted: “Hurray!”, congratulated each other. In honor of
24 salvoes thundered over the Neva after the battle was won
ceremonial fireworks.
14th: Leningrad has never seen such a day!
No, there has never been such joy...
It seemed as if the whole sky was roaring,
Welcoming the great beginning
Spring, which no longer knows barriers.
Fireworks thundered incessantly
From the glorified weapons of war,
People laughed, sang, hugged...
Host: 66 years have passed. More than one generation has grown up
never knew the horrors of war. But a feat accomplished
Leningraders during the siege will forever remain in our memory,

in the names of streets and squares, in majestic and memorial
(the song “You Survived Soldier” sounds)
A sacred place for every Leningrader - Piskarevskoye
memorial cemetery. Hundreds of thousands of defenders are buried here
and city residents who died during the siege. Mournful silence
stands above long hills of mass graves. The eternal flame burns.
15th: Leningrader by soul and birth,
I have been ill for 41 years.
Piskarevka lives in me.
Half the city lies here
And he doesn’t know that it’s raining...
16th: We drank the cup of grief to the dregs.
But the enemy did not starve us to death,
And death was defeated by life
And the man and the city won!
17th: The memory of generations is unquenchable
And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,
Come on people, let's stand for a moment.
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.
(minute of silence)
Presenter: People,
As long as hearts are knocking,
At what price was happiness won?
Please remember!
About those who will never sing again,
Tell your children about them so they will remember them!
Tell children's children about them,
To remember too!
At all times of the immortal Earth
People of the Earth!
Carry your dream through the years
And fill it with life!..

But those. Who will never come again
I conjure:
(Sounds like “Hymn to the hero city of Leningrad”, music by G. Sviridov)

Zoya Valerievna
Scenario of the event “Day of lifting the siege of Leningrad”

Types of children's activities:

gaming, communicative, educational - research, musical - artistic.

Goals and objectives:

Enrich children's knowledge about the heroic past of our city - blockade;

To form in children the moral concepts and ethics of a true Petersburger;

Cultivate love for one’s native land;

Develop oral speech.

Preliminary work:

Reading works of fiction on the topic;

Listening to songs and music of the war years;

Reading and learning poems about besieged city;

Watching age-appropriate animated films on the topic;

Looking at pictures about the war.


Slide 1 on the monitor.

(Children to music (1) enter the music room, change formations, and at the end stand up in a loose position


Today special day, Guys,

Day memory - solemn, holy.

Day of lifting the blockade

Celebrates our native city.

In that day, breaking through the ring blockade,

Our city is doing its best

Gave battle to the enemies, throwing them back Leningrad,

And he won in fierce battles.

Music 2 "Immortal Leningrad»

A long time ago, more than 310 years ago, Tsar Peter the Great founded a city on the deserted banks of the Neva (Slide 2). He called it by his own name. This is how St. Petersburg appeared. St. Petersburg changed its name several times. He changed St. Petersburg first to Petrograd, and then to Leningrad, then again to St. Petersburg. But it's the name Leningrad will forever remain in people's memory as a symbol of courage and patriotism. He held back the onslaught of the Nazis and remained unconquered and impregnable throughout the Great Patriotic War.

Verse 1 child.

The enemies wanted Destroy Leningrad,

Raze this city from the ground.

Break this city, break through the defenses

The Nazis couldn't do it.

Leading: It was June 22, 1941. (Slide 3). Sunday morning was sunny,

warm, quiet.

Music 3 "Waltz"(group "Pearls")

The boys approach the girls and invite them to a waltz. Perform waltzing movements

Suddenly the music stops abruptly, the children freeze

Presenter. But suddenly they announced a terrible news: German troops attacked our country.

The Great Patriotic War began.

There's a song playing "Holy war" (Slide 4,5,6) (1 verse and 1 chorus)

at this time the children show mini skit"recruitment for war" then sit on the chairs


In July - September 1941, the Nazi troops, having superiority in strength, overcame a stubborn, heroic resistance Soviet troops and reached the outskirts Leningrad and Lake Ladoga, cutting off the city from the country. 900 days city Leningrad was in the enemy ring.

Guys, let's go back to the time when our city was called Leningrad, and your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers were still very young, but they faced difficult trials.

Verse 2 child (Pearls)

We will remember those years years of siege,

Hard nights and hard days

People who died in the name of the people,

After all, they accomplished a great feat.

Verse 3 child (Octopuses)

IN Leningrad white nights,

June forty-one.

It was a hot summer

By morning nature rests.

The Summer Garden sleeps, the light of dawn over the Neva,

Roses and violets are blooming.

And who would have thought that bombs, shelling

The silence will be broken in an instant.

Miniature dance music No. 4 (Octopuses)

Verse 4 child (Octopuses)

Enemies surrounded our city,

IN blockade ring of Leningrad.

Above Ligovsky, Nevsky Prospekt

Shells and bullets fly.

Verse 5 child (Octopuses)

Winter came early this year.

The frosts have arrived, the cold.

And into peaceful life Leningraders

Trouble struck unexpectedly.

SONG “We stood next to adults”- all children.

Stand by the chairs and form a semicircle

Slides 7,8,9 (slides change for each verse)


In the distant, alarming war year,

Under the thunder of batteries in full view of the country.

Standing next to adults

Boys at the walls Leningrad.

The notebook remained open on the desk

When they attacked the city

High explosive bombs and famine.

And we will never forget with you,

How our peers took the fight.

They were only twelve

But they were Leningraders!


(takes a piece of bread)

How many trials did it bring? blockade! The city was isolated from the mainland. Therefore, the norms of issued products decreased catastrophically. This is the piece of bread you got Leningraders on cards for the whole day.

Presenter: Starvation has decimated people. Over 640 thousand Leningraders died of hunger. The whole world knows the family history Leningrad Tanya Savicheva's girls.

Slide 11 It was an ordinary big one Leningrad family. During blockade all members of this family died of hunger. This became known from the diary kept by Tanya Savicheva. On the last page of her diary Tanya wrote: “The Savichevs all died. Only Tanya left". The Nazis thought that hungry, freezing people would quarrel among themselves over a piece of bread, over a log of firewood, would stop defending the city and would eventually surrender.

Verse 6 child (Sea stars)

Everyone knows the price of bread Leningrader,

A small piece is 125 grams.

Doesn't give up Leningrad. The city survives

He gives us a lesson in courage and bravery.

Leading: In the first year of severe blockade During the winter, 39 schools operated. Some bomb shelters of residential buildings also became study sites. Even in terrible conditions, the children learned. It was a feat. The path to school is dangerous and difficult. Shells often exploded in the streets. It was so cold in the rooms that the ink froze. The students sat in coats, hats, and mittens. My hands were numb, and the chalk was slipping from my fingers. The disciples were staggering from hunger. They all had a common disease - dystrophy. Students died not only at home, on the street, on the way to school, but also right in the classroom.

Verse 7 child (Sea stars)

The girl stretched out her arms and fell asleep.

But it turned out that she died...

Nobody said a word

Only hoarsely, through a blizzard groan,

The teacher squeezed out that again

Lessons after the funeral... Slide 12

Music 5. Mom don't cry. Miniature. (Sea stars) 2 girls - one daughter, the other mother. They walk slowly, suddenly the girl falls, "Mother" hugs and grieves, then other people come up


Blockade could not stop the creative life of the city. In the most difficult conditions, concerts were held, actors performed plays, artists produced posters, cameramen filmed newsreels. Slide. 13

Verse 8 child (Sea stars)

Death out of spite and blockade

The music is not silent.

Shostakovich is behind the control panel.

A symphony sounds in the hall.

Music 6 Shostakovich Children listen and turn over slide 14

Verse 9 child. (Sea stars)

This music will live forever

As a symbol of people's resilience.

The symphony was named « Leningradskaya» ,

We are rightfully proud of her.


When the ice on Lake Ladoga froze, it became possible to transport food directly across the ice. The road on the ice of Ladoga was named "Dear Life". Slide 15. We will never forget the courage, resilience, heroism of drivers, road workers, signalmen, anti-aircraft gunners, traffic controllers - all those who worked for us under bombing and shelling, in frost, blizzard and blizzard. "The Road of Life".

Music. 7 Oh Ladoga, dear Ladoga


Let us sing a song about Ladoga, the teachers sing.

After all, everyone loves and knows this song.

She is like a symbol of people's courage.

And let them sing along to our songs.

While singing the song, slides 16,17 about Ladoga.


Through storms and storms, through all obstacles

You, song of Ladoga, fly!

The road here is broken through blockade,-

You won’t find a dearer road!

Oh, Ladoga, dear Ladoga!

No wonder my dear Ladoga

It's called "The Road of Life".

No wonder my dear Ladoga

It's called "The Road of Life".

Let the wind of Ladoga tell the people,

Like barge after barge in summer

We loaded in storms and bad weather,

Forgetting about rest and peace.

Oh, Ladoga, dear Ladoga!

Blizzards, storms, menacing waves.

No wonder my dear Ladoga

It's called "The Road of Life".

No wonder my dear Ladoga

It's called "The Road of Life".


lasted 900 days and nights Leningrad blockade. These were 900 days of courage, perseverance, and feat of the unconquered Leningraders. On January 14, 1944, our troops moved to offensive and on January 27, 1944 they were completely liberated Leningrad from the fascist blockade.

Music 8. "Levitan's words"

Verse 10 child. (Sea stars)

There were fierce battles for the city.

Soldiers fought for their homeland

And in January, having defeated the enemy,

Ring the blockade was broken.

Verse 11 child

Thanks to those who defended the city,

Who survived the terrible blockade,

He who restored, revived from the ashes.

Thank you heroes Leningrad!


There is a memorial in our city.

He became the people's memory.

Motherland frozen in granite,

To always protect the peace of the fallen.

The eternal flame will never go out,

As a memory of those who saved our city,

About those who worked and fought bravely

And he did what he could for Victory.


Let's stand up, be silent,

Let's honor the heroes Leningrad,

All whose lives were taken

In a harsh hour blockade.


May there be peace on the entire planet,

And children do not know war.

Let children study, dream,

They know neither grief nor misfortune!

Our city is dear, beloved,

You are proud, strong and beautiful.

This city above the Neva

We love you very much.

DANCE COMPOSITION Stork on the roof. (Sea stars) Music 9

Verse 12 child

Let the centuries fly

Let the years fly -

Our great city

Will always live.

You are the glory of Russia,

Hero city.

Grow, prosper -

We are proud of you!

A song is being performed "My city is a hero".

Winter of the forty-first year,

IN blockade ring Leningrad.

Shelling, bombing and starvation,

The stern faces of the soldiers.

Frozen cold morning

Over the grief-bound Neva.

You withstood everything

my city is a winner,

The city is a hero.

2. You are the pride of the country, Leningraders,

Who did not surrender their native city,

Who threw lighters from rooftops,

I didn't sleep at night while working.

You all defended the victory

At the highest price,

May he live Leningrad –

my city is a winner,

The city is a hero!

Leading: So our leisure time dedicated to complete liberation has come to an end Leningrad from the blockade. I hope that the memory of your great-grandparents will forever remain in your hearts. After all, thanks to them, we now live in such a beautiful and prosperous city!



Compiled by: Gapeeva S.A.

Tumanovo village

Decor: the stage is covered with black cloth. White paper crosses are glued on the portals, walls and in the depths (diagonally, this is how they were glued during the bombing). On one of the walls there is an inscription: “During shelling, this side of the street is especially dangerous.” Silence. From this silence the sound of a metronome arises and becomes louder (recorded on a tape recorder and gradually increasing the sound), then gradually goes away. The presenters come out.
1st presenter. Probably, some of the blockade survivors remembered that last peaceful white night, when thousands of young Leningraders, who had just graduated from school, after the prom, wandered along the wide avenues and granite embankments, passed by beautiful palaces and famous monuments and dreamed aloud about the future, made plans. And the happy young men and women did not know that at that very moment the fascist hordes crossed the state line and rushed to Leningrad. 2nd presenter. The white Leningrad nights had already gone out, but the street lights were not lit: from sunset to sunrise, the front-line city lived in darkness. And in this tense darkness, in the silence unusual for a big city, the steps of work detachments were heard especially clearly. Straight as arrows, the famous Leningrad avenues these days have turned into front-line roads. They began in the city center and ended in the suburbs, where Leningraders, under continuous shelling and bombing, erected defensive fortifications. More than a million people took part in these works. 1st presenter. Simultaneously with defensive work, work was carried out to preserve the historical and cultural monuments of the city. 2nd presenter. Simultaneously with preparations for the defense of Leningrad, its evacuation began. The Nazis were already intensively bombing and shelling the city with long-range guns. It was mainly women and children who suffered from bombing and shelling. They were the first to be evacuated. In a short period of time, more than 600 thousand residents were taken out of Leningrad, scientific institutions, museums, and theaters left. However, it was not possible to completely carry out the necessary evacuation. 1st presenter. After bloody battles, the Nazis reached the near suburbs of Leningrad, and soon, having captured the Mga station, they surrounded the city. All railway lines were cut. 2nd presenter. On September 7, the enemy launched a general offensive against Leningrad. The Nazis were so confident of their victory, the question of taking Leningrad was so resolved for them that they set a date for a banquet at the Astoria Hotel and even printed and sent out invitations. The Nazis had already distributed the palaces and best buildings of the city among their generals and officers. 1st presenter. In fierce battles, the Nazis managed to push back our troops and move forward. There were only a few kilometers left to the city. But the Nazis were never able to get past them. 2nd presenter. Leningraders fought with such unparalleled courage, with such selfless heroism that they not only inflicted colossal losses on the Nazis, but also instilled fear in them. The Nazis no longer thought, at least in the near future, of attacking Leningrad. In helpless rage, they unleashed an avalanche of fire on the city. 1st presenter. Fulfilling Hitler's orders, fascist pilots dropped about 100 thousand incendiary and 4 thousand high-explosive bombs on the city from September to December 1941. 2nd presenter. Bombings and shelling destroyed residential buildings and businesses. In September alone, about 30 large enterprises were affected. But the city needed ammunition, it was necessary to repair weapons and make new ones. And the factories continued to work under bombs and shells. Most of the workers went to the front - they were replaced by women and teenagers. 1st presenter. Every day it became more and more difficult for the Leningraders: winter was approaching, famine was approaching. Back in July, rationed distribution of food products, especially bread, was established. But the reserves in the city were too small, and they were declining catastrophically. Not only Leningraders, but also Lenfront soldiers were starving. From November 20, the city established the lowest norm - 250 grams of bread per worker’s card and 125 grams per employee and dependent card.
(Students read excerpts from the diaries of Leningrad residents).

    September 1941, Yura Ryabinkin: “Classes at school did not take place. It is unknown when they will be. Products are sold only by cards. Even matches and salt... Hunger is coming... Tomorrow I would have to be 16 years old. I am 16 years old! Mom gave me 5 rubles. I decided to please myself and bought a chess textbook... The Germans use tanks, but they teach us to fight not with tanks, but with bunches of grenades. Gee!” October 1941, G.A. Knyazev: “One hundred and twenty-second day of the war. The food situation in Leningrad is deteriorating. During the second decade, dependents with a bread ration of 200 g received 100 g of meat, 200 g of cereal, 50 g of sugar, 100 g of sweets and 100 g of vegetable oil. Money cannot buy anything, and therefore it is not valued.” Yura Ryabinkin: “Hunger makes my stomach ache... But today I still had lunch... The lack of bread is taking its toll... I would agree to live at such a standard for a while, but so as not to reduce the standards, but this will definitely happen... I read Dumas's novel "The Countess of Monsoreau" is a fascinating thing. Mom exchanged two bottles of beer for 400 g of bread... The situation at the front is rubbish... November. Now I don't care much about myself. I sleep dressed, I lightly rinse my face once in the morning, I don’t wash my hands with soap, I don’t change my clothes. It’s cold and dark in our apartment... I live here in hunger, cold, among fleas... This evening, after an alarm, I went to the store. In hand-to-hand combat, in a huge crowd, such that adults were screaming, moaning, sobbing, it was possible, at the cost of incredible efforts, to get out of line and get 190 g of butter and 500 g of horse meat sausage with soy... They now give 125 g of bread per person per day . How I wish I could eat bread, bread, bread now. Mom said that the famine we are experiencing is worse than what happened in 1918.” December, Lydia Okhapkina: “Once at a flea market I managed to buy wood glue with my own hands. Then they made jelly from it. So I also cooked it, and we ate it.. Another time I managed to buy pork skin. It was tastier, but it had to be cooked for a long time to soften it.” December 1941, Yura Ryabinkin: “Every day I live brings me closer to suicide... there is no way out. Dead end... Hunger... Terrible hunger... What a terrible hunger! But I want to live!.. I have lost my honesty... I have comprehended my destiny... Today, returning from the bakery, I took an additional 25 grams of bread from my mother and Ira and ate it in secret... I slipped into the abyss called a complete lack of conscience, dishonor and disgrace... I am an unworthy son of my mother.” January 3, 1942: ... I want to live, believe, feel so passionately. But death, death right in the face... I'm all covered... What should I do, O Lord? I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, but I just want to live, leave, live, live... There’s no hope.” Last entry in Yura’s diary, January 6: “I almost can’t walk at all. Almost complete lack of strength... strength goes away, goes away, floats. And time drags on... Oh God, what is happening to me? And now I, I, I..."
2nd presenter. People boiled leather, caught the remaining jackdaws in the city, and made jelly from wood glue. There was no fuel in the city, the windows in almost all the houses were broken, and then there was 30-40 degree frost. The electric lights went out and the city plunged into darkness. The water supply system froze and stopped working, the streets were covered with snowdrifts and ice ridges. To get some water, people walked to the Neva, but every step of sick and hungry people required incredible effort. 1st presenter. Death walked through the city. Already in November it claimed 11 thousand people, in December - 52. People fell from weakness in the streets, at work benches and could no longer get up. And children and old people died at home. The survivors did not have the strength to bury the dead.
1st reader. HUNDREDTH DAY
Instead of soup - a batch of wood glue, Instead of tea - brewed pine needles. It would all be nothing, only your hands go numb, only your legs suddenly become not yours.

Only the heart will suddenly shrink like a hedgehog, and dull beats will go out of place... Heart! You have to knock even if you can’t. Don't stop talking! After all, Leningrad is on our hearts.

Beat, heart! Knock, despite your fatigue, Hear: The city swears that the enemy will not pass through! ... The hundredth day was burning down. As it turned out later, there were still eight hundred left ahead.
2nd presenter. The only “window” connecting Leningrad with the “mainland” was Lake Ladoga. On November 23, the first convoy of trucks with 33 tons of food arrived in the city across the ice of Lake Ladoga. From that day on, columns of cars began to flow in a continuous stream along the “road of life,” as Leningraders called the Ladoga ice. The Nazis quickly learned about the existence of the road. Bombs and shells rained down on the columns and on the ice, splitting it. Cars with cargo and people went under the water. 1st presenter. But, despite everything, the city lived! Exhausted, sick people under shelling and bombing wrote poetry and books, composed music, taught and studied - during the blockade, 100 schools operated, and about 100 thousand children studied in them!
2nd reader. Yuri Voronov BLOCKADE
During the blockade days, We never learned: Between youth and childhood Where is the line?.. We were given medals in forty-three, And only in forty-five - Passports.
And there is no problem in that. But adults, who have already lived for many years, are suddenly scared because we will not be older or more mature than then.
2nd presenter. The spring of 1942 has arrived. The enemy continued to keep the city in an iron ring. The Nazis still dreamed of entering Leningrad. But the Leningraders knew that this would never happen! And they took to the streets to clean up their city, to put it in order. In April, the ice melted on Lake Ladoga, but the “road of life” continued to exist. 1st presenter. All this thwarted the plans of the Nazis and infuriated them, but they did not lose hope of capturing the city. The soldiers of the Leningrad Front began preparing to break the blockade in the fall of 1942. The defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad made the task easier for the Leningraders. And then on January 12, 1943, Leningraders heard the roar of cannonade. Bloody battles raged for seven days. 2nd presenter. Parts of the Volkhov Front were advancing from the east. And so on January 18 at 11 o’clock in the morning the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts united, the blockade was broken! However, another year passed before Leningrad was completely liberated from the siege. In January 1944, Soviet troops finally defeated the Nazis near Leningrad and completely lifted the blockade, which had lasted almost 30 months. 1st presenter. Hundreds of thousands of Leningraders who defended the city are buried at the Piskarevskoye cemetery. Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence.
3rd reader.... And in the post-war silence I listened to myself in private.
What kind of heart I have become, I don’t know myself - better or worse: It can’t be warmed by a peaceful fire, It can’t be cooled down in the most severe cold.
And in the dark hour, kindled by war Then, so as not to go out, not to subside, Nezhensky constellations above me, Nezhensky iambic in stale verses...
... And even those who would like to smooth everything out In the mirrored, timid memory of people, I will not let them forget how a Leningrader fell On the yellow snow of deserted squares.
And like the trunks that rose nearby, Weave their roots in the stuffy depths And merged the crowns in the pure heights, Giving passers-by a powerful coolness, - How sorrow and happiness live in me - A single root - in the torment of Leningrad, A single crown - in the coming day.
And more and more indomitable year by year To the fury of its zenith The freedom of my heart is growing - The only freedom on earth.
(The Seventh Symphony of D. D. Shostakovich begins to sound quietly. The presenters lay flowers and light candles to the music).
2nd presenter. A minute of silence is declared in memory of the fallen Leningraders and the people who fought for its liberation.
4th reader. When leading ships to the twinkling stars, remember the dead! Welcome the vibrant spring, people of the Earth. Kill the war, curse the war, people of the Earth! Carry your dream through the years and fill it with life!.. But about those who will never come again, I conjure - remember!

07/10/1941 – 08/09/1944 – Battle of Leningrad

07/10/1941 – The beginning of the heroic defense of Leningrad.

09/08/1941 – 01/27/1944 – Leningrad in the siege ring.

12/22/1942 – By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

The medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” was established.

01/18/1943 – Soviet troops break through the blockade of Leningrad.

01/27/1944 - Complete lifting of the blockade.

08/09/1944 - Complete liberation of Leningrad from the enemy.

01/26/1945 – By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

Leningrad was awarded the Order of Lenin.

05/08/1965 – By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to the hero city

Leningrad was awarded the Golden Star medal.

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