Outdoor games "24 games for young tourists". Flash games for travelers, play online the best travel games Tourist sports games

Quiz participants: students of tourist associations of the first year of study.

Purpose of the competition: To conduct an intermediate control of the knowledge and skills acquired by participants of tourist associations in the classroom.

Equipment and materials: easels with a poster with a riddle and a table of results, marker, envelopes with cards “Personal and group equipment”; cards with words related to tourism for the game “Understand Me”; error-related tourist nodes; cards with the names of fires - nodya, well, cannon, taiga, star; sets of brushwood according to the number of teams; food products sealed in plastic film and numbered (semolina, buckwheat, starch, barley, salt, sugar, etc.). Participant cards, sheets of paper with pens for the “Let's Cook Lunch” competition; jars according to the number of teams with mixed seeds (beans, sunflower and watermelon seeds). Props for staging homework (prepared by each team); stopwatch; diplomas for all teams, medals for the winners; chips for drawing teams. Tape recorder for musical arrangement of competitions.

2 weeks before the quiz, the participating teams are given the following task:

  • colorfully depict on paper one of the laws of tourists (the list is attached).
  • dramatize one of the tourist laws.
  • learn a tourist song.

A tourist quiz can be held in a hall decorated with posters and photographs on a tourist theme. On one of the walls there are posters with the laws of young tourists - the homework of the teams.

Tourist quiz participants: 4-5 teams.

The number of guys in a team is from 4 to 7.


Presenter: Teams of young tourists gathered here to take part in the tourist quiz “Zadorinka”, to show their skills and abilities that they acquired in classes at the associations of our station.

The quiz consists of the following competitions:

1. Tourist.

2. Culinary.

3. Competition of tourist riddles.

4. Competition for the best dramatization.

5. Tourist drawing.

6. Psychological competition.

7. Marching song.

These competitions will be judged by a jury consisting of...

I ask the team captains to come to the jury table for the draw.

After the draw, the presenter announces the order of performance of the teams.

Host: So, the first competition is a tourist one. This competition includes 4 tasks. The highest score for each task is 5 points. The maximum score for the entire competition is 20 points.

First task: Game “tourist equipment”. During this game, teams will show their knowledge of personal and group equipment for tourists.

Explanation of the game: Each team is given an envelope with the tourist's equipment on the front side. The envelope contains cards with the names and images of personal and group equipment. The envelopes come with two pockets with the inscriptions “personal equipment” and “group equipment”. (The explanation is accompanied by a demonstration.) The players’ task is to separate personal equipment from group equipment in 1 minute by placing the cards in the appropriate pockets and the pockets in an envelope.

The teams are given envelopes and the time is noted. After completing the task, the envelopes are collected on the jury table, where they sum up the results. At this time, another task is taking place.

Presenter: the next task of the tourist competition is the game “Understand Me.”

Explanation of the game: on the jury table there are cards with words related to tourism written on the back. These are singular nouns. One of the team members must use facial expressions and gestures to show the other team the word he has chosen, without pronouncing it.

Both the actions of the demonstrator and the speed and correctness of the team’s response will be evaluated.

The highest score for the indicator is 2.5 points.

The highest score of a participating team is 2.5 points.

As a result, the highest score for this competition was 5 points.

As the game progresses, the jury evaluates the players.

Leading: The “Knot” task will reveal your skills and knowledge in tying tourist knots.

Explanation of the task: Teams are given connected tourist nodes and their name is told. In one minute you need to find an error in them, show it and correct it.

Teams perform in accordance with the draw.

After completing the task, the Presenter presents the word to the jury to announce the results of the tourism competition.

Presenter: The final task of the tourist competition: “Bonfires”.

Explanation of the task: Teams draw a card with the name of the fire and in one minute they need to add up the chosen type of fire from the proposed sticks of different diameters and explain its purpose.

The brushwood kits are the same for all teams.

The speed and correctness of actions are assessed.

Presenter: The second competition of our game is Culinary. A tourist cannot do without food on any trip. Before going on a hike, a tourist should learn the basics of camp cooking. And now you will show your skills in this area. The competition consists of three tasks. For the first two tasks, the highest score is 5 points. For the third task - 4 points. The maximum score for the entire competition is 14 points.

The first task of this competition will show whether you know cereals and food products.

Explanation of the task: on the table, which stands in the center of the hall, there are numbered plastic bags (you can take about five) with a set of various cereals. Each team selects one participant who must identify and write down the number and name of the corresponding product on an individual card. The finished cards are handed over to the jury. The winner is the team whose member quickly and accurately signs the names of the products.

Host: The second task of this competition is “Let's prepare lunch.”

Teams receive a sheet with a new task. In two minutes, the guys must write the name of the products that are usually consumed on hikes and create a menu for lunch from these products.

The completed task is handed over to the jury.

Presenter: In previous tasks, young tourists identified food products, compiled a lunch menu, but during the cooking process a problem occurred: the cereals were mixed. The task is to separate these cereals from one another.

Teams receive a jar in which three ingredients are mixed. (You can use beans, sunflower seeds and watermelon)

Whoever separates the seeds faster will receive the highest score of 4 points.

After completing the task, the Presenter gives the floor to the jury to announce the results of the culinary competition.

Presenter: It’s time for the competition of tourist riddles.

The highest score for this competition is awarded and announced based on the number of riddles participating in the competition. For each correctly guessed answer - 1 point.

The first task for all teams is a riddle poster (an easel with a poster is brought out).

The task of the team members is to answer the facilitator’s questions. To answer a question you must raise your hand. Shouts from the spot are not taken into account. The responder must explain the answer.

Questions for the riddle poster (photo attached).

  1. How many tourists live in the camp?
  2. When did they come here?
  3. How far is it from the camp to the nearest village?
  4. Where does the wind blow from: from the north or from the south?
  5. What time of day is it now?
  6. Where did Sasha go?
  7. Who was on duty yesterday?
  8. What day is it today and what month?

After the teams answer, the leader asks riddles to each team; the remaining teams must remain silent, since their answer will not be counted, and only if the team answers incorrectly, the answer of other teams can be accepted. In this case, the team that answers gets one more point.

So, a riddle for the first team:

Wherever you are,
If only you got lost,
He will show you a friend,
The path to the north and south. (Compass)

Riddle for the second team:

He helped us at the rest stop,
I cooked the soup, baked the potatoes,
It's good for hiking
You can't take it with you. (Bonfire)

Riddle for the third team:

He is with you and with me
Walked in forest stitches
Hiking friend behind you
On belts with buckles. (Backpack)

Riddle for the fourth team:

The arrow swings back and forth
He will show us north and south without difficulty. (Compass)

Riddles for all teams. Those who know the answer raise their hand:

  1. He will curl up like a cat,
  2. And it will stretch as long as the path. (Rope)

  3. Downhill - horses,
  4. There are pieces of wood up the hill. (Skis)

  5. Who walks the night and walks the day,
  6. Not knowing what laziness is? (Watch)

  7. What will be born from water,
    Are you afraid of water? (Salt)

At the end of the competition, the jury announces the teams' results.

Leading. The fourth competition of our game is a dramatization of the laws of young tourists.

This was homework for the teams. In the process of preparing this competition, the children were able to realize their creative abilities.

The following laws will be staged...

(The presenter will first find out this from the teams). Teams perform in order of priority. The jury evaluates the completeness of the disclosure of the law and the artistry of the speakers.

At the end of the competition, the results are summed up. (You can invite the teams to evaluate the staging of other teams themselves on a 5-point scale)

Presenter: The tourist drawing competition is a little similar to the previous one, this is also homework, but this time the guys tried their hand at paper, drawing the laws of young tourists.

I ask one of the team members to come up to the poster and protect it.

Posters are defended on a first-come, first-served basis.

At the end of the competition, the jury sums up the results.

Host: The psychological competition will show us how cohesive a team you are. Teams receive a set of large cards on which one of the laws of tourists is written. Each card has one or two words. Team members take one card each and line up with them so that the jury and other teams can read this sentence.

The main criterion when evaluating this competition is the psychological compatibility of the guys, how they interact when completing the task.

The speed and correctness of execution are also taken into account.

Presenter: The camping tourist song competition concludes our game “Zadorinki”.

The highest score is 5 points.

At a rest stop, tourists love to sing songs around the fire. And we will listen and appreciate these songs, imagining ourselves near a warming fire.

Teams perform in order of priority.

Please, first team...

After performing the competition songs, the presenter invites all teams to perform Oleg Mityaev’s song “Bending the Yellow Guitar.”

The floor is given to the jury to sum up the final results and announce the winners of the quiz.

Presenter: All teams performed well, showing their tourism skills. For those who didn't make it to victory, don't be upset. We have an Olympic principle: the main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation!

All participants are awarded memorable diplomas. And the winners receive homemade medals.

Laws of young tourists.

  1. You cannot understand the meaning of tourism while sitting at home.
  2. If you go on a hike, don’t be afraid; if you’re afraid, don’t go.
  3. Only bad tourists have a bad trip.
  4. On a hike, seven do not wait for one.
  5. If you are tired, help a friend and you will feel better.
  6. Don’t take a backpack that’s too heavy on your hike; your friends will have to carry it.
  7. Don’t take herring with you, it’s better to eat a pinch of salt.
  8. Rain is not a hindrance for tourists.
  9. No matter how small the remaining piece of bread is, during the campaign it is divided among everyone.
  10. No matter how difficult it is on the way, follow our law - do not squeak!
  11. The one who walks will master the road.
  12. A tourist is someone who brings good to people.

Riddle poster

Tourist hubs

1a – straight, 1b – reef,

1c – counter, 1d – weaving,

2a – academic, 2b – clew,

2c – front clevis, 3a – conductor,

3b – figure eight, 3c – bowline.

Types of fires






on tourism

"We are in such

walked and walked..."


Additional education teacher

Tambov 2015

Explanatory note

10 minutes are allotted to complete the tasks of the stage; upon a sound signal or a command from the stage judge, the team moves on to the next stage. The start is common for all teams, movement along the route according to the route sheet.

At each stage, students complete a series of tasks. No special preparation is required.

Goals and objectives

Goals and objectives of the game: organize fun and educational leisure time for children, introduce them to the basics of tourist literacy, teach them to think and act quickly. Foster team spirit in children.

Stations (game stages)

    Parallel railings.


    Get ready for a hike.

  1. Setting up a tent.

    Natural local history.

  2. Medicine.

Form and methods of conducting the lesson

The lesson takes place in the form of a competition between teams.

This lesson provides a verbal method of presenting information: an introductory speech from the teacher, questions from children, comments from the teacher using and demonstrating visual material related to tourism skills.

Preparatory work.

Due to the fact that this lesson is held in the form of a sports and tourism event, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, during which the selection of props is carried out, as well as the production of emblems for participants.

Preparatory classes also include: preparing equipment and a gym for the holiday

Brief description of the stages


Participants must cross the stretched railings, using a safety net, with side steps (to avoid falling) from the starting bank to the target bank

2. WEB

Participants must pass through the tight ropes without touching them.

3. GET PACKED FOR A HIKE – packing for a hike

Team members must select what they need for the hike from the items offered (cards, list, table, laid out items).

There are four logs on the ground. Team members, using eight poles, must move to the other “shore”.


Participating teams must set up their tent at speed.

6. NATURAL HISTORY – What grows in the forest?

Team members must determine what “grows in this area” (photos, drawings, postcards).

7. MEMORY - a thousand little things

Small (if on the floor, then large) objects are laid out on the ground (table). Team members, passing by, must write down on paper what they remember.


Team members apply a bandage. For older schoolchildren - applying a splint to a conditional fracture.

Games on a tourist theme. Senior preparatory group

A series of games on a tourism theme for older preschoolers

The material will be useful for kindergarten teachers of senior and preparatory groups. These games are intended for individual and group lessons with preschool children. The proposed games increase children's interest in tourism, contribute to a quick acquaintance with the rules of behavior in nature, types of tourism, and much more.
Game: "We're going on a hike"
Target: introduce this type of recreation as hiking, tell children what they can do on a hike. Develop and enrich children's vocabulary: Words are objects: tourist, tent, bowler hat, backpack, compass, foam. Words - actions: hike, halt, gather, overcome.
Material: game layout "Tourist's Corner"
Content: The teacher invites the children to look at the model, tells the children about the type of recreation - tourism, introduces the children to the types of tourism, tells the children about the rules of behavior in nature. The children are given little people and the game begins.

Game "Name and Tell"
Target: Teach children to recognize medicinal plants and mushrooms: edible and poisonous, growing in their native area. Teach correctly, collect plants without harming the environment.
Material: Cards with medicinal and poisonous plants, edible and poisonous mushrooms.
Game content: Cards with images of medicinal plants or mushrooms are laid out on the table. Children take turns taking one picture at a time, name what is depicted and tell about the plant: medicinal, edible or poisonous. How is it used by humans?

Game “Types of tourism. "Guess and Tell"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the types of tourism.
Material: Cards depicting different types of tourism.
Content: Cards depicting different types of tourism are laid out on the table. The child takes any card, names the type of tourism and tells what he knows about this type of tourism.

Game: Game-training “We are going on a hike.”
Target: Creating a psychological mood in children for a new type of activity. Know how to choose the right things for a tourist.
Material: Things a tourist needs on a hike: a pot, a backpack, a bowl, a spoon, a tent, a flashlight, a knife, a hatchet, a guitar, toys, a ball, a hair dryer, a tape recorder, etc.
Content: The child must choose from the things offered to him those that he will need on the hike.
Game "Name it correctly."
Target: Reinforce the concept of topographical signs from meaning. Identify topographical signs on the plan. Be able to make maps and diagrams of a hiking trip.
Material: Maps, site plans, cards with topographic signs.
Content: On the table there are cards with topographical signs and pictures of what these signs represent. The child is asked to take any sign, name it and find a picture corresponding to this sign.

Game “What will happen if...?”
Target: Reinforce the rules of behavior in nature. Know what needs to be done in order to protect, preserve and enhance nature. Develop the ability to draw conclusions and inferences.
Material: Cards "Rules of behavior in nature."
Content: There are cards on the table that depict signs of behavior in nature. The teacher sets a situation for discussion with the children, from which the children come to the conclusion that it is necessary to protect nature. For example: what happens if a child throws a cola can into the river? What about two, three children? What if one family brings an armful of snowdrops from the forest? What about two, three? Similarly - about loud music in the forest, about a fire, about a broken branch, about a caught butterfly, about a ruined nest, etc.

Game: "Green Pharmacy".
Target: Fix the names of medicinal plants and their beneficial properties.
Material: Pictures with medicinal plants
Content: Children are divided into 2 teams. One team has illustrations depicting medicinal plants: plantain, nettle, sage, chamomile, dandelion, etc. Another has pictures: a cut finger, a child with a bandaged throat, with a thermometer, dandelion salad, nettle cabbage soup, etc. At the teacher’s command, children from teams find each other, become pairs and explain their choice. For example: plantain is applied to a wound, cabbage soup is cooked from nettles, etc.
Game: “Light a fire”
Target: know and distinguish between types of fire, be able to build a fire.
Material: bars for laying out a fire, cards with types of fire.
Content: The teacher brings a box to the group and says that the box contains cards with different types of fires and sticks (logs for laying out a fire). Children must name the type of fire and build a fire.

I will be very pleased if my material is useful to someone in their work! Thank you for your attention!

Krylova Elena Alekseevna

Primary school teacher, 1st level specialized school No. 9, Enakievo, Donetsk region

Krylova E.A. Tourist game for primary schoolchildren "We're on a hike"// Owl. 2018. N3(13)..07.2019).

Order No. 113178

Target: creating conditions for developing interest in tourism.



introduce the basics of recreation in natural conditions; learn to navigate the terrain; consolidate knowledge about the benefits of changing occupations and the importance of active recreation for health.


develop strength, agility, endurance; promote the development of memory, observation, cognitive interest; develop a culture of healthy lifestyle.


to cultivate the need for health as an important life value; respect for the environment; sense of responsibility, responsiveness; promote team unity.

Equipment: 2 tents, hoops, balls, jumping bags, plastic garbage bags, disposable spoons (according to the number of participants), tennis balls.

Characters: presenter (teacher), tourists, Leshy.

Preparatory work:

The teacher announces the trip a few days before the start of the event; distributes words for speech. Children repeat the rules of behavior in nature.

To make the trip memorable, you will need the help of your parents. The route is thought out in advance, the game site is inspected, the menu is negotiated, and sports equipment for competitions is prepared.

Progress of the event


Come on, children, stand in a row!

Is our squad ready to go?

Today we have gathered with you for a sports and entertainment game and are heading out on the road right now.

The children follow each other to the song “And there are mushrooms in the Moscow region” and come to the clearing.

Task 1. Getting ready for a hike.

Teams take turns solving riddles.

1.The arrow swings back and forth,

He will show us north and south without difficulty. Compass

2. Two belts hang on me,

There are pockets on the back.

And will you go on a hike with me -

I'll hang behind you. Backpack

3. What will this eye look at -

Everything will be transferred to the picture. Camera

4. They go on a hike and take a house,

In which people do not live. Tent

5. He is very necessary on a hike,

He is very friendly with fires.

You can cook fish soup in it,

Boil fragrant tea. Bowler

6. Separately - I’m not so tasty,

But she’s beautiful, salty,

And in food - everyone needs it. Salt

7. Guess easily and quickly:

Soft, fluffy and fragrant.

He's black, he's white,

And sometimes it’s burnt. Bread

8. The sea is shallow.

Shores - a plate.

In the middle of boiling waters

The ship is sinking at sea.

Scooped up the potatoes -

I fed Antoshka.

Hooray! The strand is visible!

The sea has been drunk to the bottom! Spoon

So we came to the clearing.

Guys, what can grow in a clearing?

The children answer.

Can all mushrooms be picked?

The teacher shows pictures with mushrooms. The children call them.

Well done guys, you named all the edible mushrooms. What mushrooms should you not eat?

The children answer.

The children go and come to the clearing.

What else can grow in the clearing?

The children answer.

- The teacher shows pictures of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries).

Afterwards, the presenter shows the berry and asks to name it, talks about its beneficial properties, and discusses the names.

- “Why do you think strawberries were called that? Why blueberries, blueberries? And there are also berries in the forest that you cannot eat, because they are poisonous. The presenter shows wolf berries and lily of the valley in the picture.

What else is growing in the clearing?

Guys, look how many flowers there are, how beautiful. Let's pick a bouquet. The presenter asks the children the name of each flower and names it himself. Guys, do you know that not all flowers can be picked, some flowers are very rare and they are listed in the Red Book, and in general it is better not to pick flowers, but just look at them with your eyes and admire them. This is why the tourist takes a camera.

Let's take a break, that is, stop and pitch a tent. But for this we need to find a suitable place.

The guys come out into a clearing littered with garbage. Children, look how terrible it is, the whole clearing is covered in garbage, it’s so ugly and unpleasant. This clearing could be a good place to stop. Let's clean up all the trash. We will put away the trash that can be burned - paper - in a pink basket. We will put plastic bags, candy wrappers, and plastic boxes in a green basket and take them with us.

The guys collect the garbage, and then the leader checks whether they collected it correctly.

Well, now that the clearing is clear, it’s time to pitch a tent and make a fire. Tell me, is it possible to make a fire everywhere? Correctly, it is better to make a fire on an old fireplace, surround it with stones so that the fire does not spread and the whole forest does not catch fire, and you need to constantly monitor the fire and, when leaving, completely extinguish it with water, so it is better if there is some body of water nearby: a lake , pond, river.

For a fire you need to collect old sticks and branches, there are a lot of them in the forest, our sticks are quite suitable for this. And of course, do not break living branches from trees and bushes for the fire.

Children set up a tent, break sticks, light a candle in a jar, and hang a pot.

Guys, do you know that people used to often go hiking. We spent the night in clearings in the forest, admired the beauty of nature and sang songs. What do you think, what instrument did they take with them?

The children answer.

That's right, a guitar. It is lightweight and you can always take it with you.

The song “Bending of the Yellow Guitar” is playing. These are the songs they sang and are singing now around the fire. Guys, these songs are called bard songs because they were often composed by bards - singer-songwriters.

These are the people who composed the songs themselves and sang them.

“Do you know that earlier in ancient times, boys and girls also went out into the forest, lit a fire, jumped over the fire and the girls wove wreaths and sang songs. This is how fun it used to be. And who can name a fairy tale in which boys and girls jumped over a fire and the main character, having jumped over the fire, turned into a white cloud.

Oh guys, listen to those sounds. It's the birds singing. Evening came and the birds began to sing. Let's listen to what bird is singing? The voices of birds are recorded, and children try to guess the singing of a swallow, nightingale, rattle, and oriole.

When hiking, it is very important to eat tasty and varied food. The culinary skills of individual tourists sometimes turn into a hobby, enjoyable both for themselves and for their hiking buddies.

Task 1. Tourist cuisine.

1. What method do tourists use to bake potatoes with a golden brown and crispy crust? Washed and dried tubers are buried in hot ash. A less known method: pour clean dry sand into a large tin can or bucket, cover potatoes in it and cover it with hot coals; After about an hour the potatoes are ready.

2. How to bake fish on a camping trip using wooden or metal rods? Place the fish on the rods and place them over the burning coals of the fire.

3. Name plants that can be eaten immediately in a forest or meadow without cooking. Sorrel

4. Name which plants can be used to make strong, aromatic tea while hiking? Blooming Sally; lingonberry leaves

Task 2. Environmental tasks.

1. A glass bottle started a fire in the forest. How many trees will die from a fire in 2 hours if up to 9 trees burn in 10 minutes?

Solution. 2 hours=120 min. 120: 10 = 12 12 * 9 = 108 (trees)

Answer: 108 trees will die from fire in 2 hours.

(Remember! Glass left in the forest can cause a fire. Why?)

2. About 81,800 people live in our Lezhnevsky district. Let’s imagine that every twentieth of them, having visited the neighboring forest, throws a bag of chips and a plastic bottle there. How many bags and bottles will there be under each tree if there are 100 spruces, 100 birches, 100 aspens and 100 maples in the forest?

Solution. 81800:20=4090 (garbage) 100+100+100+100=400 (trees)

4090:400=10 (pcs.)

Answer: There are approximately 10 pieces of garbage under each tree.

3. On average, one butterfly must taste the nectar of seven flowers to be well-fed. How many butterflies will be left without lunch if, while walking through a meadow, we pick 56 flowers for a bouquet?

56:7=8 (butterflies)

Answer: 8 butterflies will be left without lunch.

4. With proper forest management, after cutting down the forest, the clearing is completely cleared of brushwood and wood residues. Felled trunks that are temporarily left in the forest for the summer must be cleared of bark. What do these rules mean for the forest?

Answer: following the described rules prevents the occurrence of outbreaks of insect pests, which in the future can move to living trees.

Now let’s check how you know the plants of our forest.

Task 3. Which branch are the kids from?

Let's find which branch these kids are from.

Each team has fruits from different plants. I will raise up a branch of any plant with the words: “Who has children from this branch?” Whose team has the fruits of this plant raise their hands. This is how the twig will find its fruit.

On a hike, you can predict the weather using various signs. Now let's see if you can do this?

Task 4. Weather.

1. Sparrows bathe in dust. It will be hot.

2. It is raining and there are bubbles in the puddles. The rain is persistent.

3. Mosquitoes flying in clouds after sunset. For good weather.

4. Swallows fly low above the ground. To the rain.

5. Heavy dew in the morning. For good weather.

6. Ants close the passages in the anthill. To the rain.

Well done! I am sure that bad weather will not take you by surprise.

Tourism and nature are inseparable concepts. Nature is beautiful - it itself makes the lives of those who love it, who know how to look at it with kind eyes, more beautiful, brighter and richer. It is important not only to stand up for wildlife yourself, it is important to convince your comrades of this, it is important to be able to say “no” when necessary.

Task 5. Rules of conduct on a hike.

After I pronounce the phrase, you must say the corresponding word - “impossible” or “necessary”.

1. Destroy natural monuments. It is forbidden

2. Protect plants, admire the beauty of flowers in nature, walk along paths. Need to

3. Equip and clean rest areas. Need to

4. Dig up plants. It is forbidden

5. Pollute the natural environment. It is forbidden

6. Protect and feed animals and birds. Need to

7. Disturb animals, destroy anthills, bird nests. It is forbidden

8. Preserve and protect cultural and natural monuments. Need to

The earth is our big home in which we all live. And the owner in this house is a man. And this owner must be kind and caring. You have passed the test, and now let’s check how many “kilometers” each team has covered. Members of the winning team are awarded “Experienced Tourist” medals, and the second team, which also successfully completed the journey, is awarded “Beginner Tourist” medals.

The results of competitions are announced, medals and sweet prizes are awarded. Now you are real tourists, happy travels, guys!

Task 6. Experts

1. Why does dry wood burn better than wet wood?

(Damp wood contains a lot of water; part of the heat is lost not to combustion, but to evaporation)

2. How can you tell the direction from stones covered with moss?

(Moss usually covers the northern part of the stones)

3. In the forest you saw a miracle: mushrooms grew on a tree. Or rather, they didn’t grow, but someone planted them. Who could have done this and why?

4. How does a woodpecker stay on a tree?

(Two tenacious fingers at the top and two at the bottom)

5. How does a grasshopper escape if it is grabbed by the leg?

(The leg falls off like a lizard's tail)

6. How to pick mushrooms correctly and why?

(Cut to the very root so as not to damage the mycelium)

7. What is the difference between a lake and a pond?

(A lake is a natural reservoir, and a pond is artificial)

8. What poisonous plant is called bird's eye?

(Crow's eye)

9. Imagine you are in nature, but you don’t have a watch with you. How can you tell time?

(By the sun, by the length of the shadow, by flowers)

10. Why is it so easy to breathe in the forest?

(It has clean air, trees clean it)

11. The question is a joke

How far can you go into the forest?

12. The question is a joke

What fields should you not walk through or drive through?

(By the brim of the hat)

Relay race "Pig in a poke"


Sparrows jump briskly on the grass,

Spreading your feathers in the sun.

A magpie and a jackdaw are jumping, who is faster -

We'll take the bags, it's more fun with them.

(Running in sacks)

"Ball in the Ring"


Well, so, friends, weakly,

Hit the ball into the hoop?

This is not to beat the heels,

You have to be very dexterous.

Take the ball boldly,

Look, don't miss.

(All team members take turns throwing the ball into the hoop from a certain distance. The team with the most points wins)

captains competition "Keen Eye"


In addition to knowledge and skill -

So, each of us

Everyone needs vision!..

Need a pair of sharp eyes!

Orlova N.

The presenter points to a certain tree and asks:

How many steps do you think there are to this tree? The captains answer. To check the correctness of the answer, they walk, walking widely and counting steps. The one whose answer is more accurate wins.

IX competition Relay “Crossing”


The hoop spun quickly,

Circle after circle flashed.

Well, shout louder

Jump through the hoop.

(All team members cross by jumping through a hoop)

(Children clean up the clearing and return to camp)

Natalia Zyurkalova

Hello dear MAAM members! I bring to your attention material that will be useful for teachers of kindergartens of senior and preparatory groups. These games are intended for individual and group lessons with preschool children. The proposed games increase children's interest in tourism, contribute to a quick acquaintance with the rules of behavior in nature, types of tourism, and much more.

Game: "We're going on a hike"

Target: introduce this type of recreation as hiking, tell children what they can do on a hike. Develop and enrich children's vocabulary: Words are objects: tourist, tent, bowler hat, backpack, compass, foam. Words - actions: hike, halt, gather, overcome.

Material: game layout "Tourist's Corner"

Game "Name and Tell"

Target: Teach children to recognize medicinal plants and mushrooms: edible and poisonous, growing in their native area. Teach correctly, collect plants without harming the environment.

Material: Cards with medicinal and poisonous plants, edible and poisonous mushrooms.

Game “Types of tourism. "Guess and Tell"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the types of tourism.

Material: Cards depicting different types of tourism.

Game: Game-training “We are going on a hike.”

Target: Creating a psychological mood in children for a new type of activity. Know how to choose the right things for a tourist.

Material: Things a tourist needs on a hike: a pot, a backpack, a bowl, a spoon, a tent, a flashlight, a knife, a hatchet, a guitar, toys, a ball, a hair dryer, a tape recorder, etc.

Game "Name it correctly."

Target: Reinforce the concept of topographical signs from meaning. Identify topographical signs on the plan. Be able to make maps and diagrams of a hiking trip.

Material: Maps, site plans, cards with topographic signs.

Game "What happens if?"

Target: Reinforce the rules of behavior in nature. Know what needs to be done in order to protect, preserve and enhance nature. Develop the ability to draw conclusions and inferences.

Material: Cards "Rules of behavior in nature."

Content: There are cards on the table that depict signs of behavior in nature. The teacher sets a situation for discussion with the children, from which the children come to the conclusion that it is necessary to protect nature. For example: what happens if a child throws a cola can into the river? What about two, three children? What if one family brings an armful of snowdrops from the forest? What about two, three? Similarly - about loud music in the forest, about a fire, about a broken branch, about a caught butterfly, about a ruined nest, etc.

Game: "Green Pharmacy".

Target: Fix the names of medicinal plants and their beneficial properties.

Material: Pictures with medicinal plants

Content: Children are divided into 2 teams. One team has illustrations depicting medicinal plants: plantain, nettle, sage, chamomile, dandelion, etc. The other has pictures: a cut finger, a child with a bandaged throat, with a thermometer, dandelion salad, nettle cabbage soup, etc. d. At the teacher’s command, children from teams find each other, become pairs and explain their choice. For example: plantain is applied to a wound, cabbage soup is cooked from nettles, etc.

Game: “Light a fire”

Target: know and distinguish between types of fire, be able to build a fire.

Material: bars for laying out a fire, cards with types of fire.

Thank you for your attention!

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