The dove hit the face with its wing. What signs and superstitions exist about pigeons? How long does a dove sit

Folk signs help prepare for change or avoid danger. When a dove lands on its head, interpretations of the sign may differ. It depends on the time of day when the event occurred, on the state and behavior of the bird whether to expect happiness or misfortune. To correctly understand the sign, you must not frighten the pigeon or drive it away: any aggression towards the bird will turn against the person.

General meaning of the sign

A dove on the head is not an easy sign. When a bird brushes against a person or lands on their hair, it can be frightening. More often, birds avoid direct contact with humans. People say that this behavior of a bird cannot be ignored, because it is a messenger.

If the bird pooped, expect to get rich, and if he pooped on his shoes, there will be money problems.

The meaning of the sign depends on when the dove interfered with the person:

  • for a good day, a feathered messenger who accidentally collides with a person at dawn - he promises luck and good fortune;
  • a messenger flew overhead at dawn - wait for news from afar (relatives or old friends will remind you of themselves);
  • the messenger flew near the hair in the evening - minor problems await the person ahead (they will not cause much harm, but will upset you);
  • A night skirmish with a bird promises a lot of quarrels and conflicts.

It is important what day of the lunar cycle it is. Contact with a bird on the waxing Moon promises increasing luck. The more effort a person puts in, the more benefits he will receive. On the waning Moon, spotting a dove (it is circling overhead or trying to land on your shoulder) will lead to big losses. Soon the person will face serious troubles.

Additional details

Every detail of a sign allows it to be interpreted and used for benefit. How to understand that a bird sat on its head for a reason:

  • if a small dove lands on your head, expect good news; a large one means troubles in the family.
  • a dove crashes into a person and causes harm (it leaves cuts or bruises), then this promises misfortune;

If a pigeon lands on a person, the color of its feathers, condition and behavior are important. Taken together, each detail creates a unique prediction for an adult or child.

Messenger color

The dove that brought the news speaks of impending changes. If it is light (gray-white or snow-white), it promises many positive events. Soon the person will meet an important person: this could be a potential business partner or a loved one. When the messenger has spotted feathers, events will radically change your life. Soon the social circle will change, and difficult separations will occur - this is not the most favorable sign, but it speaks of significant and necessary changes.

The bird's gray feathers indicate a difficult period: there will be ups and downs. The main thing is not to lose hope for good changes. A person’s efforts will pay off if he tries and doesn’t give up. It's a good sign if the dove is completely gray. The bird promises luck in love. If she sat down with an unmarried woman, a meeting with a man is not far off. If a bird circles near a family man, his marriage is not in danger.

A dark dove portends illness. This sign promises ailments that will be difficult to cope with. The sign foretells difficult decisions. If a man or woman cannot get rid of debts, the black messenger sitting on his head says that it will not be possible to free himself from obligations in the near future.

Messenger behavior

If a bird is touched by its wing, you can expect an improvement in the material sphere. This sign promises sudden profit and enrichment. It is important that the messenger does not linger near the person. If it immediately flies away, wait for an increase or a successful sale. It’s a favorable sign if the pigeon not only touched it with its wing, but also left droppings. Big profits are expected from the old project.

Luckily, you run into a bird on the road. She warns about important matters. If she touched her with her wing and flew away, expect new acquaintances - they will turn out to be promising and significant. If a person planning a meeting is hit by one or more pigeons, it will not be successful. It is better to hold off on signing important agreements.

Luckily a calm little dove that doesn't cause any harm. An aggressive bird promises conflicts: quarrels with loved ones and business partners await. It’s bad luck to meet a pigeon near your house. If he tries to enter a home and sits on the shoulders of its owner, trouble will soon come. The house or household members may be damaged.

State of the pigeon

It is a dangerous sign when a dove sitting on its head is sick. He drags the disease along with him and transmits it to a person - people say: meeting a sick bird means frequent illnesses. An unfavorable omen if a wounded bird is killed. His blood, if found on a person’s body, portends the loss of important connections or money.

How long does a dove sit

If a dove crashes into a person, but continues to circle around him, superstition promises replenishment. The sign promises the birth of a child or a win. For a woman who is trying to conceive a child, such a guest foretells an imminent conception. The long-awaited child will not get sick. If there is something in the bird's beak, the wealth will be doubled or tripled. The dove does not want to fly away for a long time - wait for deception. The traitor will be a loved one who pretends to be a friend or loved one.

Pigeons landed on the children's heads.

If a bird is sick, it needs help. Provide shelter, water, food. The same should be done with a wounded bird. If the help is sincere, any danger will be avoided. If the feathered one shits, you can’t be angry with the messenger. It does not affect future events, only helps prepare for them. You cannot take the dove home - it must continue its journey without obstacles. You should not call the feathered one to you: such actions will not bring any more luck.


Folk signs not only help to see a fateful chance, but also to avoid danger. When a dove tries to sit on a person, it foretells change. To avoid new dangers, you should not harm the bird. Any sign is an event to which you need to react correctly. You may not attach much importance to the current situation.

The dove has long been a symbol of peace, but today many people openly dislike these birds, considering them “winged rats.” However, there are many superstitions about these birds. In addition to the well-known ones, for example, when a bird shits on its head or flies into a window, there are other equally interesting superstitions and signs about pigeons. Let's look at some of them.

Pigeons bathe in a puddle

Everyone knows that animals sense the weather much better than people, especially birds. In this regard, there is a sign, if pigeons bathe in a puddle it means drought. In addition, by exactly when they swim, you can determine what the summer will be like.

For example, if you saw pigeons swimming at the end of spring, when warm weather had already settled, this means that the summer will be hot and mostly dry.

If pigeons began to swim towards the end of summer, then this foreshadows a dry and warm autumn, which will be quite long. And also the obligatory onset of “Indian summer”.

The following superstition promises inevitable precipitation: if you see pigeons hesitantly stomping around a puddle, as if wondering whether to enter or not, be sure to take an umbrella with you, because it will rain soon.

Birds that dip only their feet into a puddle and quickly run away from the water are harbingers that the coming week will be quite wet and cold.
This sign is almost 100% guaranteed, even if it’s hot and dry outside, rest assured, if you see this behavior in pigeons, it will soon get colder.

Dead pigeon on the road

It is common to see dead birds next to roadways or in yards. There is also a superstition for this case. If you accidentally stumble upon a dead pigeon, especially one lying next to the road, this is definitely not a good omen. It is believed that this will lead to illness in your loved ones or yourself, so you should carefully monitor your health, and perhaps even see a doctor. This superstition is especially popular among drivers; they firmly believe that if, God forbid, while driving, they accidentally hit a pigeon, an accident will soon occur.

The dove sat on its head

There is a popular belief regarding wild pigeons: it is believed that if a wild pigeon accidentally lands on your head, then wealth and prosperity will definitely await you in the future. Naturally, this does not apply to domestic pigeons, because they often sit on the shoulder or head of their owners. If a street bird has taken a fancy to you, then most likely in the near future you will win the lottery or receive an unexpected inheritance, and perhaps intangible wealth awaits you - an addition to the family. The last option is possible if the pigeon not only landed on your head, but also marked it. But it is worth waiting for a replenishment not only among children; it is also possible that an unexpected acquaintance with a relative will occur - also a kind of addition to the family.

If the dove that landed on your head was holding a sprout or branch in its beak, this means only one thing - feel free to carry out the most risky ideas and plans, because you will definitely be lucky, it is believed that this is a sure sign of good luck. For the person to whom this happened, life, as a rule, immediately improves, be it financial matters or personal issues - good luck and luck accompany you everywhere. You should definitely take advantage of this chance, definitely do something, but think it over carefully first.

It happens that a dove lands on its head in a dream; this sign promises new news, but do not worry - it will be pleasant. Most likely, this news will come from relatives or friends, tune in to the joyful wave and wait.

The video below will talk about signs associated with pigeons.

Many of us are afraid of crows, but we don’t even realize that there are so many good omens associated with them and that in fact this bird is not always a harbinger of misfortune.

Precisely because the image of a generally negative hero has been assigned to the crow, people begin to be afraid if it sits on a shoulder, head, or simply touches its wing during flight. But don’t worry, because this is how fate gives you a sign! You will become very rich!

Indeed, since ancient times, such a sign has been interpreted as a gift of fate. The omen has the maximum positive value if the crow disturbs you while you are thinking about work or money transactions. In this case, rest assured that you will soon be promoted at work or you will become the owner of a winning lottery ticket.

The appearance of a crow in this case suggests that this is the end of a dark streak in your life and now you will not need anything, everything will flow as if from a cornucopia.

It is very important to remember what you were thinking about at the moment when the crow sat on your head or touched its wing, because such a sign of good luck says that it is these thoughts or actions in this direction that can lead to wealth.

The dove is the bird with which the most beliefs are probably associated. Many people think that it is worth paying attention if this bird flew onto the balcony, built a nest, crashed into a window, or sat on your windowsill.

And this is not surprising, since since ancient times this particular bird has been endowed with a wide variety of magical properties. Superstition says that if a dove lands on your head, you will be rich. Moreover, in this case, this can be interpreted not as winning a lottery or receiving a bonus, but as a significant increase in income.

Perhaps you will receive a large inheritance and gradually amass a large fortune. Be sure that the money will go into your hands. A sign predicts a speedy replenishment of your wallet if a dove flies into your room and settles on your head or shoulder.

But like many other signs, this one has more than one interpretation. Many believe that the dove is a divine bird, since it was in this image that God came to the Virgin Mary.

Therefore, especially believers are convinced that a dove landing on a person’s head does not mean that untold riches await him, but that he has been chosen by God. It is quite possible that a great mission will be entrusted to your shoulders, and by completing it, you will help the entire human people.

However, this interpretation of the belief is used very rarely. Most likely, it simply helps a person regain faith in himself, in his uniqueness and exclusivity. If the dove touches your head with its wing, then the omen again promises wealth.

In this case, it makes absolutely no difference where exactly it happened: on the street, at home, in a store or somewhere else. It is quite possible that in the near future you will be returned an old forgotten debt, given a bonus, or you will manage to win the lottery.

But not only crows or pigeons can sit on their heads. In almost every country in the world they say that if a feathered friend decides to rest on your head, then in the near future your wallet will definitely be replenished.

If you trust superstitions, the more rare a bird chooses your head as a resting place, the more money you will receive. Almost everyone who has dealt with poultry or lived on a farm knows that if you don’t keep an eye on them, they can easily get out of their houses.

If a poultry lands on your head, the meaning of the sign does not change at all. Therefore, rest assured, no matter whether a pigeon, parrot or a neighbor’s chicken decided to climb on your head, in the near future your financial situation will significantly change for the better.

Many psychics advise that while the bird is on your head, make a wish. It is believed that it will definitely come true, especially if it is connected with a career or money.

Feathered friends have always been considered a harbinger of some important events that happened in life. Therefore, if any bird lands on your head or touches you with its wing, you should know that only changes for the better and a stable financial situation lie ahead.

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If a crow sits on your head, the omen promises you wealth. In general, a variety of superstitions are associated with birds, many of which are undeservedly forgotten, but understanding them can help you not miss the opportunity to benefit or prepare for failure.

If a crow lands on your head, this is not a bad omen at all. Many people believe that one should not expect good from this bird, but this is not entirely true. There are both good and bad omens about crows. You can find them on our website and see for yourself.

If a crow lands on your head or just touches it while flying past, this is a sign of wealth. Most likely, luck will smile on you soon. It’s especially good if the bird took you away from thinking about where to get money, or you were immersed in thinking about an income option that could increase your income.

In this case, a black bird does not bode well. She predicts that the dark streak in your life has come to an end, and now success, material well-being and good luck in any endeavor await you. Try to remember what you were thinking about at the moment when the crow landed on your head or crashed into you, because this sign of good luck promises that these thoughts may turn out to be ones that lead to wealth as a result.

Read also: sign if a bird knocks on the window

If a dove lands on its head, ancient signs promise you wealth. Moreover, this is not just receiving a bonus or a small increase in salary. Most likely, you will experience a noticeable increase in wealth. Perhaps it will be gradual, or perhaps your material well-being will drop sharply. It’s especially good if the bird flew into the room and chose your head for its resting place.

There is another opinion that gives this sign a different meaning, since the dove is God’s bird, in the form of which the Lord appeared to the Virgin Mary. Therefore, some believe that if a dove sits on your head, this is not a sign of wealth, but a sign of being chosen. Most likely, you will not have to save the world, but perhaps you have a destiny and something that will help you fulfill it.

There is a possibility that this is just a beautiful legend that helps every person to believe in their uniqueness, because birds land on their heads quite often. But if this happened to you while thinking about a decision, perhaps this really is a sign from above.

If a dove touches its head with its wing, it means that signs promise you wealth. It doesn’t matter where it happened - on the street or whether it was a bird that accidentally flew into your home or office space. The situation when a pigeon crashes into the head is a fairly common occurrence, and if this happens to you, pay attention to this sign. She promises you prosperity and material wealth.

As a rule, not only crows and pigeons land on their heads. Other birds are also common in some regions of the country. Sometimes even birds of prey fly into cities, and even less often they land on people’s heads. Therefore, some believe that the rarer the bird that lands on the head, the more wealth the sign promises.

It is known that poultry that is not well looked after by its owners can fly away from the windows. If just such a bird lands on your head, the meaning of the sign does not change. It doesn’t matter at all whether it is a wild bird, whether you are used to seeing it in your city, or whether we are talking about someone’s parrot that flew away. In any case, this is a sign of big money.

Experts in folk omens advise making a wish while the bird is on your head. It is believed that they will come true soon, especially if these desires are related to material wealth. Therefore, do not be afraid if a bird crashes into you or lands on your head. You should not expect anything bad from such a belief; it is an exceptionally good omen that will only bring you good things.

Birds have always been considered higher beings, messengers of heaven, so our ancestors tried to find an explanation for their unusual behavior. They had plenty of time to notice patterns and understand what kind of sign our smaller feathered brothers might be carrying.

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In life, as you know, there are no accidents, and every, even the most insignificant event, can radically affect your life if you find the right explanation for it. One such phenomenon is when a bird suddenly lands on your head. According to signs, if a bird sits on its head, or even touches it a little while flying, this promises wealth.

It is very important which bird sits on the head. All birds are divided into “clean” and “unclean” and depending on which particular bird lands on its head, one can judge whether this phenomenon is positive or negative. Birds such as pigeons, swallows, titmice, roosters and storks have always been considered “pure”. But the “unclean” ones include sparrows, crows, owls, eagle owls and jackdaws.

It’s very bad if a crow did this, since it is believed that these birds can smell the disease by smell. That is why a crow landing on your head should be a signal that you should listen carefully to your body, and also worry about the health of loved ones.

It is very good if a dove sits on your head, since this bird, considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit, will give a person a sign of his chosenness.

If a swallow lands on your head, then soon a person’s life will change dramatically and perhaps even his most cherished dream will come true. But there is a sign according to which a swallow landing on its head can be a warning about the death of someone close. This is due to the fact that it is believed that the soul of the deceased inhabits the swallow, which warns the person about the death of a relative or acquaintance.

Signs about birds are so popular and there are so many of them that entire volumes are devoted to these superstitions. It's hard to put them all together, but we'll try to give you at least a basic idea of ​​the most common ones.

Birds fly, circle and land on their heads

There are people who analyze certain phenomena and specialize in all kinds of predictions. This is a very exciting activity, almost as popular as jokes or stories from the lives of show business stars. Let's see how great the world accepts and believes about birds:

  • some interpreters believe that if a bird knocks on the glass of your window, then this is a bad omen, but if a dove flies into the room, this can mean both death and soon-found happiness;
  • you saw a dove on the windowsill- this, first of all, means the approach of very important news, the same goes for a swallow or a tit, perhaps the main purpose of this event is to warn you about something that will happen soon so that you are prepared;
  • a feathered stranger "inherits" on your clothes– don’t be upset, because this can be a harbinger of great luck;
  • if a big black crow sat on your head- this is definitely a sign of imminent great wealth; in general, any bird that lands on a person’s head, without fear of him, symbolizes profit in money;
  • the appearance of a stork in your field of vision- this is for the birth of a baby;
  • A nest of pigeons has appeared on your balcony- there will be happiness in your life, and if they also laid two eggs in the nest, there will be no end to happiness.

Interpreters of signs disagree on how to generally evaluate examples related to the appearance of birds. On the one hand, our smaller flying brothers are a symbol of something airy and good. On the other hand, it is clear that there are birds that are characterized negatively even in folk tales. There is only one way out - it is better to know folk signs.

Follow the direction of flight - details are important in a sign

Most often, it happens that interpreters of omens tend to interpret the same phenomenon in different ways. You shouldn’t be surprised, because it would seem that in a standard situation the same events occur. But in fact, depending on various small details, the interpretation of the same sign can change in the diametrically opposite direction:

  • if the bird made a tour of the room, flying in and out of it- this is for the message;
  • just a feathered guest flew in- wait for news;
  • a heavenly messenger ended up in your apartment, and you see some kind of blade of grass in her beak- a very good event will happen soon, by the way, in this case it will not be superfluous if you appease the bearer of good news by feeding her crumbs;
  • a feathered bird is visible above the roof or constantly flies around- a sign of illness in someone at home;
  • if the winged messenger constantly hovers over the home– you need to be extremely careful in your relationships with friends, you can be betrayed, this is all the more true if a bird of prey hovers over the house;
  • you see birds flying past your house, but suddenly they change direction, and even very sharply - in this case, you also need to be careful, this is a sign of approaching danger;
  • feathered chirps are in flight from left to right- you will have good luck in business;
  • Birds fly from right to left- the plans will fail;
  • if heavenly messengers are heading straight towards you, you will be lucky soon;
  • flying birds- a bad omen, there will be no success in business;
  • a flock of birds rushes far from the ground- the day will be absolutely good, everything will come true, but if it’s the other way around, you can stay at home, all your efforts will be useless.

That's how important details are, like birds flying. And one more thing: you got ready for work, left the house and saw a flock of birds in flight - you can safely storm any heights!

White birds foretell your future, be careful

The color, or, as ornithologists say, the color of a feathered creature, the sounds it makes can also serve as a good or bad omen:

  • White bird, seen by you, will bring happiness, and dead bird seen the bird promises misfortune;
  • sitting on the windowsill of your apartment an uninvited guest is a harbinger of minor financial costs;
  • the morning of the wedding came, and the bride and groom saw that the bird had died in the cage– the marriage will be unsuccessful, resulting in divorce;
  • a feathered guest hovering over the roof, and then suddenly flies into the chimney - to the death of someone at home;
  • the one who initially dooms the whole house to misfortune who keeps in a cage a feathered baby caught in the wild;
  • a successful day will be for the one who heard how, flying past, songbird screams;
  • croaking crow and squawking hawk will make your day unlucky;
  • there are cases when, it happens, the cry of a night bird is heard in broad daylight– such behavior of a feathered individual entails misfortune;
  • Sisar sitting on the windowsill with his presence he keeps the whole house under complete protection, any trouble in this case will bypass him.

Quite often, birds serve as amulets for people. It is no coincidence that our ancestors embroidered dresses with designs depicting birds. This served as protection for their owners.

How to make the news good and attract happiness to your head

There are many superstitions that allow you to attract happiness to yourself. One of them is to feed the birds, but there are others:

  • blue-winged the guest cannot enter the house, the windows are closed, he beats his wings in them - do not waste time, open the doors, let the bird in, feed it - then good news will definitely find your home;
  • circles around the house white-winged dove - someone’s death is near;
  • any other white bird– a sign of an imminent wedding or the birth of a baby;
  • don't chase away the birds, let them themselves find the way to your house in the spring, bringing with them good luck, for example, a stork that has built a nest on the roof brings wealth and a happy life without troubles to the owner;
  • if the owner of a large beak, on the contrary, removes the nest- wait for the fire;
  • A stork hurriedly leaves its home - there will be a misfortune soon, but if the stork is just flying - a pleasant person is in a hurry to visit you.

Love birds, study signs with them - and be happy!

There are many popular beliefs, including a sign about what to expect if a crow lands on your head. From our article you will learn what events and changes to expect in your life after such an incident.

Oddly enough, such an event is considered a clear sign that joyful and long-awaited changes will occur in your life, and this will happen in the very near future. Many people advise you to remember what you were thinking about at the moment when the crow flew into your head, because the sign says that it is in this area that you can expect the most significant success. For example, if you have been thinking about finding or changing a job, then perhaps, as if by magic, you will receive a lucrative offer that suits your liking.

Our ancestors considered the crow to be a harbinger of future wealth, and money will appear as if by itself, without any effort on your part. Therefore, do not be lazy to buy a lottery ticket or take part in any prize draw; the likelihood that you will hit the jackpot is very high.

If the raven just touched its head with its wing, then according to the sign, you will get a chance to get rid of material difficulties or resolve issues related to career growth. Just remember that water does not flow under a lying stone, carefully monitor what is happening in your life, do not waste your luck and do not miss the opportunity. Our ancestors argued that nothing good in life happens just like that, and for a good omen to come true, you need to make some efforts yourself, only then everything will work out in the best way. A crow sitting on your head gives you a hint that in the very near future a chance to solve problems will appear, but whether you take advantage of it or not depends only on yourself.

In previous centuries, people tried to live in harmony with nature and listen to its signs. Gradually, folk signs were formed about birds - messengers of light and dark forces. By the way, human wisdom has stood the test not only of time, but also of technological progress. Science explains almost any phenomenon to us, creates mechanisms that simplify life, but cannot tell us anything about why a bird knocks on the window. As in ancient times, we use folk signs about birds. It is useful to know them, because whoever is warned will cope with the situation. Let's figure it out.

You know that in the old days there was no glass. The birds traveled calmly, without knowing any barriers, fluttering wherever they pleased. Moreover, in a human home you can always pick up crumbs or warm up. However, folk signs about birds are based not on these reasonings, but on observations and analysis of events. Of course, there were some legends. In the old days, it was believed that the soul of a deceased relative moved into a feathered inhabitant of forests and fields. And he comes not on an ordinary visit, but on business. The feathered messenger carries the message. Folk signs about birds tell us how to read it. So, if a dove flew into a girl’s room, a wedding was expected. The swallow is a very rare guest. It portends great wealth. It is very bad to kill her or harm one of the said messengers. If the bird dies, then a good event will turn into trouble. For example, the wedding will be canceled due to the death of the groom or wealth will pass through the hands of the owners of the house.

According to legend, birds took part in the execution of Christ, but behaved differently. The swallows took the nails with which they nailed the Savior to the cross and took them away from the executioners. The sparrows found the instruments of torture and returned them back. Whether this was true or not is unknown. But a suspicious and wary attitude towards the nimble and cunning inhabitants of the cities took hold among the people. Their visit to the house is considered undesirable. If a sparrow flies into the room, expect bad news. As a rule, it portends a breakdown in plans, a sudden illness, quarrels and discord. Sparrows have gotten into the habit of gathering on the windowsill - they gossip about family members and throw mud at them behind their backs. If they knock on the glass, there will be sad news from afar. In addition, an important trip or trouble on the road is likely to be disrupted. Sparrows should be treated with caution; they do not bode well.

In the old days, they divided the world into black and white and did not notice halftones. In general, people were sure that the soul of the deceased came to take away one of the members of the clan. The news of death is believed to be carried by the cuckoo. But this is a very secretive bird; it rarely appears near human habitation. But to hear her characteristic song is to find out what age you have been measured out for. You just need to ask a question and count the number of her cuckoos. People believe that this feathered beauty knows exactly the fate of a person. The cuckoo is considered a dark messenger, just like the magpie. If they gather on the roof of a house or near a window, you will listen to black gossip or spread it yourself. Light messengers also exist. There are such folk signs about birds about them: a tit has flown in - to good news, knocking on the window - expect guests. Owls avoid human habitation, but if you hear their hoot, expect a fire, folk signs about birds warn. The dove, on the contrary, protects space from fire and pacifies evil forces. If this bird lives near the house, the owners are not afraid of fires.

Feathered messengers bring people more than just personal messages. Thus, they are excellent weather indicators. Swallows fly low - it will rain. If the sparrows are ruffled and huddle close to the house, trying to settle closer to the warmth, it means that a cold snap is coming. If you see a flock of sparrows bathing in dust, take an umbrella. They feel that the weather is changing and it will rain. In cold weather, the birds decided to swim in the water - warming is coming. In winter, this behavior foreshadows early spring. But before anyone else, the lark learns that warming is taking place and the frosts are receding. People believe that his first song is a harbinger of good weather, the victory of the sun over snow and ice. Other birds are also sensitive to atmospheric changes. For example, the noise and din of starlings foreshadows a thunderstorm; these birds react to the electrical voltage accumulating around them.

It is not recommended for people to keep wild birds at home. The only exception is the dove. Other free birds in a cage mean trouble. This does not apply to artificially bred pets. If after the wedding the newlyweds discover that a bird has died in their house, then the marriage will soon be broken. It is considered bad to hang wallpaper with images of birds. People say it is unfortunate for those living in the house. Watching birds fly also helps predict the future. So, if they move from left to right - good luck, in the opposite direction - you will get into trouble. Birds fly straight at you - your cherished wish will come true; they fly away - to obstacles.

Our ancestors not only noticed how the behavior of birds was connected with future events, but also developed methods for getting rid of negativity. So, a bird that accidentally gets into the room cannot be caught. Believe me, she is already scared. Open the window and let the feathered guest go home. And then say this: “Walk freely, but don’t come to me!” If the sign promises trouble, wash the window with holy water and tie a red ribbon to the frame. They say this will help ward off bad luck. It’s better to make friends with the birds, feed them, then they will only bring joy and not frighten with negative forecasts.


Signs: A dove's wing touched his shoulder. What do signs say if you find a dead dove?

Today you will learn what to expect from a sign when a dove or crow lands on your head. In general, many different beliefs are associated with birds, which are undeservedly forgotten. But they can warn you about the most important things that will happen in your life.

Many of us are afraid of crows, but we don’t even imagine what is connected with them and that in fact this bird is not always a harbinger of misfortune.

Precisely because the image of a generally negative hero has been assigned to the crow, people begin to be afraid if it sits on a shoulder, head, or simply touches its wing during flight. But don’t worry, because this is how fate gives you a sign! You will become very rich!

Indeed, since ancient times, such a sign has been interpreted as a gift of fate. The omen has the maximum positive value if the crow disturbs you while you are thinking about work or money transactions. In this case, rest assured that you will soon be promoted at work or you will become the owner of a winning lottery ticket.

The appearance of a crow in this case suggests that this is the end of a dark streak in your life and now you will not need anything, everything will flow as if from a cornucopia.

It is very important to remember what you were thinking about at the moment when the crow sat on your head or touched its wing, because such a sign of good luck says that it is these thoughts or actions in this direction that can lead to wealth.

The dove is the bird with which the most beliefs are probably associated. Many people think that it’s worth paying attention if this one crashes into a window or sits on your windowsill.

And this is not surprising, since since ancient times this particular bird has been endowed with a wide variety of magical properties. Superstition says that if a dove lands on your head, you will be rich. Moreover, in this case, this can be interpreted not as winning a lottery or receiving a bonus, but as a significant increase in income.

Perhaps you will receive a large inheritance and gradually amass a large fortune. Be sure that the money will go into your hands. A sign predicts a speedy replenishment of your wallet if a dove flies into your room and settles on your head or shoulder.

But like many other signs, this one has more than one interpretation. Many believe that the dove is a divine bird, since it was in this image that God came to the Virgin Mary.

Therefore, especially believers are convinced that a dove landing on a person’s head does not mean that untold riches await him, but that he has been chosen by God. It is quite possible that a great mission will be entrusted to your shoulders, and by completing it, you will help the entire human people.

However, this interpretation of the belief is used very rarely. Most likely, it simply helps a person regain faith in himself, in his uniqueness and exclusivity. If the dove touches your head with its wing, then the omen again promises wealth.

In this case, it makes absolutely no difference where exactly it happened: on the street, at home, in a store or somewhere else. It is quite possible that in the near future you will be returned an old forgotten debt, given a bonus, or you will manage to win the lottery.

But not only crows or pigeons can sit on their heads. In almost every country in the world they say that if a feathered friend decides to rest on your head, then in the near future your wallet will definitely be replenished.

If you trust superstitions, the more rare a bird chooses your head as a resting place, the more money you will receive. Almost everyone who has dealt with poultry or lived on a farm knows that if you don’t keep an eye on them, they can easily get out of their houses.

If a poultry lands on your head, the meaning of the sign does not change at all. Therefore, rest assured, no matter whether a pigeon, parrot or a neighbor’s chicken decided to climb on your head, in the near future your financial situation will significantly change for the better.

Many psychics advise that while the bird is on your head, make a wish. It is believed that it will definitely come true, especially if it is connected with a career or money.

If a crow sits on your head, the omen promises you wealth. In general, a variety of superstitions are associated with birds, many of which are undeservedly forgotten, but understanding them can help you not miss the opportunity to benefit or prepare for failure.

In the article:

A crow sat on its head - a sign

If a crow lands on your head, this is not a bad omen at all. Many people believe that one should not expect good from this bird, but this is not entirely true. There are both good and bad. You can find them on our website and see for yourself.

If a crow lands on your head or just touches it while flying past, this is a sign of wealth. Most likely, luck will smile on you soon. It’s especially good if the bird took you away from thinking about where to get money, or you were immersed in thinking about an income option that could increase your income.

In this case, a black bird does not bode well. She predicts that the dark streak in your life has come to an end, and now success, material well-being and good luck in any endeavor await you. Try to remember what you were thinking about at that moment when the crow landed on your head or crashed into you, because this one promises that these thoughts may turn out to be the kind that lead to wealth as a result.

A dove sat on its head - a sign

If a dove lands on its head, ancient signs promise you wealth. Moreover, this is not just receiving a bonus or a small increase in salary. Most likely, you will experience a noticeable increase in wealth. Perhaps it will be gradual, or perhaps it will fall on you suddenly. It’s especially good if she chose your head for her resting place.

There is another opinion that gives this sign a different meaning, since the dove is God’s bird, in the form of which the Lord appeared to the Virgin Mary. Therefore, some believe that if a dove sits on your head, this is not a sign of wealth, but a sign of being chosen. Most likely, you will not have to save the world, but perhaps you have a destiny and something that will help you fulfill it.

There is a possibility that this is just a beautiful legend that helps every person to believe in their uniqueness, because birds land on their heads quite often. But if this happened to you while thinking about a decision, perhaps this really is a sign from above.

If a dove touches its head with its wing, it means that signs promise you wealth. It doesn’t matter where it happened - on the street or whether it was a bird that accidentally flew into your home or office space. The situation when a pigeon crashes into the head is a fairly common occurrence, and if this happens to you, pay attention to this sign. She promises you prosperity and material wealth.

A bird sat on its head - a sign

As a rule, not only crows and pigeons land on their heads. Other birds are also common in some regions of the country. Sometimes even birds of prey fly into cities, and even less often they land on people’s heads. Therefore, some believe that the rarer the bird that lands on the head, the more wealth the sign promises.

It is known that poultry that is not well looked after by its owners can fly away from the windows. If just such a bird lands on your head, the meaning of the sign does not change. It doesn’t matter at all whether it is a wild bird, whether you are used to seeing it in your city, or whether we are talking about someone’s parrot that flew away. Anyway, this one.

Experts in folk omens advise making a wish while the bird is on your head. It is believed that they will come true soon, especially if these desires are related to material wealth. Therefore, do not be afraid if a bird crashes into you or lands on your head. You should not expect anything bad from such a belief; it is exclusively one that will bring you only good.

Birds have always been considered higher beings, messengers of heaven, so our ancestors tried to find an explanation for their unusual behavior. They had plenty of time to notice patterns and understand what kind of sign our smaller feathered brothers might be carrying.

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I never believed in omens. The stories about birds that touched their faces with their wings and foreshadowed the death of a loved one seemed especially stupid. I didn’t have to live even thirty years in the world to see from my own experience how wrong I was.

That summer we managed to get out to the sea to visit relatives. My brother Seryozha, a teenager of 13, also went with us.
The holiday brought a lot of pleasure: the sea, the sun, fruits, natural products from the market. The hostess also didn’t bother us too much and generally turned out to be a kind and pleasant woman. So we rested until one day Seryozhka and I, my brother, had to stay at home because of a slight cold. Zhenya and Varyusha went to the beach without us.

My husband is a serious and responsible man, he will not leave the child unattended, so I could completely rely on him.

Around noon, Seryozhka and I began preparing dinner, expecting the return of my husband and daughter any minute. When no one came an hour later, we were quite surprised. After waiting another hour we began to worry.

After suffering for another 2 hours, we were about to attract relatives to help when the doorbell rang.

Zhenya stood on the threshold with Varyushka in his arms. They both looked strange.

Are you suffering from sunstroke? - I asked, closing the door behind them
“A blow would be better,” the husband answered and collapsed into a chair.

Varyusha held her neck with a death grip and did not let go of her father while he took off his shoes and walked into the room. And now she was sitting in his arms, with absolutely no intention of freeing him from her person.

What happened?! Var, let go of your father, why are you clinging to him? - I got excited.
But a fairly mature and intelligent ten-year-old girl did not react at all.
“Listen, at least let me come to my senses,” said Zhenya, “now I’ll take a breath and tell you.”

The story turned out to be banal and creepy at the same time. The fact is that on the part of the coast where we rested, the sea was quite shallow. That is, it was possible to reach the depth, but before that it was necessary to overcome 40 meters, sometimes falling knee-deep, sometimes barely plunging your feet into the water. But there was one bad place there. Approximately in the middle of the sandbank there was a depression, small but very deep. When the sea is calm it can be easily seen - the water in this place is quite dark. Locals and those vacationers who often traveled here knew the exact place and were guided by some signs on the shore. We never bothered with this issue, we knew that it was there and simply chose a place on the beach away from the depression so as not to stumble upon it by accident.

That day, Zhenya and Varyusha, as usual, swam at shallow depths, having moved quite a bit away from the shallows, the water barely reached Zhenya’s waist. Fooling around on an air mattress, they did not notice how the wind rose. The first small wave caught them by surprise, turning the mattress over. While they were laughing and spitting, the mattress was carried by the wave towards the shore and a little diagonally. Zhenya took his daughter to a shallow place and, without worrying at all, ordered her to go ashore. When he went to get the mattress, it turned out that it was missing. The husband began to look around.

“There he is, dad,” Varya shouted, correctly guessing her father’s maneuvers. Then the husband noticed a colored object on the water. The mattress was drifting towards the shore, but even further away from them. My husband and daughter ran after me. Varyusha was the first to catch up with her favorite toy and fell onto the mattress with a bang. He slipped out and... the girl began to drown. Not understanding at first what was happening, Zhenya did not move. And even then, to say: it’s shallow all around, the place is familiar, how can you drown here? But the daughter screamed in earnest. The completely confused father took a few steps and felt that there was no ground under his feet. As soon as he approached Varya, the frightened child grabbed his neck. Both went to the bottom. Zhenya tried to unhook his daughter from himself in order to intercept her more comfortably. Each time it became more and more difficult for him to emerge; he could not persuade the child. Then he told her as firmly as possible:
“If you don’t let me go now, we’ll both drown.”

Varyusha let go of her hands.

The wind began to play out in earnest, they were covered in waves, barely having time to catch their breath. Zhenya realized that they had fallen into a hole and tried to get out of it. Thoughts in my head were racing at breakneck speed. They can’t get out together, but he can’t leave the child either. Both will have to die, but he definitely won’t leave his daughter. Having calmed down slightly, having made a decision, he made a few movements and suddenly... felt that he was standing on the ground. We got ashore quite quickly. There they fell on the sand and lay there for a long time, calming the trembling in their limbs.
After listening to the story, everyone thanked God that everything worked out well and went to the balcony to get some air. Seryozha went first. As soon as he went out and leaned on the railing of the balcony, a swallow appeared out of nowhere. The bird flew straight at the boy. At the last moment she turned around, but while flying away, she managed to catch Seryozhka with her wing. The boy recoiled in fear, holding his cheek. The whole family froze for a minute, no one could utter a word. Zhenya was the first to wake up.

You're late, dear... Everything ended well, everyone is alive...

Having once again discussed the strange phenomenon, and remembering the bad omen, everyone went to dinner.
The evening passed as usual. Closer to night, we went down to our relatives: the next day was Seryozha’s birthday, and Katya and I were going to make the cake when the heat subsided.
After fiddling around for hours until 2 a.m., we went to our place. The children, having gorged themselves on condensed milk, felt quite happy, and the successfully experienced incident added to their mood. Therefore, we fell asleep immediately, sincerely believing that we had already experienced all the bad things and that we had a wonderful holiday ahead with barbecue, cake and other pleasures.

We found out how wrong we were within an hour. The doorbell rang woke everyone up. Surprised and a little frightened, they rushed into the hallway.

Katya stood, barely able to stand, clutching the doorframe.

Just called... Lisa said... I can’t, go on your own...

I galloped to the sixth floor. Rushing into the hallway, I saw a pipe lying on the bedside table. At the entrance you could hear the clatter of household members running down the stairs.
- Lisa! Can you hear me?! What do you have there, answer me?! “What happened to you?!” I screamed into the phone. From the other end of the line came the sister’s voice, too calm, without any intonation.
- Olya... Calm down, I'm fine... Dad died an hour ago...

I won’t describe my feelings, and I hardly remember this day, nor how Seryozha and I flew home, nor my dad’s funeral.

The only moment remained clearly in my memory: when they were throwing earth into the grave, a tit suddenly sat on Seryozhka’s head; they were completely tame in the cemetery.

“You’re late this time too,” the boy said quietly.


Of course, there are signs, but I don’t recommend believing in them 100 percent. This is an ordinary coincidence. Although there are signs related to the weather. They have been verified over the centuries, there is a certain amount of truth in them. Well, like in a weather forecast.

What a strange sign. I've never heard of her. In general, lately I’ve come across a bunch of signs that pop up like mushrooms after the rain...

The story is very... revealing, or something. But I don’t want to believe in bird omens. I spend too much time with birds - it is not relevant for me.

An incredibly sad, but very beautifully written (thanks to the author!) story. Should you believe in omens? Sometimes after tragedies we begin to connect some precedents that happened the day before - harbingers of trouble (as it seems to us) with the misfortune itself that befell us. But it also happens that nothing foreshadows trouble, but it comes, or, on the contrary, it foreshadows something, but, thank God, nothing happens. I think the point here is not that the signs “work”, but in our imagination and in our attitude towards this.

But when my parents and I were sitting at the family table, suddenly there was a strong knock on the window. Everyone sitting was simply numb with horror because it was a huge bird, which, having opened its wings, spread out on the glass, and then abruptly “went” down... Mom and I didn’t know what to think... No one assumed that these were the last hours when we all see daddy alive.

In the evening, having already said goodbye to our parents, we drove out onto a country road. I don’t know why, but I turned around and saw dad waving his hand goodbye to us. It became really scary, because he never looked after the car when we were leaving... And at night, mom called and said that dad was no more. And four months later they reported that my aunt had died.

I believe in this sign. In the sign where birds knock on the window, they try to warn us about impending troubles. I think they are giving us a chance so that we can save our loved ones by averting death from them. Just to know what exactly to do at this moment to prevent this death?

Signs can hardly be faulted for consistency. On the contrary, sometimes you are simply amazed to see how our ancestors figured out how to connect two completely different events and derive from this a rule that many still follow today... But ancient beliefs also have their own logic. For example, a dead animal or bird, if we consider them a sign, is not good. It's hard to argue.

A dead dove is always an unfortunate discovery, but not always a sign. For example, why would you chalk up a bird found on the sidewalk? A hundred people passed by her today and the same number will pass by. And everyone is in trouble? But a dead (or killed?) pigeon on the threshold of a house or on a balcony seems to be a message addressed to you personally. And when you yourself directly or indirectly contributed to the death of a bird, the hair on the top of your head just doesn’t move from a bad feeling: something will happen?..

Why do you come across dead birds on the street?

A dead bird on the street can only be considered a bad sign if it hits a shop window or other obstacle before your eyes and falls lifeless right at your feet. Here the signs are serious: this is not the easiest period in life. You literally won’t know which way to turn, fighting off a bunch of different-sized troubles. Fortunately, no truly bad events are expected among them! Most likely, the matter will turn out to be a couple of everyday problems, minor misunderstandings with your loved one and dissatisfied frowns from your superiors. Don't give in to fear and you can handle everything.

  • If the dove remains alive, shakes itself and flies up again, consider it a false alarm. Problems were just about to come see you, but got lost somewhere along the way. And nice!
  • Some drivers do not like to notice dead pigeons on the roadway - they think that this sign predicts an accident or trouble with the traffic police. In vain. As with the pigeon on the path, this feathered corpse will be seen by many drivers. On a busy highway - thousands! It’s ridiculous to assume that in reality a sign will bring the same troubles to everyone.
  • There are also experts in omens who consider a dead bird on the road a sign of good luck. It all depends on what you're in the mood for.

Dead pigeon in a house or apartment, on the balcony or in the ventilation

Birds often fly onto balconies. The sick and dying too

Regarding how to evaluate a balcony, porch or window sill, the signs differ. On the one hand, this is not yet a living space. On the other hand, it’s almost an apartment. How to react to a sad discovery?

  • Most beliefs agree that a dead pigeon in the courtyard of a private house or on a windowsill - that is, one that remains clearly outside the living space - does not promise serious problems. Perhaps you will receive not entirely pleasant news, but nothing more. In order to completely ward off bad things from yourself and your loved ones, it is recommended not to throw the bird into the nearest trash heap, but to carefully bury it outside the yard. This is also reasonable from a hygiene point of view, just do not touch the unfortunate bird with your bare hand, arm yourself with household gloves.
  • If the dove fell and died on a balcony, loggia, or somehow managed to get into the ventilation, it is considered that it was almost in the living room, which means that the danger has come closer. In such a find, superstitious people see a symbol of illness, and it should not overtake the person who discovered the dying bird, but one of his relatives. And it is precisely this interpretation that is best taken seriously! It can be assumed that it was born after real cases of infection - after all, birds often serve as carriers of diseases. Nowadays, there is no longer any need to feel the same awe of viruses, but still bury the carcass that died, most likely without the participation of evil forces, wash the “scene of the incident” with a disinfectant and wipe your hands with alcohol.
  • A bird that flies into a house and dies there is considered a harbinger of a dark streak in life. Residents may be threatened with illness, problems in their personal lives, a decline in business... Or they may not be threatened, if you consider the incident an accident and do not get hung up on expecting troubles, then they will not come.

Wherever a dead dove is found, the find loses its status as a sign if there are cases of epidemic among birds in the city.

Interpretation according to circumstances

It is equally important why the bird died, whether it was an accident or an “intentional crime.”

Get hit by a car on the road

No one familiarized the pigeons with the traffic rules

Superstitious car enthusiasts are very afraid of meeting a peaceful bird. They say that the forces of light will definitely get even for the lost dove, and a minor road accident will inevitably be followed by a serious accident. Most likely, the sign came from the general belief “if you hit a bird, cat or dog - there will be an accident involving a person” and the attitude towards pigeons as heavenly messengers. But if you think about it, why would the forces of light punish you for an accident?

If the driver believes that he is somehow to blame for the death of the bird or is afraid of a bad omen, it is better to drive the car into the garage and let it sit for several days. And everyone copes with stress after an incident in their own way:

  • take the car to the wash;
  • consecrate the car;
  • sell.

Some believe that if, after the accident, you begin to regularly feed the flocks of pigeons that you come across along the way, the omen will be neutralized. Think about it for yourself! Even if we assume that the injured bird complained about you to one of his heavenly protectors, his well-fed friends will definitely persuade the bird to change its anger to mercy.


An offense inflicted on a bright bird is a grave sin.

The malicious killing of a dove was considered in all respects a vile sin. God's bird - one, a symbol of purity and innocence - two, a temporary refuge for souls who were released from the other world to see their relatives - three! Those who killed or offended harmless doves were rumored to be threatened with terrible punishments. And they had to hit not just one murderer, but a heavy burden fell on the entire family of the poor fellow.

What if the bird was killed by a cat?

Here bribes from you are fine. You are not responsible for the hunting instinct of animals, unless you personally set Barsik on the winged guest. And if the massacre took place in the apartment, and not outside the window, some even build a positive logical chain: a bird that flew into the home is considered a harbinger of sorrows - the cat killed the bird - the news did not reach. Take the carcass, take it out into the yard if the pigeon has already died, and pour milk for your protector.

Hunting trophies that a small predator drags into the house are also not a sign. What is natural is not a sign.

If the dove has not died yet

Is the bird showing signs of life? You have a wonderful chance to do a good deed and save yourself from mental torment!

If the pigeon was injured in an accident, crashed or injured, pick it up and try to help the dying person. Why? A good deed will definitely count towards you. But even if you believe in omens with all your heart, remain a little realistic. Remember that a pigeon picked up on the street without any visible injuries may turn out to be dangerously sick and must be handled with care. Place the patient in a cage or on a locked loggia, do not allow children to pet him or animals to smell him, and disinfect his hands. And then contact a specialist. Yes, a lot of fuss. But your help is even more valuable!

Alas, birds are fragile creatures. And street dwellers are exposed to dozens of dangers every minute! Cats, cars, polished window glass, diseases and even poison lie in wait for them everywhere. Before you worry about your find, assume for a moment that it means exactly what you see: the dove is dead. That's all. What happened may have nothing to do with you.

In the middle of the street, did a pigeon land on your head or in some other way distinguish you from a large crowd of people? It can be assumed that the inadequate bird simply turned out to be not “in itself” at that moment and lost its bearings.

In this topic:

But it cannot be denied that she was prompted to such behavior by some invisible force, which means that this event has some particularly exceptional meaning.

Symbol of chosenness and protection

Even the most ardent skeptics, who do not believe in magic or fairy tales, will not deny that the dove is a special, if not chosen, bird. According to legend, this is the only representative of the feathered brethren, into which neither sorcerers, nor evil spirits, nor otherworldly dark spirits are able to reincarnate.

And if pigeons land on a person, then this is a sign of being chosen. No, he clearly won’t have to become the next messiah or save the world. He simply has exceptionally bright positive qualities, and is practically incapable of evil.

Important: “Landing” of a dove on the head symbolizes the personal protection that a person receives from otherworldly forces.

There is, by the way, a very interesting opinion that a dove is a human soul, which once belonged to the individual it marked. Moreover, in many folk beliefs, the dove is a heavenly messenger and is able to warn a person about impending changes. But how to interpret these changes is a completely different question. After all, among them there are some good ones and some not so good ones.

The best choice

Lately you have been completely occupied with some problem, but just at the moment when you discovered something for yourself or made a decision, a dove flew overhead and pooped from above? Consider that you have received a rather ambiguous sign about the correctness of the choice made. After such an incident, there is no longer any doubt, but there is no need to hesitate. If you have decided, then act immediately!

For a long time, people versed in mysticism and everything otherworldly have noted that pigeons move in the air along special trajectories that carry life-giving force. If you encountered a dove or it literally flew into you, it means that you have chosen a very successful path in the material world.

To wealth

What is the most popular sign? A pigeon landed on your head and also took a shit at the same time - which means that a lot of money will unexpectedly roll in. Moreover, this will not be profit from the current business or the result of painstaking work.

Most likely, the funds will come in the form of winnings, a sudden bonus or an inheritance. In addition, this same sign indicates an intangible gain - the birth of a child, a new marital status, the acquisition of real estate or some large item.

Good news and bright changes

If a pigeon touches its head with its wing or poops on clothing or some part of the body, then this is fortunate. The sign promises truly shocking, but certainly pleasant news if the bird lands on its foot. If a dove touches your shoulder or knee, there will be joy.

By the way, it is believed that if a dove sits on a shoulder or nearby, then for a woman this is a sure sign of pregnancy. Although there is also a more negative belief on this score.

Confirmation required

If a pigeon sits next to a person, then there is a chance that he will die. But usually such categorical conclusions must be confirmed by signs of a similar nature. Pay attention to dreams and other signs. If nothing like this is observed, then there is no reason to worry.

It is best if the pigeon sat on your hand or shoulder and held something in its beak (straw, twig, leaf, etc.). This is a clear sign of great luck and absolute luck. After it, feel free to start making dreams come true that just yesterday seemed impossible.

Important: All of the above and many other signs apply to “wild” non-domestic pigeons. If you personally breed these birds, then the interpretation of the signs is almost meaningless.

Lots of pigeons

If one dove lands on your head, then it is obvious. But how to interpret a phenomenon in which an entire flock of pigeons showed an unambiguous interest in you?

  1. If, flying past, one bird from the flock touched you with its wing, then you can consider yourself a chosen person in some way. But only in the case when the flight of the flock was a complete surprise, and not a consequence of the fact that you deliberately scared them away. In this option, it is more appropriate to assume that the birds are clearly not happy with your behavior and are showing their indignation in such an unusual way.
  2. If a pigeon crashes into a person, then folk superstitions recommend that he give up air travel for a while. Yes, and on the ground you need to be careful.
  3. If pigeons fly overhead, practically touching with their paws, then get ready to receive such unexpected news that it will literally shock you.
  4. If a flock flying overhead craps on you in unison, then the realization that a huge profit will soon come your way will help correct your mood. The same sign indicates a new addition to the family.

Negative interpretations

As has already become clear, a dove can only land on the head of a good person, and all signs about a bird somehow marking another part of the body are almost always positive. However, sometimes they should be interpreted from a more negative point of view. In particular, this applies to the situation when a pigeon flies into the hood of a car.

In general, hitting any living creature with a car is bad. This is a sure omen that a person may be next, or a vehicle may become involved in a traffic accident.

However, in the case of transport, the sign about pigeons has a slightly different meaning. If a feathered messenger touched the body of a car with its wing, then this can be interpreted in different ways.

  • A dove can literally bless the path or warn that one cannot proceed further. Especially if the poor guy hit the windshield or hood. Remember what exactly you were thinking about at the moment when this happened and listen to your inner advisor. This will be the most correct answer, even if the folk superstition about pigeons states the opposite.
  • If a pigeon crashed into a car, then think carefully. Perhaps you have not treated someone very well lately, you have been “spreading rot” or, on the contrary, ignored someone. The heavenly messenger warns that with your attitude or behavior you are literally destroying another person, forcing him to suffer and do stupid things.

The worst thing is if you had to see and especially step on a dead pigeon. This is a clear indication that any of your plans will go to waste. In the coming period, it is better to give up various undertakings and use it to accumulate vitality.

In fact, Heaven sends every person a huge number of signs every day. Unfortunately, modern man is so divorced from the Universe that he does not perceive them at all, considering, for example, a banal accident.

That’s why sometimes signs take on such an ambiguous appearance that it is simply impossible to ignore them. If a dove lands on your head or shoulder, then it’s time to listen carefully to what the invisible but controlling forces are trying to tell you.

Signs about pigeons.

Back in Old Testament times, when the angry gods sent a curse to the earth in the form of a global flood, the lucky ones who survived in the ark released doves.

In gratitude for this, the faithful birds, after the end of the riot of the elements, returned to the ark in order to report this joyful news. Perhaps it was from that time, and maybe even earlier, that the dove was considered a symbol of new news.
But which ones? Let's try to figure it out.

A dove flew into the window

A dove flew into the window The sign is not clear.
But the fact that it carries some news is undeniable. We are not in a hurry to make hasty conclusions.
Let's take a closer look at the bird:

  • Restless movement of the messenger around the room, combined with hitting objects or walls - expect trouble. Someone around you will die
  • A friendly bird calmly moving around the house - expect a wedding or addition to the family
  • A dove smoothly circling around the room - the soul of a deceased loved one is sending a message and wants to convey some news. Think about it and hear this message internally

Video: If a pigeon flew into a window

A dove flew onto the balcony: a sign

Not necessarily any appearance of a bird is interpreted as some kind of news.

  • If a bird visited the balcony, do not expect any news
  • This could just be an everyday reason: the pigeon is hungry, cold, or looking for a place for its nest

A dove flew into the apartment, flew into the house or entered the house: sign

A dove flew into an apartment: a sign If all the windows are closed and a dove ends up in the apartment - big trouble. Unexpected death of very close people.

Sign - a dove hit the window and flew away

  • If a bird hits the window in the first half of the day, that’s good news. Most likely the next wedding
  • In the second - bad. Expect trouble. Possible death of loved ones

It is important how the pigeon behaves:

  • Friendly behavior of a bird always means good news
  • To the bad - it should not only hit, but also beat hard

Why does a dove sit on the windowsill, look in and knock on the window: a sign

A dove knocks on the window: a sign
  • Persistent tapping with beak and wings, in the absence of food - a big disaster in the house: fire, flood, theft
  • In addition, the presence of a sick person in the house at this time indicates his imminent death.
  • But again, if the bird has a twig or blade of grass in its beak, the interpretation changes to the opposite

A dove sat on the window: a sign

  • If the “bird of happiness” flies in or lands on the window without breaking the glass - good news from distant relatives
  • Broken glass - bad news from afar

Finding a dove feather: omen

  • A lucky find that will bring peace and prosperity
  • Good to use as a talisman at home or to put in your purse

Sign - a dove feather flew into the window

Special sign- sent in difficult moments of life.

  • Appears when someone is trying to harm you with the help of conspiracies and intrigues
  • Granted by guardian angels for protection
  • You should take this gift very seriously.

Pigeons have settled and built a nest on the balcony: sign

The pigeons have settled and built a nest on the balcony: sign If a pigeon has built a nest on the balcony - very good sign for all the inhabitants of this apartment.

  • Increased prosperity, addition to the family, protection from all troubles and misfortunes

To hit or run over a pigeon with a car: a sign

A very bad omen.

  • Serious accident warning
  • It is advisable to bless the car and not drive it for a while
  • At all categorical decryption-sell

A dove touched its head with its wing: a sign

A dove touched its head with its wing: a sign Positive sign.

  • The beginning of positive change
  • Material goods
  • Significant success in the personal sphere

A pigeon crashed into a man: sign

A pigeon crashed into a man: sign Great news promises this event.

  • Sign of fate
  • Do not miss your chance
  • No matter what you take on, good luck in everything

A dove sat on your hand: a sign

A dove sat on your hand: a sign of sudden financial improvement. Good luck in all your planned endeavors.

A white dove flew onto the balcony and flew into the yard: omen

A white dove flew onto the balcony
  • Discord and quarrels in the family will decline
  • Peace, harmony and understanding will reign in all aspects of family life
  • The best sign fate - after all, this white dove is such a rarity

Two pigeons sat on the windowsill and cooed: omen

Two pigeons sat on the windowsill and cooed: omen Common sign, talking about an imminent wedding in this house for the newlyweds.

  • For married couples - guarantees harmony and peace, financial well-being
  • They are a sign of protection of the owners from various troubles, poverty, damage, the evil eye and other troubles.

Pigeons bathing in a puddle: sign

  • In summer, it means drought will come soon, and there will be no rain for a long time
  • In spring - summer heat, drought
  • At the beginning of autumn, Indian summer will be warm and long
  • If they lightly touch a puddle and leave, rain and cold are expected for the next seven days

Video: Pigeons bathe in a snow puddle

A pigeon pooped on its head, on its shoulder: omen

A pigeon pooped on its shoulder: a sign The happiest omen. Great luck and success in literally everything.

  • An ideal occasion to implement new plans
  • That material desire that you were thinking about at the moment of what was happening will definitely come true in the most profitable way.

Dead dove on the balcony: omen

Bad sign. Even the most reliable plans will fail, and important matters will be delayed for a long time

Seeing a dead pigeon is a sign

  • You shouldn’t chalk it up to a pigeon lying on a road along which hundreds of other people will pass.
  • If a bird hits something in front of you and lies dead, or is found in the house, on the balcony, troubles will rain down from all sides.
  • A very difficult period of life lies ahead. But these are purely everyday problems or not very serious diseases
  • No major disaster or loss is expected

Brown, black dove: omen

Brown, black dove: a sign This color of the bird, with any negative interpretation, only enhances its meaning. In other cases, the bird seen does not carry a specific additional sign.

Dove on the roof of a house: a sign

  • If there is a girl of marriageable age in the house, for the wedding
  • Otherwise - a harbinger of death tenant of this house

Dove with a twig in its beak: sign
  • Wait for good news
  • Positive plans will come true soon
  • Even with any negative interpretation described, such a messenger only carries positive aspect

Wounded pigeon: omen

  • If the bird found is black - to a serious illness head of the family
  • White – neutralizes a negative prediction and simply has no interpretation

So what to do if bad changes promise?
It is advisable for a believer to visit church and light candles:

  • for health - alive
  • for the repose of deceased relatives and friends

For a non-believer, you can ask the grandmothers standing near the church to pray for you in the same way for those whom you write to them on a piece of paper. It is advisable to give them a donation.

Important: the dove is a sacred bird. You can't harm him, let alone kill him.

If he suddenly flew into the window and, according to a sign, bears bad news, carefully catch him with a towel or blanket, release him out the window, repeating three times:

“Take what you brought with you, take the bad news with you. I don’t need such news - don’t fly to this house again.”

Video: Signs about pigeons

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