Why do mice dream about Thursday? Seeing mice in a dream. What does it mean? English dream book: why do mice dream?

Interpretation of dreams in which a mouse is present.

Many people experience an unpleasant feeling if they suddenly dreamed of a mouse. A dream involving these small rodents makes you wonder if life has an unpleasant surprise in store. What does such a dream promise? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do you dream that you are bitten by a mouse?

Important: In real life, people do not like these rodents. They are associated with such qualities - dullness, sabotage, pettiness, cowardice. In addition, if there is a mouse in the house, the owners try by all means to get rid of it.

Because of these negative qualities, a dream involving mice does not promise a very pleasant near future.

A dream in which a mouse bites you can have several meanings:

  1. Your spouse cheated on you
    2. They want to take revenge on you for something
    3. Trouble at home
    4. If there are a lot of mice, they surround you from different sides, there will be troubles not only at home, but also at work
Almost always a mouse dreams of troubles and problems.

Important: When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account all the details. If the mouse only tried to bite you, but it didn’t succeed, the situation will turn out to be a good outcome for you. If the mouse does bite you, failure cannot be avoided. Notice how hard the mouse bites you.

Why do you dream of mice in large numbers?

  1. According to Nostrdamus's dream book, hordes of mice foreshadow a hunger strike, war, and disaster.
  2. However, there are also modern dream books in which rodents are not a bad omen. According to the 21st century dream book, a lot of mice means monetary profit. It's a bad sign if the mice are dead. This portends financial losses.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: many mice dream of disaster

Why do you dream of mice in the apartment?

  • If in a dream a mouse gets into your home, in reality the dream indicates illness.
  • If you see a mouse eating food in your house, take immediate care of your health.
  • If someone in your house is trying to eat you, this is a very bad sign and indicates a threat to life.
  • The mouse ran away and hid from you - a dubious victory. The rivals are hiding and preparing to strike again.

However, there is also a good interpretation of a dream where a mouse is in an apartment or house:

  • If a young girl catches mice, but does not take them with her hands, people will woo her.
  • You caught a mouse in a mousetrap - the fight with your opponent will turn into a victory for you.

Important: According to Vanga’s dream book, dreams with rodents indicate an increase in the price of food and essentials. Stock up on what you need in reality.

A mouse eats your food - a serious illness

Why do you dream of killing a mouse in a dream?

Modern dream books interpret a killed mouse in a dream as a victory over an opponent; favorable outcome of a difficult situation. If a mouse is caught in a mousetrap you set, you will cope with troubles thanks to courage and dexterity.

However, most other dream books agree that a killed mouse dreams of sadness.

Important: In the Mayan dream book you can read that a killed mouse is a sign that someone wishes you death. But this dream book also suggests protecting yourself: burn a rag at midnight, and in the morning do someone a good favor.

Killing a mouse in a dream means defeating a rival, enemy,

Why do you dream about little white mice?

Important: The color of rodents in a dream indicates the degree of danger of the ill-wisher in real life.

Thus, modern dream books indicate that a white mouse is a favorable sign. Expect support from people you know.

For a young girl to see a mouse on herself is bad. This is a harbinger of gossip, scandal. But if a white mouse sits on a girl, she should not be afraid. In reality, this girl expects matchmaking and a successful marriage.

A white mouse in a dream does not symbolize danger

Why do you dream about little black mice?

Black mice indicate someone's evil intentions. Be careful. Your opponent is dangerous and cunning. The bigger the mouse, the worse it is for you.

Dreaming of a black mouse - beware of an ill-wisher

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a gray mouse?

Important: Psychologists advise you to work on yourself if you suddenly dream about a gray mouse. Perhaps you feel like an “inconspicuous gray mouse” in reality.

Through a dream, your subconscious is trying to convey to you a signal that it is time to declare yourself. It's time to overcome your fears and concerns and come out of the shadows. Stop being a gray mouse.

Why do you dream about eating a mouse?

  • Eating a mouse in a dream is a bad sign. It promises danger.
  • If you see yourself feeding a mouse, be more lenient towards people who are weaker than you.

Why do you dream about bats?

Important: It would seem that there is nothing worse than seeing a mouse in a dream. But worse than an ordinary mouse can be a bat.

Interpretations of dreams with bats:

  • Seeing sleeping bats means you are in a bad situation, a bad time has come.
  • A bat walks over your body - you are at the edge of an abyss.
  • Feed a bat - avoid danger if you show great patience.
  • You were attacked by a pack - a threat to your life.
  • If you see an injured bat, don't walk alone late at night. It may also portend robbery and attack.

If you dream about a bat, your life is in danger

Bats that fly in a dream but do not touch you are not a harbinger of danger. This is the only action that has positive characteristics. So, if you see a bat flying, get ready in reality for your hopes to come true.

Why do you dream about a cat catching a mouse?

  • If a cat catches a mouse in a dream, it means unexpected profits.
  • If you are in the role of a mouse hiding from a cat, then you will be able to get around your opponent.

A cat caught a mouse in a dream - to receive money

It also doesn’t hurt to know some folk signs associated with these rodents. They will help you decipher your dreams:

  1. The mice ran away from the house - there was a fire
  2. Overpowered by a mouse - wait for a hunger strike
  3. A mouse gets caught in your bosom - great grief is coming
  4. Mice eat clothes - death

Believe it or not is your own business. Before you look for mysticism, remember that perhaps the day before you saw a real rodent on TV or in reality. Or there was a conversation on this topic with someone. In this case, the subconscious is simply scrolling through the facts of life; do not look for a catch in such a dream.

Video: Why do you dream about a mouse?

When we wonder what mice mean in dreams, dream books first of all suggest assessing whether they were funny or disgusting. Interpretations are very sensitive to the emotions experienced by the dreamer. The appearance of the animals and the events in the dream are also important - they help you understand what you need to prepare for.

Interpretations of dream books about troubles

Each interpreter, each ethnic or religious tradition puts a special, different meaning into dream images. There is unanimity in the interpretation of mice by dream books, although there are nuances. So why did they dream?

  • Miller - to troubles due to the dishonesty of colleagues.
  • Flowers - to the loss of a relative or a break in a relationship.
  • Vanga - to difficult times.
  • Freud - about how relationships with children will develop.
  • Gypsy dream book - to minor failures.
  • Islamic - a threat to health.
  • Muslim female - to someone’s dirty tricks in everyday life.

As you can see, most interpretations predict minor damage in one area or another. However, the most interesting thing lies in the details – the circumstances and events.

Mouse in a dream - Vanga’s warnings

Vanga's dream book interprets the dream as a serious threat to material wealth. From the point of view of the Bulgarian soothsayer, mice in a dream mean only losses in real life.

If you dreamed about them chewing furniture in an apartment or the house itself, then problems will arise in the family. If mice crushed paper money into dust, then the general financial crisis will affect the dreamer.

Although rodents in the dream book embody the image of intruders, sometimes a person is his own enemy. A flock of mice found running around in the basement or under the roof represents wastefulness, which inevitably leads to debt. It is necessary to moderate expenses, and it is better to refuse spontaneous purchases once and for all.

Miller: to kill is to win

Remember if a mouse scared you, and were you able to deal with it in a dream? It is important! If a woman shakes her off her dress in horror, she will soon become a victim of a scandal. If an animal gets tangled in her hair, this means inevitable trouble.

Why do you dream of catching and killing a small creature? In the upcoming conflict in reality, it will be possible to gain the upper hand. However, if she was caught, but she still ran away, the dream book predicts defeat.

Dead mice: massacre and its meaning

A dead mouse is safer than a live one. You can deal with hordes of rodents or with an individual in different ways, and in a dream - even fantastic. Why do you dream about the details of killing pests?

  1. Choke - pin the enemy against the wall.
  2. Crush - get into trouble.
  3. Destroy by catching in a mousetrap - get ahead of the enemy.
  4. Seeing a cat attack and eat means getting secrets.
  5. The cat brought a dead one - prepare for danger.
  6. There is only one tail left from the body - to survive the black streak.
  7. After the cat's meal, two ears remain - a sign of an affair.
  8. Drowning newborn mice means learning about your opponent.

Why do voracious thieves dream?

What does it mean to witness a mouse feast? The interpretation of the dream book depends on the extent of the damage and the degree of grief.

Petty hooligans

In the event that a mouse running past steals a cracker, the person receives a warning about road accidents; if a mouse stole the steering wheel, he will experience awkwardness on a date.

In the East, it is believed that mice eat away at your health if they gnaw something in the house - it doesn’t matter whether it concerns food or spoiled things. They gnawed and ran away - the damage will be minimal. I had to drive him away - to the infirmary in the house.

Formal robbery

If in a dream you happen to grieve over a grass injury, it means that family members are threatened by illness. To neutralize a bad feeling, sometimes it is enough to take care during a flu epidemic.

Why dream of watching animals destroy supplies? An invasion of mice in the basement predicts a real financial disaster. It is characteristic that interpreters associate it not with accidents, but with a crisis.


Dream books interpret attempts to feed uninvited guests as a harbinger of difficult trials - you will have to show self-control in order to get out of them without damage.

If in a dream a person himself gave something to a running mouse to eat, then he definitely will not regret it. His kindness will turn into someone’s support in reality. Of course, this will be preceded by some difficulties, but they will go away, but reliable friends will remain.

If you dreamed about pets, does that mean you are a coward?

People generally dislike rodents, but love domestic white mice. Seeing them in a cage is a good sign; dream books believe that the dreamer will be able to “resolve” difficult situations. But if they run away, beware of being stabbed in the back.

The mouse personifies the worst character traits: cowardice and pettiness. Stroking a pet in a dream means self-indulgence.

If you saw fresh water being poured into the feeder, then someone is manipulating your fears to achieve their goals. Why dream that a pet eats unpleasant food, for example, worms or insects: dream books interpret a disgusting meal as a symbol of primitive needs.

Is the female giving birth? Hearing a loud brood squeak is the same as receiving a signal about a hidden threat.

Seeing a vole in a dream - to your betrothed

Not all mice are created equal. Seeing a small vole in a dream - a brown mouse with a black stripe along its back - is a great success, especially for young ladies. The Enigma dream book believes that the dream prophesies a meeting with the betrothed.

The pleasant meaning of the dream is explained by the beautiful color: shades of yellow are usually favorable. In addition, the cute fluffy animal does not inspire disgust, which means it is much safer in terms of predicting the future than gray domestic rodents.

A huge, fat, fat vole is the personification of a chance to connect one’s fate with a wealthy gentleman. Why do you dream that she bit a girl: the meaning of the incident is the groom’s claims about her behavior.

Flying brothers

The bat symbolizes the enemy. If it flies not in twilight or pitch darkness, but in bright daylight, then the machinations of the ill-wisher will not achieve their goal. If she is sleeping, rely on your intuition. Hunts insects - you don’t need to be afraid of anything at all, the stars are favorable to you.

Needless to say, for many of us mice, and especially bats, cause, to put it mildly, unpleasant sensations. And if we see a mouse in a dream, then, as a rule, we are preparing for trouble in advance. Meanwhile, if we turn to various dream books, we will see many interpretations of such a dream, and not always negative. Indeed, in many sayings and fairy tales, the mouse symbolizes dexterity and ingenuity. Let's try to figure out why the mouse dreams?

Dreams, as you know, are sent to us by our subconscious. Many interpreters tend to interpret depending on a person’s attitude towards these creatures in real life. So, if you treat mice as weak and harmless creatures, then such a dream does not bode well for you. And if the mere mention of these rodents terrifies you, then perhaps, with the help of images in your dreams, your subconscious is trying to warn you about future problems.

For example, some dream books give rather optimistic answers to the question “why do you dream about a mouse?” A dream about a small animal may indicate your sentimental attitude towards someone you know. In addition, such a dream can promise reality, good luck and happiness. Seeing a white mouse is also considered a favorable symbol. For a woman, catching a mouse in a dream means experiencing satisfaction from passion or winning a victory over a rival. If the mouse is sleeping in your dream, it means that in reality you should not worry about your children - in the near future nothing threatens their health and peace of mind. Watching a cat chase a mouse means avoiding trouble in reality.

But, in most cases, many of us tend to judge what a mouse means in dreams based on common folk superstitions. Probably everyone is familiar with the saying that mice overcome hunger. There is also a widespread belief that if a mouse gets into your bosom, you will be in trouble, and if it gnaws your clothes, it will lead to death. What do dream books say about this? Indeed, many dream books interpret dreams in which we see mice as an unfavorable sign. In most cases, mice in a dream speak of hidden enemies, minor troubles and domestic problems, in particular, the insincerity of loved ones.

If you try to catch a mouse in a dream, you will find yourself in a stupid position; if you let it run away, there will be a struggle, and success will be variable. Killing a mouse in a dream means that in reality you will most likely defeat your enemies. If a woman dreams that she has a mouse on her dress, a scandal cannot be avoided. If a mouse gets close to your feet in a dream, expect prices to rise soon. By the way, hordes of mice can also portend famine or war. And what does it say for good or ill? It turns out that seeing a dead mouse means possible financial difficulties. However, many interpretations regarding what a mouse dreams about , come down to unresolved problems in life or to past experiences that thus remind of themselves.


Many people are concerned about why to see in a dream, because such a dream can undoubtedly frighten. Meanwhile, in most cases, the dream does not predict anything terrible. A bat that hunts for insects is a dream of happiness, and sometimes of profit. In addition, such a dream promises you the respect of others. The dream book advises someone who saw a bat in a dream to learn to adapt to circumstances in real life. This will help avoid many problems. If you watch a mouse fly in a dream, then in reality some old dream will come true, or, contrary to all forecasts, the thing you are worried about will end successfully. You may also rejoice at the failures of an old enemy.

But seeing a wounded bat is a sign of danger that may lurk in the dark. Many dream interpreters believe that a bat symbolizes enemies or unseen danger. Seeing her in motion is bad news, and if she is sleeping, then the dream means that your intuition will help you find a way out of a confusing situation. If you killed a bat in a dream, this means recovery from a serious illness and deliverance from danger.

Why do you dream about a lot of mice? In a dream, this is not the most positive sign. It can warn of hunger, loss, danger and even war. Look for a more accurate interpretation in popular dream books and specific examples of interpretation of a dream image.

Prediction from Miller's dream book

Have you seen a lot of mice? You are destined for domestic troubles and misunderstandings. In addition, all business will decline.

If a young lady dreams of such an image, then she has envious people and rivals. If mice crawl onto your clothes, then in reality you will become the instigator of a huge scandal.

Opinion of the English dream book

Did a lot of mice appear in your dream? The interpreter suspects that unkind people will interfere in your life or affairs. The same image promises defeat in business and lack of money. A lot of mice is sometimes a sign of an unhappy marriage in the future.

The 21st century dream book warns

Have you seen a lot of small and funny mice? Successfully cope with obstacles in business, and joy will come to your home. There were a lot of mice in your dream and you decided to set up a mousetrap? The dream book warns: carefully monitor your behavior and do not give others a reason for slander.

Why do you dream about a lot of bats? You are threatened by burglary, long-term depression and bad news. If they fly around, you will rejoice at your competitor’s failure. Were you lucky enough to kill a lot of bats in your dream? In the rally you will be able to avoid mortal danger. This same dream action guarantees recovery.

The dream book tells from A to Z

Why do you dream about a lot of mice running around the room? You will be invited to a wedding soon. Chasing mice yourself is a sign of matchmaking or a marriage proposal. Did you manage to kill mice in your sleep? A sad event will happen in the house. It's good to see a lot of mice that have climbed onto the table and are cheekily eating food. This means that your life will be prosperous and comfortable.

Did you dream about a lot of white mice? The interpreter is sure: the strength of family ties is reflected in this way. But if you happen to hear squeaking, scratching or loud rustling, then be prepared for theft or robbery. If there are a lot of ordinary mice that have gathered in the basement, it warns of hard times and lack of money.

Nostradamus's dream book answers

Did you dream about a lot of mice? War, famine and widespread pestilence are coming. Dead mice signify material difficulties. Why do you dream if a lot of bats attacked? You have to face real Evil.

What does the modern combined dream book think?

Why do you dream about a lot of mice? Very soon you will know the identity of the person spreading the outrageous rumors. The dream book advises a young girl to worry about her reputation. Did you dream that you were trampling and crushing mice? In reality, you will outperform your competitors. If in a dream the presence of a mouse neighborhood did not particularly bother you, then you will receive a serious monetary profit.

Why do you dream about a lot of mice in the house or on the street?

Most often, a large number of mice in the house hints at domestic or work troubles. In addition, rodents symbolize the insidious plans of others and the unworthy thoughts of the dreamer himself. Did you dream that when you saw mice you experienced wild horror and panic? In reality, something will happen that will lead to extreme confusion. If meeting mice in the house or on the street did not become a terrible surprise, then you will receive profit, joy and happiness.

Many mice in a dream - a few examples

The interpretation of the plot directly depends on the sensations experienced in the dream, as well as the dream atmosphere and, of course, the appearance of the mice and the personal actions of the dreamer.

  • a lot of white mice - improving the situation
  • gray - troubles, losses
  • black - danger, disease
  • field - minor chores
  • domestic - family squabbles
  • catch – matchmaking, search
  • running after them - beginnings, successful plans
  • catch - complete satisfaction
  • there is danger, illness
  • kill - sadness, bad news

Did you dream that you managed to drive out a lot of mice from your house? In fact, you will get rid of a whole series of problems.

Dreams about mice are interpreted differently by most dream books. If we focus on an unfavorable interpretation, then quarrels, unpleasant chores, mutual hostility - these are some of the things that the dreamer can expect after waking up. However, other interpreters give the opposite meaning to the dream. Why do you dream about a gray mouse?

Why do you dream about a gray mouse according to the family dream book?

Dreams about mice mean hostile relationships, especially between people living with the dreamer in the same house. Another interpretation of the dream is difficult times that will soon come. If there were a lot of mice, then the period of failure and lack of money would last a long time.

After waking up, a person should take a closer look at his immediate surroundings. Someone close to you harbors a grudge and is trying to harm you.

In some cases, a dream about a gray mouse means the loss of a loved one, a good friend.

Catching mice in a dream is a hint from the subconscious that you shouldn’t sit idly by. The dreamer has plans, and in order for them to come true, he will have to make an effort: work, run, and a lot. Sometimes a dream predicts that the dreamer will be able to take revenge for betrayal and treason.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse that the dreamer is running after? This is a sure sign of matchmaking or courtship.

Hearing a mouse squeak means that the dreamer should be careful and not talk too much. Otherwise, envious people will try to do harm and achieve success. In some cases, a mouse squeak symbolizes theft and warns about it.

Killing a gray mouse means sadness. Seeing her (or several mice) eating supplies is a harbinger that the dreamer will soon have a parasite(s).

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book interprets dreams about mice in general and about a gray mouse in particular unfavorably. The dream means that in real life the dreamer is dissatisfied with his marriage and strives to find a way out of the current situation, but to no avail.

The dream can also mean secret ill-wishers who are aimed at destroying the dreamer's marriage or relationship. There is another interpretation of the dream. If the dreamer has his own children, then the dream means difficulties in raising them.

A gray mouse can warn of poverty associated with an unsuccessful marriage. Perhaps this is the reason for dissatisfaction with your spouse.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to Loff’s dream book?

The dream book warns: a mouse with gray fur in a dream is an unkind, envious and very cunning person. An ill-wisher is spreading gossip, perhaps weaving intrigues.

This man's innocent appearance and his social insignificance should not be confusing. Hidden behind the inconspicuousness is a dirty gossip who can seriously damage one's reputation and ruin the favorable course of one's life.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to Miller’s dream book?

According to the interpretation of this dream book, gray mice in a dream are harbingers of minor quarrels, troubles, and minor everyday problems.

For a young girl, a dream about a gray mouse sitting on a dress or skirt foreshadows a scandal. A person who has been plotting for a long time and waiting for an opportunity will start a quarrel and gain the upper hand.

Why do you dream about a gray mouse? This may be a reflection of mental stress, accumulated fatigue, dissatisfaction with one’s position in society. If a person feels unhappy, sick, empty, then a dream about a mouse is a symbolic reflection of this state.

The symbolic appearance of a gray mouse in a dream may hide the insincerity of friends, troubles in business, or domestic troubles. If the dreamer killed a rodent, then in reality he will defeat his enemies and be able to correct the situation. If the mouse runs away, then the opponent or opponent has every chance of winning.

If the dreamer saw a gray mouse in bed, then his spouse or lover has a secret. A dead rodent dreams of a family quarrel.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to Vanga’s dream book?

According to the interpretation of this dream book, a gray mouse is an unfavorable sign. Seeing a rodent close means rising prices for food and basic necessities. The appearance of a field mouse in a dream foreshadows a quick acquaintance with an inconspicuous, seemingly timid person, who in reality will turn out to be very crafty and grasping.

However, the dream book also gives another interpretation of the dream. If the rodent sleeps peacefully, then in reality everything in the dreamer’s life is calm. People who have children may not worry about them. Everything will be fine in the life of the heirs: there will be no quarrels, there will be no offenders or bad jokes.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to Hasse’s dream book?

According to Hasse’s dream book, a gray mouse represents enemies, obvious or hidden enemies. How the dreamer dealt with the rodent determines how the conflict or confrontation will end in reality.

A dream in which a person managed to kill or catch a mouse is favorable. After awakening, he has every chance to defeat his enemies and recapture what he wants from his competitors.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to the combined dream book?

If a gray mouse behaves freely in the dreamer's house, this is a bad sign. Trouble is on the doorstep. It is especially bad to have a dream in which a gray mouse gnaws the dreamer’s food. Such a dream could be a harbinger of unexpected death.

Why does a young girl dream of a gray mouse? To matchmaking. If the groom delays the wedding for too long, then after such a dream events will begin to develop rapidly.

A young woman dreams of catching a mouse as a harbinger of pregnancy. All other dreamers can safely begin any business after waking up: they will definitely turn out to be successful.

Catching a gray mouse in a mousetrap is a favorable sign. The dream means that in reality the dreamer will come out of any situation with honor thanks to his insight, dexterity, and intelligence.

A dream in which a mouse is caught by hand is not good. In real life, the matter could end in disgrace. The dreamer will become the subject of condemnation and ridicule, as he will find himself in a stupid position and will not be able to correct anything.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse biting the dreamer? To the hypocrisy and treachery of a loved one. If a young girl has a dream, she should be wary of treachery and cruelty on the part of her lover.

If the mouse runs away, then in reality enemies and competitors will retreat, and the battlefield or leadership will remain with the dreamer. A dream in which the dreamer caught and ate a gray mouse has a similar meaning.

A dream in which the dreamer feeds a mouse has an unfavorable meaning. An unpleasant surprise awaits him. To cope with it, you will need the help of close people - friends or relatives.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse according to the modern dream book?

If you dreamed of a gray mouse, then the dreamer experiences strong fear or is trying to attract the attention of another person. Often such a dream comes to insecure people who feel too insignificant in real life.

If gray mice run around the dreamer’s apartment, then he will soon be invited to a wedding. If the dreamer himself runs after gray rodents, then he himself will soon woo or hear the proposal. A joyful event will happen almost immediately after awakening. In addition, a dream can simply mean pleasant news, the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Why do you dream of a gray mouse killed by the dreamer? To victory over enemies. There is nothing more to worry about: there will be no obstacles in business or failure of plans. Problems will be resolved, enemies will disappear from life.

Seeing a gray mouse in a mousetrap in a dream is an unfavorable dream. It means that in real life a person has started a very difficult business. You will have to work hard to complete it the way you want and as your boss or partner expects. Courage and determination will help.

If a gray mouse sleeps peacefully, this portends the resolution of problems. Family relationships will remain as warm and trusting. There is no reason to worry about the strength of the family union. If the dreamer feeds a mouse in a dream, then in reality he is too harsh with his household.

Seeing a huge mouse with gray fur in a dream and being afraid of it is a bad sign. After waking up, you need to pay attention to every little thing to try to prevent negative events. This could be either a major quarrel, fraught with loss of business reputation and money, or unfair competition.

The dream about a dead gray mouse is also poorly interpreted. It is especially unfavorable to see the studied corpse of an animal. Symbolic enemies dream of doing the same to the dreamer.

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Interpretation of dreams in which a mouse is present. Many people experience an unpleasant feeling if they suddenly dreamed of a mouse. A dream involving these small rodents makes you wonder if life has an unpleasant surprise in store. What does such a dream promise?