Characteristics of OSB (OSB) boards, advantages and disadvantages of oriented strand boards. OSB board - characteristics, dimensions, application Chip sheet

During the period of renovation and construction boom, modern technologies and materials receive increased attention. Thus, oriented strand board (OSB), in the English version - OSB (oriented strand board), is of serious interest.

It is a multi-layer sheet, which consists of more than 90% wood chips. Resins containing boric acid and synthetic wax are used as glue. OSB is an almost universal board

How to make

For the production of OSB, thin-sized coniferous wood is needed. Large shavings and wood chips are glued together using various resins at high temperatures. By the way, OSB is visually easy to distinguish from other building materials precisely because of the large and long shavings, which are strictly oriented in different parts of the slab. In the outer layers it is located longitudinally, and inside the slab - transversely.

The high quality of this compound is ensured by synthetic wax, and the ideal protective characteristics are provided by boric acid salts. OSB boards do not have defects characteristic of wood products: voids, air pockets from knots, etc. Everything here is strong and reliable.

Classes according to STB EN 300

In accordance with the requirements of STB EN 300, there are four classes of OSB boards:

    OSB-1- general purpose boards used in furniture production when used in dry conditions (non-moisture resistant boards);

    OSB-2- general purpose boards used in load-bearing panels under temperature and humidity conditions corresponding to service class 1 established in TKP EN 1995-1-1. Increased mechanical strength and low moisture resistance;

    OSB-3- slabs of load-bearing frame panels for wet environments under temperature and humidity conditions corresponding to service classes 1 and 2 established in TKP EN 1995-1-1. High mechanical strength and resistance to moisture;

    OSB-4- slabs of load-bearing frame panels for harsh operating conditions under temperature and humidity conditions corresponding to service classes 1 and 2 established in TKP EN 1995-1-1.

Moisture resistance and moisture permeability of OSB boards

Yesterday and today

The first OSB board was manufactured more than thirty years ago in Canada, and then began to be produced in the Soviet Union. At one of the Belarusian enterprises, a workshop was built that launched serial production of oriented strand boards.

Today, the main OSB production facilities are located in Canada and the USA. Among European exporters, Austria, Germany and Latvia are considered the largest.

The slabs are also produced in the Middle Kingdom. However, the quality of Chinese OSB is significantly inferior to both American and European models. The reason is that the Chinese use poplar for the production of slabs, which is inferior in its characteristics to coniferous species.

In recent years, OSB production has been established in Russia.

A special line has come into operation at the Novovyatsky ski plant in Kirov, where OSB boards have been produced since October 2012. In June 2013, the first large plant in Russia for the production of OSB boards was officially opened by DOK Kalevala. After the commissioning of the second stage, the plant’s capacity increased to 600 thousand m 3 of products per year.

For many Russian consumers, such facts inspire optimism, since domestic products are cheaper and are practically not inferior in quality to well-known brands. Among those that are popular today in Russia: Georgia Pacific, Glunz, Ainsworth, LP, Kronospan and others.

Resins and final product quality

Resins play an important role in the manufacturing process of OSB boards. The quality of the final product depends on how correctly the brand of resin is selected and integrated into the technology.

Various types of resins are used for the outer and inner layers of the board. Their concentration ranges from 11 to 15% of the total mass.

One of the serious problems is the high toxicity of resins. Unfortunately, they emit harmful components into the atmosphere such as formaldehyde, methanol, and phenol.

Main dimensions of OSB sheet

As a rule, OSB board consists of three or four layers, two of which are external. Modern technologies make it possible to produce slabs of almost any size, but in practice the following standards are mainly used:

OSB VS Chipboard

OSB boards were created primarily in order to compete with chipboards (chipboards) as a more modern and high-quality product. And we managed to achieve this. OSB has physical and mechanical characteristics that are almost three times higher than those of wood-shaving structures.

Table of evaluation characteristics of wood-based panels

OSB Hardwood plywood Softwood plywood MDF ChipboardOverall assessment of useful qualities 47 36 39 29 30Average cost of 1 m 2 / rub. 143 110 135 144 87
Appearance (decorative qualities) 5 3 3 3 3
Elasticity indicators 5 4 4 2 2
Flexural strength 4 4 4 2 1
Recommendations for use for outdoor work 4 2 3 1 1
Dimensional stability (length, width, sheet thickness) 5 3,5 3,5 2 2
Average? weight 1 m3 3 3 4 2 1
Fastening with nails (force depending on wood density) 3 4 4 2 4
Screw fastening strength 5 3 3 3 3
Ease of use with hand and power tools 5 4 3 3 4
Presence of external and internal defects (delamination, knots, voids) 5 3,5 3,5 5 5
Can be used for painting (varnish, plaster) – with pre-treatment 3 4 4 4 4

Advantages and disadvantages

Among others positive properties of OSB relate:

    Uniformity of the structure and its high strength.

    Moisture resistance, due to which the oriented strand board does not lose its properties even after being in water for a day.

    OSB boards are very easy to process, glue and paint.

    They hold screws and nails securely.

    Various defects (voids, delaminations, knots) are practically never encountered.

    OSB boards cannot be damaged by insects.

The undoubted advantages of this material include its low price, attractive wood-like appearance, and relatively light weight of the slab. This is especially important when working at height: you can do without cranes, blocks and scaffolding.

OSB boards have few disadvantages, although there is one significant one, which has already been mentioned - the high content of formaldehyde and other toxic materials in some brands of products. For this reason, the USSR Ministry of Health at one time banned the production of slabs on the territory of the state. But this is already a fact of history.

Mechanical properties according to EN 300 standard

from 6 to 10 > 10 and< 18 18 to 25 from 6 to 10 > 10 and< 18 18 to 25 from 6 to 10 > 10 and< 18 18 to 25 from 6 to 10 > 10 and< 18 18 до 25 from 6 to 10 > 10 and< 18 18 to 25
slabs, mm
Bending strength – main axis, N/mm 2 EN 31020 22 22 30
18 20 20 28
16 18 18 26
Bending strength – lateral axis, N/mm 2 EN 31010 11 11 16 9 10 10 15 8 9 9 14
Modulus of elasticity – main axis, N/mm 2 EN 3102500 3500 3500 4800
Modulus of elasticity – lateral axis, N/mm 2 EN 3101200 1400 1400 1900
Resistance to stretching perpendicularly
to the plane of the slab, N/mm 2
EN 3190,30 0,34 0,34 0,50
0,28 0,32 0,32 0,45
0,26 0,30 0,30 0,40

Scope of application of the material

Thanks to their universal properties, OSB boards are widely used in construction.

1. Wall covering. OSB can be successfully combined with other facing materials, creating beautiful compositions.

2. Removable formwork for concreting. The strength of the slab allows it to be used repeatedly even in rough construction work.

3. Full roof sheathing. OSB is often used as a basis for roofing materials (tiles, slate, etc.). Important factors here are the high sound insulation of the slab, its rigidity, and the ability to withstand high natural loads: wind, rain, snow, sudden temperature changes.

4. Subfloor - as the main flooring and joist.

5. Single-layer flooring in lightweight building structures.

6. I-beams. In wooden houses they serve as support between floors and walls.

7. SIP panels are made from OSB boards, which consist of two outer layers of oriented strand board and an inner layer of expanded polystyrene.

8. You can use the slab as a rigid base for making a thermal panel.

9. OSB is an excellent material for high-quality packaging: containers, boxes, boxes and other containers.

OSB (OSB in transliteration) or OSB sheets are in demand in rough repair and construction work. To obtain a non-trivial result, they are occasionally used in fine finishing. What stops people? First of all, rumors that OSB boards are harmful to health. Let's try to figure out how dangerous they are for humans.

Brief characteristics of OSB

Oriented strand boards are a construction and finishing material, 86-90% consisting of large finely planed wood chips up to 25 cm long and chips no more than 4 mm thick. The remainder of the total mass is thermosetting synthetic resins, special additives and additives.

Manufacturers offer 4 types of slabs for different purposes:

  • OSB-1 – thin sheets intended for packaging, manufacturing of furniture blanks, temporary structures, etc.
  • OSB-2 - used in rooms with normal humidity (no more than 60%). Areas of application: internal rough work, including leveling floors, walls, ceilings and primary cladding (utility boxes, under-roof cladding in warm attics, SIP panels, etc.).
  • OSB-3 is a moisture-resistant board that can be used both outside and indoors (in the bathroom, kitchen, sauna, laundry room, etc.). Can be used as a leveling layer for exterior finishing under plaster, thermal panels, facing clinker slabs or brick, siding and other types of suspended facades
  • OSB-4 – reinforced high-density boards used to form load-bearing structures.

Basic physical and technical characteristics of OSB are given in the table below:

We also note as a plus the low coefficient of change in geometric dimensions due to changes in temperature and humidity. Thanks to this characteristic, the material can be installed with minimal gaps around the perimeter of the room.

Now let's look at the disadvantages of OSB:

  • High percentage of slabs swelling upon direct contact with water. This figure for sheets from some manufacturers reaches 25%;
  • Difficulties with laying communications and replacing insulation under installed OSB sheets;
  • Combustible and therefore fire hazardous material. The risk of fire is slightly reduced when treated with fire retardants (Rogneda, Novbytkhim);
  • Susceptible to biodestruction. Mold, mildew, rodents and bugs pose a risk to stoves;
  • High price. OSB from well-known manufacturers (Egger, Glunz) costs 30-60% more than gypsum board or chipboard of similar dimensions.

The disadvantages of the material are not limited to this list. According to marketing research, potential buyers consider the harm of these stoves to human health to be the biggest drawback. The main criterion here is the concept of “environmental friendliness”. Let's take a closer look.

OSB sheets - harm or benefit?

An environmentally friendly product is a product that, according to research, does not cause harm to the environment and users. In relation to OSB, formaldehyde, phenol and methanol fumes can cause the greatest harm to people. Where do they come from?

The thing is that synthetic resins such as phenol-formaldehyde, urea-formaldehyde, melamine-formaldehyde and many others are used as a binder.

The advantages of polymer binders make it possible to produce inexpensive, high-strength products. But the disadvantages of their use are so significant that they repel potential buyers. This is, first of all, their toxicity both before hardening and after.

Poisonous flammable gases such as formaldehyde, phenol, benzene, methanol and others are released. They are allergenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic substances, causing skin diseases, as well as diseases of internal organs, including the reproductive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and eyes.

Although many GOSTs and SNiPs have been canceled or seriously revised towards softening, some construction and finishing materials must still undergo sanitary and hygienic examination. Based on the results, a certificate or conclusion is issued for each batch. The document specifies the test methodology, maximum limits (MPC) and the results obtained. They can be used to judge how harmful a particular product is.

In the Russian Federation today it is customary to label OSB and its analogues according to the European standard DIN EN120, which determines the emission class of formaldehyde and some other toxic substances:

  • E3 – up to 30 mg per 100 g of dry matter;
  • E2 – 10-20 mg;
  • E1 – up to 10 mg;
  • E0 – up to 6.5 mg.

As an example, let us give the maximum permissible concentration for formaldehyde in atmospheric air - 0.003 mg/m 3, and in domestic water - no more than 0.05 mg/l.

In accordance with this classification, class E0-E1 OSB is produced by such giants as Glunz (Germany), Norbord (Canada),Egger(Austria). The harm is minimal, and the advantages are obvious, so they are recommended for use inside residential premises with subsequent cladding (including children's rooms, hospitals).

Products marked E2-E3 (Kronospan, Kronopol) can only be used for external work, including under-roof cladding of non-residential attics, load-bearing structures in temporary sheds, etc.

Serious manufacturers, as a rule, are willing to provide their products for additional voluntary inspections. Thus, the Austrian company Egger periodically receives a Blue Angel certificate, confirming the environmental friendliness of its products.

Unfortunately, it is a rare Russian plant that can boast that its products have been tested for harmfulness and meet the high standards of the DIN EN120 standard. Many manufacturers' OSB does not pass inspections. The Federal State Health Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology” some time ago published data from an independent examination of OSB boards (manufactured in the Russian Federation): the formaldehyde content in the surrounding air at +20 ° C is 0.067 mg/m 3, that is, 22 times higher than the norm MPC.

If you are going to buy OSB, you can determine the harm of the product:

  1. Pay attention to the smell of the sheets. Toxic fumes give off the characteristic pungent “aroma” of formaldehyde or cheap plastic.
  2. Ask the seller for copies of certificates certified by the blue seal of the supplier or directly from the manufacturer.
  3. If possible, inspect the packaging. Large factories mark it and additionally complete it with inserts with basic information.

Don’t skimp on your health - to minimize harm, choose products labeled E0-E1 from trusted manufacturers.

The abbreviation OSB stands for Oriented Strand Board. This is a rectangular building material of a certain size, which is made by pressing wood chips together, which are unnecessary in the production of other building materials. The length of the chips in OSB can be 5-15 cm, and their thickness can be up to 3 mm. The cost of such material is low due to the fact that it is made from waste from the woodworking industry, which no one needs. The main feature of the material is that it has both high strength and excellent flexibility. This advantage is justified by the longitudinal arrangement of chips in several layers, which go in different directions. The two outer layers have a horizontal direction vector, and the inner one is located at right angles to them. The adhesive in the material is a special glue, which consists only of natural ingredients: wax and astringent waterproof resin. The internal part of the OSB board is treated with relatively inexpensive resins, but for the external part a higher quality substance is used to improve the strength characteristics of the material.

Is there a difference between the concepts OSB, OSB and OSB?

To clearly see the situation, it should be explained that you can see all three names in hardware stores. But are they different? Absolutely not, these are different variations of the name of the same material. OSB is the name of the import, which in English translates as “core strand board”, or OSB. The abbreviation OSB is simply a variant of Russian transcription.

What sizes are there?

At the moment, the construction market can offer such variations of slabs. In length they can be: 2440 and 2500 mm. Width: 1220 and 1250 mm. Thickness: 8,9,12,15,18,22 mm. There are certain standards that set limits on the size of the material. For example, the error between width and length should not be more than 3 mm. Also in the EN 324-1 and EN 324-2 standards there are restrictions on the moisture content of the material, which should not exceed 12 percent. In our store you can order OSB boards of absolutely any size; we always have them in stock. We offer both retail and wholesale purchases to order, with delivery and payment on site.

Types of OSB boards

At the moment, the construction market has at its disposal 4 main types of strand boards:

  1. OSB-1 is a material for various types of work, but it can only be used inside dry rooms. The main disadvantage of this material is its poor tolerance to high humidity, as well as its relatively low strength. It is perfect for temporary structures, as well as for cheap rough work. It can also be produced under the name “OSB construction”, it is available.
  2. OSB-2 is a material that already has much better strength than 1, but at the same time its resistance to moisture remains just as low. In a dry room it can be used as a load-bearing material.
  3. OSB-3 is one of the most popular materials at the moment. It has excellent strength and density, as well as good moisture resistance. Can be used in a wide range of jobs in rooms where humidity is high a couple of times a year, always available.
  4. OSB-4 is an ultra-resistant material. Excellent strength and moisture protection. Can be used in rooms with constant humidity. Unfortunately, in our country this material is very rare due to its very high cost.

From this classification it can be concluded that the two main factors that affect both quality and price are moisture resistance and strength. The higher the marking of the slab, the better quality it is. It is also worth noting that as the quality of the slab increases, so does the aesthetics of its appearance. Nowadays, OSB boards are actively produced that have both or one surface varnished and laminated; sometimes they are called polished OSB, comparing the smoothness of the surface.

Features of OSB markings

You need to remember that under no circumstances should you buy slabs without specific markings. This indicates a very low quality product. On each sheet of OSB, as well as on the packaging as a whole, the main characteristics of the material must be indicated. You can find there:

  1. Brand (mentioned above).
  2. Emission class.
  3. Material size.
  4. The standard used by the manufacturer.
  5. The very name of the brand and place of production.
  6. Certified marks.
  7. Date of manufacture.

For a simple buyer, the most important marker will be the brand of the product. The price of the product directly depends on this. The second most important factor for a material is the emission class, which reflects how high a percentage of formaldehyde is contained in the adhesive of the material. Foreign testing centers conducted a lot of research and identified the following main classes:

  1. E1 - per 100 grams of adhesive there are 8 mg of formaldehyde. This is the safest option to use. Can be used for interior finishing work, as well as even for furniture production.
  2. E2 - 8-30 mg of formaldehyde per 100 grams. This material is not intended for people to be around it all the time. Can only be used in rooms with good ventilation, for technical purposes or outdoors without restrictions.

Advantages and disadvantages of OSB boards

Orientated strand boards are a very popular building material, and it’s not just like that. Although OSB has an affordable price, it is also not without many advantages, such as:

  1. The material has clear shapes and sizes.
  2. In all three planes the material is resistant to bending and deformation.
  3. High resistance to direct sunlight.
  4. Good brands of OSB have high moisture resistance.
  5. The structure of the slab is a monolith that has no cavities or cracks inside.
  6. The material can be fixed to any surface, and is also an excellent base for fastening.
  7. It is lightweight, which greatly facilitates installation in roofing systems and frame structures; this quality is simply irreplaceable.

In addition to excellent technical advantages, it is worth noting consumer advantages, thanks to which it is very popular among buyers.

  1. It has a price affordable for anyone.
  2. Has a good appearance.
  3. Comfortable in using.
  4. The material has excellent resistance to both biological agents and fire.
  5. Easily processed (cutting, painting).
  6. When using, you can use any fastening elements.
  7. Resistant to insect attack.

There are not many disadvantages to this material, but they do exist. First of all, these are errors of low-quality products (grades 1 and 2). Emission class E2 is absolutely not suitable for use in crowded rooms; the first two grades of OSB have low protection against moisture and average strength.

Features of storage and installation

In order for the material to be stored for a long time and retain all its characteristics, it is necessary to follow certain rules, which are outlined by many specialists. First of all, packs of OSB boards must be stored on a flat, solid base and placed on bars that are equidistantly spaced at a distance of 80 cm. If the floor is extremely dry, then the briquettes can also be stored in a standing position. The packaging on the material should be removed immediately upon delivery to the warehouse so that the slabs can “breathe.” Before installation on site, the slabs should be delivered and stored for two days to allow them time to acclimatize. To cut slabs, it is better to use a tool with high speed and an extremely sharp blade. If nails are used to install OSB boards, then you need to make sure that they have rough heads so that they are difficult to pull out. It is advisable to leave 3-4 mm gaps between each OSB sheet during installation. This is necessary so that when heated the material expands and finds a new place. The slabs need to be fixed without unnecessary load. This means that the installation of the slabs must be done from one edge of the room to the other, or from the center to the edges. It is not recommended to initially take care of the edges and then smoothly move towards the center.

Scope of application of OSB boards

As we said above, OSB boards are one of the most popular materials in the construction market. Among all wood materials they occupy a leading position in sales. This is not surprising. Their high-quality characteristics, affordable price and easy installation make working with them a pleasure. OSB has also found its application in a wide range of works: it can be cladding on frames, ceilings and floors, partitions between walls, some parts of stairs, roof coverings. High grades of OSB can even be used as load-bearing beams or columns. OSB is also one of the main components for SIP panels, which are one of the most popular materials for the rapid construction of structures. SIP panels are made using OSB boards between which there is a layer of EPS or polystyrene foam. This material is also widely used in the furniture industry. There is a lot of controversy surrounding this material. The most important question is: is it worth paying a little money to get dangerous material? Many people have differing opinions on this issue. Every year the material is being improved more and more, in pursuit of its environmental friendliness. The fact is that previous models were created with an adhesive containing formaldehyde glue, which is absolutely safe in an inert state. But during its production, during the manufacture of the slab, a large temperature load occurs. As a result, its molecular structure changes and it releases toxic fumes. It is important to understand that after completion of the polymerization process, the release of the solvent is completed due to its evaporation and the transition of the substance to a solid state. It is worth noting that repeated exposure to the same high thermal loads on this material will not result in emissions exceeding the sanitary norm, so there is no need to think about its safety. In addition, formaldehyde glue is now actively being replaced by MDI resins, which are generally non-toxic. This only means that they remember the material and are trying to improve it. OSB boards are on their way to complete environmental friendliness.

In order to be completely calm about your material, you should pay attention to the OSB emission level. As mentioned above, class E1 can be used indoors in residential premises, and E2 should only be used in open spaces. If you are afraid of such an impact, then after purchasing you can keep the material in the open air for one week, then all residual and toxic substances will definitely come out of it. It is worth noting that this only applies to Chinese slabs, which are of low quality. In addition, often as a protective layer, a primer is applied to OSB boards, which also prevents the release of formaldehyde vapors into the microclimate. It is also worth remembering that if you used OSB for exterior decoration, then they need to be painted every 3 years. As mentioned earlier, you need to follow the installation rules and leave gaps between the plates. If there is high humidity in your room, this will lead to swelling of the slabs. If there are no seams, the slabs will deform and their technical properties will deteriorate. Regardless of the brand of OSB board and the room in which it is located, it is necessary to ensure periodic ventilation of the material. This applies not only to OSB, but also to other cladding materials. We recommend that you pay special attention to the ends of the USB boards, they are most susceptible to moisture, the easiest way to solve this problem is to paint with any of the paints or varnishes you have, a colorless primer in two layers is also suitable. OSB boards are used as a material for repair work in a wide range of premises. These can be residential buildings, business centers, offices, or offices. The material itself appeared approximately 35 years ago. It is during this period that there is a large boom in construction work, both in our state and in other countries. Therefore, builders of different nationalities were actively searching for affordable building materials. It had to be of the highest quality and at the same time its installation had to be fast. This is how the technology for creating OSB boards appeared. As a result, today we have received a unique material that is made from wood chips of various sizes that are formed after woodworking operations. The chips are pressed under high pressure and high temperatures. The adhesive helps the material be strong and durable. OSB also has good flexibility due to the perpendicular arrangement of the fibers in its structure. Depending on the brand of the stove, the pricing policy is also formed. This created a demand for a quality product. From us you can always buy various modern and high-quality OSB boards at an affordable price. If any questions arise, our consultants are always ready to help you. The question often arises: why make such a specific direction of chips in the material? The fact is that this not only increases the strength of the slab structure, but also significantly stops deformation when exposed to moisture. This factor plays an important role in the construction of frame buildings and installation of roofing. Moisture-resistant OSB is always in stock. All OSB boards are divided into 4 brands, which differ from each other in parameters and price. Here you can find any OSB board at an affordable price. If you have any questions regarding the products sold, you can always contact our contact information specialists for a free consultation.

  1. Panel composition
  2. Comparison of OSB and plywood
  3. Areas of use
  4. Specifications
  5. Characteristics
  6. Installation features
  7. Conclusion

OSB (English OSB - oriented strand board) is an oriented strand board, for the production of which waste from the woodworking industry is used.

Panel composition

OSB sheets are made from shavings of different types of trees. Fragments of certain sizes are glued together with synthetic wax and natural resins. The plate is multilayer, the layers are oriented in different directions, which increases the technical characteristics of the material.

The components for the production of panels are safe and environmentally friendly.

Comparison of OSB and plywood

Both materials are made from wood waste, but there is a difference between them.


Shavings of a certain size obtained from one type of wood

Peeled fine veneer from any trees


Natural resins, wax

Resins, including phenolic and formaldehyde


Depends on the marking


Absent within operating conditions

Possibility of delamination, knotiness

550–700 kg/m 3

500–700 kg/m 3

What oriented plates exist?

  • OSB1. Sheet with low weight, density, thickness. Used in the furniture industry.
  • OSB2. A denser sample with an increased number of layers. Used for cladding structures inside dry rooms.
  • OSB3. Suitable for rooms with high humidity, periodic (intermittent) exposure. The thickness of the sheet is increased, the strength allows the product to be used under conditions of moderate mechanical stress.
  • OSB4. Reinforced panel with a high moisture resistance coefficient. The downside is the price.

Size range

OSB dimensions are not standardized. Suppliers offer cutting to individual measurements; sellers may also offer slabs of different sizes.

The main parameter that determines the types and technical properties is sheet thickness:

  • 2–16 mm. Thin sheets with low strength, low weight. Designed for covering surfaces with small, unstable loads: walls, ceilings, roof bases. Used in the production of furniture fragments.
  • 17–32 mm. The increased thickness provides increased bending strength of the panel; the moisture-resistant effect of the coating allows cladding of wet rooms. The sheets are used to create SIP panels, finishing surfaces with high loads: walls, floors in industrial premises.

Finished products are sawn according to the dimensional grid, leaving smooth edges on the slabs. For ease of installation, the sections are tongue-and-groove.

The dimensions of the OSB are presented in the table.

Areas of use

Areas of use of OSB:

  • Internal rough or decorative wall cladding in dry and wet rooms.
  • Preparation of ceilings, steps of wooden stairs, floors for finishing coating.
  • Production of SIP panels for the construction of frame houses.
  • Base for roofing.
  • Perimeter fencing of construction sites.
  • Laminated panels are used to assemble reusable formwork.

In trade and production areas:

  • Creation of shelves and racks.
  • Manufacturing of furniture frames.


The properties of oriented strand sheets depend on the thickness. But the technical characteristics remain high in comparison with other materials (see table).

Panels whose thickness exceeds 16 mm have a moisture-resistant effect. To increase resistance to water, the contact surface is laminated.

Flammability class - B2 (moderately flammable), G1 (low flammable). Resistance to fire and combustion makes OSB a reliable and safe material.



  • Thick specimens with low weight can withstand the impact of several hundredweight.
  • Flexural strength when wet makes it possible to cover curved surfaces with a small radius of curvature.
  • Structural homogeneity and reliability of fixation of components to each other. This eliminates delamination and the formation of blisters.
  • Ease of processing.
  • Impregnation prevents the growth and development of pests.
  • High heat-insulating and sound-absorbing properties.
  • The shape and dimensions specified during cutting and installation do not change throughout the entire operation.
  • The sheathed surface is not afraid of exposure to household chemicals.

OSB is relatively lightweight and can be installed on wooden structures without additional reinforcement.


The cost depends on the size and number of layers. Average prices for Moscow and the region are presented in the table.

The thickness of the sheet does not always determine the price of the product: wood of different quality and origin is used for production.

OSB1 and OSB4 may have the same thickness of 8 mm, but the group characteristics are maintained due to the selection of raw materials, the use of binders, and technology.

Installation features

The principle of fastening the panels is to fit them onto a wooden frame using self-tapping screws. The light weight of the product does not require the installation of thick slats as guides. To organize interior and other partitions, a frame is installed and cladding is made.

To create a flooring under the roof, the sheets are laid on joists. The pitch should not exceed 400 mm.


OSB is a material used to create the frame of houses, cladding interior spaces, and installing formwork for monoliths. OSB has high technical characteristics, an affordable price, from 143 rubles/m 2.

When carrying out repairs, it becomes necessary to eliminate differences in height in concrete and wooden floor coverings, which complicate the installation of linoleum, tiles and laminate. To solve this problem, builders recommend using OSB panels, the features of which are strength and resistance to moisture. When planning to use OSB panels for rough finishing, it is important to understand how to properly lay slabs on a floor made of various materials. Let us consider in detail what the moisture-resistant plate is intended for and how it is used correctly.

Floor slabs: product features and material use

OSB flooring board is a popular finishing building material, for the production of which waste from the woodworking industry is used:

  • wood chips obtained from processing aspen trunks;
  • shavings formed when sawing coniferous trees.

The composition of the slabs, along with chips, includes the following materials:

  • wax filler obtained as a result of a synthetic reaction;
  • moisture-resistant resins based on phenol and formaldehyde components.

The minimum size of wood chip filler is 60 mm, and the maximum is 90 mm.

OSB (oriented strand board) is a material successfully used in construction and furniture manufacturing

When making panels, wood chips are laid in several layers, each of which differs in the orientation of the wood fragments:

  • The outer layers of the product are characterized by a longitudinal arrangement of fragments of wood shavings;
  • A distinctive feature of the internal layers is the transverse placement of the chip fraction.

The production of plates is carried out under conditions of elevated temperature and also at high pressure. Chips impregnated with moisture-resistant resins are pressed using special equipment. The result is a slab having the required dimensions. The material's strength characteristics are superior to chipboards and plywood sheets. Increased flexibility of the panels is achieved due to the mutually perpendicular orientation of the wood chips. Modern manufacturing technology, laboratory control and reliable equipment guarantee the quality of the floor slabs.

The thickness of the material, which has an increased safety margin, allows you to form a reliable basis for finishing the floor with the following coatings:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • parquet boards;
  • carpet;
  • various types of linoleum;
  • moisture resistant laminate.

OSB slabs for flooring are a type of finishing building material, which is characterized by a regular rectangular shape. The panels have fixed dimensions and are also characterized by the absence of cracks and local defects.

OSB differs in the thickness and grade of the material, depending on the size of the raw materials, density and quality of the resins used, which affect moisture resistance

Oriented strand panels solve a complex of problems:

  • form a flat surface of the floor base mounted on wooden beams;
  • compensate for differences in height of reinforced concrete and wooden bases for laying finishing;
  • create a comfortable temperature in living spaces by laying thermal insulation between the sheets and the base surface;
  • prevent street noise from entering the room due to the multilayer structure of the material;
  • reliably isolated from the penetration of moisture entering through the capillary channels of the concrete mass.

The area of ​​use of the material differs for different types of products:

  • OSB-1 boards, characterized by a low price, have increased hygroscopicity and insufficiently high strength. They are intended for use as a finishing material. Sheet cladding is used in rooms with low moisture concentration;
  • OSB-2 panels have an increased safety margin and are less hygroscopic than OSB-1 boards. The products are able to withstand increased loads and are used for interior cladding of floors, walls and ceilings in dry rooms, as well as in the production of furniture;
  • OSB-3 brand products are designed for use in high humidity environments and have high strength characteristics. Panels marked OSB-3 are used for finishing activities carried out indoors and outdoors;
  • products marked OSB-4 have proven themselves in structures that can withstand increased loads. OSB-4 boards are used if protection of the external surface of loaded structures is necessary. The panels are characterized by increased moisture resistance and maximum strength.

For flooring, manufacturers produce slabs with a tongue-and-groove edge, which ensure a tighter fit of the slabs to each other

When deciding which sheets should be used to finish the floor, you should study the performance characteristics of the slabs, as well as take into account specific operating conditions. Experts recommend using third-class products (OSB-3) to form the floor surface, which maintain integrity when exposed to forces from furniture, equipment, interior items and moving people.

Performance characteristics of osb brand boards

Laminated floor slabs have the following characteristics:

  • moisture resistance. The ability of a material to absorb moisture is determined by immersing a fragment of a sheet in liquid for 24 hours with further monitoring of the amount of swelling. The thickness of the sheets increases in the process of moisture absorption from 10-12% for OSB-4 grade boards to 24-25% for OSB-1 class products;
  • strength. The safety factor is determined using laboratory equipment by applying longitudinal loads, transverse forces and bending moments. The value of the elastic modulus in the transverse plane is 1200-1800 N/mm3, and in the longitudinal plane – 2500-4800 N/mm3;
  • stable sizes. Dimensions are regulated by the requirements of the standard. Products are produced in lengths of 244, 366 cm with a slab width of 122 cm, and also in lengths of 250, 370 and 600 cm with a panel width of 125 cm. The thickness of the panels increases from 6 to 22 mm depending on the design option;
  • environmental friendliness. During the operation of the panels, for the manufacture of which environmentally friendly raw materials are used, no substances harmful to human health are released. The facing material is safe to use inside residential premises.

The mass of the slabs increases in proportion to the change in thickness and is:

  • 16.5 kg for products with a thickness of 0.8 cm;
  • 20.2 kg for slabs 1 cm thick;
  • 42.9 kg with a maximum sheet thickness of 22 cm.

Before choosing a flooring material, you need to decide what technology you want to use to lay the floor.

Among the other properties that determine the quality of the material, it should be noted:

  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • minimum tolerances on overall dimensions;
  • correct geometric shape with smooth edges;
  • sheet density associated with the homogeneous structure of the chip mass.

Laboratories at manufacturing enterprises monitor the characteristics regulated by the provisions of current regulatory documents.

Laminated floor slabs - advantages of application

Using OSB sheet panels, it is easy to plan a floor base in a limited time.

The main advantages of the popular building material:

  • ease of installation operations. Having a standard set of tools and basic finishing skills, it is not difficult to lay the slabs yourself;
  • increased overall dimensions of oriented strand board. They allow, after installing it on the floor, to quickly form a horizontal surface of increased area;
  • acceptable cost. The price of OSB boards compares favorably with similar finishing products offered in specialized stores. This allows you to significantly reduce the estimated cost of finishing work;
  • increased safety margin and high reliability of sheet material. Finishing slabs retain their original shape and have increased resistance to various deformations.

The subfloor is laid under linoleum, laminate, parquet, or carpet

Other advantages of the material include:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • thermal insulation characteristics;
  • noise-absorbing properties;
  • resistance to chemicals.

Dense material is not damaged by rodents, and is also not influenced by biological factors. Having decided to install the floors on your own during the renovation process, it is advisable to give preference to inexpensive OSB panels, in which fasteners are securely fixed.

OSB boards for flooring - selecting panels

OSB floor boards are presented in the retail chain in an expanded range. When choosing finishing panels, pay attention to the following points:

  • availability of an environmental certificate from the manufacturer, guaranteeing the harmlessness of the purchased material;
  • absence of unevenness on the finished surface of the slabs, as well as chips on the corners and end surface;
  • the thickness of the slabs, depending on the type of floor base. For laying on concrete, slabs with a thickness of 10 mm are suitable, and with an increased interval between the logs, material up to 22 mm thick should be used;
  • panel brand. It is advisable to use third-class products that can withstand increased loads and have sufficient moisture resistance.

Also pay attention to the shape of the end part. The presence of tongue-and-groove fastening allows for tight contact of the panels during installation.

For the floor, it is necessary to take OSB-3 made in Europe, since the quality of this material meets the stated requirements

On what surface can OSB panels be used?

OSB boards for flooring are placed on different bases:

  • cement screed;
  • wooden plank floors;
  • wooden beams.

Installation of slabs on each type of base has its own nuances. For example, when laying panels on a concrete floor, you need to know how to insulate the floor base. Let us consider in more detail the specifics of performing installation operations.

How to properly install OSB boards on the floor

Regardless of the type of floor base, the OSB board is placed on the floor after performing the following operations:

  • determining the need for slabs;
  • preparation of materials and tools;
  • cutting sheet material.

Let's consider the features of installation on various bases.

Most craftsmen believe that it is more advisable to lay OSB on logs - beams 3-5 cm thick

The algorithm for laying slabs on a cement floor involves the following operations:

  1. Dust removal of the surface.
  2. Treating the concrete floor with a primer.
  3. Layout of slabs over the base area.
  4. Trimming with a jigsaw or circular saw.
  5. Apply the adhesive mixture to the slabs with a notched trowel.
  6. Bonding panels to cement floors.
  7. Additional fixation of sheets with fasteners in increments of 30 cm.
  8. Sealing assembly joints with foam.

During installation, it is important to ensure a distance between the end planes of the sheets of 3 mm, and along the contour of the room - 12 mm. Compensation for significant differences in height is achieved by using wooden pads. To reduce heat losses, it is advisable to lay thermal insulation material under the slabs, which is used as sheets of extruded polystyrene foam.

Forming a flooring on a wooden base

When installing slabs on a plank floor, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Use dowels to secure the existing plank base.
  2. Eliminate paint deposits and remove blisters with a sander.
  3. Lay out the panels with a gap of 0.3 cm.
  4. Prepare holes for fastening the plates with self-tapping screws.
  5. Screw the panels to the wood base.

To increase the rigidity of the floor, it is allowed to lay the second layer with an offset of 30-40 cm between the slabs.

How to lay OSB board on wooden beams

The technology for installing slabs on logs includes the following operations:

  1. Installation of support bars.
  2. Fixing the logs to the beams.
  3. Laying panels on the surface.
  4. Performing marking and cutting.
  5. Protective treatment of wood.
  6. Fastening the plates with self-tapping screws.

If necessary, install vapor barrier and sheet insulation.


OSB boards for flooring are a proven material that allows you to save money and quickly create a floor base on your own. It is easy to lay laminate, lay linoleum or glue ceramic tiles on the flat surface of the panels.

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