Alexander Grinyuk married Buzova. Biography of Alexander Grinev. Alexander Grinev: biography

Name: Alexander Grinev

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Age: 29 years old

Place of birth: Moscow, Russia

Activities: photographer, music video director, participant in the show “Married to Buzova”

Tags: reality show

marital status: Not maried

Alexander Grinev: biography

The last Sunday of summer 2018 was marked by the release of the first episode of the next reality show on TNT. Handsome men from St. Petersburg, Suzdal, and Sochi came to fight for the attention of the main character of “the most fabulous and beautiful story” in front of an audience of millions without fear, reproach or embarrassment.

Alexander Grinev and Olga Buzova

All that remains for Olga Buzova, as they say, is to look, choose and make no mistake. Young and attractive Alexander Grinev is one of the contenders for the girl’s heart. The Muscovite has two higher educations under his belt, he speaks the rare Persian language, he “thinks a lot,” and psychology and reading are among his favorite hobbies. Ex-Tarasova did not remain indifferent to such a gentlemanly set and, although upon meeting him at first she was embarrassed by his open arms, later she gave him a kiss.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born on September 7, 1988. At the age of 7, the father took his son to the football section, and coach San Sanych appeared in the boy’s life, who drove him until he worked up a sweat and ultimately instilled in him a love of sports. Training camps, training sessions, championships – my childhood was active and eventful.

Alexander Grinev

According to Grinev, a craving for creative professions appeared at an early age. In the 11th grade, the guy shot and edited his first video, which was a parody of his classmates’ debates between politicians. The parents approved the video, but the director did not, revealing for himself the main principle of work: all or nothing.

Studying at the Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry with a degree in translator of foreign languages ​​(and Farsi) temporarily pushed my favorite activity into the background. But the lieutenant’s business trip to Canada returned everything to normal.

Alexander Grinev in his youth

On duty, he participated in the UN peacekeeping mission in the Republic of Chad, and visited Iran, Belgium, Canada, and Syria. He received his second higher education at the Moscow Institute of Law, from where he graduated with skills and knowledge in the field of organizational management.


Video making and video production occupy the main place in the biography of the participant “Married to Buzov”. Creating mini-movies for large brands (Bentley, Four Seasons) or for yourself turned out to be equally important.

Video maker Alexander Grinev

Periodically reviewing personal videos inspired by a former lover, one indulges not so much in nostalgia as in appreciating professional growth. Having coped with a large and complex order, the director reasonably notes:

“Well done, now keep working hard.”

Grinev and his team of specialists also collaborate with Black Star Wear and shoot videos for their clothing store. In his free time, he continues to improve himself by studying 3D modeling and photography, and willingly shares the secrets and subtleties of the art of editing at open lectures.

"Married to Buzov"

The blue-eyed handsome man did not limit himself to a slow dance with Olga Buzova and rushed to seduce “outside the perimeter.” On his Instagram page, he did not spare compliments and laudatory epithets towards the girl, causing a strong reaction from subscribers:
“Oh God, she's beautiful... Incredible. So real, and at the same time a little strange. And at the same time crazy. I can feel it. Beautiful, crazy and funny. God, she's perfect. And it's annoying."

The singer did not stand aside and mysteriously commented on the recording, and later posted a video with Grinev on her page with the hashtag of the new single from the album of the same name, “Take Me.”

Alexander Grinev in the show “Married to Buzov”

Soon the news feeds turned the gallant knight into a porn blogger and master of pickup, which he teaches in his own private channel on Telegram. According to, it contains explicit scenes of “victories” over waitresses, a go-go dancer and the oligarch’s mistress. The public reaction followed immediately.

Olga, having posted a post about betrayal, fled from bad news and events to Paris for a Britney Spears concert. Of course, the specific addressee is not specified. Grinev himself claims that “The Diary of a Seducer” pursues exclusively good goals:

“I tried to figure out and analyze what was happening between a man and a woman. I met girls and had sex out of mutual sympathy. Bachelor life is like that. At the same time, he has helped thousands of couples sort out their relationships. I have other priorities now."

Other participants in the show were divided in their views on such a spicy situation.

Alexander Grinev

One believes that such behavior was inappropriate for a person wearing a military uniform, allegedly disrespectful to the other applicants and to Buzova. The second, according to Alexander’s ex-girlfriend, states that he showed himself to be an exceptionally decent family man, and this is just “blogging.”

Perhaps people with such a surname are no strangers to accusations. Even Pushkin, having conceived “The Captain’s Daughter,” took as the prototype for the main character the real nobleman Grinev, associated with the Pugachev uprising and suspicion of treason. By the way, he was later acquitted.

Alexander Grinev now

The man continues to develop his video production and is actively involved in sports - basketball, football, snowboarding, surfing. She loves to travel and make new acquaintances, among whom there could easily be a “beau monde” beauty or a person without a fixed place of residence.

Alexander Grinev in 2018

Dreams of exploring his native Moscow and its interesting locations within the Garden Ring. The account shares in detail with users thoughts about life, love, proper distribution of income, would-be bloggers, dependence on social networks, and sometimes even promotional codes for a discount on French wine.

If you believe the brief information from the questionnaire on the TNT website, he is not endowed with fears and phobias. Was not married, no children.

Alexander Grinev: latest news

Participant in the show “Married to Buzov” Alexander Grinev: “Mom wants me to get married”

The candidate for the role of the TV presenter's groom spoke about how she hooked him. Hearing Olga Buzova’s voice, Alexander Grinev decided to get to know her better. He doesn't care about the star's past or her popularity. The young man told in an exclusive interview what qualities he values ​​in girls and why he would like to build a relationship with Olga Buzova.

One of the participants in the project “Married to Buzova” was Alexander Grinev. The 29-year-old young man is engaged in videography, photography and 3D modeling. Many viewers consider Alexander a worthy contender for the role of Olga Buzova’s groom. After the TV presenter and Grinev danced a slow dance, she had no doubt that she liked the young man very much. StarHit talked with Alexander about his work as a military translator, pickup truck and relationships with girls.

- Sasha, why did you come to Olga Buzova’s project?

I didn’t know much about Olga before the project. I remember once driving in a car and listening to the radio, where the presenter was talking to a girl with a pleasant voice. I found myself thinking that I was incredibly drawn into their conversation! When I had already arrived at my destination, I simply could not get out of the car, because I wanted to listen to the end of this incredibly interesting girl, at that time not yet knowing who she was. At the end of the broadcast, the presenter announces that Olga Buzova has come on the broadcast today! That's when I realized that I would really like to know her. And then, after some time, a friend called me and told me about the casting in Olga’s show. How could you not go here? After our personal acquaintance, I realized that Olya has incredibly powerful energy, she is very attractive as a woman. It seems to me that it can be very different. I would like to know her different sides, all of them, without exception. Now I’m at a stage in my life when I’m thinking about stability, and I’m trying to understand whether Olga and I can build a serious relationship.

- Aren’t you afraid of her fame, her work schedule, her past?

But I am also the kind of person who is also in constant motion, most often from morning until late evening: filming, meetings, trips to other cities. Therefore, the main thing here is a person’s ability to find a compromise in a relationship, and also, of course, trust each other. Without trust you won’t go far in such conditions. As for the past, this is the very last thing I focus on. I always perceive a person “here and now.” I have this principle.

- Aren’t you afraid that you’ll be in the shadow next to a girl like Olya?

Of course, she is one of the brightest girls in Russia. But you can be afraid of being in someone's shadow if you intend to be a public figure and strive for fame. I’m not a particularly public person, I don’t plan to be either a pop singer or an actor. Most likely, we will complement each other in some areas.

- What is the most important thing for you in a relationship with a girl?

It is important to be open and honest with each other. If a relationship is initially built on lies or mistrust, nothing will come of it. One of the important things is mutual understanding. But everything comes with experience. If you don’t hear or understand a person on many issues, then conflicts and quarrels happen on this basis. Passion for the common cause is also important. If you are united only by love and nothing else, then in the future, when it fades away (and I agree that love lasts 3 years), then the relationship should be built on some other things, on what unites you.

- Were there any novels after which there was such a residue that you said to yourself: “That’s it, I won’t fall in love again”?

For me, any separation is painful. If I meet a girl and build a serious relationship with her, then I completely surrender to her. We are one. And when a piece is torn from you, it hurts and unpleasantly. Therefore, for me, any separation is painful and I don’t know how it happens for others, when they just up and went their separate ways, no one worries. I don't know how this is possible. They probably have never loved or are incapable of loving. But I can. If I fall in love, I vividly experience all these emotions. There is a residue after parting, but I never tell myself that I won’t do it again. In emotional moments, the thought slipped through: “God, why, I never want this again!” But after a day, after a week, naturally, you begin to think differently. I know that I can fall in love and I will never give up this happiness, because falling in love and being loved are the most beautiful things you can experience. I don’t know what kind of fool can refuse the feeling of passion when you’re flying in the clouds and can’t think about anything but your girlfriend.

- You have spoken more than once about a painful breakup with your girlfriend. What exactly happened then?

I broke up with my ex-girlfriend due to circumstances. When we met, we lived in the Moscow region with me for three years, but due to certain circumstances I needed to move to a village in the Bryansk region. I served there for two years in the military transport aviation, and she was still a student. She needed to finish her studies. We agreed that I would move out and she would finish her studies and move in with me. But I understood that even if she wanted to, it would be wrong. By that time she was “Miss University”, “Miss Moscow Beauty”, she had many titles, she was a model. Judge for yourself, she’s a student, beautiful, in demand, she’s in the midst of her life, and she needs to give up everything and move with an Armed Forces officer to the wilderness. I didn't want such a test for her, so she stayed here and I left. We met “at a distance.” Either I came to her, then she came to me. It is very difficult. Before this, we had a very open relationship, we told everything and trusted each other. She read my messages on the phone, I didn’t hide anything. And it was the same on her part. My beloved always asked if someone could take her home in a friendly manner, for example. I've never had this happen to anyone else. But at a distance, some kind of jealousy appeared on my part, because she had some permanent wealthy suitors in Moscow who constantly got to know her. And at one point I realized that I was losing contact with her, we began to communicate less often. I realized that she had someone in Moscow. This turned out to be true. She switched to a wealthier man, but things didn’t work out with him. At the same time, there was no betrayal on her part. Then she flew to Austria for a vacation, met a guy there, married him and went to live abroad. For the last six months we have been arguing a lot over little things. All this accumulated and at one point led to separation. Although after two years of her marriage, she began to write to me, call me, and offer to start all over again. She got divorced and invited me to come to her in Austria. But I decided that you can’t step into the same river twice, although I missed her very much and I wanted to see her.

-What are you most afraid of in a relationship with a girl?

Nothing. If any problems arise, they must be solved. But I'm not afraid that the girl will be unfaithful to me or do something wrong. Perhaps I was lucky, in my long-term relationships there was never infidelity on my part or on the part of the girl. If I understand that my girl is waiting for me at home, it will be unpleasant for me to even take someone’s hand. I try to be sincere at the initial stage of dating, I don’t put on any masks, although this is very difficult. It is clear that when we meet, we want to please the person. And we can embellish the reality a little. But when meeting someone, I try to show myself as close as possible to my real self, so that the girl has no illusions. So this solves the problem of such expectations. At the moment I don't have such a problem. An insult to your dignity is unacceptable. A girl should idolize you and never devalue you. I am amazed at couples like this when a woman can yell obscenities at her man. But he should not give a reason to humiliate himself.

- Why did you choose to study at a military university to become a translator? What were the most dangerous moments that happened while working in the field?

Since childhood, I had a craving for foreign languages, I loved English. Thanks to my teachers who were able to instill a love of language. And closer to the 11th grade, a choice appeared, my parents and I began to look at which universities were interesting to me. And some male component suggested that being a military man is masculine. So I went to study at the Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry. I didn’t serve in special forces, we didn’t have any combat operations, but when I was on a peacekeeping mission in the Republic of Chad, all sorts of things happened there: a helicopter was captured, they were shot at several times. We flew on Mi-8 military aircraft, delivered humanitarian aid to remote locations, and transported people. But there were moments of shelling.

- How did it happen that after all these events, interesting work in different parts of the world, you returned to video editing?

I really like my profession, I fly a lot on business trips. Today you can be with special forces somewhere in the mountains, and tomorrow you can be somewhere in the embassy with military attaches. But at a certain point, when I served in military transport aviation, I began to understand that there were fewer business trips, I was severely limited in my development, sitting in a village where there was nothing. And I began to realize that I was living in a very narrow direction. And I was always interested in learning something new in life, trying different things. I am still an adventurer by nature. One thing no longer got along with the other, I made a strong-willed decision to quit and start a new life. I have been interested in video editing and filming as a hobby for a very long time. Why not do this? This is a trend, everyone needs video, media content. I combined my passion with making money.

- Many people consider you a pick-up artist. Have you used similar techniques when communicating with girls?

As soon as they didn’t name me on the Internet. I never considered myself a pick-up artist. I am no longer 18 years old to consider a girl exclusively from a sexual point of view; I have experienced all this a long time ago. Intimacy is not the most important thing. For me, the exchange of emotions, comfortable communication with a person are more important, and sex is a pleasant addition that happens by mutual consent. This is fine! Meet a girl, give her mutual emotions and, by mutual consent, sleep - why not? You may fall in love with each other or not call the person the next day. But it’s much more interesting for me to immediately think about what will happen to the girl in the future. But I’ve never had any techniques or tricks to trick a girl into bed, use them, and then “throw them away”! I believe that it is the word pickup that is associated with such things, and I condemn this on my channel, which I ran. In all these pickup schools, completely wrong ideas are hammered into the guys’ heads, that women should only be used and abandoned. A girl should be treated with respect, kindness, love. I don’t like the word “eat” itself; I don’t want to use it in my vocabulary. Everything happens by mutual sympathy.

- Are there any secrets on how a guy can conquer the girl he likes? Have you ever had problems with the opposite sex (at school, university)?

There are many super-secret techniques, but I condemn this approach. The only thing that will allow you to communicate and seduce an interesting, worthy girl is self-development. You need to make yourself an interesting person who will attract a woman with his real image. At school I was the ugly duckling: an ugly, uptight boy who was not liked by girls. This pushed me to further study psychology, develop in this direction, and read literature. Yes, I experienced problems with girls both at school and at university. I’m generally a very shy guy, and when we went out together at school, I watched how relaxed other guys behaved, and I realized that somehow I didn’t fit into this atmosphere. I didn’t have any serious relationships at school. This is what gave me a powerful impetus to self-development.

- How do you feel about your competitors in the project? Who do you consider a serious opponent?

All the guys are leaders in their field. The project brought together interesting, charismatic guys. The fight with each of them will be difficult, and even more interesting. I can single out Zhenya Pesennikov: he is an adult, serious guy, with an established position in life. I consider him a man, reports the Therussiantimes website. I also like Sanya Sabanin as a person. He thinks very intelligently and has the right life and moral values. A person who has achieved such heights in sports has an incentive to achieve them in other areas. Geminis are cheerful guys without negativity and negative energy. The only person who began to evoke negative emotions was Valya Korobkov. Few people communicate with him. He is two-faced and deceitful and has already shown himself to be not very good.

- How did your loved ones react to the decision to participate in such a show? Or do they just really want you to finally get married?

Mom, of course, wants grandchildren too. Although she already has a granddaughter - the daughter of my older brother. They treated “Married to Buzov” as a TV show in which I would participate, but not as a project after which I could get married. They did not delve into what it would be and how. Mom and Dad are far from watching reality shows. But my parents always support me.

- Is there any compromising information about you (for example, intimate photos on the Internet) that the girl you will be dating would not like?

I have a lot of intimate photos with girls, often the phone or disk where everything was stored was hacked. But I’m not ashamed of any of these photos with a girl, because I didn’t harm anyone with them. And in general, I will say that when you lead a single lifestyle, it is quite normal that you have a healthy sexual relationship. And I won’t hide that during the time I was single, I had many different relationships. We are now just friends with many, we communicate, we meet. I'm only talking about single life. There is no need to attach any stories to such photographs. I read all this nonsense on the Internet and smile, because it’s funny to watch how everything gets blown out of proportion. I’m not afraid for my reputation, because I haven’t done anything in my life that I would be ashamed of. If we talk about my photographs that my girlfriend will not like, then there are such shots. The main thing is that my girlfriend treats them correctly, with understanding and irony. How is the rating calculated?
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Biography, life story of Alexander Grinev

Alexander Grinev – video director, photographer.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Grinev was born in Moscow on September 7, 1988. At the age of seven, the boy began playing football. Gradually, the hobby grew into something more serious. Sasha went to training camps and competitions with his team, and constantly participated in championships and competitions. But sport was not Grinev’s only hobby. In high school, Sasha began to become interested in creating videos. In his senior year, he edited a video - a kind parody of classmates discussing political debates.

After school, Alexander Grinev entered the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Received a specialty as a translator of foreign languages ​​(English and Persian). On duty, he took part in the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Republic of Chad, and also visited Canada, Belgium, Syria and Iran. Grinev retired to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant.

Alexander received his second higher education as an organization manager at the Moscow Institute of Law.


After completing his military service, Grinev taught English in Cannes for six months. It is also known that for some time Alexander worked as a military translator (or practiced at the Military University). However, foreign languages ​​did not become Grinev’s life’s work. He chose a career path based on his youthful passion - the path of video production and video making. He founded a studio for the production of commercials. Among his clients are Black Star Wear, Four Seasons, Bentley.


In his spare time, Alexander Grinev studies 3D modeling and the art of photography and gives open lectures on the art of editing. The young man also devotes time to sports - he plays football, basketball, snowboarding and surfing.

It is known that Sasha Grinev had a closed Telegram channel dedicated to the pickup truck. The man willingly shared his secrets of seducing women and posted photographs and videos depicting his “victims.” Later, after the channel was deleted, Grinev himself said that these were not pickup lessons at all, but attempts to understand the psychology of relations between the sexes.


"Married to"

In 2018, the TNT channel launched a unique reality project “Married to”, in which several young people compete for the heart of a Russian self-made woman. Alexander Grinev quickly won the sympathy of both television viewers.

The show was filmed in advance, so the participants saw themselves from the outside after filming was completed. And Grinev was publicly outraged by the way the episode with his participation was edited - the man said that it looked unethical. In Instagram stories, Alexander called “Married” a series, and also complained that he was not very happy with the role that he was entrusted with on the program. After such a loud statement, questions from users rained down on Grinev. They asked whether the entire project is really a series carefully developed by a team of professionals, in which all participants know every step in advance. Alexander Grinev, who probably signed a non-disclosure document, caught himself and stated that by “series” he meant the intensity of passions on the project and that everything on the project was real, sincere.

Grinev's broken heart

While studying at the Military University, Alexander had a girlfriend. The relationship was serious - the lovers dated for several years and lived together in Grinev’s apartment in the Moscow region. Sasha’s friend was a student at a civil university, a model, and winner of the titles “Miss University” and “Miss Moscow Beauty”. Everything was fine with the couple until Alexander was sent on duty to a small village in the Bryansk region. Sasha and his girlfriend decided that he would go alone, since the young beauty needed to study and develop in her profession. Of course, they planned that after defending her diploma the girl would move to the province to live with her lover, but...

For some time, Grinev and his girlfriend maintained a long-distance relationship. Gradually, the fire between them died out, they began to communicate less - and not because there was no opportunity, but because there was no desire. And then the girl went to Austria on vacation, met a nice guy there and after some time married him.

As part of the new television project “Married to Buzova,” 15 young people compete with each other for the right to become the chosen one of the “House-2” star. One of the show's participants, 29-year-old music video director Alexander Grinev, is even called a favorite. But a few days ago, scandalous details from his biography were revealed.

It turned out that Grinev runs an anonymous telegram channel in which he publishes sex photos and videos of his erotic conquests. On this platform he does not publish his face, but is happy to share the secrets of the art of seduction. According to the pick-up artist, he had oral sex with waitresses, fit girls and mistresses of oligarchs.

Grinev himself assures that the yellow press has exaggerated everything too much.

"After a very painful breakup with my ex-girlfriend, I plunged into studying the psychology of relationships, courtship, dating. I tried to figure out and analyze what was happening between a man and a woman. Why do they either love each other or hate each other? There was a long period in my life without serious relationships, I met different girls and, naturally, had sex with them out of mutual sympathy! Bachelor life is like that. And yes, I shared my own experience with others. At the same time, I helped thousands of guys and girls understand relationships. Now I have different priorities. I want stability and a serious relationship,” Grinev admitted to StarHit.

It was hard for fellow competitors on the TV show to believe that Grinev could give seduction lessons to single girls in his free time.

“It so happened that I know Sasha Grinev’s ex-girlfriend, with whom they lived together for quite a long time in perfect harmony. She spoke of him as an exemplary family man in relationships, a decent person, and not the scumbag that the yellow press makes him out to be. . This resource in question is a blog about relationships, and that's exactly how he saw it! They went to courses together that looked at family values. After breaking up with his girlfriend, Sasha continued to develop this channel, but never treated it as a channel about pick-up artistry,” admitted show participant Evgeniy Pesennikov.

The show “Married to Buzova” continues and, despite the fact that some Internet users flatly refuse to believe everything that happens on the screen, the project is watched avidly. After each episode, the public runs to comment on everything they saw and heard on social networks, and real wars of opinions take place there.

What confuses fans in particular is that Buzova is seen from hour to hour in the company of different participants in the show. For example, Denis Lebedev, or Sergei Zelensky. But for some reason the victory is attributed not to them, but to Alexander Grinev, although he and Olga Buzova did not seem to be seen.

As already mentioned, Grinev “didn’t give himself away in any way,” unlike other project participants, the fact of communication with whom the “enviable bride” Buzova was confirmed by numerous photographs on the Internet.

Answering the question from fans that arose after watching the second episode of the show “Married to Buzov”, whether Alexander Grinev, the participant Olga liked so much, will return to the project, one thing can be said: most likely, yes.

It is worth noting that, unlike other participants in the show, he did not come to Italy for filming, which, by the way, did not stop him from receiving the coveted air kiss. That is why the assumption of Grinev’s return has a right to life.

Alexander Grinev became a favorite from the first days of the project, and most viewers were confident that he would be the winner, but the man dispelled their expectations and did not confirm his victory in any way. The fact is that filming of the show has already ended, therefore, if Olga Buzova chose someone in the final, then the guys are now together.

Alexander Grinev will return to the show “Married to Buzov”

Attentive fans noticed that Alexander will return. This is evident from the announcement of the third series of the show. In one of the frames, he sits with his back to the audience.

However, fans, citing the recent scandal associated with Grinev, namely his “pick-up artistry,” would not predict victory for Alexander, arguing this with their own strengths, and putting themselves in Olga’s place.

There is an opinion on the Internet that the Buzova-Grinev couple has no future, and a number of reasons confirm this. Firstly, in one of the announcements you can see how a young man of his build is leaving the show, secondly, according to rumors, Alexander is a “pick-up artist”, and thirdly, he wrote on Instagram that Olga annoys him:

“Oh God, she's beautiful... Incredible. So real, and at the same time a little strange. And at the same time crazy. I can feel it. Beautiful, crazy and funny. And it’s annoying... Very... Very... "

Who will the main bride of the country choose?

The opinions of fans are divided: one part is rooting for Alexander Grinev, the other for Denis Lebedev. Let us recall that Buzova was seen in the company of Denis Lebedev more than once, and photographs posted by Lebedev himself through negligence, and paparazzi photographs showing Olya and Denis drinking sparkling wine on a bench, are proof of this.

Also, Olga Buzova was credited with a holiday romance with one of the participants in the TV show “Married to Buzova” Sergei Zelensky. Rumors about this have not been confirmed by anything other than the fact that they were seen some time after filming the project in a restaurant on the Black Sea coast.

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It seems that Olga Buzova has a favorite in the show where she is looking for a husband - Alexander Grinev. But, in the questionnaire, he did not tell everything about himself; for example, the man hid that he was engaged in pickup and published photos of beauties whom he managed to seduce on his microblog.

What does Alexander Grinev really do?

It turned out that Grinev runs an anonymous telegram channel in which he publishes sex photos and videos of his erotic conquests. On this platform he does not publish his face, but is happy to share the secrets of the art of seduction. According to the pick-up artist, he had oral sex with waitresses, fit girls and mistresses of oligarchs.

Grinev himself assures that the yellow press has exaggerated everything too much.

“After a very painful breakup with my ex-girlfriend, I plunged into studying the psychology of relationships, courtship, and dating. I tried to figure out and analyze what was happening between a man and a woman. Why do they either love each other or hate each other? There was a long period in my life without a serious relationship, I met different girls and, naturally, had sex with them out of mutual sympathy! Bachelor life is like that. And yes, I shared my own experiences with others. At the same time, he helped thousands of guys and girls understand their relationships. Now I have other priorities. I want stability and serious relationships", - admitted Grinev.

Alexander Grinev is a 29-year-old video production company owner from Moscow.

A man trained as a military translator with knowledge of two languages ​​(Farsi, English), he is a graduate of the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Having retired from the Armed Forces with the rank of senior lieutenant, Alexander began to travel a lot as a tourist and at the same time engage in teaching activities. For half a year he worked as an English teacher on the Cote d'Azur of France, in Cannes.

Currently, Alexander is not working due to his specialized education: he is a videographer and photographer, and successfully collaborates with large brands and organizations. Grinev loves his work, so he is actively developing in this direction. He created his own team, which includes a production designer, makeup artist and screenwriter.

Not long ago, Alexander became the author of a video for Timati’s clothing brand – Black star wear. It is noteworthy that another participant in the reality show “Married to Buzova” appeared in the video - model Jean-Michel Shcherbak. It remains to be seen whether Russian show business is really so small, or whether the final 15 included participants with good connections.

Some time ago, Alexander posted a photo with a girl on social networks, but now it is known that he is not married. Most likely, they broke up even before the casting began, because photos with her have not appeared on the man’s social networks since the winter of 2018.

Alexander travels a lot and blogs on Instagram, is fond of football, loves to attend parties and spend his free time with friends.

Alexander Grinev disappointed Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova surprised subscribers of her microblog on Instagram with another post. The singer and TV presenter published a photo from Paris, which she signed (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are given without changes. – Ed.):

“I ran away from bad news and events to Paris with someone who is always there, will not deceive, will never betray me and accepts me”.

Olga did not specify what kind of news she was talking about. But that close person who is always there was the singer’s friend, Olga Desyatovskaya. The girls walked around Paris, ate at a fish restaurant and admitted that they were not party girls: after dinner they went to bed. The star’s sister Anna promptly commented on the post:

“And at least one such person is waiting for you back to Moscow. Rest there, dear! You need to breathe out a little."

Buzova’s subscribers immediately began to wonder whether the bad news meant information that Olga’s favorite in the show “Married to Buzova” and one of the supposed finalists of the project, Alexander Grinev, turned out to be a blogger teaching the art of seduction. As it turned out, the participant has a closed Telegram channel with very explicit and often even obscene content, which is subscribed to by more than four thousand people.

“Married to Buzov”: who left the show in the last episode?

Yesterday the second episode of the sensational reality show “Married to Buzova” was released, where 10 participants fight for the heart of star Olga Buzova. And if in the first episode she kicked out a guy for flirting with his sister, now the situation has changed. Who left in the new episode of “Married to Buzov”.

Together with the participants, Olga Buzova went to Italy. There, in Venice, her first dates with men took place. True, Olga Buzova’s favorite, Alexander Grinev, did not initially fly there. Later, several dates greatly disappointed Olga.

But at the expulsion ceremony the real surreal began. Olga Buzova was unpleasantly surprised by cheese maker Denis. Difficulties began in the situation with the Naumov brothers (remember that Sergei met with Dasha Klyukina). Despite the fact that at the very beginning of the project Olga chose both Naumov brothers, she suddenly doubted the correctness of her decision. Therefore, Buzova gave Andrei and Sergei the right to choose which of them will stay and which will leave the show. The twins began to argue, giving each other space in reality. As a result, this drove Olga Buzova to hysteria, which is why she burst into tears and left the site. Having calmed down, Olga gave a chance to Andrey, to whom Sergei gave way.

Alexander Grinev never appeared on the show, but Buzova, looking into the camera, blew him a kiss, making it clear that she was waiting for him. It's only the beginning!

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