Beshbarmak chicken with potatoes - a Bashkir step-by-step recipe with photos of how to cook it at home. Chicken beshbarmak: step-by-step recipe with photos Chicken beshbarmak with potatoes step-by-step recipe

Wash the chicken carcass, cut it into pieces and place it in a pan. Pour in enough water to completely cover the meat. Put the pan on the fire. When the water boils, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook until the chicken is cooked for about 2-2.5 hours. Half an hour before cooking, add salt and spices to the broth.

Let's start kneading the dough. Add 1-2 pinches of salt, eggs, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and water or chilled broth to a bowl with flour.

Knead a fairly stiff dough. When the dough stops sticking to your hands, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

We take out the dough and divide it into 2-3 parts. Roll out each part into a thin layer and cut into diamonds or squares approximately 6-8 cm in size. Leave the dough on the board or table to dry.

Peel the onions and cut them into half rings or rings. Add vegetable oil to the frying pan, heat it up and put the onion on it. Fry the onion until almost done. Then add 4-5 tablespoons of broth and simmer the onion under the lid.

Remove the finished chicken from the broth and leave to cool slightly. Pour part of the broth into another pan, bring to a boil and boil the dough diamonds in it for 5-8 minutes. Separate the chicken meat from the bones and place on a plate. Place onions on top of the meat, and cooked pieces of dough on top. Then you can add a little onion gravy and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Chicken beshbarmak is, in short, chicken meat with homemade noodles boiled in rich chicken broth. And if not briefly, then there is not enough space on this page to describe how delicious it is.

I won’t waste my time and yours on sophisticated epithets, but will get straight to the point.


To prepare chicken beshbarmak we will need the following products:

  • chicken
  • 3-4 large onions
  • 3-4 large carrots
  • salt, pepper to taste

Beshbarmak without boiled flatbreads or homemade noodles is just chicken with onions.

To prepare the dough we will need:

  • approximately 200 grams of water
  • 500 grams of flour
  • 2-3 eggs
  • 1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt

How to cook chicken beshbarmak

First of all, you need to put the chicken on the boil. We take a large pan, such that the chicken goes in whole. You can cut it into large pieces if it doesn’t fit into the pan.

Place the chicken in the pan and fill it with water so that the water completely covers the chicken. Season well with salt, pepper and add your favorite spices as you see fit.

Place the pan with the chicken on the fire and close the lid. We will cook the chicken for a long time, 2-3 hours over medium heat, we want the meat to easily fall off the bones.

About 40 minutes before cooking the chicken, you can knead the dough. To do this, pour water into a deep cup and break the eggs into it. Pour flour into a cup, add vegetable oil and salt. Knead this mixture into a stiff dough, adding flour if necessary. Cover the dough and set aside in a cool place to rest.

Place a frying pan on the fire and pour vegetable oil into it. Cut the onion into half rings and throw it into the frying pan.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the pan with the onions.

Our task, stirring occasionally, is to fry the onions and carrots until tender, that is, so that they stop crunching.

When the onions and carrots are fried, the chicken should be ready. Remove it from the hot broth and place it on a large dish.

We need to separate the chicken meat from the bones so that only a pile of chicken meat remains on the plate.

It's time to start testing again. Cut off large pieces of dough and knead them in your hands to form small flat cakes.

Roll out the cakes with a rolling pin to a thickness of approximately 2 millimeters.

At this point, recipes usually advise cutting the dough into diamonds to make homemade noodles, but in our family they do it differently. We cook the whole tortillas.

Carefully lower the tortillas into the boiling chicken broth and cook until tender, 5-7 minutes.

When my daughter wants beshbarmak, she says: let’s eat boiled pancakes.

When the dough is ready, catch the cakes from the broth and place them like pancakes on a large dish.

We serve all three ingredients in separate dishes: chicken meat, fried onions and carrots and “boiled pancakes.”

For those who don’t know, I’ll explain how to eat it. Place the flatbread on the plate. Place chicken meat and fried onions and carrots in the middle of the flatbread.

Wrap the filling in a tortilla to make an envelope.

We take the envelope with the filling with both hands and eat it, carefully, trying not to let it unfold.

I almost forgot! You can pour the broth that remains in the pan into a cup and wash down the chicken beshbarmak with this broth. Believe me, it's very tasty!

  • 1 chicken;
  • 3 onions;
  • Pepper, salt and other spices;
  • 3/4 cup water;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil;
  • 2 eggs.

Beshbarmak is a dish belonging to Central Asian cuisine. From the Turkic language its name is literally translated as “five fingers”. This phrase implies that beshbarmak was originally eaten with hands. Before eating, a special ritual of washing hands was even performed.
Beshbarmak is a dish consisting of boiled meat and homemade egg noodles. Traditionally, lamb or horse meat was used for its preparation. Also very common was cold cuts, which were supplemented with veal or goose. Today beshbarmak with chicken is prepared everywhere, the recipe for which will be given below. This is a tasty and satisfying dish that does not require special ingredients.

How to cook chicken beshbarmak:

  1. Wash the chicken and place in a large saucepan (5-6 liters). If it doesn't fit entirely, cut it into pieces. Pour cold water over the chicken and place the pan on the heat. The fire should be low. When the water boils, salt the chicken and add spices. Leave to cook for 2.5-3 hours with the lid closed. Meat that easily separates from the bones will indicate readiness.

  2. You can also prepare chicken beshbarmak using a special dough sold in any supermarket. But the taste will not be the same, so it is better to knead homemade dough. Let's do this an hour after we put the chicken to cook. Mix water, eggs, vegetable oil, salt (1 tsp) in a deep bowl and stir in flour. You should get a dough that will not stick to your hands. The amount of flour can be increased slightly. Leave the dough covered in a cool place until the chicken is done.

  3. Peel the onion and chop it into half rings.
  4. In a frying pan moistened with vegetable oil, fry the onion until tender, that is, until it becomes soft and stops crunching.

  5. When the chicken is ready, wait a bit until it cools and separate the meat from the bones.
  6. Roll out the dough into flat cakes, 2-3 mm thick. Cut it into diamonds.
  7. Boil the dough diamonds in boiling chicken broth until tender (5-7 minutes).

  8. Now that all the ingredients are ready, you can serve chicken beshbarmak. They do this in various ways. For example, you can serve three deep plates: with meat, noodles and onions. Then everyone will apply beshbarmak on their own.
    Another option is to serve the dish in portions (as in the photo). To do this, place noodles on the bottom of the plate, place meat on it, and onion on top of it.

The broth can be added either to the plate or washed down with the dish separately.
Bon appetit!

So, let's start preparing our chicken beshbarmak. First, boil the chicken and prepare the broth:

    Wash the soup chicken, which is best bought at the market, well and cut it in half lengthwise. Store-bought broilers will not work. They have tender meat designed for quick cooking, mainly for frying. In addition, their meat is juicy but unsaturated, raised with the help of drugs for rapid growth, they do not have the aroma of regular chicken. That’s why the so-called skinny chicken is used, since its meat is not so fatty, but rich in protein and not loaded with chemicals. These chickens are small - chickens, and there are large ones, about three kilograms. This is what you need. Place its halves in a large saucepan, as for jellied meat. Be sure to fill with cold water. A three-kilogram chicken will use approximately 5 liters of water. Place the pan over high heat. Before boiling, remove the foam, add salt, add peppercorns, bay leaves, a whole onion with peel and a couple of carrots cut lengthwise. The spices will give their flavor to the broth, and the onion skins and carrots will give it a wonderful golden color. The broth must be cooked for at least three hours. To do this, immediately after boiling, reduce the heat to very low, cover with a loose lid and leave to simmer a little.

Preparing the dough:

    During this time, you can calmly start testing. It is made with water, just like for dumplings. That is, pour a glass of water into a container, add generous salt, and beat in an egg. Whisk everything until the salt dissolves without residue. Now add flour as needed to get a fairly stiff dough. Knead it on a board to feel its density with your hands. The dough should not only be tough, but elastic and elastic, not hard.

    Sometimes a hot cooking method is used to give it elasticity. Mix the egg with salted flour and a teaspoon of table vinegar, and then pour in hot water. As soon as the water is poured, you immediately need to begin intensive kneading so that the egg does not curl and lumps of flour do not form.

    Peel two or three onions and cut them into thin rings. Place in a deep bowl and sprinkle generously with 9% vinegar. Stir, cover and leave to marinate for half an hour. Stir occasionally to ensure the marinade is distributed evenly.

The final stage of preparing beshbarmak:

    Remove the finished dough from the cold and cut into pieces. Roll out each piece very thinly with a rolling pin, like noodles. Cut the rolled sheets with a regular knife or a wavy knife for dough, if you want the edges to be curly, into large squares or diamonds.

    Once the broth is ready, remove the chicken from it to a separate dish. Throw away the onion, it has done its job, but leave the carrots in the broth. Cut the chicken into small pieces.

    Do not remove the broth from the heat, leave it to continue to simmer gently. Gradually lower the dough sheets into this broth one at a time. Since they are thin, they will cook almost instantly; readiness will be indicated by the fact that the plates float to the surface and acquire a yellowish color. As soon as this happens, the sheets should be immediately removed with a slotted spoon and placed on a large, deep and wide dish.

    Place pieces of chicken on top, cover them generously with pickled onions and place them in the center of the table. Separately, pour broth into broth cups or bowls for each participant in the meal. Decorate all this, both the broth and the beshbarmak itself, very generously with herbs.

Central Asia is traditionally considered the birthplace of this dish. The name “beshbarmak” itself translates as “five fingers,” which characterizes the peculiarities of its use, because even now in eastern countries some dishes are supposed to be eaten with hands. These include beshbarmak, which was traditionally consumed in a similar way, washed down with tuzduk - meat broth served in bowls.

Chicken beshbarmak

For the classic dish, according to the ancient recipe, horse meat was supposed to be used as the base. On holidays, certain, special delicacy varieties were used. Later they began to use lamb, camel, and beef. Well, chicken beshbarmak is the trend of the current times. Because in Asian countries, such meat is most accessible and costs much less than horse meat. In addition to meat, the recipe calls for the use of homemade noodles and vegetables. And preparing chicken beshbarmak is extremely simple. To do this, you don’t need to be, as they say, “seven spans in the forehead.” Basic culinary skills and knowledge will be enough. Let's try to master it too.

Beshbarmak. Chicken recipe

Ingredients: one medium-sized chicken, half a kilo of onion, seasonings and salt, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, a couple of glasses of flour, two eggs.

Before preparing chicken beshbarmak, you also need to take care of the noodle dough. Of course, you can buy it ready-made in the store. But you can cook it, as they say, with your own hands at home. It will be more interesting and tastier. So, wash the chicken and set it to cook in a large saucepan (if the specimen is large, you can cut it into several parts). The cooking process is quite lengthy and takes up to three hours.


In the meantime, let's make the dough. Pour water into a bowl, add salt and eggs, mix. Gradually add flour in a thin stream, stirring. Knead the product until it stops sticking to your hands. Wrap the finished dough in cling film and place it in the refrigerator. Later, we roll it out into a sheet approximately three millimeters thick. Cut homemade noodles into diamonds.

Next steps

Before making beshbarmak from chicken, remove the finished bird from the pan and let the meat cool. Divide the pulp into pieces (tear with your hands). We remove the bones to the side. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan until golden brown. Drain half of the broth from the chicken and strain it into a separate container. In the second half, boil the noodles until tender. Mix noodles, chicken and onions in one deep bowl. Season with dry seasonings. You can decorate with fresh herbs. We serve chicken beshbarmak to the table along with strained broth, poured separately into deep bowls (they are supposed to wash down the dish).


There are some variations of this oriental dish. Well, first of all, you can cook beshbarmak from chicken with potatoes. By adding this ingredient, the dish will only benefit, it will become more satisfying, and the taste will improve. For these purposes, we use three medium potatoes for the above quantity of products. They need to be peeled, cut into cubes, and boiled (can be done with noodles or separately). We introduce potatoes into the dish at the final stage. You can also do this with other vegetables that complement the taste. For example, with carrots. You can also try to improve the preparation of chicken beshbarmak. Some cooks prefer to add chopped fresh tomatoes or a couple of spoons of tomato paste to the dish. These procedures add characteristic sourness. But this turns out to be a slightly different dish. Celery root also looks good in beshbarmak if you have it on hand. In general, oriental food leaves wide scope for culinary activities for those who want to show their imagination.

A few secrets

How to serve?

There are several ways to serve this dish on the table.

  1. Classical. All parts of the dish must be served separately. Pour meat, vegetables and noodles into various deep bowls. And each guest is given a plate in which he will independently “assemble” his beshbarmak, according to his preferences. After all, some people like to add more meat, while others like to add more vegetables or noodles. A bowl of broth in which the chicken was boiled is placed on the table next to each guest. It is customary to drink beshbarmak with this broth.
  2. Portioned. In each of the plates (according to the number of guests) we place several sheets of homemade noodles, then several pieces of meat, and last are the vegetables. Fill each plate with chicken broth until it lightly covers the ingredients. Meanwhile, the dish should remain thick, and not in the form of a soup. You can decorate the dish using chopped greens of various types. Cilantro or parsley are best.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about making beshbarmak. Even a culinary novice can cope with this task. And I really want to try cooking! And don’t forget to invite your friends and have an evening of Central Asian cuisine.

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