Dmitry Alekseevich Isaev. Actor Dmitry Isaev: biography and personal life Dmitry Isaev personal biography

According to the widow of the People's Artist of the USSR Vladislav Strzhelchik, he stubbornly denied that the actor famous today Dmitry Isaev- his illegitimate son. But Dmitry himself admits that he always knew exactly who his father was and always felt his presence in his life. Thanks to his parents, Dmitry was involved in theatrical life from an early age. But the path to fame and success turned out to be long and difficult.

He calls the period after graduating from theater a “black hole”: he had to work as a massage therapist, a fitness trainer, and a store director. Everything changed when the series came out on television "Poor Nastya", where Isaev played Tsarevich Alexander. Aristocratic appearance, deep gaze, special way of speaking... Fans bombarded him with letters with declarations of love. And by that time he already had a failed marriage with a classmate who gave birth to twins Polina And Sofia. Today Isaev tells for the first time how his relationship with his father developed, what is the truth of the accusations of his second wife and how did it happen that her best friend became the main one in his destiny?

“To regret the lack of something, for example, a male upbringing, you need to have this experience. Since I don’t have it, I have no regrets,” says Dmitry about the absence of his father in his childhood. But he grew up in a communal apartment with 19 rooms, where he received the necessary “charge of strength”: it was always cold there, and among the neighbors there were geologists and miners... At the age of three he was already reading and going to the library himself.

My father helped with problems that could not be solved in the usual way: an apartment, a music school for violin class, where Dima was accepted with bad marks. He was drawn to sports, but his mother explained that this was incompatible with a career as a violinist, and then said in despair: “You can’t be an athlete when you have a father like that!” And she finally named the name that she had hidden from her son until then. Dmitry was then 12 years old. He could meet his father at the theater, but he walked with him “through different corridors”: his mother worked as a make-up artist and served in the women’s half. The news of the relationship did not make much of an impression on the boy: he had already formed an opinion about Strzhelchik as an excellent professional, and it remained unchanged: “There was no resentment, no anger - only inner delight from being involved in something great.”

The personal acquaintance took place in the dressing room: the father came to Dima himself and asked banal questions about the school. He could not call him dad. They never met again in the theater. Even when Strzhelchik died, Isaev was worried simply because a great artist had passed away, and not a loved one.

At the age of 14, Dmitry got on a motorcycle and left home, where he never returned. “I was a growing up gangster, but without a criminal record,” he laughs. The violin saved him from crime: he played all day - in the theater, in the orchestra, in the jazz club. During breaks, I unloaded wagons and worked at the factory: it was 1990, there was nothing to eat...

Romance with a “girl not from here” Asey Shibarova happened and... ended, but by that time they were already expecting twins. Without roles, without money, without prospects: Dmitry was completely at a loss for family life and... started drinking. When the girls were four years old, Isaev himself decided to leave the family before his “immoral life” ruined the lives of his loved ones.

The casting for his first Moscow project lasted a year, but it seemed that “Poor Nastya” was worth it: success, new acquaintances. Peter did not accept him back: in the theater they said goodbye to him. But no one was waiting for Isaev in Moscow either: there were no new proposals, but there was “total, endless, nightmarish loneliness.” Rented apartments replaced each other. In one of them he thought: “I’ll probably hang myself here.”

A little later, Dmitry met a ballerina Innu Ginkevich. At first we just talked, were friends, corresponded. The affair happened later, and the actor developed a good relationship with his wife’s daughter from his first marriage. “But I simply wasn’t in the family: I was constantly acting,” admits Isaev. They lived together for about five years, and after their separation, Ginkevich gave an interview full of pain: supposedly it was thanks to her that Isaev became a famous actor, it was she who saved him from alcoholism and sacrificed her career for him, and he went to her closest friend.

Isaev does not deny that Inna did a lot to promote his career: she was involved in contracts and PR. But it was the harshness of her leadership that caused their breakup. With his current wife, Oksana Rozhok, he started dating six months after he left Inna. Oksana was Ginkevich’s friend for 19 years, she often visited the spouses, and Inna perceived her act as a betrayal. What captivated Dmitry about Oksana was that she gave him freedom and quit ballet as soon as he asked her to quit her job. Now they have a son growing up Alexander

How did Isaev end up with the pipe his father bought? Why didn’t he take the name of the famous artist and go to work at the BDT? Who does Isaev blame for the collapse of his first marriage, and who helped him get out of his dive? What was the first thought that came to the forty-year-old actor when he found out that he would become a father again? Answers - in

Dmitry Isaev's first wife was the famous theater actress Asya Shibareva, whom he met as a student. Asya and Dmitry studied at the same theater school. Once, at one of the student evenings, the young people started talking and realized that they were interested together and would find something to talk about in the future. So a young student Dmitry Isaev invited the future actress on a date, after which their romance began and grew into a mutual desire to connect their personal lives with sacred ties.

Dmitry Isaev’s wife – photo

In their marriage, Dmitry Isaev and his wife Asya had children - two wonderful daughters, Sonya and Polina, who in the future, like their parents, will want to shine under the spotlight and connect their lives with cinema, which sometimes attracts young talents so much. A photo of Dmitry Isaev’s wife and his daughters is presented below.

But apparently the marriage was destined to fall apart, since the flighty artist is not attracted by the monotony of everyday family life. And the crowds of fans behind the scenes, sometimes expecting more than just autographs, instilled confidence in Dmitry.

The second wife of actor Dmitry Isaev, a charming actress, as well as an elegant ballerina of the Stanislavsky Theater Inna Ginkevich, just like Isaev’s ex-wife, could not keep him. Viewers will remember her well as the leading actress in “Zemsky Doctor.” Inna is a very purposeful person who has achieved success in sports and choreography, and has also successfully taken on the role of a TV presenter. Any business will burn in her hands if she takes it up, and Inna doesn’t care what others think about it. The artist pays attention to other people's opinions last.

Although it should be noted that it was Inna Ginkevich who helped Dmitry Isaev in psychological difficulties. Dmitry stood at a creative crossroads and did not know what to do next. And like many men in such a situation, he became addicted to alcohol. Sometimes Isaev drank for several days in a row, when he received another refusal from the directors. But Inna found an approach to him and helped him pull himself together. However, this union was doomed to failure - Dmitry switched to her best friend and plunged a knife into the back of her unsuspecting wife.

And her friend turned out to be none other than Oksana Rozhok, the current and so far last wife of actor Dmitry Isaev. Oksana was friends with his ex-wife for many years. They had a warm, friendly, almost family relationship for about 20 years. Inna never suspected what was happening behind her back and believed that nothing would ruin her relationship with her husband. But as soon as control was weakened, Oksana immediately took advantage of the situation and lured the artist to her place. Now the biography of Dmitry Isaev will be replenished with one more wife.

Oksana already had two failed marriages behind her and unpresentable work in the corps de ballet. However, this did not stop her from arranging her new family the way she wanted. Taking your husband away from under your best friend’s nose is a matter that requires skill and certain moral qualities. No matter how hard the ex-wife tried to keep her betrothed, Dmitry Isaev still broke up with his wife - apparently everything was destined by fate.

But as you know, no matter how hard you try, you can’t build anything good on someone else’s misfortune. As soon as Dmitry went on tour to the south with a theater troupe, interesting photos appeared on the Internet. The photographs showed the actor kissing Nonna Grishaeva, who played with him in the troupe and was 10 years older than the chosen one - probably maternal feelings awoke.

The story of the divorce of Inna Ginkevich and Dmitry Isaev has haunted admirers of their talent for many years. They seemed like an ideal couple, she is a world-famous ballerina, he is a famous actor, the favorite of all women. According to her, she did everything to save this marriage, but at some point a point of no return came, after which their relationship ended.

They say that the reason for the divorce was Ginkevich’s friend, ballerina Oksana Rozhok, who took the man away from the family. Inna neither confirmed nor denied this information. Boris Korchevnikov asked the ballerina about the current relationship between Isaev and Rozhok, noting that she gave birth to his child.

“This is the next program about DNA. So invite them and find out whose child it is, what kind of child it is. I can’t talk about this,” Ginkevich said.

She recalls with a smile her breakup with the famous actor and says that now everything is fine in her personal life. True, Ginkevich is not going to get married again, because he does not believe that a stamp in a passport is the key to a good relationship. After all, marriage did not save her marriage to Isaev, to whom her social life was alien.

“He said: “I need to breathe oxygen, I went to St. Petersburg.” I asked: “Will you come back?”, to which I received the answer: “We probably need to separate.” I reached a point of no return, he returned, and I felt that I wanted to make peace, but I did not give such an opportunity,” recalls Ginkevich.

According to her, when they came to receive an application for divorce, at the registry office the stunned actor suddenly asked her: “Why do I need this?” Inna continued to treat her ex-husband well and for some time even took care of her affairs, because before that she was considered his producer. But after some time, she found out that he lived with her best friend, Oksana Rozhok, and her first husband told her about it.

“Andrey calls me and says: “How is Ksyukha? Is everything all right with her? Isaev lives at her house!” She did everything that I didn’t do - they got married, quit her job,” Inna recalls.

On the air of the program “The Fate of a Man,” the ballerina admits that she would never do this, because there is a “female code of honor.” She was friends with her for 20 years, raised children together, ate from the same plate. “There can be many men, but only one girlfriend,” says Ginkevich.

Dmitry Alekseevich Isaev. Born on January 23, 1973 in Leningrad. Russian theater and film actor.

Illegitimate son of a famous Soviet actor.

However, Strzhelchik’s widow, Lyudmila Shuvalova, told the press that the actor always denied his paternity: “Vladik so stubbornly denied his paternity that even conversations on this topic were impossible. But if Isaev’s mother is sure that the child is Vladislav Ignatievich’s, that’s her right ". I told Mitya: “If you want, don’t hesitate, take the surname Strzhelchik. I don’t mind.” Although I don’t think that Vladik communicated with his alleged son: he didn’t feel the need for it.”

Mother - Julia, worked as a make-up artist at the Bolshoi Drama Theater.

At school he was fond of sports and studied violin at the Rimsky-Korsakov Music School.

From the age of 14 he worked in Yuri Tomashevsky's theater "Comedian's Shelter" (played the violin). Actress Olga Volkova came to work at the theater and, according to Dmitry, at her encouragement he went to the theater institute.

I entered drama school on my second try. In 1996 he graduated from LGITMiK, workshop of V.V. Petrov.

He served in the Russian Entreprise theaters named after. A. Mironov, “The Comedian’s Shelter” and in the theater. V. F. Komissarzhevskaya. At the same time, he worked as a fitness trainer, massage therapist, store director, and was also involved in various projects related to dancing, writing and arranging songs, was a host of television and radio programs, and a second director for dubbing and scoring films.

His first film role was as little Mozart playing the violin in the French film “Debussy, or Mademoiselle Shu-Shu.”

Having become a professional actor, he made his debut as a swimmer in the film “Lady Victory.”

He gained wide popularity after the release of the popular TV series “Poor Nastya”, in which he played the role of Tsarevich Alexander.

Dmitry Isaev in the series "Poor Nastya"

Then he played dozens of roles in other TV series - “Hear My Heart”, “Vow of Silence”, “Prediction”, “The Last Victim”, “Golden Cage”, “The Road Home”, “An Uninvented Life”, “Not a Couple”, “Provocateur” "and so on.

He spends his free time watching movies. “I have fifteen hundred favorite old films from the 20th century. So I watch them,” he says. Dmitry Isaev's favorite actors are Alexey Batalov, Vasily Lanovoy, Evgeny Urbansky, Evgeny Evstigneev.

Dmitry Isaev's height: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Dmitry Isaev:

Isaev’s first wife was the actress of the St. Petersburg Aquarium Theater Asya Shibarova. He met her while studying at drama school.

From his first marriage, Isaev has 2 twin daughters - Polina and Sonya. Polina Isaeva followed in the footsteps of her father, already acting in films at the age of 13.

Asya Shibarova - the first wife of Dmitry Isaev

Oksana Rozhok was married twice, her relationships with her husbands did not work out. Inna willingly talks about those events, still not recovering from her friend’s betrayal. She notes that Oksana Rozhok was an ordinary cardaballet dancer, she had no special talents, which is why it was easy for her to “sacrifice” her work in the name of family happiness, which Ginkevich could not give to her ex-husband. In addition, according to Inna, the actor returned to his alcohol addiction again when he got married for the third time.

Inna is sure: it was not without magic. In the “Let Them Talk” program, Honored Artist of Russia Inna Ginkevich told how she dealt with the betrayal of her husband and friend and why, having sacrificed her artistic career, she could not save her family.

Divorce of Dmitry Isaev and Inna Ginkevich. Let them talk

Oksana Rozhok became Isaev’s third wife.

In March 2015, the paparazzi filmed Dmitry Isaev kissing married actress Nonna Grishaeva, who, moreover, was 11 years older than him.

The lovers had fun during a tour in Sochi. The actors brought the entreprise performance “Warsaw Melody” to the Black Sea coast, in which they played the main roles (moreover, there are only two names on the troupe’s list - Nonna Grishaeva and Dmitry Isaev).

However, Oksana Rozhok apparently endured it in order to save her family.

Filmography of Dmitry Isaev:

1994 - Debussy, or Mademoiselle Shu-Shu - little Mozart
2001 - Madam Victory - Glory
2001 - Silver Wedding
2002 - Sea Knot - Evgeniy
2003 - Gangster Petersburg. Film 6. Journalist - Vladik
2003 - The Emperor's Love - Tsarevich Vladimir
2003 - Poor Nastya - Tsarevich Alexander
2003 - Mongoose - football player
2004 - Sins of the Fathers - Pyotr Sergeevich Volkov
2004 - Dear Masha Berezina - violinist Evgeny Abramov
2005 - Happy birthday, queen! - Major George Andestend
2006 - Return of the Prodigal Pope - Alexey
2006 - From flame and light - Prince Alexander Vasilchikov
2007 - War and Peace - Nikolai Rostov
2007 - Quartet for two - Vadim
2007 - Full Breath - Kostya
2007 - Can you hear me? - Lyokha's stepfather
2008 - Our sins - Sergey
2008 - Sand Rain - Igor Zorin
2008 - Victims of Fate - Anton, Dasha’s husband
2008 - Bluebeard - Philip
2009 - Obsessed - lawyer German Borisovich Dubrovnik
2010 - Detachment detachment: Solo on a minefield - Vasilek
2010 - Hear my heart - Kirill
2011 - Vow of silence - George
2011 - Prediction - Igor
2011 - Terminal - Max Orlov, head of a brokerage office
2011 - Pushken - Olenin
2011 - House on the Edge - Sergey
2011 - Evidence - Sukhanov
2011 - Indian Summer Web - Sergey
2011 - Dowry - Sergei Paratov
2011 - Sect - Daniel
2012 - Wild 3 - Konstantin Sergeevich
2012 - Every man for himself - Igor
2012 - Give me Sunday - Mikhail
2012 - 1812: Uhlan Ballad - Alexander I
2012 - The last victim - Alexey
2013 - Not a woman’s business - Alexey Vitalievich Gavrilov, lawyer
2013 - We swear to protect - Evgeny Krechetov
2013 - Golden Cage
2013 - Flowers of Evil - Anatoly Lensky, radio journalist
2014 - The Road Home - Denis Romanov
2015 - Unimaginable life - Dima
2015 - Country Romance - Vadim Shevelkov
2015 - Not a couple - Nechaev
2015 - Support points - Kirill, Alexandra’s husband

Name: Dmitriy Isayev

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Age: 45 years

Place of Birth: Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Height: 178

Activity: theater and film actor

Tags: actor, cinema

Family status: married

Dmitry Isaev is a modern theater and film actor, whom many viewers know from the main role of Tsarevich Alexander in the famous television series “Poor Nastya.”

Dmitry Isaev was born on January 23, 1973 in Leningrad into a creative family. His parents were actors of the then famous Bolshoi Drama Theater, who made every effort to develop their son's acting talent. At the age of 3, young Dima already knew how to read and at the age of 6 he went to study at an advanced school, which the grandchildren of Alexander Pushkin graduated from in their time. The school had a sports direction, and all students were actively involved in sports from the first days of school. Isaev was no exception - the boy chose athletics. But from an early age, Dima had an incredible passion for music, and in parallel with secondary school, he studied music professionally in the violin class.

At the end of the seventh grade, the young man realized that he could no longer cope with the workload; he was faced with a choice between sports and music. After much deliberation, Dmitry Isaev chose music and entered the music school named after. Rimsky-Korsakov. Dmitry notes that by the time he entered the music school, his passion for art had already faded a little, since as a teenager it was difficult for the guy to get along with the discipline and demands of the teachers. At one point, Isaev left the school, not agreeing with his teacher on the choice of repertoire.

When the guy was faced with the question of choosing an educational institution, Dmitry Isaev completely relied on his parents, who looked after him throughout the initial period of his life. The young man had no desire to become an artist, because throughout his childhood and youth he had seen enough of the harsh everyday life of artists on the theater stage and did not want such a future for himself. At some point, Dmitry wanted to enter medical school and become a surgeon, but the young man’s friend Olga Volkova, at that time an aspiring actress, took Isaev’s patronage and sent him to enter a theater university. The guy could not resist her persuasion and he submitted documents to LGITMiK, but failed the entrance exams in history. Therefore, it was only the second time that I became a student at the theater institute.

Isaev’s student years passed very easily: he found a common language with his teacher Vladimir Viktorovich Petrov, and the disciplines he studied were within his grasp. While studying, the young man worked part-time as a fitness trainer, massage therapist, and at some point even served as a store director. Dmitry Isaev was also a television and radio presenter for some time.

The acting biography of Dmitry Isaev began at the age of fourteen, when the young man began working in the theater "Comedian's Shelter" by Yuri Tomashevsky. He played a large number of roles of different nature there. After graduating in 1996, LGITMiK continued to work at the Comedian's Shelter, combining it with work at the Theater. Komissarzhevskaya, whose stage eventually turned out to be a permanent place of work.

His very first film debut was the role of young Mozart in the French film “Debussy, or Mademoiselle Shu-Shu” while still at school. After this, Isaev’s acting biography was dormant for a long time - the young man was not invited to the cinema, and he himself was not very keen on it. He liked working in the theater more than the harsh everyday life of a film actor.

Gradually, his opinion and plans about the movie changed, which was facilitated by the role he played as Slava in the film “Lady Victory.” The following roles of Dmitry Isaev were more of an episodic nature: he played small roles in the films “Gangster Petersburg”, “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Mongoose”, “Chronicle of Love”.

The main role of Dmitry Isaev in the famous TV series “Poor Nastya” was a real triumph for the actor and brought recognition from the audience. The actor was loved for his portrayal of Tsarevich Alexander, despite the fact that it was not easy for Dmitry to get used to the “soap” role. The actor's filming partner was Elena Korikova. The series consisted of more than a hundred episodes and was about the life of a serf girl who was raised as the daughter of a baron.

Then followed the main roles in the films “Sins of the Fathers”, “Return of the Prodigal Pope” and “Quartet for Two”. The actor began to appear annually in three or four detective or melodramatic series.

In 2007, Isaev played Nikolai Rostov in the international project “War and Peace,” based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy.

Some of the last works were the roles of Isaev in the films “Not a Couple”, “The Road Home”, “An Unimaginable Life”.

Despite his success in cinema, the actor did not leave his work in the theater. During this period, Dmitry Isaev played the role of the Master in the enterprise play “The Master and Margarita” based on the famous novel by Bulgakov. The troupe toured the Russian Federation for several months with performances and visited cities in both the central and eastern parts of our state.

The personal life of Dmitry Isaev is as filled with many events as the actor’s career. In society, he is considered a ladies' man, popular among women. The media constantly delight readers with details of the actor’s new novels.

Today, Isaev is already in his 3rd official marriage with Oksana Rozhok.

Dmitry met his first wife while still a student. His chosen one was actress Asya Shibarova, who gave birth to Isaev’s 2 children - twin daughters Polina and Sofia. The girls followed in the footsteps of their parents and are already actively acting in films.

Dmitry's second wife is Honored Artist of Russia, ballerina Inna Ginkevich, with whom the artist lived for six years. According to media reports, the marriage broke up “thanks” to the efforts of Inna’s best friend, former ballerina Oksana Rozhok, who took Dima away from her.

A loving guy, he tied the knot for the third time, officially legitimizing his relationship with Oksana Rozhok. Moreover, in addition to the painting in the registry office, Dmitry Isaev and his wife Oksana got married in the church. In June 2014, the heir Sasha was born into the family.

Another marriage did not prevent the emergence of new rumors about Isaev’s relationship. The media caught the man having a love affair with Nonna Grishaeva. As journalists noted, Dmitry Isaev and Nonna Grishaeva are in love with each other not only on the theater stage, but also in real life. Famous actors today are playing together in the production “Warsaw Melody”, created specifically for Nonna.

It is known that the actress for the main role personally chose her partner for the play, who turned out to be Dmitry Isaev. Rumor has it that Grishaeva was seen in close contact with the actor and in behind-the-scenes life.

In this situation, Isaev behaves with more than restraint - the actor does not say anything about the speculation of journalists and the alleged affair with Nonna Grishaeva, but continues to enjoy his own personal life and work.

Dmitry does not advertise his personal life on the Internet, as the actor’s colleagues do. There is no page on Instagram with the name of the artist that belongs to Dmitry Isaev and has been verified as a star account. Other actors and TV presenters celebrate Isaev only through hashtags. The artist also does not promote or promote personal pages on social networks or microblogs.

The year before last, the actor played the role of Colonel Viktor Kamov, deputy head of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption in the crime series “Provocateur.” The main character of the film is the Robin Hood of our time, a freelance employee of the Office who secretly administers justice to those whom the official judiciary cannot reach.

The year before last, Isaev played the main role in the play “Napoleon and Josephine”. The actor’s partner was again Elena Korikova, with whom Dmitry starred in the TV series “Poor Nastya.”

Last year, Isaev played the main role in the crime mini-series “The Young Lady and the Hooligan,” an adaptation of the novel by Tatyana Polyakova. The actor played the role of Mikhail Shalnov, who, having just been released from a pre-trial detention center where a man was being held on suspicion of murder, discovers a bloody corpse in his ex-wife’s apartment. Mikhail understands that the police will not believe that this event was an accident and that Shalnov was not involved, so together with his former sister-in-law he hides the body in the trunk of a car, which, by tragic accident, is stolen the same day.


  • "Poor Nastya"
  • "Lady Victory"
  • "Sins of the Fathers"
  • "War and Peace"
  • "Full Breath"
  • "Chances of Fate"
  • "Obsessed"
  • "Vow of silence"
  • "Terminal"
  • "Sect"
  • "The Last Victim"
  • "The flowers of Evil"
  • "Way home"
  • "Provocateur"
  • "The Young Lady and the Hooligan"

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