Snake lion. Leo-Snake: a man with a special character Leo guy year of birth snake

Active Snake. A rare species, the most charming.

Eastern horoscope- Snake

Zodiac horoscope- A lion

Two Fire signs give rise to an energetic and balanced personality. Leo makes the Snake more generous and open. Leo-Snakes love adventure and competition, and can consider themselves the standard of righteousness.

Men and women born in the Leo-Snake combination are among the most sincere Leos. They are generally calm and serene people with a wonderful balance of honesty, charm and sincerity. These people are caring and forgive a lot, however, they also have limits of patience.

Because of their frankness, people easily part with them, especially those who did not appreciate their honesty. These people are suitable for everyone who is also open; they cannot understand people who keep everything to themselves. They are not afraid to show their emotions and immediately notice if someone is unhappy. These people love to feel useful and support their friends.

The Leo snake is looking for a partner with whom they can become best friends. They do not like to argue and usually try to avoid an argument at all costs. They always calmly discuss issues and come to peaceful conclusions, not liking to waste time arguing about who is right and who is wrong. These people are quite self-sufficient and do not seem to need the company of people. They value communication and the security of personal relationships, but can be just as happy alone. These men and women absolutely adore buying new clothes and also wearing the latest style items.

Their traits of sincerity and generosity do not make them good savers, and at times they behave quite frivolously with money. At home, they prefer decor with an unusual taste and try to create rooms that will help them relax. They invite only people they completely trust into their home, because they love their personal life very much. From time to time they want to be able to close themselves off from the world for a while, especially after work.

The weakness in the personality of such people is so small that it hardly needs to be mentioned, but it is there, so they can worry too much about others and do too much for their own good. On the surface, it may seem like they are taking on too much. The best solution to changing these people's behavior is to simply give them a few kind words of encouragement and a friendly hug.

Leo the snake is a noble, calm and even slow owner. A royal person, accustomed to both commanding and zealously protecting her environment and sphere of her own interests.

When fighting back or attacking, the lion snake does it openly, but often only to demonstrate its strength. Finishing off the enemy is not part of her pleasure. The zodiac sign Leo and the year of the snake are a combination of integrity of nature and many contradictions. Sociability and sociability can be spoiled by excess pride.

Leo the snake is capricious, jealous and selfish, but never shows this, even if we are not talking about a conflict between his and someone else’s interests. The contact and even sincerity of the lion snake does not coexist very comfortably with unexpected manifestations of coldness and indifference. It all depends on how much this snake needs a given person. Collisions of this kind often affect the fate of the lion snake.

The life of a lion snake, both a woman and a man, is sometimes replete with surprises of all kinds. And this is not always the choice of the person himself, but rather an indirect and accumulated reaction to him from the surrounding reality.

Leo the snake needs not just a family, but a retinue - understanding and supportive in everything. It doesn’t occur to anyone to talk about whether Leo is a good performer and subordinate, nor to deny his sexuality - it simply exists, and no one has the right to doubt it.

French football player Thierry Henry. Polish statesman and military leader Jan III Sobieski. British actor Daniel Radcliffe. British writer Joanne Rowling.
American actor Edward Furlong. American wrestler and actor Hulk Hogan.

As a rule, they are open and very sincere, but Leo, born in the year of the Snake, turns into a person on his own, capable of deceit and possessing high self-esteem. Undoubtedly, the Snake-Leo is endowed with charm and charisma, the ability to make contact, but he gets along with people, as a rule, solely guided by his own interests: whether the person will be useful to him in the future or not.


The Snake-Leo man is a leader, a leader who has the ability to subjugate the will of people. He strives for power, loves to feel in the center of attention, craves recognition and worship. This person strives to create around himself a kind of retinue of people loyal to him, with whom he will collaborate in the future. In personal relationships, as well as at work, the Snake-Leo man is a leader, takes the reins of power into his own hands and strives to create a family pride, where he is in charge, and all other members of the household adapt to his life and admire him.


The Leo woman is energetic, assertive, and has pronounced leadership character traits. Like a man of the same combination, she is capable of leadership positions; she also strives to be the center of attention. In addition, the Snake-Leo woman is prone to wastefulness; she easily succumbs to the temptation to spend everything she earns on jewelry and fashionable clothes; with little employment, she can turn into a furious shopaholic. In relationships with men, this woman is bright and active, she is able to take the initiative into her own hands and herself achieve the person she likes. The Snake-Leo woman really needs a family, she loves to take care of the house and adores children, although not everyone is able to get along with such a strong and complex lady.

Snake-Leo is a strong and charismatic person, capable of taking responsibility and able to influence the minds of people. Such a combination of signs makes a person complex and inflexible, but at the same time, one can only envy his perseverance and fortitude.

Leo – Snake
Leo – Snake

If a girl falls in love, then she wants to do everything to win her chosen one. To do this, you should listen to astrology. She will help you figure out how to behave correctly with this or that man. Characteristics and compatibility in love will make it clear whether it is worth spending time to win the heart of this particular representative of the strong half of humanity.

Characteristics of a Leo-Snake man

The Leo-Snake man behaves in such a way that, looking at him, one can say that he has royal blood in his family. The whole appearance of the chosen one says that he is a king. He usually has several higher educations. In addition to being well-read and broad-minded, he is very noble. For all this, he enjoys great respect among the people around him. He is valued not only as a specialist, but also as an ordinary person.

A man born under the zodiac sign Leo in the year of the Dragon does everything quite slowly. But at the same time, the result can always please with its beauty and high quality. Such a man is also unhurried in conversation. He will not talk idle about trifles. From his lips you can hear only the most correct things. That's why they go to him for advice. This is very flattering for a man. He loves to be significant.

When participating in competitions, representatives of this sign strive for victory. They consider their achievements to be a good example for others. Such men are kind of role models.

Slowness is often confused with phlegmaticity and indifference. However, Leo-Snake men are very caring and righteous. You just have to be patient and wait a little. Then you will be able to see real warmth and care on his part.

Men born under this sign do not like to quarrel. They always try to avoid conflict situations. They will simply give in so as not to spoil the relationship with the person.

The Leo-Snake man is a self-sufficient person. He will always find something to do. He doesn't need company. He only needs people as students and followers who idolize his talent and want to be at least a little like him.

To look stately, a man of this sign follows fashion. He will not spare money on expensive clothes, the main thing is that they are stylish. The same applies to his home. The interior of such a guy is completely in line with fashion.

Compatibility in love of a Leo-Snake man

The Leo-Snake man, despite his self-sufficiency, when falling in love, completely gives himself to his partner. At the same time, he demands the same sacrifice from her. Everything here should be on a royal scale.

Representatives of this zodiac sign believe in one and only love. Having chosen a girl, he will do everything to achieve her and save the marriage for the rest of his life. However, the partner must fully share his interests. Otherwise, they are not on their way. If a girl shares his life positions and actively takes part in those areas that he considers important, then she will quickly turn from a lover into his wife. Leo-Snake men do not wait long and immediately propose marriage.

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Character of men Snakes - Leo: They are extremely cheerful and life-loving individuals. They can infect everyone around them with their fun. They value a smile because they understand its high value. They know how to philosophically survive any grief, since they have the right approach to different aspects of life. These men are wise by nature, so they can become advisers to other men. Pedantry allows them to obtain correct information from all events.

The character of these men is very complex. They are prone to mood swings. Their capriciousness and stubbornness prevents them from achieving their life goals. Inconstancy often pushes them to change their environment and travel. And this does not allow them to achieve stability in relationships and finances. It is better if changes are built into their work or family life so that everything turns out favorably.

Snake men - Leos in love and relationships: These men begin romantic relationships at a young age. This is due to the fact that they belong to the family type of men. And this makes family and relationships very necessary for them. A break with them is possible only on the initiative of the partner, since they themselves are always trying to find an opportunity to maintain the union. Sensitivity, attention and delicacy are the main qualities that they show in relationships with the opposite sex.

Snake men - Leos in finance and career: A career is not the goal of life for these men, but they may strive for career advancement for certain reasons. Usually they easily achieve a good position, since they have all the capabilities for this, a bright mind, patience and a desire to make something better than it actually is. The financial side of life can play a big role for them, and in this case they try to achieve prosperity without any special problems.

Snake men - Leos in family and marriage: Family relationships are the most important for these men. They value relatives and love spending time with their families. However, in relations with household members they always put their opinion first. As a result, they can seriously offend loved ones, and then wonder why this happened. If there is a misunderstanding, they can withdraw into their own world, refusing any communication.

Advice for Snake-Leo men: The complex and contradictory nature of these men gives rise to all the difficulties in their lives. However, there are general recommendations that will help solve this problem. First of all, they need to learn to appreciate their loved ones. They also need control over their own feelings and emotions. It is necessary to think more about the present, to live in it, and not to soar in the clouds of the future or remember the grievances of the past.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Leo Snake Woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Two Fire signs give rise to an energetic and balanced personality. Leo makes the Snake more generous and open. Leo-Snakes love adventure and competition, and can consider themselves the standard of righteousness. Men and women born in the Leo-Snake combination are among the most sincere Leos. They are generally calm and serene people with a wonderful balance of honesty, charm and sincerity. These people are caring and forgive a lot, however, they also have limits of patience.

The weakness in the personality of such people is so small that it hardly needs to be mentioned, but it is there, so they can worry too much about others and do too much for their own good. On the surface, it may seem like they are taking on too much. The best solution to changing these people's behavior is to simply give them a few kind words of encouragement and a friendly hug. Leo the snake is a noble, calm and even slow owner. A royal person, accustomed to both commanding and zealously protecting her environment and sphere of her own interests.

The life of a lion snake, both a woman and a man, is sometimes replete with surprises of all kinds. And this is not always the choice of the person himself, but rather an indirect and accumulated reaction to him from the surrounding reality. Leo the snake needs not just a family, but a retinue - understanding and supportive in everything. It doesn’t occur to anyone to talk about whether Leo is a good performer and subordinate, nor to deny his sexuality - it simply exists, and no one has the right to doubt it.

Snake Combination

Horoscope Leo-Snake

According to the horoscope, Leo-Snake is an active and harmonious personality. Such people are generous and sincere with people. They often consider themselves to be right in many situations, so they love to organize competitions and debates.

Horoscope for combining Leo with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Chinese animal calendar by year!

Character of women Snakes - Leo: They are strongly influenced by family and start in life. If the start was favorable, then their life is positive. Some individuals can overcome a negative start because they have strong-willed character traits. They must constantly engage in self-development in order to achieve positive results in life. They usually manage to overcome negative character traits thanks to their down-to-earth and pragmatism.

By nature, they are stubborn individuals with leadership traits. They can occupy a high social position because they are quite smart and educated. These are women who always adhere to traditions, because they find some kind of support in life in this. They are conservative, so they can rarely accept life's changes. They love luxury and comfort, for which they will go to great lengths.

Snake Women - Leos in Love and Relationships: In love, they always strive to achieve harmony and they succeed. Usually these are authoritarian individuals who try to suppress their partner. In some cases this is a blessing, in others it can end in a breakup. They are perceptive, so they can foresee the development of relationships. And this skill of theirs allows them to build relationships in such a way as to preserve them, since for them the bonds between a man and a woman are sacred.

Snake Women - Leos in Finance and Career: For them, a career is the basis of life. at the same time, they quickly and easily climb the career ladder. They are hardworking, but can relax and unwind well. A rational approach to work allows them to get good results. The financial side of life is decisive for them, so they always strive to get as many opportunities as possible to increase their capital.

Snake women - Leos in family and marriage: Family relationships for these women are an important condition of life. They know how to achieve harmony in the family if they do not show their authoritarian qualities. Moreover, what matters more to them is not just how other people see their family, but their own sense of harmony. It is this approach to family ties that allows them to become happy. To do this, they need to choose the right partner, whose goals will be the same respect for family values.

Advice for Snake-Leo women: For greater success, these people are advised to take more risks, but the risk must be justified. The ability to communicate is another path to success. In some cases, it is better to give up traditions, as this may prevent them from achieving a better position in life. It is necessary to become more natural for change, since all changes carry a positive charge, which for them can only be the beginning or continuation of success.

Leo-Snake: a man with a special character

A very interesting person is a person like Leo-Snake. A man born in the year of this animal under this zodiac sign deserves to be told about his character and temperament.

Eastern horoscope

Before moving on to the main topic, we should talk about some nuances. Namely, about what traits the year of the Snake, in which he was born, awarded this person. The main quality is intelligence, erudition and innate charm. Snake men are able to conquer any girl, because they have natural charisma and charm. They also have an excellent sense of humor. These people are the favorites of women. And, I must say, the Serpent himself will never deny himself the pleasure of flirting or having a spontaneous romance.

It is very difficult to “tame” such men. They are accustomed to short-term relationships that do not oblige them to anything. But if they fall in love and this feeling is really sincere and strong, then everything changes radically. The Snake Man sheds his former skin and becomes a completely different person. Faithful, devoted and loving.

Influence of the zodiac sign

This topic is also worth noting in order to understand what kind of person the Leo-Snake is. A man born under the auspices of this zodiac sign is distinguished by his impressiveness, pride and self-esteem. It may even seem that he has an overly high opinion of himself. They are often mistaken for selfish people. To some extent this is true, but Leos are also incredibly kind people. And also cheerful, cheerful, sociable, smiling and generous.

They need attention. And praise. Without this, a person like Leo-Snake simply cannot exist. A man should feel needed, important and irreplaceable. By the way, this is advice for many girls who want to get such a husband. If you constantly tell him how wonderful he is, you will gain his trust. And in return, the girl will receive care, affection, love and a sea of ​​compliments.

general characteristics

Leo-Snake is a man with a surprisingly serene and calm character. His main qualities are sincerity, charm and honesty. He's also quite generous. It can forgive a lot, but there is no need to abuse it. Because he has limits to patience.

Often these people are too straightforward. This feature may confuse some. In general, not everyone can get along with a person with similar characteristics. This is what the horoscope says. Leo-Snake is the man who needs a girl as sincere and straightforward as himself. The result will be an ideal couple in which both partners will understand each other perfectly. Such marriages are concluded once and for all. Any conflicts and controversial issues are resolved immediately. Plus, none of the partners will even think about cheating.


Above, the topic concerning what a person like Leo-Snake is was described in some detail. A man whose characteristics are distinguished by such features will get along well with a girl who has a calm temperament. But in bed she should be passionate and ardent. Because sex is very important to this man. They give themselves completely to their significant other. And they expect reciprocity. The intimate life of these men is always filled with experiments. They are excellent lovers, and if their other half is also “on fire” with this, then there will be no disagreements in the couple.

In general, only the girl who will appreciate his honesty, openness and boundless emotions can stay next to this man. Leo-Snake really needs to be understood. And in return, he will show boundless passion, love, tenderness and care.

Leo – Snake: Characteristics

Leo Man – Snake

Snake Leo The man is distinguished by leadership and the desire for subconscious admiration and joy. He loves when people gather around him, he enjoys doing a lot of pleasant and joyful, interesting and unusual things for them.

Leo Woman – Snake

The Snake Leo woman is a leader and lover of beautiful and bright clothes. If she has a lot of money and free time, she can spend more than half of her salary on beautiful clothes. She herself is sociable and you can easily come to an agreement with her, but she will make the final decision herself.

Leo Snake - man and woman, horoscope characteristics of the year

  • Years 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

    Leo Snake - characteristics of compatibility of sign and year

    These astrological signs are magically connected. And if the Snake primarily depends on the sensations of the body, then in the life of Leo both bodily sensations and emotions play a dominant role.

    It turns out that Leo-Snake can become a slave to his emotions, an uncontrollable, impulsive person, or, on the contrary, hide his feelings from people under the mask of cold dignity. Delving further into the occult realm, we can say that feelings are a means of receiving sensations, and sensations lead to muscular activity, and these lead to actions in the external world. Leo-Snake is a vivid example of such energetic metamorphoses and the fact that from the great to the ridiculous, as well as from high to low, is just one step. There really is a lot of physiology in the thoughts, feelings and actions of such a person.

    Leo-Snake's emotions are always under control, and an outside observer may not notice what storms are bubbling inside him. Yes, Leo is hot and generous with external manifestations, but the Snake is economical in movements, calculating in thoughts and prefers gradual, consistent movement towards the goal. How different this man’s cold and sober thoughts are from his hot actions! People like that don’t lack willpower; they have a strong character. They are realistic, selfish, very conservative.

    Body comfort and the obligatory satisfaction of bodily needs are their credo. There are pleasures of the body - they are ready to solve other problems, including spiritual ones; there are no pleasures - immediately emotional discomfort, loss of energy and a life crisis. The Snake's sense of rhythm, combined with the emotionality and brightness of Leo's impulses, gives rise to acting and musical talent. Inner strength allows such people to be politicians, albeit very stubborn ones. In fact, Leo-Snakes do not show any professional preferences. The reason is an unconscious closure on the internal (bodily-physiological) aspects of existence.

    Leo-Snake man horoscope

    Alexander Fleming is a famous bacteriologist. Fleming studied medicine and the antibacterial properties of various substances at St. Mary's Hospital at the University of London, where he worked in the bacteriological department all his life, which is simply surprising for Leo if he were not a Snake. True, during the war, Fleming sought the answer to his question among the wounded at the front, but in 1918 he returned to his native land, where he taught and grew in his career and research. Fleming was the first to discover penicillin. Here is how it was. One day he discovered mold on dirty dishes, placed samples of these fungi in an airtight container and grew them as a pure culture.

    According to another version, a stubborn scientist studied pathogenic microbes and discovered a substance that killed these microbes in the soil. He established the antibacterial properties of penicillin, that it was not poisonous, and also identified microorganisms that caused wound infections. For which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. His discovery saved millions of lives during World War II and enriched medical science. Fleming was a sybarite and known as a lover and connoisseur of wines and the owner of a good collection of “delicious” bottles. He was also very offended when people pestered him with questions about penicillin.

    The group includes: composer and director of the song and dance ensemble Boris Alexandrov (operetta “Wedding in Malinovka”); musician David Crosby; singer, author of the once super-popular song “Diana” Paul Anka; controversial guitarist from the group “Guns’n’roses” Slash. This is about music.

    In politics among Leo-Snakes: the ruler of Milan, Francesco Sforza; Polish king, commander who defeated the Turks near Vienna, Jan Sobieski; red commander and hero Ivan Kochubey; head of the Party of People's Conscience and holy naivety Alexey Kazannik; communist deputy Vasily Shandybin; as well as the leader of the Peasant Party of Russia, Yuri Chernichenko, and the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, an ardent supporter of peace and implicit terrorist, Yasser Arafat.

    In the art of cinema, they shine: film director, Oscar winner Sam Mendes (“American Beauty”); actor Robert Mitchum (“Cape Fear”); actor and best Hamlet Viktor Avilov (“Mister Decorator”); film director, producer, founder of Paramount Pictures Cecile DeMille; actor and comedian Andre Bourville, actor Oleg Strizhenov (“Gadfly”, “Forty-First”); actor, minister and politician Nikolai Gubenko (“Wounded Animals”); actor and lover of truth Vasily Shukshin (“Stoves and Benches”, “Kalina Krasnaya”).

    Among the artists, the most famous are the founder of the “Jack of Diamonds” association Ilya Mashkov and Boris Ioganson (“Interrogation of a Communist”); among scientists - chemist Hans Fischer; among the designers - the creator of MiGs, Artem Mikoyan; among businessmen - the founder of the perfume company “Nina Ricci” Robert Ricci; of the architects - Andreyan Zakharov (Admiralty building in St. Petersburg).

    The situation with writers is like this: just one Nobel laureate, but no one to honor. Well, let's say Elias Canetti (“Masses and Power”) and Henrik Pontoppidan (“The Promised Land”). And also the minimalist poet of erotic-greasy orientation Vladimir Vishnevsky, the poet Alfred Tennyson (“Royal Idylls”), the Slavophile with a non-Russian surname Orest Miller (“Slavism and Europe”),

    And in sports, these are Formula 1 racing driver Nigell Mansell and two famous football players - Thierry Henry and Helmut Rahn.

    Among the Lion-Snakes there are such famous personalities: navigator, leader of the first Russian round-the-world expedition Yuri Lisyansky, trainer, creator of the French circus Antonio Franconi, cosmonaut Leonid Kizim and American spy pilot, shot down over Russia, Francis Powers.

    Leo-Snake woman horoscope

    Leo-Snakes are femme fatales. They exude charm and sensuality, they know their worth and are not afraid to please in large quantities. Subtle sentiments are not suitable for them, but close hugs are just right. It is easy to understand what they need, but difficult to satisfy their desires.

    Among the famous ladies of this type, the vast majority are actresses, and what kind of ones too! Silent film star Vera Kholodnaya; Clara Bow - the role of a charming young girl; Pyryev’s wife Ada Voytsik (“Nine Days of One Year”); Emmanuel Bearch "To the left of the elevator"); Sandra Bullock (“Speed,” “While You Were Sleeping”); Kyra Sedgwick (“Born on the Fourth of July”); Via Artmane (“Theater”).

    Actress Dolores Del Rio, the daughter of a banker and a Mexican by birth, has lived a life full of mind-blowing events. She is rightfully considered the most beautiful actress in Hollywood. The girl received her education in a monastery, but got married for the first time at the age of 16. At 20, she was invited to a film studio, where she began acting in silent films.

    In Hollywood, various directors had their eyes on her, and she did not refuse anyone: she continuously danced and starred in roles of predominantly erotic, ethnic and exotic nature (“Joanna”). And then, when sound came to cinema, she had to struggle with her Latin accent. Her wedding took place in 1930, but Del Rio continued to act and even starred with Orson Welles.

    After her divorce in 1943, she returned to Mexico, where she again confirmed her status as a world-class star. In the 60s of the 20th century, Dolores continued her career in America.

    Jacqueline Bouvier grew up in a privileged environment, studied at a privileged college and, while working as a photojournalist, met John Kennedy. She is sophisticated, elegant, reserved. He is confident, active, and knows how to win people over. They married in 1953. Jackie gave birth to three children, one of them died immediately after birth. Jacqueline's secretive nature gave no reason to wash dirty linen in public, but the marriage was accompanied by constant infidelities from her husband.

    “He should have been castrated as a child,” John’s older relatives joked about this. “John is so superficial, you can’t even imagine,” Jacqueline said about her husband. She bravely endured his infidelity, proudly wearing the crown of First Lady. It was unbearably difficult for her to live in her husband’s shadow, and even impossible. While in Europe, the US President said: “I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris.” Jacqueline worked in magazines, although there was no need for this. But she preferred to remain independent and was involved in creating a cultural center in Washington.

    Behind the shell of a harmonious, sociable and peace-loving woman hid an ambitious and very independent nature. Jacqueline loved glitter, adored attention and company (Leo). She created her own style, spent astronomical sums on outfits and became an object to be followed (Leo). And at the same time, Bouvier was very secretive, exhausting herself with health-improving diets and physical exercises (Snake).

    Her attitude towards public recognition was twofold. There was something of an actress (Leo) in her love to show off in front of reporters. But on the other hand, she often avoided society, trying to protect her private life from his annoying attention (Snake). Subsequently, the image of a luxurious socialite really became a heavy burden for her. In 1963, Kennedy was assassinated.

    The inconsolable widow got married after some time. The marriage to the Greek millionaire Onassis lasted from 1968 to 1975, until our lady became a widow for the second time.

    In the last years of her life, Jacqueline traveled a lot. One of the richest women in America worked as an art critic for a publishing house until the end of her life. “There was a lot of suffering in my life. But I also had many happy moments. I have come to the conclusion that we should not expect too much from life. We must give to life at least as much as we get from it.” So I say: for some the soup is thin, and for others the pearls are small...

    See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

    zodiac sign Leo snake woman

    Active Snake. A rare species, the most charming.

    Zodiac horoscope: Leo sign

    Two Fire signs give rise to an energetic and balanced personality. Leo makes the Snake more generous and open. Leo-Snakes love adventure and competition, and can consider themselves the standard of righteousness.

    Men and women born in the Leo-Snake combination are among the most sincere Leos. They are generally calm and serene people with a wonderful balance of honesty, charm and sincerity. These people are caring and forgive a lot, however, they also have limits of patience.

    Because of their frankness, people easily part with them, especially those who did not appreciate their honesty. These people are suitable for everyone who is also open; they cannot understand people who keep everything to themselves. They are not afraid to show their emotions and immediately notice if someone is unhappy. These people love to feel useful and support their friends.

    Snake-Leo is looking for a partner with whom they can become best friends. They do not like to argue and usually try to avoid an argument at all costs. They always calmly discuss issues and come to peaceful conclusions, not liking to waste time arguing about who is right and who is wrong. These people are quite self-sufficient and do not seem to need the company of people. They value communication and the security of personal relationships, but can be just as happy alone. These men and women absolutely adore buying new clothes and also wearing the latest style items.

    Their traits of sincerity and generosity do not make them good savers, and at times they behave quite frivolously with money. At home, they prefer decor with an unusual taste and try to create rooms that will help them relax. They invite only people they completely trust into their home, because they love their personal life very much. From time to time they want to be able to close themselves off from the world for a while, especially after work.

    The weakness in the personality of such people is so small that it hardly needs to be mentioned, but it is there, so they can worry too much about others and do too much for their own good. On the surface, it may seem like they are taking on too much. The best solution to changing these people's behavior is to simply give them a few kind words of encouragement and a friendly hug.

    Leo the snake is a noble, calm and even slow owner. A royal person, accustomed to both commanding and zealously protecting her environment and sphere of her own interests.

    When fighting back or attacking, the lion snake does it openly, but often only to demonstrate its strength. Finishing off the enemy is not part of her pleasure. The zodiac sign Leo and the year of the snake are a combination of integrity of nature and many contradictions. Sociability and sociability can be spoiled by excess pride.

    Leo the snake is capricious, jealous and selfish, but never shows this, even if we are not talking about a conflict between his and someone else’s interests. The contact and even sincerity of the lion snake does not coexist very comfortably with unexpected manifestations of coldness and indifference. It all depends on how much this snake needs a given person. Collisions of this kind often affect the fate of the lion snake.

    The life of a lion snake, both a woman and a man, is sometimes replete with surprises of all kinds. And this is not always the choice of the person himself, but rather an indirect and accumulated reaction to him from the surrounding reality.

    Leo the snake needs not just a family, but a retinue - understanding and supportive in everything. It doesn’t occur to anyone to talk about whether Leo is a good performer and subordinate, nor to deny his sexuality - it simply exists, and no one has the right to doubt it.

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    Types of expenses for which you do not need to pay tax. The tax system is of great importance in the life of every state. It forms budgets and allows for the implementation of social and economic programs, payment of pensions and benefits, and support of the defense industry.
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    Exclusive Ekaterina Annenkova, expert on accounting and taxation, Information Agency "Clerk.Ru" With the end of 2011, the tax period ended and the time has come to draw up a tax return paid in connection with the use of the simplified tax system
    What is the recipient's checkpoint
    The payment order form is the same for all payers, regardless of their organizational and legal form and legal status. If all the fields in the payment order are filled in incorrectly, including field 102 “Checkpoint”, the payment will not be considered completed. In contrast