Strengthening and development of svadhisthana. Svadhisthana chakra: what it is responsible for and what it affects

Hello, dear guests! Have you ever felt like you didn't want anything? People who have blocked Svadhisthana, the center of pleasure, are susceptible to such conditions. Some people unknowingly associate it exclusively with sex. This is a wrong opinion! If the node becomes clogged, a person generally loses the ability to enjoy anything, be it a movie or swimming. What to do? How to open the second chakra? First you need to understand how the center works.

What is the node connected to?

If Muladhara is aimed exclusively at survival, then at the level of Svadhisthana a person has “extra” energy. We use it for self-development and improvement. We can say that this is the transition from existence to life.

What is the second chakra responsible for? The spectrum is very wide. The node develops most actively from 2 to 8 years. At this time, the child begins to become aware of himself and determines his gender. If the disclosure goes wrong, in the future the person will not be able to accept either himself or others. Svadhisthana helps you take the first step towards harmony: to understand your feelings.

The node is responsible for family relationships, self-confidence, and even health. Let's remember where the second chakra is. The center is located in the pelvic region. Physiologically it is connected with the entire genitourinary system. Imbalance leads to infidelity, inability to bear and give birth to a child, and sexually transmitted diseases. Sometimes there is an aversion to sex.

What factors cause the block

Emotions that interfere with pleasure are dangerous. This is fear, a feeling of inferiority, a feeling of guilt, etc. Blockage appears due to a passive life position. If all events pass by a person, he loses the ability to enjoy.

Intimate relationships are especially important for the second gate. The center is blocked by promiscuity, isolation and sex without love. For normal development, moderate chastity and, oddly enough, limitation in one’s desires are required. The fact is that the node is very “greedy” for pleasure and has almost endless energy. If you start indulging him, you will become a slave to your “I”. Anyone who knows how to correctly use the power of Svadhisthana has inexhaustible reserves.

Opening the chakra

In general, the task comes down to pleasure and self-control. The key point: you must learn to enjoy correctly. What does it mean? Get positive emotions not from memories and anticipation. Focus on the present, feel it. Don't miss the moment. Sensations exist now, and the future and past are just images.

Look at some things differently. We are accustomed to not paying attention to landscapes, melodies, smells... We have stopped appreciating beauty. Learn again to enjoy pictures, touches, food. For example, while eating, allow the flavor to fully develop. Take your time, savor every bite. Don't be afraid to gain weight. You will eat slowly but feel full quickly. Most likely, you will even be able to lose weight.

The second center directly depends on the first, so it is necessary to remove the block from Muladhara. Sports and hygiene help develop both nodes as they are connected to the physical world. Svadhisthana flourishes only in a healthy body.


The gate “remembers” all human and your own vices. They store memories of mistakes and weaknesses. Before classes, you need to get rid of all negative thoughts.

So, how to open the second chakra for a woman? I offer 2 ways.

  • Take a comfortable position.
  • Clear your mind and relax all your muscles as much as you can. Concentrate on the center. Feel how it pulsates and sends waves of heat throughout your body.
  • Now focus on your breathing. Try to mentally remove the boundary between inhalations and exhalations. Imagine that this is a single force flow that circulates throughout the body.
  • Visualize an orange vortex sphere in the gate area. It will slowly expand, as if swelling from the energy entering it. Feel the warmth moving up your spine.
  • Mentally dissolve the sphere and allow pure power to disperse throughout your body.

You can stop here, but it's better to move on to another exercise right away.

  1. Sit down. Relax your legs. Hands on knees, palms facing up.
  2. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are standing in clear blue water. She reaches her waist.
  3. Concentrate on the point where the chakra is located. Feel the pulsation.
  4. Open your eyes, but don't stare.
  5. Repeat the mantra "VAMM" 3 times.
  6. Visualize a light beam that pierces your entire body.
  7. Cover your eyes and ears with your fingers. Hold your nostrils one at a time. Inhale and exhale with your left, then with your right.

After 10 minutes, take a relaxed position. Think about how energy moves throughout the body.

Dealing with imbalance is difficult, but necessary. A block at one point causes problems at others. Sometimes we underestimate internal development, and then we don’t understand why everything is falling out of our hands.

Good afternoon

You have already learned that the first chakra helps you gain stability, strength and confidence. Today we will talk about how, on the basis of a solid foundation, to find the joy of being and learn to enjoy life.

Familiarity with the topic “Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for what” will help us with this. In the article you will find useful information about this energy center and what areas of life it directly affects and how it affects a person’s health and general condition.

See also: To begin with, I would like to note that the chakra system consists of seven elements. This is one of the oldest and simplest systems of working with energy in our lives. Muladhara, or as it is also called root, is fundamental.

There are several names for the second chakra. Svadhisthana is one of them, it is also called sacral - because of its location, orange - because of the main color and sexual, which speaks of the main energy that this center controls. The power of this chakra comes from the balanced and balanced Muladhara. These energies seem to complement and multiply each other.

The second chakra is located in the pelvic area. It has shades of orange, bluish and yellow. She is depicted as a lotus flower with five or six petals, which open a couple of centimeters below the navel. A stem goes from the center towards the sacrum, symbolizing the connection with the other chakras and cosmic energy.

The main symbol of this energy center is water. This is where another name for this chakra comes from – jalamandala, which is based on the word “jala”, which means “water” in Sanskrit. It is believed that a person should be light and pliable, like a stream of water that smoothly bends around all obstacles in its path.

The cheerful orange color warms the soul and encourages the search for the pleasures of the material world. This color is believed to help preserve youth and sensuality. People whose Svadhisthana is balanced remain active longer and look much better than their age.

The overall meaning of this chakra lies in the ability to empathize and accept other people, express uniqueness, openly realize inner potential, etc.

Harmonization of the sexual chakra occurs in childhood. If a child grows up in love, respect and understanding, then in the future he will not have difficulties in this area. Otherwise, imbalances and problems appear that can appear at any age.

Svadhisthana is the center of pure emotions (both good and bad), creativity and sexual energy. The emotional state for which this energy center is responsible is associated with experiences of personal attachments, various losses, family relationships, learning experiences, intimate life, self-esteem, feelings of loneliness, guilt, violence and pregnancy.

Information about what the Swadhisthana chakra is responsible for is very extensive. In our society, the topic of sexuality is taboo for many. This causes many physiological, psychological and spiritual problems. Therefore, it makes sense to understand this issue in more detail. In any case, the importance of this energy is obvious.

The energy center of sexuality is responsible for:

  • showing love to the opposite sex
  • interest in sexual union
  • spiritual, physical and mental pleasure
  • pleasure seeking
  • sex appeal
  • energy and magnetism
  • positive mood and sociability
  • attitude towards money and sex
  • physical energy exchange
  • creative self-realization
  • psychological condition

In addition, the Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for the physiological state of a person, which is manifested in its effect on the lymphatic and reproductive systems.

One of the main functions of the second energy center is awareness of another person. The norm for us is to show respect and attentiveness to the feelings and emotions of other people. This is only possible if we feel self-sufficient and independent.

These qualities are inherent in people who grew up in love and have no problems with mutual understanding. But those of us whose chakra is imbalanced most likely experienced a lack of attention and care in childhood, which led to selfishness and self-obsession in adulthood. The consequence of this was an inability to understand others, disrespect and frequent stressful situations.

Our perception of sexuality depends on Svadhisthana. It is under the influence of this chakra that awareness of belonging to a certain gender occurs and sexual behavior is subsequently modeled depending on the upbringing received and the norms accepted by the society in which we live.

It is the second energy center that is responsible for the craving for adventure and knowledge. Thanks to this chakra, we retain our childlike inquisitiveness and desire to create something new throughout our lives. Swadhisthana promotes creativity and helps to express one's individuality.

A balanced chakra helps develop the abilities inherent in us, activating internal forces that manifest themselves in self-confidence and self-realization without regard to public opinion and gossip.

It cannot be said that a person with harmonized Svadhisthana goes against everyone. No, he respects his mentors, is a full-fledged unit of society, but does not allow himself to be broken and his talent to be ruined.

In case of imbalance of the sexual chakra, a person becomes driven. His spirit is weakened, he is subject to fears and anxieties. Without feeling his worth in this world due to lack of love and strength, a person loses confidence in the future. Such a malfunction is often accompanied by various diseases of the pelvic organs, kidneys, muscle spasms, etc.

Having briefly familiarized yourself with what the Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for, I hope you have realized the importance of this energy center. Remember that you cannot suppress your energy, this is fraught with negative consequences. Therefore, it is so important to understand the processes occurring in us, to realize our essence and accept ourselves as we are.

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We wish everyone a good mood and peace of mind. All the best!
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The Svadhisthana chakra is located between the pubic bones. It actively develops between the ages of two and eight years: it is at this time that it is determined how a person will perceive his gender, his relationship to love and sexual relationships. An equally important function of Swadhisthana is the perception of the world as a whole, based on a sense of oneself.

With its correct development, this chakra makes a person kind and caring, attentive to the feelings and sensations of other people. This is easily explained by the fact that a self-confident person who has correctly identified his gender and preferences perceives himself holistically and easily relates to his place in the world and the world as a whole.

The Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for many manifestations: relationships with a loved one, a sense of self-esteem, and even health.

The colors of Svadhisthana are as follows: sunny yellow and orange, with the addition of blue splashes. These shades symbolize solar energy, warmth and the birth of new life, as well as personal development and freedom.

Why reveal Swadhisthana?

The development and opening of this chakra is one of the most important stages in the spiritual and personal development of a person. This is primarily due to the fact that, in addition to sexual energy, Svadhisthana is also responsible for the connection of psychic energy with the human etheric body.

If the orange chakra is closed or does not work correctly, a person begins to show unmotivated aggression and cruelty, which make it difficult for him to communicate with others and slow down his internal, spiritual development.

This is why the purification and opening of Svadhisthana is extremely important. It may be closed for the following reasons:

  • Suppression of sexual energy, rejection of one’s gender, relationships between the sexes;
  • Passive lifestyle, lack of will;
  • Disturbances in the perception of sexual life in the environment;
  • Lack of moral chastity.

This may sound paradoxical, but promiscuity and lack of love in intergender relationships can negatively affect the functioning of the second chakra.

Opening the second chakra

It is necessary to firmly understand that any practical exercises, be it mantras or meditations, will not give the necessary effect in cleansing the chakra until the individual achieves internal balance, without self-confidence and harmonious development of the individual.

The Svadhisthana chakra requires long and diligent work, only in this case can you open it and establish proper functioning. A combination of a set of mantras, meditations, moral work and dietary nutrition is necessary. One of the simplest exercises for cleansing the chakra is the “energy ball”. Just imagine a warm ball of rich energy in pleasant yellow and orange colors flowing through your body. The second chakra should absorb this sphere, gradually becoming saturated with colors and warming up.

For the Svadhisthana chakra, opening can be greatly facilitated by using the mantra “You”. Just imagine your hands radiating a warm, golden color that focuses into a sphere at the center of your body. After this, start chanting the mantra. Gradually transfer the vibrations to the golden ball.

An important condition for understanding how to develop the Svadhisthana chakra is a vegetarian diet. It is necessary to strictly adhere to it, since the aggressive energy of meat slows down the cleansing of the chakra and negatively affects its functioning.

Diseases of the “solar” chakra

The Svadhisthana chakra can become inflamed if a person leads a dissolute lifestyle, feels guilty about sex, or is afraid of pregnancy. An inflamed second chakra can develop diseases of the ovaries or uterus (in women), bladder, lower back and urethra.

If any of these areas are affected, the best treatment is to carefully analyze what you are doing wrong. Only in accordance with the correction of behavior can the functioning of the chakra be adjusted. Do not forget that Svadhisthana is responsible for vital organs, therefore, disruption of its functioning can harm you not only on the energetic, but also on the physical level.

Cleansing Svadhisthana, the path to harmony

Chakra 2 needs regular cleansing. To carry it out, there is no need to seek help from specialists - you can completely handle the work yourself.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out energy cleansing. Analyze and release all sorrows, resentments and anger associated with the work of this chakra. Try to calm down and harmonize your inner world. This will take you about half an hour.

An effective way to cleanse Swadhisthana using mantras is the mantra “You” will help cleanse the chakra, and the use of warm light energy flows will rid the chakra of all energy pollution and inflammation.

There are alternative ways to cleanse - for example, some yoga asanas can help you. However, this method is aimed at activating the chakra rather than at cleansing it.

We should not forget that even the most effective methods will be powerless if you do not resolve your internal conflicts and cannot achieve harmony. A moderately active lifestyle, a healthy vegetarian diet and bright thoughts are mandatory for cleaning the chakras.

Video: Swadishthana - the second chakra of a person

Its characteristic color is either orange or yellow with reddish hues. Blue is considered additional. The symbol of this chakra is a circle framed by five or six petals of a beautiful lotus flower. Sometimes you can come across this interpretation: in the main circle there is another one (in it there are letters that carry the sound “you”) or a crescent. The stem extending from the circle serves as a symbol of the connection of this chakra with all others and with the Universe.


The orange chakra carries the energy of creation, its internal aspects are emotions and sex. It develops in a person between the ages of three and eight years. Aromatic oils with the help of which the 2nd chakra of Svadhisthana is revealed are rose, juniper, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, jasmine and rosemary. The most suitable stones and crystals are fire opal, citrine, topaz, moon agate, orange spinel, amber.

This chakra is associated with the normal functioning of the testicles, ovaries and lymphatic system. When there is an imbalance in the work of Svadhisthana, allergic reactions, muscle spasms, constipation, fatigue, decreased libido, depression, infertility and muscle spasms develop. The lymphatic system, gallbladder, pelvis, kidneys, all fluids in the body (blood, digestive juices, lymph, seminal fluid) and genitals are associated with this chakra.


The Swadhisthana chakra implies change, honesty, confidence, inner strength, sexuality, understanding others and creative success.

Important Features

The chakra in question is the seat of all emotions and sexual energies. She is a symbol of transformation and personalization through awareness of the uniqueness of others. Its energy pours out from the main chakra, and if the latter is balanced, then Svadhisthana will function properly. If there are problems with Muladhara, a person is not confident in his abilities, loses his creative potential and becomes disillusioned with the world around him.

The second, no less important function of Swadhisthana is the development of the ability to understand other people. A good opening of this chakra ensures attentiveness and caring to the feelings of others and to life in general. All this comes when a person feels like a full-fledged independent person. It is noteworthy that this invaluable feeling develops at a very early age and depends on how the immediate environment and parents treat the child.

Intimate sphere

The Swadhisthana chakra represents the focus of sexuality, sensual pleasures, and attraction to the opposite sex. In addition, its impact is directed towards sexual intercourse, our perception of sexuality and attitudes towards the sex assigned at birth. It is this chakra that is responsible for our choice of sexual partners, sexual stereotypes and norms.

Svadhisthana is a chakra, the opening of which develops the ability to create, be creative, and give birth to something new with a touch of individuality. It is here that life changes are rooted, directly related to curiosity and the spirit of adventure. In addition, people for whom this chakra works well know how to ask deep questions and not cling to patterns; they do not hesitate to ask about the unknown and master it.

Positive alignment

If the Swadhisthana chakra performs its functions properly, a person is confident in his individuality, at the same time he is completely open to the feelings of others. It is easy for him to make acquaintances with representatives of the opposite sex, and he has a healthy attitude towards sex. At the same time, the individual uses his sexuality and attractive external data not to achieve personal goals, but to sincerely express feelings and establish a connection with the one who owns his heart. The stimulus for life is passion, which also opens the energy flow of creation, happiness and enthusiasm.

Svadhisthana is a chakra, the opening of which helps to overcome misunderstandings and adequately deal with changes in life. It fills a person with a healthy interest in himself and his life. Only in a state of balance does Svadhisthana make it possible to experience and show truly sincere feelings. It gives pleasure on all levels of life, be it sex, good food or intellectual pleasures.

If something goes wrong

All 7 chakras play an important role in the development and formation of personality. If there is an imbalance in any of them, a certain area of ​​life suffers. Thus, the lack of harmony in Svadhisthana negatively affects an individual’s sexual relationships and his self-confidence. The roots of the problem should be sought in adolescence, filled with uncertainty in the intimate sphere, introspection and attempts to understand the characteristics of one’s gender.

Strangers begin to rage within a person. Unfortunately, parents, teachers and those closest to us cannot always correctly answer questions that arise and direct thoughts in the right direction. The inability to properly direct unfamiliar energies makes the emerging personality feel ashamed of their feelings and consider them something shameful. Suppressing emotions destroys self-esteem and self-perception.

A person finds himself in a much more serious situation if he is raised in an overly conservative family where sexuality is associated with sinfulness. This results in the inability to express oneself in the intimate sphere. In addition, sensuality, the ability to have normal contact with the opposite sex, the lack of creative impulses, and the joy of life are suppressed. A person feels constantly tired, he is complex and restrained.

It is worth understanding that suppressed desires do not disappear anywhere. The conflict between aspirations and the inability to realize them causes a feeling of complete emptiness and constant dissatisfaction. Often this vacuum is filled with destructive addictions - to food, alcohol, money, promiscuity, etc.

An unbalanced Svadhisthana brings anxiety and prevents self-realization. Often a person with such problems withdraws into himself and leads a hermit lifestyle. At the same time, he does not know where to look for the root of the problem, while the reason is not in those around him, but in himself.

Correcting the situation

How to develop Svadhisthana? To do this you will need to seriously work on yourself. First of all, you need to learn how to convey an energetic message about your desires to the Universe. In addition, it is important to clear the emotional and mental layer of unconscious stereotypes that prevent you from following the right path.


Above we looked at what problems can arise if Svadhisthana is not balanced. Performing the first effective exercise in this matter will take you no more than five minutes a day. To do this, take a horizontal position (the surface should be hard), bend your legs at the knees, with your feet completely touching the plane. It is necessary to take as deep a breath as possible, and as you exhale, raise your pelvis as high as possible, as if squeezing your breath between your legs. Then relax, take the starting position, and then repeat the above steps again. With proper and regular exercise, the effect will be noticeable within a month.

Regular professional massage or amateur self-massage of any part of the body will help you achieve what you want. The main thing is that at this time you experience and do not think about bad things.

There is another way for Svadhisthana (chakra) to function normally. How to develop it through meditation? To do this, you will need to be alone with yourself more often. Accept Take a deep breath and exhale, and they should be the same in duration. Breathe continuously in this way, mentally erasing the boundaries between inhalation and exhalation. At the same time, imagine the orange chakra at its location in your body. The minimum duration of the exercise is ten minutes. A sensation of tingling, cold, burning, etc. between the pubic bones can be considered success. This is a sign that the goal has been achieved: now your Svadhisthana (chakra) is working.

How to develop sexual energy with food?

Svadhisthana simply cannot be in a balanced state if a person consumes smoked, salted, fried, fatty and pickled foods. You should try to switch to a mono-diet, so that you can consume one product at one meal. For example, if it is potatoes, then without oil, salt, sour cream, etc. If it is an egg, then without salt or seasonings. Before eating, drink a glass of liquid, preferably clean drinking water, but you can also drink tea or juice. Take at least four hours between meals, with at least twelve hours at night.

It is very important to eat any product with a feeling of deep respect and love for it, because it gives all of itself so that you continue to exist. Pay special attention to serving. Take your time to eat and drink, enjoy this process, perform actions not automatically, but meaningfully.


The sexual chakra has a direct impact on the functioning of the lymphatic system. The latter is the body's most important transport system. By ensuring a balanced state of Svadhisthana, we will strengthen our health. The process of lymph flow through the system, as well as the sexual chakra, is related to how we float along the river of life.

Svadhisthana chakra (svadhisthana, svadhisthana, sacral chakra) is the second largest energy center in the subtle-material human body.

origin of name

Svadhisthana is a Sanskrit term formed from two words “own” and “dwelling”. Possible translations: “own dwelling”, “abode of the Self”, “receptacle of energy”.

Symbolic image of svadhisthana

Svadhisthana is located two to three centimeters below the navel. Symbolically depicted as a lotus flower with six petals, on which are written Sanskrit letters that sound like: bam, bham, mam, yam, ram, lam.

She is described as shining like molten gold or a bright flash of lightning.

Svadhisthana is a repository of life force (prana). The location of the chakra coincides with the lower Dantian from the qigong tradition, in which this center has characteristics similar to svadhisthana.

Who invented chakras?

The idea of ​​the energetic component of a person, the most important component of which is the svadhisthana chakra, is observed in many occult systems. The source of this knowledge is considered to be psychoenergetic yoga practices. The existence of chakras has not been confirmed by official science.

Chakra Characteristics

The chakra is closely connected with the unconscious and stores hidden sexual desires and attachments. This explains the enormous difficulties faced by practitioners trying to awaken the Kundalini energy. By revealing potential and strengthening svadhisthana, Kundalini also strengthens the desires we suppress. Many seekers were unable to resist sexual temptations and, having barely begun their ascent, fell to the very bottom.

The energy of svadhisthana is responsible for our emotional sphere, sexual attractiveness, fertility and creativity. Its development, in addition to mystical powers, improves the health of the body, its agility and speed. Disturbances and blocks in the functioning of the chakra introduce an imbalance in the vital functions of the body, especially with regard to fluids (blood, lymph, digestive juices, sperm) and intestinal function, allergies, infertility, and weight problems occur. The harmonious work of the chakra gives a good mood, confidence in oneself and one’s abilities.

"Shining like red-hot gold"

  • Writing in Sanskrit: स्वाधिष्ठान.
  • Location: 1-2 fingers below the navel.
  • Color: orange.
  • Bija Mantra: to you.
  • Symbol: white crescent.
  • Element: water.
  • Sense organ: taste.
  • Wish: sex.
  • Breath: lunar.
  • Note: re.

Disclosure and development of svadhisthana

Developing svadhisthana will improve your health, increase vitality and creativity. You will become more attractive, especially to the opposite sex.

However, you should not think that only gigolos need this chakra. On the contrary, the full disclosure of svadhisthana grants liberation from lust, imbalance, jealousy and selfishness, which is what seekers in the spiritual field are especially interested in.

Think twice about whether it’s worth upgrading svadhisthana for the sake of attractiveness and sexual pleasures. A whirlpool of passions can drag the most persistent ascetic to the bottom.

Svadhisthana is associated with anahata (heart chakra) and in its highest development transforms sexuality into love.

Removing blocks

Normalization of the work of svadhisthana (Maya Fiennes)

Blocks of the swadhisthana chakra negatively affect not only our body, but also our psyche. Various phobias, depression, insecurity, and perversions can be the result of an unhealthy flow of energy in this chakra.

Blockage in the flow of energy is manifested by regular tension and pain in the lumbar region. It is believed that the feeling of guilt is detrimental to svadhisthana, so you should first analyze your feelings and emotions, as well as their reasons. Give up self-flagellation, rather spend time on your development and rational correction of the situation. If the current mistake cannot be corrected, then direct your energy to preventing future ones and doing new good deeds.

Swadhisthana, like muladhara, is closely connected with the physical body, so bodily practices are ideal for unlocking it. A special set of asanas and exercises from Kriya Yoga, presented in the video, will allow you to remove blocks and unlock the potential of svadhisthana.

Essential aromatic oils will be useful for removing blocks. Suitable for svadhisthana: ylang-ylang, chamomile, rosemary, myrrh, sandalwood, rose. Choose any you like.


The most effective and simplest means of revealing svadhisthana is the practice of concentrating on the area a couple of centimeters below the navel while simultaneously pronouncing the svadhisthana mantra “VAM”.

  1. Sit in any comfortable position. You should not torture yourself with the lotus position if it causes discomfort or interferes with relaxation. You can just sit on a chair. It is permissible to practice in other poses as you like. However, lying down causes excessive relaxation, which reduces concentration and causes sleep. Standing, on the contrary, is a rare person who is able to relax sufficiently.
  2. Place your hands so that they do not hang and distract attention. If this is too easy for you, then try holding its mudra described above in parallel with concentration on svadhisthana. Remember, your main task is to maintain concentration; do not perform mudra to the detriment of it, otherwise it will reduce the effectiveness of the practice.
  3. Breathe with your belly, deeply and slowly. Let go of all your problems, throw away depressing thoughts. Rest like this for five minutes.
  4. Bring all your attention to the area of ​​your body below your navel.
  5. Inhale and then chant the bija mantra (you can listen to the correct pronunciation in the meditation video).
  6. Feel the vibration in svadhisthana, imagine how huge streams of energy from space rush there.

We work in a cycle: inhale -> chanting a mantra with visualization -> exhale. Concentration is always on the chakra.

Video meditation for svadhisthana

When pronouncing the sound “M”, the tongue should be pressed to the palate.

Strive to keep your attention under control and learn to keep your mind silent. Every thought takes away your attention and reduces the quality of your concentration. As your skills develop, you will be able to concentrate even during a leisurely walk.

Use the visualization of a glowing orange ball in your lower abdomen. This will improve the effectiveness of the svadhisthana exercises, but the main thing here is concentration. Don't be distracted by this if you have a weak imagination.

Shivalingam mudra

Mudras are special ritual hand positions aimed at changing the flow of energy in the subtle body. Shivalingam mudra is especially relevant for the development of svadhisthana in men.

Regularly performing mudra meditation, twice a day for at least 5 minutes, improves energy tone, eliminates depression and fills you with strength. Mudra is used in the treatment of various diseases.

In the video presented, the Himalayan yoga master teaches the correct position of the hands in this mystical Shivalingam mudra.

Chakra in occult systems

Many occult systems, in their descriptions of the human energy structure, contain energy centers similar to the svakhistana chakra.

In Sufism, such a zone is called “nafs” and, according to the description, contains the lower animal elements of the human psyche (subconscious). To achieve unity with Allah, a person must overcome his animal nature contained in nafs.

In Kabbalah, svadhisthana corresponds to the sephira Yesod, which is the container of egoism, instincts and passions.

Tibetan tantricists mention a “secret place” located a few fingers below the navel. It is reported that meditation at this center gives the practitioner incredible bliss.

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