Watch the game Warhammer 2 Dark Elves. Total War: Warhammer - Dark Elves - Army. Diseases and rituals of ratmen

Ready to dive into challenging tactical combat and brutal fantasy diplomacy in Total War: Warhammer 2? There are four starting factions and each one is incredibly different from the others. Find out everything you need to know about Dark Elves below!

As Dark Elves, your goal is to obtain the Scrolls of Hekarti to take control of the Vortex through a series of magical rituals. Along the way, you'll raid, host slaves, and fight armies of ratmen or weak high elves.

Best Legendary Lord

You have two starting options for your legendary lord: a melee hybrid with a spellcaster, or his mother who tamed a hydra. The main differences between the two revolve around experience points and loyalty points.

Dark Elves want to raid and fight whenever possible. If you aim to defend an area instead of going to war, your loyalty will take a big hit. And it can be disastrous if you're not ready.

Malekith automatically transfers the experience to other lords. If the lord is at a higher level than Malekith, or if he is injured and flees the battlefield, expect a lot of loyalty damage. While Malekith is technically easier to manage, you have to keep him in battle at all times or the other lords (and their armies) will turn against you. However, his combat ability Bladewind is extremely useful.

Morathi, Malekith's mother, actually gives a loyalty bonus to other lords in the area. While it is technically more difficult to manage, it may be the best option for the average game. Morathi will let you control the way you want it. Just keep in mind that it does not include a training mission, so you better know how to manage it ahead of time if you choose Morathi.

Dark Arks

While the Lizardmen have their powerful Geomantic Web to offer bonuses across their empire, Dark Elves get mobile Dark Arks instead. They support armies and have construction slots like any other settlement.

The Dark Arks offer bombing missions to aid the battles near the Ark. Be sure to place them next to the area where you intend to engage in war!

Basically, you have additional long-range spells to take out enemy units. You don't need to have spellcasting characters to do this, so don't miss out on this huge advantage.

Campaign strategy

The Dark Elves of Total War: Warhammer 2 occupy the frozen north at the start of the campaign. Skaven are your main problem early on. First, focus on taking Naggarond and then recruit another lord. This way you will have two armies, humbled by the Dark Shards and the Dread Spearmen.

Subsequently, your goal is to create alliances in the south and east to avoid human attacks while you work to take Grond. This task must be accomplished through a siege and not a direct fight, as it is very difficult in a direct attack.

Don't forget, Dark Elves have an edge on the tech tree. It can be promoted faster without creating many predecessor buildings like other factions.

You will be dealing with serious loyalty issues throughout the Dark Elves campaign. Completing quests and winning battles around the world increases overall loyalty. But losses in quests and battles in all factions reduce it. You can increase it by stealing equipment, which often leads to the capture of slaves. Giving these slaves to your lords will keep loyalty high.

Your legendary lord, no matter who you choose, can use the rite to increase loyalty. The Dark Elves have a third resource - slaves! You can use them to balance other aspects in ways not available to other factions. More slaves means the province produces more gold, but too many slaves reduce public order when the servants outnumber the actual population.

If you have a province with high public order but need gold, upgrade your slave building buildings and then start the raid. As long as the order goes down, you will receive a supply of currency.

Total War: Warhammer 2 is fantastic for PC / Windows. It is a sequel to Total War: Warhammer, released in 2016. Both games were created by Creative Assembly. Players return to the popular Warhammer fantasy universe. However, this game is not set in the Old World as in the previous installment. Instead, you travel west, where you wage war on four continents: Ulthuan, Naggarod, the Southern Kingdoms, and Lustria.

Where they found out that the game is worthy of high marks, as well as sorted out its pros and cons. On the plus side, we wrote well-developed new races. In this article, we'll take a closer look at them and give some tips on how to play for them.

Proud High Elves

The most balanced race of all the new ones. All types of troops are present, but there is only one siege weapon, and that is not very powerful. Don't expect powerful ranged units like the Wood Elves. At the same time, there are several types of dragons, which adds to the power of your army.

However, in the early stages of the campaign, you will not have monsters. What then? Then we would recommend focusing on the standard deployment - melee infantry with a small number of "ranged", and on the flanks (preferably to ambush them), cavalry support.

In the campaign, the goal of the race is to support the "Magic Vortex", whose work was disrupted by a passing two-tailed comet and which sucks out excess magic, preventing the demonic hordes of Chaos from enslaving the whole world.

The features of the race are: Intrigue, Espionage and Military Valor. Intrigue is the most interesting of them. It lies in the fact that your faction "needs to pull the political blanket to its side," and this, in turn, will give you influence points that can be spent on court intrigues or hiring stronger lords and heroes.

Espionage allows High Elven factions to spy on their trading partners, revealing their lands to you completely. And military prowess gives an advantage in close combat if your army enters it with full strength.

Ferocious Lizardmen

This race is characterized by its "Numerous animals". She completely lacks cavalry, instead of which the cavalry is represented by riders on the Cold-Blooded - two-legged lizards resembling dinosaurs. The race lacks siege weapons, but is more than compensated for by a powerful army of monsters. Most units of the race can fall into a kind of frenzy, which is both good and bad. On the one hand, they become completely uncontrollable, but on the other hand, they actually do not lose morale and are capable of inflicting huge damage even on superior forces before they turn to flight.

According to the above analysis, we can advise several options for the deployment of troops in battle. A cheaper but less powerful option would be to focus on melee infantry. Due to their power, the Lizardmen's "closest friends" can easily defeat similar units of other races, even in a frontal attack. But at the same time, it is still recommended to support the cavalry, for attacking the enemy from the flanks.

A more powerful option, but also more expensive, would be to focus on monstrous units. It is enough to add one creature of each type to the army to make your army virtually indestructible.

In the campaign, it is more of a positive race and helps to keep the Magic Vortex working. However, in general, their goals remain a mystery and are revealed as the plot progresses.

Race Traits include Geomantic Web and Blessed Broods. The geomantic web connects all the Lodoshcher settlements and strengthening it in certain provinces, allows you to increase the effectiveness of the decrees issued in it.
Blessed Broods are a trait that gives you quests that will give you elite warriors to complete.

Cruel Dark Elves

The race is based rather on powerful magic, although all types of units are present. A new school of magic was added especially for them - Darkness. The siege weapon, again, is only one and not too powerful. There are not many monsters either, and only two of them are strong. The situation is better with the melee and ranged infantry. Interestingly, some "rangers" can show themselves perfectly in hand-to-hand combat, sending a surprised opponent to the knockout.

In the early stages, a strong expansion is not recommended, since the units on which you can build an arrangement will open a little later. The most profitable will be the arrangement with a good number of mages, but at the same time, not without the protection of melee infantry. For attacks from the flanks, use those same "rangers" that show themselves well in close combat, since they also have the ability to "forward deployment", which means that you can easily attack the enemy from the rear with powerful units.

In the campaign, the goal of the race is revenge on their Higher brothers for the expulsion and capture of the "Magic Vortex" for their dark and not too good deeds.

The features of the race are: Black Arks, Slaves and Bloody Prowess. The Black Arks are mobile fortresses where your lords can recruit troops and make up for losses. In addition, the arks provide artillery support for your troops on the march.

Your armies will capture slaves in their campaigns. An increase in their number will increase income, but at the same time, it will lower public order. Also, slaves can be sacrificed to perform rituals.

Bloody Prowess is a buff that is given to all your troops in battle if they destroy a certain number of enemies. Well, I would like to note that the lords of the Dark Elves have fickle loyalty and can betray you, which means you need to carefully monitor them.

Insidious Skaven

Skaven, or ratmen, possess large infantry and very powerful siege weapons. Among the siege weapons, I would like to highlight the Wheel of Doom, which can easily deal with superior enemy forces. The Skaven infantry, for all its large numbers, has a low level of morale and quickly flees the battlefield. The cavalry of this race is completely absent, and there are only two types of monsters. But it should be noted that one of them is the most powerful unit in the entire game. And of course, two new Skaven schools of magic should be noted - Plague and Destruction.

The only correct tactic for this race is to focus on a huge amount of infantry. And so, until you unlock powerful siege engines. Then, it will be possible to reduce the number of infantry by adding these very machines and increasing the number of mages
in your army, which, thanks to the ability to call for reinforcements from the ground, will make an excellent guard for them.

Skaven are servants of Chaos, which means it is not difficult to guess that their role in the campaign is far from positive. They want to kill all other races and plunder their cities, and use the "Magic Vortex" to return the world to the dominion of their Dark Gods.

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The Warhammer Universe (not the one where the God-Emperor, but where the Sigmar is) is famous for its harsh gloom. There are almost no heroes here, and an ordinary person lives day after day with the understanding that at any moment one and a half meter rats can crawl out of the sewer and ruin the whole day. And, most likely, a very short rest of my life.

Game mechanics Total war perfected many, many projects ago. Total War: Warhammer takes an honorable place in this row. It was a great, well thought-out game - a real find for lovers of global strategy. Also in the famous fantasy setting!

Therefore, when the second part appeared on the horizon, the fans basically rallied around one simple motto: "Don't break!" They didn't break it.

Official trailer.

Not So Old World

The two-tailed comet split the sky and weakened the magic of the Great Vortex. It means that the time of prophecy has come, the time of war. This time we are fighting on the territory of the "New" world: Lustria and the Southern lands (that is, in America and Africa, if we refer to the real continents). And the factions available to us are more "exotic": rat-men-skaven, lizardmen, dark elves and high elves. As usual, each nation has its own set of units, style of warfare, its own peculiarities of management on the global map - and sometimes even a unique resource.

All races now start in exactly opposite corners of the world, which encourages a slightly more relaxed playstyle. Each faction slowly clears its quarter of the map - and then a war of cool high-tech armies of top units with pumped generals begins. In addition, in addition to the "general" victory of the "take out all" type, we added a victory based on quests to the campaign. This is if you manage to complete the ritual for which you, in fact, entered the war. More on this below.

But don't think that the game world is inhabited only by non-humans. A pleasant surprise: all the peoples of the last game are present on the field as small (sometimes with gigantic territories) factions with a full set of units and their own logic of diplomacy. You cannot play for them yet, but their very presence allows us to hope that with the additions the number of playable factions will gradually grow to the size of the full roster of the desktop Warhammer.

For connoisseurs of the Hammer of War, there will be offensive moments. Such factions as Arabia and Khemri, unfortunately, were replaced by ... analogues. Instead of necro-Egyptians, we are met by vampire armies (in the sunny desert!), Instead of armies of Bedouins and assassins - ordinary tanned guys from the Empire. We hope that, as in the first part, over time, unique factions will appear here.

War in the jungle and elves in the trees

If you have played the first part or any game in the Total War series, you will immediately find yourself at home. A familiar army system, a familiar provincial system. Construction, heroes, war, technology tree - everything is as we are used to. The developers took the path of “don't fix what is not broken”, and for this we are very grateful to them.

However, there are also innovations.

The tactical combat map is no longer flat and boring. Finally, the game takes full account of the difference in altitude, climatic preferences and the effect of vegetation on shooting accuracy. Now it is quite possible to arrange a fight such as "300 elves against a horde of ratmen" in a narrow passage. It is logical that this made the tactical part much more epic.

Also, more units are displayed on the battlefield, and there is a completely different level of animation and elaboration of models of fighters (you cannot compare with the imperial infantrymen-Pinocchio of the first patch of the last part).

But AI is now frankly disgusting (alas, you can't find another word). No, he hasn't gotten any smarter. It's just that the game doesn't even try to hide the fact that the AI ​​sees and hears everything and therefore instantly reacts to any change on the field. Instantly. It is very annoying when a cunning plan (for example, to hit the flank of the enemy artillery with riders hidden in the forest) breaks off exactly at the moment when the units become visible.

Who is who

Lizardmen- the natives of Lustria and the oldest race in the world of the War Hammer. Self-proclaimed "defenders of peace" in this war play the role of heavyweights. There are many tenacious and powerful units, good sorcerers, and battle dinosaurs (yes! Dinosaurs riding dinosaurs!) Are simply universal fighters with frightening damage indicators. Naturally, this means that almost all units are extremely expensive (although you can get their free enhanced versions for quests).

Skaven- the ratmen of the Sub-Empire, which stretches across the known world. Rats have the weakest troops in the game. Even the monsters and "Wheels of Doom" are relatively weak in clashes against similar units of other factions.

The strength of the skaven lies elsewhere: there are infinitely many of them. Their troops make up for their losses incredibly quickly, and their cities develop instantly. What is the only opportunity to immediately populate cities up to the fifth degree of development! With an equal balance of forces, they will, of course, lose. But there are always five or even ten times more Skaven.

High elves- the most balanced faction and a good choice for newbies. These ancient warriors who call themselves Azuras protect the world from the forces of chaos and destruction. Elves resemble the troops of the Empire from the first part. They are above average in everything, but they are incredibly good at only one thing - magic and magical creatures. Also, the high elves reveal the map during trade and can influence diplomatic relations of other factions. These proud men prefer to play enemies against each other - and strike only where necessary.

Dark elves- traitors and ruthless assassins, led by the sorcerer-king Malekith. Dark Elves destroy opponents with swift and deadly attacks. In their arsenal - heavy cavalry, monsters, as well as squads of high-speed assassins. In addition, the black arks of the dark elves are real sea cities, where you can recruit heroes with lords and recruit armies, which provides Malekith's troops with complete superiority on the water. The feature of the legendary lord allows him to give some of the experience to other commanders, but be careful. If an ordinary commander becomes stronger than the legendary lord, he may well go for the betrayal typical of the dark elves!

Each faction has a unique resource that is needed to advance towards a storyline victory. Important: each side of the conflict sees only its own resource, but the key cities are the same for everyone. In other words, in a location where Skaven see Warpstone, Lizardmen, for example, will find solar tablets. Hence a simple and wonderful conclusion: in the second part, key cities and fortresses can come under the control of any of the main factions!

I love the smell of warpstone in the morning!

Resources are mainly needed for rituals that allow you to skip the stage of painfully long conquest of all provinces of each opponent. To win, you need to complete five such rituals, and their cost in terms of resources and time increases with each success. Towards the end, you have to try a lot - especially considering that in the campaign, the game regularly creates neutral armies, which become stronger as the factions move towards victory. Of course, these armies usually appear somewhere in the deepest rear.

From a purely mechanical point of view, the ritual works as follows. If you have the required amount of resources, you activate your three cities (randomly, of course). For ten turns, these cities are visible to everyone, and the loss of any of them cancels the ritual, and you are deprived of the right to retry for several more turns. Even worse, any faction for a certain amount can create an instant "invasion army" ... right on the lands of the player conducting the ritual. AI loves this option very much and sends two or three top armies as soon as the player is on the way to victory.

However, even if the AIs are weak and they have no money, the game, in addition to other troubles, immediately creates from three to eight (!!!) armies of Chaos or Skaven. Who begin to burn and destroy everything they see. Are you bored, they say? Hold on.

From the unpleasant: there are classic sins of the TW series. AI makes unforgivable mistakes in a global war, the game takes a long time to load and can crash after a tactical battle (and when a battle lasts half an hour, it is very, very disappointing). As a fan of the Hammer of War, I cannot fail to note one more point: the admissibility of absolutely impossible situations (for example, when noble dwarves ask for mercy from ratmen) that can warp the fans of the universe.

At the beginning of the campaign, the Dark Elves occupy the icy north, and your main problem at first will be the Skaven. Focus on taking Naggarond and then hiring a second Lord so you have two armies, with Dark Guardians and Dread Spears.

Subsequently, your goal is to create alliances in the south and east so that people do not attack you while you work to take over Grond. Here it is important to besiege the city and make sure that the enemy army went out and fought with you. If you go into a frontal attack on the city, then this battle will be very difficult to win.

Do not forget that Dark Elves have an advantage in the technology tree, which can be pumped much faster than other races, without creating so many predecessor buildings.

Throughout the Dark Elves campaign, you will have serious loyalty problems. It can be increased by winning battles and completing quests. You can also capture equipment, which will lead to the receipt of slaves. Give them to the Lords and your loyalty will always be high.

Don't forget that your Legendary Lord - no matter who you choose - can use the ritual to increase loyalty. Finally, the Hanite Assassin eventually gains the Scavenger trait, which can also increase loyalty.

In addition to the main resources, the Dark Elves have an additional one: slaves! You can use them to balance other aspects of the economy. More slaves means the province is producing more gold, which is a good thing - but if you have too many slaves, social order will start to fall as the number of servants outnumbered the actual population.

If you have a province with high public order but need gold, upgrade your slave buildings and then start the raid. As long as the order goes down, you will receive currency.

Black Arks

While the Lizardmen have a Geomancy Network that grants empire bonuses, Dark Elves boast mobile Black Stokers that support the army and have construction slots.

Such Arks can help nearby troops by unleashing a bombardment on the enemy. Be sure to place them next to where you intend to start the war.

Legendary Lords

You have two starting options: a melee-mage hybrid, or his mother, riding a Hydra. The main differences between the two relate to experience points and loyalty.

Dark elves want to raid and fight all the time. If you sit in one place and just build up your defenses instead of going to war, your loyalty will drop dramatically - and that could be a disaster.

Malekith automatically transfers the experience to other Lords. If another lord is of a higher level than Malekith himself, or if the lord is injured and retreats, expect an increase in loyalty. While Malekith is the weaker of the two starting options, you must keep him in battle at all times or the other lords (and their armies) will turn against you.

Morathi, the mother of Malekith, gives a loyalty bonus to other lords in the area. She can be the best option in the middle of a party when you need your armies to do what you want.

More guides for Total War: Warhammer 2

For centuries, in the deep dungeons of the dark elves' badlands, thousands of slaves have forged the death of the high elves. Long ago, the bloody Drukai, expelled from their native Ulthuan, are making plans for its complete and final capture.

Features of the army

+ Balanced army
The Drukai army does not suffer from the lack of certain types of troops in it - they have everything to resist any enemy, but they do it in their own particular aggressive manner.

Powerful damage
High indicators of damage and attack of almost all types of troops, as well as bonuses to destructive magic, allow the dark elves to destroy the enemy on the battlefield with lightning speed.

Strong infantry
The Drukai do not have good all-around entry-level infantry, however there are some very strong elite units against both infantry and cavalry and monsters.

Environment Masters
High speed and the ability to camouflage on the move for some infantry and rifle squads, as well as the ability to lead the enemy into an uncontrolled rampage, opens up opportunities for the dark elves to surround enemy troops.

Second wind
The special factional ability "Bloody Prowess" raises the morale, reserve of strength and some other characteristics of soldiers, giving them a kind of second wind on the battlefield.

- Poor health
Low health is a traditional disadvantage for almost all elven troops.

- Macro control of fractional ability
The commander needs to choose the right moment to activate "Bloody Prowess" so as not to lose his advantage.

- Low firing range
The dark elves have both a variety of crossbowmen and artillery. They are united by a low firing range, which, coupled with the low survival rate of most of the units, forces the dark elves to play in an aggressive style.

The Drukai Zoo is small and consists of good ground and flying monsters.

The dark elves have both cavalry to fight infantry and cavalry to fight large enemies.

On the verge of calling it weak, but there are not so many representatives of really strong artillery in the game to raise the bar for this category of troops; represented by one squad, which can shoot huge bolts against large targets or grapeshot against clusters of infantry, smearing damage over the entire enemy squad until it is completely destroyed.

Legendary Lords

Malekith () The head lord of the dark elves is a dangerous spellcaster with a set of devastating spells against both a group of enemies and against single targets. He also possesses items that critically reduce the magic skills of enemy mages who are near Malekith. And, finally, Malekith, being the owner of a personalized black dragon, shows himself well in close combat.

Personal transport: Seraphon - black dragon [★ ]

Morathi( , and )A classic mage, unsuitable for melee combat. It is worth noting, however, that Morathi, due to the item and ability, can reduce the attack of nearby enemies by 18 points and defense by 9, which can greatly help in a tough battle.

Personal transport: Sulefet - dark pegasus [★ ]

Hellebron the witch Hellebron initially has good melee characteristics, for which she, not owning a single spell, is intended. She can take a wheelchair called "Bloody Cauldron" as a transport, which, on the one hand, gives her the opportunity to use the ability to support the allied forces and bonuses to herself, on the other hand, deprives her of the lion's share of combat prowess, or a manticore.

Personal transport: Manticore [★]

Lockhear the Cruel Lockhear has neither magic nor any other advantages over lords who also have access to black dragons.

Personal transport: Whirlpool - black dragon [★ ]


Dreadlord(sword and crossbow) Dreadlord(sword and shield)
Missile and foot variants of the Dark Elf Lords. The first slightly enhances the shooting characteristics of the nearest units, the second enhances the combat characteristics of the nearest allied units and weakens the enemy ones. Both of these lords themselves have good combat characteristics, but they do not know magic.

Personal transport: Black dragon [★].

Supreme Sorceress () Supreme Sorceress ()
Supreme Sorceress () Supreme Sorceress ()
Supreme Sorceress () . .
The dark elves have as many as five sorceresses of different schools of magic who are able to lead an army! At the same time, they show themselves very well in close combat, since they can saddle a black dragon. So think, do you need lords - warriors?

Personal transport: Black dragon [★]


Enchantress () Enchantress ()
Enchantress () Enchantress ()
Enchantress () . .
If you prefer to have a warrior as a lord, then you also have five sorceresses-heroes at your disposal, although in this case the dark pegasus will be the best transport available to them.

Personal transport: Dark Pegasus [★]


Dim Blades


Classic low-level infantry, which differs from similar infantry of other races only by its “fragility”.
Spears of Terror


Basic spear infantry. It holds up well against enemy shelling and cavalry at the initial stage of the game. In general, this unit is inferior to that of the high elves.
Black Ark Pirates


Infantry designed to fight enemy infantry. If the stars converge successfully and the pirates pass the danger in the form of enemy shooters and cavalry, then they can show themselves well in battle. The advantage of this unit is that it is very fast with its high armor, which is possible thanks to the special "Cloak of the Sea Serpent", and the main disadvantage is fragility and vulnerability against everything that is not infantry.
Elven witches


A strong and fast flanking squad, effectively cutting out enemy infantry and bringing any enemy under attack into a state of uncontrollable rampage. The squad has little to no armor and is generally even more fragile than the Black Ark Pirates, despite its resistance to physical damage. Protect witches from cavalry onslaught, shelling and enemy magicians. In general, protect them from everything.
Sisters of Massacre


Despite some similarities with the Elven witches in speed, lack of armor and vulnerability to magic, the Sisters of Massacre are a different type of squad, namely: they are intended not only for flank attacks (which they are undoubtedly good at), but also for containment and weakening enemy units, mostly infantry. To do this, they have a high morale, a poisonous attack and an extremely high defense rate (which the developers took and cut in one of the patches). Despite the presence of some protection from shots, it is better to keep them away from enemy shooters.
Har Ganet's executioners


Elite dark elf infantry. Thanks to the enhanced version of the factional ability, they are able to endure heavy losses and hack the enemy with renewed vigor. They do not have too high speed, therefore they are warriors of the front line.
Blackguards of Naggarond


Very strong spear infantry. Weaker in defense than the Phoenix Guard of the High Elves, in attack they are conditionally stronger. Unlike "Phoenixes", they do not frighten their enemies, but for that they themselves have protection from psychological impact.

Missile Infantry

Dark carapace


Basic dark elf crossbow infantry. They shoot close, but do good damage; take a long time to reload, carry limited ammunition.
Dark carapace(shields)


The fundamental difference between Dark Shells with shields from ordinary ones is that they have silver shield stripes and block more than half of incoming light ranged damage, and therefore can successfully run under enemy fire and engage in a firefight. These are the only archers of the Dark Elves to wear shields.
Black Ark Pirates(schneppers)


A detachment that is not strong in close combat even against infantry, unlike ordinary Schneppers, but at the same time, as a rifle detachment, it is so-so: it fires non-armor-piercing shots at a short distance.


Shadows are an excellent ranged unit for ambush and encirclement attacks. They shoot close and carry limited ammunition, but have high armor-piercing damage from shots. They can be deployed outside the deployment zone and remain unnoticed, moving across any terrain. Shadows also have excellent melee stats, but they do not have high health.
Shadows(dual weapon)


Dual-wielding Shadows have higher defense and gain bonus damage when fighting enemy infantry.
Shadows(heavy weapon)


Shadows with heavy weapons do not have a bonus to defense compared to regular Shadows, but they do receive a large bonus to melee damage. The damage type changes to armor-piercing. Objectively speaking, this Shadow variant is the strongest on average.

Horsemen and chariots

Dark riders


Weak cavalry with forward deployment capability. It can be useful for pursuing enemy shooters.
Dark riders(shields)


Dark Riders with Shields receive bronze shield stripes and, as a result, some reduction in damage from enemy shots.
Knights on the cold-blooded


Quite good cavalry, which is designed to deal with large targets, with which it copes quite well, since it has a good attack and armor-piercing. Lizardmen wield almost the same cavalry. The squad can go berserk.
Doomfire sorcerers


Magic cavalry, which knows how to send a destructive spell, effective against one unit, and an evil eye spell on armor and weapon damage. It is worth protecting them from enemy magic.
Dread Knights on Cold Blooded


The finest assault cavalry available to the dark elves. Designed to fight, first of all, with the infantry. In comparison with the Horned Lizardmen, it has higher protection and armor, in all other respects (and in general too) it is worse. The squad can go berserk.

Ranged horsemen and chariots

Dark riders(repeating crossbows)


Light Shooting Cavalry. From the pros: armor-piercing, high speed. Cons: long reload time, small amount of ammunition.
Cold-blooded chariot


An armor-piercing chariot, which differs from most other chariots in its high level of health. It also has armor-piercing, which is a definite plus.

Monsters and beasts



The Harpies are a maneuverable flying squad with forward deployment capabilities. Designed for a surprise attack on shooters and unarmored enemy troops. The detachment is similar to the detachment of the same name among the beastmen.
Wild manticore


A flying squad without any frills for the initial stage of the game. Norsca and Chaos have the same.
War Hydra


The War Hydra is most valuable in a protracted battle, since it has regeneration and can spit fire at the enemy up to three times per battle, which requires reloading. Along with a high attack, it has a low defense rate, so make sure that the hydra does not get bogged down in battle with troops specializing in dealing with large targets.


Charybdis, unlike hydra, has neither regeneration nor fire spitting, but it costs more. Why? Because she has higher attack, defense, damage indicators, a poisonous attack, a bonus against large opponents and, finally, the evil eye on the discipline of opponents closest to her.
Black dragon


The Black Dragon is one of the most powerful dragons in the game, second only to the High Elves' Star Dragon. In terms of strength, he is comparable to the Moon Dragon of the same high elves, but slightly better than him.


Famous squads

Servants of Hellebron(spears of Dread)


+ Protection against any onslaught
+ Poisonous attack
Thunder Demons(dark carapace - shields)


+ Shieldbreaker: This unit's attacks break shields, greatly reducing the enemy's ability to block shots.
Raven heralds(repeating crossbows)


A unique and famous squad that has no ordinary counterpart. It is a flying shooting cavalry that can take on the role of a thorn in the enemy's body. Can be easily shot by enemy archers.
Sisters of the Singing Rock(elven witches)


+ Scary and terrifying look
Priests of Slaanesh(doomfire sorcerers)


+ Stronger evil eye spells and damage dealing
Blades of the Blood Queen(executioners)


+ Fury
+ Bonus to resistance to physical damage for lords and heroes in the radius of the ability

The executioners of Har Ganet with fury and a bonus to the protection of your commanders - at the exit we have a very strong detachment of bodyguards, effective against enemy infantry.

Knights of the Black Claw(Knights of Dread)


+ Deadly skill instead of Bloody prowess
+ The squad does not go into a rampage
Cold Sontar(battle hydra)


+ Frostbite (reduces the enemy's speed when attacking)

The rest of the hydras are absolutely identical.

Dark Elves tactics

  1. Aggression. The Dark Elves are not designed to play against defense, since they have neither long-range shooters, nor a variety of powerful artillery, and the survivability of their troops leaves much to be desired. If you take a passive position, you risk losing a shooting duel or taking a hit first, which in the absence of strong defense units can result in defeat in the battle. This does not mean that the dark elves should play the unrestrained "rush" like goat-footed ones, but they should have time to take the correct position close enough to the enemy, including for their shooters, and attack.
  2. Potential for flanking attacks. Dark elves have the potential to carry out powerful flanking attacks. To do this, they have Elven Witches, Schneppers, Shadows, Sisters of Massacre - very fast units capable of swiftly outflanking the enemy and going behind the lines. To protect their infantry during such maneuvers, the Drukai have Harpies, Black Dragons, and cavalry at their disposal.
  3. Microcontrol of elite infantry. The elite dark elf infantry is represented by swordsmen, effective against infantry and ineffective against cavalry and monsters, and halberdists, effective against enemy cavalry and monsters, and ineffective against enemy infantry. Remember to set the correct goals for them.
  4. Distracting maneuvers. Since the survivability of the dark elf infantry leaves much to be desired, units that distract the enemy's main attention are useful in such a situation. These units can be Harpies, which can bind enemy shooters and artillery, and Dark Riders with crossbows, the damage from which the enemy cannot ignore.
  5. Bloody prowess. Particular attention on the battlefield when playing for the dark elves should be given to their special factional ability, which is called "Blood Prowess". While the Blood Prowess meter fills up to the end, the time is right for your cavalry and monsters to charge into the enemy's ranks, and it's time for each of your squad to fight the enemy squad, and each rifle squad is busy shooting at some target. ... If one of your units is idle during Blood Prowess, then you deprive yourself of the power of this ability. You can also chase an enemy fleeing the battlefield instead of fighting other units in order to quickly fill the Blood Prowess meter.
  6. Offensive magic. Use the offensive spells that dark elf mages have in abundance to help you realize Blood Prowess's potential faster.
  7. Ambushes. Dark elves can successfully hide in the forest, and their best shooters - Shadows - can do it in any area; they are also very fast and can be deployed outside of the deployment area. Use these opportunities to surround and destroy the enemy.

Best Late Game High Elven Composition

In the early stages of the game, the optimal army composition balances between your victories and the cost of maintaining troops. At a later stage, you can afford to create armies from the strongest and most expensive units, but here, too, various options are possible, depending on who your opponent is.

I suppose that the most versatile and combat-ready composition of the dark elves in the campaign closer to its end may be similar to what is shown above. It should be understood that if the enemy has a large number of monsters or cavalry, then it is worth recruiting the Black Guards of Naggorond and the Knights for cold-blooded ones (with a bonus against large enemies); if the enemy is holding on to slow heavy infantry and arrows, then you should pay attention to the Executioners of Har Ganeth, Sisters of Carnage, Elven Witches and Knights of Dread.

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Lord haarhus

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