Speech development in preschoolers - exercises and methods. Speech development of children in preschool age Speech development preschool

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Speech development of a preschooler

Article by Nina Efimovna Krasnova.

Kindergarten teacher No. 19 "Cornflower" Yakutsk

Speech development of a preschooler

Speech development- an urgent task of teaching in primary school, where the foundations of a person’s future personality are laid, because speech is the basis of all mental and practical activity, a means of human communication.

Because education is comprehensive developed personality is impossible without improving such an important tool of cognition and thinking as speech, speech development students is currently one of the main tasks of school education, and, first of all, its primary level.

Preschool age is decisive for learning baby: everything that a child learned or failed to learn in these early years will significantly affect his future intellectual development development, and schooling will not be able to compensate for the gaps in child development. Therefore, the main task of educators is development cognitive abilities preschoolers.

Formation of the basis of children's intellectual abilities, cognitive development child is influenced by the social environment. In the process of communicating with others, he learns the language, and with it the existing system of concepts. As a result, already in preschool At age, the child masters the language so much that he uses it freely as a means of communication.

Speech accompanies and improves the cognitive activity of children, makes work activity more focused and conscious, enriches games, promotes the manifestation of creativity and imagination in visual, musical, and literary activities.

To carry out work on cognitive-speech development children use the following means of speech development:

1. Communication between adults and children

2. Cultural language environment.

3. Learning native speech and language in the classroom.

4. Fiction.

5. Various types of art.

The teacher helps the child achieve communicative competence by the end of preschool age by solving problems on development of different aspects of speech at all ages groups:

« Development of coherent speech»

« Dictionary development»

"Mastering grammatically correct speeches»

“Mastering sound culture speeches»

"Preparing for Literacy"

Tasks of cognitive-speech development of preschool children are solved comprehensively, taking into account the age characteristics of children and requirements “Education and training programs in kindergarten”.

Based on all this, a speech model was developed child development.

(Annex 1)

Diverse speech, rich in additions, descriptions and synonyms, in children aged 3 to 7 years is an extremely rare phenomenon. Speech development in preschoolers is of primary importance because this is the time when the child is most receptive to its comprehension.

Children master their native language by imitating the spoken language of others.

It’s a pity that constantly busy parents during this period often forget about this and abandon the formation process. child's speech on its own.

Children spend very little time surrounded by adults (most often at the TV, at the computer, or with toys, rarely hear fairy tales told by mom and dad, and planned activities for Speech development in preschoolers is quite rare.

So it turns out that by the time the child enters school, a lot of problems arise. Therefore, solving the problem, speech development in preschoolers, let’s look at what problems parents and teachers encounter most often in this area.

Typical problems speech development of preschoolers:

1. Monosyllabic speech, which consists only of simple sentences (also called “situational” speech). Inability to correctly and competently construct a common sentence.

2. Scarcity speeches. Poor vocabulary.

3. Speech in which there is an excess of slang words (the result of watching TV,

use of non-literary expressions and words.

4. Poor dialogue speech: inability to ask questions in an accessible and competent manner, to construct long or short answer, if necessary and to the point.

5. Failure to line up monologue: for example, a descriptive or plot story on a specific topic, retell the received text in your own words.

6. Lack of logical justification in your conclusions and statements.

7. Lack of culture speeches: inability to use intonation, adjust tempo speeches and voice volume, etc.

8. Poor diction.

The main task of the teacher is to explain to the child what a particular word means and its meaning.

Classes on speech development necessarily include memorizing short poems and retelling the text read by the teacher.

As a result of these classes, by the time of school the child will learn to express himself competently, will have an impressive vocabulary and correctly pronounce all the sounds of the language.

The correct speech of an adult is very important for child speech development.

That is why it is useful to extend speech rules for kindergarten teachers to parents and the child’s immediate environment.

After all, if, in spite of everything, the baby hears at home "wha" And "Nizya", then all the work on development, done in kindergarten, is gradually coming to naught. This is especially noticeable if the child is absent from kindergarten for a long time, for example, in the summer.

Teacher's speech preschool educational institution has a teaching and educational orientation. The main thing is the quality of its language content, which ensures high work results.

The teacher’s speech is a reflection of the inner world, the characteristics of the intellectual and spiritual development of his personality, an important part of professional culture, which is a universal culture.

Child- preschooler spends most of his time in the nursery garden: communicates with the teacher, learns a lot from him, including culture speeches. Therefore, the teacher should pay special attention to his speeches.

Since the child perceives an adult’s speech as a model, the teacher must speak correctly, without distorting sounds, clearly articulating each word, without rushing, without "eating" endings.

You need to pronounce unfamiliar and long words especially clearly. Liveliness and richness of intonation also play an important role - they contribute to better assimilation speeches.

In cognitive development The teacher’s task is to consistently increase children’s stock of knowledge, organize it, and systematize it.

The child must receive clear representation:

About surrounding objects and their purpose;

About qualities (color, size, shape) objects;

About properties (beats, breaks, tears, pours, etc.) objects;

About the material from which objects are made

Back in the old days, tongue twisters were invented - a kind of folding speeches with repetition and rearrangement of the same letters or syllables that are difficult to pronounce.

Practice tongue twisters with your child, moderate his haste speeches. He will surely enjoy these funny and short poems.

Readiness or unpreparedness of the child to start school

Determined by the level of his speech development: precisely with the help speeches he has to learn (and learn) the entire knowledge system. If a six- to seven-year-old child mastered spoken language before school, he has yet to master written language.

A simple pattern: the better developed By the time a child enters school, his oral speech is improved, the easier it is for him to master reading and writing.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, every year more and more children come to the first grade with defects in the pronunciation of sounds, a poor vocabulary, and children who cannot construct a simple narrative sentence.

Testing speech readiness for school.

Correct pronunciation.

Before learning to read and write, the child must learn to pronounce all sounds correctly and clearly. It is unacceptable to have speeches complete sound replacements (SOLNYSKO instead of SOLNYSHKO, PALTA instead of PART). Such defects in the pronunciation of sounds are usually reflected in writing.

Presence of phonemic hearing.

To evaluate it, ask your child to write down a few words - not in letters, but in circles. There are as many circles as there are sounds in a word. For example, the word “house” should be depicted with three circles, the word “mother” with four.

Check whether the child understands the task correctly, and then dictate the words to the child so that he writes them in the form of circles.

Show him pictures of animals. (eg lion, wolf, cow) and the schemes of their names are written down in the form of circles (by the number of sounds in a word). The child's task is to determine which circles go with which word.

Ability to distinguish sounds.

Clear distinction of all sounds by ear speeches is one of the necessary prerequisites for mastering literacy. Writing any word requires the ability to identify each sound included in its composition and designate it with the corresponding letter. If some sounds seem the same to a child, when writing, he will inevitably have difficulty choosing the letters that correspond to these sounds. (and make mistakes).

For example, if a baby does not distinguish between the sounds B and P by ear, he will not know what the first letter is (B or P) must be written in the word BALKA or in the word PALKA.

The study of auditory differentiation of sounds is carried out using specially selected pictures (the names of the objects depicted on them differ only in one sound being tested).

State of vocabulary.

The older child preschool age vocabulary must be at least 2000 words (for some children it exceeds 5000 words).

It should contain the main parts speeches: nouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

To study it, a number of special techniques are used to determine the presence or absence of certain words in the child’s “dictionary” (see below).

Formation of grammatical systems.

This is, in essence, clarifying the question of whether the child has mastered the existing patterns of inflection and word formation in the language. The grammatical system of inflection of a child with normal developing Usually masters speech by the age of four, and the system of word formation by seven.

These terms are quite arbitrary. Sometimes even a seven year old speaks: “I arrived by subway”, “there’s a sweater under my coat”, “hot coffee”, “put down my pencil”, “run faster”, “blizzard day”, “cyclist - a person who rides a bicycle”, etc. (If the parents themselves speak correctly, this practically never happens).

Checking the development of a child’s grammatical systems is important because even a very large vocabulary does not solve the problem of the usefulness of oral speeches.

It is also important to be able to actively use existing words, to construct sentences and coherent statements from them, since only under this condition can one express one’s thoughts clearly enough. And for the correct construction of sentences, you need the ability to grammatically correctly coordinate words with each other.

Possession of coherent speech.

By coherent speech it is customary to understand such expanded(consisting of several sentences) statements that allow you to clearly and consistently express your thoughts.

Without fluency in coherent speech, the process of school learning is unthinkable (just remember the usual answers in class, so its development the child needs to worry already in preschool age.

Stories are usually divided into factual and creative.

The first, as the name indicates, convey real events (data)- based on their direct perception, or from memory.

The latter are built with the active participation of the creative imagination, thanks to which they can be supplemented with some details that did not exist in the real situation.

In form, stories can be descriptive or plot.

A descriptive story is a description of real or pictured things, plants, animals. There are no characters, there are no events, but the characteristics characteristic of a given subject are simply described. For example: "The puppy is black, shaggy; he has small ears and a short tail."

In a plot story there is a plot of action, its development, reaching some high point (culmination, and completion of the “incident”, or denouement; events here must be transmitted in time sequence, taking into account cause-and-effect relationships.

Periodically offer your child tasks that test communication skills. speech:

Let him listen and retell a previously unknown story close to the text;

He will tell you how today went;

Compose a short fairy tale or story;

Describe a picture of nature;

Describe drawings in which, for example, children play, help adults, relax by the sea;

Describe your family, friend or pet;

He will tell you how, for example, the preparation for the holiday and the holiday itself went, and will try to express and describe his impressions.

Human speech is a unique instrument; it was formed in the process of evolution, and it can only be mastered at a certain period of life, communicating with other people.

Possession of coherent speech skills allows a child not only to communicate freely with others, but also to develop intellectually. The development of speech in preschool children is a long and difficult process, requiring the attention of parents and sometimes the participation of specialists.

Sequence of work on coherent speech

  1. Development of meaningful perception of coherent speech;
  2. Development of dialogic coherent speech;
  3. The development of a monologue consists of stages:
  • learning to write a descriptive story;
  • learning to compose a story based on pictures of one plot;
  • learning to compose a story based on a separate picture;
  • learning to compose a retelling;
  • learning to write a new story.

Techniques and methods

A picture to build a plot must meet a number of requirements:

  • be attractive and colorful;
  • meet the “age qualification”;
  • the number of actors should be limited;
  • a small number of additional parts.

Algorithm for working on a retelling:

  1. Expressive reading of an accessible story.
  2. Finding out what you “liked”.
  3. Clarify details using leading questions.
  4. Explanation of unfamiliar words, highlighting beautiful figures of speech.
  5. View pictures, read again.
  6. It would be useful to further familiarize yourself with the habits of animals and look at photographs.

So that the transition to independently composing a story does not become a problem, let the first of them be about a really lived day in the child’s life, about memorable events for him.

Stages of formation

Any healthy child from birth has the physiological prerequisites for speech. However, in order to realize speech activity, the little man needs a social environment.

Preparatory stage – from birth to one year

The first stage received this name for a reason. During the first year of a child’s life, the baby’s vocal apparatus is prepared to reproduce articulate speech.

Chronology of events:

  1. By the end of the third week of life the newborn begins to react to sounds, for example, freezes when there is a sharp knock or clap.
  2. By three months the child can correlate the presence of the sound of a voice and the presence of an adult, and an orienting reflex is observed. The appearance of so-called babble indicates a new stage in the development of verbal communication.
  3. After the sixth month In life, the baby can “boast” of the ability to find a connection between a combination of sounds and actions. The appearance of this feature is a sign that the child is beginning to master words.
  4. At the end of the first year meaningful words appear in life. The number of actively used words is small compared to the number of words that a “year-old” can understand.

Pre-school stage – from 1 to 3 years

At the beginning of the second year of life, the range of needs of the child expands. This is due to the period of active development of space. Increasing motivation to communicate with adults helps to increase vocabulary.

Speech development occurs in leaps and bounds: having learned a new word today, tomorrow the baby can replace it with a familiar statement or sound.

In the speech of a two-year-old child, the words are not grammatically connected, there are no conjunctions or prepositions. The plural is used, a complex sentence and interrogative intonation are formed.

By the age of three, difficulties appear in pronouncing sounds, so it is worth paying special attention to the volume, clarity and slowness of speech. In such cases, special language tasks lasting up to 10 minutes are used.

Preschool stage – from 3 to 7

In the speech of preschool children, pronunciation defects such as whistling, hissing, softening, etc. are very common. During this period, auditory control of one’s pronunciation is actively developing. The active dictionary can reach 5000 words.

With increasing experience of verbal communication, a “sense of language” is formed - the skill of word creation. The grammatical structure of speech develops, the pronunciation of sounds is formed, and most children speak clearly by the age of 6.

Features of seven-year-olds are the ability to freely operate complex and complex sentences, and the possession of well-formed contextual (generalized) speech.

Physiological imperfections in sound pronunciation

Imperfections in the sound pronunciation of a preschooler are associated, first of all, with the incomplete development of articulatory organs: the lower jaw, soft palate, lips and tongue.

The second most important reason is the insufficiently formed ability to perceive and distinguish units of speech (phonemes). These problems make the child’s speech insufficiently pure and clear. Sound pronunciation disorders are quite varied in their manifestations.

Typical imperfections in preschoolers:

  • softening of hard consonants: “tul” (chair), or less often – hardening of soft “tota” (aunt);
  • replacing hissing ones with whistling ones: “sapka” (hat);
  • loss of the sound r from speech or its replacement with l, v, th;
  • softening or replacing the sound l: “toy” (table), “yampa” (lamp);
  • absence of sounds x, g, k, or their replacement with d, t;
  • loss of unstressed syllables from a word.

Most preschoolers gradually get rid of these shortcomings by the age of five.

Conditions for speech development in preschool children

Indifferently waiting for the moment when the baby “speaks out” himself can lead to missing the period given by nature for the formation of speech. Not only teachers, but also parents should recognize the enormous importance of developing a preschooler’s clear speech.

It should be remembered that speech is formed exclusively under the influence of the speech of adults, and the child must be surrounded by a full-fledged speech environment. The lisping and babbling of adults when communicating with a baby is unacceptable; such a manner will easily and firmly reinforce existing deficiencies.

Play activities to help form

The main activity of preschool children is play, which means that the play form in the development of the speech of such children will be the most productive.

It is difficult to unambiguously determine which type of games, didactic or creative, make a greater contribution to the process of speech development in preschool children. The number of such educational games is so large that you can easily choose one suitable for work in a preschool educational institution, and for family activities.

Perhaps the most beloved and widespread of creative ones is theatrical play.Its varieties:

  • tabletop theater;
  • flannelograph;
  • shadow play;
  • visiting Skazka
  • puppet theater

By engaging in theatrical activities, the child activates his vocabulary in a relaxed manner, trains dialogical speech, realizes the need for clear speech, increases his vocabulary and improves diction.

The purpose of didactic, or educational games, is to enrich vocabulary, improve the child’s auditory perception, strengthen the articulatory apparatus, improve the pronunciation of sounds, and develop the vocal apparatus.

There are different types of educational games:

  • "Wonderful bag". The tasks are adjusted for different ages: it is enough for a younger child to name an object from a bag, for an older child - to describe the object, write a story or ask a riddle about it;
  • "Emotions". It is necessary to pronounce the same word or phrase with different intonations, showing different emotions. Such a game will not only show the expressiveness of speech, but will also develop imagination and relieve the child from constraint;
  • "Guess". The adult, having named the word, invites the child to name the sounds: first, last, all in turn. If your baby has already learned all the sounds, you can switch roles with him and let him test you. The game develops phonemic hearing and prepares for reading;
  • Games related to onomatopoeia: “The clock is ticking”, “Ringing the bell.” Children will be happy to repeat funny sounds after you. The game helps strengthen the articulation apparatus.

To activate the attention of a preschooler, it is worth using visual objects - toys, household items, pictures. Mastering speech, the child goes from part to whole: from individual words, through phrases to a simple phrase and a complex sentence.

In order for a preschooler’s speech to acquire all its qualities, it is necessary to live with him this difficult, but such an interesting period - the preschool period of speech development. It is in our power to make it not problematic and joyful.

Video: Consultation for parents

Dear caring adult! If you are reading this article, it means that you do not need to be reminded of how important it is for a future schoolchild to have developed speech. You yourself, most likely, try to speak correctly, without confusing the verbs “put on” and “dress”; You know in what cases a soft sign is placed in verbs ending in “-tsya”, and the word coffee for you still remains masculine. And we are very glad that we can help you in such an important matter as the development of speech in preschoolers - especially since this topic is extremely relevant: almost 60% of first-graders have various speech disorders.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Primary School describes a number of universal educational activities related to speech development. Of course, reading methodological recommendations on the development of a child’s speech and not being a specialist philologist or a preschool teacher (and this is a problem, because you have to develop a variety of aspects in a child, and parents a priori cannot be specialists in everything at once! ), it is difficult to understand all the terms and nuances of the requirements for the development of a preschooler. A wise and caring parent will definitely turn to the appropriate specialists during the development of their child in order to hear an adequate assessment of the level of readiness of their child for the next stage of life. We, in turn, will try to help you take steps independently towards the development of various necessary qualities of your children. Today we are talking - and forgive us for the tautology - about the development of speech in preschoolers.

During the first seven years of life, the baby must learn:

  • express your thoughts clearly and comprehensively, control your actions with the help of speech;
  • be able to communicate, as they say, “on topic”, speak on your own and maintain a dialogue;
  • compose oral stories on various topics, telling and describing what he sees in the picture, and express his thoughts about what he saw.

All life is a favorable period for speech development

The development of speech in preschoolers is a voluminous process: a little person is constantly learning how to express the knowledge he acquires in the process of life, emerging needs and emerging emotions. Accordingly, a person must have all this knowledge and impressions so that the basis for expression becomes as rich as possible. It is impossible to talk about anything, so we must try to provide the child with those very impressions that will awaken emotions and thoughts, and “force” him to talk about them.

This is confirmed by Dr. Pam Skiller, awarded the Outstanding Educator Award from the Texas Children's Education Association and author of the book Head Start. She reveals in her works and research the idea that the development of mental abilities (which includes speech) occurs with the direct help of emotional perception, and early cognitive experiences form the structure of the brain, laying the foundation for future abilities.

The development of speech in preschool children has very successful “favorable periods”: the main period lasts for a person from four to eight months; this is the time of the most rapid development of speech. “The next favorable period is when there is a new increase in the corresponding brain activity, which occurs from eight months to five years. The “further possible period”, indicating the chances of developing speech to some extent in the process of adaptation, adaptation to new life circumstances, is... any age! Which, of course, is good news - and adults have every chance of becoming Demosthenes! In this case, we are interested in immediate age. Well, the first year of a child’s education, since there is no limit to improvement!

According to the observations of primary school teachers, one of the main problems of beginning first-graders is the inability to speak coherently.

With rare exceptions, the speech of a seven-year-old child consists of monosyllabic answers, statements with little description, and undeveloped sentences. And this is even in schools considered “advanced” - lyceums and gymnasiums.

Play in its various manifestations: with dolls and board games, at home and on stage, on a walk, in a car, in nature - wherever possible.

Puppet theater as a means for speech development

And the most interesting game, of course, is in the puppet theater. Let's try to arrange such a theater at home, in kindergarten or at school! We know that the basis for the development of speech in preschoolers is the enrichment of feelings and emotions. The puppet theater influences the child’s speech with words, music, artistic images, characters, design, and the whole truly fabulous, festive atmosphere.

In preparation for participating in a puppet show, children enrich their vocabulary, gain an understanding of the literary language and norms of pronunciation, the culture of speech behavior, become familiar with monologue statements and dialogues, and learn to intonate. Young actors are working on expanding their timbral range, doing breathing and articulation exercises, and memorizing the text. Theater opens up the sound side of speech to children, they learn to highlight key words, control the pace of speech, and pauses in conversation.

It is important that the theater is a puppet theater - the child speaks indirectly, on behalf of the doll, while he himself is behind the screen at the time. The screen helps you loosen up and remove a certain pressure in front of the audience. With the help of a doll, a child will learn to gesture when speaking.

Speech development in preschoolers = socialization

At preschool age, children's social contacts expand. They begin to communicate with different interlocutors: children and adults, acquaintances and strangers. A puppet show can become a kind of communicative model for a child and teach how differently you can greet, say goodbye, thank, make a request, and how to conduct a dialogue on the phone.

By voicing a doll, the child learns intonation in accordance with a certain situation and the state of the interlocutor, and changes intonation depending on the role. By writing and acting out relevant stories with children, we can teach them how to express disagreement in a polite way, how to evaluate the actions of other people, how to get out of difficult situations with the help of speech. Since theater is a collective history, performing puppet shows also contributes to the development of children’s communicative activity in joint activities.

At the same time, the child’s hand movements also develop - after all, puppet theater actors must “revive” their glove or puppet partners in the play, transferring their energy to them. In the modern world of tablets and iPhones, there are much fewer opportunities for children to develop hand movements...

Theater as the basis of rhetoric

The possibilities of the theater are limitless - any didactic and educational task can be put into the plot of the performance, into the mouths of the characters. In the process of acting out stories and fairy tales, the child develops the ability to consistently tell a story, keeping in mind the sequence of events in the plot. When composing their own performances for the puppet theater, children learn the algorithm for creating a plot: beginning, exposition, development, climax, denouement. Any speech or performance can be structured using this algorithm.

One of the ways to create text for a puppet theater performance is to rework famous fairy tales, stories taken as the basis for your performance.

By choosing fairy tales, children learn to understand the themes of the texts, choose to systematize and synthesize material relevant to the topic, edit their own text, put emotions into the text, voicing the image of their hero.

Getting acquainted with the best speech patterns, children study the grammatical structure of speech, learn to speak in detailed sentences, rich images, use epithets, comparisons - to use all the riches of language in their speech. In addition, phonemic hearing also develops, which is very important for competent writing and mastering foreign languages.

You can make a puppet theater with your own hands, or you can use ready-made factory kits, for example, from the Kirov toy factory. They are good because they were created based on the recommendations of teachers and psychologists. The glove puppets included in the kit are suitable for acting out four to seven fairy tales. A book of fairy tales is also included. There are also puppet theaters for very young actors - made of cardboard. A convenient cardboard stage, colorful cardboard decorations, cute cardboard characters - a puppet theater based on Russian fairy tales. And for the little ones you can use a finger theater, where characters are put on their fingers. A wonderful tool for developing fine motor skills!

Competitions where everyone wins

There is an opinion that a child cannot be compared with anyone other than himself. Fair enough, considering that we are all different. But, on the other hand, competitiveness is inherent in a person from childhood. Remember a classroom being built, for example, for an excursion. "We are first!" - “No, we are first!” - there is a struggle to be the first couple in the column. There are practically no exceptions; in any children's group there will be people who strive for leadership, but have no other opportunity to prove themselves.

Give children a chance, directing their energy in a peaceful direction, hold competitions!

For example, competition "Best Speaker". Select an authoritative jury of high school students, an organizing teacher and a speech therapist; from grandmother, father and older sister. And there will be tasks for speech development. Then the lesson on speech development will not look like a lesson and will bring the children, and the organizer himself, pure joy.

Imagery of speech will help form riddles. This is a treasure trove of comparisons and allegories! Here's your first competition: for the best guesser.

The second competition is for the best tongue-twister, you need to pronounce one of the tongue twisters five times with speed. Which one is up to you to decide, because with the help of tongue twisters we also train the clear pronunciation of different sounds.

The third competition is descriptive. Who can select more interesting, unusual and accurate definitions for any word? For example, the word “cat”. Or "autumn". This is how we teach children to speak unconventionally, clearly and accurately.

Let the fourth competition be the competition of young detectives. Assignment: describe the item given to each presenter in such a way that it can be recognized. To do this, you need to say what the object is for, what it looks like, what shape it is, what it looks like, what emotions and thoughts appear when looking at it. And the task of everyone else is to guess what they are talking about.

Another version of this competition: the “detective” leaves the room for a minute, everyone makes a wish for one object. The “detective” must guess it by asking everyone leading questions that can be answered “yes” or “no.”

The fifth creative competition could be writing a short story, all words of which begin with the same letter. First, let's tell you the rules: let the story have 10 sentences, and it develops according to the scheme: beginning, climax, denouement. Of course, here the presenter can help the competitors a little at first.

If you hold these competitions at home, you can team up with people like you who are interested in the development of their children’s speech - neighbors, relatives, friends, and hold a real tournament of young rhetoricians. Of course, with prizes for a variety of victories. It is very important here that everyone wins, that the child has the joy of mastering correct speech, and that the entire process of speech development is accompanied by positive emotions. And indeed, everyone wins - by developing their speech!

“What a man is like is his speech,” said Socrates. So let’s work on developing the speech of our children so that they become wonderful people!


NOTE FOR TEACHERS - a large selection of various children's theater is sold in the educational toy store "Kindergarten" (detsad-shop.ru). You can purchase ready-made fairy tales and individual characters. There are puppet, finger, table and other children's theater sets.

Speech development in children of preschool and primary school age. Games for speech development. Speech developing games.

1. Game for speech development "Interview".

First introduce children to new words.

An interview is a conversation intended to be broadcast on radio, television or in a newspaper.
The reporter is the one who asks questions.
The respondent is the one who answers the questions.

We need to teach children to speak boldly into a microphone. To do this, ask the children to take turns saying something into the microphone, at least counting to 10 up and down. Then roles are distributed among the children. Possible topics are discussed. The tape recorder is being set up.

Reporters start asking questions. Then the conversation is collectively listened to and discussed.

Possible topics: discussion of going to the theater and watching a play; discussion of a holiday, an exhibition of drawings, an interesting book, the most interesting event of the week.

Game options: 1) the teacher interviews the children, 2) the children interview the teacher, 3) the parents interview the child, 4) the child interviews the parents.

Dear parents and teachers! If you don’t yet know about the existence of the site games-for-kids.ru, then we highly recommend that you visit it right now. This is the best site on the Internet with an incredibly large number of free educational games and exercises for children. Here you will find games to develop thinking, attention, memory in preschoolers, exercises to teach counting and reading, crafts, drawing lessons and much more. All tasks were developed with the participation of experienced child psychologists and preschool teachers. If you are interested in the topic of speech development in children, be sure to look at the special section of the site “Story pictures for speech development”. Here you can download ready-made sets of plot pictures for writing stories. Each set includes two or three pictures connected by a common plot or cause-and-effect relationships. Here are examples of some tasks for your reference:

2. Speech development game “Pictures-Riddles”.

One driver is selected from a group of children, the rest sit on chairs, and they must guess. The teacher has a large box containing small pictures depicting various objects (you can use pictures from children's lotto).

The driver approaches the teacher and takes one of the pictures. Without showing it to the other children, he describes the object drawn on it. Children offer their versions.

The next driver is the one who first guessed the correct answer.

Speech therapy classes for children online (2-4 years). The problem of speech development in young children today is more relevant than ever. There are more and more children with delayed speech development and various speech development disorders. Nowadays it won’t surprise anyone that at 3 years old a child hardly speaks. Or he speaks, but only his mother can understand him, and even then with difficulty. Usually, speech therapists recommend waiting until 4-5 years to start speech therapy classes, neuropathologists prescribe medications, and it is very difficult to find a good defectologist who knows how to work with children. At the same time, it is better to start working on the development of speech in a child as early as possible. It is common knowledge that oral language deficiencies can lead to poor performance in school. What should parents do? All that remains is to practice on your own, at home, every day, little by little, at least 10 minutes a day, but regularly. An online course of speech therapy classes from the website Games-for-Kids.ru will help you organize speech development classes:

3. Game "Identify the toy." Speech development.

Each child brings some kind of toy. One driver is selected from the group. For 3-5 minutes he goes out the door. In his absence, the teacher and the children come up with some kind of story in which the main character is one of the toys they brought.

All toys, including the selected game character, are placed on tables or chairs. A child driver is welcome. The guys from the group take turns telling him an invented story, without naming the main character, but replacing his name with the pronoun “he” or “she”. The story is told within 3-5 minutes. The driver must show the toy, which is the main character of the story being told.

If the guess is correct, another driver is chosen and the game is repeated. If the answer is incorrect, the children complement the story told in such a way as to help the driver with new details, without naming the planned toy.

4. Game "Write a sentence."

The teacher offers the group 2 cards from children's lotto, which depict objects. The group sits in a semicircle, and in turn, each child comes up with a sentence that contains the names of two planned objects. Then two other objects are shown, and again in a circle the children come up with new sentences.


1. Stimulate in children the desire to compose non-standard, original proposals.

2. If children can easily come up with sentences based on two given words, next time offer them three words to make sentences.

Note: Parents can also use this game for individual lessons with their child, competing to see who can come up with the most sentences. Naturally, the child must win.

5. Game "Opposite".

The presenter shows a group of children one picture. The task is to name the word that denotes the opposite object. For example, the presenter shows the object “cup”. Children can name the following objects: “board” (the cup is convex and the board is straight), “sun” (the cup is made by a person, and the sun is part of nature), “water” (water is the filler, and the cup is the shape) etc.

Each child takes turns offering his answer and making sure to explain why he chose that particular item.

Note: the game is also suitable for individual lessons with a child.

6. Game "Bridge".

The presenter shows one card on which an object is drawn, then another. The task of the game is to come up with a word that is located between two intended objects and serves as a kind of “transition bridge” between them. Each participant answers in turn. The answer must be justified.

For example, two words are given: “goose” and “tree”. “Transition bridges” can be the following words: “fly” (the goose flew up a tree), “cut” (a goose was cut out of a tree), “hide” (the goose hid behind a tree), etc. Note: the game is also suitable for individuals activities with the child.

7. "What does the expression mean?" or "Proverbs".

It is impossible to know the secrets of a language, its richness and expressiveness without understanding the meanings of set phrases: phraseological units, proverbs, sayings.

The sources of phraseological units are different. Some arose as a result of human observation of social and natural phenomena, others are associated with real historical events, and others came from mythology, fairy tales, and literary works.

The peculiarity of these expressions is that in our speech they are used in a constant, as if forever frozen form. As a rule, they have an invariable word order; a new component cannot be introduced into them.

Phraseologisms are used in a figurative sense. However, children often perceive such expressions in their own way, replacing words with synonyms. The meaning of expressions does not change with such replacements, but its so-called internal form is lost.

For example:

The child said: - Adults say:

go to the mend - go to the mend
where the eyes see - where the eyes look
the soul has gone into the dust - the soul has gone to the heels
free bird - free bird
discover Africa - discover America
count in your head - count in your head
the eye fell on the book - the gaze fell on something
with a fresh mind - with a fresh head
nerves are in turmoil - nerves are in turmoil
not suitable for heels - not suitable for soles

Understanding phraseological units in the literal sense leads to funny incidents. For example, a boy was very worried when he heard that his cat was sleeping without its hind legs. He woke up the cat, counted his paws, and, reassured, returned. The mother, who said she had a mouth full of worries, was advised to spit them out quickly. Three-year-old Irochka does not want to put on a new suit, she cries because she heard one of the adults remark: “She will drown in it.”

Completing the task "What does the expression mean?" will help the child correctly use phraseological units in his own speech.


1. “The master’s work is afraid.”
2. "Every master in his own way."
3. "Jack of all trades."
4. “If the tailor ruins it, the iron will iron it out.”
5. “The potatoes are ripe - get down to business.”
6. “Without labor there is no fruit in the garden.”
7. “As is the care, so is the fruit.”
8. "More action - less words."
9. “Every person is learned in action.”
10. “If there is grief, grieve, if there is business, work.”
11. “Without discipline, living is not good.”
12. “Bread earned is sweet.”
13. “He who has dexterity acts dexterously.”
14. “Without beginning there is no end.”
15. “Without order there is no point.”
16. “You can’t buy gingerbread without work.”
17. "The eyes are afraid - the hands are doing."
18. “In order not to make mistakes, there is no need to rush.”
19. “Without labor there is no good.”
20. “Work is the best medicine.”
21. “Patience and work will grind everything down.”
22. “If you read books, you will know everything.”
23. “A house without a book is like without windows.”
24. “Bread nourishes the body, but a book nourishes the mind.”
25. “Where there is learning, there is skill.”
26. “Learning and work live together.”
27. “Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.”
28. “Honor your teacher as you would a parent.”

8. Game "Steps. (Who gets to... faster)"

With the help of this simple game with elements of competition, you can work with your child to expand his vocabulary and develop speech in general.

The players stand next to each other and agree on where the finish will be (at a distance of 8-10 steps). And they discuss the topic of steps. For example, "Polite words." Each child can take a step just by saying some polite word. We give a minute to think and “Start!”

Other themes: “Everything is round”, “everything is hot”, “everything is wet”. "Kind words for mom." "Words of comfort", etc.

Option: Children stand in pairs opposite each other and take steps towards each other. The conditions of the game are the same: a step can be taken only by saying the right word.

9. Attention! Wanted! (Developing coherent speech, attention and observation)

This game is played by at least 5 people. Otherwise it's not interesting. The presenter says: I'm looking for a friend (friend). She has blue eyes, dark long hair, loves cats and hates milk.

The one who first guesses which child we are talking about becomes the leader. When playing with young children, it is allowed to describe clothes.

10. Game "Two circles".

Children are lined up in two circles - outer (large) and inner (3-4 people). Children from the large circle stand, and from the small circle they walk along with the leading adult and say: “We walk in a circle and take with us... sweets.”

Large circle players must quickly name something sweet, such as sugar. The child who names the object first stands in the inner circle. The game continues (“...we take with us something soft, liquid, sour, hard,” etc.). The last child remaining in the large circle must complete some task as punishment for being slow.

11. We come up with a story.

The adult reads the sentences, the children insert the subject, predicate, explanatory words, etc. The stories of Suteev and Bianki can be taken as a basis.

For example:

"She sat on the threshold and meowed pitifully... (who?). The cat sat in front of a cup of milk and greedily... (what did she do?). The cat caught in the garden... (who?). The cat's fur... (which?), claws... (which?).The cat was lying with the kittens... (where?).The kittens were playing with a ball... (how?).

12. Distribution of proposals.

An adult says: “The gardener is watering... (what? where? when? why?). The children are going... (where? why?), etc. We must pay attention to the correct construction of sentences.

13. Complete the sentence.

Ask the child to complete the sentences: “The children water the flowers in the flower beds because...”. “There is not a single leaf left on the trees, because...” “In winter, the bear sleeps because...”, etc.

14. "I was at the circus..."

To play you will need cards with letters and syllables. You can play together or with a group. The participants in the game are given cards with letters, or all the cards are placed in a pile on the table and the players take turns taking them.

The first player takes a card with a letter or syllable and says: “I was at the circus and saw...” He must name something that starts with the letter on his card. You can name not only nouns. For example, the letter “K” can be used to name a clown, a tumbling gymnast, and a red curtain.

If you use cards with syllables, it is not necessary that the syllable be at the beginning of the word. Options: “I was at the sea...”, “I was in the forest...”, “I was at the theater...”, etc.

15. Prepositions.

Take a disposable cardboard plate and draw it into sectors. In each sector, write prepositions - “on”, “in”, “under”, “above”, “with”, etc.

You can play like roulette - throwing a ball onto a plate. Or you can make an arrow in the center of the plate and rotate it. The meaning remains the same - whichever preposition the ball or arrow lands on, you need to make a sentence with that preposition.

16. Homemade alphabet.

Take a thick album or office folder. On each sheet, draw the letters of the alphabet. Although you will need more sheets for each letter later. Cut out pictures from old magazines; pictures from different boxes are also suitable - in general, any pictures, stickers. Together with your child, stick pictures on the page with the letter that the word begins with. Under each picture, write a signature in block letters.

Later, when the child masters the letters, complicate the task - cut out words from magazines. With a certain letter, with a certain syllable.

17. Chain.

A game with words for any number of participants. Choose a few consonants and write them down on a piece of paper. Think of words that include all these letters. Letters can be swapped and other consonants added. For example, take the letters “s”, “l”, “m”. We make up words with them: airplane, butter, salami, thought.

The one who comes up with more words wins.

18. Add a letter.

At least two players. Make up singular nouns. The first player names any letter from the Russian alphabet. The next person in turn must add his letter at the beginning or end, having in mind any word with such a letter combination. Players continue to lengthen the letter combination in this manner. The one who names the whole word wins.

Another option for older children. The one who names the whole word or the one who cannot add a letter, implying a word, loses. The player can "bluff", i.e. add a letter for which he does not know the words. In this case, two options are possible: the player following him can either ask the previous one to name the word, and if the previous one cannot do this, he loses, or the next player himself continues the bluff further until one of the following players finally asks to name the word.

This option is difficult; often the player cannot add a letter to a letter combination from a well-known word.

19. Travel. Family game.

One says: “Our ship is leaving for... for example, India. What will we take with us?” Someone asks: “What letter?” "The letter "K"!" The first one starts and says: “Let's take the cat!” Another: "Cacti!" "Pots!" If a lot of words starting with this letter have already been said, you can continue like this: “The first deck is already occupied. Let’s fill in the next one, starting with the letter “R.”

Another version of "Travel".

Prepare sets of cards with letters. One identical for each. We draw a steam locomotive with carriages. On each trailer we write a large letter of the alphabet. (You can also draw other vehicles).

Let's set a task. For example, today we are going to the sea. We take our places. Who will go with us? What will we take with us? One says: “The giraffe will come with us” and places a card with the letter “F” on the trailer with the corresponding letter.

The next one says: “And I’ll take the TV with me,” and puts the card with the letter “T” on the trailer with the letter “T.”

20. Who is friends with which letters.

The game is not only about memorizing letters and developing speech, but also very educational. Each player must have a picture of an animal. Can be different. For example, mom has an elephant, dad has a crocodile, and the child has a hedgehog. Mom says: “My elephant is friends with the letter “X” because he has a trunk.” Dad says: “And my crocodile is friends with the letter “R” because he lives in the river.” The child says: “My hedgehog is friends with the letter “I” because he has needles.

21. Let's invent (from 3 years old).

We develop abstract thinking and speech.

To play the game you will need a set of objects of different shapes (sticks, ball, ring, boxes, cylinder) and cards with images of different objects of a certain shape - a mirror, a pencil, an egg, an apple.

IMPORTANT! the images in the pictures should be similar to the objects.

For example:

pencil, fishing rod, needle, knife - shaped like a stick;
vase, glass, thimble - a hollow cylinder.

The game is played something like this: children (or a child) sit in front of the table, each with a set of objects. An adult sits opposite him, he has cards with pictures. An adult shows the cards one at a time and asks: “Who has an object similar to such a pencil?” The child who has the stick replies: “I have it!” and receives a card with a picture of a pencil.

Reverse option: Children have cards with pictures, and adults have different objects.

Children from 5 years old can play this game independently and without pictures, imagining what this or that object might look like.

22. Continue the row.

In order to construct sentences in accordance with the norms of their native language, the child does not need to invent suffixes and prefixes or learn the rules of grammar - he learns them in the process of communication.

This exercise is aimed at developing the ability to change words by analogy, that is, to detect certain grammatical patterns. By changing words according to a pattern, by analogy, the child discovers both language rules and exceptions to them.

For example: fox, bear, but hedgehog; sugar bowl, bread bowl, but salt shaker, butter dish.

Another outstanding German scientist, Wilhelm von Humboldt, the founder of linguistics, wrote: “When mastering a language, every child vaguely relies on analogies, which is more noticeable in creatively developed children. It is only important to find the spirit of these analogies, and this in any language learning is the critical point from which real mastery of the language and real enjoyment of it begins."

The ability to use analogies will also serve as a support for your child when learning foreign languages.

Parents and educators can easily come up with tasks for the “continue the row” exercise themselves. Here are examples of tasks:

People - people, children -...
Son - daughter, grandson - ..., nephew - ...
A team of horses - horse-drawn, a team of dogs - ..., a team of deer - ...
Tundra - deer, jungle - ..., desert - ...
Sleepers are wooden, rails are...
The passenger has entered the carriage, the passenger is traveling to ..., the passenger is getting out of ..., the passenger is standing next to ...
Boat - boat, boat - ..., ship - ..., steamer - ...
Pilot - airplane, helicopter pilot - ..., astronaut - ...
Sugar - in a sugar bowl, butter - in..., bread - in..., salt - in...
Spoon - spoons - many spoons, fork - ... - many ..., knife - ... -
a lot of …

23. Snowball.

Players take turns adding words to the suggested beginning of a phrase.

Game options:

1. "Getting ready for the road"

Presenter: “I’m going on a trip and putting it in my suitcase...”.
Child: “I’m going on a trip and putting soap in my suitcase.”

Other situations are played out using the same principle, for example:

2. "We prepare breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner"

Presenter: “We are preparing breakfast, let’s make a menu.”
Child: “I usually eat a sandwich for breakfast.”
Next player: “I don’t eat a sandwich for breakfast, I prefer...”. Next” “I don’t like either a sandwich or..., I prefer...”, etc.

3. "Let's set the table"

Host: “Let’s set the table for dinner. I’ll put a bread basket on the table.”
Child: “Let’s set the table for dinner. I’ll put a bread basket and napkin stand on the table.”
The next player repeats the phrase and adds what else he considers necessary, etc.

4. "Let's go for a walk"

Presenter: “We are going to the forest. I will put on rubber boots.”
Child: “We’re going to the forest. I’ll put on rubber boots and take a basket.”
The next player repeats the phrase and adds what he still considers necessary, etc.

5. "Waiting for guests"

Presenter: “We have guests coming to us today. Let’s put together an entertainment program. We can arrange attractions.”
Child: “We have guests coming to us today. Let’s put together an entertainment program. We can arrange attractions and show tricks.”
The next player repeats the phrase and adds what he still considers necessary, etc.

24. Continued story.

Invite the children to put together a story. The first player says the first sentence, the second repeats what the first said and adds his own sentence, etc.

25. What words are there?

Read M. Plyatskovsky’s poem “What Words Are There” to your child.

There is a sweet word - candy.
There's a quick word - rocket.
There is a sour word - lemon.
There is a word with a window - a carriage.
There is a prickly word - hedgehog.
There is a word for wet - rain.
There is a word stubborn - goal.
There is a green word - spruce.
There is a book word - page.
There is a forest word - tit.
There is a fluffy word - snow.
There is a cheerful word - laughter.

Then you name a word (for example, house, thunderstorm, joy) and ask what it could be. Each player comes up with his own definition.

The selection of synonyms helps to learn different meanings of the same word, teaches you to choose the most accurate words, and avoid repeating the same words.

The adult explains that the same thing can be said in different words. Such words are called close in meaning.

Adult: “I’ll start, and you continue. Winnie the Pooh is funny (cheerful, funny, amusing, comical...).
Eeyore is sad (sad, joyless, upset...)."
Adult: The hare is cowardly. How else can you say it? (Tearful, timid, fearful..)
Adult: “The hare is running away from the fox. How else can you say it?” (He runs away, blinks, flees, flies at full speed, takes off his feet).

27. Polysemantic words.

Adult: “Sometimes we call different objects with the same word. For example, onion is a vegetable plant, onion is a weapon.

What meaning does the word needle have? (Sewing needles, needles from coniferous trees, needles from a hedgehog).
Discuss what meanings the words may have: handle, spout, tongue; strokes, runs, flies, rushes; rosy, expensive, strong, fresh.

Read and discuss the poems with your child.

B. Zakhoder (from Winnie the Pooh songs)

I'm moving forward
And it's snowing
Although we are completely
Not at all on the road!
But only here
Tell me from-
Tell me from-
Why are your feet so cold?

The pin has a head. (V. Lunin)

The pin has a head, but no hair, alas!
The teapot has a spout, but no head.
The needle has an eye, but it does not hear,
The shoes have a tongue, but the shoes are still silent.
The road has holes, but no chin and cheeks,
There is a foot of the mountain, but somehow you can’t see your feet.
The rowan tree has brushes, but the poor thing has no arms,
With its white eye, the potato looks around without seeing.
The key is silvered in a thicket to which there is no lock,
A river lazily runs across the field, having no legs.
The comb has teeth, but it can't eat,
The month passes after the month, and not after the moon the moon passes.
The stream has sleeves, although the stream is not dressed,
The folder is carried under the arm, but not under the cat

Noses. (A. Usachev)

Cranes have noses
Ships have bows
The teapot has a spout,
Only very small.
Unusual beast - Nosuha,
Nosukha has a nose up to her ear.
And the huge Rhinoceros
He wears a horn instead of a nose.
The devil's nose is knotted,
And the pig has a snout.
But both the pig and the sailor
You must wipe your nose!

Who is carrying what? (M. Yasnov)

Semyon carries the briefcase in his hand,
Pavlusha gets a bad mark in the diary.
Seryozha boarded the ship -
He is on sea watch.
Andryusha walks around as a strongman -
He carries the backpack on his shoulders.
Peter beat the bully Misha -
Mikhail is suffering losses.
Stepan does not close his mouth:
He talks nonsense all day!

Watch. (V. Orlov)

They say: the clock is standing,
They say: the clock is rushing,
They say: the clock is ticking,
But they are a little behind.
Mishka and I watched together,
And the clock stands still.

28. On the contrary (antonyms).

Many words can be matched with words with opposite meanings. The adult begins the phrase, and the child finishes it, for example:

sugar is sweet and pepper...
the road is wide, and the path...,
plasticine is soft, and stone...,
the tea is hot, and the ice cream...,
The jelly is thick, and the fruit drink...
a sheet of emery is rough, but a sheet of paper...
The hare runs fast, and the tortoise crawls...
It's light during the day, but at night...

Another variant:

The porridge is cooked thick and...(liquid). Animals can be brave and...(cowardly). Carrots can be eaten raw and...(boiled). Apples can be small and...(large).

Read D. Ciardi's poem "The Farewell Game" to your child.

Here's the farewell game...
Give us a book
It's time to close;
We all hope
What with her
You became
A little smarter

You learned a lot
Funny words
And more
All sorts of things
And if you
I remembered them
Not in vain
Your day is wasted!

And you and I
The turn has come
Play the game
"Vice versa".
I'll say the word
And you will answer:...
I'll say the word CEILING,
And you will answer:...
I'll say the word LOST,
And you will say:...!
I'll tell you a word
You will answer:
I will say, -
Well, answer:...!

29. Rhyming game - tell me the word.

By realizing the rhythm and rhyme of a given line, children begin to better understand poetic speech.

The adult suggests: “I’ll read you a poem, but I won’t specifically say some words, and you try to suggest them to me.” An adult reads a poem and does not finish one word in the line. The child suggests a rhyme. In case of difficulties, an adult finishes the words in a line. The poem should be read until the child learns to pronounce the words correctly on his own.

A very scary story. (Daniil Kharms)

Finishing a bun with butter,
The brothers walked along the alley.
Suddenly at them from a back street
The big dog barked loudly.

The younger one said: - Here's a misfortune,
He wants to... attack us.
So that we don't get into trouble,
We'll throw a bun into the dog's mouth.

Everything ended well.
It immediately became clear to the brothers...
What for every walk
You need to take with you... a bun.

Mice cones (A. Kondratiev)

Once upon a time there lived two serious cones on a pine tree.
Once upon a time there lived two funny mice under a pine tree.
And the mice shouted:
- Hey, get down, big guys!
You know about us only by hearsay.

The bigwigs answered:
- Stupid mice,
Why is it bad for us to hang
Here on our tower.

We'd rather invite you:
Climb in, let's hang.

And here is the kind of rhyming game the poet Vadim Levin suggests. It's called: "Add two lines."

The presenter comes up with the first two lines of the poem, and the rest of the game participants finish it, for example:

Hippopotamus at the zoo
Swallowed a hedgehog and now

Ending options:

He has a stomach ache.
The poor hippopotamus is crying.

He raised a terrible cry -
I'm not used to spicy food.

Drinks castor oil all day
And roars...like a hippopotamus.

The hippopotamus laughs with all his might:
The hedgehog tickles his insides!

Suggest your ending.

Try to complete these couplets:

Speech, a wonderful gift of nature, is not given to a person from birth. It will take time for the baby to start talking. And adults, and first of all parents, must make a lot of efforts to ensure that the child’s speech develops correctly and in a timely manner. Mother, father and other family members are the baby’s first interlocutors and teachers on the path of his speech development. In preschool age (3-7 years), individual characteristics and deficiencies in the speech development of children begin to appear. This happens because it is during this period (on average 5 years) that the formation of speech is completed. The formation of speech means that the child correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language; has a significant vocabulary; mastered the basics of the grammatical structure of speech; masters the initial forms of coherent speech (dialogue and monologue), allowing him to freely come into contact with people. A normally developing child actively enters into a variety of relationships withsurrounding people; Peers and other children play an increasingly important role in his life. Poorly speaking children, beginning to realize their shortcomings, become silent, shy, and indecisive; their communication with other people (adults and peers) becomes difficult, and cognitive activity decreases. This happens because a child with various speech defects becomes a “difficult” interlocutor; it is difficult for him to be understood by others. Therefore, any delay, any disturbance in the development of speech negatively affects his activity and behavior, and therefore the formation of the personality as a whole.

Unfortunately, in recent years there has been a sharp decline in the level of speech development of preschool children. And one of the reasons for this decrease is the passivity and ignorance of parents in matters of children’s speech development. The participation of parents in the development of a child’s speech plays a colossal role. The speech of children is formed under the influence of the speech of adults. It is beneficial when a child hears normal speech and lives in a cultural, healthy environment. Violation of this influence distorts his speech development. a condition for normal speech development is the presence of a favorable language environment. The more a child communicates with loved ones and parents, the more intense and better his speech development occurs. On this site you will find tips on how to develop your child’s speech: how to create a speech environment, how to talk to your baby, what games to play and much more. In addition, we use everything you find here in kindergarten with your children. Read, study, use at home and you will immediately notice that your child’s development (and not only speech) will become more intense and of higher quality. After all, we can achieve good results in the development, upbringing and education of children only together, only in “kindergarten-family” cooperation.


Preschool age is a sensitive period of speech development in a person’s life. “Sensitive” means a very significant, especially sensitive, period of developing abilities. And the opportunities inherent in this period must be used to the fullest. It can be very, very difficult to catch up.

Let's, dear parents, first figure it out - what is speech development? What do you think?

And I’ll start with the fact that many parents have an erroneous opinion on this issue, which not only does not contribute to the speech development of children, but, on the contrary, significantly inhibits it.

Opinion 1 and error 1. While the child does not speak, there is no need to develop speech. That is, we need to wait until the speech matures, and then, if he speaks, we will develop it, if he does not speak, we will go to a speech therapist. This opinion greatly interferes with speech development, and this is the root of speech development problems in most children.

Opinion 2 and error 2. If he speaks, it means that his speech development has ended. The main result has already been obtained. This is a very common opinion among parents. From this point of view, it turns out like this: as soon as the baby speaks, as soon as his first words appear, there is nothing left to develop, no development of speech is needed, because the child speaks, which means speech is there and developed! This is wrong. The first words are just the first stage in speech development. All the most interesting things await you ahead. And writing fairy tales and riddles, and getting to know poetry and other genres of children's literature and the ability to distinguish them from each other, and logical speech problems, and games with sounds, syllables, sentences, and retellings, and much more.

Opinion 3 and error 3. Speech development is a speech therapist. The most common mistake in speech development is understanding speech development too narrowly - as the work of a speech therapist to produce impaired sounds in children. It is believed that if a child pronounces all sounds, then his speech is well developed and there is no need to develop anything, which is not at all true!

Let's look at these two concepts - speech correction and speech development.

Line 1. Speech correction. A speech therapist deals with speech correction, i.e. correction of speech disorders in children and adults. That is, a speech therapist conducts classes with children whose speech is already impaired and helps the child correct speech disorders. Moreover, speech disorders concern not only sounds, but also speech breathing, intonation, tempo and timbre of speech, as well as grammar, vocabulary, coherent speech, that is, all aspects of speech development.

Line 2. Speech development and prevention of speech disorders . With normal speech development, the child does not require speech therapy classes. But developing his speech is very necessary and important! This means that he needs classes and games not for speech correction, but for speech development. A lot can be done from the first days of a baby’s life to prevent him from developing speech disorders in the future. And so that he speaks freely, beautifully, accurately, expressively, correctly and without mistakes. This is the development of speech.

Opinion 4 and error 4. We need lessons from textbooks already in kindergarten. Some parents, having this opinion, buy a huge number of different manuals, workbooks, and begin to work diligently with their children, starting from 5-6 months (or even earlier). The only result that can be achieved with such “development” is to completely discourage the child from studying.

Opinion 5 and error 5. Speech development - literacy (reading) training

Very often, the concept of “speech development” is narrowed only to preparing children for learning to read and write, or is considered even more narrowly - only as learning to read. That is, in this case, parents believe that the development of speech in preschoolers is teaching children to read and children’s good knowledge of letters. But quick reading and knowledge of such concepts as “word”, “syllable”, “hard consonant”, “soft consonant”, “vowel”, “sentence” is only a small, very narrow part of the holistic system of speech development in preschool age. And everything else: vocabulary, an accurate understanding of the meaning of words, a sense of language, mastery of Russian grammar, mastery of intonation, speech breathing, mastery of means of expression - this is what is included in the concept of “speech development” and, in addition to this, literacy training.

Opinion 6 and error 6. Some people believe that the method of speech development is simply tongue twisters, counting rhymes, riddles, and simple proverbs. You need to use them with children in any order and more often, and everything will be fine. Or is there an opinion that speech development is simply memorizing and naming different objects by a child from pictures(memorizing and naming the names of cities, trees, flowers, animals, countries, body parts, birds, fish, etc.). And we need to make sure that the baby remembers more words - the names of objects, so his speech will be developed. This is wrong. Developed speech is much more than simply naming objects.

Methods of speech development- this is not a mountain of chaotically selected rhymes, poems or tongue twisters and games, but these are specific stages of solving specific problems in their system. Well-founded, proven steps! Since each pure tongue twister or tongue twister or other technique does not exist on its own, but “fits” into the system of speech development, and fits not just like that, but into a specific direction and at a specific stage of children’s education.

What actually is the method of speech development and the development of speech in children?

The methodology for developing children's speech answers the questions:

1) why teach children's speech development,

2) How learn,

3) For what And Why that's how to teach.

The goal of children's speech development in preschool age is help the child master competent, beautiful, expressive oral speech in his native language, learn to accurately, vividly, figuratively convey HIS thoughts, feelings, impressions in speech (note - your own, i.e. do not memorize and repeat like a parrot what is said to an adult, but compose your opinion about the event and express it in speech, prove it, discuss it with others).

That is Well-developed oral speech of a child should be:a) correct (that is, without errors), b) “good” in quality, that is, beautiful, imaginative, accurate, rich, expressive. This is our goal for the development of speech in children in preschool age.

Nowadays there are more and more children who are considered geniuses in the family. They know huge passages from encyclopedias by heart. But any creative or problematic situation baffles them. They also don’t have beautiful creative expressive speech. That is, they do not have the base, the basis for the development of abilities and speech development.

So we have determined that Speech development is not a narrow area of ​​working with sounds or learning to read, but is a very broad area that is very important in the development of a child. What does speech development include - what areas are highlighted in it:

Sound culture of speech – correct sound pronunciation, rhythm, tempo, timbre, intonation, speech breathing, diction and other indicators of “sounding speech”.

Vocabulary development: includes three lines - a) enriching the dictionary with new words, b) activating the dictionary, c) clarifying the dictionary (that is, the ability to select the most accurate and appropriate word in a given situation).

Mastering the grammatical structure of speech: a) morphology (that is, the ability to correctly and without errors coordinate words with each other in sentences - for example, say “red boots”, but “red dress”, and not “red boots”, “red dress”), b) syntax ( the ability to construct sentences and texts of various types), c) word formation (the ability to form new words from known ones by analogy, for example: builds - builder, teaches - teacher, development of linguistic flair and word creation)

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