Heinz milk and dairy-free oatmeal for babies: product features, range, preparation method. Tired of oatmeal in the morning? Diversify your healthy porridge! Milk porridge with peach

For a long time, oatmeal has been considered one of the healthiest foods; it has all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the full development of the body, and brings great health benefits to both young children and ancient people.

There is a wide variety of products on sale from different manufacturers; the old American company Heinz is rightfully considered one of the best. Heinz oatmeal for baby food does not cause allergies, does not contain GMOs, is quick to prepare and very tasty. All over the world, many parents choose Heinz porridge, an indispensable product for baby food.

The nutritional value

The valuable biological composition of the mixture depends not only on its natural origin, but the technological processing of the grain itself is important. Heinz porridges are made using the latest world technologies with an optimal balance of essential vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional value and safety are ensured by high-tech packaging in multilayer foil, thanks to which the products are not subject to oxidation and retain the beneficial properties of the product.

Branded products have all the necessary elements for the harmonious growth and development of children. Porridge is an important source of carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and fiber, is easily digestible by the child’s body and must be present in the child’s diet. Controlling the standards of raw materials and porridge production guarantees complete harmonious compliance of the product with the child’s digestive system.

You can add water, juices, or eat it with milk to oatmeal; this variety makes it possible to give the product to allergy sufferers.

Oatmeal without milk

The timely introduction of new products into a child's diet is a very important period in the life of the baby and his parents. Dairy-free oatmeal occupies a special place among other complementary feeding products; it is the first instant food for children containing cereals. Pediatric doctors always advise starting grain feeding with Heinz dairy-free porridge.

A unique dairy-free oatmeal branded porridge, produced to suit all children's tastes, including the addition of fruit. This dairy-free formula is rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the full development of children.

The composition of the dairy-free oat formula for infant feeding does not contain dyes, milk, granulated sugar, flavor enhancers or preservatives, thereby reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

The composition includes oat and rice flour, prebiotics, fructose, minerals and vitamins.

Oatmeal with sugar

To obtain energy and intensive development, with age the child’s need for nutrients increases. Heinz milk porridge based on oatmeal will help your baby with this. Heinz oat milk porridge provides everything a child’s body needs; the product is enriched with minerals and vitamins, which guarantees the health and full development of the child.

Milk porridge is easy to prepare; it is diluted with warm water right before eating; thanks to this mixture, baby food becomes varied, tasty and healthy. It is advisable to start complementary feeding in the morning, before breastfeeding.

The first week, portions consist of only two teaspoons, then the volume can increase to 150 grams of the mixture.

Heinz milk oatmeal is a very healthy and satisfying product, the best that can be offered to a baby.

Composition of products and vitamins:

  • oat flour – 52%;
  • whole milk powder – 29%;
  • granulated sugar – 16%;
  • inulin;
  • minerals (calcium carbonate, iron, zinc oxide, iodized potassium, calcium);
  • vitamins (A, D, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12).

Fruit dairy-free

The pediatrician recommends gradually introducing variety, additional cereals and fruits into the baby’s diet; fruit oatmeal with wheat flour is ideal for this. Heinz produces several varieties of nutritious products in this direction, the most popular being a wheat-oat mixture with fruit.

The baby will really like this nutritious and tasty wheat-oat mixture; it can be given as complementary food at 6 months.

Wheat-oat porridge, composition:

  • wheat flour – 22%;
  • oat flour – 21%;
  • semolina – 22%;
  • sugar – 24%;
  • pear and banana – 5%;
  • apple juice – 2%;

The mixture can be prepared with warm milk or soy mixture; it is recommended to add half a teaspoon of butter.

Milk porridge with peach

Oatmeal itself is a very healthy and valuable product; by adding fruit fillers, the beneficial properties of the porridge increase. The baby is growing, he needs more and more energy for intensive growth, from six months the child is already big enough and can calmly enjoy a peach.

Oatmeal with peach and milk is rich in potassium and carotene - these are necessary elements for the harmonious development of the heart muscle and the circulatory system as a whole, beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the baby’s immunity.

Oatmeal milk porridge with peach, composition:

  • ground oatmeal – 44%;
  • whole milk powder – 31%;
  • sugar – 18%;
  • pear and banana puree – 4%;
  • prebiotics, vitamins, minerals and citric acid.

The mixture is diluted with warm water or milk, you can add butter.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of porridge for the proper development and growth of a child! You should know that porridge prepared with natural milk can cause an allergic reaction in small children.

Heinz baby porridge is an indispensable assistant for mothers!

Heinz cereals contain oligofructose and inulin, which is a true natural prebiotic of plant origin and is found in significant quantities in artichoke, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, wheat, bananas, leeks, and garlic. Inulin also promotes calcium absorption and has a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism.


Oat flour, whole milk powder, sugar, prebiotic chicory fiber 2% (inulin, oligofructose), calcium carbonate, iron, zinc oxide, potassium iodide, vitamins: A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, C , folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid.

Cooking method

Don't forget to wash your hands and use clean utensils. Pour the indicated amount of boiled and cooled to 40°C water into a plate. Mixing thoroughly, add the recommended amount of dry porridge until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Don't cook. For a 5-month-old baby, take 30 g (4 tablespoons) of dry product per 140 ml of water.

Start introducing a new product with 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing the portion with the age and appetite of the child.

Breast milk is the healthiest thing for your baby. Before introducing complementary foods, consult your pediatrician.

Nutritionists recommend eating oatmeal in the morning. But people don’t really like it because of the monotony of taste. Simply put, plain oatmeal quickly becomes boring if you eat it every morning. But you don’t have to have simple porridge for breakfast. There is more than one way to make a wonderful and tasty dish out of it.


This method is so simple that it can be considered genius. Simply sprinkle the finished porridge with cinnamon powder - and the dish will be transformed beyond recognition. In addition, such a breakfast will become even more useful. This is because cinnamon has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It will make any dish ideal during seasonal colds. But the spicy aroma of cinnamon can give a boost of excellent mood for the whole day.


It is not necessary to add sugar or jam to the oatmeal. It can be flavored with natural syrups. For example, maple is an excellent option for those who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. It contains much less carbohydrates than regular sugar. And this amount will be optimal for a morning meal. The main thing is to ensure that any syrup is as natural as possible and contains as little sugar as possible in its composition.

Peanut butter

Any nut butter changes the taste of oatmeal for the better. To do this, you need to mix it with the prepared porridge. If you want something more tasty, you can add a chopped apple and a pinch of cinnamon to this oatmeal. This will create a truly royal breakfast worthy of Buckingham Palace.

Baked oatmeal

There are two popular ways to prepare oatmeal: you can boil it or steam it with hot water. Few people know about the third method. Oatmeal can be cooked in the oven. This way it will taste completely different. To prepare it, you need to pour milk over the cereal, add sugar, butter and any dried fruits. The dishes with this preparation are placed in the oven at a temperature of 140-160 degrees. In such conditions, the dish will take a long time to prepare, but it will turn out as if it came out of the oven. Everyone at home will definitely appreciate this oatmeal.

Salty oatmeal

If you are tired of sweet cereals, you can prepare salty oatmeal. It is seasoned with garlic, your favorite spices, and vegetable oil. You can serve it with boiled sausages or fry them with fried eggs.

Lazy oatmeal

This is an option for those who do not like porridge or do not have time in the morning to cook it. Lazy oatmeal will cook overnight in the refrigerator. To do this, you need to pour regular oatmeal into a half-liter jar, add sugar, Greek yogurt and milk. The entire mixture must be shaken thoroughly so that the flakes are evenly distributed in the liquid. Then any fruit is added to the jar, after which the vessel is sent to the refrigerator. Overnight the dish will be ready to eat. The advantage of this dish is that there are many options for fruit filling.

Oatmeal with sweet potatoes

This combination seems crazy, but it's really delicious. To prepare the dish, you need to take mashed sweet potatoes, cinnamon and brown sugar and add them to the porridge. Definitely, the new oatmeal will appeal to both meat-eaters and vegetarians.

Fresh fruits

This is perhaps the most obvious way to liven up your oatmeal. And in this method you need to be creative. It is not necessary to add only one type of fresh berries and fruits. They can be combined to achieve an even more interesting taste.

Oat bars

Many people know that you can make dietary snacks from dried fruits. You can also add oatmeal to them. Their structure is such that they allow the oatmeal to cook using the moisture they draw from other ingredients.

Oat cookies

This option is for those who just can’t bring themselves to eat oatmeal. To get your share of the benefits of cereal, you can start eating oatmeal cookies with tea. It can be called a dietary product because it contains fewer calories than regular baked goods.

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