Direct and inverted meaning of the Berkan rune. Rune Berkana: meaning, description and interpretation Rune Berkana in a relationship reading

Berkana, Berkan, Beork, Bjarka - these are all different variations of the name of one rune. The Berkan rune symbolizes the birch tree. She is patronized by the goddess Berkhta - the mother, the keeper of the hearth, and the goddess of love Freya.

The runic symbol "Berkana" symbolizes the birch tree. Has different meaning depending on position

The rune in an upright position carries calm, harmony and femininity. The sign is a symbol of growth, fertility, the birth of something new. The Berkan rune reversed has the opposite meaning. This is a stop, a lack of harmony and balance.

Direct position of the rune in layouts

The main meaning of the Berkan rune is birth. The energy of the runic sign is maternal, primordially feminine.

What does the runic symbol mean in layouts:

  1. Starting a family, wedding.
  2. The birth of a new life.
  3. New beginnings in work, creativity, etc.
  4. Returning to your home, your small homeland.
  5. Favorable outcome of the situation.
  6. Good health.
  7. Healthy emotional atmosphere.

Berkana helps in new beginnings. But her creative energy is very calm. It promises a favorable outcome if the approach to the matter is careful, without risk and fuss.

Berkana symbolizes fertility, so it is also favorable in matters of finance. The main thing is that their source is clean.

In a reading, the rune very often indicates an adult woman who has a child.

Reversed rune

Runes in an inverted position have opposite meanings and interpretations. If the straight Berkana sign is calmness and creation, then the inverted sign is anxiety and disagreement.

Berkana in the reverse position does not carry strong negativity if it is not surrounded by signs with negative energy. How can you interpret the rune:

  1. Bad news.
  2. Conflict situations.
  3. Financial difficulties.
  4. Breaking old ties.

The runic symbol "Berkana" in an inverted position can indicate health problems

If the Berkana rune is in a negative environment, this warns of drastic and fateful changes.

The inverted sign also characterizes a person’s personality and character traits. Berkana in the reverse position indicates hot temper, excessive talkativeness and lack of patience.

Direct Berkan rune in love

Love and relationships are very often the subject of runic layouts. The Berkana rune in love promises harmony, development and growth.

Traditional interpretations of the symbol in love matters:

  • new acquaintance;
  • mutual understanding in a couple;
  • imminent wedding;
  • a union based on love.

The runic sign symbolizes a relationship that is pure in every sense. “Dirty” passions are alien to him.

In questions about a partner’s feelings, a direct rune speaks of his love and deep respect. There is a prospect of creating a harmonious family union.

Reversed rune in matters of love

Berkana in love scenarios can appear in the opposite position. This does not always have a negative interpretation.

How is an inverted rune interpreted in love matters:

  1. Disagreements in a couple.
  2. Family quarrels.
  3. Concern for a family member (parents, spouse, child). Anxious thoughts.
  4. Childlessness.

A reversed rune signifies a lack of balance in a relationship. These could be minor domestic quarrels or serious conflicts of worldviews.

The runic symbol “Berkana” in an inverted position can foreshadow domestic conflicts in the family

A wrapped Berkana may indicate a childless woman who will have an impact on her life situation. This influence is not necessarily negative.

Berkana and career issues

The Berkan runic sign traditionally promises growth in career matters. It’s not a new position, but a rise in creative energy. Not promising acquaintances, but a new project.

Interpretations of the direct rune in career matters:

  • dynamic development of a new project;
  • new perspectives;
  • stable career growth;
  • frequent work trips.

If the rune is surrounded by negative signs, new projects will not be implemented due to circumstances. This does not mean that the situation is hopeless.

Reversed rune in career matters

Berkana's reverse position in matters of career does not provide bright prospects. There is no growth, no prospects. A period of stagnation has begun.

Interpretations of the inverted rune:

  • stopping the project;
  • circumstances and people interfere with career growth;
  • financial losses.

The wrapped runic symbol of "Berkana" warns - you may have financial losses

A wrapped sign can also indicate incorrect behavior of the questioner himself. Fussiness and temper interfere with productive work.

Sometimes the rune characterizes internal absent-mindedness, a lack of self-confidence in a person. This is what prevents you from achieving career success.

Rune combinations

The combination of runes plays an important role in runic fortune-telling. Its interpretation will depend on what energy signs surround Berkana.

Combination of other runes with the Berkan rune:

  1. Soulu – spiritual development, purification and harmonization.
  2. Anzus - independent decisions will not lead to the truth; you need advice from a loved one. Anzus and inverted Berkana - anxiety for the child.
  3. Inguz - the birth of a desired child.
  4. Gebo – harmony in a married couple.
  5. One is childlessness caused by past illness or surgery.
  6. Perth - the effect of a negative magical program on the object of fortune telling (evil eye, damage).
  7. Raido is a job that involves frequent travel.
  8. Kenaz is self-confidence, which will help you cope with difficulties and improve your life situation.
  9. Uruz and inverted Berkana - deterioration in health, which will lead to changes in life situation.

Inverted “Berkana” in tandem with the “Uruz” rune - deterioration of health, which will lead to changes in life

The interpretation of combinations may differ depending on the subject of fortune-telling and the personality of the questioner.

Surrounded by positive signs in an upright position, Berkana brings harmony and tranquility. Negative or reversed positive runes upset the balance.

Berkana as an amulet

Runic amulets are very popular. Runes can be worn on jewelry, applied to the body, embroidered on clothes, or simply written on paper in a certain situation.

Berkana often plays the role of a female amulet, but the sign is also suitable for men. What is the power of the rune:

  1. Increases vitality and self-confidence.
  2. Helps maintain health.
  3. Protects from negativity.
  4. Increases creative productivity, gives inspiration, awakens imagination.
  5. Helps women cope well with pregnancy and childbirth. Protects babies.

The amulet is well suited for girls. The most often used is a triple combination of runes. Tripled energy helps develop and reveal true femininity and reliably protects against evil.

The Berkan rune can be carved on a birch board. Their energy will merge and you will get a reliable talisman.

Use of the symbol in magical rituals

Sorcerers often resort to the magical power of runes in their rituals. The Berkana rune is no exception. It is used in protective, healing rituals that are aimed at positivity. Sometimes the energy of the runes is directed in a negative direction, used to create a negative program.

A woman who cannot, but really wants to give birth to a child, embroiders the Berkan rune on her clothes. When embroidering a sign, you need to saturate your thoughts with your deepest desire. This is a ritual for creating a talisman. Berkana will help resolve health problems, get pregnant and give birth.

The runic symbol is used in dark rituals, the victims of which are women. Negativity is sent to competitors. Its action leads to problems with women's health, infertility, lack of relationships with men, lack of sexual desire, etc.

The Berkana rune has strong creative energy.

In runic layouts, it has a positive interpretation in an upright position and surrounded by positive runes. The symbol is used as a universal amulet. It gives vitality, improves health, helps in work and creativity.

Rune of the Great Mother. The Berkana rune denotes the feminine principle, this is the main Rune of fertility. Rune of protection. She is responsible for growth, flowering, maturation and birth. Its main effect is healing and protection, cleansing the body, while helping to heal infertility and directly helping the birth process.

To build your life path in the right direction, it is recommended to pay close attention to studying the symbolism of runes. It is known that runes can not only improve your health, but also have a positive impact on building personal relationships with people around you.

Basic meaning

In this article we will look at the meaning, description and interpretation of the Berkan rune, which relates to the Elder Futhark. The main characteristic of this symbol is birth and/or fertility. In the process of fortune telling, this rune denotes a strong, loving family or events that will lead to the birth of offspring and the creation of a home. When this rune appears in a reading, in combination with Inguz, it indicates that the person will soon find long-awaited offspring.

In addition to the above, the meaning of the Berkana rune in the upright position is interpreted as an open path to new beginnings related to all major areas of life: love, work, business, health, etc. When divining the forecast of future events, this symbol predicts a favorable outcome of planned affairs in the shortest possible time. It can also mean excellent physical health, moral (spiritual) harmony, as well as a harmonious emotional background for the fortuneteller from the environment.

The meaning of the inverted Berkan rune is the diametric opposite of previous interpretations. The main meaning of this symbol in this position is disputes, disagreements with loved ones or at work, news that does not bode well. At the same time, it should be remembered that the inverted Berkana is not a sign that foreshadows fatal problems that can lead to a sad outcome. On the contrary, you should listen and draw conclusions at a certain point in your life’s journey, doing everything to avoid possible troubles.

When fortune telling a situation, the meaning of the Berkan rune in an inverted position foreshadows the inevitability of a medical check - it depends on what aspect of life the fortuneteller is interested in.

When fortune telling about a stranger, you should be prepared for the fact that an inverted Berkana will indicate a sharp manifestation of negative character traits: hot temper, eccentricity, talkativeness, a tendency to gossip about loved ones.

Career, business, work

The meaning of the Berkana rune in business, work and career directly depends on the position in which it fell for the fortuneteller. The direct position of the symbol means the promising development of planned affairs, as well as the opportunity to move up the career ladder. The most important thing is to act very quickly, without being distracted by other matters, completely concentrating on what you have planned. It is recommended to carefully study all kinds of details, nuances, listen to the opinions of knowledgeable people - then everything will work out in the best way.

What does the Berkan rune mean when divining a completed project? The answer is simple - sustainable development dynamics, which will inevitably lead to a positive ending. If the symbol appears with other runes of the Elder or Younger Futhark, this means the following: in order to achieve a positive outcome in the development of events, it is recommended to change the location of the company or frequently move from place to place. If you want to know recommendations regarding the rationality of conducting a certain business activity, Berkana’s direct position indicates that all measures for the development of the enterprise will depend on the level of personal responsibility of the fortuneteller. For those who want to improve their skills or change their occupation, this rune will be very favorable.

The inverted position of the Berkana rune for business indicates difficulties in the field of business development and entrepreneurial activity. It is recommended to wait out this period and hold off on global changes, as they will not bring anything good for the fortuneteller. In addition, runologists draw attention to the fact that the interpretation may also depend on the moral state of a person who makes rash actions that contribute to the emergence of negative results.

Meaning in love and relationships

In relationships and love, the Berkana rune is interpreted as follows: the direct meaning of the symbol indicates the successful development of new relationships, which will bring peace, tranquility and the creation of a strong and friendly family. If the question concerns the relationship of a loved one to you, the Berkana straight line shows the depth of his feelings and complete mutual understanding. In a more detailed scenario, the meanings of other runes should be taken into account.

  • - Berkana: the combination symbolizes a harmonious union without problems associated with everyday life, etc.

If the Berkan rune in matters of relationships and love falls in an inverted position, then its meaning will indicate that you need to prepare in advance for the fact that in the near future your harmony will be destroyed, squabbles, scandals will begin, showdowns not only on the basis of jealousy, but and in the material sphere. Another interpretation is echoes of a negative moral background in concern for loved ones, friends and relatives. Be sure to look at the meaning of the other runes that fell out - this will help you more objectively assess the current situation.

In matters of health

The meaning of the Berkana rune for health depends on its position and combination with other symbols. Since this symbol means fertility, its interpretation will be based on the woman’s ability to become pregnant in the near future. If you are interested in the health status of loved ones, the direct position means the absence of relapses from chronic diseases and the normal course of life without all sorts of negative manifestations.

The inverted position, as mentioned above, means the risk of contracting colds or the presence of exacerbations from chronic diseases. The advice is to undergo a preventive examination by appropriate specialists.

Amulet with the Berkana rune

For those who want to gain success and prosperity in all aspects of life, it will be useful to know the meaning of the Berkan rune amulet. It has been proven that this is a very powerful talisman and amulet that will help improve health, build harmonious relationships with a loved one, and also improve the financial condition of the family.

In order for the amulet to help achieve your goals, it is recommended to make it from oak, pine, ash or maple wood. If you choose ash to create a talisman, get ready for your vitality and energy to increase, which will be useful for achieving your plans. You will be able to see “secret loopholes”, shape your life path regardless of current circumstances and create a holistic image of the world around you.

For those who prefer coniferous wood, I recommend choosing pine. It will calm you down, relieve stress and fatigue after everyday work, help you concentrate on making choices and drawing up the correct trajectory of current events, allowing you to achieve your intended goal with minimal expenditure of time and energy.

By making the Berkana amulet using maple, you can remove excess aggression, intolerance towards people around you and harmonize your personal space. This talisman is especially relevant for solving problems in the work sphere and restoring normal relationships with loved ones and relatives.

To properly charge the amulet, it is advisable to make it yourself. If this is not possible, take it in your hand and focus on what interests you most. Ideally, put it under your pillow, writing down the dreams you have. This approach will help to identify the talisman with your inner state, which will contribute to positive changes in life.

Advice - do not concentrate on negative thoughts, as this will destroy the effect of the amulet, leading the owner of the Berkan rune to a depressed state

To be aware of the significance of this or that rune, follow the site’s materials and you will definitely find the answer to your question. I wish you good luck, prosperity and material wealth on your life's journey. Be happy!

Video: meaning of the Berkan rune

In ancient times, people used runes in writing, magic and fortune telling. There are 24 Elder Futhark runes, and Berkana is one of them. She is the eighteenth in the runic alphabet.

Outwardly, Berkana resembles the letter “B”. Figuratively, the appearance of the symbol is associated with female breasts. The second type of association is the body profile of a pregnant woman. The first roundness is the chest, the second is the stomach.

Images and names of runes

The name is pronounced differently: Berkana, Berkano, Bjarka, Berkan, Berkanan, Beork. This slight difference is due to the fact that the rune was used by multilingual peoples, its pronunciation and writing in different languages ​​differed. In Scandinavian her name is Biarkan, in British - Beroc, in Old Germanic - Berkano, Bercna, in ancient Norwegian and Icelandic - Bjarkan, in Celtic - Berrachd. Although there are several types of pronunciation, its meaning is identical in all languages. The name is translated as “birch”.

In addition to direct translation, there are many images united by a common energy. Motherhood, growth, fertility, development, femininity, care, protection, attentiveness, tenderness, birth and rebirth - all this is conveyed by Bjarka.

To more accurately understand its energy, you can imagine images that help you feel it better. Bjarka is a mother’s care for a child, diligent care of a business, a friendly attitude towards wards - employees, students, younger relatives, caring for pets, watering and cultivating plants, feminine soft beauty and sensuality.

To use runes in fortune telling, you need to be imbued with them. The essence of this symbol is to change negative conditions to positive ones and support those who need care. These designations will help you better understand the essence of the sign, which means it will become easier to use it in fortune telling and accurately understand the interpretations.

The energy of the symbol is feminine. However, in addition to this rune, there is another one that denotes the feminine principle - Laguz. What's the difference?

Bjarka symbolizes a woman who is mature, thoughtful, and focused on caring for others. She values ​​her family and takes care of it. This is a mother and protector - patient, delicate, soft. This image also conveys sensual sexuality. Laguz is also a strong rune. It is connected with the strength of a girl, light and free, not burdened with responsibilities and worries.

Berkana is a permanent, unshakable, stubborn land. Laguz is flowing water, enchanting, active, creative and shrouded in mystical, magical energies. Having felt the difference between these slightly similar symbols, it is easier to understand the nuances of Berkana when it appears in fortune telling.

The patron goddess of Berkana

Berkana is patronized by the goddess Berkhta (she is also called Bertha). She is also one of the forms of the Scandinavian goddess Frigg. Berkhta was considered a benevolent intercessor of children abandoned or killed. She took the souls of dead children to her and cared for them. She also took care of the plants.

In ancient times, she was often painted with large feet. In the drawings she was spinning and pressing the loom pedal with her feet. There is a version that her large feet symbolized her connection with the earth. In general, her image is not too sophisticated - she is rather a lady with rounded shapes.

Having examined the rune and its origin from all sides, we can move on to interpreting it in fortune telling.

Direct meaning in fortune telling

In divination, Bjarki's basic interpretation is identical to the images described above. In addition to those already mentioned, there are quite a few more interpretations. A wedding, various events in the family, the birth of a child - all this is predicted by Berkana. The rune, whose meaning is so diverse, is difficult to read when doing fortune telling. However, having thoroughly studied the entire futhark and the symbol itself, you can understand the features of the dropped sign.

One of the popular interpretations of the sign is the home. We are talking about a place with which sentimental memories of childhood and family are associated. It is especially worth paying attention to this option if the Odal rune fell next to Berkano. This combination clearly indicates the parental home.

If it falls with the Soul rune, this demonstrates the development of spirituality or advises self-improvement.

Anzus is the rune of speech. When it appears next to Bjarka, it means that you need to ask someone close to you for advice.

If the rune alignment is made for the future, or we are talking about summing up results, it foreshadows positive events. A lot of good things await the fortuneteller, but he should be patient and not demand everything from life at once.

Health plan

This symbol is associated with good health, a stable psyche and positive emotions.

If fortune telling is given to a sick person, Berkana advises that a woman treat him. It will also be important for a speedy recovery to be visited by relatives. These two conditions will energetically support the sick person and help him recover faster.

Considering the specific features of this rune, in a health reading it indicates the female reproductive system.

Birth is one of the most basic interpretations. If a person wants to add to his family, he can perceive the sign as hope for the fulfillment of his deepest desire. The Inguz rune, which fell next to Bjarka, confirms this meaning. Inguz is the male rune of fertility. In combination, they clearly hint at conception.

Berkana also means the beginning of some action. The same birth, but in a figurative sense. Start in work, the emergence of sympathy or any other endeavors in various fields. The peculiarity of this rune is its slowness. Actions should begin without haste or abruptness. You cannot immediately get results just by starting to act. Patience is what Bjarka teaches.

Personality Berkano

If the question is asked about a person, then the image of an adult married woman, mother and housewife is associated with this symbol. It could be a girl - serious, surrounded by business and worries.

In love and feelings

The Berkana rune in a relationship is a favorable sign. For an unmarried girl, the appearance of this rune may mean that she will soon get married. For men, she predicts meeting a girl with whom you can start a family.

If the question was “How does a person feel about me?”, Bjarka will answer it. Especially if together with this symbol the Vunyo rune fell out.

In combination with Gebo, Berkana speaks of harmony in relationships and family happiness.

If there is already a family and a question is asked about family concerns and problems, Bjarka is also a positive sign. She encourages the questioner to try for the good of the family, to tune in to the development and improvement of this part of his life. In any case, one can only rejoice at the Berkane rune in love and relationships.

Looking at all the values ​​it seems that everything exclusively light and rainbow is associated with this rune. Everything is correct, but there is an important nuance: without peace, patience and impartiality, you will not be able to receive all the good things predicted by the rune. Change should be as peaceful and slow as the growth of a plant or the maturation of a person. If the questioner is not prepared to be patient, he does not even need to begin what is being asked. If a person is not afraid to take small steps, to divide the global goal into many sub-points, he will be able to fulfill his desires.

If the other runes in the fortune telling are negative, Bjarka calms the fortuneteller. She means that not everything is so bad, supports and promises that he will cope with the problems.

However, the rune also has a negative meaning. In some cases, it may indicate excessive involvement in everyday life, household chores, mundaneness and lack of great goals in life. This interpretation is not scary, but it makes you think and change something in yourself.

Reversed meaning of the rune

Many futhark runes have not only a direct, but also an inverted meaning. This symbol is also no exception. If you take the symbol and mirror it, you will get an inverted Berkana. Its meaning, generally speaking, is , the inverse of Bjarke's direct line. One cannot definitely call it negative.

Meaning in family:

In work:

  • In a career, the sign also shows a pause. He reports circumstances due to which projects cannot develop, or their course will differ from what the questioner expects. When this rune appears, perseverance is important in order to overcome a bad streak in life.
  • In combination with an inverted Fehu, the meaning is aggravated. This indicates that difficulties cannot be overcome only through efforts; you will have to invest financially.

Personality: the woman represented by the sign will interfere with the fortuneteller’s plans. Sometimes this symbol indicates problems in communicating with the mother. And in other cases it’s just a divorced woman or a bad housewife.


  • In health, Bjarka advises a woman to visit a gynecologist. In general, it indicates the soreness of the body. Lack of natural development in any of the body systems.
  • If there is a Perth symbol in the layout, the cause of ill health is someone’s magical influence on the fortuneteller.

Rune Tips:

Although the inverted symbol contains many negative predictions, fortune tellers need not be afraid. This gentle rune rarely carries news of something truly terrible and irreversible. She does not predict anything that cannot be corrected. Its purpose is to convince a person to think about his life and improve it.

There is one common feature between upright and inverted Bjarka: both signs carefully advise and protect the fortuneteller. Although the inverted symbol carries a lot of negative things, it is a warning, and not just an indication of the facts. So, a psychologist advises you to change something in your life, or a doctor prescribes how to treat a disease. The recipe for improving your life lies in the qualities that direct Berkano offers. Patience, slow movement towards the goal, caring and enjoying ordinary everyday things - these are the actions that will help solve all problems.

Attention, TODAY only!

Be sure that everything will go smoothly in your life if the Berkana rune appears in the reading; its meaning says that it symbolizes femininity, softness, moving forward, bearing some ideas or a child.

In the article:

The meaning of Berkan in runic magic

Berkana also has other names - Berkan, Berkanan, Bjarka. This is the 18th rune. It symbolizes the element of Earth, the color corresponds to green, the plant is an ordinary cuff, the tree is birch or poplar, the stone is chrysocolla.

It is believed that this is a sign of the goddess Freya herself, symbolizing motherhood and the help of an older woman. Practitioners are sure that this rune is a symbol of the birth of something.

If such a rune is present in the layout, you can be sure that you will be able to come up with some kind of idea, plan, and in addition, bearing offspring is possible. A person will definitely grow. Sometimes the process may not be very noticeable, but it will happen and the changes will only be positive.

When to use in magic? Berkana can be used for various purposes:

  • to receive assistance in bearing and raising a child;
  • for the treatment of female infertility;
  • for growth;
  • for the harmonious development of personality;
  • to rid the individual of negative programs;
  • to come into contact with otherworldly forces.

If we talk about this attribute as a tool that allows you to get rid of diseases, then it is worth noting that it will be most effective for women. It is possible, using Berkana, to get rid of not only infertility, but also many other gynecological diseases, frigidity.

It allows you to increase sexuality, attractiveness, enhances the feminine principle, which in turn allows you to create harmonious family relationships.

If we talk about runescripts, then this symbol is often included in them if they want to achieve the growth of something. This could be hair, nails, eyelashes, but also well-being, plants (help for gardeners) and so on.

Berkana will help in any area of ​​life. It can be used as a protective children's rune. It is applied three times to a silver jewelry that is put on the girl. As long as the child wears the jewelry on himself, he will remain invulnerable.

The meaning of the Berkan rune in the upright position

If Berkana falls in a standard position, it can prophesy the successful completion of any projects, some positive events that will take place in the family, but at the same time - minor troubles. Despite the fact that the basic meaning of the rune is positive, you should not lose vigilance and behave carelessly.

If you are guessing about a person, the rune often symbolizes an adult woman, often already having children. For young girls, the Berkana rune predicts a speedy marriage when fortune telling about relationships. The birth of children is also possible. If the questioner was a man, then she also warns about a speedy marriage.

If the question was what to do to make the relationship stronger, the partners to understand each other better, then the answer will still be the same - you need to build your nest, get married, have children. The Berkana rune in love and feelings scenarios speaks of a favorable development of the situation and a happy personal life.

If you take on something, then see it through to the end, do everything in the best possible way. If you are not ready to give it your all, then it is better not to even take on this matter. Be patient and persistent, then you will be able to achieve your goals.

Divide your global dreams into small but achievable tasks. This will make it much easier to get closer to what you cherish and want. Don't let yourself relax completely and be confident that everything will work out for you.

Berkan rune inverted - meaning

In an inverted position, Berkana has a completely opposite meaning:

  • troubles;
  • frequent feuds in the family;
  • inability to finish something, to bring things to an end;
  • starting something new is useless, since it will still return as failure.

Appearing in a personality chart, such an attribute symbolizes an adult woman who is dissatisfied with her life, most likely a loser who is unable to establish a connection with her mother or children. Often such a woman is divorced and not a very good housewife.

Appearing in a relationship or feelings scenario, the rune may indicate the end of a union, the disruption of a wedding, the appearance of a mistress or lover, or a disease associated with gynecology.

If fortune telling is related to money or business, the attribute warns of the absence of any news, there will be no movement or development.

Advice: Don’t be discouraged, even if everything is bad. Assess everything that is happening with a fresh look and understand that the source of all troubles is within you. You don’t need to change the world around you, change yourself and your attitude towards what is happening. Determine the essence of failures, evaluate the situation and yourself in it. Don't give up, but create a new action plan.

In one-rune fortune telling

As you know, one-rune fortune telling is quite common among practitioners. In this case, the meaning will depend on what area the question asked concerned.

Intuition this individual is not very developed. Unfortunately, people very rarely turn to their sixth sense and still prefer to be guided by logic. Don’t forget about your ability to feel and predict events, this can come in handy.

Emotions - higher powers insist that now you need to spend more time with your loved ones. Spend time with your family, don't be afraid to show your true feelings. The individual is not prone to conflict and is capable of self-sacrifice.

Professional activity - A person can realize himself if he chooses the profession of a doctor, designer, social worker, or teacher.

Intelligence - The world around him drives a person crazy, because he tries to get to the bottom of everything and achieve justice. When deciding important issues regarding work, try not to get hung up on the little things, as in this case you risk not noticing important prospects.

The female rune of Berkan will allow you to complete the work you have started, realize your plans, get married and give birth to the desired child. If it appears in your reading, it indicates that very important events lie ahead.

The Berkan rune, which we will talk about in this article, is the eighteenth in the series of the Elder Futhark. If you translate its name literally, it will come out as “birch”. The very outline of this mystical symbol is similar to the Latin letter B (or B in the Slavic alphabet).

In reality, the Berkan rune is a sketch of a woman’s breast, which has the meaning of fertility, female internal energy and vitality. In this article we will take a closer look at these symbols, descriptions and their interpretation.

Since ancient pagan times, our ancestors attributed important meanings to trees. You can understand the meaning of the Berkan rune if you know well the ancient magical rituals and traditions associated with birch.

For example, in Holland there was a village custom where, on May Day, guys dressed up in costumes of various animals or characters ran after young girls and beat them with white-trunk rods. It was believed that a girl who received such a blow awakens femininity, fertility and strength. In addition, in the Netherlands they always decorated the house where a young couple who had just gotten married was moving with birch branches. According to legend, such landscaping will bring success and many children to the house.

We can safely say that the rune that stands for birch is directly related to female strength and the ability to conceive and bear children, as well as the fertility of Mother Earth.

This tree was also held in high esteem by other nationalities. Thus, among the Germans, Finns and even shamans from distant Siberia, the birch tree was sacred. Germanic tribes attributed to it a connection with fertility and agriculture; the Finno-Ugric people also considered the white-trunked tree a sign of prosperity. Siberian shamans, on the contrary, connected the tree with the otherworldly, lower world and, with its help, communicated with underground forces.

It is also worth remembering that all the signs in the series of the Elder Futhark are associated with some deities or higher powers, and this case is no exception. This symbol has a strong patron - the pagan patron goddess of mother and child Berchta. According to ancient myths, Berkhta was the mistress of a large garden, in which, like the Garden of Eden, lived the souls of babies who died innocent. According to other myths, she also has a second appearance - the goddess Frigg, who is the mother of all living things and a symbol of the ability to conceive and maintain a home.

During fortune telling

When doing fortune telling, the loss of a given bone almost always means a new addition to the family. If the question was specifically about pregnancy, then dropping a “B” will always result in a direct answer “Yes.” Sometimes a combination with Inguz appears, which reports that pregnancy is very close or is already happening, but the person asking does not know this yet.

Since sometimes you can consider the magical “B” as a sign of your small homeland and childhood memories. So if it appears during mystical actions, then this may indicate that the person who is asking is filled with nostalgia and boredom for his parents’ home and he wants to visit there again.

If the following combinations appear, then you can interpret them more precisely:

  • A couple with Soulu symbolizes self-growth and self-improvement.
  • Ansuz in combination with the main “B” is direct advice to seek help from relatives or other close people before changing anything in life.

But what to do if fate presents upside-down bones? At least don't get upset!

Reversed rune

The Berkan rune reversed is not exactly a gloomy omen. Of course, it does not promise anything good, but it does not predict serious troubles for you either. There will be problems in the family and some disagreements with relatives. Most likely, not the best news, worries and worries are waiting around the corner. But don’t worry, you shouldn’t expect anything fateful or greatly affecting your life.

Even in particularly sad cases, when the main bone is surrounded by alarming symbols, there will be no insoluble problems, and you just need to make a little effort to cope with them.

The main thing is, do not give up under any circumstances and remain a real fighter.

Sometimes an inverted sign tells you that your negative qualities can affect the course of an important event, deal or meeting. If you are talkative, lazy or prone to panic, it is better to try to put these qualities aside in order not to harm yourself.

Impact on work and business

If you are asking about work or career growth, the Berkana rune can be interpreted in different ways. A lot depends on what exactly was asked. For example, if you are asking a question about new beginnings or changes in strategy, then a direct drop indicates that there is nothing to be afraid of and you can safely dare. It’s better not to put things off for a long time - luck may not last long.

An important point in fortune telling! A direct symbol never carries negativity, even if there is completely negativity around it. Even if there are negative or, God forbid, deadly symbols in the pair or in the neighborhood, the meaning in this case is this: there will be good luck, but it will not last long.

Help in business from fate will only last a long time if you yourself try and put in a lot of effort, study hard, train or work hard and efficiently.

When you see this bone, fate tells you not to forget that if you take responsibility, then you must complete the job. So before you take on a new endeavor, be sure to carefully calculate everything, from trivial actions to the risks of the enterprise. Only after weighing all the pros and cons, and making a rational choice, can one commit a crime.

If you don’t complete the task or give up responsibility halfway, fate won’t pave a soft path for you for long, and problems with your conscience will begin.

For love and relationships

Direct Berkana brings good news and promises only positivity in love and relationships. When fortune telling relationships, interpretations can be different, for example, a message that the same one (or the same one) is very close, and at the same time the new couple will be successful. Or that the existing relationship will pass the test of authenticity and will soon begin to develop rapidly and move to a new stage (wedding, the appearance of a baby in the family or living together).

As in any magic, it is important to pay attention to the details and what higher powers show you next to the main symbol:

  • Additional Vunyo brings good news: complete harmony reigns in the relationship, both you and your partner perceive your union in the same way, value it and try in the same way. Sometimes pride or laziness prevents us from seeing our partner’s efforts, but the bone is not mistaken - your couple lives in love, so preserve the union.
  • Neighborhood with Gebo happens to be for couples who have been together for a long time. This loss clearly says that the couple is strong, no one and nothing can destroy it, no matter how hard they try. There is no need to be afraid of divorce.

If fate throws the opposite rune at you, then you should be wary of omissions, all sorts of conflicts over trifles, everyday disagreements and other small troubles that can fray your nerves. Of course, it’s okay, but you need to try to restore harmony, because while there is no complete happiness in the relationship, you are not ready for a new addition to the family and further development.

About health

When divining health, the interpretation of the Berkan rune will depend on the direction and position it fell, as well as on the neighborhood or pair. For example, a direct occurrence, when there are no negative omens nearby, indicates great physical well-being and good health. If you see something close to straight “B” that promises bad news, then this is a warning - one of your relatives, friends or loved ones is in poor health, he may need care, support, care.

If the Berkana rune falls out backwards, then the one who asks has health problems, but they are minor.

It is worth thinking about whether something chronic has worsened, or perhaps the cold will turn out to be more serious than you expected and will result in complications. In any case, you should seek help from a specialist and take preventive measures.


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