Examination of the spine using an optical computer topographer. What is optical topography of the spine? Optical laser topography with functional tests

Examination of the spine using an optical computer topographer.

Some of the most common diseases that tend to increase and lead to disability and significant loss of work are diseases and deformities of the spine and feet(scoliosis, hyperkyphosis, overloaded and high assimilated pelvis, flat feet, etc.).

Spinal deformities are observed in the frontal plane and in the sagittal plane. The lateral curvature of the spine in the frontal plane is called scoliosis, the curvature in the sagittal plane is called kyphosis. Often we observe a deformity with a convexity to the side and posteriorly - kyphoscoliosis.

Scoliosis It can be simple or partial, with one lateral arc of curvature, and complex - in the presence of several arcs of curvature in different directions, and, finally, total, if the curvature covers the entire spine. It can be fixed or unfixed, disappearing in a horizontal position, for example, when one limb is shortened. Along with scoliosis, torsion is usually observed, i.e. rotation around a vertical axis, with the vertebral bodies facing the convex side, and the spinous processes facing the concave side. Torsion contributes to deformation of the chest and its asymmetry, while the internal organs are compressed and displaced.

The initial symptoms of scoliosis can be detected in early childhood, but at school age (10-15 years) it manifests itself most pronouncedly.

Scoliosis is etiologically distinguished:

1. congenital(according to V.D. Chaklin, they occur in 23%), which are based on various vertebral deformities:
- underdevelopment
- their wedge-shaped shape
- additional vertebrae, etc.

2. to purchased scoliosis includes:
- rheumatic, usually occurring suddenly and caused by muscle contracture on the healthy side in the presence of myositis or spondyloarthritis;
- rachitic, which manifest themselves very early in various deformations of the musculoskeletal system. Softness of bones and weakness of muscles, carrying a child in your arms (mainly on the left), prolonged sitting, especially at school - all this favors the manifestation and progression of scoliosis;

Paralytic, most often occurring after infantile paralysis, with unilateral muscle damage, but can also be observed in other nervous diseases;
- habitual, based on habitual poor posture (they are often called “school”, since at this age they receive the greatest expression).

Their immediate cause may be improperly arranged desks, seating schoolchildren without taking into account their height and desk numbers, carrying briefcases from the first grades, holding a child by one hand while walking, etc.

This list, of course, does not cover all types of scoliosis, but only the main ones.

Scoliosis degree

KOT data

X-ray data

Angle of lateral asymmetry, degrees.

Scoliosis angle, degrees.

Note: GP - thoracolumbar curve; P - lumbar curve; Th, L - designation of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.

To illustrate the results of our study, we present a clinical example of a patient with functional disorders of the spine and pelvis.

Clinical observation: Patient G., 15 years old. Complaints about back fatigue during physical activity, postural asymmetry.

Upon examination, the orthopedist revealed asymmetry of the “triangles” of the waist, a right-sided thoracolumbar curve, a pelvic skew to the right, and increased physiological curves of the spine in the sagittal plane. It was recommended to perform CAT to confirm the postural disorders identified during the examination.

After performing CAT on a patient in a natural position, the topogram (Fig. 6a) visualizes a right-sided scoliotic curvature of the spinal axis and a skewing of the pelvis to the right. On the topogram in the mode of measuring the angle of lateral asymmetry - an analogue of the Cobb angle (Fig. 6b), the deformation of the spinal column at the level of the thoracolumbar spine is determined up to 17°.

Rice. 6. Topograms of the spine of patient G., 15 years old:

a - in a natural pose, b - in a natural pose in the mode of measuring the angle of lateral asymmetry (analogue of the Cobb angle)

In the process of performing CAT, the orthopedic surgeon selected the optimal height of the compensator (+0.6 cm) for the right lower limb to correct the pelvic distortion and deformation of the spinal column. Figure 7a shows a topogram of the posterior surface of the patient’s torso, which clearly shows that compensation of the length of the right lower limb by +0.6 cm made it possible to eliminate the pelvic distortion to the right. The topogram in the mode of measuring an analogue of the Cobb angle (Fig. 7b) shows a decrease in the degree of curvature of the spinal column at the thoracolumbar level from 17° to 12°.

Rice. Fig. 7. Topograms of the spine of patient G., 15 years old: a - in a natural position with compensation +0.6 cm on the right, b - natural position with compensation +0.6 cm on the right in the mode of measuring the angle of lateral asymmetry (analogue of the Cobb angle)

All parameters of the topographic data of patient G., 15 years old, in a natural position and with a compensator +0.6 cm under the right foot are presented in detail in Table 5.

Table 5

Results of topographic data of patient G., 15 years old, comparative characteristics in a natural position and with compensation +0.6 cm on the right

No compensation

With compensation +0.6 cm on the right

Deviation from the center line C7-DM, mm

Pelvic distortion (DL -DR), degrees.

Pelvic skew (DL -DR), mm

Pelvic torsion (DL -DR), deg.

Kyphosis angle CTh -ThL (max.), degrees.

Lordosis angle ThL -LS (max.), degrees.

Lateral deviation C7-DM to the right (+max.), mm

Lateral deviation C7-DM to the left (-max.), mm

Note: R - right, L - left, mm - mm, DL, DR - automatically determined anatomical landmarks to detect pelvic distortion, pelvic tilt, pelvic torsion.

After performing CAT, the orthopedic doctor, in connection with the identified scoliotic deformity of the 2nd degree, prescribed an X-ray examination of the spine to visualize its structural changes. 2 x-rays were taken. Both were performed standing in a direct projection, involving the thoracic and lumbosacral spine, the first - in a natural position, the second - with a compensator 0.6 cm high under the right lower limb.

Figure 8a shows a radiograph in a direct projection without compensation: the spinal axis is deviated to the right at the level of Th9-L3, the Cobb angle is 20°, the height of the iliac crests is D

Rice. 8. Radiographs of the spine of patient G., 15 years old: a - in a natural position, b - with compensation +0.6 cm on the right

On the radiograph in a direct projection with compensation +0.6 cm on the right (Fig. 8b): the spinal axis is deviated to the right at the level of Th9-L3, the Cobb angle is 17°, the height of the iliac crests is D

After analyzing the obtained objective data on the static relative position of the spine and pelvis, as well as assessing their dynamic response to the compensator and not identifying significant structural changes in the spine, the orthopedic doctor recommended uneven-high orthopedic insoles with insoles with compensation of +0.6 cm for the right lower limb . This height is optimal from a biomechanical point of view, as it not only straightens the frontal distortion of the pelvis, but also reduces the lateral deviation of the spinal axis to the right. For the entire period of wearing insoles of different heights (5-6 months), a rehabilitation program was recommended, including educational and corrective therapeutic exercises, differentiated massage, water aerobics and biofeedback therapy.


Methods of X-ray examination of the musculoskeletal system (MSA), depending on the goals, can be divided into two main groups: x-ray anatomical and x-ray functional. The first of these include standard x-ray anatomical examination with x-ray diagnostics. The study of the static-dynamic characteristics of the ODA is carried out using x-ray functional studies. In the monograph by V.I. Sadofyeva emphasizes the importance of using not only a complex of X-ray studies to diagnose spinal disorders in children and adolescents, but also the importance of optimizing tactics during X-ray functional studies in order to reduce the radiation load on the growing child’s body. Functional disorders of the spine and pelvis are the most common type of non-structural deformities that can be corrected. With long-term existence and an unknown cause of non-structural deformations, the development of irreversible changes with the acquisition of structural deformations is possible.

According to our data, the effectiveness of the program approach to the organization of physical rehabilitation is due to the personalization of the complex of means used, their unidirectional and mutually complementary action. Non-radiation instrumental monitoring makes it possible to objectively assess the functional component of the motor stereotype between the spine and pelvis, including dynamics. The choice of an adequate method for correcting identified functional disorders of posture in children and adolescents is the prevention of structural changes in the spine.

1. The CAT method is quite informative when examining children and adolescents with functional disorders of the spine and pelvis, since a high degree of correlation is revealed between the CAT data and radiography of the spine and pelvis.

2. Considering that X-ray examination is accompanied by radiation exposure to the growing child’s body, it should be used only according to strict indications. Therefore, it is advisable to make wider use of the CAT method, which is currently indispensable for monitoring and control of ongoing rehabilitation measures in children and adolescents with functional disorders of the spine and pelvis, as it combines high information content and safety. The ability to conduct repeated studies without risk to the health of children and adolescents allows for maximum optimization of the treatment and rehabilitation process and timely correction of treatment and preventive measures.

Bibliographic link

URL: https://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=24691 (access date: 10/26/2017). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

In Europe, more than forty childhood diseases are detected in the early stages thanks to mass examinations using ultra-modern diagnostic equipment; in Russia, using the latest automated systems, only four pathologies are found in children and adolescents. Among them are spinal deformities and postural disorders, which doctors can now diagnose using a unique device - an optical topographer.

In Europe, more than forty childhood diseases are detected in the early stages thanks to mass examinations using ultra-modern diagnostic equipment; in Russia, using the latest automated systems, only four pathologies are found in children and adolescents. Among them are spinal deformities and postural disorders, which doctors can now diagnose using a unique device - an optical topographer.

The installation operates on the basis of the COMOT (computer optical topography) method, a proprietary development of Novosibirsk scientists. COMOT allows you to obtain complete information about the condition of the child’s spine in a matter of minutes, but at the same time does not cause absolutely any harm to the child. The method was developed in 1994 by Vladimir Nikolaevich Sarnadsky and his colleagues at the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (NIITO), the largest center for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system in Siberia. The scientists themselves call their device “X-ray without X-ray.” In 2005, the development was awarded the international prize “PROFESSION-LIFE” in the category “For achievements in the field of science and technology of medicine.”

"Letidor" met with Tatiana Nikolaevna Orlova, orthopedist-traumatologist, coordinator of examination of children using computer optical topography. She talked about the operation of the device and its capabilities.

How it works

Tatyana Nikolaevna Orlova is conducting an appointment at the children's orthopedic center, one of the divisions of the ANO Clinic NIITO. Together with the young patient Matvey, she demonstrates to us the principle of examination using the COMOT computer optical topography method.

Matvey, taking off his shoes and undressing to the waist, stands against the background of a white canvas on a special platform - the patient’s place. The lights in the room are turned off and a device somewhat similar to an old filmoscope is turned on. A beam of light is released from the device, which produces strictly vertical black and white stripes. They are projected onto the boy’s back, refracted in accordance with the reliefs of the body, and a special device - a TV camera - reads this pattern, converting it into a digital signal. The shooting lasts less than one second. Deviations of light lines and their bending provide complete information about the location of the child’s spine.

The device readings are recorded three times, for which the patient takes different functional poses. The data obtained by the computer is processed using a complex unique program, naturally, not without the participation of a doctor, who must monitor the correct position of the child and the correctness of the data entry.

A 3D model of the torso is displayed on the computer screen, on which the shape of the spine is viewed in three projections, and problem areas are marked in color. The doctor may rotate the figure to take a closer look at the position of the spine. Tatyana Nikolaevna explains:

“Looking in different planes is very important in order to see the most terrible, structural scoliosis, when the spine deviates to the right, left, twists around the vertical axis, and the balance of the torso is also disturbed. Structural scoliosis occurs during the period of intensive growth of a child, at 10-14 years old, forms a severe deformation of the spine, most often in girls, leads to disability and reduces the quality of life.”

Other serious diseases that doctors are looking for include osteochondrosis and compensatory scoliosis. Compensatory, or “static” scoliosis can occur during a child’s rapid growth. Sometimes the limbs lengthen asymmetrically - one leg is shorter than the other. With a difference of even half a centimeter, a pelvic distortion can occur, and as a result, a serious curvature of the spine. Girls may have problems during childbirth in the future due to this pathology. Osteochondrosis occurs with regular long-term sitting, when the flow of fluid to the intervertebral discs is disrupted. This leads to prolonged dehydration of the disc and its destruction. The disease has become very “younger”: previously, doctors observed osteochondrosis in 50-year-old patients, but now it is already at 14-17 years old.

Meanwhile, even a slight violation of posture, or a slight lateral deviation of the spine, over time can provoke a whole heap of health problems: from a banal headache, fatigue in the back and neck to serious problems in the functioning of the body.

After the data is processed by the doctor, detailed results are displayed on paper. Depending on the diagnosis, the specialist gives individual recommendations. In the case of a healthy spine or variants with slight deviations, he prescribes preventive measures; if scoliosis of the second or fourth degree is detected, the child and his parents are invited to be examined by a doctor at the children's orthopedic center.

“The COMOT method is absolutely harmless and objective,” emphasizes Tatyana Nikolaevna. – The thoughts of the developers have gone very far from existing practical healthcare. In orthopedic practice, almost everywhere, all types of postural disorders and spinal asymmetry are still determined by eye or using X-ray examination.

Harmless, objective diagnostic methods in vertebrology (“vertebrology” - “the science of the spine”), allowing you to determine not only the fact or presence of deformity, but also quantitatively, in units of measurement, and visually, in color, to imagine how bad your posture is or how deformed you are spine, were absent from widespread medical practice until recently.

Usually the doctor says: “I can already see whether he has scoliosis or not,” he looked and wrote on the card, and tomorrow he got sick or retired and no one can say what he “saw there.” When using COMOT, everything is objective and accurate. All information is stored in the computer and you can track how the position of the spine changes even over several years. We can monitor the state of posture and spine as the child grows.”

There are no contraindications to examining children using computed tomography. Everyone is examined, with the exception of those who cannot stand still for several seconds (preschoolers under 4 years of age and children with serious pathologies) and people with excess body weight, whose fat folds will not allow an accurate picture to be drawn.

Computer optical topography of the spine is a method for diagnosing the musculoskeletal system, based on the reflection of light from the surface of the body. It is used to identify pathologies such as scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, body asymmetry, and chest deformation. The computer topography method was developed by Novosibirsk scientists in the 1990s. In 2002, he received a prize for the invention of a new method for diagnosing pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Why is the method needed?

Optical topography of the spine is a diagnostic method that does not use X-rays, unlike computed tomography. However, it allows us to identify asymmetry of the pelvic bones, shoulder blades, and impaired structure of the chest.

A special projector casts rays onto the patient’s body, and scanners capture their reflection from the surface of the skin. The information goes to a computer, which builds a three-dimensional model. Optical topography of the spine allows you to take pictures with functional tests to assess the condition of the muscle corset. Curvature is determined by different leg lengths and torso torsion.

Everything about: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.

The method is used by chiropractors to determine where there is deformation, curvature, to track changes that occurred during therapeutic manipulations. Senile scoliosis, caused by decreased bone mineral density, may also be found.

Advantages of the method

A new diagnostic method is used to determine deformation without exposure to radioactive rays, as with computed tomography and x-rays. The method allows you to monitor the dynamics of the state of the spinal column after physical therapy exercises.

Computer topography with functional tests is a modern, safe, fast, inexpensive and effective way to determine disorders of posture, angle of curvature, and asymmetry of the spinal column.

The study helps prevent and treat dangerous disorders of the morphology of the spinal column, which threaten disability or a significant decrease in the quality of life. The method is easy to use and can be used as much as you like, unlike X-rays and computed tomography.

COMOT is available in clinics in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yaroslavl, Ryazan. The price of the examination is about 1200 rubles. The price includes a consultation with a vertebrologist specializing in diseases of the spinal column.

Read what it is: causes, symptoms and treatment.

Features, indications and contraindications.

Read what it is: causes, stages and symptoms.

What additional studies need to be completed?

For headaches, vertigo, visual impairment, or detection of scoliotic deformation, an electroencephalogram, ultrasound of the brain (Echo-EG), CT or MRI of the spinal column should be performed. There is also a COMOT for the head.

Rheoencephalogram and Dopplerography are the main methods for assessing the condition of cerebral vessels, the tone of which may be impaired due to osteochondrosis and lateral deformity.

There is a plantagram - an examination of the condition of the feet using a light topograph. If there is flat feet that accompanies the patient’s problematic musculoskeletal system, then this method will also help. After the examination, a vertebrologist or orthopedic doctor may prescribe a set of special exercises for physical therapy, massage, physiotherapeutic methods and reflexology.

COMOT is an examination method that is used to diagnose scoliotic deformity instead of X-ray methods. The study avoids the harmful effects of radioactive rays and effectively determines the angle of curvature. Topogram errors are insignificant.

Computer optical topography is a modern method of examining the spine, which is an excellent alternative to the X-ray examination method. Optical topography of the spine is a new procedure that eliminates harmful effects on the patient, because does not involve radiation. It can be used an unlimited number of times. The main advantages of the method of optical topography of the spine are absolute harmlessness to the patient, a non-contact form of examination and objectification of the results.

History of creation

Non-invasive methods for early diagnosis of spinal deformity can solve the problem of scoliotic disease in adolescents and children. Optical-topographic research methods began to be used in the early 70s, when the moiré topography method was first used for the diagnostic examination of patients. Along with the high efficiency of the method, significant drawbacks were also identified - a high percentage of false positive results. In addition, processing moiré topograms is highly labor-intensive.

Since the early 80s, the moiré method has been replaced by alternative optical methods that are based on the projection of structured images. These devices monitored and made it possible to evaluate the results of spinal treatment.

In 1994, the Computer Optical Topography (COMOT) method was developed at the Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Orthopedics. This installation for examining the surface of the body has no analogues in Russia and the CIS countries, and also in many ways surpasses its foreign analogues in its capabilities.

Application of the method

Many deviations from the norm can be detected by this technology. With its help, the diagnosis of emerging or existing curvature of the spine is carried out. Optical topography of the spine determines the following deviations:

  • scoliosis;
  • lordosis and kyphosis, their progression;
  • pelvic distortion;
  • muscle asymmetry;
  • rotation of the vertebrae;
  • general torso torsion.

In addition to identifying spinal pathologies, the method allows you to make a prognosis for the future.

How the method works

Computer topography was invented in the 90s. The newest diagnostic method is quite simple. The action of optical topography is based on a non-contact examination of the patient using the optical method.

The topographer does not see through the patient. With the help of this device, conditions are created under which the curves of the body can be correlated with standard indicators. During the examination, the patient stands with his back to the camera, and a projector is located on the side. Using an overhead projector, an image of vertical stripes, which are located at the same distance from each other, is displayed on the patient’s back. The stripes are displayed on the body and follow all the curves. This creates a specific picture that is recorded by the camera. After this, the information in digital format is processed on a computer.

A special information processing program displays an image of the spine in three planes: frontal, horizontal and sagittal. This allows you to determine the condition of the spine and make a prognosis for the development of diagnosed pathologies. Moreover, a high degree of automation of diagnostics allows, using a program that produces a finished result, to make prognoses for the patient.

CODE - digital photograph of the back under special lighting.

The examination is based on the principle of obtaining a three-dimensional model of the patient’s body by computer processing a photograph of his back, illuminated by vertical stripes at a certain angle. A special program allows you to measure a number of body parameters: the volume and tension of the muscles to the left and right of the spine, bends, turns at various levels, differences in the height of the shoulders, shoulder blades and pelvic bones, the size of the scoliotic curves and physiological curves (kyphosis, lordosis) and much more. . The data obtained is used by the Center’s specialists to select an individual treatment program.

A special feature of the examination is the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment through repeated examinations and comparative analysis of changes in body parameters, which makes it possible to adjust the program if necessary.

CODE for the first cycle of treatment:

Difference in muscle tone: on the right side in the thoracic region the tone is more pronounced. The tone of the gluteal muscle on the right is a decrease in the lumbar region. There is a turn of the upper thoracic and lower thoracic regions to the right, and of the sacral region to the left. Displacement of the muscle axis to the left relative to the center of the back. Increased thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis.

CODE for the second cycle of treatment:

Increased muscle tone on the left in the upper thoracic region, right gluteal muscle and lumbar region. The rotation of the upper thoracic and sacral spine was corrected. The muscle axis is corrected in the thoracic region relative to the central axis of the spine. The beginning of the formation of physiological thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis.

Health is important to you

This non-contact examination method allows you to identify postural disorders at the initial stage of development.

And in pediatric orthopedics this is extremely important. For example, diagnosing spinal scoliosis is almost the most common procedure.

You should sign up for a spinal topography procedure when:

  • blood pressure increases
  • lameness appeared
  • have flat feet
  • vision deteriorates
  • back, lower back, joints or neck often hurt
  • dizziness occurs
Optical topography of the spine is also used to assess the functioning of the central nervous system, to identify disorders of the vestibular apparatus, for the correct selection of bandages and corrective insoles, etc.

The information presented is not intended for self-medication. It is not guaranteed to be accurate or applicable to you. Contact medical specialists!

Computer optical topography - COMOT - is an alternative to the more familiar and widespread research. The good thing about the procedure is that it does not involve radiation. The patient can be subjected to it an unlimited number of times.

What deviations from the norm can this technology detect?

  • scoliosis;
  • muscle asymmetry;
  • pelvic distortions;
  • torso torsion;
  • rotation of individual vertebrae;
  • flattening or strengthening of lordosis and kyphosis.

The uniqueness of COMOT technology

Computer topography is a new word in Russian medicine. It was developed by domestic specialists in 1994. In 2002, its authors, employees of the Novosibirsk research and production enterprise "METOS" and the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics NIITO received the prestigious medical award "Calling" for their project.

The most important advantage of digital topography is the high degree of automation of the process. In fact, the doctor is only required to correctly place the patient in front of the equipment and run the software.

Where can I make it and what is the price?

So far, the device is available only in some of the most advanced diagnostic centers. By mid-2013, the Metos company had supplied about 230 devices to various clinics in Russia and neighboring countries.

Topographers currently have:

  • NIITO clinic in Novosibirsk (branches on Krylova, 7, Frunze, 19, Zhemchuzhnaya, 20);
  • Yaroslavl Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise (Moskovsky Prospekt, 68);
  • FSUE Central Clinical Sanatorium named after Dzerzhinsky (Vinogradnaya, 35);
  • Ryazan Regional Consultative Diagnostic Center for Children (Svobody, 66);
  • State Healthcare Institution Regional Center for Medical Prevention of Magadan (Karl Marx Ave., 60a);
  • Spine Clinic in St. Petersburg (Aviakonstruktorov, 6; Engelsa, 27);
  • almost all children's city clinics in Moscow, etc.

At NIITO, the “native” institute of COMOT, the procedure costs about 1,200 rubles. The cost of the examination includes a detailed consultation with a vertebrologist.

Degree of spinal twist

Degree of hernial protrusion

Amount of vertebral displacement

Diers diagnostics allows you to identify pathologies of the musculoskeletal system WITHOUT harm to health!

Diers – innovation in spine diagnostics

Diers - diagnostics are carried out using an optical laser topograph produced by the German company Diers. This cutting-edge device, without applying markers or any harmful rays, is capable of accurately and quickly performing a three-dimensional analysis of the patient’s back.

Advantages of the newest Diers method:
  • ease of use. Diagnosis of the condition of the spine does not require any special preparation;
  • significant time savings. The computer-optical topography method takes only a few minutes. And the result with explanations from a specialist can be obtained immediately after the procedure;
  • no contraindications. Computer topography is available to people of any age, pregnant women, patients with claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), people with pacemakers and even cancer patients;
  • high information content. Thanks to the ability to observe the functioning of the musculoskeletal system in a three-dimensional image as it moves, computer topography of the spine is recognized as a highly informative method in which the most accurate result can be obtained;
  • safety is one of the most important advantages. As already mentioned, there are various methods for diagnosing poor posture. But examination using computer-optical topography is considered the safest today.
Computerized optical topography of the spine is useful for diagnosis
  • spinal curvature
  • posture disorders
  • pelvic distortion
  • vertebral rotation
  • shortening of limbs
How is the examination carried out? Detection of postural disorders is carried out as follows:
  • the man undresses and stands on the platform;
  • The camera turns on, working without the help of markers in automatic mode.
    Horizontal laser stripes are being projected. The recording lasts for six seconds;
  • The computer, having received the necessary information, processes it and produces the result.

Diers spine examination

Who needs to undergo the procedure?

Diagnosis of spinal diseases is necessary for everyone who has noticed a problem. Therefore, everyone, regardless of age or the presence of other diseases, can make an appointment.

For example, laser topography is offered to pregnant women. After all, pregnant women almost always experience pain in the thoracic and lumbosacral spine.

Computer optical topography is also available to children.

This non-contact examination method allows you to identify postural disorders at the initial stage of development. And in pediatric orthopedics this is extremely important.
/>For example, diagnosing spinal scoliosis is almost the most common procedure.

The procedures are carried out by the director of Pilates training programs in Russia

In Europe, more than forty childhood diseases are detected in the early stages thanks to mass examinations using ultra-modern diagnostic equipment; in Russia, using the latest automated systems, only four pathologies are found in children and adolescents. Among them are spinal deformities and postural disorders, which doctors can now diagnose using a unique device - an optical topographer.

The installation operates on the basis of the COMOT (computer optical topography) method, a proprietary development of Novosibirsk scientists. COMOT allows you to obtain complete information about the condition of the child’s spine in a matter of minutes, but at the same time does not cause absolutely any harm to the child. The method was developed in 1994 by Vladimir Nikolaevich Sarnadsky and his colleagues at the Novosibirsk Traumatology and Orthopedics (NIITO) - the largest center in Siberia for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system. The scientists themselves call their device “X-ray without X-ray.” In 2005, the development was awarded the international prize “PROFESSION-LIFE” in the category “For achievements in the field of science and technology of medicine.”

How it works?

The principle of examination by a computer-optical topographer:
The innovative diagnostic method is simple to the point of elementary. The device does not see through the patient, but only creates convenient conditions for correlating the curves of his body with the corresponding reference indicators.

The patient in the office undresses and then stands with his back to the camera. There is a slide projector on the side. From the projector, a clear image of frequent vertical stripes, located at strictly equal distances from each other, is displayed on the back.

Displayed on the body, the stripes follow its curves. The resulting image is recorded by the camera and then transferred to the computer.

A special program processes the received information in digital format. It produces ready-made results - an image of the state of the spine in three planes, a forecast for the progression of detected pathologies.

The resulting image is subjected to computer processing. As a result of the study, we obtain information about the position of the spinal column in three planes. Using this installation, you can monitor the correction of posture, pelvic distortions, and assess the degree of muscle fatigue.

The information that the installation produces is reliable both about the condition of the spine and about the constant changes that occur in the patient during their dynamic observations. Thus, unlike other methods, including x-rays, the method has no contraindications and is not limited to the frequency of patient examinations per year.

What deviations from the norm can this technology detect?

It is usually used to diagnose spinal curvatures - both already developed and just emerging. A topographer easily determines:

scoliosis; muscle asymmetry; pelvic distortions; torso torsion; rotation of individual vertebrae; flattening or strengthening of lordosis and kyphosis.

Where can I get tested?

So far, the device is available only in some of the most progressive diagnostic centers. By mid-2015, the Metos company had supplied about 230 devices to various clinics in Russia and neighboring countries.

In Yakutsk, unfortunately, there is only one topographer, and he is located in the “Raduga rehabilitation center” according to Dzerzhinsky

Computer optical topography is a modern method of examining the spine, which is an excellent alternative to the X-ray examination method. Optical topography of the spine is a new procedure that eliminates harmful effects on the patient, because does not involve radiation. It can be used an unlimited number of times. The main advantages of the method of optical topography of the spine are absolute harmlessness to the patient, a non-contact form of examination and objectification of the results.

History of creation

Non-invasive methods for early diagnosis of spinal deformity can solve the problem of scoliotic disease in adolescents and children. Optical-topographic research methods began to be used in the early 70s, when the moiré topography method was first used for the diagnostic examination of patients. Along with the high efficiency of the method, significant drawbacks were also identified - a high percentage of false positive results. In addition, processing moiré topograms is highly labor-intensive.

Since the early 80s, the moiré method has been replaced by alternative optical methods that are based on the projection of structured images. These devices monitored and made it possible to evaluate the results of spinal treatment.

In 1994, the Computer Optical Topography (COMOT) method was developed at the Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Orthopedics. This installation for examining the surface of the body has no analogues in Russia and the CIS countries, and also in many ways surpasses its foreign analogues in its capabilities.

Application of the method

Many deviations from the norm can be detected by this technology. With its help, the diagnosis of emerging or existing curvature of the spine is carried out. Optical topography of the spine determines the following deviations:

  • scoliosis;
  • lordosis and kyphosis, their progression;
  • pelvic distortion;
  • muscle asymmetry;
  • rotation of the vertebrae;
  • general torso torsion.

In addition to identifying spinal pathologies, the method allows you to make a prognosis for the future.

How the method works

Computer topography was invented in the 90s. The newest diagnostic method is quite simple. The action of optical topography is based on a non-contact examination of the patient using the optical method.

The topographer does not see through the patient. With the help of this device, conditions are created under which the curves of the body can be correlated with standard indicators. During the examination, the patient stands with his back to the camera, and a projector is located on the side. Using an overhead projector, an image of vertical stripes, which are located at the same distance from each other, is displayed on the patient’s back. The stripes are displayed on the body and follow all the curves. This creates a specific picture that is recorded by the camera. After this, the information in digital format is processed on a computer.

A special information processing program displays an image of the spine in three planes: frontal, horizontal and sagittal. This allows you to determine the condition of the spine and make a prognosis for the development of diagnosed pathologies. Moreover, a high degree of automation of diagnostics allows, using a program that produces a finished result, to make prognoses for the patient.

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