The magic of numbers. What does a dreamed blow mean? Real dreams give an electric shock

An electric shock is always a warning to the dreamer. If in a dream a person receives an electric shock, then this will first of all be a sign that all his nerves are sharpened and heated to the limit. It is possible that at the moment there is some difficult situation going on in his life that is causing stress. In this case, if you don’t stop being nervous, you can even get a nervous breakdown. Another electric shock during sleep can symbolize the collapse of all plans and plans.

Get an electric shock in a dream. If a person dreams of an electric shock, this may mean that in the near future an unexpected event will occur in his life, which will not only unsettle him, but will also leave him completely confused for a long time.

What if you dream of an electric shock?

This dream may also indicate that this person should not engage in any amateur activities in matters in which he does not have the proper experience, knowledge or professional skills.

Electricity in a dream. Many people are worried about how to find out why they dream of an electric shock; in fact, everything is simple. Definitely, this dream will signal to a person that not everything in his life is as it should be. Therefore, you need to seriously analyze your current situation and understand the reason for such a dream.

What does it portend?

Sometimes electricity in a dream can also speak volumes. For example, if the lights go out in the house, this may symbolize imminent luck in small matters. Moreover, it will be a whole white stripe. And if it happens that a person sees a dream in which an electric shock is intended for another, then this may mean that in the future all his problems at work and at home will be smoothed out.

If you hear the ringing of an electric bell for a long time during sleep, this may mean that this person has been wanted for a long time. This may also indicate that a loved one or some relative at this time needs the help that he can provide. If in a dream you try unsuccessfully to disassemble any electrical appliance, then most likely this person does not have enough time for his favorite hobby.

Description of the page: “Why do you dream about electric shock” from professionals for people.

From early childhood we know that it is necessary to handle electricity carefully and jokes with it can have the most dire consequences. In a dream, an electric shock, according to dream books, does not have a negative interpretation; on the contrary, everything about which such a plot is dreamed foreshadows a sharp change in circumstances, surprise, and strong emotions.

In Denise Lynn's dream book there is a detailed interpretation of what electricity means in dreams. According to the interpreter, the dream identifies the life force of the dreamer. Knocked out fuses indicate that the internal system for regulating life flows is out of order; you need to relax in order to restore your own potential.

A dream about a weak discharge indicates weak energy that needs to be replenished; strong - to the need to direct your energy in the right direction.

If the electricity in the house is turned off at an inopportune moment for the character, it means that you will have to regret a missed chance or an offer that was not previously accepted.

Causes of electrical discharge

To receive an electric shock in a dream due to faulty electrical wiring, according to the dream book, speaks of cardinal changes that will directly affect the life of a sleeping person.

Holding onto a bare wire and encountering a strong discharge indicates that in reality the dreamer will experience powerful emotions related to pressing matters or problems. Deliberately doing this in a dream is a special escalation of the situation in order to find out answers to questions of interest.

Another option for why such a dream occurs is in the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. Seeing a bare wire in a dream indicates to the interpreter that the dreamer’s patience is at its limit, and, if it bursts, it can cause a huge quarrel or even a scandal, which will lead to the collapse of plans and ideas. To die from contact with wiring - seething negative emotions will cause conflicting feelings in the dreamer himself.

Who was struck by electricity?

If you happen to see someone being executed in the electric chair, get ready to resist the machinations of ill-wishers and cope with difficult obstacles. To die on this instrument of execution is the need to look at the existing problem from a completely opposite perspective.

A modern combined dream book describes why you dream of receiving an electric shock. A dreamed vision warns that you should not take decisive action in areas in which you are not a professional.

To see a child being struck by electricity in a dream - all your actions must be weighed and thought out, since not only the future biography, but also the fates of other people depend on them.

I dreamed that an electric shock fell on another person, which is interpreted by dream books as a warning about a rash act of a character that will affect the interests of the sleeping person himself. I happened to die in a dream to save someone from an electric shock - to receive unexpected help from a stranger.

An electric shock is always a warning to the dreamer. If in a dream a person receives an electric shock, then this will first of all be a sign that all his nerves are sharpened and heated to the limit. It is possible that at the moment there is some difficult situation going on in his life that is causing stress. In this case, if you don’t stop being nervous, you can even get a nervous breakdown. Another electric shock during sleep can symbolize the collapse of all plans and plans.

Get an electric shock in a dream. If a person dreams of an electric shock, this may mean that in the near future an unexpected event will occur in his life, which will not only unsettle him, but will also leave him completely confused for a long time. This dream may also indicate that this person should not engage in any amateur activities in matters in which he does not have the proper experience, knowledge or professional skills.

Electricity in a dream. Many people are worried about how to find out why they dream of an electric shock; in fact, everything is simple. Definitely, this dream will signal to a person that not everything in his life is as it should be. Therefore, you need to seriously analyze your current situation and understand the reason for such a dream.

Sometimes electricity in a dream can also speak volumes. For example, if the lights go out in the house, this may symbolize imminent luck in small matters. Moreover, it will be a whole white stripe. And if it happens that a person sees a dream in which an electric shock is intended for another, then this may mean that in the future all problems at work and at home will be smoothed out.

If you hear the ringing of an electric bell for a long time during sleep, this may mean that this person has been wanted for a long time. This may also indicate that a loved one or some relative at this time needs the help that he can provide. If in a dream you try unsuccessfully to disassemble any electrical appliance, then most likely this person does not have enough time for his favorite hobby.‏>

Dream Interpretation: What is the dream about?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Current

Getting an electric shock in a dream is a warning that your nerves are tense to the limit. And, if you do not calm down, then you cannot avoid a nervous breakdown. Also, an electric shock in a dream foreshadows the collapse of your plans and plans.

Receiving an electric shock in a dream is a harbinger that a sudden event will not only lead you to confusion, but will also unsettle you.

If the power goes out due to a burnt-out plug in the house, then this dream suggests that your luck will be short-lived.

Your doorbell closed in a dream and began to ring continuously - your friend will need help at the very moment when you avoid all contact.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why dreams about current occur, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a current in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.‏>

Why do you dream about current?

Seeing the consequences of electric current in a dream is commonplace for professional electricians and electricians. This may simply be a continuation of events that happened in reality, or probabilities that may make the dreamer wary.

If a person has already forgotten not only the last time he had to face the threat of electric shock, but does not even remember what physical laws he operates by, then numerous dream books will come to help in interpreting the dream. The fact is that if the dreamer dreams of an electric shock, then this may be, first of all, an alarming sign from the body. An electric shock, as well as sparking wiring in a dream, can mean that the human body is very overloaded. This is a sign from the subconscious, which feels that the body’s nerve endings are working in overloaded mode. After all, the entire human psyche and life itself are based on the electrical interaction of neurons and nerve cells.

Therefore, the stronger the electric shock in a dream, the more the body needs urgent rest or at least a respite from everyday problems and troubles. Something urgently needs to be done so that your health does not deteriorate and relations with family do not deteriorate.

In principle, many dream books clearly interpret what the current and its electric shock mean in dreams for the future dreamer. This may be a harbinger that soon a person will be able to commit an act that is completely unusual for him. Moreover, this act will be somewhere on the verge of madness. Although it will be aimed at obtaining a fairly large material gain, the person will need to cool his ardor. It is necessary to take risky steps with a sober head, so as not only to have the opportunity to carefully analyze everything, but also so that, as people say, “not to make a mistake.” Crazy actions are not always justified by success. If you lose, you will have to spend a long time putting your disturbed psyche in order.

Also, a dream in which a current is seen may be a sign of a possible insight that can await the dreamer in real life. Such a dream is especially important for people who are engaged in creative activities. This is also an important sign for those whose career advancement depends on inspiration and creativity. For all these people, a dream in which they experienced an electric shock may mean the imminent arrival of sudden insight. Although you shouldn’t sit inactively and indifferently wait for his arrival. Perhaps an almost mature creative idea lies on the very surface. It’s just that a very small push from the imagination is needed to realize it. Such a dream is a sign that you need to gather all your inner strength for the onset of insight.

For those who are not involved in creative professions, such a dream may also be a possible signal for a new perception of reality. Perhaps new opportunities will open up for a person in his life. Moreover, these opportunities may concern both the work sphere and intrafamily relationships.

I would like to wish all people to dream of an unpleasant electric shock solely as a harbinger of imminent insight or the possibility of new achievements, even with the help of crazy and ambiguous actions and achievements.‏>

Why do you dream about Electric Shock?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about Electric shock?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not an Electric Shock, but something else, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do you dream about Electric shock?

See Electricity.‏>

Hands electrocuted

Dream Interpretation – Burn your hands

Promises loss in a competition with fate:

Having put all your efforts into achieving wealth, you miss out on something more valuable.

Dream Interpretation – Hands Tied

Poverty, powerlessness, danger, difficulty.

Dream Interpretation – Hands thickly covered with hair

It promises strong and courageous partners and competitors in work.

It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigue against those who are truly loyal to you.

Dream Interpretation – Beating, striking

lashes are bad speech, and a strike with a saber is victory over enemies. Whoever sees something hitting the ground will go on a journey. A hit with a stone portends benefit and cleansing from sins, but a stone thrown in the back promises shame and ignominy. A slap in the face means that you will be the victim of vile slander. Blows dealt to you by a dead man portend good luck and the return of lost property. And if they beat you dead, then this is a sign of the firmness and inflexibility of your faith.

Dream Interpretation – Hands

The sages call the hands the servants of the mind and a symbol of human honor.

If someone sees in a dream that his hands are more beautiful and stronger than usual, this means that he will undertake some important business that will end well and bring him profit and respect.

Moreover, he will be loved by his servants and they will serve him faithfully and not hypocritically.

If someone dreams that his right hand has been cut off or that it is burned, dried out and thinner, then he will lose the most devoted of his servants or will not be able to work and will fall into poverty.

For a woman, this dream portends big troubles.

Whoever sees in a dream that his hand and fingers have become smaller than they were, this dream notifies him that one of his servants is deceiving his master or does not love him.

Working with your right hand in a dream means happiness, and using your left hand means misfortune.

Meanwhile, some explain that in this dream the right hand means something good for the son, father, brother or other person who saw this dream.

The left one means the same for a mother, wife, servant, or already accomplished success in business.

To dream that your fingers are cut off foreshadows the loss of friends or spouse.

If someone dreams that he has seven fingers on his hand, this means friendship, a new relationship, happiness, inheritance or income.

To dream that your hand is covered with hair predicts torment and imprisonment.

White and tender hands are a sign of friendship.

For the poor, this same dream means idleness and need.

If a young man feels in a dream that he has gout in his hands, he will be afraid of the danger that awaits him.

For old people, this dream foreshadows weakness and poverty.

If someone sees in a dream that he has many hands, it means happiness, strength, wealth and abundance.

For thieves, this dream has a disastrous omen, foretelling that they will be caught and punished for their actions.

To dream that you take fire with your hands without causing yourself any harm or pain means that enemies and envious people will do you no harm, and you will succeed in everything according to your desires.

If someone dreams that he hits someone with his hand, fist, or slaps someone in the face, this predicts agreement or love between a husband and wife.

For a bachelor, this dream predicts that he will soon court some woman who will love him greatly, and he will triumph over his enemies. If a woman dreams that she beats her husband, this predicts illness for her, even if she is loved by her husband .

If she dreams that she beats her lover, then this foreshadows an unpleasant end to her intrigues.

If someone dreams that he holds a saber in his hand and hits unknown people with it, this means victory, security and complete success in business.

If instead of a saber he holds a stick in his hands, then dominance and profit await him.

Seeing gold rings on your fingers in a dream means honor, happiness and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Apoplexy

If you dream that you are in an apoplectic state, then in reality you will experience a lot of grief and frustration, because of which you will completely lose heart. The dream warns you that, regardless of the circumstances, you should take care of your health, take vitamins and not overwork. Sometimes a dream about apoplexy warns you that you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown, very tired and you should take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation – Tying hands

means earning money through sinful means. And whoever sees that his hand is tied to his neck will acquire wealth from which he will not allocate Zakat. And whoever sees that his hands are tied is a stingy person.

Dream Interpretation – Crumpling (something in hands)

Crushing grass and leaves in your hands means profit.

Crumpling the paper in your hands means you will have to defend your rights.

Just don’t defend it with your fists! It's more fun to throw paper snowballs at each other.

Dream Interpretation – Clasp your hands

Clasping your hands in a dream means some kind of surprise.‏>

Torn off from electric shock

Dream Interpretation – Sunstroke

Tragic news.

Dream Interpretation – In a woman’s dreams, a horse’s belly is hit with a hoof or bitten by a horse

The desire for sexuality is a passionate lover.

Dream Interpretation - Killer Strike

A difficult experience that requires you to mobilize your spirit.

Dream Interpretation - Impact

Some event from the past (former) affected some of your capabilities (a blow to the leg) and left unpleasant memories of it for a long time (a bruise).

Dream Interpretation – Stab in the back with a syringe

I think that you will begin to help someone in a business that has already begun and is not very good. However, what was planned to be done to someone else will be done to you.

Dream Interpretation – Stab in the back with a syringe

The dreamer in reality should differentiate the Emotional sphere from the Conscious (business) sphere - the Dreamer in the image of a Nurse brings a Syringe to the boss, and he sticks it into the dreamer’s Back in the area of ​​the heart, which means the Dreamer’s excessive and vulnerable Emotionality, which should be moderated if you want to keep your current one social Status and future social prospects (education, social/growth, social/status, mat/stability). You should not unconsciously follow the desires of others, your plans will not come true - this is what the dream warns the Dreamer about.

Dream Interpretation - Hand torn off

Good morning, Yulia! Woke up in a hospital room - your life is out of your control. You are doing some stupid things. This can lead to actual harm to your health. Your parents are trying to warn you. Black threads - danger threatens you from acquaintances who are only pretending to be your friends. The fact that the right hand means that events are developing on the physical plane, and are happening not because you did something wrong in the past, but because you are doing something wrong at the moment. “Mom tells me that we were in the supermarket and there was an explosion, that you flew off and lost your hand and that they managed to sew it back on you.....” - you have some kind of misunderstanding with your mother, somewhere subconsciously you are irritated, but not you know why. But you can really get help from your mother. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Hand torn off

Let me make some remarks: the dream is about something that did not “tear off the hand” but “sewed the hand back on.” :-) there is a difference, isn’t it? You will find what is important to you now, what you once lost due to an emotional outburst (explosion). Personally, my feelings on your dream that you will make peace with one of your relatives (with your father, probably, or with your boyfriend)

Dream Interpretation - Hand torn off

Hello! I will interpret your dream like this. You want to remain the head of the family - its main breadwinner and supporter, making responsible decisions (and you try to do this, although your financial difficulties are obvious). You also had such considerations as how to pass the baton of “breadwinner” to your son, but for now he remains for you only in the role of an assistant. A dream based on the actions and symbolism performed with rather positive dynamics. Good luck!!

Dream Interpretation - Hand torn off

Good afternoon “I dreamed that my right arm was torn off, and realizing that it is difficult to live without my right arm” - you do not have a clear vision of how you are going to build your future life, but you do not want to leave the situation to chance and are worried about it. And you are doing absolutely the right thing, since without intervention the situation can only get worse – “until the hand tissues die.” The fact that you have relaxed a little in life is due to the fact that internally you consider the program of fate to be realized - “I called my eldest son to help.” You see a continuation of yourself in your children, and in fact agree to hand over to them the reins of power in the family - “To make an incision on his arm and shoulder, he began to sharpen a knife” “and I, with my healthy left hand, began to wash my severed hand” - you begin to analyze the life you have lived, and you feel some satisfaction - “and while washing, I noted to myself that my hand looked good from behind, after which I realized that such a good hand must definitely be sewn back in place.” My only advice is don’t try to project your life onto your children. They may have different ideas about life and a different destiny. Save Christ!‏>

Current electricity

Dream Interpretation Current electricity dreamed of why you dream about Electricity in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Electricity Current in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Talk Show

Dream Interpretation – Electricity

Turning on the electricity in your house in a dream foretells that your prospects will be darkened by unexpected changes at work, which you are unable to prevent.

Seeing electric wires on poles in a dream is a sign of kind and timely help from reliable friends. A dream in which you find yourself witnessing an execution in the electric chair suggests that in real life you will have to face insurmountable obstacles and the machinations of ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation – Current

To take a risky action.

Dream Interpretation – Electricity

You have bioelectrical systems that send signals through you.

Electricity can: symbolize life force.

Pay attention to the electrical fields around you, as they may exhibit a response to your own electrical fields.

Blown fuses: This may indicate that your internal fuses have also failed.

If this happens, weak currents may indicate the weakness of your vitality.

Dream Interpretation – Current

See Electricity.

Dream Interpretation – Electricity

You were electrocuted - You should not take independent action in areas in which you are not an expert;
the plugs in your house burned out and the lights went out - a streak of minor but pleasant luck has begun in your life;
Your electric bell has been shorted out and is ringing continuously - someone is trying hard to find you, but you are constantly slipping away, perhaps your friend needs help;
wait for an electrician, but a plumber comes - an interesting love adventure;
You just can’t figure out the circuit of an electrical appliance - your hobby has become inaccessible to you, because household chores take up all your free time.
Also see Light.

Dream Interpretation – Electricity

“Electrolyzed atmosphere (atmosphere)” is a nervous, tense situation.

Dream Interpretation – Electricity

Symbolizes nervous tension.

Seeing any electrical appliance or device connected to a current source means that in some matter you may experience excessive internal excitement or irritation.

For example, an electric kettle: foreshadows tense relationships in your home.

Exposed electrical wire: suggests that your patience is about to burst and cause a serious quarrel.

Receiving an electric shock: a sign that your nerves are tense to the limit, and if you do not get rid of negative internal tension, then you are in danger of a nervous breakdown, the collapse of your plans and plans.

Dream Interpretation – Electricity

If you get an electric shock, it means a conflict at work.

Turn on the light - you will discover your lover’s betrayal.

Turning off the light means a romantic adventure that will not have further development.

Dream Interpretation – Electricity

If you see an electric discharge, or if you are shocked, expect to lose money.

Loss, Uranus in the 2nd house.‏>

Electric shock

Dream interpretation Electric shock dreamed of why you dream about Electric shock? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Electric shock in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Talk Show

Being on a talk show means you will be ridiculed.

Watch a talk show - take advantage of rumors and you won’t go wrong.

Dream Interpretation – Current

Getting an electric shock means sudden insight.

To take a risky action.

Dream Interpretation – Defeat

If in a dream your imagination was struck by some incredible events or fantastic creatures, it means that you will be overcome by doubts about your upcoming choice, then you should be decisive, because only in this case you will not make a mistake and in the end you will win.

If in a dream you were hit in the chest by an enemy arrow - in reality, be more selective in your acquaintances and more careful in your statements, because by being too talkative and frank you will bring trouble upon yourself.

To be defeated in a certain battle or duel - such a dream means that with your rash actions you will prevent your friends from doing something that would bring undoubted benefit to you yourself. A dream in which your country supposedly suffered a crushing defeat in the war - in reality, secretly from others, take a trip to another city.

A dream in which you fail while playing chess is a harbinger of troubles in the business sphere due to confusing reporting or dubious transactions. Losing in a sports competition foreshadows a short acquaintance with a wealthy but unprincipled person.

Dream Interpretation – Current

See Electricity.

Dream Interpretation – Defeat

The defeat of the military in battle portends misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Electric shock

See Electricity.

Dream Interpretation - Thunderstorm in a dream, lightning strike, electric shock

Why do you dream of a thunderstorm in a dream?? It happens quite often that you dream of a thunderstorm: thunder, lightning, noise, din, gusts of wind, etc.

This dream itself can mean two things:

1) a rather comical thing is when you dream of thunder and lightning, and when you wake up you see that your neighbor is drilling into the wall and banging with a hammer; well, or the TV is screaming loudly, etc.

2) if you don’t fall under the first point, then remember: a thunderstorm is a component of three main elements: wind, rain and electricity.

In this case, you can read about wind and rain here. As for electricity, it’s more complicated.

Dream Interpretation – Stunning, struck by thunder and lightning

this is torment and punishment if it happened in a certain place. Being struck by lightning is death. A strong strike of thunder and lightning is a warning to those who commit sins. Many deafening screams and explosions are a disaster, a storm, a plague.

Dream Interpretation – At Tokyo Airport

Let me start with the fact that the Dreamer wants to go Home - this symbolizes the point of spiritual stability of the Dreamer, from which she has noticeably moved away, following her unconscious emotional desires and social patterns (The Dreamer at the Tokyo airport, no one knows why or why). At the airport, all employees understand each other - symbolizes the conscious orientation of interactions in Society, and not the emotional one (there are no likes there, there is a conscious mutual understanding or “I tell you - you give me”). Searching and not finding a storage locker, your Luggage and a Ticket with it, but finding a Toilet means the loss of your self-sufficiency and dependence on external (social) conditions due to unawareness of your emotions / sphere (desires, needs, your own and not your own). The desire to spend small change on something, taking advantage of the opportunity, shows the predominance of the emotional/sphere over the conscious (purposelessness of purchase). A young Girl with an offer to fly to Prague symbolizes the emotional side of the Dreamer, the Dreamer’s unconscious position in society. And being afraid of being late for your Plane, frantically reading some Sheets of a format known to everyone - means the predominance of the emotional sphere over the Conscious one, implying one’s knowledge, skills, experience, which give material freedom and independence. This is exactly why the Dreamer is very afraid of missing the plane flying Home.

Dream Interpretation – Electric shock

The dream indicates that your body is “electrified”, which means you have taken on a lot, the dream suggests that it is time to relax and defuse the situation, this dream can also speak of friction and conflicts with another person. Be that as it may, the body requires rest. Until he burned out like a light bulb.‏>

Electric shock in the bath

Dream Interpretation Electric shock in the bath dreamed of why you dream about Electric shock in the bath? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Electric Shock in a Bathtub in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Electric shock

See Electricity.

Dream Interpretation - Talk Show

Being on a talk show means you will be ridiculed.

Watch a talk show - take advantage of rumors and you won’t go wrong.

Dream Interpretation – Bath

A bath in a dream is a symbol of suffering, illness and grief. A broken bathtub portends many problems and difficulties. A bath with clean water means problems in a love relationship, especially if something floats in it. See interpretation: water, bath, wash.

Too hot water in the bath - to scandals and conflicts. The hotter the water, the worse things will go and the bigger the scandal. It is considered a very good omen if you take a bath in a dream and enjoy it, because such a dream portends wealth, joy, health and good news. A lot of troubles await you if in a dream you climbed into a bathtub of water while wearing your clothes. If other people prevented you from taking a bath, then beware of slanderers.

Dream Interpretation – Bath

The bath is a symbol of the female genital organs.

A clean and sparkling bath symbolizes your sexual irresistibility.

Washing in the bath speaks of the desire to have children and portends an imminent pregnancy.

If you frolic in the bath, then you are attracted to exquisite types of sex.

An injury sustained in the bath may mean a difficult pregnancy or genital diseases.

Dream Interpretation – Bath

To dream that you are washing in a bath is a harbinger of well-being, but at the same time there is also great anxiety about your loved one, the fear of losing your attractiveness and eternal charm in his eyes. Therefore, such a dream suggests in real life adherence to careful and more deliberate behavior. A dream in which you are sitting in the bathtub and someone is soaping your back - in reality, beware of unreliable travel companions who may have mutual acquaintances with you: from them you can hear the most incredible and unpleasant things about yourself.

A bathtub full of dirty foam foreshadows an imminent encounter with undisguised evil. Clean water in the bath, smelling of pleasant pine extract, is a harbinger of joyful days and blooming health.

For a pregnant woman to see a bathtub in a dream is a warning about the possibility of being attacked unexpectedly, having an accident, or becoming a victim of any other accident.

Dream Interpretation – Bath

An empty bathtub - a careless word or action can harm your professional activities. Dirty water in the bath - a dishonest work colleague will set you up. Draining the bathtub means that envious people at work will take advantage of your mistakes. Lying in a bathtub full of foam means you will find yourself in the center of a scandal and lose the trust of your superiors. They soap your body in the bathroom - you will get a beating from your superiors.

Imagine your bathtub growing to the size of a swimming pool or lake. You are swimming in clear, clean water. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, you feel great.

Dream Interpretation – Bath

An empty bath is a disappointment, a betrayal.

Empty and dry - anger, full of water - success.

Cold and clean water in the bath signifies health.

Dirty - indicates that there is evil and intrigue in life next to you.

For a man, taking a bath in a dream means meeting and having an affair with a woman for whom he will not be the only one.

For a woman - the appearance of a passionate admirer.

If a young girl or young man takes a bath, this is a sign of complications, misunderstandings in love.

If you are going to shower with someone, you need to beware of deceitful business partners.

For a pregnant woman, a dream about washing in a bath is a warning about an accident.

All dreams in which a bath appears in any form require further careful consideration of your behavior and your decisions.

Dream Interpretation – Bath

Filling the bathtub with warm water: try to reflect on your life, is everything in it satisfactory to you? Chances are, once you find a way to express your creativity, you will feel much better.

The apathy that has become habitual will disappear forever.

Taking a warm, pleasant bath and enjoying it: you will meet an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

Communication will bring you both great pleasure.

Memories of the past will revive your old dreams and desires, and you will feel younger.

Being in a bathtub from which all the water gradually disappears: you lack faith in your own strength.

Apparently, some time ago, someone seriously shook her, and you believed this person.

Try to look at yourself from the outside by taking a bath with aromatic oils: you consider yourself an esthete, although in some situations you behave far from ideally.

Stop admiring yourself and try to evaluate yourself more critically, it will benefit you.

You are lying in a bathtub full of foam: you unforgivably rarely think about how others react to your words.

You should be careful, otherwise you will lose the affection of those who are dear to you.

In a dream, knitting mittens for yourself or someone else: you may be let down by those whom you completely trust.

Try to be more careful in choosing those who know your secrets.

It’s not pleasant to learn something about yourself from “third parties.”

If you dream of finding someone else’s mitten, you attach too much importance to the empty talk and gossip of those who have absolutely nothing to do with you.

Be more indifferent to such things.

Dream Interpretation – Bath

To be in the bathroom means worries, illness, hard work.

Taking a warm bath means illness.

Taking a cold bath is good for your health.

Seeing an empty bath is sad.

A bath filled with blood is a danger of sudden death.

Therapeutic baths - well-being.

Dream Interpretation – Bath

If the bathtub fills with water, this is a warning about a money leak.

Taking a bath means you need rest.

If you wash with other people, you should be careful when making transactions.

If water flows into the bathtub, losses are possible.

If you are bathing in a bath, you need to rest.

If there are other people in the bath, be attentive to those with whom you plan to collaborate.‏>



I dream about how I wake up in a dream, get up and turn on the light, but it doesn’t turn on, and so on in all the rooms. I get scared from the darkness, I run out of the house to my neighbor. I have this dream all the time.


I dreamed that I was with friends (I don’t remember who exactly) in some kind of building..big..and for some reason I decided to go into another room, in the same building..there were wires hanging there, so thick, and somehow it happened that they were in my hands and I couldn’t get rid of them, I tried to throw them away with my hands, but for some reason it didn’t work... the current flowed through my hands, but it was tolerable... in the end I backed away from them... and that’s all I finally managed to throw them away.. and then I woke up with the feeling that there was actually current still running through my hands..


I dreamed that I was touching some object, knowing in advance that it was energized, as a result, I touched and froze, lost control of my hand (I couldn’t remove it), all this time I was getting an electric shock, I was screaming for help, and then someone’s hand removes mine from the device, and on my hand there remains some kind of sign, a mark (a circle, and some kind of design in the circle) what does this mean?


In a dream, I touched a square object, which attracted me to it and began to shock me. I tried to pull my hand away, but I couldn’t. After much effort, she was able to tear her arm off.


I dreamed that my children were playing in the yard and a wire fell from a nearby electrical pole, it sparkled and you could see that it was bare.. to protect my children from danger, I ran towards the pole and at that moment my husband came to meet me. and I try to scream but I can’t take a step towards the meeting and I get an electric shock.. I woke up in horror and with tears in my eyes, tell me what this dream could mean


Good afternoon I saw in a dream how I was building a pool and they were digging a hole for the pool in front of me. What is this for, please?


I dreamed that a train fell from a very large bridge and I fell into the water with it. It’s as if I’m trying to swim faster from this place where I fell and I grab something under the water and it starts to shock me... But not my whole hand, but my left hand. And the dream was not black and white and not in color. Sepia colors (like a light marsh color) B in this dream I was struck by how huge the bridge was


I was in the house, it was mine. I turned on the heater, even though I knew the wiring was wrong. It shorted and created an electric arc. Me and one other person stood there and couldn’t move. I kicked back the covering on the floor, grounded myself, was able to grab the mop and pull the wire out of the socket, the arc disappeared.


I dreamed that in some room I walked onto an electric floor, electricity began to pass through my body, and I lay down on the floor from tension, but I understood that the discharge was not fatal. After some time, the electricity stopped passing through my body and I stood up and I walked away from this floor, then I began to watch how other people fell under this electric floor and smoothly fell from the voltage. The floor was clean wooden, perhaps there was also parquet, I don’t remember exactly.


I came to visit a friend and her light began to go out. She also had an elevator that didn’t work well and we were running around the house in fear.


A young man, whom I personally do not know, was inserting a device with a light bulb into the socket. Thus, the light bulb was energized and began to burn brighter. And the light in the room dimmed. Afterwards, this young man began to touch me with this device and it shocked me several times. I thought it was a joke. I very rarely feel pain in my sleep...


I wanted to iron my dress, so I inserted the plug into the socket (and the plug was larger - it didn’t fit). And, as I understood, I was hit with an electric shock and thrown to the side, and I really felt the force of this blow, but it didn’t hurt. Then I really felt like I was losing consciousness, then like “Light at the end of the tunnel” and I came to my senses. But the dream was not interrupted - I did not wake up


as if my sister’s husband wants to make fun of me with my mother, he lowers some wires to the floor, plugs them into a socket at the other end and pours water on the floor, and I don’t remember, I was sitting or standing, but it was as if I was jumping, and there were sparks on the floor current, I threw a rag at my mother’s feet so that she wouldn’t get an electric shock, this lasted for a short time, and then he turned off the current and I suddenly woke up


Hello, my name is Karina, I am 17 years old, and today I had a dream that I was electrocuted, and before that I had a dream that I was in an accident. Why is this all a dream?


I’m sleeping. I fell asleep and suddenly I hear such a sound in my head as if electricity, I didn’t pay attention, I’m still sleeping. It’s like this electricity is in me, I can’t move, I can’t speak, etc. it’s like this electricity has covered me and then suddenly I'm waking up. What could this mean?


I ran away, I don’t remember from whom exactly, in a dream, after which he caught me and brought me to my head with an electric current, after which I ran away and woke up in tears.


the dream began with my friend and I walking down the street, cars were driving, and suddenly cars started crashing into poles, they could just drive as if no one was driving them, there was a big truck there, my friend and I hid behind it. Then everything calmed down, we looked around and went, then at first my friend got an electric shock and then me


I inserted the plug into the socket, it karatated and the wire began to burn. I called my friend. We put out the flames, the socket stopped punishing.


Hello, I work as a conductor. And I had a dream that I was driving past the house on my work bus and I saw how electric trains came to us and cut off our electricity for non-payment. And I see all this, I call my mother and she doesn’t pick up the phone.


I had a dream that it was as if electric discharges were coming from a pillar; at first they were small and blue, but then they turned into huge and fiery discharges


I dreamed that I was on a birch tree, and there were electrical wires above it. The birch tree is broken, as if there is no reason to hold on. I somehow get down from the birch tree and not reaching the ground there is a man standing. I hold on to him and say “Hold me” and climb down to the ground.


I dreamed of two 4 pillars with the left 2 and the right 2 with the left wires, I did it myself, but I couldn’t do it on the right because I couldn’t reach it, a guy came up there, I asked him to help connect the wires, he started doing it, then my dad came up and started doing it too and started I can talk about it, but I don’t remember what, although he’s alive


I dreamed of some old small house, for some reason I examined it from the inside. suddenly I wanted to sit on a chair, when I sat down, I felt pressure inward in the solar plexus area, I sharply opened my eyes and unclenched my fists, and all the electrical appliances in the house began to sparkle.


I dreamed that in reality I was standing next to myself like a soul and watching myself and shocking myself


I dreamed that there was a fence near the entrance, it stood there so that no one would get out, and when my friend touched it, he began to shock her, I could not help her, because... she was behind him.


Hello. please explain. I dreamed that I had a fight and water got into the extension cord. I tried to remove drops of water and disconnected everything from the extension cord.


Hello, here is my dream:

I’m at home, in my room, near the entrance. I think my father passed by, I’m trying to put the kettle on the chair, but nothing works, the kettle stand constantly wants to fall off the chair, (well, the cord is too tight) Finally I manage to do it. but for some reason, one of the sides of the kettle is disconnected (As if it were assembled), I want to fix it, and leaning my index finger against it, I began to get an increasing electric shock, I could barely wake up. What does this mean?


I was in my entrance and was walking up the stairs, at one moment I started to turn off the light, but I turned it off with my mind, at first I thought that I was imagining things, but then I did the same at home, and turned off the alarm on the street


I dreamed that I was in the army and my colleagues tortured me with electric shock. Moreover, my partner was in command of the parade with whom I am working at the moment

Why do you dream of being shocked by electricity? In most cases, seers interpret this as a positive sign that portends dramatic changes, strong positive emotions, and sincere surprise. Although there are exceptions, because a lot depends on additional details that appeared in a dream.

Miller's opinion

Miller interprets the incident this way: think about your actions. Perhaps you are trying to solve a question in an area in which you are not well versed.

In a dream, a current discharge passed through you as a result of a lightning strike. In reality, events do not develop at all as planned. Ultimately, you will find it difficult to control your emotions. But Miller’s dream book recommends keeping yourself in control. Otherwise, you will make a lot of mistakes and damage your mental health.

Did the lights go out after the impact? Then the dream book predicts luck and an interesting life.

Other interpretations

Vanga deciphered in detail what dreams of electric shock mean. Electricity, in this case, reflects the vital energy of the sleeper. Blown fuses indicate increased nervous and emotional stress. The dream book recommends relaxing and putting your inner potential in order.

The electricity went out in a dream at the most inopportune moment - you will regret the missed chance, or the refusal of the offer.

A weak current discharge indicates decreased tone. Strong – recommends paying attention to what you are doing. It is necessary to find a more correct direction for applying energy.

Causes of electric shock

  • Why do you dream of receiving a discharge as a result of a wiring fault? There will be drastic changes in a person's life.
  • If you touch a bare wire in a dream and get a strong blow - in reality, the dream book foreshadows an emotional shake-up associated with current difficulties.
  • Did you consciously reach for the cable? The dream book says that you are deliberately escalating the situation in order to obtain information of interest and answers to questions.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima decipher this plot this way. Seeing a wire devoid of insulation in a dream shows that a person’s cup of patience is about to overflow. If the situation is not mitigated, then a trifle will provoke a huge scandal, which will lead to disruption of plans.

Why do you dream of death when touching a wire? Negative emotions splashing over the edge in a person will cause a contradictory attitude.

Who received the electric shock

The modern dream book explains electric shock this way. If difficulties arise in an area that is foreign to you, do not rush to make a decision; first consult with a professional.

If you are present at the execution of a criminal in the electric chair, the dream book warns of the machinations of enemies and the appearance of unexpected obstacles. If you are the defendant, it is recommended to look at the difficulties from a different angle.

In a dream, a child received a shock - be careful when looking for a way out. Not only your reputation, but also the lives of other people depend on the decision you make.

If a stranger is struck by electricity, the dream book warns that in reality the character will commit an unreasonable act that will affect the interests of the dreamer.

If you died saving someone else from an electric shock, the dream book foretells that strangers will help you in a difficult situation.

Sometimes dreams can be very frightening because in them we experience pain and feel in danger.

And although such dreams do not leave the best impressions, not to mention the mood, they can portend quite good events. If you try to find out, for example, why you dream of an electric shock, you can find a lot of interesting interpretations. The dream book explains a blow as the approach of bright emotions, experiences and the onset of amazing events in life.

If you receive a blow in a dream, try to remember some details: what part of the body was injured, for what reason the blow occurred. Then it will be possible to find out the interpretation most accurately.

High voltage

If you had to feel an electric shock, the meaning of such a vision will depend on the reason for the impact of electricity on you.

  • Old faulty wiring in a dream promises significant changes in the dreamer’s life. The dream book interprets a blow of this kind as a harbinger of global changes in fate - it is even possible that you decide to start life from scratch.
  • Accidentally grabbing a bare wire and receiving a strong blow means experiencing the same powerful emotions in reality. Probably in relation to some events happening now in your life, or people around you.
  • If in a dream you deliberately touch any source of electric current, in real life you are striving to resolve a difficult situation as quickly as possible. But there is no need to rush fate with rash actions, otherwise you will simply reach a dead end.

Life force

According to some dream books, electricity in a dream always represents our inner strength and energy. And when we encounter this phenomenon at night, it is a sign that something is wrong with the internal flows of energy.

Given this approach, there may be two dream options:

  • A very powerful blow - the energy overflows, there is too much of it, and you don’t know how to direct it correctly.
  • A weak discharge indicates your internal exhaustion. It’s better not to take on too many things, but try to bring yourself to your senses.

Physical impact

Pay more attention to dreams in which someone struck you, or you decided to assault you. The subtleties of interpretation will depend on which part of the body came under fire.

  • Head
  • Back


When someone hits you on the head in a dream, this may mean excessive frivolity and freedom in reality. At the moment, your easy attitude to life will not bring anything bad, but it is still better to gradually adjust your views and behavior.

In reality, someone has planned evil against you - another option for why you dream of a blow. This could be a competitor at work or a rival in your personal life. But this person is too afraid of you, because all his plans still remain plans in his head. He can't decide to take a real blow.

An important point for those who suffer from migraines or frequent headaches. Sometimes a blow to the head can symbolize your worries and discomfort regarding an illness. Perhaps the body itself is giving a signal that it’s time to take some time off and start treatment.


An unexpected and sharp stab in the back is a signal that now is the favorable period for the most daring and desperate actions. Confess your love, travel like a savage and don’t be afraid to change your unloved job. Fate itself pushes you in the back towards success.

Why do you dream about being hit in the back and causing you to fall? Usually such a dream is considered a harbinger of an upcoming interesting discovery that you will make. This could be a significant idea in your field that will ultimately bring you significant success and universal respect.

A push in the back can also be a sign that in reality there is strong support from family and friends in your life. And you are absolutely sure of it.


When you are hit in the face in a dream, it means that in real life you will soon need to show perseverance and not be afraid to show your character. You will need to try to do all the work yourself, without relying on the help of others. If you don't do this, you may end up behind everyone else.

Sometimes a blow to the face is interpreted as a subconscious desire to find out the truth about some event happening in your life.

Also, a blow to the face in a dream can symbolize your distrust of the people around you. If you have doubts about someone, it is better to try to confirm or deny their veracity as quickly as possible, since you are very worried about this and seem to be setting yourself up for a blow.

Do not be alarmed if you experienced pain in a dream - you were electrocuted, or someone hit you on the head or back. Such dreams are often quite favorable in nature, despite their specificity. And if you listen to them correctly, you can skillfully direct your actions in the right direction in the future.

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Did you dream of an electric shock, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of an electric shock in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I don’t know why. But my father was guilty of something. My older brother and I and someone else tried to help my father die from electric shock. First in the room, then near the power line. No death happened.

    My older brother and I tried to help my father die from an electric shock. He was guilty of something. First we hooked up wires to him in the room, nothing happened, then we went to the power line, nothing worked there either, he remained alive.

    Good afternoon, I don’t remember my dream with certainty, I didn’t dream that I was walking with my girlfriend, and I took out the phone to call my mother, and either from my girlfriend, or from the phone, I got an electric shock, and my girlfriend too, but after that She feels fine, but my hands are shaking very much, and with trembling hands I call my mother

    I dreamed that after loading the washing machine and starting it, I didn’t lower the drain hose into the bathroom, I went to watch a movie, my two children (1.5 and 6 years old) were playing in their room. While watching, I remember about the drain hose and run to throw it in the bathroom, I see a bathtub full of water and water on the floor (but for some reason the water is clean) I stand on the mat and understand that I am being shocked, I try to get out but I fall, suddenly everything goes out and I wake up with the thought that my eldest daughter does not know how to behave in this situation and I need to teach her. I try to fall asleep and imagine it, but as a result nothing happens.

    I dreamed that some two male characters drove some kind of taser into my hand. The blow was sensitive only in my hand. I screamed, but I felt that some parts of my body were under my control, despite the electric current.

    I’m walking along a high-voltage line, the wires are for some reason very low at the level of a person’s height, I hold the wires with my hands but don’t squeeze them, I’m afraid that I’ll get an electric shock. A year ago I also had a dream almost like this. and someone in a dream told me to stay away from the high-voltage line, and my death would be from an electric shock.

    I’m sitting in my kitchen, on the right side of me there is a bathroom, I see water flowing out of it, and there are some wires next to me, and the water is approaching me, it shocks me, and I fall on my stomach, and I say “Mom, Dad, I love you very much. Goodbye.”
    That's all.
    Then I remember darkness.

    Hello, today in a dream I was holding some small squares with wires in my hands. They had to be held tightly together. If you don't hold it tightly, it gives you an electric shock. My hands were shaking and these squares were falling apart. There were a lot of people in the room, everyone was doing it. This had to be done to recharge with energy.

    I was walking down the street and suddenly a wire fell to the ground and I got an electric shock.. and yesterday I screamed, roll on the ground and started rolling around, and then there was some kind of holiday and I ate a lot of sweets and my friends laughed at me.. and then I went to feed Sveney..

    We went down to some basement, me, my infant son in my arms, my husband and my friend (she conducts concerts) I don’t remember what we went down for, but this friend asked me to fix a light bulb, it was hanging on a wire, my husband took it off, but at the same time the light didn’t go out, I told him to go to the switchboard and turn off the electricity, but he didn’t do that and climbed towards the exposed wires and got an electric shock, I didn’t see how he got hit, I went to the switchboard myself to turn it off, I turned to his scream He groaned in pain for a long time, and I yelled at him: “I told you that you need to turn off the electricity, otherwise you’ll get an electric shock.” And then I woke up.

    Good morning! I write as I remember. I dream of two frozen turtles, I want to put them in the freezer. And then we dream that from a person’s touch we get an electric shock. It is very unpleasant to feel the current on yourself. and then I dream that I fall in love with a man, but he is not my husband.

    Good day!
    I dreamed that my hand accidentally caught on a trolleybus pantograph (wire), and at first I couldn’t unhook it, but I didn’t feel pain, after I managed to throw it away, I fell to the ground. A man I knew ran up to me, helped me up, and asked, looking at me, what is this? Looking around myself, I discovered a bizarre branching pattern, the color of which was similar to the color of a bruise, it looked great, and I felt great, literally like after the 3rd dose of ristretto coffee. I really liked this feeling to be honest.

    I dreamed that I wanted to read the correspondence on my ex-boyfriend’s social network, but I didn’t have time, because I saw that he was coming up and, in confusion, deliberately approached the outlet and shocked me, I fell and the ex-boyfriend ran up to me. In a dream I feel like I died from an electric shock

    I woke up from loud screams and songs. I got up and went to the kitchen, where some strangers and my friend’s grandmother (she had recently died) were sitting and drinking. I was glad to see her. we started talking to her. she told me that I had gained weight. I was interested in her health, but my brother tried in every possible way to interfere with our communication and often came between us. as if he wanted her to pay all her attention to him. then I went to the windowsill to smoke a cigarette. she sat down next to me, took the guitar and began to sing strangely looking at me. I went to the toilet. when I went into the bathroom I saw a lot of water on the floor. for some reason it was dark, but I felt by touch that in front of me something was hanging from the ceiling on many electrical wires (it was some kind of device). suddenly I started getting an electric shock. I tried my best to get out of the bathroom, but it was difficult for me. Already crawling, I still got out of there, but the current continued to beat. With my last breath I walked into the room. (for some reason no one was home anymore). my grandmother was lying on the bed. (she is also already dead) my neck was completely wrapped in wires. I tried to throw them off and screamed for help. but there were a lot of wires. The current beat so strongly that death was already close. I tried to wake up my grandmother, but she wouldn’t wake up. Then I realized that everything was somehow unreal and tried to wake up. awoke….
    Today is Monday 19.00. December 21, 2014
    P.S. I very often began to dream about people who are no longer alive

    I was walking through a cold basement, where water was flowing down the walls, the walls were brown, and a high-voltage wire came off, my parents were walking behind me, I screamed, don’t touch the walls, they are under high voltage, but I accidentally touched them, I was pulled to the wall, I couldn’t to break away from them and say nothing, but a current discharge passed through me, and I twitched... it was very real

    I wanted to check something and connected myself to some strange electrical device that looked like a pipe. I knew I would get a big shock, but I did it anyway. For a couple of seconds, a current passed through my entire body, as if I really felt pain from it. Then I disconnected myself from the device, and I don’t remember what happened next.

    Hello Tatiana! I had a dream that haunts me on the morning of 01/04/15. Having died 2.5 years ago, the father dies from a strong electrical discharge, accompanied by a bright flame. It left me horrified and numb. …..I can’t give a complete transcript of the dream. Help.

    as if the wires had come off the pole and it was winter, I know that water conducts current and everything is wet, but it’s not sterile and I couldn’t get an electric shock, only the wires fell on me, I got out for the first time, I didn’t run much or crawled, I don’t remember exactly, and again I got an electric shock like that I'm an electrician, I've never been hit so hard, everything was like in reality, the snow was white but wet

    I don’t remember the beginning of the dream... I remember from the moment when we were walking at night with a young man I didn’t know, he told me that his boss really liked me and invited me to go talk to him. We seem to be approaching a stop, and it is blocked by electrical wires, we are trying to get around them... when they tried to get around, there was a bare wire on the ground, I tripped over it, I fell, I was shocked so much that I saw a bright blue reflection... a young man tries to pull me away, but he is also hit and thrown away from me. I scream for them to pull me out, try to move my legs, but it doesn’t work, and here I wake up!

    I sat and gave a birthday present, my parents went to the grocery store, although I don’t remember exactly why they went to the store. And that means I sit quietly and cut out letters for the poster and the door opens. I thought it was my parents who came, but no, it wasn’t them, but a man about 40-45 years old, he had black hair (short), he was dressed in blue jeans and a marsh-colored jacket. He started telling me that he had brought some kind of tape recorder that he was borrowing... but before he could finish speaking, I ran into him and started screaming.
    - Get out, go away! - I told him. And he left. I quickly ran to close our front door, I was lucky that there were keys in the door, I immediately began to close the door, when suddenly from the other side he began to pull the door handle, but I managed to close the door. The handle broke off and fell to the floor. I ran to my brother in tears and immediately called my parents. When our parents arrived, they hugged us tightly and said that they would set an alarm in which we needed to indicate the correct movement to enter the house. My parents and I sat down at the table and began to discuss this situation, I described everything to my mother in detail, what and how.

    A street, a crowded place, some crazy company is rowdy. One of the company pulls out something similar, similar to a lantern, which is located in a small fountain, the wires are exposed, he gets an electric shock after a couple of seconds, as he handed this lantern to another from his company, (a girl)... The girl comes up to you and says take it( in the background you can see how the effect has reached the guy, he’s shaking all over), I say no and we try to run away with the guy.

    I was driving in a car with two people I didn’t know. I wanted to drive through the puddle, but it turned out to be deep, so I turned the car sharply and found myself lying in the puddle. in a puddle, pass a bare cable from which I was electrocuted. one of the passengers helped me. removed the cable. but then I got electrocuted again. and he helped again.

    There is a fight between two people against a robot machine and the man, as it were, twisted the electrical wires around himself and, like a magnet, gathered metal around him. When he went to fight with the robot, as a result of the wires breaking, I was electrocuted, I went forward through this blow.

    I dreamed that I was being shocked by an electrical outlet and I couldn’t remove my hand, and as if my voice had disappeared, I couldn’t say a word. I’m trying to yell, Mom, you can see that I’m getting an electric shock, so help me. And she doesn't do anything

    Hello, Tatyana, here is my dream - some kind of vanity, even winter, some kind of incomprehensible bridge, I am with my family next to it. The staircase to the bridge is not ordinary, steep... my youngest child climbed onto the bridge and I want to remove it... and then suddenly there were exposed wires... and I was shocked in the right palm from the outside... it hurts and is not pleasant, but bearable, because at the top is mine there is a child and I need to see him. then I look around and see an ordinary earthen road with pits and depressions and these depressions are all filled with stones. The stones stick out halfway from the ground. I understand that it won’t be difficult for me to go through them, but I stand and think where they came from here... the dream is so muddy and dark... Thank you.

    Good afternoon. While standing in the water, I dropped the socket and was shocked. At that moment I tried to get out of the water, but my movements were very slow, then I woke up. There were no unpleasant sensations, I didn’t shake, as happens with a real electric shock, and I realized that I needed to get out of the water faster, but I did it very slowly.

    Hello! My name is Igor. My brother has a stun gun flashlight on his bike, and that’s actually what I dreamed about. In the dream there was some kind of fight with someone and I took out this flashlight and shocked the guy I was holding onto and I was also shocked. Before I took it out, I checked it, in reality, when it is charged, it cracks very loudly and this crackling is very frequent, but in the dream it crackled somehow sluggishly, but nevertheless it shocked that guy and me... The colors were normal (as for current) blue-white-violet...

    Hello!!! I dreamed that I was holding the door, and my dad wanted to open it from the other side. His handle came off and he fell on something and was electrocuted. I cried a lot in my dream. I saw only one leg, it was black.

    My husband was electrocuted and died, as it seemed to me. I was afraid to approach him, a lot of time passed in my dream, when I decided to call an ambulance, he woke up and cruelly ordered something to be brought and then he shuddered violently and lost consciousness.

    It's like I committed suicide. I ran a bath and threw the hair dryer in it. After that I became a ghost and regretted what I had done. I tried to write to people dear to me that I love them. But it didn’t work, because my hands were transparent. What does this mean?

    I don’t remember exactly the beginning of the dream, but I picked up, it seems, scissors or something similar to them, but connected with electricity, and I began to receive an electric shock. I tried to tear this object away from me, but it didn’t work - I was hit through the hand into which I transferred it. And then it started hitting even harder. I woke up at the moment when I already had one big flash in my head.

    Hello. My name is Dmitry, I'm 23 years old. Last night I had a dream about something strange and a little scary. In my sleep I heard the sound of electricity, so strong. And after a while I begin to understand that electricity is passing through my body, I am shaking in my sleep. I try to open my eyes, and there is complete darkness all around. I’m trying to shout something, but my voice won’t listen. And all this happened as if in reality. What could this dream mean?

    Hello Tatiana! I really hope that you will help me) I dreamed the following; it was like some kind of holiday that is celebrated by the whole city, a large space, a crowd of people, a square, I check the microphones and look at the sky, and it is gray and black clouds appear and disappear on it in the form of some demons, and I say to my friend: "do you see this? look what's happening to the sky! This is the first time I’ve seen this.” Then I continue to check the microphone, but I am not happy with the poor sound, and suddenly it (the microphone) shocks me and I fall into convulsions, and I feel that the inside of my mouth is burned, and I taste blood. I say to my friend: “Man, damn it, look, I was hit, and I’m even bleeding.” And I spit bloody drool. And I feel this current and pain, as if in reality…..and I woke up…………P.S. what does it mean? am I done?

    Hello! I was riding a bicycle at night among the wires through which current is supplied, from one side to the other, I moved here and there and to each other at one fine moment the wires when I moved to the other side received a strong electric shock, I heard an electric sound, saw a bright flash and then fell, I’m lying and I see that I was alive then a man came up to help

    Hello Tatiana! My name is Marina, in a dream I needed to leave the house, I saw the charger plugged into the socket, and when I walked past it it joined me. It didn’t hurt, but I couldn’t walk any longer, I pulled the cord and pulled it out out of the socket and was able to move on.

    I dreamed that we were driving in a car with my ex-boyfriend, and someone was making wires, I asked him not to go, but he went and got an electric shock, but he didn’t die, he was all hunched over and he needed help. Then there was an earthquake and my daughter and I ran down the stairs from the destruction, but there was no destruction.

Such a dream means defeat and various simply shocking news, various circumstances that will greatly tickle your nerves. Electricity often predicts the lightning-fast development of events, fear and fright, as well as the speed with which this or that action will happen or you will receive information.

However, the dream book writes that electric shock can have both a positive and negative interpretation, depending on the general meaning of the dream. It could be news, news, a guess or a blow. This is what dreams of electric shock mean most often.

Lightning guess

In such a dream, the blow is usually not strong, leaving no burns or stains, damage to the skin, or feelings of pain. Moreover, in a dream it happens after touching a book, some thing not related to electricity, and also not painful. Why do you have such a dream? The dream book writes that you can find a sudden solution to some problem or your suspicions and guesses will merge into a single whole.

In psychology, this state is called insight. It can concern anything, any field of activity. For example, a wife may not understand her husband’s behavior and changes in him. The dream book writes that a new fact, an overheard snippet of conversation or something else can point you to an unexpected solution to a problem or a guess. For example, she can find out or understand exactly what he is hiding, whether he is cheating or not.

The same applies to the behavior of loved ones, children or lovers. For example, if a girl in a dream touched his thing or a photograph together and received an electric shock, then the dream book interprets such a dream as a sudden guess. For example, she may find out that he is cheating on her, trying to deceive her, or that he has abandoned her. Moreover, the moment can be chosen so that at this time he will kiss another and she will not know anything about it. However, intuition, a woman’s heart, will correctly tell her what is really happening with her loved one and how the relationship is developing.

For those who are looking for a solution to a problem or are engaged in research or science, the dream book writes that an electric shock can mean insight and a sudden solution to a problem or some activity. For example, you can easily understand the formula, relationships, and even make a scientific discovery.

Therefore, receiving a mild electric shock in a dream means various solutions to the problem. Moreover, sudden and unexpected. In a dream, such a dream predicts that you will quickly and decisively resolve a difficult issue or receive shocking information. At the same time, the dream may indicate that it can radically change your life.

Shocking news

Very often in a dream, a strong and painful electric shock can also predict the receipt of information or news that will simply be shocking. This could be news of betrayal, death or serious illness of a loved one, as well as deception and fear.

The dream book writes that such a dream predicts troubles for you, as well as various news that will simply give you chills and mental pain.

Impact or literal omen

The most important and interesting on the topic: “Seeing an electric shock in a dream” with a full description.

Why do you dream of being shocked by electricity? In most cases, seers interpret this as a positive sign that portends dramatic changes, strong positive emotions, and sincere surprise. Although there are exceptions, because a lot depends on additional details that appeared in a dream.

Miller's opinion

Miller interprets the incident this way: think about your actions. Perhaps you are trying to solve a question in an area in which you are not well versed.

In a dream, a current discharge passed through you as a result of a lightning strike. In reality, events do not develop at all as planned. Ultimately, you will find it difficult to control your emotions. But Miller’s dream book recommends keeping yourself in control. Otherwise, you will make a lot of mistakes and damage your mental health.

Did the lights go out after the impact? Then the dream book predicts luck and an interesting life.

Other interpretations

Vanga deciphered in detail what dreams of electric shock mean. Electricity, in this case, reflects the vital energy of the sleeper. Blown fuses indicate increased nervous and emotional stress. The dream book recommends relaxing and putting your inner potential in order.

The electricity went out in a dream at the most inopportune moment - you will regret the missed chance, or the refusal of the offer.

A weak current discharge indicates decreased tone. Strong – recommends paying attention to what you are doing. It is necessary to find a more correct direction for applying energy.

Causes of electric shock

  • Why do you dream of receiving a discharge as a result of a wiring fault? There will be drastic changes in a person's life.
  • If you touch a bare wire in a dream and get a strong blow - in reality, the dream book foreshadows an emotional shake-up associated with current difficulties.
  • Did you consciously reach for the cable? The dream book says that you are deliberately escalating the situation in order to obtain information of interest and answers to questions.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima decipher this plot this way. Seeing a wire devoid of insulation in a dream shows that a person’s cup of patience is about to overflow. If the situation is not mitigated, then a trifle will provoke a huge scandal, which will lead to disruption of plans.

Why do you dream of death when touching a wire? Negative emotions splashing over the edge in a person will cause a contradictory attitude.

Who received the electric shock

The modern dream book explains electric shock this way. If difficulties arise in an area that is foreign to you, do not rush to make a decision; first consult with a professional.

If you are present at the execution of a criminal in the electric chair, the dream book warns of the machinations of enemies and the appearance of unexpected obstacles. If you are the defendant, it is recommended to look at the difficulties from a different angle.

In a dream, a child received a shock - be careful when looking for a way out. Not only your reputation, but also the lives of other people depend on the decision you make.

If a stranger is struck by electricity, the dream book warns that in reality the character will commit an unreasonable act that will affect the interests of the dreamer.

If you died saving someone else from an electric shock, the dream book foretells that strangers will help you in a difficult situation.

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From early childhood we know that it is necessary to handle electricity carefully and jokes with it can have the most dire consequences. In a dream, an electric shock, according to dream books, does not have a negative interpretation; on the contrary, everything about which such a plot is dreamed foreshadows a sharp change in circumstances, surprise, and strong emotions.

In Denise Lynn's dream book there is a detailed interpretation of what electricity means in dreams. According to the interpreter, the dream identifies the life force of the dreamer. Knocked out fuses indicate that the internal system for regulating life flows is out of order; you need to relax in order to restore your own potential.

A dream about a weak discharge indicates weak energy that needs to be replenished; strong - to the need to direct your energy in the right direction.

If the electricity in the house is turned off at an inopportune moment for the character, it means that you will have to regret a missed chance or an offer that was not previously accepted.

Causes of electrical discharge

To receive an electric shock in a dream due to faulty electrical wiring, according to the dream book, speaks of cardinal changes that will directly affect the life of a sleeping person.

Holding onto a bare wire and encountering a strong discharge indicates that in reality the dreamer will experience powerful emotions related to pressing matters or problems. Deliberately doing this in a dream is a special escalation of the situation in order to find out answers to questions of interest.

Another option for why such a dream occurs is in the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. Seeing a bare wire in a dream indicates to the interpreter that the dreamer’s patience is at its limit, and, if it bursts, it can cause a huge quarrel or even a scandal, which will lead to the collapse of plans and ideas. To die from contact with wiring - seething negative emotions will cause conflicting feelings in the dreamer himself.

Who was struck by electricity?

If you happen to see someone being executed in the electric chair, get ready to resist the machinations of ill-wishers and cope with difficult obstacles. To die on this instrument of execution is the need to look at the existing problem from a completely opposite perspective.

A modern combined dream book describes why you dream of receiving an electric shock. A dreamed vision warns that you should not take decisive action in areas in which you are not a professional.

To see a child being struck by electricity in a dream - all your actions must be weighed and thought out, since not only the future biography, but also the fates of other people depend on them.

I dreamed that an electric shock fell on another person, which is interpreted by dream books as a warning about a rash act of a character that will affect the interests of the sleeping person himself. I happened to die in a dream to save someone from an electric shock - to receive unexpected help from a stranger.

Sometimes dreams can be very frightening because in them we experience pain and feel in danger.

And although such dreams do not leave the best impressions, not to mention the mood, they can portend quite good events. If you try to find out, for example, why you dream of an electric shock, you can find a lot of interesting interpretations. The dream book explains a blow as the approach of bright emotions, experiences and the onset of amazing events in life.

If you receive a blow in a dream, try to remember some details: what part of the body was injured, for what reason the blow occurred. Then it will be possible to find out the interpretation most accurately.

High voltage

If you had to feel an electric shock, the meaning of such a vision will depend on the reason for the impact of electricity on you.

  • Old faulty wiring in a dream promises significant changes in the dreamer’s life. The dream book interprets a blow of this kind as a harbinger of global changes in fate - it is even possible that you decide to start life from scratch.
  • Accidentally grabbing a bare wire and receiving a strong blow means experiencing the same powerful emotions in reality. Probably in relation to some events happening now in your life, or people around you.
  • If in a dream you deliberately touch any source of electric current, in real life you are striving to resolve a difficult situation as quickly as possible. But there is no need to rush fate with rash actions, otherwise you will simply reach a dead end.

Life force

According to some dream books, electricity in a dream always represents our inner strength and energy. And when we encounter this phenomenon at night, it is a sign that something is wrong with the internal flows of energy.

Given this approach, there may be two dream options:

  • A very powerful blow - the energy overflows, there is too much of it, and you don’t know how to direct it correctly.
  • A weak discharge indicates your internal exhaustion. It’s better not to take on too many things, but try to bring yourself to your senses.

Physical impact

Pay more attention to dreams in which someone struck you, or you decided to assault you. The subtleties of interpretation will depend on which part of the body came under fire.

  • Head
  • Back


When someone hits you on the head in a dream, this may mean excessive frivolity and freedom in reality. At the moment, your easy attitude to life will not bring anything bad, but it is still better to gradually adjust your views and behavior.

In reality, someone has planned evil against you - another option for why you dream of a blow. This could be a competitor at work or a rival in your personal life. But this person is too afraid of you, because all his plans still remain plans in his head. He can't decide to take a real blow.

An important point for those who suffer from migraines or frequent headaches. Sometimes a blow to the head can symbolize your worries and discomfort regarding an illness. Perhaps the body itself is giving a signal that it’s time to take some time off and start treatment.


An unexpected and sharp stab in the back is a signal that now is the favorable period for the most daring and desperate actions. Confess your love, travel like a savage and don’t be afraid to change your unloved job. Fate itself pushes you in the back towards success.

Why do you dream about being hit in the back and causing you to fall? Usually such a dream is considered a harbinger of an upcoming interesting discovery that you will make. This could be a significant idea in your field that will ultimately bring you significant success and universal respect.

A push in the back can also be a sign that in reality there is strong support from family and friends in your life. And you are absolutely sure of it.


When you are hit in the face in a dream, it means that in real life you will soon need to show perseverance and not be afraid to show your character. You will need to try to do all the work yourself, without relying on the help of others. If you don't do this, you may end up behind everyone else.

Sometimes a blow to the face is interpreted as a subconscious desire to find out the truth about some event happening in your life.

Also, a blow to the face in a dream can symbolize your distrust of the people around you. If you have doubts about someone, it is better to try to confirm or deny their veracity as quickly as possible, since you are very worried about this and seem to be setting yourself up for a blow.

Do not be alarmed if you experienced pain in a dream - you were electrocuted, or someone hit you on the head or back. Such dreams are often quite favorable in nature, despite their specificity. And if you listen to them correctly, you can skillfully direct your actions in the right direction in the future.

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Such a dream means defeat and various simply shocking news, various circumstances that will greatly tickle your nerves. Electricity often predicts the lightning-fast development of events, fear and fright, as well as the speed with which this or that action will happen or you will receive information.

However, the dream book writes that electric shock can have both a positive and negative interpretation, depending on the general meaning of the dream. It could be news, news, a guess or a blow. This is what dreams of electric shock mean most often.

Lightning guess

In such a dream, the blow is usually not strong, leaving no burns or stains, damage to the skin, or feelings of pain. Moreover, in a dream it happens after touching a book, some thing not related to electricity, and also not painful. Why do you have such a dream? The dream book writes that you can find a sudden solution to some problem or your suspicions and guesses will merge into a single whole.

In psychology, this state is called insight. It can concern anything, any field of activity. For example, a wife may not understand her husband’s behavior and changes in him. The dream book writes that a new fact, an overheard snippet of conversation or something else can point you to an unexpected solution to a problem or a guess. For example, she can find out or understand exactly what he is hiding, whether he is cheating or not.

The same applies to the behavior of loved ones, children or lovers. For example, if a girl in a dream touched his thing or a photograph together and received an electric shock, then the dream book interprets such a dream as a sudden guess. For example, she may find out that he is cheating on her, trying to deceive her, or that he has abandoned her. Moreover, the moment can be chosen so that at this time he will kiss another and she will not know anything about it. However, intuition, a woman’s heart, will correctly tell her what is really happening with her loved one and how the relationship is developing.

For those who are looking for a solution to a problem or are engaged in research or science, the dream book writes that an electric shock can mean insight and a sudden solution to a problem or some activity. For example, you can easily understand the formula, relationships, and even make a scientific discovery.

Therefore, receiving a mild electric shock in a dream means various solutions to the problem. Moreover, sudden and unexpected. In a dream, such a dream predicts that you will quickly and decisively resolve a difficult issue or receive shocking information. At the same time, the dream may indicate that it can radically change your life.

Shocking news

Very often in a dream, a strong and painful electric shock can also predict the receipt of information or news that will simply be shocking. This could be news of betrayal, death or serious illness of a loved one, as well as deception and fear.

The dream book writes that such a dream predicts troubles for you, as well as various news that will simply give you chills and mental pain.

Impact or literal omen

Very often, in a familiar environment, you dream of getting an electric shock, which in reality, as you dream, will come true. Often such a dream predicts that you may get injured and in trouble.

Therefore, try to be careful while cleaning so as not to actually get an electrical burn. An indicator of a prophetic dream in this case is that it comes true quickly and the situation is the same as in reality.

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