Node for speech development topic winter. Summary of nodes for speech development "winter-winter". Game "Winter Signs"

Lesson summary for the senior group on speech development “Winter”

Correctional educational goals: To clarify and expand the understanding of winter and its signs. Ideate
Clarify and activate vocabulary on the topic, learn to answer questions, make sentences, select words with the same root.
Improve the grammatical structure of speech, learn to form high-quality adjectives, plural nouns, and improve the skills of syllabic analysis of words.
Corrective and developmental goals:
Development of visual attention and perception, speech hearing and phonemic perception, memory, fine and gross motor skills, breathing and correct speech exhalation, coordination [Download the file to view the link] with movement.
Correctional and educational goals:
Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility, nurturing a love of nature.
Equipment: typesetting canvas, pictures depicting winter, winter months, sports equipment, ball; cups with foam crumbs and straws for cocktails, notebooks, colored pencils, plastic bottle caps, two pieces for each child.
1. Organizational moment
[Download the file to see the link] meets the children and invites everyone to take one subject picture.
- Look at the pictures and name them.
(Snowflake, snowman, Snow Maiden, snowball)
2. Introduction to the topic
- Right. Sit down and think about what word the words snowball, snowflake, snowman, Snow Maiden are derived from.
- Think and name a few more words that are derived from the word snow.
The speech therapist removes the object pictures and, if the children find it difficult to complete the task, provides them with help.
- What are the names of the flowers that appear first from under the snow?
- What kind of woman was made from snow?
- When it snows heavily, it falls, what do we call it?
- What time of year is it?
- Who guessed what we will talk about in class?
3. Looking at the painting “In the Winter Park”
The speech therapist places a picture on the typesetting canvas.
- What time of year is shown in the picture? Why do you think so?
- Right. Tell us about the land. How does she look?
- What can you say about the snow lying on the ground? What is he like? Start your answer with the word snow.
- Describe the sky. What is it like?
- What kind of trees?
- what else is in the picture?
- What are the children doing?
- How are they dressed? Why?
- Do you think children like to walk in the winter park?
The speech therapist asks children to answer questions in complete sentences.
- You told everything well. I have prepared the following task for you.
4. Exercise “Snowman” (writing sentences)
The speech therapist removes the painting.
- Tell me, who did the children blind during a walk in the park?
- Let's all say it clearly and clap this word together.
- Now say this word in turn, clapping it.
Children complete the task one by one, naming how many syllables there are in this word.
- Try to come up with a sentence with the word snowman.
5. Work in notebooks
- Open your notebooks. Look at the page where items for winter entertainment are drawn. What do you see?
Skis, snowman, sled.
- Listen to a riddle about one of these objects pictured on this page.
Two new maples
The soles are two meters long.
Put two feet on them -
And run through the big snow.
- What is this? Why did you decide so? Explain.
- Trace the outline of the skis and color them with any colored pencil.
After completing the task, the speech therapist collects the notebooks.
6. Game "Snowman"
- Let's go play.
Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy, They walk in a circle, pretending to roll
Roll your snowball in the snow. there is a snowball in front of you.
It will turn into a snowball, “Draw” a large circle with your hands.
And the lump will become a snowman. They “draw” a snowman from three lumps.
His smile is so bright! They smile widely.
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom. The eyes show. Cover your head
With your palm, touch your nose.
But the sun will burn slightly - Slowly they squat.
Alas! - and there is no snowman. They throw up their hands and shrug their shoulders.
7. Game “Which word is the odd one out?”
- I will name the words. They are similar, but one word is different from the others. Be careful.
Skating rink, shawl, skating rink, skating rink.
Skis, skier, cobblestone, skier, ski track.
Snowball, snowflake, gentle, snowman.
8. Exercise “Blizzard”
- Stand near the chairs. I give each of you cups with small grains of snowflakes. The snow there is magical and doesn’t melt.
- listen to the riddle.
Who howled in the chimney?
Who opened the gate?
Who's howling and howling there?
Does it cover all the paths?
Who throws snow in your face
Sweeping onto the porch?
- Do you want to make a blizzard? Stand up straight, bring the glass to your mouth with your left hand, and hold the straw with your right. Take a deep breath, and then blow into the glass for a long time without puffing out your cheeks. Like this.
The speech therapist shows how to perform the exercise correctly.
Children perform the exercise 3-4 times.
9. Exercise “Finish the sentence”
- Let's play a game. I will say the beginning of the sentence, and you will add the word snowman.
We decided to make (a snowman).
We attached a carrot nose to our (snowman).
We showed our (snowman) to our neighbors.
We played with our (snowman).
We told grandma about (the snowman).
10. Finger exercise “Skiers”
- You all answered correctly, and now I will turn you all into skiers. Who are skiers?
- Each of you has two plugs - these are skis. The index and middle fingers of the right hand fit into the traffic jams “like feet.” We move our fingers “like skiing, taking one step for each syllable:
We're going skiing
We're rushing down the mountain
We love fun
Cold season!
11. Exercise “One many” (with a ball)
- You turned out to be excellent skiers. Practice this exercise at home.
- Now let’s play the ball game “One – Many”
Icicle snowball ice
footprint snowflake snowman
snowdrift frost blizzard
12. Lesson summary
- Remember what we talked about in class?
- What did we do in class?
- What did you like?
Assessment of children.


Correctional and educational:

  • Strengthen children's knowledge about winter.
  • Learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.
  • Learn to choose words - signs.
  • Learn to coordinate numerals 1-5 with nouns.
  • Learn to form related words to the word “snow”.
  • Strengthen the ability to use the prepositions “on”, “under”.
  • Learn to write a story about winter using mnemonic tables.

Corrective and developmental:

  • Develop thinking, memory, coherent speech.
  • Develop gross motor skills and fine motor skills of the fingers.
  • Develop speech breathing.

Correctional and educational:

  • To instill in children a love for nature and respect for it.
  • Develop skills of independence, responsibility, initiative,

Equipment: subject pictures depicting winter, cut-out pictures, paper snowflakes on strings, a toy snowman, mnemonic table “Winter”.

GCD move

1. Organizational moment.

- Answer me, what kind of snow? (Fluffy, white, shiny, heavy, cold). Wind? (Cold, northern, strong.) Frost? (Strong, strong.) Ice? (Thin, thick, cold, slippery, transparent, fragile.) What's the weather like? (Frosty, sunny, winter, snowy.)

2. D/i “Collect a picture.”

Each child is given a picture cut into 6 parts. Children must collect a cut picture and come up with a sentence based on it.

3. Exercise “Snowflakes”

– What a great fellow you are, you know how to choose words – signs. Well, while we were having a conversation, it started snowing outside, and real snowflakes flew to us. Let's blow on the snowflakes and let them spin.

(The speech therapist gives each child a snowflake on a string)

- Slowly take in air through your nose, stretch out your lips with a tube and blow on the snowflakes, do not puff out your cheeks.

Repeat the breathing exercise 3-5 times.

4. D/i “Funny counting from one to five”

- Let's, guys, count how many snowflakes we have.

- Now count to five snowdrifts, icicles, blizzards, snowmen, bullfinches, blizzards.

5. D/i “Call me affectionately”

- Our snowflakes have flown away, and I invite you to play the game “Name it kindly.”

Snowflake - snowflake

Icicle –

Snowdrift -

Tree -

Snow Maiden -

6. Game “Where is the snowflake?”

- Guys, let's play a game with you. You will say where the snowflake lies.

A snowflake lies on the table.

A snowflake lies under...

I took a snowflake from under...

A snowflake lies near...

A snowflake lies in front of...

The snowflake lies behind...

I take out a snowflake because...

The snowflake lies in...

I take out a snowflake from...

7. Physical exercise

Today from a snowy wet ball (Walk in a circle)

We made a snow woman near the house. (Roll an imaginary ball)

Our woman is standing at the very gate, (“Draw” three circles of different sizes, starting with the small one)

No one will pass, no one will pass. (They shake their index finger)

She is already familiar to all the children, (Walk in a circle)

And Zhuchka keeps barking: “There’s a stranger in the yard!” (Stop)

8. D/i “Say a word”

— Guys, we are now going to play the game “Say the Word.”

After autumn came...

Winter sky...

It often goes...

The street is very...

Children sculpt...

The guys ride on...

In winter the sun shines, but not...

In winter they sit on branches...

In winter, on rivers and lakes, thick...

9. Compiling the story “Winter” using a mnemonic table

“Winter has come to us. She covered the entire earth with a snow-white blanket. It's crunchy snow. A strong cold wind is blowing. Severe frosts are cracking. Winter did not come empty-handed. She brought us gifts. These are blizzards, snowdrifts, snowfalls, ice. Many people need these gifts in order to ski, skate, and sled. In winter we can sculpt a snow woman, build a snow fortress, and play snowballs. I really love winter."

10. Summary

- Guys, let's remind our guest, Snowman, what we talked about today. What did you like and remember most?

BDOU "Pologrudovsky kindergarten"

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group on the theme “Winter-winter”

Prepared by:

teacher of 1st qualification category

Kuzmina Daria Alexandrovna


GCD theme: “Winter-winter”.

Integration of educational areas: speech, cognitive, social-communicative and physical development.

Target – generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about winter.


- educational: learn to answer questions, learn to select related (same-root) words, learn to retell a text using the modeling method;

- developing: develop word formation skills, activate children’s vocabulary;

- educational: to cultivate in children an interest in seasonal changes in nature, to instill a love of the poetic word.

Methods and techniques: a letter from Winter, a conversation about winter, riddles about winter, physical exercise, games “Pass the snowball”,"Say a word", story based on mnemonic table"Winter" , surprise moment, reflection.

Dictionary: snowy, frosty, cold, icy, bullfinches, snowfall, snowball.

Equipment : chest with tasks; computer; snowball.

Preliminary work : talking about winter, looking at paintings and illustrations, reading poems and proverbs, observing the weather on walks

GCD move I . Organizing time.
All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands and smile at each other. Guys, now sit down all nicely and show me that you are ready for class.
Eyes look at me, ears listen to me. II . Motivation.
This morning, when I was going to work in a kindergarten, I met a woman, she was dressed in a white fur coat, a hat, and in her hands she did not have a magic wand and a chest. Who do you think this woman was? (answer -
winter )
- I think so too! (slide No. 1 - Sorceress Winter).
The long-awaited winter came to us and gave us its gift -
chest - here he is!
Chick, chuck, chuck, chock - open, little chest!
Let's do it together! (the teacher looks into the chest).
Guys, there are so many questions, riddles, gifts, surprises here. If we're on

If we answer them, we will receive a surprise that the sorceress Winter has prepared for us.

III . Goal setting.

Do you want to get a surprise? (Children's answers). What do you need to get it? (Children's answers).

IV . Content-based, activity stage. 1. Reinforce the signs of winter.

Vanya, please tell me what time of year it is now?
It's winter outside. What are the winter months called?

The days have become shorter The sun shines little. Here come the frosts - And winter has come!
Winter walks across the earth and wants to know - do you know its signs?
Now we’ll play with you - I’ll make a snowball out of snow and give it to you, and you take it and answer.

Game "Pass the Snowball" What is our winter like? ( snowy, cold, frosty );
what happens in winter? ( blizzard wind, river frozen );
what can we say about snow? What is he like? ( fluffy, soft, covered the whole earth )
Well done, you described winter well!
2. Development of coherent speech.

Teacher's story "Winter Guest"

"Winter has come. She covered the ground with a white blanket. Snowing. The wind blows. The frost is crackling. Winter did not come empty-handed. She brought gifts: snowfalls, snowdrifts, blizzards, ice. People need these gifts in order to ski, skate, and sled. You can also make a snowman, build a fortress, and play snowballs. We love winter very much."

Primary perception of what the teacher tells:

Who came to visit us?

What time of year was it before?

What did winter cover the earth with?

What gifts did winter bring?

Why do people need these gifts?

What are winter fun?

3. Physical education minute "In winter." Improvisation of movements.

In winter we play in the snow, we play, we play. We walk through the snowdrifts, we walk, we walk. And on skis we run, we run, we run. We fly on ice skates, we fly, we fly. And we sculpt the Snow Maiden, we sculpt, we sculpt. We love the winter guest, we love, we love.

4. Compiling a story about winter using a mnemonic table:

I will read the story again, and you get ready for the retelling. To remember the story, you can look at the clue pictures. Listen carefully and tell me who spoke especially interestingly and expressively about the winter guest. (Told by 2-3 people)

While we were telling you about our guest winter, so many snowflakes fell into the chest that it turned out to be a whole snowdrift. But these snowflakes are not simple, but “mystery snowflakes”.

5. "Snowball is a mystery" solving riddles:

Even though she herself is snow and ice,
And when he leaves, he sheds tears. (Winter)

Made from fine sheep wool.
How to walk - so to wear,
So that five and five do not freeze. (mittens)

What a ridiculous person
Made his way to us
In the twentieth century?
Carrot nose
Broom in hand
Afraid of the sun
And warmth? (Snowman)

It flies in a white flock and sparkles in flight. It melts like a cool star in the palm of your hand and in your mouth. (Snow.)

They are tossed around, rolled around,
And they drag it through the winter. (Felt boots)

We are nimble sisters, masters of running fast, We lie down in the rain, we run in the snow, that’s our routine. (Skis.)

fall from the sky in winter
And they circle above the ground
Light fluffs,
White... (Snowflakes)

White grandfather, nothing whiter.
Old, hunchbacked,
Lies near the hut.
Lies all winter
- Nobody will pick it up.
Spring will come
- He will leave on his own. (Snowdrift)

What kind of daring janitor shoveled snow on the pavement? Not with a shovel, not with a broom, but with an iron hand. (Snowplow.)

I'm snowy, I'm white,
The guys made me
During the day they are always with me,
In the evening they go home.
Well, at night under the moon
I'm very sad alone. (Snow woman)

I spin, I growl,
I don't want to know anyone. (Blizzard)

Winter forgot to finish writing the poem, let's help her and tell her the right words.
6. Game “Say the Word”: Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground ……………………………………… snow! Silvery fluffs keep sliding from the sky …………………………. snowflakes! In the village, on the meadow, everything is going down ……………………………………………….. snowball! Here's some fun for the guys - getting stronger …………………………………………… snowfall! Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play …………………………………….. snowballs! Dressed up like a white down jacket …………………………………………. snowman! Nearby is a snow figure, it’s a girl ……………………………………. Snow Maiden! In the snow, look, with a red breast …………………………………… bullfinches! As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, he decorated the whole earth ………………………………… snow!
What words did you add? (
snow, snowflakes, snowball, snowman …)
What word do they all resemble? (
for the word "snow" )
V. Reflection.

Remember guys, what we talked about?

What did we do?

What did you like?

Kira Kosyanenko
Summary of educational activities for speech development “Winter”

Target: Expanding vocabulary and consolidating knowledge about the seasons - winter for preschoolers; to develop children’s ability to name the signs of winter.


1. Expand and concretize children’s ideas about winter, phenomena of living and inanimate nature; clarify and activate vocabulary on the topic (snow, frost, go, blow, fall, white, cold, cold).

2. Improve lexical and grammatical structure speeches, develop the ability to form high-quality adjectives, develop speech hearing, visual attention and perception, consolidation of the ability to compose a story using mnemonic tables, develop general and fine motor skills of fingers, coordination speech and movement.

3. To cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings in communication with nature, a positive attitude towards participation in GCD. Cultivate respect for each other and mutual assistance.

Equipment and materials: ICT, chest, snowflakes, flannelgraph, mnemonic tables, didactic game.

Preliminary work: conversation about winter, looking at paintings and illustrations, reading poems and proverbs, watching snow, looking at snowflakes, playing with snow, experiments, reading stories "First snow" E. Trutneva, "It is snowing" M. Poznanskaya, reading and memorizing poems about winter, winter natural phenomena.

Progress of the lesson

IN: Guys, guests have arrived today, let’s greet them.

Today we will go on a trip to the winter forest

Eyes look at me, ears listen to me.

IN: This morning, when I was going to work in a kindergarten, I met a woman, she was dressed in a white fur coat, a hat, and in her hands she had a magic wand and a chest. Who do you think this woman was?

D: Winter

IN: I think so too! It was winter.

Using ICT, there is a picture of a winter forest on the blackboard. We are walking through the winter forest. There is a chest on a stump under the tree.

IN: Guys, here is Winter’s chest and something is written on it. Shall we read it?

D: Yes!

IN: “For kindergarten children "Teremok". Let's open the chest and find out what's in there.

IN: And to open it you need to say magic words.

Chick, chuck, chuck, chock - open, little chest!

Does not open.

Let's do it together!

D: Chick, chuck, chuck, chock - open, little chest!

IN: Guys, there are so many snowflakes here, and on each snowflake there is a task that you and I must answer.

IN: Snowflake No. 1. Guys, please tell me what time of year it is now?

D: Winter.

IN: How did you guess?

D: It became cold outside, frosty, snowing, the trees are bare, the sun is not warm, people dress warmly, there is a snowstorm, the river is frozen

IN: What can you say about snow? What is he like?

D: White, light, fluffy, cold.

IN: What winter fun do you know?

D: downhill skiing, skiing, ice skating, building a snow fortress, you can build a snowman, snowball fights.

Reinforce the signs of winter. Reading poems:

The days have become shorter

The sun shines little.

Here come the frosts -

AND winter has come!

IN: Well done, you described winter well!

IN: White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down...

(I look into the chest)

While we were talking about winter, so many snowflakes flew into the chest that it turned out to be a whole snowdrift!

IN: Snowflake No. 2. Winter I forgot to finish writing the poem, let’s help her and suggest the right words.

A game "say the word":

Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground (snow)

Silvery fluffs keep sliding from the sky (snowflakes)

In the village, on the meadow, everything is going down (snowball)

Here's some fun for the guys - getting stronger (snowfall)

Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play (snowballs)

Dressed up like a white down jacket (snowman)

Nearby is a snow figure, it’s a girl (snow maiden)

In the snow, look, with a red breast (bullfinches)

As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, he decorated the whole earth (snow)

IN: What words did you add?

D: Snow, snowflakes, snowball, snowman, snow maiden

IN: What root word do they all resemble?

D: On word "snow"

Physical exercise.


We are making a snowman

From fluffy snow.

That's what the first com is like!

That's how big he is.

The second one is a little smaller,

The third is the head,

The hat will come from a bucket,

Nose is a carrot

And the eyes are two cheerful lights.

That's how funny he is;

He laughs from ear to ear

He makes the kids happy.

IN: Snowflake No. 3. Working with a mnemonic table « Winter»

A mnemonic table is attached to the easel « Winter» . (Annex 1). Children must write a story about winter.

IN: Snowflake No. 4. We have another snowflake with a task.

Finger gymnastics.

We came to the yard for a walk.

One two three four five

(Bend your fingers one at a time)

We came to the yard for a walk.

("Let's go" on the table with your index and middle fingers)

They sculpted a snow woman,

("We're sculpting" lump with two palms)

The birds were fed crumbs,

(Crushing movements with all fingers)

Then we rode down the hill,

(Run the index finger of your right hand over the palm of your left hand)

And they were also lying in the snow.

(Put your palms on the table, first one side, then the other)

And we threw snowballs

(imitate movements according to the text)

Everyone came home covered in snow.

(Shake off our palms)

We ate soup and went to bed.

(Moves with an imaginary spoon, hands under cheeks)

IN: Snowflake No. 5. And in the chest is the next task. Guys, these pictures fell apart. (I pour out parts of the cut pictures onto the table). Let's collect them! (Children are divided into subgroups).

Di: "Collect a picture".

The game is played at tables, standing. Each child has his own picture, not similar to each other. Children post their picture. Whoever copes first helps the other.

IN: Snowflake No. 6. Guys, I still have snowflakes in my chest. Let's make one big snowflake out of these snowflakes.

Children lay out a snowflake.

The snowflake turned out great! Well done!


IN: Guys, now let's remember the signs of winter? (It’s cold, frosty outside, it’s snowing, the trees are bare, the sun is not warm, people dress warmly, there’s a snowstorm, the river is frozen)

What winter fun do you know? (downhill skiing, skiing, ice skating, building snow forts, snowmen, snowball fights).

What cognate words did we learn? (snow, snowflakes, snowball, snowman, snow maiden).

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the junior group “Winter” State budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Moscow, kindergarten for supervision and health care No. 754 "Sun" Date:.

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Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group “Hello, winter-winter!” Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group “Hello, winter-winter!” Ermishina Tatyana. Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group of the preschool educational institution “Zimushka-Zima” Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to compose short descriptive stories based on a picture and use a given plan. Tasks: 1) continue.

The goal is to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about winter, teach them to answer questions, develop word formation skills, and instill a love for.

Goal: Development of coherent speech in preschool children. Objectives: Develop clear pronunciation of words, expand vocabulary, continue.

Summary of a lesson on speech development with games in the junior group “Winter” Summary of a lesson on speech development with games in the younger group. “Winter” Teacher Kelekhsaeva Maguli Davidovna 2015 Tasks. Educational. Learn.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Winter, winter!” Speech development lesson “Winter, winter!”

Summary of the lesson on speech development “Winter-winter” senior group) MADOU kindergarten "Rainbow" Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group

Target: speech development.
Tasks. Summarize and systematize knowledge about winter, its signs and phenomena. Foster activity, independence, and respect for nature. Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, logically complete sentences, explaining the cause of events. Activate the words snow, snowy, Snow Maiden, snowman, snowflake, winter-winter. Practice writing a simple complete sentence. Develop coherent speech, communication skills, speech hearing, memory, thinking.

Progress of the lesson.
Educator: I invite the children to listen to the story.
“The sun came out into the sky, snowflakes sparkled in its rays. The children ran out to sled and play in the snow. And what fun it was that the frost was not frost!”

Questions for children.
What time of year is this story about?
By what words did you guess that we are talking about winter?
After what does winter come?
What winter months do you know?
And now I invite you to play in the winter months (on the tables there are images of houses and masked faces symbolizing different emotional states: cheerful, dreamy, sad).
These houses are lived in during the winter months. Each month has its own mood.
What is the first month of winter?
What saying do you know about December?
Children. In December, in December all the trees are silver.
Educator: People call December a fun month. Why?
Children. Because it started snowing, we are making a snowman, building slides, snow forts, and everyone is happy.
Educator: What is the next month of winter?
What saying do you know about January?
Children. We open the calendar, January begins.
Educator: This month is a dreamer month, since the new year has come, everyone makes wishes, and of course they dream that they will come true.
What is the last month of winter?
What saying do you know about February?
Children. The winds blow in February and the chimneys howl loudly. Light drifting snow rushes along the ground like a snake.
Educator: People call February a sad month. Why?
Children. In February, cold winds blow, blizzards howl, we are all cold and uncomfortable.
Educator: Now children, think about which of you would like to visit which month. (children choose a month and are divided into subgroups
and justify their choice).
Educator: Tell the children what winter smells like (frost)
How to call a day in winter in one word (winter)
What do we affectionately call winter so that it doesn’t freeze us? (winter, beauty, sorceress)

Educator: And now children, I’ll tell you an interesting story.
In the morning I went to kindergarten,
I met forest animals,
They handed me an envelope
It contains a task for the guys.

(open the envelope and find the silhouette of a snowman)

Educator: I will say the beginning of the sentence, and you will finish the sentence by adding the word snowman.
We decided to make a (snowman).
We attached a carrot nose to our (snowman).
We showed our friends our (snowman).
We played with our (snowman).
We told grandma about the (snowman).
Educator: The word "snowman" has relatives, let's remember and name these words.
Children. Snow, Snow Maiden, Bullfinch, Snowflake.
Educator: Now try to make sentences with each of these words (children make sentences).

Educator: Tell us what the weather is like in winter when it snows (snowy, beautiful)
When there is severe frost (frosty, cold, sunny, bright)
When there is a blizzard (blizzard, cloudy)
What does a blizzard do in winter?
What do snowflakes do from a snow cloud (fall, fly, spin)
Rain will turn winter into (snow)
What will water become in winter?
On the street everyone was falling and sliding because...
Birds moved closer to human habitation in winter because...

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Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs)
Representatives of the intelligentsia became the social base on which at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Radical political parties were formed: Social Democrats and Socialist Revolutionaries. They took shape earlier than the liberal opposition parties, as they recognized the possibility
Who are the 50 foremen?  Who are Pentecostals?  About the thousand-year kingdom-chiliasm
Pentecostals are a unique religious movement, a sect that combines mystical religious practices and a completely realistic, pragmatic approach to life. Perhaps that is why they are considered the most controversial and scandalous religious fraternity