Prayer for the birth of a child to the holy matron. Strong prayers for the conception of a child to the Lord, the Mother of God and the saints. What saints are conducive to conception

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A child is a gift from Above, a Heavenly miracle given by the Lord God. With the appearance of the baby in the house, everything around begins to spin at an incredible speed: breastfeeding, the first trip to kindergarten, school, etc. Therefore, every married couple dreams of children. However, not everyone succeeds in getting pregnant from the first attempts.

Some are forced to undergo constant examinations, procedures and take medications, but there is no sense in this. For some reason, pregnancy is not available to all women, we will not say. But we will try to help with this problem. Prayer to get pregnant is one of the most effective ways to stimulate pregnancy.

The problem of the inability to conceive a child

The problem of infertility existed several centuries ago. And, despite the fact that nowadays there are more and more childless families, they knew about infertility in ancient times. But if today this problem can be dealt with with the help of medicine (IVF, stimulation, etc.), then they did not even think about such procedures. To get pregnant, some used a conspiracy, others - folk remedies and still others preferred to pray to the Saints, asking them for God's blessing for the early conception of a baby. For centuries, prayer to get pregnant has been popular among those couples who want to become happy parents as quickly as possible. It has been spoken by millions of women at completely different times, and has helped many to achieve their desired goal.

There were also prayer appeals for the birth of a healthy baby. Those parents who were already able to get pregnant resorted to their help. But first things first.

Prayer will help a woman to become pregnant in the near future, if you adhere to the rules for carrying out acts of this kind, which we will now talk about.

Praying Right

Praying mentally or in a whisper - everyone decides for himself. And if you came across reviews where people recommend saying prayers out loud, then this is all fiction. A person can turn to the Almighty as he wants, at least aloud, at least mentally. If you choose the right words, then the Almighty will hear you, even if you just mentally ask him for help. And yet, in order for prayer to help you get pregnant quickly, you must adhere to the following tips:

  1. Before asking God for help, both parents-to-be should confess in the temple and receive communion. With a refined soul, your prayers will be heard much faster.
  2. When saying a prayer in order to get pregnant, it doesn't matter at all whether it is Muslim (Islam) or Orthodox, you should turn to the Lord not only on your own behalf, but also on behalf of the man from whom you want to get pregnant. It is good if your spouse wants to pray with you himself.
  3. When turning to the Saints with prayer requests to speed up the process of conceiving a fetus, you need to find out as much information about them as possible so that it does not turn out that you are asking to become pregnant from the face of the Saint to whom people pray for repentance or the repose of the soul of the deceased. Therefore, it is very important to know who to pray to in order to get pregnant.
  4. Sincere intentions can help you become happy parents faster. If you want to become parents by dryly reading a set of phrases, then, unfortunately, you will not achieve the desired goal. Only sincere faith and the power of the Lord will help you find the happiness you ask for.
  5. You need to read the prayer consciously. Only sincerely believing people receive what they ask for from the Almighty. And that you are going to turn to God for help, it is better not to tell anyone. Just believe what you ask of the Almighty. Your faith will be enough for the Lord to hear your prayers. And from evil tongues and thoughts it will only get worse.
  6. Do not seek help from all the Saints with supplication in a negative mood. So, the prayer should be read only when a person can fully open up to the Almighty, getting rid of angry thoughts, resentment, anger and hatred.
  7. Ask the Saints to give you good health, endurance and patience, thanks to which you will be able to cope with all difficulties.
  8. First of all, you need to resort to consulting qualified doctors who know what drugs are prescribed for infertility, and can also point out the causes of this kind of problem.

Prayers to get pregnant

There are many prayers that can speed up the process of conceiving a fetus. We will consider some of them, which, in the opinion of the public, are the most effective.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

This prayer must be pronounced in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. You can go to the temple, or you can turn to the Saint at home, if you have an icon of the Virgin in your house.

The prayer goes like this:

“Oh, Great Martyr, Most Holy Mother of our Father Most High, our protector. To Your face I send out my prayers and bow down with sincere faith. Our most humble, look into my eyes, who have sinned more than once, I fall to your face. I want to ask, may my unforgettable prayer be heard by you. I pray that they hope in Thy Son to illuminate my soul with the darkened face of Divine grace and let it help to clear my mind of dark thoughts, so that it pacifies the yearned one with my heart and heals the deepest wounds on it. May he put my thoughts in order, direct me to all kinds of good deeds and strengthen my soul with healthy thoughts, may I be forgiven for all the evil done. I ask you, O Glorious Mother of God, deliver me from torture and pray to Thy Son, let not deprive me of His Heavenly Kingdom, let Him descend to me. As a mother, I trust in you, Healer. Do not refuse my request, help me to find the Heavenly miracle, give me the desired child. Oh, our Holy Great Martyr, You complained to everyone to turn to You with a purified and sincere faith. Don't let me drown in the deepest routine of my heavy sins. I grieve for You and sincerely believe in my salvation and hope for Your protection, O Glorious Mother of God. I thank and glorify our Lord for directing boundless marital happiness to me. I beg You, Holy Virgin, only by your prayers the Almighty will send to me and to my husband a miracle from Heaven, child so long awaited, may God give my womb with fruit. May he grow stronger in me by the will of the Lord and to His Glory. Change the bitchiness of our souls for the happiness given to the parents. Amen".

Prayer appeal of a childless couple to the Lord

Strong prayer to help speed up the pregnancy process. With faith in the Power of the Lord, the prayer appeal will be heard, and you can become pregnant with a child.

“I listen to You, our Almighty. We turn to all the saints. Hear the prayers of my and my husband, Your servants (your name and the name of your spouse), Lord, Merciful and Almighty. Yes, answer us our prayers, send Your help. We beg, come down to us, the Almighty, do not disregard our prayer speeches, remember Your laws about the prolongation of the race and the multiplication of the human people and become our patron, help with Your help to preserve what You have predicted. God, You created with Your mighty power out of nothing - everything and paved the way for everything in this world that has no edges: You created the human body in Your likeness and awarded the conjugal union with the Church with the highest secret. Have mercy on our Lord, over us, by marriage united by matrimony and trusting in Your help, may Your Most High mercy come to us, may we also be ready for reproduction and we can become pregnant with a girl or boy and behold our children, until the third and until the fourth generations, and to the deepest old age we will live and come to Your Kingdom. I ask You, hear me, oh, our Almighty Ruler, come to me and give my womb a child. We will not forget Your grace and will serve You humbly along with our children. Amen".

After the prayer is said, it is advisable to regularly visit temples and receive communion. A prayer that helps to conceive a child is read constantly until pregnancy occurs.

Prayer to Matrona for an early pregnancy

Many people who want to become happy parents in the near future resort to the help of Matrona of Moscow, turning to her with prayer appeals.

So, in order to get pregnant faster, a woman and a man need to go to the temple and make requests to Matrona of Moscow, standing in front of her face. Or if you have an icon of this Saint in your house, then you can pray at home. But before that, it is advisable to confess and receive communion.

So, with a purified and communed soul, in order to quickly feel parental happiness, you need to read the following prayer:

“I am addressing our Blessed Matronushka. You, the Most Humble, always accepting and listening to those who have renounced everything, listen to the prayers and hear me, the grief in my soul, concealing before You. Even now, Thy compassion for me, a sinner and disobedient, will not be taken away. I pray, help to heal the ailment of our friendly and sincerely believing family, deliver from torture and unclean, help us bring our Cross, given by the Lord God to us. Our Most Blessed One, trust in the Almighty, beg him to have mercy on our sinful souls, may he forgive us for all the evil we have done. Let him forgive our sins, anger, hatred, resentment and unclean thoughts. Trust him to give us a girl or a healthy and kind boy. We believe and complain about Your condescension and our Lord of God to have a strong, rightly looking into the future and exuding warm feelings to all our neighbors. I appeal to Blessed Matrona. Hear our prayers, do not deny us our request. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona for a quick conception of a child

There is another prayer that will help you get pregnant in the near future. You can pray to Matrona in any Orthodox church where the relics of this Holy One or her face are present.

We address Matrona with these words:

“Oh, our blessed Matronushka, with her darling in heaven before the Lord's throne, standing, resting on earth with relics, and endowed with grace from Above, radiating all kinds of miracles. Look with Your condescending gaze at me who have sinned more than once, in sorrows, ailments and various temptations of the Unclean One. Comfort my exhausted prayers, help me to heal from a most terrible ailment, save me from my trouble, which we eat from the inside out. Let me feel like a woman, the happiness of a mother who has a son or daughter. Pray for me before the Lord God, may I be forgiven by him for all the evil I have done, for all the falls and iniquities, for I am guilty before Heaven and bow down before you, Blessed, I ask for your Heavenly mercy. Do not leave me alone with my problem. I hope and lament for the help of Yours and our Almighty, I put my hope on your Heavenly strength. I appeal to the Merciful Matrona. Amen".

Appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in conceiving a child

People, in order to become happy parents, often turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help, in the hope of his pardon and miraculous power. After all, getting pregnant with a child is nothing more than a miracle given from Heaven by the Lord God Himself.

To bring the moment of conception closer, you need to come to the temple and pray to the Lord, asking him for Blessings. And only when you turn to God, you can stand in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and read the following prayer:

“Oh, our good shepherd and God-wise instructor, St. Nicholas of God. Heed our prayers, hear us sinners, turning to Your face and asking for a miracle. We call on You for help, Christ's Servant, help us to become happy parents, give us a daughter or a son healthy and kind, like You. Do not refuse those who ask You for Blessings. Let the mother feel the parenting chores. Help to heal from a terrible disease. Saint Nicholas, divine minister, pray to the Lord for us. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona to get pregnant with a girl

Many families, at the planning stage of the baby, want to get pregnant with a child of a certain gender. According to statistics, most of the stronger sex want a girl to be born to them. And if the spouse agrees with the beloved in this desire, then she asks the question of how to get pregnant with the help of prayer as a girl. From time immemorial, in order for the life of her own sex to arise in the womb of a mother, it was necessary to pray to Saint Matrona.

So, before going to bed, a woman should put on pinkish-red underwear, spread a blanket in the same color and try not to get up until the first rays of the sun appear. In the morning we wash ourselves with pink soap and drink pink liquid - fresh juice, decoction of berries, etc. After, say this prayer:

“Matronushka the Great Martyr, Strong in Soul. I listen to your Heavenly gaze. You, helping all those in need and protecting all those in need, help me in solving an urgent problem. I ask the Almighty through You, cling to Him with entreaties for me and ask Him to have mercy on me and my sinful soul. I ask that I (my name) give birth to a new life, a healthy and good-natured daughter. You have helped many to become happy parents of their daughter, so help me too, whoever I was. I am sinful before You, but I grieve for Your mercy and condescension. Be Wonderful for us. Amen".

Prayer appeal to Alexander Svirsky to conceive a boy

And in order for a woman to give birth to a boy or become pregnant with twins, one should make a prayer request to Alexander Svirsky.

The prayer that helps to conceive a son is as follows:

“Oh, Alexander, helping all those in need, helper of the heavenly guardian angels, God-bearing, obedient servant of our Mother of God. We, like others who live with Your mercy with faith and sincere feelings for You, turn with prayers for help. Visit the Lord Almighty for our souls, ask him for mercy and condescension towards us. Let him give us, servants of God, about the child so desired, a new life for your gender. Ask from Your side, Alexander, for peace for our family union and harmony. Amen".

prayer to get pregnant

Prayers for the conception of a healthy child.

Prayer appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos for the preservation of pregnancy

When pregnancy is difficult for a woman, tormented by toxicosis or threats of interruption, she can pray to the Holy Mother of God and ask her for blessings for support.

The prayer goes like this:

“Oh, Holy Mother of God, have mercy on me, the servant of God (your name), help me in a difficult moment. I trust in Thy mercy and support before the Lord God. You, as the mother of the Most High, who gave him life, Savior of troubled souls, have mercy on me and heed my prayer to Your attention. And according to Thy inexhaustible Mercy, bestow also upon me, Thy servant, By God's Grace... As you helped others, so help me to feel the joyful feelings of motherhood. Hear me, O Most Holy One, take off my prayer service from my lips and lift up your gaze on me, exhausted, with Your Grace. Amen".

Prayer to Matrona for the health of the unborn baby

Many women who want to bear a healthy baby pray to Matrona for Heavenly help:

“Oh, Great Martyr Matronushka, who helps the suffering and needy. Help me become a full-fledged mother. Ask the Lord for me good health to my baby. Let him help give birth to a healthy and strong baby. Oh, Blessed Matrona, I trust in Thy mercy, but I pray for mercy. Do not leave me with my misfortune, help me become healthier. And I will ask You and other Servants of God for help. Have mercy on us and bless us for the healthy continuation of our human race. Amen".

We wish you good health, happiness and family well-being!

A lot of families are faced with the problem of conceiving a baby. In this matter, medicine is sometimes powerless. And then, completely "exhausted" and lost hope, married couples turn to the Lord God to read a prayer for the conception of a child. In these moments of conversation with the Almighty, one can only hope for a miracle. Those who sincerely believe in God are sure to get what they ask for.

You can pray not only in a sacred place, but also at home. The main thing is to repeat the words: "Thy will be done." Each sacred text is read slowly, without haste. Pass all the words through yourself, do not think about the bad, imagine how much you want someone's little feet to stomp around your apartment. Who can I pray for to conceive a child?

  1. Matrona of Moscow.
  2. Mother of God.
  3. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to Matrona for the conception of a child

It is believed that Mother Matrona is the patroness of suffering girls. The Saint helps some people to get married as soon as possible, while others - to conceive a child. Even during her lifetime, Matrona was a sympathetic old woman, always helping people. Now she is in the ranks of the Saints and is ready to do everything for the Lord to hear all the prayers and requests of people through her. The most important thing is to sincerely repent of all your sins. It will be good if the married couple can go to the relics of Matrona and pray there.

“Oh, blessed Matrona, accustomed all her life to accept and listen to the suffering and needy, hear and accept me, unworthy, praying to You. May your mercy to me, unworthy and sinful, not grow scarce even now. I pray you heal the sickness of God's servant (name) and God's servant(spouse's name), deliver from the torment and temptations of the devil, help us bring the Cross of life. Beg the Lord Almighty to have mercy on us, forgive all sins, anger, hatred, resentment and dirty thoughts, beg Him to give us a new life, a healthy and kind girl. We hope and hope in You and our God to have strong and unfeigned love for all our neighbors. Amen"

Prayer to the Mother of God for the conception of a child

Holy Mother of God it will also definitely help if you turn to her with a request to conceive a baby. Virgin Mary is the patroness of all women in labor and pregnant women. It is to her that young girls pray, who are in a position and are waiting for the birth of a child. This prayer helped many to become pregnant and easily bear the fetus, giving birth without suffering.

“Oh, Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord Vyshnyago, the hasty intercessor of all who come running to You with faith! Look down on me from the height of your heavenly majesty the obscene one, who falls to your icon! Hear soon the humble prayer of me sinful and bring it to Your Son; pray to him, may he illumine my gloomy soul with the light of his divine grace and cleanse my mind of vain thoughts, may he calm my suffering heart and heal his wounds, may he instruct me to do good deeds and strengthen his work with fear, may he forgive all the evil I have done, may he deliver eternal torment and not deprive His Heavenly Kingdom. Oh, Most Blessed Mother of God! You have deigned to be baptized in Your Georgian image, commanding everyone to come to You in faith, do not despise the sorrowful one for me and do not let me perish in the abyss of my sins. All my hope and hope of salvation is on thee Bose, and I entrust myself to Your protection and intercession forever. I praise and thank the Lord that he sent me the happiness of a married state. I pray to You, Mother of the Lord and God and my Savior, that with Your Mother's prayers she will send me and my husband to a beloved child. May He grant me the fruit of my womb. May it be arranged by His will, for His glory. Change the sorrow of my soul for the joy of conception in my womb. May I praise and thank You, Mother of my Lord, all the days of my life. Amen"

Prayer for the conception of a child to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant is the patron saint of all mothers and their children. It is not for nothing that many turn to Him to conceive a baby and easily leave for all 9 months. Since childhood, children are taught to the icon of Nicholas, they say that this is a kind grandfather who brings gifts. For adults, Nikolai Ugodnik also brings a gift - the conception of a child.

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most splendid of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad, in this present life, pray to the Lord God for granting me forgiveness of all my sins that have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and in the exodus of my soul, help the accursed one, beg the Lord God, all creatures of the Sourer, to save me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Wonderful Examples of Those Who Prayed

Prayer before conceiving a child works, it has been proven. There are many examples of girls getting pregnant, even when doctors said that there would be no children all their lives. Isn't that a miracle? Is this not God's will?

If you really want to conceive a child, but it does not work out, be sure to turn to God, to any Patron Saint. Children are happiness, this is a life for which you want to go forward.

Prayer for the conception of a healthy child is the strongest was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

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  • About pregnancy The prayer "About pregnancy" to Matrona of Moscow made many families happy, in which ringing children's laughter is heard:
    “Blessed Mother Matrona, stand by your soul in heaven before the throne of God, rest in your body on earth, with the grace given to you from above, various miracles are lost! And now look with your merciful eye on us sinners, in sickness, sorrow, demonic temptations their days waiting, comfort us desperate, heal our fierce ailments, from God for our sins allowed, deliver us from many situations and sorrows, pray our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins, falls and iniquities, but I have sinned from our youth even to the present day and time, having received great mercy with your prayers, we will glorify in the Trinity of one God - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in forever and ever. Amen"

    If you dream of children, you need to go to church and put a bunch of fragrant flowers on the relics - an odd amount. Women come to Moscow to ask Matushka Matrona of Moscow for conception. The relics of the saint are in the majestic Intercession Monastery. Popular belief reads "To conceive, you need to come to the relics 3 times." You can also read the Prayer to Matrona of Moscow "About pregnancy" at the Danilovskoye cemetery, at the burial place of the Blessed. You need to stand nearby and ask for conception, or write your cherished wish on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope and leave it on the grave. Then go to the monastery, buy a wearable icon with the face of the Mother, holy water and oil. If your words are sincere, come from the depths of the soul and heart, Matrona of Moscow will certainly intercede before the Lord and give a healthy child. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to Moscow to talk to the Staritsa, it is enough to light a candle, bow and read the prayer "About the pregnancy of Matrona of Moscow." Tell her about your misfortune, sadness and she will definitely hear you. Go to the nearest church, order a service, look at the face of the Saint and speak as if she is sitting in front of you alive. Sincere prayer contributes to the conception, preservation and birth of a healthy child. Also, women write letters to Matronushka with a request to get pregnant. Usually parishioners go to the Intercession Monastery every week to deliver messages to the relics of the Staritsa. There is no need to think that miracles do not exist, hundreds of thousands of women became pregnant through prayers, safely carried and gave birth to healthy, strong babies, which are the light in the window for happy parents. Such children are called a "gift" of the Lord at the request of the saint of God Matrona of Moscow.

    On what days can children not be conceived? If you decide to pray to the Saint for the gift of a child, you must endure fasting for 7-9 days, then ask Mother for forgiveness and mercy, and only then read prayers to get pregnant. In order for the conception of a child to occur as quickly as possible, you need to adhere to certain recommendations. It is forbidden to make love before fasting days - Wednesday and Friday, during fasting and on the eve church holidays... "Before" - means the period of time after 16:00. It is also not advised to work on conceiving a child on the day of the wedding, in view of the fact that God blesses the young for a long married life, a certain sacrament is carried out, therefore it should not be defiled by carnal joys on Sundays. If you follow the recommendations, you will get pregnant much faster. Saint Matrona of Moscow will never leave a woman alone with her misfortune. If you want to hear the stamping of children's feet and sincere laughter around the house, you need to try, because the gift of a child is considered God's Grace. Our ancestors believed that if a married couple has no children, it means that they or their relatives angered the Lord, for which they were punished. Therefore, it is worth considering why the long-awaited child cannot be conceived. You may have done something at one time that affected childbirth. It often happens that the ancestors sinned, and their children pay the price. In view of this, it is worth attending church and praying to the Lord for forgiveness and mercy. And only after atonement for the faults you can have a wonderful, long-awaited baby. There are cases when desperate spouses took a child from an orphanage, and after a while they were healed of infertility and nursed their "blood". If strength and hope leave you, kneel before Mother Matronushka, the Lord, the Mother of God and other saints, ask for forgiveness every day for sinful thoughts and behavior, pray for the gift of pregnancy, the preservation and successful birth of a healthy child. Prayers for conception should be heartfelt, open, heartfelt, and honest. Do not hesitate, believe, hope, and you will surely experience the joy of motherhood.

    My history:
    2015, they started planning in January ... no results ... in May I decided to contact the LCD, where they lost my tests three times, in the end they said that everything is fine with me - go and get pregnant ... they did nothing except a smear ... neither an ultrasound nor blood, no samples were taken ... NOTHING !, I decided that I would never go there again ... I went to a paid clinic in August, where they immediately did an ultrasound scan, I could see polyps in the uterus, a cyst, and I also suggested that that there is endometriosis ... in the end it turned out to be so. I found an obstetric hospital on the Internet, it turned out to be one of the best in the city ... (we recently moved from another area), I got a wonderful doctor who sent me for all the tests and put me there for laparoscopy and hysteroscopy ... : infertility stage 1, this does not mean that there is no hope, stage 1 - this means that something needs to be cured and everything will work out, i.e. in the first stage there are obstacles that are treated ... cauterized endometriosis, removed the cyst and polyp ... prescribed to drink vizannu for 12 months, but I drank only 3, then for 3 months decided to forget: nerves, nerves, nerves ... then they started planning again ... but alas. I again went to the obstetric hospital, but my G was no longer there, I signed up for another. I was told that only IVF, they handed over a list of tests, they also found, according to a blood test (from a vein), that prolactin was elevated and the thyroid gland did not behave the way ndo ... prescribed

    Any woman who carries a baby in the womb wants to endure it easily and safely. But giving the child life is not all that a mother should do for her baby. It is very important to give him health as well. The health of the unborn baby does not always depend on the genetics of the mother and her lifestyle. Even healthy couples sometimes give birth to children with various problems associated with the course of pregnancy and labor, the literacy of the doctors who receive the child and the first time of his life, when caring for the newborn is especially important.

    Planning a pregnancy

    Orthodox women, planning a pregnancy and the birth of a future baby, regardless of whether it will be a boy or a girl, are looking for help from sources and icons that help to conceive a long-awaited child. There is a lot of evidence that the medical diagnosis was disappointing, however, turning to the holy fathers, women and many families (couples) found that very support and received such necessary help from above. A real miracle happened: prayer for helped, and a healthy child was born.

    The clergy recommend not to give up hopes in any case and to believe with all your heart, sincerely and strongly, it can be directed both to God himself and Jesus Christ, and to many saints who, during their lifetime, became famous for helping the suffering, healing the sick.

    Help from the Virgin

    Often women in prayers turn to the Mother of God, feeling in her the feminine principle and the divine hypostasis, it is easier to turn to this image - after all, the Holy Mother of God knows exactly how great is the measure of maternal happiness and how great is the pain of not having it. Therefore, the prayer to the Mother of God for the conception of a child sounds from women who want to become a mother very often. If a woman has a diagnosis made by doctors that prevents her from getting pregnant, there is no need to leave treatment, but turning to God can help these procedures take effect more quickly, so you need to continue to visit doctors, believe and pray. Spouses who believe in the help of the saints pray with hope for help in conception to the icons of the Mother of God.

    Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    • The icon "Assistant in childbirth" - helps future women in labor to safely bear and give birth to a healthy child.
    • Icon Mother of God"Feodorovskaya" helps, even if the doctors' diagnosis of infertility is already a verdict, this icon is special, very strong, even if the family has been childless for a very long time, help from the icon is possible. If a difficult birth is ahead, both the women in labor and their relatives pray for them in front of this icon.
    • Icon "Healer" - helps to heal even from hopeless options for infertility.
    • The icon "Theotokos of the Hearted" - helps to conceive quickly and safely give birth to a child.
    • The icon "The Assistant of Sinners" is a miraculous icon. If the woman has done it earlier, this icon helps to redeem him and gives the mother a child to the woman. She also heals little children.
    • Icon "Unexpected Joy" - helps to quickly and safely conceive.
    • Icon "Iberian" - helps to find hope and healing in need, sorrows, illnesses.
    • Icon "Annunciation" - helps to heal from ailments.

    Husband and wife should also honor the days of the Saints, whom they pray for infertility and childlessness:

    • July 25 (August 7) ​​- the day of the Assumption of the holy righteous Anna;
    • September 9 (22) - the day of remembrance of the Holy Righteous God-Father Joachim and Anna.

    How to pray for the conception of a child correctly

    The prayer for the conception and birth of a child is given to help couples who want to conceive, or women - so that they can communicate with the saints, because in an appeal to higher powers you can talk about what does not work in life, and ask for help, complain about needs, troubles, diseases. And, of course, the Lord or the saints to whom you sincerely turn will hear you and will certainly help you. But, perhaps, the fulfillment of the desire can bring harm to the petitioner - in which case the appeal will remain unanswered. We must not forget that God knows what people do not know.

    Prayer for conceiving a child should not sound like a given or a ritual, it should be alive and come from the soul, from the heart. Your request must be sincere, and besides, it is important to realize that your life and trust in God does not necessarily entail the fulfillment of desires. Hope for God's help and be ready to accept this decision in your life. Show patience, perhaps fate is testing you "for strength", your prayer will be heard and your request fulfilled, but only when you really want what you ask with all your heart.

    To whom they pray for the conception of a child

    Prayers for the conception and birth of a healthy child are performed to the holy saints of God Joachim and Anna, the Most Holy Theotokos, the prophet Zechariah and the righteous woman Elizabeth, the holy mother Matrona of Moscow, saints Peter and Fevronia, St. Luke of Crimea and others.

    The prayer for the conception of a healthy child can be read not only during pregnancy planning, but also when the child is already in the womb, in order to save him from troubles and diseases associated with the course of pregnancy.

    Prayer to Saint Matrona for the conception of a child

    The holy mother Matrona of Moscow is very famous for her help in many matters. Her miraculous icons are taken to all places where pilgrims rush to the holy face, ask for healing and help, hope for the fulfillment of desires: the sick and childless, girls who want to get married, people who are on the verge of important changes and hope for permission in a prosperous way. -that problem.

    During her lifetime, Matrona was blind, but after the gift of clairvoyance was revealed to her, she began to receive people and heal them. She did not single out anyone and tried to help everyone. After she died in the world, the fame of her miracles spread even abroad. Pilgrims go to the icons and ask for help, leaving Saint Matrona with bouquets containing an odd number of flowers. The prayer to Matrona for conceiving a child should sound after you repent and ask for a blessing. It is not necessary to go to the church, Matrona Matrona will hear a prayer from anywhere, but many talk to her as if she is alive, turning as to a friend and mentor for help. Yours about conceiving a child can be passed on by other people who are going to her relics - the main thing is not just to write your request, but from the heart to pray and believe. To many married couples The matron has already helped.

    Prayer in your own words

    If you do not know special prayers and accidentally found yourself at the miraculous icon of one of the saints, it is quite permissible to address them in your own words. The main thing is that prayer should come from the heart.

    “Merciful Lord, hear my prayer and forgive me all my sins. God bless our family to conceive, endure, and safely give birth to smart, healthy children. Give them, Lord, a good fortune. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen. "

    Prayer to the saints for the conception of a child can also be said in your own words, but in all parishes there is often literature to help those who are praying. You can also buy small icons with a prayer printed on the back in church shops. Such a prayer will always be with you, and at any convenient moment you can turn to the saint and ask him for help.

    Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the conception of a child

    Before any icon, not even one of the above, you can pray to the Mother of God for the birth of a child. It is necessary to honor her holidays and days of memory of those saints to whom you will turn: Luke of Crimea, Xenia of Petersburg, Nicholas the Wonderworker, etc.

    The prayer to the Mother of God for the conception of a child is printed in several versions, but the following can also be used:

    “Blessed Mother of God the Theotokos! Heal my womb and give hope for consolation, fulfill my desire to conceive a child and bear him safely, be relieved of the burden and give birth to a healthy child. Help with your own hand, satisfy my hopes for a heavenly gift, give me a bright and happy motherhood and forgive my voluntary and involuntary sins. I pray you with all my heart, revive my womb, put a seed in my womb so that it becomes alive, give me health and strength to endure the soul entrusted to me and give birth to the world and me for joy, my family for prolongation and preservation. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    There are holy places, springs of living water, where many women or couples come to conceive a child. For spouses living in an Orthodox marriage, there is also a special prayer for the conception of a child.

    Appealing to God, the spouses pray for the grace that descends on them in the name of God's will for the multiplication of the human race. The husband and wife ask for help and the gift of the baby to them, for the joy and for the fullness of family happiness.

    Who are the holy righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, Zechariah and Elizabeth

    These saints are the parents of the Mother of God herself. They were sterile throughout their lives, and sadly lived to a ripe old age, however, they were rewarded by God for righteousness and humility, according to their faith and God's blessing, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, was born to them.

    Another example from the history of the Old Testament is the prophet Zechariah and the righteous woman Elizabeth. This couple was also pious and exemplary, until the very old age the married couple did not have children, but God rewarded them for their faith and patience, and gave the joy of birth - this couple gave birth to John the Baptist.

    Prayer to the Holy Spirit

    They say that there is such a remedy: prayer for the conception of the Holy Spirit. You need to read the prayer below three times, and then write it and multiply it for other suffering:

    “The Holy Spirit, helping in the solution of all difficulties, unlocking all roads to help those who go to their goal. The Holy Spirit who gives me forgiveness and forgetfulness of all sins. Thank you for everything, and I ask you for help. Give my family a chance to become parents of a healthy baby. "

    The power of faith lies in the fact that it can help where medicine is powerless. So, in particular, even such a diagnosis as infertility can be overcome by diligently and sincerely asking the Almighty for a newborn.

    The power of prayer

    The birth of a child is happiness for everyone With the arrival of a baby in the family, a bright joy descends into the house. But sometimes the long-awaited miracle never happens. Diseases, incompatibility, infertility become an obstacle between parents and the baby.

    If you are a devout person with a pure soul, then the prayer for the birth of a child will bring a crumb to your home. But such a ritual should be treated with the utmost responsibility and seriousness.

    Before reading a prayer, choose a saint to whom the words will be directed. Also, remember to keep your thoughts pure. Get rid of bad habits and negative thoughts.

    Prayer for the birth of a child should strengthen your faith. Visit the church, repent, make a pilgrimage to holy places, have a conversation with priests and monks. Remember, God will help someone who truly and unconditionally believes in his power.

    The blessing begins with a wedding before God

    IN modern world couples go to church for blessings less and less. Some explain this by atheism, others want to test their feelings through civil marriage, while others believe that such a ceremony is a waste of time. But when problems arise with lovers go out of their way to become parents. They do not think that they are not spouses before the church and God.

    After visiting a bunch of doctors, dozens of healers and trying all the remedies that friends have recommended, do not despair. All that remains is a prayer for the birth of a child. Although it was faith that was supposed to become the first assistant in such a situation. Such couples need to undergo the Sacrament of Wedding for the blessing of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

    Thousands of families claim that without this rite, the absence of something significant is felt in the family. These emotions have deep roots. A woman and a man who live together without taking marriage in the house of God are sinners before heaven, since they give rise to vice. Such a marriage is incompatible with the canons of Christianity. And lovers who take an oath in church will receive support from God in difficult situations. For married couples, prayer for birth is more powerful and gives better results.

    Baby - the desire of two loving hearts

    Conversation with God is ongoing. Prayers are loudest when spoken together. Therefore, the desire of the child should be the same for the father and the mother. Conversations with the Almighty should be not just a mechanical performance of a ritual, but a conscious, clear message. Talking to him is a touch to his essence. Through the rituals of Orthodoxy, we can feel it as close as possible.

    Precisely because the prayer for the safe birth of a child is a dialogue that is conducted with God, the couple should read it together. Such a procedure will not only bring them closer to the Father, but also open them up to each other in a new way.

    Prayers asking for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby can be found in church books. Spouses who want a baby can kneel or stand in front of home icons. We must not forget to bow down and be baptized. When the baby is born, prayer after the birth of the child will be appropriate.

    Another significant detail is that in each request you need to say thanks for everything that is, and repent of your sins. Also, pray not only for yourself, but also for your neighbors and enemies. Remember, God is more merciful to those who show mercy themselves.

    Protector of all mothers and children

    The traditions of Christianity are very ancient. From time immemorial, churches were built on the graves of martyrs, who, even after death, continued to work miracles and heal hopelessly sick people.

    The Mother of God is the protector of all women. The Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ, is one of the most miraculous saints. It is to her that they turn with requests to heal from infertility and to give children. The prayer for the birth of a child to the Mother of God can be read anywhere and at any time. The main thing with such an action is a sincere desire.

    You can also ask for support from the righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God, who were childless for a long time. They sacredly believed in God, and he rewarded them with Mary.

    How to ask for help from the Virgin?

    Often it is despair that drives people to go to church. But to a person who visits the temple of God from grief to grief, higher powers as a sign of punishment can send one of the biggest troubles - waiting. Therefore, the first person to wait for help is the Virgin Mary. Her kind-heartedness and love save the world.

    The prayer for the birth of a child with infertility to the Mother of God sounds like this:

    “Blessed Virgin! Blessed are You among all women. You knew You were holding a heavenly child in your arms. She caressed him, loved him, did love and protected him. Mother of God! Blessed are You among all people. She gave birth to a healthy, pure, kind son. It is in Your power to help us fulfill the goal of our humble life, to continue our generation. Your servants (names) bow their heads before You. We are desperate. Give us the greatest of all earthly gifts - healthy children. Let them grow and glorify the name of the Lord. Become our joy, our anxiety, our love. Ask for us, Mary, from the Almighty. And forgive us sinners, Mother of God. Amen".

    Moscow saint

    The prayer for the birth of a child at Matrona of Moscow can be proclaimed directly in front of the relics of Matushka in the Intercession Monastery or at her grave at the Danilovskoye cemetery in Moscow. You can also ask for a baby in a saint by standing at her icon.

    Saint Matrona was born in 1881 on the territory of the present-day Tula province. Since childhood, she was blind, and her parents were seriously considering the possibility of sending the girl to an orphanage. But Matrona's mother changed her mind after sleeping. In the haze, a white blind bird sat on her chest magical beauty... The dream predicted a bright future. That is why the child was left behind. Mother's gift is the ability to heal people. People from all over the country came to her for help.

    Before her death, the saint said that believers can come to her even after her death. She will hear them from the other world and will do everything possible for their happiness.

    Address to Saint Matrona

    For couples who want, but cannot have a baby, the prayer for the birth of a child to Matrona of Moscow will help. An appeal to Mother sounds like this:

    “Mother, Blessed Matrona! Chosen you among the people. Your healing hands kind heart yours, your pure soul. You are now standing before the Almighty, the only and just God. Now heaven is your home. But you do not leave us, sinners of the earth, you take care of your children. Help us, Mother Matrona. It is in your power to give us happiness to become parents. Find your own ray in life. It is in your will to help us conceive, bear, give birth, and then teach him to you, Matron, to praise. Mother of Moscow, let your children feel the love of their descendants and give them their boundless love. Amen".

    Basics of the sacrament of the rite

    Both the wife and the husband should ask the Savior for a child. Before the prayer for the birth of a healthy child is said, potential parents should prepare. The main thing they must do is ask God for forgiveness and cleanse their souls from sins. Indeed, most often it is the person whose soul is sinful who has health problems. Including infertility. Repentance will make not only the soul healthy, but also the body.

    Attempts to conceive a child must be on the permitted days. So, the church does not recommend making love on the days of fasting, as well as on the eve of them (the days of fasting are Wednesday and Friday, their eve is Tuesday and Thursday after 16:00). It is undesirable to try to get pregnant on Sunday and on the eve of major church holidays. Also, you should not sleep right after the wedding. On such a day, the couple is consecrated and blessed for future life, so you should not associate the Sacrament of Wedding with carnal pleasures.

    If you do not understand the meaning of prayers or they seem alien to you, do not worry. Personal prayer does not require special skills. These are just thoughts, the main thing is that they are sincere.

    Baptism as a protection from everything bad for a child

    When the mercy of the Lord descends on you, and you find out about your pregnancy, it's time to thank the one who performed the miracle. It is also good if prayer before the birth of a child is added to daily prayers. Such a ritual helps to find peace of mind.

    Regular communion will perfectly affect both the expectant mother and the unborn baby. Pregnant women do not fast as strictly as other believers. But light fasting is replaced by reading spiritual literature and alms. After birth, it is advisable to christen the long-awaited child on the fortieth day. So new person will not only grow according to the laws of God, but will have patrons in heaven who will protect him. - this is, first of all, the birth of a child for God, their unity.

    Why doesn't God give children?

    Today more and more couples have health problems. Along with medical ailments, the church advises to think about your spiritual life. After all, these two aspects closely interact with each other.

    Prayer for the birth of a child with infertility is a stage in accepting the fate sent by heaven. The main thing in such a matter is not to lose hope. If the spouses fail to conceive a child, maybe the Almighty has prepared another mission for them. The purpose of this pair may be a feat that not everyone is capable of. For example, perhaps the calling of these spouses to become the parents of a disadvantaged child, one who has been abandoned.

    However, in any case, you should not despair, God will always hear you!

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