Love horoscope Aries Libra. Aries - Libra: compatibility in love relationships. Is it possible to fall in love with an Aries woman

The union of Aries, the sign of Fire, and Libra, who obey the air element, is an interesting combination in which the riot of flame is fueled by the energy of air. These signs are opposite in the zodiac circle, which makes them strive towards each other.


A distinctive feature of Aries is a pronounced inner core. Such people know exactly what they want and control their own destiny, not allowing others to interfere in making important decisions on fundamental issues. They are open and truthful. They are waiting for a similar reaction from others, and, without waiting for it, they often remain disappointed.

Among other pronounced qualities of Aries:

  • high interest in life;
  • kindness;
  • tendency to impulsive actions and disputes;
  • trust in others;
  • idealization of people;
  • the ability to act selflessly.

The disadvantages of the sign include optionality and sometimes a tendency to quit halfway through. It is not surprising if Aries forgets to return the borrowed money or makes a scandal at the most unexpected moment.

At the same time, those around this zodiac sign are favorable and forgive minor shortcomings in behavior.

In contrast to Aries, Libra is characterized by calmness and a desire for balance.

Among other signs of the zodiac, this one is different:

  • unwillingness to make decisions quickly, which is often perceived as laziness;
  • good disposition;
  • the ability to appreciate the graceful and subtle;
  • softness;
  • diplomacy in relations;
  • the ability to objectively assess the situation.

A feature of Libra is the desire to avoid negative emotions, because of which, in difficult situations, Libra people are ready to sacrifice their interests, but only as long as their fundamental interests are not affected. In such a situation, they can show character and even show vindictiveness and selfishness.

Pros and cons of the union

The union of an Aries man and a woman born under the sign of Libra can be called a win-win option for a couple. Fiery Aries is unlikely to be able to pass by the balanced lady Libra, being inspired by her elegance and tenderness. Given his legibility and ability to achieve reciprocity in relationships, he will insist on maintaining a relationship with his chosen one.

His perseverance will come in very handy here, given Libra's tendency to hesitate in making important decisions. But having made sure that the intentions of Aries are serious, the Libra girl can appreciate the efforts of the representative of this sign to get closer. In addition, the prospect of feeling protected will not be the last argument in the decision to reciprocate Aries.

Such a couple will be able to complement each other's characters, enjoying mutual trust and not poisoning the relationship with jealousy.

Unions, where the male will of Aries is in harmony with the femininity and compliance of Libra, are strong in their organic nature, and therefore are most often stable.

The downside of such a relationship is the behavior of Aries, which can shock the Libra girl with the lack of beauty and even decency in him. Aries, in turn, will not listen to comments about this from the partner.

If we are talking about a couple where Aries is a woman and Libra is a man, the woman in the partner is invariably captivated by his courtesy, and given the fiery sign’s conviction that he deserves the best, this quality of Libra becomes the cement that keeps such a partnership from falling apart. .

It is the lady who will be the leader in these relations.

Calm, shy, romantic, who does not like to take responsibility for making important decisions, the Libra man will be fine with this. It is important for Aries in this situation not to go too far and not start making decisions without regard for the interests of the partner.

Otherwise, he will break the union or close in on himself, maintaining relations only for the sake of his own hidden interests.

Libra tends to be cautious and does not share the adventurous inclinations of Aries. And if, despite the requests of Libra, he nevertheless gets involved in a risky story and fails along the way, he will remember mistakes for a very long time.

How compatible?

Aries and Libra can be connected in life by completely different relationships - from a pleasant acquaintance to passionate love. Each such union has its own characteristics associated with the characters of the signs.

in friendship

Such relationships are sometimes strong from childhood. Their Libra and Aries can carry through life, understanding each other perfectly. They are equally not annoyed by noisy companies and a wide circle of acquaintances. They can communicate in a playful manner, sometimes playing pranks on each other. Moreover, Libra men have great imagination in these matters.

Since Aries and Libra are well aware of each other's weaknesses, in a quarrel it does not cost them anything to morally destroy each other, but their conflicts do not last long due to the outgoing nature of both sides.

In friendly relations between representatives of these signs of the zodiac, almost family relations are often established, pushing for mutual care.

The friendship of an Aries woman and a Libra man will diversify the life of both, make it brighter and juicier. Often in such relationships there are disputes because of the directness of Aries, which runs into the quiet and at the same time unshakable stubbornness of Libra. At the same time, Libra can invisibly control the actions of Aries. And this "guerrilla war" does not carry other tasks, except for those aimed at maintaining friendship.

Aries man and Libra woman are able to maintain a friendly attitude without any hint of the interaction of opposite sexes. They sincerely care about each other, come to the rescue at the right time without any ulterior motive. These relationships may take the form of patronage on the part of the man and a confidant on the part of the woman. And over the years, this system of interaction is becoming stronger and stronger.

In love

In a love relationship, a close acquaintance of the Libra guy and the Aries girl leads to the desired result for both. The fiery passion of the Aries lady is to the liking of the more calm Libra man. At the same time, Libra women, with their impeccable taste and elegance, cannot but interest the temperamental Aries. At the first meeting, it is enough for Aries to sometimes use heavy artillery in the form of a fashionable suit and impeccable manners to impress the Libra girl and win her heart.

Aries is ruled by Mars and Libra is ruled by Venus.

This is nothing but a combination of masculine and feminine, hiding a storm of passion and promising an unforgettable experience for two lovers as their feelings develop. Relations in bed with such people do not lose their richness and are able not to lose their novelty until old age.

The leader in matters of passion is Aries, who is able to release the secretive sensuality of Libra to the mutual pleasure of both partners. This suits Libra, who does not claim leadership in love affairs. Aries should always keep in mind that for Libra in such things, the external environment and mental attitude play a role.

Unlike Aries, Libra does not have the same amount of sexual energy. To tune in to the love game, this sign needs time to warm up and start up. And then both partners will be on top.

At the same time, Aries should avoid monotony in love affairs, otherwise his exploits in bed will no longer make a proper impression on Libra.

However, if sincere intimacy between lovers is lost, no physical satisfaction will save this union from disintegration.

In family life

Relationships in bed do not yet guarantee an ideal marriage. Much more important is the relationship in ordinary affairs. In a situation where the husband is Aries, and the wife is Libra, the temper of the spouse can be smoothed out by the delicacy in the behavior of the woman. This saves them from fundamental disagreements and frequent quarrels, providing a generally calm family life.

Aries man is able to solve important household issues without the participation of his half and to ensure a calm and prosperous life for his wife and offspring. This state of affairs fully satisfies the Libra woman, who feels a reliable shoulder and does not forget about the interests of her protector.

Over the years, in an intimate sense, Libra's wife ceases to restrain her looseness, and her husband, with his fiery character, becomes more sensitive to the desires of his partner. This provides the spiritual and physical intimacy needed to keep the relationship fresh. In this sense, spouses are self-sufficient.

They are quite satisfied with each other's company, and they often do not see the point in leading an active life outside the family circle. Although such couples are able to achieve a high position in society. From the outside, these marriages look very beautiful and are the envy of friends and relatives.

Marriage compatibility between an Aries woman and a Libra man is a completely different story. Partners are able to find in each other those traits that they themselves do not possess.

And it can strengthen their family relationships. She will find in her husband a source of balance and peace; with the wise behavior of his wife, he will not feel on the sidelines.

The commonality of interests and views can force the spouses to act as a united front on the way to achieving the goal. Active, full of ideas, the Aries woman stimulates the calm and uninitiative spouse of Libra to take up the matter more boldly and without hesitation to strive for the goal.

But if from the very beginning she takes on her shoulders the burden of worries for the sake of financial well-being, putting aside her husband's opinion on this matter, such a step will not lead to anything good.

After some time, it will begin to seem to her that her husband is comfortably seated next to her and does not invest as much in the common cause as she does. This can be a cause for serious disagreement with reproaches from the Aries wife. At the same time, it will become very difficult to convince a woman that she herself is the author of this scenario.

In extreme cases, in such an alliance, the spouse often has the feeling that she and her husband simply do not fit together. The desire to somehow correct the situation will lead to outbreaks of aggression on her part. Accustomed to not taking the initiative, the spouse, if he is able to calm his girlfriend, then not for long.

Divorce in this case is a very likely development of events. At the same time, a Libra man can quickly acquire a new life partner, and a woman will begin to treat members of the opposite sex with distrust, and it may take her a lot of time to start a family again.

In work

If the Aries woman is directly interested in the money itself, then the Libra man is interested in the process of earning it.

This can be a good basis for successful business and teamwork.

Aries lady will not be afraid to entrust money to a prudent partner of an air sign, and he, in turn, will dissuade an enterprising business partner from adventurous plans "without a backup plan."

Aries, who sometimes cannot bring the business scheme they have started to its logical conclusion, can find support in the person of Libra, who, despite the ability to work in pairs, is able to do everything that is supposed to be done on his own.

In a relationship where the Aries woman is the boss and the Libra man is the subordinate, the business woman will not take into account the indecisiveness of her employee. She needs an unambiguous, clearly formulated opinion on this or that account. Such peremptory jarring on the subordinate Libra.

It is much easier if the strategy and tactics of the business are determined by the representative of the air sign. Aries in this case saturates the idea with its energy and boldly approaches the implementation of the plan.

The only condition for success is that Aries has a clear idea of ​​the proposed course of action. Aries women, taking into account their natural openness, require clearly stated requirements and are unable to be satisfied with half-hints of Libra-chiefs.

Possible reasons for disagreement

As with any couple, Aries and Libra have potential conflicts.

In a union where Aries is a man and Libra is a woman, the stumbling block is the straightforwardness and unwillingness of Aries to choose expressions in disputes. For a wife, this is especially painful if a showdown with someone takes place in public.

Aries - a man with a violent temper, is also capable of short, but very impressive outbursts of aggression, which often have no basis. Libra's wife will sooner or later get bored of blushing for her husband's behavior.

One of the most interesting couples in the zodiac circle is Aries and Libra. The compatibility of representatives of these polar signs cannot be called predictable.

Aries and Libra are exactly opposite each other in the zodiac circle, and, as you know, opposites attract. The sign of Aries is ruled by the element of Fire, while Libra is an air sign, so passion between these two flares up like a fire in the wind.

Positive sides

Libras tend to understand Aries well and respect their individuality. Being calm that Libra does not encroach on his pride, Aries begins to listen to his soul mate and learns a lot from this wise sign. In turn, feeling the support of Aries, Libra stops wasting energy on constant doubts and gains self-confidence.

What should be avoided?

These two have a lot to learn from each other. And if they are not ready for this, then compatibility in the love relationship of Aries and Libra is unattainable.

They risk getting bogged down in a constant showdown. At first they will like gentle reconciliations after violent quarrels, but little by little the passion will go away, and both will wear themselves out with endless nit-picking and worries.

Libra also has leadership ambitions, only they are hidden under the velvet mask of a sweet and docile creature. If there is a clear example of the proverb “the husband is the head, and the neck”, then this is just Aries and Libra. But feeling open pressure, Aries will feel very bad and will break out of an uncomfortable situation like steam from a boiling cauldron. Beware, there may be an explosion! Therefore, it is important for Libra to apply all their wisdom and not let Aries know who is the boss in the house.

Due to the mutual attraction of Venus and Mars, under the influence of which Aries and Libra are, compatibility in love relationships between these two signs is not uncommon. If Aries and Libra can overcome all difficulties and learn to solve problems together, then such a union has truly endless possibilities.

Wise stars leave lovers the right to make their own choice. If a couple has enough desire and life experience to get used to each other, then such a union has every chance of becoming extremely harmonious and creative.

Although the signs Aries and Libra have different temperaments, their compatibility according to the astrological horoscope is extremely good, one might even say: almost perfect. For each other, they are a great addition. Both are used to leading, but the beautiful half in such a pair is ready to give in to a man in order to save the relationship.

1. Compatibility of Aries and Libra.

2. Disadvantages and advantages of the union of Aries and Libra.

3. Sexual compatibility of Aries and Libra.

4. Possible problems in a couple.

5. How do Aries and Libra get along?

What is the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac "Libra woman - Aries man"?

Thanks to her partner, the Libra girl will begin to feel more confident, stop hesitating and doubting. In return, she will make the man feel like an absolute winner. With such a partner, Aries can become a leader. These signs in each other open up new possibilities. Together they feel great and comfortable.

It should be said that the compatibility of Aries and Libra in a relationship is ambiguous. The characters of these signs are completely different. The girl has a very peculiar outlook on life, and the man always strives to be "ahead of the rest." However, this does not prevent them from building strong, harmonious relationships. Like all opposites, they attract. Passion flares up between Aries and Libra. And even the fact that he is used to quick actions, and she likes to analyze and discuss everything, does not prevent them from being together. Lovers manage to find compromises.

Often the compatibility of the signs Aries man and Libra woman is like a struggle, because both strive for leadership and power. When they find equality in a relationship, the union becomes harmonious and calm. If the lovers do not stop competing, then very quickly they will part, not even understanding why this happened. The girl must remember that in her soul she is soft and patient.

Between Aries and Libra, a rather profitable marriage develops. This is facilitated by their true feelings, passion for each other. In addition, partners manage to negotiate. A man gives his chosen one a sense of confidence, and she helps him make meaningful and correct decisions. This couple is realized in a career. Usually Aries man, Libra woman cannot distribute finances. They treat material values ​​quite differently. He is used to overspend, and she likes to spend money rationally. Also, disputes often arise in matters of raising children. In order not to provoke a serious conflict, partners need to show tolerance.

Disadvantages and advantages of the union of Aries and Libra

According to some horoscopes, the love compatibility "Aries man - Libra woman" as a percentage is 100. In such a pair, there should be a clear division of responsibilities. A woman is ready to shift the entire burden of responsibility onto the shoulders of her chosen one. She herself will take care of the house, organize a family hearth. Until old age, such partners will not lose their sexual attraction to each other. No matter how old he is, the Aries man is a brave knight, always ready to defend his lady of the heart. The chosen one will never become less desirable and beloved for him. Aries will always admire the elegance and beauty of his companion.

In their youth, these signs do not seek communication with others, they are quite comfortable only together. But as they get older, they start spending more time with their friends. Time makes them understand that feelings should not fade away, and therefore their freshness must be maintained. Such a couple loves to travel, discover new places.

However, these signs perceive social norms differently:

1. Disagreements about the correct behavior in society often develop into serious conflicts.

2. A sophisticated Libra woman is usually distinguished by her good manners. Always and everywhere she tries to behave elegantly. She is attracted to social events.

3. A sincere and straightforward Aries man is used to communicating directly with others. Often a companion blushes for her gentleman, because he does not know how to behave with dignity in society. Sophisticated manners are not his trump card.

4. Aries man and Libra woman in a quarrel are able to be rude and offend each other. And grievances, as you know, are rarely forgotten.

5. A man is often offended that his chosen one pays attention to someone else. He will become jealous, not realizing that such behavior of a woman is explained only by her upbringing.

How do Aries man and Libra woman behave in sex?

The signs are ruled by the planets Venus and Mars, which is reflected in intimate life. Due to this, the Aries man and the Libra woman have excellent compatibility in bed. The partner plays the main role in sex, he is passionate and insatiable, it is hard to resist his pressure. For him, the more the better. Moreover, quality often suffers from this principle. Such a man can have sex for a very long time. However, foreplay and compliments mean little to him. He is interested in the process itself.

The Libra woman takes intimacy seriously, but she is more passive in bed. She likes long preludes, erotic games, and the process itself is secondary for her. Although Aries man and Libra woman look at this sphere of life differently, they find good compatibility in sex. They never lose interest in their soulmate. A pliable partner is ready to follow the desires of her man. And he knows how to reveal the hidden sexual potential in her. Together they never get bored. The sexual passion between them does not fade even with the passage of time.

Possible problems in a couple, how they can be solved

Completely different Aries and Libra find compatibility in love relationships due to the peculiarities of their characters. A woman values ​​her own comfort, she is not used to quarrels and conflicts. In most cases, it is easier for her to make concessions, if only to quickly resolve the problem. By nature, this sign is lazy, and therefore sometimes Libra needs to mess around. In dealing with such a woman, it is always interesting, she is able to easily and quickly defuse any tense situation. Often, representatives of this sign are creative natures, they like art, music and poetry. Libra appreciate spiritual development, try to improve themselves. Thanks to their developed intuition, they are able to feel the mood of others.

Aries by nature is an extrovert. It is difficult for him to do without constant communication. Inexhaustible energy, the makings of a leader - thanks to this, he is always the center of attention, the soul of the company. Such a man gushes with new ideas. But the straightforwardness and honesty of Aries often offends others. He is used to talking without thinking. Activity and diligence are the main character traits of Aries. He is also impulsive and emotional. People are drawn to his positivity and optimism.

The union “Libra woman - Aries man” will be harmonious if the partners can distribute roles. The leader in such a pair is a man. However, a woman will not tolerate excessive pressure. Everything should be in moderation. The partner will teach Aries to weigh their actions, not to act impulsively. And he will give Libra confidence and determination. A couple will be strong when trust, mutual respect and understanding reign in it.

How do Aries and Libra get along? Compatibility in love and friendship

Love between these signs flashes at first sight, not like between. They become lovers almost immediately. Initially, a woman will not notice shortcomings in her gentleman. He will be perfect for her. If he offers her "hand and heart", Libra will not hesitate for a long time and will quickly agree. At first, Aries will try to fulfill all the desires and whims of his beloved. However, this will not always continue. In the process of relations, partners will have to moderate their ambitions somewhat. The man will have to be patient. A woman should reconsider her attitude towards people.

Aries man, Libra woman compatibility in love is good, which can not be said about friendship. They are physically attracted to each other, and therefore simply cannot remain friends. Of these two signs, only passionate lovers are obtained, and loving, devoted partners. After the break, friendly communication between these signs is impossible.

Aries - Libra can maintain compatibility in love if they understand that they complement each other. Leadership in such an alliance should be taken by a representative of the stronger sex. True, he must listen to his chosen one, take into account her advice, and not ignore the female point of view. For a partner, a man is an example. That is, he must always do the right thing, make deliberate, rational decisions, look optimistically at life and at everything that happens around him.

Aries and Libra are opposite signs. Opposites can both strive towards each other and repel each other. There is an element of truth in both the first and the second of the statements. But still, the union of Aries and Libra is promising.

Aries - Libra: is there any compatibility?

People born under these signs highly value attention. Both of you are able to carry out your plans with great diligence.

Thanks to the ease of Aries on the rise, Libra gets rid of their tendency to weigh too carefully the various options in insufficiently defined situations.

The strategic intuition of those born under the sign of Libra helps those born under the sign of Aries to more soberly evaluate the decisions made before proceeding with their implementation.

Thanks to this, the marriage of Aries and Libra quickly gains strength. The love of Aries and Libra is rarely platonic. Both signs are great lovers.

In their union, feelings are balanced by logic. Everyone wants a partner to share his ideas, and this is a constant subject of discussion between signs.

The Aries-Libra relationship is the guarantee that neither of you will ever feel alone. Their relationship means a meeting of two enterprising, enterprising people.

You are probably not mistaken if you consider yourself the most compatible couple in character. Sometimes you are able to anticipate each other's thoughts and actions.

How compatible are Aries man and Libra woman?

The Aries man easily succumbs to the charms of a woman born under the sign of Libra. She attracts him by the fact that she appreciates his feelings. The Aries man feels the heat of passion from the first glance into the eyes of a woman born under the sign of the planet Venus.

Her behavior inspires the idea that she is looking for a faithful and devoted life partner. He knows that they could complement each other in their search for love.

He tries to be patient and let the woman build their relationship on her terms. In a certain sense, he regrets that he did not find it yesterday, but in the peace of his soul - real wisdom.

There is no place for impatient pressure. Relationships in a pair of Aries and Libra develop harmoniously, when they meet, it seems to both of them that they have known each other for a long time and were once together.

A woman born under the sign of Libra understands the need of the Aries man to act under the influence of natural instincts. He reminds her of the swift warriors of an ancient era.

A woman born under the sign of Libra can only watch the tireless Aries gallop. He seems to be constantly on the move, on the move, whether he knows his destination or not.

It seems that he acts under the influence of adrenaline, or at least he is always ready for danger. She also wants him to be the first to start chasing her, but at the same time she is ready to gladly answer that she will also pursue him.

How compatible are Aries woman and Libra man?

A woman - Aries attracts the attention of a man born under the sign of Libra, with her direct and intent gaze when their eyes meet. The meeting of eyes has not yet taken place, but it is already close!

Both are immediately aware that some danger lurks here, but neither of them wants to heed the warning. Aries woman likes the inviting expression on the face of a man born under the sign of Libra.

He is the best of all whom she could trust. When he is near her, she is thrown into the heat, then into the cold.

When he does not know which of the two possibilities to choose, she has a strong spiritual impulse: to slow down a little.

It is not difficult for an Aries woman to leave a cherished place in her heart for her lover, born under the sign of Libra. They argue or even quarrel, unable to agree on anything with each other.

And when one of them speaks out, fun and joy begin anew. From a man born under the sign of Libra, it does not hide that a woman marked him. He guessed from her face.

There are no obvious signs in her behavior that betray a desire for a man to pursue her, court her, but at the same time she does not reject or repel him.

She seemed to have guessed the dilemma before him from the very beginning. Thinking about what to do and what not to do, what is possible and what is not, he can earn a severe headache.

She immediately begins to check whether he can decide what to do with her. And he catches where the line is, beyond which he must take the first step towards her.

To his surprise, she herself is not averse to getting close to him, which makes his task easier. He is intrigued by the heat that burns in her eyes. It is a love that can take them both to where all their dreams come true.

At least, this is what a man born under the sign of Libra feels.

The love of Aries and Libra is passionate, there is an attraction between partners that allows you to ignore some disagreements and inconsistencies in their love relationship.

Sex in such a relationship is extremely piquant. Both of you enjoy bringing your partner to ecstasy. You strive to maintain each other's sexual energy.

You give each other the opportunity to assert themselves exactly as each of you wants it, and at the same time do not bind each other in any way.

To suddenly find yourself in an embrace with someone whose zodiac sign is opposite to yours is very tempting.

Finally, you have found someone who, just like you, strives for love and who will help you solve at least part of the problems that life has set before you.

Astrologers - about the compatibility of Aries with Libra

From the book of Olshevskaya N. "Astrology for Women":

You are Aries, he is Libra: these signs are in opposition, and opposites converge. Each of you has qualities that the other lacks.

Aries rush forward under the influence of an instant impulse, and Libra stops and carefully considers everything.

Aries should carefully consider all options before embarking on an activity, and Libra definitely lacks fiery determination.

But living with someone who constantly wants things from you that pisses you off can make you fully aware of the opposition that started it all.

You are Libra, he is Aries: at first, this combination of opposition signs causes a strong mutual attraction.

Since each of you has the qualities that the other needs, you will be able to teach each other an important lesson in a short time.

I say “short” because of my ideas about the interaction of signs of opposition: when mutual attraction is established and you manage to acquire and adopt some unique features of a partner that you yourself did not possess before, the need to be near him is greatly reduced.

In addition, a person rarely wants to constantly see a reminder of past mistakes and delusions nearby.

From the book Wolinsky S. "Astrolove":

Aries and Libra are two polarities, two opposite signs of the zodiac. And you are more than just attracted to each other. When fire and air meet to merge into one, it's wonderful!

You both love freedom and consider it natural. Yes, it sounds nice. But it is one thing to be free yourself, and quite another to allow it to another.

Why not take this into account for Aries, who is far from always in control of himself and simply boils with indignation when Libra is not busy with him, but with his friends or extraneous interests?

Temperament, turning into anger, Libra simply cannot stand, because they always strive for balance, without which their own nature can become uncontrollable.

That is why they are so well in control of themselves... If you can reduce the intensity of your relationship a little, you will be rewarded. True, this does not apply to the fire of love ...

Especially if Libra adds a little game to this and ... they visit guests less ...

Love and compatibility in a couple Aries - Libra

From the book Novoselova G. "Your love signs":

Who is that swinging in the tree? Yes, this is the magnificent old Tarzan and the cheerful Jane with him! They cling with all their might! Hold on tight, honey!

This friend of all monkeys is a true Aries, and his partner (a girl, not a monkey) is a typical representative of Libra.

Around Tarzan and Jane, the air is hot. Sweaty half-naked bodies sway in the stuffy jungle on pea lashes (this is how Liana imagines lianas!).

Libra says that they don't like it at all, but once they start, they will enjoy every minute. Erotica will cause all sorts of desires and experiences (“It’s better to let off steam,” the irrepressible Aries, as a rule, believes).

When Aries pairs up with beautiful Libra, it's a delightful duo. But the non-interfering, calm, voluptuous Libra is the exact opposite of the rude, noisy Aries.

But these two adore each other so much that you just admire. Dear Libra! They suggest to their beloved Aries that the tango is danced only together. The noisy Aries loves to do it alone.

He performs a stunning solo, but when the quivering Venus enters, it turns out to be an excellent pas de deux.

You see, the motto of the "Martian" is: "I am the first", while Libra prefers to ride through life together, even on a bicycle, and always say "we".

The assertive Aries will teach Libra to stand up for themselves, not to serve as a bedding on which everyone can wipe their feet (Libra simply has “Welcome” written on his forehead, so he is not worried in vain!).

Aries will inspire them that although collectivism is beautiful, everyone is individual in some way (look at Aunt Ethel - can you find another one like that?).

Aries is immersed in sex up to the eyebrows (some people are lucky!) because they are ruled by Mars. As soon as Libra feels how sexy Aries is, they will not leave him behind.

If they have Venus in Virgo, they are sure to complete the biggest and most fragrant bath in the world (tired of lovemaking, they will probably doze off in the water and wake up shriveled like dried plums).

Sometimes, however, the incredible sexuality of the “Martian” may not be to the taste of the sweet Libra, who is not enough for one sex, but also needs a conversation.

Therefore, Aries must necessarily talk while making love. However, this couple is always sexually attracted to each other.

"Martian" forms an amazing pair with Libra. These are astrological prototypes, and their interplanetary play is delightful.

With a different sex ratio, Aries and Libra are also an enviable couple, but they will have to work hard before they reach a blissful balance (without which the beautiful Libra cannot feel the joy of spring).

The Aries man may feel that his beloved, ruled by Venus, is putting too much pressure on him. She loves to challenge and, when the question is decided who is the boss in the house, she immediately feels his weakness.

She wins effortlessly (whose effort? Of course, the "Martian"!).

Sexual compatibility of the couple Aries - Libra

From the book by Rowan D. "Love Compatibility":

You just need to remember to be yourself. True, this is easier said than done. However, if you are persistent, the truth will reveal itself, and your truthfulness will be quite natural.

You can have fun playing bright and dramatic roles. Improve your partner's mood, encourage him. Maybe even some theatricality will help you get rid of stress.

In order to resolve problems in the Aries-Libra relationship, you should take the time to discuss your personal and common goals when certain problems arise on your way.

You will probably feel that in many ways you harmonize well with each other. Each of you naturally complements the personality of the other.

Aries and Libra are each other's mirrors, especially when you take the time to exhaustively discuss your differences.

And if each of you ask yourself: “Who am I?”, then there is no doubt that your partner will help you find the answer. Then you will feel especially deeply how well he understands you.

How to avoid problems in a pair of Aries - Libra?

The problems of the Aries-Libra couple are the fading of passion. Your sexual relationship will suffer if you keep your dissatisfaction in check - it's better, as they say, to let the couple out.

Anger that finds no outlet is an endless carousel of traps. It's not easy to run away from each other, is it?

You have probably noticed that in your heart you usually want to go back and do so even if your partner says no to you. The hardest thing is to get your mind and heart on the same wavelength.

  • Communicate with each other, find topics for conversation, even if such communication is given to you with great difficulty.
  • Spare no effort to overcome your own stubbornness. One try, another - and you succeed. Otherwise, you will lose intimacy. Someone has to take the first step.
  • When analyzing the compatibility of the Aries and Libra pair, keep in mind that each of them wants to be a leader in their field.
  • However, there will always be tasks, problems, hobbies or some social activities that you could do together. Patience.
  • Remember the saying: "Walk a mile in my shoes" (in Russian: "Stay in my shoes"). It is quite applicable here. You need to be "in the shoes" of a partner.
  • Take a moment and try to look at your relationship from each other's point of view. If that doesn't work for you, let your partner help you tune in to his (or her) worldview.

Alone, you will not resolve contradictions and disagreements faster than together. Remember, your style of making decisions is completely different. Aries is often ready to follow an inner impulse.

Libra, on the other hand, first tries to think about what is happening and take into account all possible aspects of the action. The demands of other people often annoy them.

Libra sometimes wants to do something nice for Aries, but they are afraid that at the same time they will not offend their mother-in-law or mother-in-law. Both of you are not built to move at a snail's pace (Aries are more suited to email speed!).

You only need to listen to each other - and so that the partner notices that you hear him, and would let you know that he also hears you.

It is true, however, that actions speak louder than words. So, Aries and Libra, please, let's understand the partner that you hear him!

Psychological games for compatibility in a pair of Aries and Libra

Masquerade Compatibility Game

Being together and playing with a partner, pretending to be someone else, not who (or who) you really are, is a common thing for an Aries and Libra couple.

You provoke a partner to demonstrate a variety of shades of character. Just be sure to show your real self when you talk about serious things.

If you hide too much behind those masks that you make up specifically for each other, you can get sucked into the Masquerade game.

Because of this game, Aries and Libra are gradually lost in various external manifestations of their personality. The approval of others becomes too important for you.

You may even persistently try to impress each other by playing some role that is completely unusual for you.

If you have a lot of masks in your collection, you can confuse each other. To keep the love of Aries and Libra, be mercilessly honest when you want to be understood, as they say, to the core.

Another feature of this Aries and Libra game is that your social demands can become so all-consuming that you spend too little time together.

One or both of you may be involved in various social activities and entertainment. There is nothing wrong with that. However, if you go too far in trying to win applause, you may lose your sense of proportion.

The marriage of Aries and Libra in this case will be shaky. If you don't appreciate each other, the depth you would like to find in your partner may not be available to you.

In any relationship, denial is present to one degree or another, even those that successfully last for years. Nobody faces reality all the time.

The game means that at least one of you constantly denies the other's undertakings. If Aries and Libra are not more frank with each other, it will be difficult for both of you to create the deepest possible union.

Warmonger Compatibility Game

The character of those born under the sign of Libra does not seem difficult. They are characterized by diplomacy and artistry. Those born under the sign of Aries get along better with people born under the sign of Libra than with those born under other signs.

Libra, with their sober and realistic outlook on life, is able to restrain the impulsiveness of Aries.

The Warmonger Game occurs when Aries and Libra have lost their common sense and objectivity and stand up for their own ideas and goals without delving into and unwilling to delve into your partner's ideas and goals.

Thoughts of a possible compromise do not even cross your mind. Aries can provoke Libra to such behavior very simply: he does not hear what Libra's partner tells him.

Libra, on the other hand, can infuriate Aries by refusing to participate in the implementation of some plan that came to Aries' mind.

The only thing Aries needs at such a time is to be reasonably and reasonably explained the reason for the refusal to follow his plans.

The Warmonger game creates a lot of tension between Aries and Libra. Such behavior does not bring any benefit to the nervous system of each of you.

The willingness to succumb to the influence of the main impulses is aimed at breaking out of the control of your mind when you are drawn into this game.

The problem here is not anger, but lack of insight, lack of understanding of how to find a solution. Clarity comes when you cool down and calm down enough that you can see an alternative point of view.

Compatibility game "Hurry up - make people laugh"

A few years ago I had the opportunity to cook with a famous chef from India. One of his favorite proverbs was "Hurry ruins the curry."

In the game "Hurry up - make people laugh" there is an illusory sense of urgent need that interferes with the normal process of communication.

The usual rhythm of the joint life of a pair of Aries and Libra can from time to time be replaced by shock, which is not surprising: life does not move according to the Richter scale!

Your commitment to each other may be in doubt due to your lack of patience. Your tender affection for each other will weaken if you become too assertive.

Time is your ally, not your enemy. If any of you are worried and worried that your relationship isn't moving fast enough, don't make a face of displeasure.

The more Aries and Libra discuss their problems, the better.

Even if you have been together for several years, it is possible that in the process of implementing your decisions, mutual patience will wane; do not forget that Aries and Libra resist each other more than we would like.

Aries often act first, and think about their actions later. And those born under the sign of Libra in this case will not understand Aries and will turn their backs on him. This creates a difficult dilemma.

The marriage of Aries and Libra may be in crisis. Before you there will be a barrier almost from Mount Everest! The sooner you get used to the fact that your impulses function differently, the happier you will be.

Perhaps the service career of each of you will make the rhythm of your life hectic. Aries and Libra will have to forget about plans for a long and fun time together.

Being busy all the time and not having fun at all is burdensome. It is possible that one of you, trying to get rid - at least for a short time - of too much stress, will take advantage of the circumstances that will allow him to remain outside the control of the partner.

Of all the couples for Aries, an alliance with Libra will be the most explosive. Not only are their elements Fire and Air, but also the signs are located on diametrically opposite poles of the zodiac circle - that's why this type of compatibility is called "Opposites attract". In itself, this combination of elements is favorable, and the contrast between the personalities of the partners introduces its own intrigue. Such couples either turn away from each other at first sight, or from the first words they find mutual understanding and strike up a friendship, and then a close relationship.

As people they are completely different. So much so that they can simultaneously be overcome by attraction and rejection. Some of their qualities complement each other perfectly, and some are in conflict. And what will be the fate of the couple in the end - love or hate - depends on how both partners can unite and for what. "Opposites" can rally around common and serious problems, but fall into petty criticism and quarrels when their relationship becomes too even and serene.

The path of "opposites" is the path of mutual assistance, uniting efforts, abandoning personal pride in favor of the common good. Having embarked on this path, Aries and Libra have only two routes: either go through joint trials and move higher up the ladder of development, spiritual growth, knowledge of each other, or it is very painful to fall down. It is clear that this path is not for everyone. But the reward for passing the tests is generous. Regardless of how quickly these relationships end, they usually remain in the memory of partners for life because of the lessons and impressions received in them.

Let's figure out what attracts Aries in the opposite Libra. Most often what they say is beautiful, sophisticated aesthetes, pleasing in appearance and usually have a good physique by nature. No wonder so many people like Libra. And if you add to this their ability to please everyone, developed skills of diplomacy, brilliant intellect and spirituality, then Aries can see in Libra almost an ideal partner.

But here Aries runs into contradictions: what is behind Libra's desire to please everyone? What is a defeatist position? Where is the will to single-handed victory? But Libra, it turns out, also knows how to argue, uncompromisingly proving their position with arguments and bringing different points of view. Here Aries is convinced that Libra goes through life towards the same goals as he does, but in completely different ways. And the apparent weakness of Libra does not mean that Aries can take them by force.

Aries, as a partner, for its part, gives Libra a lot. At a minimum, Libra gets a powerful boost of energy and positive emotions from communicating with Aries. And as a maximum, Aries can give them an incentive to act if they hesitated for a long time so that their plans finally get the realization. In addition, Aries for Libra is a manifestation of simply fantastic passion. Still, physical attraction in a pair of "opposites" always comes in one of the first places.

So, we realized that Aries and Libra have not only complementary, but also conflicting qualities. Therefore, for harmonious love and family relationships, everyone will have to learn respect, compliance with a number of conditions and sacrificing their own interests.

What should be worked on in the relationship between Aries and Libra?

Although in a pair of “opposites” there is no clear leadership for one of the signs, but if we take a pair of Aries and Libra, then Aries is much more committed to the leadership inherent in him by nature, along the way making many mistakes and thereby putting the relationship at risk. Paired with Libra, it is Aries who can either save everything or derail everything. What exactly in Libra irritates Aries and causes conflicts?

To begin with, Libra appears in the eyes of Aries as a person without a specific firm position, with an ever-changing point of view, with speeches dominated by streamlined formulations and nothing to the point. Aries does not see in Libra either purposefulness, or even the very existence of goals. Either these goals seem too vague and untenable to Aries. But Aries must understand that Libra is an air sign, and for them this is in the order of things. They are not like him.

Both signs can be called social. They reveal themselves in many ways in society and in relation to its members. Aries is used to asserting itself through personal victories, dominance, authoritarianism, confrontation with some and powerful support from others. Because of this, he has a circle of admirers and friends around him, but there are also enemies. Libras manage to please almost everyone. They rarely have enemies, most often hidden ones, who cannot express their dislike to Libra in person. Libra achieves universal sympathy in ways different from Aries - humane, intellectual and creative. What gives rise to envy and mixed feelings in Aries.

However, Aries should not envy Libra, but adopt the best from them - diplomacy, self-control and endurance. Most of all, the lack of these qualities in Aries and their presence in Libra is manifested in those disputes when Aries has already caught fire and throws sparks around him, and Libra, remaining restrained, waits until Aries burns out. And here they are already winning a quiet victory.

Over time, of course, Aries will understand that Libra is worth listening to, because they most often turn out to be right, because. carefully weigh their decisions. But at first, it will be very difficult for Aries to put up with intellectual defeats, despite victories in strong-willed battles. It's no secret that usually Aries are the first to give up in this difficult pair, not understanding Libra to the end and not gaining complete control over them.

Aries woman and Libra man

Acting impulsively, and perhaps underestimating the Libra man, the Aries woman will seek to lead the relationship, which infuriates the partner who protects his right to freedom and self-expression.

In dangerous proximity with the Libra man, the Aries woman sometimes gets too heated and cannot resist harsh phrases and criticism. This romantic and fascinating Libra man captured her from the inside, but he is so far from her ideas about a knight. Until she copes with the stereotypes and recognizes him completely, I want to keep her from jumping to conclusions.

Aries man and Libra woman

Even despite the fact that Aries appears here in a strong male role, his fiery essence turns out to be very dependent on the breath of the airy Libra woman. She is his inspiration and stimulus for action. And she is the one who can piss off self-willedness.

Such a union turns out to be a serious test for the Aries man for maturity, strength of nerves and the ability to accept another. He will allow Aries to seriously grow above himself personally and spiritually.

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