How to make an infrared floor with your own hands. How to make a heater with your own hands: instructions on how to make a homemade appliance How to make an infrared heater with your own hands

In the cold season, the demand for heat increases especially. But not every owner has the opportunity to purchase a factory-type heater. There is nothing difficult to assemble a heater with your own hands.

We bring to your attention four options for creating a heating device from improvised means, which will perfectly cope with the task assigned to it. We have described in detail the process of making homemade products. Described the principle of operation and features of operation.

We have attached diagrams, photo selections and video instructions to the step-by-step guides.

The simplest models of homemade heaters are designed for local heating. Their maximum heating temperature is about 40 ° C.

For the most part, homemade heating products belong to radiating devices, operating on the principle of electric radiators. They are connected to a single-phase network with 220 V traditional for household objects. Those who wish to engage in independent production of devices need knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and wiring.

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Skeptics argue that infrared rays are harmful to humans. At the same time, they willingly bask on the beach, forgetting that the Sun is the most powerful emitter of these rays. Our star has been heating the Earth for billions of years, and nature exists. But there is some truth to skepticism. We all got burns while sunbathing on the beach, touching a hot frying pan, boiling water or any very heated substance will inevitably lead to injury.

To avoid this natural risk, a heater made of infrared film has been developed, which is not difficult to make with your own hands. A distinctive feature of heating with infrared rays is the fact that it is not air that heats up, but objects. Thus, the consumer begins to feel warmth almost immediately after turning on this heater. IN traditional systems heating heaters first we must raise the temperature of ourselves, then the air in the room, and only after that we begin to warm up.

A heater made to use radiation does not have a heating fluid that can leak or freeze if you leave for a few days in winter and turn off the system. There is no boiler, pipe pump and battery. All its components.

  • A heating element is a lamp, coil or filament that generates heat energy.
  • Reflector that distributes heat throughout the room.
  • Wires.
  • Thermostat with which the heating level is set.

Make the simplest do-it-yourself infrared heater maybe a child. To do this, it is enough to place a sheet of foil behind the radiator. There are many circuits for the manufacture of electrical devices of this type. A variety of heat sources can be used, from a coil for an electric stove to glued plastic sheets with a graphite interlayer. A wide range of reflectors, up to chocolate foil and a customized voltage regulator.

Infrared film

The most advanced material for making do-it-yourself heater is an infrared film. Consists of three layers.

  • The foundation. An electrical polymer with high refractoriness parameters.
  • The middle, working, layer is a carbon non-woven fabric, which is a heating element. Silver and copper contact bars.
  • The outer lamination is made from the same material as the base of the film.

Since the installation does not require special surface preparation, and the material itself is a flexible such a heater made of infrared film with your own hands easy to mount on any profile and material of the wall, floor or ceiling.

Work order

Infrared film as a heater
  1. When choosing an IR heating scheme as the main one, it should be remembered that the total area of ​​the heater will be about 70% of the area of ​​the room.
  2. If installed on a ceiling, the height must be at least 2.5 m.
  3. Do not assemble the circuit at sub-zero ambient temperatures.
  4. Draw the boundaries of the areas where the heater will be assembled. When assembling an infrared heater with your own hands, the limitation scheme must be strictly observed. Wooden and metal elements of the building must have a distance of more than 50 mm from the film. The distance to electrical appliances and external wiring cables is at least 20 cm. Each section must have a load limited to 10 A. The wires that will connect the film fragments are laid at a distance of 2.5 cm from the edge of the section.
  5. Calculate the connection points of the heater parts, and secure the wires. Each sheet must be connected to the main communication in parallel, for this use a copper wire with a cross-sectional area of ​​1.5 mm2.
  6. At this stage, it is advisable to invite a professional electrician for advice on how to make an infrared heater with your own hands without disturbing the procedure for connecting electricity. Connect the film connection wiring with the lines leading to the installation points of the thermostats. The total capacity of the sections connected to one regulator must correspond to its capacity. The lines are made of 2.5 mm wires 2 ... Bring them up to the point of connection with the main cable.
  7. Install a 5 mm reflector over the entire surface area. Lead the wires in the places where the devices will be connected.
  8. Attach the film at the designated points.
  9. Lock the thermostats.
  10. Connect and isolate all contacts.
  11. Turn on the heater. Touch with your hand, it should generate warmth, but not cause a burning sensation.
  12. Install the decorative layer, the distance to the film can be from 10 mm to 150 mm. For walls and ceilings, it is better to choose moisture resistant materials. If the work was carried out on the floor, then linoleum, laminated flooring, parquet, carpet or tiles can be laid directly on the film.


Now that the question how to make a heater with your own hands solved, consider possible reasons and methods of repairing such a system.

One of the main advantages of this heating scheme is its survivability. Carbon strips work over their entire surface, and their contact with the tires is carried out over the entire length of the material. Due to this, even in the event of a breakdown in one or more places, the remaining area of ​​each section or strip of the film will continue to work.

This effect can be compared to a sheet of metal that has been filed electricity... You can make a hole at any point, all the same, the sheet itself will remain energized. With such damage, the infrared heater does not need to be repaired.

Suppose there was a wire break and one or more sections stopped working. With such a defect, the remaining area of ​​the heater will continue to heat, because each fragment is connected in parallel.

It is impossible to eliminate this breakage without disassembling the decorative layer. The only method of dealing with the problem may be preventive measures. During installation, try to avoid large fragments, then the failure of a small area will not affect the heating level. Tighten the contacts securely. Do not overload the wire. Moreover, such a malfunction has an extremely low probability. We boldly put drywall on the ceiling, under which the wires go to the chandelier, or we remove the cable under the plaster.

The only real threat that can force the repair of an infrared heater with your own hands is the melting of several sheets. It can happen due to overheating, but several conditions must be met for this.

  1. The surface that transfers heat to the room must be covered with a significant insulating object. As an example, imagine a mattress thrown on the floor. If the heater is mounted on a wall or ceiling, this naturally cannot happen. The threat exists only for the floor version.
  2. When the temperature reaches 70 ° C, the thermostat should work and turn off the heating part. So at the same time they threw a warm blanket on the floor and the regulator broke. Its principle of operation is based on the laws of physics. As it heats up, the substance in the sensor expands and opens the contact. The defect is impossible. If there is no such substance there, it will be found during the initial check.
  3. All materials used in the production of the film have high heat resistance. The base can withstand temperatures ten times higher. Carbonite, silver and copper are able to heat up more and not be harmful from this.
  4. Even if a miracle happened and the leaf overheated, it would only lose its shape and continue to function, but with a slightly lower efficiency.

Is it worth making a heater from an infrared film with your own hands? ? Technology does not stand still. Even 100 years ago, the overwhelming majority of the population of our planet did not know about the existence of electricity, and the car could simply get scared. But is the present life possible without these things? Think of a 1990 cell phone that was a walkie-talkie in the president's suitcase. Look at the current smartphone that every student has. This is progress.

Until relatively recently, the infrared heater belonged to the category of "miracles of technology". Today it is a familiar device that is used in residential, public buildings, as well as in open areas. It also comes to the point that homebrew masters, finally shivering in the garage, are trying to design an infrared heater with their own hands. As they say, "from what was." Is it really possible? Let's figure it out in this article.

Operating principle

Unlike a conventional heater, an infrared heater does not heat the air in the room. It heats objects in the path of infrared rays. And those, in turn, share their warmth with the air.

The main components of an infrared heater are:

  • Heating element-emitter.
  • Reflector (reflective part).

What to assemble an infrared heater from?

  • To make your own reflector, use polished steel or aluminum. The reflector is designed to direct the radiation flux to the desired area.
  • Heating elements in an infrared heater are lamps: quartz, carbon fiber or halogen.

Differences between lamps for a heater, or which ones to choose

In order to personally understand for ourselves which lamps are better to take in order to make an infrared heater with our own hands, we will analyze some of their features:

  • The cost of devices with halogen lamps is lower than carbon and quartz.
  • There is a myth that a quartz heater has a beneficial effect on human health. This statement has nothing to do with the truth.
  • With all its cheapness, a halogen device has a significant drawback: when it is in operation, the lamp glows. Naturally, it is not suitable for either a children's room or a bedroom.

Important! In addition to a reflector with a radiator, the infrared heater is equipped with a thermostat and a fire hazard sensor. The thermostat is designed to maintain the set temperature, and the sensor automatically turns off the overheated device.

Now, armed with basic knowledge about the operation of an infrared heater, we will proceed to its independent manufacture.

DIY IR heater - instructions

For work you will need:

  • Reflector (made in the USSR in 19 .. - some year).
  • Nichrome thread.
  • Dielectric made of refractory material.
  • Steel rod.

Important! A plate made of glazed ceramics can serve as a dielectric.


  1. Clean the old reflector from dust and dirt.
  2. Check if the power cord, plug, terminal connections for connecting the spiral are intact.
  3. Measure the length of the spiral that fits over the cone of the device.
  4. Cut a rod of the same length, wind a nichrome thread on it. In this case, the winding pitch is 2 mm.
  5. As a result of the last simple manipulation, you have a spiral. Remove it from the rod.
  6. Lay the spiral loosely - so that its turns do not touch, on the dielectric.
  7. Connect the current from the mains to the ends of the spiral.
  8. Disconnect the heated coil and place it in the groove from the ceramic reflector cone.
  9. Connect the coil to the power terminals.

DIY glass and foil infrared lamp

Another option is how to make such a device yourself. And he, too, is not something overwhelming or difficult for an ordinary home craftsman.

You will need:

The algorithm for assembling an infrared lamp with your own hands is as follows:

  1. Clean the glass surface from dirt.
  2. Light a candle and, moving the glass plates over the flame, smoke them evenly.

Important! The soot layer in the heater acts as a conductor. On chilled glass, a layer of soot falls more evenly.

  1. Using cotton swabs, make a “frame” about 0.5 cm wide around the perimeter of the glass.
  2. Cut 2 rectangles out of aluminum foil, the width of a conductive layer (the same soot). Foil rectangles in the future device will serve as electrodes.
  3. Place the glass plate, soot up, and apply epoxy to the surface.
  4. Place the foil over the edges of the plate so that the ends of the foil extend beyond the glass.
  5. Cover the resulting “sandwich” with the second piece of glass, smoked inward.
  6. Glue the layers together, pressing them firmly together.
  7. Seal the structure around the perimeter.
  8. Measure the resistance of the conductive layer.

Important! The power of the device is calculated by the formula N = R x I x I, where:

  • N is the power of the device, W.
  • R is the resistance value of the conductive layer, Ohm.
  • I - current strength, A.
  • If the obtained power value does not exceed the standard value, you can connect the structure to an outlet. Otherwise, you will have to disassemble everything and start all over again.

Infrared Laminate

To make a DIY IR heater, you will need:

  • 2 pieces of laminated paper plastic (1 square meter).
  • Epoxy adhesive.
  • Graphite. It can be removed from exhausted batteries.
  • Copper rail for terminals.
  • Power cord.
  • Wood for the frame.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Mix graphite and epoxy into a thick mass. This is a future conductive layer with high resistance.
  2. Place the plastic workpiece on a flat surface (rough side up).
  3. Apply a mixture of epoxy glue with graphite, zigzag strokes to the plastic.
  4. Prepare the second piece in the same way.
  5. Putting the plates together with the processed sides, glue the structure.
  6. Make a wooden frame around the perimeter of the product.
  7. Wait for the glue to dry.
  8. As in the previous version, measure the resistance of the conductive layer and calculate the power.

Important! If it turns out during the calculation that the conductive layer has too low resistance, make a new graphite-epoxy mixture with a lot of graphite. If, on the contrary, the resistance is increased, the amount of graphite in the mixture must be reduced.

  1. After obtaining the best result, you can connect the cord to the terminals and turn on the device.
  2. If desired, you can equip the device with a small thermostat.

Simply and easily…

And, as they say, “for dessert”, a simple DIY heater made from an incandescent light bulb. Take a powerful incandescent lamp, place it in a case made of metal.

Important! The lamp, releasing heat, heats up the metal, which, in turn, gives off its heat to the air and, thus, heats the room. Of course, such a primitive device is only suitable for a small room as an additional source of heat.


These are just four of the simplest ways to create a do-it-yourself infrared heater. In fact, there are much more of them. The question involuntarily arises: do you need it? Fuss a lot, and it's not a fact that everything will turn out as it should. But:

  • First, knowledge is never superfluous.
  • Secondly, you kill two birds with one stone. You get a useful device and get rid of a bunch of unnecessary junk.

Maybe you should try?

Among the range of modern heating devices, infrared devices stand out. The principle of their operation is based on long-wave radiation, which, when exposed to the surface, leads to its heating.

Factory cost is relatively high. This is due to their design, processability and the use of expensive materials. If the price is a fundamental factor and there is a desire to try your hand as a designer, you can make such a heater with your own hands.

The principle of operation of an infrared heater is to transfer heat from a heated source using a reflector to surrounding objects. Main feature is the material used for the reflector. Basically, these are aluminum alloys, which have the property of reflecting only long-wave radiation (thermal). The heater can be of any type - electric (incandescent spiral) or gas.

So, to make an infrared heater you will need:

  • Heating element
  • Reflective aluminum surface.

Construction No. 1

The simplest and at the same time effective design of a long-wave heater is a modification of standard heating radiators. To focus the heat coming from the radiator, just install a sheet of aluminum foil.

It is mounted on the wall where the radiator is installed and reflects heat into the room.

Construction No. 2

Any portable o - oil, electric, etc. is taken as a heating element. The reflective surface is mounted on a specially made frame. The design of the frame directly depends on the shape of the heater. In this case, the main thing is to take into account the region of propagation of long-wavelength radiation. The larger the reflective surface, the larger the additional heating zone will be.

The designs of these models are based on the use of standard heaters with a small addition - an aluminum reflector.

Construction No. 3

For a completely homemade model you will need:

  • 2 sheets of plastic laminated
  • Epoxy adhesive
  • Graphite
  • Electric wire with plug

Zigzag lines from a mixture of epoxy glue with the addition of graphite must be applied to the plastic sheets. These lines will serve as a conductor and heating element. Further, 2 sheets are connected to each other so that the lines overlap each other. The electrical wire is connected from different ends to the plates with copper terminals.

With a voltage regulator, you can change the heating power of a home-made device.

Before proceeding with the design and manufacture of an infrared heater, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Safety. The creation of a heating element, especially one that runs on electricity, carries a health risk. All conductive parts must be insulated.
  2. Feasibility. If the cost of a home-made heater is close to the factory one, then it is best to purchase an industrial model. It will be more reliable and efficient.

If you want to make a heater yourself, remember that without practical skills and knowledge of a theoretical base, in the end you can end up with not only an ineffective, but also an unsafe device.

Among the abundance of modern heaters, infrared models stand out as a separate group. Their principle of operation is based on the use of long-wavelength radiation. The peculiarity of heat sources in this category is that they do not heat the air, but the surface to which they are directed. Along with many advantages, the installations have the only drawback - the relatively high cost. Therefore, consumers sometimes set themselves the task of making an infrared heater with their own hands.

Device and principle of operation

It is important to note that any physical substance is capable of radiating thermal energy. Electromagnetic vibrations of a certain frequency heat up the emitter when the temperature rises. That, in turn, directedly transfers the received heat. A key condition for the operation of such a device is the ability to connect to a single-phase (220V) supply network.
Structurally, the device consists of several elements:

  1. emitter. It may be an ordinary incandescent lamp, but its efficiency is very low. Much more promising is a multilayer panel made of a special alloy. A metal filament is laid inside. Having great resistance, it generates heat energy;
  2. reflector. One of the most important components. Its task is to direct thermal radiation to a specific sector. It can be a spherical surface (acts directed) or a flat panel (radiates heat to large areas);
  3. thermal resistance. Designed to maintain the required temperature. As a rule, this role is played by filaments or more modern counterparts;
  4. controller. Multi-stage climate control device, which is responsible for the operation of the device in a given temperature range.

This is how the classic design of an infrared emitter looks like. In practice, there are a wide variety of versions of this kind of heaters.

IR options

The easiest way to organize infrared heating is with foil behind the radiator. It can be installed in any room with a hot water heating system. Such a simple method will save energy resources. The essence of the idea is that the heat of the radiator will be reflected into the room, and not absorbed by the wall.
The fact is that any wall radiators or batteries heat the room not only by convection. Additionally, they generate infrared rays. Such a simple device will increase the heat transfer of household appliances by 10-20%. At the same time, the costs of improving the heating system are negligible in comparison with the resulting effect.

Infrared port and spiral

All costs are limited to the purchase of components - an infrared port and a heating coil. The tungsten filament is placed in a bulky metal box. Ceramic inserts are installed inside it to isolate the spiral. The infrared port connects to the heater. It will transmit into space using the infrared spectrum of waves.

Epoxy adhesive and plastic

To implement the idea, you will have to stock up on two sheets of plastic (1 * 2m), graphite powder, epoxy glue and a cable for connecting to the power supply network. First of all, you should prepare a mixture of epoxy glue and graphite in a 1: 1 ratio. The composition is applied to the rougher side of the plastic sheet in a zigzag motion. This is nothing more than a conductor with a sufficiently large resistance.

After that, two sheets of plastic are glued together using epoxy glue. The whole structure is placed in a frame, which will give it rigidity. Copper terminals must be attached to the graphite track from different sides. After the adhesive has completely dried, the device is ready for use. The heater temperature depends on the ratio of glue and graphite in the mixture. Equal proportions of these materials involve heating the sheet to 65 degrees Celsius.

Shoe Cream Box

The most compact version that can be used for narrow zone heating. To make it you will need:

  1. flat plastic container (not necessarily from shoe polish);
  2. river sand;
  3. graphite;
  4. wiring with plug.

The container must be clean. Graphite is mixed with river sand in equal proportions. Next, the mixture is poured into a plastic container so as to fill it up to half. It is necessary to cut a circle out of tin, the dimensions of which coincide with the diameter of the plastic box. One of the wires is attached to its edge, after which the tin must be placed in a container on a mixture of sand and graphite.

Now the box must be filled with a sand-graphite composition to the brim. The cover is also needed from metal. Moreover, it must fit snugly to the box. When you close it, you need to create excess pressure inside the mini-tank. Another cable wire is connected to it. After all the manipulations, the device can be connected to a car battery or to a household network through a step-down transformer.
There are other options for IR heaters that you can make yourself. After all, the inquisitive mind of folk craftsmen is constantly looking for new solutions that help to adapt old and unnecessary things, improve living conditions and save on the use of energy resources.

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