Fortune telling by Madame Lenormand week. Lenormand fortune telling

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. 40 cards depicted 40 symbols that had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and mean exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you.

Fortune telling on the three runes of Odin “To work” is simple, but it answers the most exciting questions regarding work and career. Just three runes give an idea of ​​the situation at work at a given time, what your potential is in the future and what needs to be done to improve your potential, avoid a conflict situation or achieve your goal. Think about your question, the third rune gives the answer to it, and choose runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling “Your character” will allow you to find out how the people around you see you, what you would like to be and who you really are. The layout is carried out only on the major arcana of the Tarot, which is the most accurate way to describe the personality of the person being told fortunes. Before starting fortune telling, think about a person and select cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards will tell you how the person in question treats you and what she thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

Fortune telling with tarot cards “One card” is the simplest tarot card layout, but also the most versatile. You can ask a question and get an instant answer by pulling out just one card. You can pull out the card additionally to clarify or clarify the answer. Pay attention to the position of the card.

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards

Fortune telling using the Lenormand Oracle is one of the most common, since the symbolism depicted on the cards themselves is intuitively clear to everyone, even without decoding. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular and used Lenormand card layouts using our online fortune telling. Select the fortune telling that suits you from the list below:

The Lenormand “Get to Know Your Partner” card layout gives insight into relationships in the present, past and future. How does your partner feel about your relationship, what nuances should you pay attention to, what pitfalls are hidden and what surprises of fate should you expect in your relationship with your lover. Think about your partner, ask your question regarding the relationship and choose 8 cards from the deck.

Layout of Lenormand cards “Separation” Suitable for those who are at odds with their partner or are on the verge of such a break. This fortune telling will help you find out what your partner’s attitude is towards breaking up, how your life will change if you decide to break up or maintain the relationship, and most importantly, whether your relationship has a chance. Concentrate and imagine the situation, ask a question to the cards, select 6 cards from the deck.

The Lenormand “Life Partner” card layout will help you better get to know the person with whom you are going to connect your life. This fortune telling will show in what ways you are close to your partner and in what ways you are different, what your partner is hiding from you, what qualities he values ​​and complements, as well as what the fate of your relationship is. To begin, choose who you will guess, ask a question and then select cards from the deck.

The Lenormand “New Man” card layout is necessary in cases where a spark of sympathy runs between a man and a woman and the woman is wondering whether this man liked her, what he thinks about her and whether a love relationship is possible between them in the future. Before starting fortune telling, think about the situation and your partner, then select 4 cards from the deck.

The Lenormand “Dove” card layout is aimed at single women and girls waiting for love. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out what men like about you and what they don’t, what factors influence your personal life and whether you will have a relationship within the planned time frame (you need to make additional guesses.) Concentrate, ask your question and select four cards from the deck .

The Lenormand card layout “Love, Desire, Passion” is used to learn about the thoughts, desires and feelings of partners regarding each other. Fortune telling shows your attitude towards your partner, him towards you, as well as your general aspirations and desires. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question with concentration and select nine cards from the deck.

The layout of Lenormand cards “Harmony of Love” will help you find out what you like and what you don’t like in your love relationships, how your partner sees your relationship in the future and what needs to be changed in yourself to create strong and harmonious relationships. Also, with the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what approach is necessary to your partner and what advice the cards give for your relationship. Concentrate and imagine the situation, ask a question to the cards, select 6 cards from the deck.

The Lenormand “Your Light” card layout is intended to be brief. but from that no less informative forecast of the near and distant future. With the help of this online fortune telling, you can find out what awaits you, how events will develop, what surprise awaits you, and where everything will lead. The cards also give advice on how to behave in order to achieve a goal or avoid trouble. Before starting fortune telling, think about the person you will be telling fortunes about and select cards from the deck.

The Lenormand card layout “Return the relationship” is used in the case when love partners are in a quarrel, or have decided to separate or divorce forever. This fortune telling will show you whether reconciliation and renewal of relations is possible, and what needs to be done for that. to return love, whether your partner will want to renew the relationship with you and how this situation will end for you and your partner. Before starting fortune-telling, concentrate, make a question and make a wish for your partner. Then select seven cards from the deck.

The Lenormand “Scales of Justice” card layout is used when you have any dispute between another person. With the help of this fortune telling, you can even find out how the court case (if there is one) will end or a conflict based on a dispute or discussion. The layout gives advice on how to behave if the situation is resolved in your favor or in favor of your opponent. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question with concentration and select nine cards from the deck.

Lenormand card layout “What happens if?” helps determine actions when a difficult or conflict situation arises. Maps show how the situation will develop in the chosen and alternative directions. This fortune telling only shows possible developments based on one or another action; remember that the decision is still yours. Focus and ask your question to the cards, then select cards from the deck.

The Lenormand “Loyalty” card layout is necessary to determine whether your partner is cheating on you. In addition to this exciting question, the cards will also tell you about the nature of your relationship with your partner, what conscious and subconscious thoughts you and your partner have towards each other, as well as many other nuances of a love relationship. Focus and ask your question to the cards.

The layout of the Lenormand cards “Cause of Failure” is used to analyze an unpleasant situation, and also helps to understand what led to such events in life - is there a karmic background to what happened, is there a chance of accident, or is your wrong actions or thoughts to blame in the chain of failures. Focus and ask your question to the cards.

Lenormand “Chains of Fortune” card layout is a universal fortune telling for any life situation in the aspect of the future. The layout, consisting of 4 cards, is very simple, but at the same time very informative and gives a forecast for the near and distant future, how this situation will end. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate and ask your question, then select cards from the deck.

The layout of the Lenormand "Volnitsa" cards, carried out on three cards, is a fairly simple way to predict the development of the situation. With the help of this online fortune telling, you can find out what is destined for you, how everything can change (go differently from what you expect) and what the outcome of the planned situation will be. Concentrate and ask your question after the cards fall out - carefully read the transcript.

The layout of the Lenormand “Love” cards is a simple way of predicting the characteristics of the relationship between two people, what each of them brings to the relationship, what are the similarities and differences between people in the union, what are the main aspects of a love relationship. Before starting fortune telling, think about your partner and ask a question to the cards.

Online fortune telling “Lenormand Advice” is a one-card layout of Lenormand cards, each card of which gives specific advice for you. This fortune telling can be used as a daily fortune telling for planning the day or as an assistant in a difficult situation. Questions suitable for this fortune-telling are “What should I do?” and “What is this situation teaching me?” Focus and choose a card from the deck and read the advice it gives.

An interesting numerological layout of Lenormand cards “Personality Card” allows you to determine his card in the deck by a person’s date of birth. In order to find out which card is predetermined for a certain person, you need to add up all the numbers of his date of birth. If the sum is greater than 36 (the last card number in the deck), then it is also necessary to add the digits of the resulting result. With the help of our online fortune telling, it has become even easier to find out the mysterious card, just select the date of birth of the person you are interested in in the drop-down list.

The Lenormand “Cross” card layout is one of the simplest for predicting the future. This fortune telling will show you how the planned situation will end for you, what opportunities exist for achieving a goal or solving a problem, and whether your plans will come true in the future. Focus and ask your question, select five cards from the deck.

The layout of the Lenormand cards “Five Elements” gives a general idea of ​​​​the various spheres of the fortuneteller’s life, and the result of fortune telling is the numerological sum of the cards (it can repeat the card that fell in the layout). Fortune telling allows you to understand yourself and make the right decision based on your capabilities. The last card “Spirit” in this fortune-telling implies karma, the destiny of the fortuneteller from above, something that does not depend on him. Before you start fortune telling, think about your question and select cards from the deck.

Based on the Lenormand Card of the Day layout, an interesting online fortune-telling has been implemented, with the help of which you can get a forecast for the events that will happen on the predicted day, as well as advice on how to behave on this day and what lessons should be learned. Make a guess on the day you want to tell fortunes for and choose a card from the deck.

Lenormand card layout “Do I like it or not?” used in cases where the fortuneteller would like to clarify the real relationship with his partner. The cards show how your partner treats you, what he thinks about you, what he plans to do and how you should behave; the cards also give a forecast for the development of your relationship in the near future. Before fortune telling, ask your question to the cards and imagine your partner.

The layout of Lenormand cards “Two” is one of the most popular when divining love and relationships between a woman and a man. This fortune telling shows the conscious and unconscious relationship between two close people, what thoughts and feelings they have for each other, what actions they take and what their relationship will be in the future.

The layout of the Lenormand cards “For the situation” gives accurate, without any unnecessary details, information about the reasons for the current situation, what the potential of your capabilities is and what the outcome of the whole matter will be. This fortune telling is a simplified version of the “Nine Lenormand Cards” spread, but no less practical and popular in the use of fortune tellers.

Fortune telling with Lenormand cards is one of the simplest options to comprehend the art of divination and experience great aesthetic pleasure from it. Here the deck itself sets the mood for romance. In no other fortune telling are there such bright, living and understandable symbols as here. Just by looking at the card, you immediately understand what it wants to tell you; the meanings are so intuitive that they will not require any serious emotional or mental expenditure from you. Each of the cards can be conditionally classified as positive or negative, or neutral. And accordingly, the designations will also carry a positive or negative connotation. Maria Lenormand took as a basis an ordinary playing deck of 36 cards and gave them completely new meanings and interpretations. The fortune teller was greatly influenced by the works of the great Tarot researcher, his way of thinking and the genius of his conclusions. In her work, she imitated this master and always called him her teacher. But if Etteila’s reasoning and the result of her work were beyond the understanding of most people, Maria created a deck that is literally understandable to a child, and the cards exude warmth. Another feature of fortune telling in this system is that it pays great attention to the combinations of cards in the layout, which one comes first, which one comes next, and what can be understood from this combination. Follow our advice, try to perform the layout using Lenormand cards and you will discover a new, hitherto unknown world of revelations.

Methodology fortune telling on our website is absolutely identical fortune telling in the cabin. The process of fortune telling and the result depend only on you and no one else; in the process of selecting cards, the duration of your shuffling of the card deck, the time you enter the site, and your personal energy are taken into account. The selection of cards from the deck you have shuffled is carried out exclusively according to the rules of Madame Lenormand's layouts; cards with the serial numbers indicated by Lenormand are removed from the deck and laid out in positions according to the current layout. Thanks to this, the result of fortune telling is very accurate. You will be shown the meaning of all dropped cards in the layout with reference to the time grid, as well as the meanings of card combinations, if any, and used in this layout.

A brief description of the Lenormand fortune-telling given here.

Fortune telling Love and relationships:

    Fortune telling with Lenormand cards - Golden Ring, allows you to use 4 cards to analyze and analyze the feelings of your partner, his (her) attitude towards you and the prospects of the union.
    Fortune telling about your ex on the Lenormand cards will allow you to understand whether your partner still has any feelings towards you and what mistakes were made.
    Fortune telling love using the oracle of Maria Lenormand is used to understand the prospects of love communication with the intended partner.
    Fortune telling with Lenormand cards The new union is used to clarify whether it is possible to find a new partner in the near future.
    Fortune telling with Lenormand cards - Seven Stars will allow you to look at your partner from different angles and understand much of what was still unclear.
    Fortune telling Wedding ring on Lenormand cards is suitable for analyzing the problems of creating a family and allows you to get many answers to questions.
    Fortune telling - Roman is intended to help the querent understand whether the relationship should continue or should be terminated; it is performed on Lenormand cards.
    When there is a need to find out what goals a partner pursues in a relationship with you, fortune telling on Lenormand cards will help us - Partner’s Motives.
    Fortune telling using the Lenormand oracle - Characteristics of relationships allows you to get information about the level of your relationship in the easiest way.
    Fortune telling Love situation is a variant of divination for the concept of the prospects of your relationship with your chosen one. The Lenormand Oracle will cope with this task very well.
    Fortune telling using the Lenormand oracle Restoring relationships will help you understand the possible prospects for restoring communication.
    Fortune telling The beginning of a relationship is used when a relationship is just beginning to develop and it is not clear where it will all lead. The Lenormand Oracle will help you discover this secret.
    Fortune telling, the chosen one, the chosen one, examines the possibility of the existence of relationships between partners, taking into account their personal qualities, the layout is made on Lenormand cards.
    To consider all aspects of the relationship between partners, fortune telling on Lenormand cards is used, which is called - On relationships.
    Fortune telling with Lenormand cards - Partnership will help the querent analyze the relationship with the partner and understand what is wrong. Oracle Lenormand will talk about this topic in great detail and clearly.
    To consider the possibility of harmonious relationships between partners, a layout on the Lenormand oracle is used - Relationships of Loved Ones.
    To determine how bright and pleasant the relationship can be, we will use fortune telling - A simple option, it is performed through the Lenormand oracle.

    Fortune telling:

      An unusual layout, called Numerological, allows you to analyze many of any questions, relying on the numerological component of the Lenormand cards.
      Fortune telling Prediction on Lenormand cards will tell you how events will develop and the influence of various external factors on this.
      Fortune telling Your light will shed light on the hidden aspects of the querent’s life, and Madame Lenormand’s oracle will help in this. With the help of which the fortune teller will be aware of all upcoming events.
      Fortune telling Rainbow on the Lenormand oracle examines a large number of issues related to the daily life of the querent. Having worked through which you will become more prepared for the unexpected.
      Fortune telling with Lenormand Horseshoe cards will give advice on how to act in order to achieve the best result at the lowest cost.
      Priestess fortune telling on the Lenormand oracle, its second name is Moon fortune telling. The situation is considered in the context of the lunar cycle.
      Fortune telling Exit on Lenormand cards is often used to understand what situation the querent will find himself in very soon.
      Fortune telling Volnitsa analyzes what the Lenormand cards say about the development of the situation around the querent. A simple layout that allows for a detailed interpretation.
      Fortune telling of 9 cards will predict for the querent all the little events that await him on the road of life. And Lenormand cards will be an ideal guide.
      Fortune telling about the situation in the simplest possible style. No extra cards, only the most necessary ones, and the Lenormand oracle will help interpret the result.
      Fortune telling - Simple analysis is intended for a superficial analysis of the situation without serious investment of time and effort. Performed using Lenormand oracle cards.
      Fortune telling The state of affairs will explain to you the state of affairs, as well as the material and spiritual aspects of existence with the help of Lenormand oracle cards.
      General divination is used to consider the questions of the future querent; it gives an excellent interpretation of all dependent issues using Lenormand cards.
      Fortune telling The Path is used to know what events the querent should expect, and perhaps fear. The Lenormand Oracle will allow us to examine this topic in detail.
      Fortune telling Forecast will help you understand the complexities of love relationships, find out financial prospects and get advice from the Lenormand oracle.
      Fortune telling Lenormand - Full layout considers many issues of the past, present and future. And gives simple and understandable answers.
      Fortune telling A short layout is based on working out combinations of Lenormand cards and using this to explain everything that awaits the querent in the near future.
      Fortune telling A long layout using Lenormand cards reveals to the querent a map of events that will occur during the period of time agreed upon before the divination.
      Fortune telling Lenormand Seven Houses is an option for a very detailed examination of the situation from all sides and from all angles. Requires concentrated effort and serious investment of time.
        Fortune telling by Lenormand cards - The karmic situation describes the aura existing around the querent.
        Fortune telling Advice of cards is performed if the querent feels the need to ask the Lenormand cards how he (she) needs to act in the current situation.
        To search for any object or person, the Search for the Lost layout is used. It is performed using Lenormand maps and allows you to determine the location or direction for searches.
        In order for the Lenormand cards to answer your question Yes or No, you must perform fortune telling, which is called - Question.
        Fortune telling An open book on the Lenormand oracle can perform two functions. Either give an answer about the fulfillment of the intended desire, or describe an event that soon awaits the querent.
        Fortune telling Yes or No is used when there is a need to find out from the Lenormand deck the answer to the question posed.
        Fortune telling with Lenormand cards The goal helps the querent figure out what is the obstacle to moving towards the goal, and what needs to be done.
        Fortune telling on Lenormand cards The problem of choice will help us if we are at a crossroads and do not know which road to take.
        Fortune telling on Lenormand cards - The event will sort out everything related to the event in question in the life of the querent.
        Fortune telling Road on maps Lenormand will explain to you whether it is worth going on a journey or whether it is better to postpone the planned trip.
        If you are at a crossroads and don’t know what answer awaits you, you can turn to the Lenormand oracle and perform Yes-No fortune telling. After conducting it you will receive the desired prediction.
        You can determine the personality card according to the Lenormand oracle assigned to you by the very fact of your birth. The numerological calculation presented on this page allows you to do this.
        Fortune telling Name compatibility will allow you to understand how compatible you are with your partner; you can find out this through the oracle cards of Maria Lenormand.
        With the help of this fortune telling, we can get advice from the oracle Madame Lenormand on what to do in a given situation.
        Fortune telling One answer, fortune telling on Lenormand cards, will tell you what event will await you in a given period of time.
        Fortune telling Mystery or otherwise it is called - Fortune telling Attic, allows you to carry out, with the help of Lenormand cards, an analysis of the personal qualities of the querent and the situation in which he (she) finds himself.
        Fortune telling Attitude towards alcohol will show how the intended person relates to drinking, using Lenormand oracle cards.

        Fortune telling for the period:

          Fortune telling Querent's Day will be your guide to the events awaiting you tomorrow. And will allow you to live this day without problems
          To understand what will happen tomorrow, fortune telling on Lenormand cards is used. The Coming Day. You can be as prepared as possible for any event.
          Fortune telling by Lenormand cards - Your day will reveal to you all the secrets of the coming day. And it will help you be prepared for any surprise, pleasant or not.
          Fortune telling Forecast for the near future will tell and suggest what awaits the querent in the near future, successes and failures, prospects and failures, all with the help of Lenormand cards.
          Fortune telling with the card of the day performed by the Lenormand deck will tell the fortune teller about how the querent’s day will go. To do this, you only need to take out one card.
          Daily fortune telling with the help of the Lenormand oracle will help you find out all the details of the events awaiting you. With just a few cards you will have a detailed picture of your day.
          Fortune telling Partner Week allows you to understand what events will happen to your partner over the next seven days; the Lenormand deck will be your guide.
          Fortune telling on Lenormand cards Your week will be an excellent option for a fortune teller to receive a detailed forecast about all the events that will accompany the querent in the next 7 days.
          Fortune telling The time period on the Lenormand cards will help the fortune teller determine after what time period the dreamed event will occur.
          Fortune telling Seven Days will present you with a picture of the coming week in all colors and with maximum detail. The Lenormand Oracle will allow you to easily understand the interpretation of cards.
          Fortune telling for a week will reveal for you all the secrets of the next seven days. With the help of Lenormand cards you will analyze all the events awaiting you and learn about surprises.
          Fortune telling The period of wish fulfillment will predict how soon the wish you made will happen and whether it will happen at all. For divination, the Lenormand oracle deck is used.

          Fortune telling about the problem:

            Fortune telling The influence carried out on the cards of Mrs. Lenormand will help you determine whether damage, a love spell or other negative has been directed at the querent.
            To consider the problem from all sides, fortune telling is used - Problem, it is performed with Lenormand cards, and allows you to get a very detailed description of the negative.
            Fortune telling - Achilles' heel will help us understand the querent's vulnerabilities and understand what needs to be done, and the Lenormand card oracle will help us in this.
            Fortune telling Tower is an excellent assistant in solving problems, and the use of Lenormand cards significantly simplifies the process of interpreting the layout.
            Fortune telling The Pyramid is used to consider the querent’s problem, the reasons for its occurrence, and ways out, using the Maria Lenormand deck.


            Fortune telling Finance and work:

              Fortune telling by cards Lenormand - Finance will very professionally explain your prospects in the financial sector, warn you and help you cope with difficulties.
              To determine the querent's chances of finding a new job, fortune telling Lenormand - Getting a job is used; many different aspects of this action are analyzed here.
              Fortune telling New job on Lenormand cards is used if the querent intends to change jobs, this fortune telling will give advice on whether it is worth doing something or whether the time has not come yet.
              Fortune telling for employees can be performed when there is a need to clarify relationships with colleagues in the team; the Lenormand oracle will certainly help you with this.

              They can be different, depending on the task and the result that we want to get after fortune telling. Most of the layouts for the small deck are taken from the book by A. Kotelnikova “Lessons in Prediction with Maria Lenormand”.

              (4 cards). To study a specific issue, we recommend the “Numerological” layout or, as it is also called, “Development and Advice”. When fortune telling, the serial number of the Lenormand card and the position of the card are actively used; combinations of cards are not taken into account in the layout. Only the value of the Lenormand card is taken into account. All 36 cards are used for the layout, but only 4 cards need to be revealed to determine the development of the issue.

              To tell fortunes about a situation and get a general idea of ​​a specific situation, you can use a simple “Situation” layout.

              The layout of the Lenormand cards will tell you quite accurately about the prospects for the development of the situation without any special details. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller's personal card is used - the “blank” card. This layout has a very wide range of applications. It is indispensable in cases where you need to quickly and accurately get an idea of ​​​​a matter and find out the possible result.

              (9 cards). For more detailed fortune telling and consideration of the situation that worries you, it is better to use the “9 cards” layout. Unlike the 4-card “Situation” layout, in this layout of the Lenormand cards, knowing their meaning, you can study a specific issue or serious problem in more detail. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller's personal card is used - the “blank” card.

              (5 cards). To obtain information about the state of affairs in the professional life of the fortuneteller and advice on what can be done to improve the situation, a simple fortune-telling “Five Elements” using card numbers is used. The layout advice is based on adding the numbers of the first four Lenormand cards. Combinations of cards are not taken into account; only the position of the card and its meaning play a role. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

              . To describe relationships and existing feelings, determine what awaits the couple and what they can achieve together, they use the “Two” layout. “Significator” cards are laid out on the table, indicating the pair of interest. As a result of the layout, a characteristic of the relationship is obtained for each of the partners and for the couple as a whole, using the numerological meaning of the Lenormand cards.

              (16 cards). For a more detailed study of relationships and obtaining final conclusions, the “Short” layout is used, it is also called the “Small” layout. The “short” layout is considered complex and requires some experience with Lenormand cards. It takes into account the independent meaning of each card, the position occupied, paired combinations of cards and the position relative to the “blank” card. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

              (21 cards). For a fairly detailed forecast for a short period of time, the “7 houses” layout is used. This layout is also considered quite complex. In addition to the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, fortune telling takes into account the position occupied and paired combinations of cards. This layout predicts events that usually occur within the next month. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

              (36 cards). To search for lost objects and missing people and determine the possible location of the loss and the direction of the search, use the “Search” layout. The meaning of positions is related to the accepted meanings of houses in astrology. In fortune telling, the Lenormand card, which is responsible for the loss, is determined, and by its position in the layout, the possible location of the loss is determined.

              Layout "4 rows" (36 cards). For fortune telling for a certain period, the “4 rows” layout is used. Before laying out the cards, at the request of the questioner, determine the time for which the Lenormand cards are laid out; this can be a day, month, year or the rest of your life. The card of the questioner is found - the “significator”, in relation to which the entire layout is interpreted. See "The Big Deal".

              (36 cards). To make a detailed forecast for a planned period of time, use the “Big Alignment” layout. The “Big Layout” is one of the most complex layouts; in this Lenormand fortune telling, experienced fortune tellers take into account the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, the positions of the cards, paired combinations of cards, the location of the cards relative to the “blank” card, and complex relationships with other cards. The position of the questioner’s card itself is also taken into account; it does not always end up in the center of the layout. The houses, mirrors and correspondence in which the interpreted cards are located are also taken into account. Consider the connection between significators, their position relative to each other.

              To clarify some unclear points, immediately after the “Big Layout” they make a “4 rows” layout, in which 4 rows of 9 cards are laid out. They interpret incomprehensible cards in the “Big Layout” through the “4 rows” layout, clarifying the fortune-telling according to the same rules as in the “Big Layout”, considering the necessary card in a new position for it using houses, mirrors, correspondence and other relationships. The “4 rows” layout can be done as an independent layout and according to the same rules as the “Big layout”.

              The layout (1 card) is an instant layout of one card by Maria Lenormand, it takes a minimum of time and allows you to quickly tell fortunes for the near future and foresee the events of the coming day.

              (1 card) will tell you a lot about the person you are interested in, will reveal the most secret corners of his soul and prepare you to meet any person fully armed. The numerology of the date of birth and the serial number of the Lenormand card are actively used here.

              (36 cards). To find out about upcoming important events in a certain period of time, use the “Gypsy layout”. Before shuffling the cards, as in the previous layout, you need to set the period of time that you will study. The “Gypsy layout” also takes into account not only the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, but also the location of the card relative to the questioner’s card and the relationship with other cards. The decisive point of interpretation is the questioner's card. Gypsies call this form of interpretation "drawing a cross into the past, present and future." Knowing the meaning of each card position, it is easy to understand the meaning of the Lenormand cards in the Lenormand fortune-telling layout.

              Layouts for fortune telling on the astro-mythological Lenormand deck are considered separately on the “” page and are used if it is necessary to obtain a detailed study of any issue and choose the right strategy for further behavior.

              Dear friends, we are pleased to inform you that a deck of cards by Maria Lenormand has appeared on our website. Now, thanks to free online fortune telling by Maria Lenormand, you can find answers to all your questions.

              For those who are not yet familiar with the French Sibyl - Marie Lenormand, we offer a brief excursion into her life. The name of Mary is widely known outside of France. After all, it was she who predicted the Russian Decembrists Pavel Pestel and Sergei Muravyov-Apostol to die on the gallows, which at that time was not used at all in Russia. It was she who predicted glory, crown and wealth for Napoleon Bonaparte, and then defeat, exile and death alone, after he parted with Josephine, a woman sent to him from above. It was she who predicted the imminent death of the Russian Emperor Alexander the First if he did not abdicate the throne. It was she who told Marie Antoinette that she had very little time left to live, and that the guillotine lay ahead. It was the French Sibyl who revealed the terrible news to Marat, Robespierre and Saint-Just, the greatest figures of the French Revolution, that violent death awaited them. Thanks to such terrible predictions that always came true, Maria Lenormand was nicknamed Black Maria.

              Lenormand, born in 1772, was raised in a Benedictine convent. It was there that her parents sent her. The girl was ugly: skewed shoulders, legs of different lengths. It was for this reason that, out of harm’s way, she was sent to be raised by sister nuns. By the age of sixteen, Maria had studied all the books on numerology and magic available in the monastery. It was at this age, and maybe even earlier, that she began to fulfill her first predictions. A deck of cards helped her in this, which Maria felt, in the literal sense of the word. The cards spoke to the fortuneteller. Until now, no one has been able to explain this phenomenon. However, the fact remains a fact.

              In order to tell fortunes online using Maria Lenormand cards, you need to decide on the question that concerns you. Next, go to the required section and begin fortune telling.

              Articles By topic:
              Fortune telling with tarot cards for a wish: the most accurate fortune telling to find out if it will come true
              Fortune telling will help you find out whether your most cherished dream will come true. In this case, you can use simple truthful fortune telling. You can conduct them not only yourself, but also online, absolutely free. All you need is
              Fortune telling using runes
              Everyone wants to know their future. Why people need this is not difficult to understand. You can tell fortunes for the near future using runes. There are many options for fortune telling on the Internet with ancient symbols of different origins. The most truthful results can be obtained if you make
              Fortune telling
              Fortune telling is a popular way to get answers to many questions. They allow you to better know yourself and relationships with people. Love layouts are one of the most common. Using the “Pyramid of Lovers 4 cards” layout, the Tarot will give answers to your interests
              Collection of free fortune telling
              If you want to look into the future, but do not have the time or desire to understand complex techniques, then “Question and Answer” fortune telling will be a great way to find out what awaits you without resorting to too complicated actions. In the article: Fortune telling “Question and answer” - what is it