Shaped cutting with a chainsaw on wood. Wood carving with a chainsaw. Italian miniature sculptures. Video: chainsaw carving master class

Owl wood carving

Owl from an egg. Wood carving.

The blank is linden. If you want to support the channel, then I ask you: 1) Rate this video 2) Write at least some comments. From the creator of Notes Novel. Added 2 months. back. Read more.

how to carve an owl from wood.

wood carving lesson carved owl photo drawing on the website. From the creator Konstantin Be. Year 5 added. back. Read more.

Carved wooden owl - 1 part/Car.

Wood carving (carved owl)/Wood carving (carved owl) Subscribe to my Youtube channel: From the creator Anarbek. Added 2nd year. back. Read more.

OWL. Wood carving.

A piece for a garden composition. The presented woodcarving lessons will introduce beginners to this craft so that you can create objects from wood with your own hands. The monument itself has not yet been processed. A half-rotten linden tree. From the creator lerych k. Added 3 years. back. Read more.

Owl - Hanger. Wood carving. L.

How to make a toy with movable wings. Owl made of wood. From the creator of Notes Novel. Added 1 year. back. Read more.

Wood carving Owl.

carving wood carving. wood carving with a chainsaw. From the author LeSHIY. Added 1 year. back. Read more.

Gorgeous wood carving.

Gorgeous wood carving Wood carving has been known since ancient times and many carvers have achieved this. From the author Alex Ivanov. Added 1 year. back. Read more.

Simple wood carving - OWL.

This video shows the complete process of carving a simple tree figure - from stripping the bark from the branch to the finished piece. From the author Evgeniy Cherny. 11 months added. back. Read more.

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Wood carved bear

A large statue is considered the most complex type of artistic wood carving. You should start making large figures with your own hands only after familiarizing yourself with the rest of the techniques and techniques of carving. A particularly popular theme for creating wood sculptures is the image of a bear.

Wooden Carved Bear Statue Design

This mighty owner of the forest has encouraged craftsmen to create since time immemorial. We can say that no animal appears so often in carved art as the bear.

Material and tools

The choice of wood for work in almost everything depends on the size of the carved figure. So, to produce a small bear figure you may need large branches and small logs. The main thing is that the material is free of damage, cracks and signs of decay. For huge sculptures, thick, powerful logs are chosen.

Experienced woodcarvers advise new ones to use rectangular bars for sculptural carving. It is easier to transfer the image onto the block and the spatial perception of the future statue will be better. As for tree species, the most common are:

The structure of the linden tree is light and unblemished, without a pronounced pattern. The wood species does not warp much and does not actually crack.

  • Alder. More superior carving material. Resistant to cracks, perfectly cut and processed.
  • Aspen. In terms of softness and ease of processing, they are close to linden. If the aspen is not varnished over time, the product will acquire a generous silver color. Wooden animal carvings for the garden. But this type of wood is prone to chipping, so it is better to use it for large-relief sculptures.
  • Birch. Wood species of medium hardness. It cuts worse, is very warped and is more suitable for small souvenirs and details. It has a beautiful wood texture and is easy to paint.
  • Nut. A beautiful option for narrow artistic carvings. Tree It cuts well, is not susceptible to chipping, does not warp and has a very decorative appearance.
  • Read also

    Figurine of a carved bear made of nuts

  • Oak. Compacted wood is difficult to cut and is prone to chipping. Suitable for large carved items.
  • The wood for carving must be perfectly dried - less than 15% humidity. Products made from material with high humidity will begin to burst and warp when dry. It is better to dry the workpieces at home, in a warm place, wrapped in plastic.

    Although beginners are advised to start with soft wood, its structure is much easier to cut through with an imprecise motion than harder varieties. Therefore, in some cases it is more convenient to use harder wood. More important in carving is a successful, high-quality and well-sharpened tool. How to carve a bear from wood with your own hands. In the photo: only an experienced craftsman can make such wooden products with a chainsaw with his own hands. You will need the following set of carving tools:

      A hacksaw, a hatchet, and for huge sculptures you may need chainsaw. These tools are needed for rough initial cutting of the workpiece.

    The process of carving a bear from a log

  • Adze. For rough cutting of smaller parts.
  • Cutters. Knives with a short beveled blade. Depending on the width of the cutting edge, they have different purposes. Wide hatchets are used for rough processing, and cutters with a sharpening width of 15 mm are used for forming small elements and carvings in hard-to-reach places.
  • Blunt knives. In the hands of a master they can solve many different problems.
  • Chisels. Designed for rough notching, sampling the background and working out the details of a carved figure. They can have different cutting edge widths. The shapes are curved, flat, oblique, semicircular, spear-shaped (rivets).
  • Different types of chisels for wood carving

  • Bogorodsky knife. Has a straight short blade. The knife got its name from the village of Bogorodskoye, Sergiev Posad district. Widely used to create wood sculptures.
  • A sander, rasps and sandpaper of various grits for finishing the carved sculpture.
  • A drill for drilling through holes, if any.
  • Sculpture from wood chainsaw. This is gorgeous!

    You will be amazed! A man makes a sculpture out of DIY chainsaw wood. Great video.

    Chainsaw carving

    a small, simple sculpture. first I cut it out chainsaw, then I’ll work a little with chisels

    DIY carved bear sculpture

    So, inspiration and a suitable image of the future sculpture have been found, and the tools have been sharpened - which means you can start making DIY carved bear.

    The main stages of creating a sculpture from wood

    Read also

    To make a sculpture of a bear or any other three-dimensional figure, perform the following steps:

    The output is made on four sides when the sculpture consists of rectangular parts.

  • Creating a relief without working out the details. Various figures of animals made of wood for the cottage and garden. How to make them and make them yourself. The corners of the figure are cut off with chisels and cutters, the intended silhouette is already clearly visible, but it is too early to round the craft.
  • Detailing. Fine detailing begins, small elements are formed, the structure of the coat, etc. Tools such as jambs, chisels, and Bogorodsk knives are used.
  • Sanding and treatment with protective agents. Finally, the sculpture is processed with sandpaper or a grinding machine and covered with wax, varnish, and stain.
  • How to carve a bear's head

    Since the head and muzzle of a bear is the most difficult part to carve, before creating a full-fledged sculpture, it is better to practice a little and carve the head of the animal separately.

    Example of step-by-step cutting of a bear

    The parts are rounded with a Bogorodsk knife, and thin shavings are removed with gentle movements. Small elements, cutouts of eyes, ears, mouth and fur are processed with small chisels.

  • The supporting part of the block is cut off and finished with a knife and chisels
    The head is wiped of shavings and dust and you can begin decorative processing.
  • Bear sculpture

    The principles for creating a carved sculpture of a bear will differ little from the basic recommendations for creating three-dimensional compositions. The sketch is transferred to wood, and the bear is cut out in several stages - from rough finishing to detailing small features.

    A rough finish on a large sculpture can be done with a chainsaw. Work on creating a wooden sculpture of a figure consisting of wood with your own hands; The space between the legs must be cut out with an adze. Sometimes it makes sense not to cut down the bear's legs until the detailed work on the upper part of the animal has been done. How to make a circular grinder with your own hands. This way, the stop will be more reliable and there is no risk of breaking the legs of the workpiece.

    Huter BS-52 chainsaw: description, characteristics and reviews Huter BS 52 is a chainsaw that is equipped with a 50-centimeter saw bar. It is powered by a 3.4 horsepower engine, and to prevent negative impacts on the operator’s joints, the tool is equipped with an effective vibration damping function. Ud...

    While sorting through the archives of last year's test drive, I came across photographs of Karelian feller Ilya Shvetsov carving sculptures from wood. Traditionally in Russia, wood carving with a chainsaw (carving) is used to create large sculptures - bears, bunnies or foxes. The smallest sculptures usually look like overgrown mushrooms. For example, like the one that Ilya creates. There are also very huge sculptures created with a chainsaw, up to several meters in height. However, there is a team of carvers in the world who specialize in very miniature wooden sculptures - the Italian “Eagles”.
    Working with logs of the same diameter as other carvers, the Italians create sculptures that could be called the finest.
    Directly according to Michelangelo's instructions, they take a log, cut off all the excess and get a miniature squirrel.
    There are a lot of miniature Christmas trees and Eagle squirrels cut out. This team is sponsored by an Italian chainsaw manufacturer and competes extensively in Italian lumberjack competitions. Both as competition participants and as sculptors.

    If the log is large enough, you can get a whole sculptural composition of several figures. And each figure is worked out from all sides.
    The final touch of the sculptor’s work is sawing the composition from the log. In this form, you can even put it on a shelf or take it to a museum.
    And although Christmas trees, squirrels and mushrooms make up the majority of the sculptures created by Italian carvers, the matter is not limited to them. This is where the master carves out the house. With a roof, an entrance door and trees growing nearby.
    Here's another house. Same with the surrounding trees, the entrance and even the columns. Miniature columns carved with a chainsaw.
    These columns are not just a whim of the carver. See the building in the background? It is his copy that is sculpted by the heir of the great Italian masters.
    We can safely call the members of the Italian team of carvers “Eagles” eagles!

    Wood carving is both fascinating and frightening when done with a chainsaw. Not every person could find the strength or desire to engage in such art. However, regardless of whether you are a master, an amateur, or just an outside observer, one cannot but agree - solid sculptures created from a large trunk of a once mighty strong tree attract the eye and evoke admiration for the master’s ability to work with such crude equipment as a chainsaw, so fragile material.

    If you have found your inspiration in wooden sculptures and decided to start your own path of becoming in this beautiful ancient craft, then be prepared to spend a lot of time and effort learning the basics, as well as mastering the small details and tricks that come to each master exclusively from his own experience .

    Learning the basics of wood carving with a chainsaw

    For any person, good literature will be an excellent help in the theory of wood carving. On the Internet and on the shelves of bookstores you can find a large number of books that you can buy, download or read while online. You should choose exactly the printed publication that suits your skill level and writing style. Despite the fact that it seems that every book will say the same thing, it is very important to choose the one that will be easy for you to read, the text should be clear and pleasant, and the information obtained from it should be useful for application on practice. Fortunately, the choice of literature on this topic is really large.

    But before you take up a chainsaw, think about it: maybe first you should practice and master simple wood carving using hand materials: chisels, needle files, etc. After all, even after mastering chainsaw carving, you will still have to modify the details of your sculpture with this particular set.

    What tools are useful for a beginner?

    To start woodcarving, anyone will need not only a set of tools, but also special clothing that meets safety requirements.

    First of all, anyone and everyone in this business needs to purchase glasses. Take care of the safety of your own vision, because carving is indispensable without wood chips flying in different directions (including into your face).

    Working with a chainsaw is quite noisy. Not all, but many professionals, in order to protect their hearing, purchase special noise-isolating headphones, which, by the way, in addition to noise, will protect your ears from flying sharp pieces of wood.

    Clothing should be tight and not restrict movement, so as not to interfere with work, not cause inconvenience, but to protect the body from those same flying sharp chips. It is also worth getting comfortable cotton gloves and shoes with non-slip soles.

    All the necessary wardrobe items can be purchased at any hardware store or workwear store. Remember - do not neglect your own safety.

    The choice of tools should be approached on a purely individual basis. Chainsaws for carving wood are very diverse. To choose the right model of saw and chain for it, you need to look through a very large number of options, read an incredible number of reviews, and most importantly, you must initially present the result of your work in order to have an idea of ​​​​what qualities your future tool should have.

    A correctly selected chainsaw is already 50% of success in your difficult hobby. However, it is not enough. A chainsaw can do a lot of the work, but it's a very crude one. To finish the sculpture and process small details, you will certainly need at least a minimum set of woodcarvers with chisels, sharp knives, rasps, chasers and other tools.

    What is the best place to start for beginners?

    The most popular motifs for wood carving remain totem poles, as well as the animal world. Creating birds or natural landforms requires some skill and experience in processing the smallest details, such as feathers. It is better to leave such work for the period when you gain experience.

    The photographs below show the simplest diagrams for carving a bear and a horse, which may help a beginner decide on the order of actions and create his own first wood sculpture using a chainsaw.

    Video on the topic of the article

    At the end of the article, we would like to present you with master classes on cutting out figures from wood with a chainsaw, in which real masters of their craft will show you the entire process of creating a sculpture from a single piece of a tree trunk.

    Some time ago, cutting out a wide variety of wooden shapes with a chainsaw was out of the question. Now this won’t surprise anyone. Today in our country there are plenty of first-class craftsmen for whom carving wood with a chainsaw is a common thing.

    It should be noted that this requires a lot of effort, and most importantly time. However, in order to understand the basics of this unique method, it is enough to understand only a few theoretical points.

    Where to start learning

    What do virtuosos most often cut with a chainsaw? Of course, totem poles and various representatives of flora and fauna.

    I would like to note that for beginning carvers, creating complex natural reliefs and intricate bird figures will be quite difficult. For this reason, it is advisable to leave such an idea for another time, when there is more practical knowledge.

    The easiest way to start learning is with simple totems of Slavic deities or animal figures.

    Important! For a beginner in this industry, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with all the available recommendations that describe in detail the rules for working with a chainsaw. You can find them in the usual attached instructions. To begin with, you should familiarize yourself with the equipment, prepare it and, of course, carry out maintenance from time to time.

    How to carve sculptures

    If the design is the first, then you should not bother yourself with extraordinary creations. It is enough to test your strength on something simple, for example, carving a mushroom or a geometric figure.

    To begin with, you need to make a definite plan and strictly follow it. For example:

    Take the required workpiece in the form of a hemp or other shape and place it in a convenient place.

    Prepare the tool. Wood carving with a chainsaw, it should be noted, does not involve the use of long bars. As they say, the lighter the tool, the easier it is to work with. In addition, a short tire increases safety.

    After preparation, you can begin to create a general outline. This step is very simple and does not require extreme precision. The only thing is not to be zealous, as you can overdo it and remove the extra layer of wood. It is advisable to be guided at first by either a video or a sample.

    After this, the exact outlines of the future masterpiece should be cut out. When working, you should ensure that the chain tension is maximum, otherwise, due to increased vibration, flaws are likely to occur.

    When the work is finished, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the figure using sandpaper, and then cover it with varnish or liquid glass. These compounds will significantly increase the protective properties of wood, and your first masterpiece will be able to delight you for many years.

    Most often, felled trees become a potential material on which wood carving with a chainsaw is subsequently carried out. In view of this, many amateurs in this art are simply lost in the order of organizing the process.

    In view of this, it is worth figuring out where to start and what exactly needs to be done in order not to expose yourself to unnecessary danger:

    1. First you need to find out where the tree itself will fall and direct it to the free space. If it is not available, then it is necessary to prepare it.
    2. You should also ensure that you have free movement for yourself, since if it falls, the tree can fall in any direction and so that, due to this, you do not have to literally run away from it with the saw running.
    3. After preparation, you need to outline the incision. Be sure to adjust it in the direction where the tree should fall. This is quite easy to do. It is necessary to cut it at an angle of 45 degrees by 25% of the total thickness. Then the next step of the horizontal cut is to cut it out and pull it out.
    4. The final touch is called a felling cut and should be done from the back side of the trunk. In order to control, the trunk is not cut all the way, but about 1/10 is left, and if the tree begins to bend, the chainsaw must be quickly removed and turned off.
    5. After the tree has successfully fallen, it must be logged. That is, completely remove all branches from the trunk. Next, the trunk is cleared of bark. For sanding, you can purchase a special attachment, but you can also use a regular tire with a chain.

    Video: chainsaw carving master class

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