Ecological windows. Plastic environmentally friendly windows - myth or reality? Windows from environmentally friendly materials

The vast majority of information on the Internet is of an advertising nature. It is rather difficult to find out from it what effect plastic windows have on the human body.

We will try to give the most objective information, in it the interests of the buyer, and not the manufacturer, will come first.

To begin with, let's consider which PVC profiles manufacturers call "ecological" and why exactly.

  • Greenline technology. It is the world's first lead-free plastic technology. This metal has properties that are dangerous not only for human health: it is extremely difficult to dispose of, it accumulates in the ground and poisons the entire environment.
  • The use of glass composite. The most modern innovative technology, glass composite is considered the safest among all types of artificial materials. It consists of 70% fiberglass and 30% of inert thermosetting resins, has a high chemical stability.
  • Wood is completely safe materials for health.

Used stabilizers for the manufacture of PVC

In the course of long-term operation, plastic is exposed to severe ultraviolet radiation, sudden temperature changes, the influence of organic and inorganic acids, which are in small quantities in the city air.

To ensure that the physical characteristics of the plastic do not deteriorate, various stabilizers are added to it. Below we will consider how harmful they are and can you do without them?

  • Lead stabilizers. Quite cheap, very technologically advanced, give the plastic excellent performance characteristics. But both people and the environment suffer from them. No wonder there are warning labels on the packages with it. Most developed countries at the legislative level have banned the use of these chemical substances... The presence of toxic substances is especially bad for children and pregnant women.
  • Calcium-zinc stabilizers. Began to use more than twenty years ago, but only recently have they become widespread. These are more environmentally friendly components - sanitary authorities allow the use of plastic with this stabilizer without restrictions.

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Plastic windows - benefit or harm?

It would be more correct to formulate the question: do plastic windows bring more harm or benefit?

Absolutely all chemical compounds emit fumes into the air. The only question is in their quantity, and what concentration the sanitary authorities consider safe.

But here there are already significant discrepancies that depend on honesty. government agencies and the capabilities of powerful producer lobbies. They are the ones who convince consumers whether their products will benefit or harm.

New eco-friendly innovative window materials

The latest "squeak of fashion" is the production of glass composite windows. Manufacturers assure buyers that these are the most environmentally friendly windows. Indeed, glass composite releases the least amount of chemical compounds into the air, but, nevertheless, it does. Therefore, such windows can hardly be called 100% environmentally friendly either.

On ecology instead of an epilogue

In conclusion, I would like to sum up the result of the "general struggle for the environment." All actions of mankind harm it, before we did less harm, now more. And almost all modern materials are harmful to our health: varnishes and paints, plastics and inorganic resins, adhesives and artificial fibers. This is an inevitable retribution for progress; this fact must be resigned to.

If you don't want to pay in this way, there is only one way out: everyone can move to the caves together, put on bandages made of palm leaves and eat only fruits and berries.

First of all, this concerns very zealous fighters for the environment, but for some reason they are in no hurry to make such a "tempting" decision ...

Our company works from 9:00 to 22:00, seven days a week

On the one hand, speaking about the environmental friendliness of window structures, the question naturally arises about the environmental friendliness of the material itself, which is used as the basis for the production of windows.

Few people have a question - which windows are more environmentally friendly.

The only correct and not causing any additional questions is the answer - taking into account that this is the only natural material used today on the market of window constructions.

However, the crux of this question - in fact - lies at a deeper level. First, you need to take a close look at such a product as PVC windows.

This material is definitely not natural. However, the question of its safety for human health is still open. Most of the manufacturers of plastic windows claim that this product is absolutely safe for the human body.

Let's take a closer look at this material (polyvinyl chloride).

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a synthetic material made from ingredients such as chlorine and oil. Subsequently, these two substances combine, resulting in a substance called ethylene dichloride.

Already this composition, in the course of various chemical processes with the addition of other additional substances, is converted into a material called polyvinyl chloride.

As additives that improve the performance of PVC, various kinds are used - stabilizers, modifiers, dyes, lubricants.

The greatest concern is caused by stabilizers, as such substances such as lead, zinc, tin can be used. Titanium dioxide is added as a dye to PVC, it is thanks to it that plastic windows have such a pure white color.

The production of such a material with wear-resistant properties has led to the fact that PVC is currently ranked second after polyethylene in terms of its use among all synthetic polymers. PVC is used to make a wide variety of consumer products, from medical supplies to children's toys and clothing. This list also includes windows.

At the same time, it has been precisely proven that when plastic burns, it releases the substance hydrogen chloride, and if it enters the lungs of a person, it can cause serious harm to the body.

In addition, the “aging” PVC can also release harmful substances due to the slow chemical reactions taking place in it.

Thus, plastic windows cannot definitely be called ecological. However, at the same time, it is widely believed that, despite its naturalness, it is not a completely ecologically clean product.

The basis for this opinion, first of all, is the fact that wood is a natural, but at the same time, insufficiently reliable material. Wood as a building material tends to age over time, deform, dry out, crack, it is highly susceptible to moisture.

In this regard, for the production of wooden windows, many auxiliary substances are used that help the tree fight against the influence of moisture and other external factors on it, which, for untreated wood, can lead to the appearance of fungus, mold, rotting and, as a result, wood destruction.

However, you need to figure out what kind of substances it is. Their list is quite large - these are tannins, impregnations, adhesives, antiseptics, varnishes, paints.

However, most of the formulations used for are water-soluble substances. They do not contain organic solvents. And therefore, they cannot seriously harm the human body.

At the same time, this or that wood species may require a different amount of used compounds for processing. It depends on how high quality wood material you use.

, for example, is one of the most reliable and durable materials, which is excellent for the production of wooden windows.

If plastic windows are so tight, and the composition of the material from which they are made does not allow a drop of air to pass through, which, in the absence of proper ventilation, leads to the formation of stagnant air. And this cannot but affect the human body.

In turn, even without any ventilation, wooden windows are able to let air through their own pores, thereby creating natural ventilation in the room and a healthy atmosphere in the room.

from - your guarantee of the quality and environmental friendliness of your windows. Our windows create comfort and do not harm your health.

Environmental issues have become almost key not only for a narrow scientific part of our society, today they are of concern to ordinary people. Giving preference to environmentally friendly materials in the decoration of houses, many think about how safe for life the ubiquitous structures of metal-plastic windows are.

Despite the fact that the name itself contains the word "plastic", these windows demonstrate excellent performance in terms of environmental friendliness:

  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride - is a product of chemical synthesis, but it has been proven that it is completely harmless to the human body.
  • The profile, which is made of metal and PVC, contains no toxic substances.

Let's figure it out in more detail.

PVC production

In the PVC production process, components such as gas, oil, salt are used, which already speaks of environmental friendliness. It is worth noting the fact that the same material - polyvinyl chloride - is used in other areas of the industry, including food, which also serves as proof of its harmlessness. In addition, it has been proven that PVC is a material belonging to the category of hypoallergenic, which once again removes the controversy about the safety of plastic windows.

Looking at the bare numbers, we can see that the composition of PVC is 43 percent ethylene and 57 percent combined chlorine, derived from common table salt. Of course, we must not forget about various modifiers, stabilizers, pigments and other additives that give the m / n-profile its quality, including purely external ones. It is thanks to this composition that the window, or rather the profile, acquires resistance to various atmospheric phenomena, and in addition, it receives the necessary color, surface quality and much more.

Modern history and a look into the past

Windows, which were produced before 2004, nevertheless had some negative features, if we consider them in terms of harm. So, it is well known that lead salts were previously used in production, which are extremely harmful to people and today are prohibited in the production of the overwhelming majority of countries in the world. Today, instead of lead, a stabilizer is used, which consists of zinc and calcium, which are not harmful, which means they confirm the theory of environmental friendliness in a practical plane.

Modern technologies are completely environmentally friendly, moreover, the products of all self-respecting enterprises that offer not only window, but also other designs are certified. The absence of harmful substances allows us to say that with an increase in temperatures or direct exposure to sunlight, the windows will not emit any substances in the room, and they will also not bother unpleasant odors... So, heating a profile to 140 ° C - this is exactly the melting point of PVC - is not dangerous for humans.

German or Not: Quality in Close View

The myth of German quality came to us with the first metal-plastic windows produced in Europe. However, today the quality does not necessarily have to do with Germany, where, by the way, PVC pipes have been used in residential and other construction for more than half a century, and during this period no impurities have been identified in the water. All factories claiming the environmental friendliness of their products show their compliance with the strict standard adopted in the international format - ISO 14001.

A plastic window consists of 20-30% PVC - this is a frame and sash of the structure, as well as auxiliary elements and PVC components. The remaining 70-80% is a double-glazed window.

The easiest way to create an eco-friendly climate is to ventilate the room 2-3 times a day using a salvo method: opening the windows for 10-15 minutes. Alternative ventilation options are also possible - consult with a company specialist to choose the best one for you.

What do plastic windows release into the atmosphere?

Did you know that dangerous substances for humans are emitted by ourselves (carbon dioxide in the absence of oxygen and nitrogen will make us suffocate), and other objects around us. Seemingly safe tree foliage, grass and soil can also be harmful.

What substances can be released from PVC windows into the atmosphere?

Under normal operating conditions, emissions from PVC profiles are minimal and safe for humans.

Danger of PVC windows in case of burning, fire

Fire is perhaps one of the most dangerous natural disasters. There may be many reasons for it, but the result is always the same: the raging element burns out everything in its path. In aggressive environments, in particular during combustion, new substances are formed that can damage human health.

Ignition temperature of various materials

Plastics brought to the combustion temperature, like any other material, are dangerous, primarily by the gases formed during the combustion process. To avoid poisoning by combustion gases, it is important to leave the fire site as soon as possible, before that, breathe through wet cloth, protecting the respiratory system.

How do plastic windows behave in a fire?
The behavior of windows in case of fire deserves special attention. The tightness of plastic windows prevents the penetration of combustion-supporting oxygen from the street, and their ability to self-extinguish are important arguments in favor of choosing this particular glazing in places with a high risk of ignition.

  • Plastic windows meet a high class environmental safety if made of quality materials,
  • You can check the quality of components, not only PVC profiles, by requesting declarations and certificates of conformity,
  • While saving on equipment, think about the options for airing the room,
  • High-quality and environmentally friendly products are usually produced by world-famous companies with a long history.

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