We learn to predict events using words. It has been proven that we all have the ability to foresight. Psychic advice. Learning to take the necessary information from the subject

“Feast of Knowledge” - September 1. Why strive for knowledge? To become free like a bird, To conquer space And not get tired of wandering! Day of Knowledge.

“Scenario for the Day of Knowledge” - Cave of Crooked Handwriting. Arithmetic operations. Paragraph Conditions. Princess Leni's quest. Hello school. Crossing the Stochka River. Bench of the Ignorant. Correct the text. Palace of Zeal. The advice is the opposite. Street of Reason and its air. Princess Leni. The task of the Blots. Commander of the Storytellers. Otsikh and Dosikh.

“Poems about September 1” - To school. 1 September is the day of knowledge. At school. Happy start of the school year. Agnia Lvovna Barto. First lesson. Sergey Mikhalkov. "Calligraphy". Let's take a deep breath first. Finished the job, go for a walk safely. Calls. Hurry up to school. For the first time in first class….

“Peace lesson on September 1” - World Beauty Day. 9th of September. November 4. International School Library Day. October 1st. September 22nd. I need to try not to be late for classes. At the beginning of the lesson, I must greet the teacher with a smile. World Peace Day. My briefcase should contain all the necessary school supplies.

“September 1st Day of Knowledge” - And it is no coincidence that we celebrate the Day of Knowledge. The Day of Knowledge! France. But in France, it seems, there are more holidays than school days. In Australia it's the other way around. Germany. In Russia, Knowledge Day is traditionally celebrated on September 1. There are so many official holidays and days off in no other country. presentation for the Day of Knowledge.

“Day of Knowledge” - Russians must die for us to live. School 1927. The leaves are falling outside the window, summer has flown by. Desk, globe. It won't be easy to study, But moms will help. The Day of Knowledge! School in China. Wishes for the first day of school. Poster. Today is your holiday: The world is bright and great - you discover it for yourself!!! In the foreground is a boy in a long canvas shirt with a hole at the elbow.

The ability to predict as a personality quality - the ability to guess in advance, determine in advance, foresee, recognize, provide, foretell.

We cannot predict what other dirty tricks the authorities will come up with to improve our lives.

“We cannot predict how our word will respond,” thought the parrot as it went into the soup.

The parrot was educated, since he knew the great lines of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev:

We can't predict
How our word will respond, -
And we are given sympathy,
How grace is given to us...

Before chopping the womb of the truth, you need to predict how it will respond to the one who heard it. A compassionate person always anticipates the consequences of his words. He realizes that love of truth without rationality, practicality and kindness is stupidity, the triumph of selfishness, sin and stubbornness. Before speaking the truth, you need to include your mind, heart and conscience.

Before speaking the truth, we need to think carefully and predict whether our truth will be good or harmful, pious or sinful, a manifestation of our ego, eager to assert itself in its significance and importance. If, having predicted the result of your revelations, you do not see nobility and kindness in telling the truth, it is better to leave the idea, stop and think about what you are doing. When you speak the truth, mindlessly playing with principles, vows, oaths, rules and regulations, you involuntarily turn into an inveterate fanatic of stupidity and stupidity.

The truth must be moral. There are times when the naked truth brings nothing but harm and evil. Kindness should always come first, so sometimes lying can be justified. It is difficult to understand where the line is beyond which truth turns into evil and sin. In one situation one thing is moral, in another – another.

Life is so multifaceted that it is simply impossible to predict everything in advance. It is difficult to predict to whom Providence and Fate will be favorable.
We can't predict
Where they will offer it, and where they will cover it,
Where is the unearthly grace
Where is the Procrustean bed?


We can't predict
Fate takes sharp turns
Her ups and downs
We can't predict.

What can we say about predicting the intricacies of life if you cannot predict the behavior and reactions of the wife with whom you lived for ten years. One famous journalist says: “I worked for so many years, many interviews, different people, it seems I already know everything, I can answer any question.”
predict. And only a woman, of any age, can put
I'm stumped."

The ability to predict is a useful personality quality. It is based on life experience, on knowledge that has become part of practice. The ability to predict is usually possessed by perspicacious, insightful people.

Queue at the supermarket. The girl standing in front turns to the man and says: - Man, I predict that you will die soon... The man is in a panic: - Why did you decide that? -...I feel your end...

What is foresight and insight? Foresight as a personality quality is the ability of the mind, analyzing the past and the facts of the present with high selectivity, to give an accurate forecast for the future, to foresee and predict with a future perspective a successful decision “here and now.” Insight as a personality quality is the ability to observe, the ability to keenly notice, foresee and predict a lot.

The ability to predict is friends with precaution and forethought. Consideration as a personality quality is the ability to be the first to protect, save another person from inconveniences and troubles, and to forestall other people’s desires and intentions. That is, a considerate person anticipates the desires of a loved one, does everything in advance, before he asks. This is a manifestation of respect and love at the same time.

Forethought, as the sister of foresight, is the ability to foresee the possible development of events, the possible consequences of something; the ability to take necessary measures in advance.

A neighbor knocked on the jeweler's house. “Lend me your scales until the morning,” the old man asked him. - Hello, most respected! What should I answer you? I don't have a sieve. - I’m not asking for a sieve, dear. Give me the scales,” the neighbor politely repeated. “Yes, and I don’t have a broom,” answered the jeweler. -Are you laughing at me, or what? - the old man got angry. - I don’t need a broom or a sieve. I only ask you for scales! - Calm down, neighbor. I know that you are old and will not be able to weigh your golden sand without scattering it. So, you’ll come back this evening for the broom again. And then you will need a sieve - you will sweep up the gold along with the earth. If I see the beginning of a thing, then I predict its end. Father, go to neighbor Ali. He's rich. There you will find scales, a whisk, and a sieve.

Psychologist Anatoly Len writes: “Predictions are the door to knowledge. It owes a lot to intelligence and depends on the ability to think logically. Prediction is facilitated by analysis and experiment. To learn to predict, you need to philosophize more often, think logically, compare everything, evaluate, be inquisitive... Prediction provides second knowledge. Able to predict without the need to clutter his memory with unnecessary information, he can guess a lot on his own. To be able to predict people's behavior, knowledge of psychology is very important. Predictions are the key to secrets. Foresight owes a lot to mental clarity. Human life can be compared to a game of chess. The more correct moves a person can predict in advance, the less he risks encountering disaster.”

Does a kindergarten teacher teach boys how to treat girls? - Boys, don’t offend girls, don’t push them, don’t pull their pigtails. I can predict that they will grow - and they will come in handy for you.

Kindergarten on a walk in the forest. A teacher with the ability to predict: - Children, if we eat berries, then we pick two at a time. Eat one and save the other for forensic examination.

When performing any action, it is impossible to predict the outcome one hundred percent. A responsible person is ready for any result, that is, he is ready to take responsibility for any result. An irresponsible person is ready to accept only the result that he foresaw. The result is predicted in advance in his mind, so he does not want to put up with possible negative scenarios for the development of events, much less be responsible for them.

Blessed foresight is wise and mature. To predict something, a sage needs to analyze the cause-and-effect relationships of the present and identify the germs of the future in them. For example, if we want to come up with a great new idea, we need to anticipate people's new needs. Look into the future. What needs will people have? in a month, a year, ten years? Anticipate them and, on this basis, try to come up with an idea on how to satisfy the growing needs of people.

Petr Kovalev 2016

This article is part of the book Measure Your Psychic Abilities. Read more.

Prediction of the future, foresight of events obtained through extrasensory perception, an amazing manifestation of psi abilities and always intriguing. But oddly enough, such extensive laboratory research has not been carried out in this area as with telekinesis, telepathy or clairvoyance. However, there is some impressive evidence. The most convincing results were obtained from studies of dream precognition conducted at the Maimonides Medical Center with a single subject, the English psychic Malcolm Bessent. Despite the complexity of the problem, the experimental design centered around Bessent's ability to dream about the events of the next day, which was tested using randomly selected images. In one case, the "target" was (after Bessent's dream) a photograph of the corridor of a mental hospital; the next morning, the experimenters sent Bessent to a psychiatric hospital for examination. His dream, a story about doctors, escaped patients, etc., colorfully described the control picture, i.e., the “goal”. Formal statistical measurements in this experiment were performed by independent experts, who were given Bessent's dream description plus a "target" and seven more photographs after each night. Thus, Bessent had a one in eight chance of guessing by chance in each experiment. But in a series of 16 experiments, he guessed not twice, as predicted by probability theory (16×1/8), but ten. The probability of showing such a remarkable result by chance is less than 1:100,000.

There are also many reports of prediction of the future as a result of the spontaneous manifestation of psi abilities. Reports of predictions of well-known disasters are not uncommon. Mention may be made of the Aberfan mine disaster, the explosion at the Flixburgh chemical plant, and numerous plane crashes. As in all cases of spontaneous manifestations of supersensibility, here, obviously, the possibility of coincidence cannot be completely rejected, but sometimes the details of the prediction are so precise that coincidence seems an unconvincing explanation.

Although much of this chapter is devoted to future-prediction experiments, it is also worth discussing J.W. Dunne's book An Experiment with Time, which describes a method for stimulating spontaneous precognition in dreams.

Foresight in a dream

Published in 1927, An Experiment with Time offers two key strategies for stimulating spontaneous precognition in dreams. First, enhancing the ability to remember a dream; Here Dunn's advice differs little from ours: wake up quickly and write down on paper or a tape recorder all the dream material that you can remember. Dunn strongly recommended focusing on what you can remember and trying to extract additional, possibly confirming details. Secondly, proper analysis of the dream with special attention to detail.

Dunn believed that dreams absorb material from both the past and the future, perhaps even in equal proportions, and this becomes obvious upon careful examination. Dunn believed that there is some blocking and there are reasons why we do not notice predictive elements. Here are some of them:

1) insufficient attention to the details of the dream;

2) too obvious readiness to discard “trivial” correspondences between dreams and future events;

3) “resistance” to the idea of ​​foresight; unintentional reluctance and inability to notice correspondences.

Dunn's main thesis is that if you keep a dream diary for several weeks and analyze it exhaustively - comparing the events of each day with dreams before and after the event, you can find as many connections between dreams and subsequent events as between dreams and previous events. Dunn (probably not without reason) believed that few people would agree with such a radical point of view, and proposed a subtle psychological trick: imagine that you had a dream that preceded the day on which the (supposedly) predicted event happened, you had after. In this case, it will be possible to bypass the resistance to the idea of ​​foresight in a dream, and the correspondence will appear clearly.

Dunn's results were based on experiments with a small circle of friends and mainly from the analysis of his own dreams. Apparently, he actually foresaw many events, from the completely mundane (but, as Dunn emphasized, they cannot be ignored; not noticing such events is to resist the idea of ​​foresight) to the very significant. Thus, he foresaw the volcanic eruption in Martinique in 1902 [ This eruption destroyed the former capital of the island, and then 40,000 people died. (Note per.)] and informed in advance the route of advance of the African research expedition, while he himself was in Italy.

The psychic's predictions are often not very rich in detail: for example, Dunn stated that he saw the headlines of future newspapers in his dreams, but could not give exact dates. And his theory about the nature of time is simply ridiculous; even in 1927 it looked unconvincing. But Dunn's material did not bear the stamp of morbid sensationalism, and he himself discussed the importance of details and unusual events in a dream (he believed that such events testified in favor of precognition; this point of view has since received greater support).

In 1950, a book appeared confirming that the use of Dunn's technique (stimulation of dream recall, careful analysis, regular return to old dreams to test possible foresight) can be beneficial. The author, John Godley, now Lord Kilbracken, in his book What Next? (JohnGodley. "TellmeNextOne?" Gollancz, 7950) gives an account of how he regularly dreamed of race winners and alerted friends, so exact dates and evidence abound. There are some analogies with his predecessor: for example, Kilbracken often saw newspaper headlines in his dreams, and not the events themselves. Kilbracken's biggest success was alerting a national newspaper to a "take"! Of his ten dream headlines, eight were direct hits; one more prediction can not be considered, since he himself revoked it. This can definitely be considered a great success. In any case, 80% direct hits would make any professional horse racing player happy!

Foresight experiments with cards

The purpose of this simple experiment is to shuffle a deck of cards the way another deck appears to be shuffled. And here you can improve your results by first using a stress relief technique.

Experiment 5. Foresight experience with cards

You will need two decks of playing cards without jokers and an assistant to make a random selection. It is better to use decks with different backs. The experimenter-subject and the assistant must be in different rooms and have no contact with each other until the points are calculated.

1.Agree with your assistant about the time. The subject must shuffle his deck at the appointed time (t 0), and the assistant must shuffle his “target” deck after a certain time (15 minutes is enough to start; so, t 15). Record the selected time interval.

2. Time g 0. The subject sits down with his deck and slowly shuffles the cards. It is better not to concentrate on hand movements and not to make excessive efforts; continue until you “feel” that the cards are in the “right” order. Place the deck in a safe place.

3. Time t 15. The assistant shuffles the cards in a similar way, without knowing how the subject’s deck is shuffled.

4. The assistant hands the “target” deck to the subject.

5. Scoring. Reveal the top card in the subject's deck and write it down: 24 for the two of hearts, TP for the ace of spades, etc. Do the same with the “target” deck and write the card in the second column. Continue until all 52 cards in each deck have been written down. Check again to make sure there are 52 cards in each column.

The result can be calculated in different ways depending on the purpose of the experiment. If you are simply predicting red and black, then you should evaluate the result as described for the one-out-of-two test; If the goal of the experiment is to predict suit and not just color, then use the chart for the one-out-of-four test.

Experiment options

The following modifications will make this experiment more controlled, but will require a lot of extra time.

The subject shuffles the deck as described above. But the assistant does not shuffle the second deck. Instead, he arranges the cards in a random order using a table of random numbers (Table V, Appendix). The procedure is as follows (if the purpose of the experiment is to predict color):

1,3,5,7,9 = any red card

2, 4, b, 8, 0 = any black card

Continue until you have placed all 52 cards. Of course, one of the colors will end first, and only the cards of the other color will remain; complete the sequence with the remaining cards. The task will obviously be easier if you first divide the cards into two piles - red and black. Do not order cards in order of seniority before the random sampling procedure. This truly randomly ordered deck is then given to the subject. If the goal is to predict the suit, use a random number table like this:

1.5= any heart

2.6 = any club

3.7= any diamond

4, 8 = any spade

9, 0 = skip

And this time you will find that one of the suits has run out of all 13 cards already in the “target” deck. If the next number in the random number table corresponds to a missing suit, skip it and look at the next one.

The result is processed using the same methods as in the experiment with two decks.

Foresight experiments without cards

A third type of test of this kind requires even more time and uses a different prediction strategy. Set a longer interval between prediction and sampling, because 1 5 minutes may not be enough for the subject. The subject does not need a deck of cards. You should sit down, relax and at the appointed time try to predict the sequence of cards in the deck, recording the predictions on paper or a tape recorder.

The assistant can prepare the target deck by shuffling it or using a table of random numbers. Here you can also predict the color or suit and calculate the result (as described above for color prediction, for suit prediction).

Be sure to record all experiments performed in a journal, indicating the date, time of experiment, and the interval between prediction and execution.

Foresight experiments with images

You will need sets of four different images, their duplicates, and other standard materials for image recognition experiments. The experiment also involves two people: the experimenter-subject and the assistant who carries out random sampling. The time must be scheduled before the experiment begins. If you are the subject, it is useful to use the following technique.

Go to a quiet place, relax, close your eyes and let your thoughts go with the flow. Try to imagine in your mind's eye an empty wall and a clock on it, showing the time when you are assigned to see an image selected by an assistant at random. What images are formed on the wall? What shapes and outlines appear on a blank canvas?

Experiment 6: Image Anticipation

1. The subject and the assistant agree on a time. Here's a good setup: the subject tries to acquire an image for 15 minutes (from time t0 to time t15), and the assistant selects a "target" from a preselected set after a designated time, say 45 minutes (time t60). The subject makes an appointment with the assistant at time t 65.

2.The assistant selects a set of images to be used in this experiment. The “goal” itself is still unknown.

3. The assistant writes down the kit identification number on a piece of paper, packs it in a thick envelope and hands it to the subject. From this moment until the end of the experiment, the assistant does not see the subject.

4. Time t 0. The subject spends 15 minutes meditating with a sealed envelope, accumulating impressions about the image and recording them on paper or a voice recorder.

5. Time t 15. The subject opens the envelope, takes the duplicate set with the indicated number and ranks the images using his own notes, then waits for time t65 to see the real “target”.

6. Time t 60. The assistant selects the “target” using the standard procedure.

7. The assistant positions the selected image so that the subject immediately sees it as soon as he enters the room at time t 65.

8. The result is calculated.

The results of prediction experiments can be processed in the same ways as conventional image experiments, using either the number of direct hits or the rank sum method. Since there have been relatively few experiments with image prediction, the likelihood of success is not entirely certain. However, a series of 20 experiments is likely to produce a significant or nearly significant result given the subject's moderate ability.

Foresight experiments in ganzfeld

The basic procedure for image precognition experiments can be adapted for ganzfeld image precognition experiments or dream precognition experiments. Here you will need a third person experimenter. It is to him that the assistant will give an envelope with the identification number of the kit used in the experiment. The experimenter may also record the subject's spoken impressions and thoughts. The ganzfeld precognition experiment will not have a broadcaster as in the standard ganzfeld telepathic experiment; instead, the assistant performs the sampling. The duration of the experiment should be increased, since practice shows that for greater success one should remain in the ganzfeld for at least 30 minutes. The results can be calculated as in a standard one-out-of-four image recognition experiment.

Experiences of precognition in a dream

The procedure is as follows. The subject, as usual, writes down his dream in the morning. The assistant, also in the morning (i.e. after the subject has slept), must select a set and give the identification number to the subject. The subject uses the specified set to rank the images. Later, the assistant randomly selects a picture (i.e., one of the four pictures from the set used in the experiment) and places it at the designated place at the appointed time, as in the standard picture prediction test (Experiment b).

There is some difference in this procedure for predicting an image from those we have already discussed. Here the set of pictures is selected after the subject has “guessed”, whereas in other experiments the set is determined in advance. The “target” picture, of course, is always chosen after the subject’s prediction. It has been suggested that precognition may work better if the set is not assigned when the prediction is made (this is how the experience of precognition in a dream is organized), since the subject's psi abilities will not be “led away” by a supposedly incorrect image in the set (i.e. from the other three pictures). This assumption, however, has not yet found convincing confirmation.

The results of sleep precognition experiments can be processed using the same methods as standard one-out-of-four picture recognition tests.

So what is foresight?

Some of you may feel that the success of the experiments described above depends on other psi effects, and is not actually precognition. Take, for example, the simple experiment of shuffling two decks of cards. Does the subject use precognition to shuffle the first deck into the “correct” order? Or does he act telekinetically on the assistant's deck and force it to coincide with the first deck? Or perhaps the assistant himself is using clairvoyance to read the order of the cards and shuffle his deck accordingly?

Even reliable laboratory studies of precognition that conclusively show the presence of some kind of psi effect (like the experiments with Malcolm Bessent) cannot confirm that it is precognition and not another psi effect that is present. Perhaps Bessent used telekinesis to influence the choice of "target". But precognition cannot be rejected (if we take such evidence seriously, and we do) in cases of spontaneous precognition in real life. When a major catastrophe is predicted, it is undoubtedly foreknowledge; the only other explanation (besides coincidence) is telekinesis, and if the mere exertion of someone's will can cause an explosion, a plane crash, a mine fire, an earthquake or even a war, then no one can feel safe!

Impact on the future

But if foreknowledge does exist, how does this relate to our views of time and free will? These issues are too vast to be discussed here, but one thing can be stated with certainty: if foreknowledge exists, then the future is not immune to arbitrary change. Obviously, foresight is not absolutely accurate; Even in the most dramatic cases of spontaneous foresight, the details are not always correct. When Dunn dreamed of a newspaper headline about the victims of a volcanic eruption, he said the number "4000"; newspapers announced 40,000 dead. In addition, Dunn did not recognize the exact location of the crash. There are always errors and omissions, and a prediction most likely tells the most likely outcome of a future event if it happened now. Thus, the future is not depicted in the categories of “yes” and “no”, “black” and “white”; it consists of shades of probability and cannot be changed arbitrarily.

Almost all of the experiments described so far in this book were designed to test whether ESP in some form was present in the results. We compared the results of the experiments with those calculated by the law of chance to check whether they were different, indicating interference by the person's psi abilities. However, in the next chapter we will do other experiments; we will compare the results of various psi tests performed under different conditions, with different people, etc. To find out whether the result of a psi test varies systematically depending on conditions? Which people perform clearly better than others? Do psi abilities change with mood changes? All this is the psychology of the supersensible.

How to develop intuition to predict events?

Intuition is inherent in every person. This is the same sense as hearing, seeing, smelling, touching. But not all people are able to catch its clues, listen and hear themselves. and use it to achieve your goal? And in general, why don’t we often hear intuition and is it possible to train it? What is intuition?

Intuition is an area of ​​the human subconscious in which all information about our emotions, feelings, ideas about a particular situation is stored. Intuition is hidden from our observation. This is not a completely explored topic, but it exists, and you can use it to your advantage. Intuition captures everything that happens to us that cannot be expressed in words. This is our unconscious experience. Our subconscious has answers to any questions. Intuition is perceived by us as insight into solving a problem. Thanks to her, we can find the best way out of any situation.

And predict events?

1.Intuition only works for those who believe in its existence. If you are a realist and do not accept any other ways of solving problems other than logical thinking, then this method is not for you. You must clearly understand that there is such a way of making decisions.

2. Intuition only helps people with high self-esteem and... When you don't trust yourself and doubt all the time, then your doubts clog your intuition. Even if you came to the right decision, you still doubt: “What if it’s not right?” - and go the other way.

3. In order to solve a problem, you must first ask a question and calmly wait for an answer. Turn deep into yourself and turn off your doubts and thoughts for a while.

4. Ask questions so that the answer is clear: either “yes” or “no.” It is better to ask a question in the affirmative form than in the interrogative form. For example: “I am making a deal with so-and-so today” is better than “Should I make a deal with so-and-so?” When you ask a question, often, having felt the answer, people’s logical thinking begins to turn on, and this makes it very difficult to make the right decision. The answer sometimes comes immediately, sometimes after some time. The main thing is not to miss it. Based on your feelings, you will understand whether you should do something or not.

5. The answers of intuition come as if by themselves; you should not wait for them or squeeze them out of yourself. They may come unexpectedly and not immediately, but within a few days. Watch yourself. The more often you turn to your intuition, the more clearly you will be able to perceive your sensations.

6. Ask only questions that are of great importance to you. Questions like: “What should I do: read a book or watch TV?” are unlikely to develop it. When answering these questions, you can perfectly solve them yourself without resorting to your inner voice.

7. You should not immediately ask questions of a global nature regarding changes in your life. Start small. When you begin to understand the voice of intuition, you can take on more serious topics. Your question should be meaningful to you, but not meaningless.

8. Answers to questions can come in different ways. Intuition can manifest itself in the form of a sound that you hear to yourself. There may be different sensations: tingling, chills, or you may feel hot, or you may feel a strong heartbeat.

Sensual sensations are possible in your mood swings. If you experience joy, elation, calm - this means “yes”, if you feel anxiety, worry, fear - “no”.

You can get the answer visually: it can be a variety of colors, maybe even the words “yes” or “no”, as well as “+” or “-”.

In a person with a developed sense of smell, answers can come through smells and aromas.

If a person’s senses are poorly developed and he does not understand the prompts, the answers may be duplicated externally. This could be a casually spoken phrase by a random passer-by, an article in a newspaper, a discussion of an issue with someone close to you, perhaps you will see a program on TV, etc. Observe external signs and signs.

9. When you ask a question, do not expect that the answer will come to you right away and in the required form. You need to relax as much as possible and turn off logical thinking. Ask a question and just feel what will happen.

10. Be left alone with yourself. Disconnect from the outside world for at least 15 minutes. This will give you the opportunity to feel yourself and your feelings more deeply. Take a comfortable position, you can turn on relaxing music. Close your eyes, relax. Then ask a question. You may not hear anything right away. Work on yourself. Developing intuition is not a quick process; rarely does anyone succeed the first time.

11. Do not use logic under any circumstances. Ask a question and wait, just be in this state. And you don’t have to weigh all the pros and cons.

12. There are situations when the answers of intuition do not coincide with reality. We need to analyze the situation again. Perhaps the mind has turned on and is interfering with intuition. Failures greatly contribute to the development of intuition.

13. Always follow intuitive decisions. Otherwise, your intuition may disappear over time: why do you need it if you cope without it.

Despite all of the above, you should not trust your intuition completely. But, as they say, “trust, but verify,” so that your inner voice does not tell you: “God, how wrong I was!” It is important to correctly determine where intuition is important and where it is not. There are situations when you understand everything about a subject and you don’t need intuition. If you do not have a complete understanding of the subject, or it seems to you that “something is not right here,” then you need to resort to intuition, especially when you need to make a life choice.

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Many people would like to know how to learn to see the future. In their opinion, this would save them from many troubles, solve a number of problems, and save them from unpleasant surprises in life. The opinion that only selected psychics can have this ability is false; ordinary people, having learned a couple of techniques, through intensive training of their consciousness, can achieve the desired result and learn a little about what awaits them ahead.

Preparation for the process

First of all, you need to decide why you want to learn how to see the future. Motives must be positive. The following is a daily practice. Nothing happens right away, it has to be training every day. If you don't take the process of acquiring this new skill seriously, you shouldn't expect a good result. However, you should not be upset if the ability to see the future does not appear in you after a week of training; some time must pass. For this process, choose a place where you feel comfortable, so that no one will distract you.

How to develop the ability to see the future

Let's start by trying to return to yesterday. We analyze it, collecting important information that could be useful. For example, if you were sure that it would suddenly rain, you would take an umbrella with you and stay dry. We begin to collect all yesterday's information. You definitely need to concentrate and not pay attention to anything unnecessary. If the process does not work out, stop, rest, or start it the next day.

Go ahead. Let's imagine that you still managed to concentrate. Try to take the necessary data from the past day and send it to yourself in the present moment. We convey information not just through sentences, but through images, tastes, smells, and feelings. This is important in order to remember your feelings and use them to determine some situation, but in the future.

Next, we imagine ourselves yesterday and feel the process of how information flows from yesterday to today. You receive the parts and send them. We repeat this technique until you clearly feel the established channel for transmitting information. At the end of the day, analyze yourself today, remember what you thought and felt at certain moments. If you succeed in this exercise, then you can move on to the next one.

When the connection with the channel from the past is established, try to analyze the change in your feelings when you receive this or that information. We can understand how to see the future only by correctly establishing a connection with all our channels connecting both past and present life. To do this, you need to control your thought process. For example, you are faced with a choice and you feel nervous, afraid or uncertain, and you end up making the wrong decision. Remember which sensation was the main one among the others, and the next time you feel it, you will know that it is a signal of a wrong choice.

Psychic advice. Learning to take the necessary information from the subject

In order to understand how to learn to see the future, experienced psychics advise us several exercises. Each item contains a certain piece of information that will help us understand certain situations. Ask a friend to place something small in a matchbox (a button, cotton wool, a pea). Clear your brain of unnecessary thoughts, take a box and place it in your fist.

Imagine that you and a matchbox are connected by a channel through which information is transmitted, first from it to you, and then vice versa. Please note that the first sensations will be the most correct. It’s not a fact that everything will work out right away, but after several trainings you will be able to recognize different objects by analyzing your feelings. This exercise is very similar to how we tried to connect with yesterday, getting the necessary information from it. Only here you need to correctly feel the features of the object, which will be transmitted as sensations through the established channel between you and the box.

A very important thing in the process of learning how to learn to see the future is the ability to hear your intuition. We can ask our inner voice exciting questions, and then analyze our feelings, since the answer will be received through feelings and images. At first, you may make mistakes in deciphering what your intuition is telling you, but eventually you will learn to understand the correct answers to your questions. It is recommended to write down your feelings after completing the tasks. This will help you analyze what signals your inner voice is trying to help you with.

The future depends on the present

There is one more tip, but there is no practice in it. This is simply a universally known fact, but for some reason many people miss it, neglecting their present, but still believing in a bright future. Your actions today directly affect what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, beware of wrong decisions and bad actions, because they can lead to complications in your future life. Therefore, before you learn to see the future, learn to see your present.

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