Who destroys civilizations of the species Homo sapiens. Man as a biosocial species or a brief encyclopedia of human studies

The term “ecosystem” can be understood as a dimensionless, stable system of components of living and nonliving origin, within which the internal and external circulation of energy and matter occurs. Every person, regardless of place of birth and residence (be it a noisy metropolis or a village, an island or a large land, etc.) is part of an ecosystem.

Human ecosystems are types of ecological systems, an indispensable component of which is man himself. The specific features of the human ecosystem can be considered:

  • reflection of the values ​​of a person and the society in which he lives;
  • reflection of the goals of human society;
  • the most significant driving forces are of a social nature.

At the same time, it is important not only to know, but also to realize that the laws that determine the behavior of human ecosystems have the same force as in other ecosystems.

Human ecosystems and their characteristics

Human ecosystems depend (are determined) by the activities of man himself, since in such systems it is man who objectively plays the role of the dominant species, having not only a biological basis for this, but also a social one. The reason is that a person is endowed with the ability to implement reasonable goal setting through the implementation of a large number of ways that involve interaction with the environment.

Only a person can make changes in his own and other natural ecosystems, realizing his needs and wishes. In addition, humans are the only biological species that is capable of creating and maintaining new ecosystems of a certain type that have an artificial base, while relying on the basic laws of effective life activity that are natural in nature.

Human ecosystems are usually represented as intertwining a number of spheres to varying degrees:

  • the sphere of the environment, which performs the functions of uniting parts of the ecosystem, the components of which function based on the laws of nature: growth, development, dynamics, exchange of nutrients and energy;
  • the sphere of individual control involves a description of the behavioral characteristics and mechanisms of individual representatives of the human race during direct interaction with the natural environment;
  • the sphere of political planning brings together all the mechanisms through which the development of political or economic signals is possible.

The role of the ecosystem in human life

In order to fully live and develop, even a modern person needs to support a number of conditions in his own ecosystem at a very certain level. These include:

  • temperature regime, which should fluctuate (ideally) within 20, maximum, 25 degrees Celsius above zero;
  • lighting mode, including a certain mode in the living room;
  • a certain level of humidity, allowing to maintain the health of the skin, internal organs, mucous membranes, etc.;
  • fairly clean air;
  • sufficient volume of clean water;
  • the required volume of suitable (ideally healthy) food products;
  • cloth;

However, obtaining many of the necessities of life requires investment on the part of the individual. For example, in order to have enough provisions, it is necessary to invest effort and resources in the food industry and agriculture, the protection and restoration of natural resources.

Nature is not only a source of material wealth, but also a source of spiritual culture and pleasure, healing and psycho-emotional recovery. Man should not forget that he is part of nature. And by destroying it, he brings his own death closer.

Increasingly, scientists specializing in various branches of science are drawing public attention to the fact that recently the connection between nature and man is becoming less and less strong, which is a consequence of an active desire to satisfy one’s own needs without taking into account the consequences of one’s actions.

Impact of human activities on the ecosystem

As long as man has existed on earth, for almost as long he has been influencing (in recent years more and more actively) the state and behavior of the ecosystem. Of course, evolutionary processes take place in the system itself, which will occur regardless of whether a person is present in this ecosystem or not. Although, scientists state that to date, human influence on the ecosystem is absolute, which was the result of significant development of technological progress, environmental pollution, population increase, etc.

Analysis of the current state of nature, the destructive role of humans in the ecosystem, allows specialists to responsibly declare the need to take urgent measures to normalize the ecological state of the environment. Otherwise, every person will directly or indirectly feel involved in the ecosystem in the near or distant future.

5.1. Man as a biosocial species. History of the development of ecological connections of mankind

338. Choose the correct statements.

a) Homo sapiens is one of the three million biological species known to science.

b) Homo sapiens is not an integral part of the Earth's ecosystem.

c) The biological essence of man is manifested in the desire to preserve his life and continue it through reproduction.

d) At the present stage, humans and the human population are not subject to environmental laws, for example the law of optimum, the law of limiting factor, competitive exclusion and others.

e) Ecological differences between humanity and populations of other species lie in the scale of ecological connections and the features of their implementation.

339. Choose the name of the species corresponding to Homo sapiens:

a) Homo errectus; b) Homo sapiens; c) Homo habilis.

340. Choose the correct statement. To maintain life, a person needs approximately:

a) 2500 cal; b) 2500 kcal; c) 250 kcal; d) 1000 cal.

341. Answer, due to what types of energy the energy intensity of food production increases from primitive to slave society and from pre-industrial to industrial.

342. Ecologists are convinced that the use of more productive varieties of agricultural plants and animal breeds solves not only economic, but also environmental problems. Explain why.

343. Draw two graphs. The first estimates the increase in the number of people able to feed themselves on a territory of 500 hectares during different social formations (in a primitive society - 1 person, in a slave society - 100, in a feudal society - 200, in an industrial society - 3000). The second shows the dependence of the energy invested in obtaining food on an area of ​​500 hectares on the type of society (energy is measured in conventional units (cu) of human muscular energy). In a primitive society – 1 USD.” in slaveholding - 20 USD, in feudal - 40 USD, in industrial - 30,000 USD.

Compare the slope of the two graphs. Explain the differences. Knowing the growth trend in food production and the energy spent on it, evaluate the prospects for these processes in the future. Give your prediction. How should humanity develop to avoid environmental problems in food production?

344. Place the names of the ancestors of modern man (Homo sapiens) one after another in the order of their origin: Homo habilis, Cro-Magnon, Homo erectus (Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus), Australopithecus, Neanderthal.

345. Why do scientists believe that caring for the elderly in ancient society led humanity to progress?

346. Two modern tribes live in different, but climatically similar places, without communicating with each other. One tribe is engaged in hunting, the other in agriculture and cattle breeding. Guess which tribe has relatively more stable living conditions. What environmental management problems do these tribes face?

347. Explain the words of the French writer F. Chateaubriand: “Forests preceded man - deserts followed him.”

348. Why is it impossible in our time to form new human races or subspecies? Choose the correct answer:

a) no genetic material;

b) there is no (or very weak) insulation;

c) climate warming;

d) population growth.

Justify your position.

349. Choose the correct statement. Urbanization is a process:

a) population growth;

b) growth in the share of the urban population;

c) pollution of the environment with waste;

d) increasing human pressure on the environment.

350. List environmental problems that can be considered global for humanity.

351. Explain what the industrial revolution is. Give examples of inventions that have changed the world over the past 100–200 years.

Chapter 4

Human ecological connections

§ 23-24. Man as a biosocial species.Features of food and informationhuman connections


  1. Homo sapiens is one of the three million biological species known to science.

  2. Homo sapiens is not an integral part of the Earth's ecosystem.

  3. The biological essence of man is manifested in the desire to preserve his life and continue it through reproduction.
4. At the present stage, environmental laws do not apply to humans and the human population, for example, the law of optimum, the law of limiting factor,
competitive exclusion and others.

5. Ecological differences between humanity and populations of other species lie in the scale of ecological connections and the features of their implementation.

382. Choose the correct statement. To maintain life, a person needs approximately:

A) 2500 cal; c) 250 kcal;

B) 2500 kcal; d) 1000 cal.

  1. Answer, due to what types of energy the energy intensity of food production increases from primitive
    society to slave society and from pre-industrial to industrial.

  2. Choose the correct statements. The main features of food connections of modern humanity are:
a) complication;

B) simplification;
c) shortening;

D) elongation;

D) an increase in the energy cost of producing each calorie of food products;

E) a fall in the energy cost of producing each calorie of food products.

385 . Choose the correct statements.

  1. Animals, unlike humans, are not able to exchange information with their own kind.

  2. The trophic capacity of the habitat of modern humanity has increased compared to primitive society.

  3. Information communications of modern humanity cannot be addressed to future generations.

  4. The coordinated actions of organisms increase the impact on the environment.
386 . Ecologists are convinced that the use of more productive varieties of agricultural plants and animal breeds solves not only economic, but also environmental problems. Explain why.

387 . Draw two graphs. The first estimates the increase in the number of people able to feed themselves on a territory of 500 hectares during different social formations (in a primitive society - 1 person, in a slave society - 100, in a feudal society - 200, in industrial - 3000). The second shows the dependence of the energy invested in obtaining food on an area of ​​500 hectares on the type of society (energy is measured in conventional units (cu) of human muscular energy). In primitive society - 1.00. e., in slaveholding - 20 USD. e., in feudal - 40 USD. e., in industrial - 30,000 USD. f. Compare the slope of the two graphs. Explain the differences. Knowing the growth trend in food production and the energy spent on it, evaluate the prospects for these processes in the future. Give your prediction. How should humanity develop to avoid environmental problems in food production?

§ 25-26. Use of tools and energy.History of the development of environmental relationshumanity. Ancient hominids

  1. Place the names of the ancestors of modern man
    (homo sapiens) one after another in the order of their origin; Homo habilis, Cro-Magnon, Homo erectus (Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus), Australopithecus, Neanderthal.

  2. From the listed names of people, choose the one that belongs to the species Homo sapiens:
a) a skilled person; d) Cro-Magnon;

B) homo erectus; e) Australopithecus;
c) Pithecanthropus; e) synanthropus.

390 . Choose the correct statement. For the first time, the ancestors of modern people began to use primitive tools -
bones, stones, sticks:

B) 3 million years ago;

391. Choose the correct statement. For the first time ancestors
modern people began to make tools:

A) 1 million years ago; d) 500 thousand years ago;

B) 2 million years ago; e) 100 thousand years ago.

B) 5 million years ago;

392 . Choose the correct statement. For the first time ancestors
modern people began to support and regularly use fire approximately;

A) 4 million years ago; d) 500 thousand years ago;

B) 2 million years ago; "d) 100 thousand years ago.

B) 3 million years ago;

§ 27. History of the development of environmental connectionshumanity. Homo sapiens

  1. Why do scientists believe that caring for the elderly in ancient society led humanity to progress?

  2. Two modern tribes live in different, but climatically similar places, without communicating with each other.
    One tribe is engaged in hunting, the other in agriculture and cattle breeding. Guess which tribe has relatively more stable living conditions. What environmental management problems do these tribes face?
395 . It turns out that “ecological weapons” were used long before the Americans in Vietnam. Chinese historian Sima Jian (145-86 BC) said that “...once Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin dynasty, crossed the Yangtze to visit the temple on Mount Xianshan. Strong winds made crossing difficult. The court fortune tellers blamed the spirit of the daughter of the mythical hero of ancient Chinese history, Yao, living on the mountain for the troubles they experienced. The angry emperor decided to take revenge. He ordered to expose the mountain and thereby disgrace the spirit woman. Three thousand convicts were sent to Xianshan to cut down every single tree on the slopes of the mountain...” Describe how you think this affected the environment and life of the people in the area.

396 . Explain the words of the French writer F. Chateaubriand: “Forests preceded man - deserts followed him.”

§ 28-29. History of developmentecological connections of Humanity.Modernity. Future

397. Why is it impossible in our time to form new
human races or subspecies? Choose the correct answer:

A) no genetic material;

B) there is no (or very weak) insulation;

B) warming, climate;

D) population growth.

Justify your position.

398. Choose the correct statement. Urbanization is a process:

A) population growth;

B) growth in the share of the urban population;

B) pollution of the environment with waste;

D) increasing human pressure on the environment.

399 . Choose the correct statement. In modern human society, compared to primitive society, social connections are:

A) weakened

B) intensified;

B) remained at the same level.

400 . List environmental problems that can be considered global for humanity.

401 . Explain what the industrial revolution is. Give examples of inventions that have changed the world over the past 100-200 years.

402 . Read the table and characterize the state and degree of anthropogenic influence on the natural environment. Which countries are mainly responsible for the global environmental crisis? What is the reason for this? Which countries make the greatest contribution to environmental stabilization through areas preserved in their natural state?

State of natural areas in different countries

403 . Do you agree with the statement that in the Southern Hemisphere, the two countries making the greatest contribution to environmental stabilization are Brazil and Australia?

Chapter 5

Environmental demography

§ 30. Social and environmental features

demography of humanity

404 . Name which diseases that claimed millions of lives in the past are now almost completely defeated in our country and, if they occur, they are extremely rare.

405. Choose the correct statements. Main factors
The risks of cancer are:

A) smoking; , e) consumption of food with carcinogenic

B) malnutrition; substances;

B) nervous stress; e) plenty of food.

D) predators;

  1. Name the environmental factors that limit the potentially endless growth of human populations in modern conditions.

  2. From the listed factors, select those that no longer have a significant impact on demography, and those that are suppressed, but are capable of reducing the population. Fill the table.

Environmental factors and demography of human society

Suggest additional factors and write them in the table in a different color.

  1. List the diseases that most often lead to
    premature death of people in our country.

  2. Why do cancer have a less pronounced impact on human demography than cholera or
    AIDS? Choose the correct answer:
a) they affect mainly older people
(post-reproductive generation);

B) relatively few people die from these diseases;

C) modern medicine can deal with them more easily.

  1. Statistics show that more than 80% of cancers are caused by environmental factors. The proportional distribution of the causes of human cancer is as follows: smoking - 30%, food chemicals - 35%, unfavorable working conditions - 5%, alcoholic beverages - 3%, radiation - 3%, air and water pollution - 2%, other reasons - 5%, reasons not related to environmental influences - 17%.
    Every year, 5.9 million new cases of cancer are registered worldwide and 3.4 million patients die. Calculate how many people in the world die each year from cancer caused by smoking.

  2. List preventative measures against the disease
412 . List diseases whose incidence has not decreased (or even increased) in comparison with previous centuries, but they have practically ceased to affect people’s demography (no deaths or effects on reproductive activity).

413 . List the actions by which man has increased the ecological capacity of his environment. Imagine and offer your own examples of ways to increase the ecological capacity of the environment in the future.

§ 31. Growthhuman population

414 . Choose the correct statement. Explosive growth of the world population in the second half of the 20th century. occurred due to:

A) increasing the birth rate;

B) reducing the mortality rate due to improved nutrition and sanitary and hygienic living conditions;

B) industrial revolution;

D) use of new energy sources;

D) improving women's education.

415 . List the reasons why, starting from the middle of the 19th century. The world's population began to grow exponentially. Choose the correct answers:

A) improving nutrition;

B) improvement of sanitary conditions;

B) environmental pollution;

D) favorable climate changes;

D) improving healthcare.

416. Draw a graph of population growth on the globe. Until the 19th century she grew slowly. In 1700 the population was 0.6 billion people. The milestone of the first billion was overcome in 1830; the second - in 1939; the third - in 1960; fourth - in 1975; fifth - in 1987 In 1994, the number of people on Earth reached 5.5 billion, and in 1998 -
5.9 billion

417 . The number of city residents in this year was 550 thousand people. 8 thousand were born during the year. Calculate what the relative birth rate was when converted to 1000 people.

418 . In one of the cities of the Volga region since the early 1990s. The birth rate (the number of newborns per year per 1000 women of reproductive age) decreased, but the mortality rate remained at the same level. The population continues to grow, however. Suggest a reason why this might be happening.

419 . One of the latest UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) information booklets reported that in the 1980s. The world population increased by three people per second. How many children were born daily? in a year?

420 . Two women at different ages gave birth to twin girls each. One of them (α) gave birth at the age of 20, the other (β) at the age of 30. Each of the daughters, in turn, gave birth to twin girls at the same age at which her mother did. The same thing happened in all subsequent generations. All mothers died at the age of 75 years.

A. How many descendants did α have at the time of her death?

B. How many descendants did β have at the time of her death?

IN. Plot a graph of the increase in the number of each of these two families over 120 years, plotting the number of descendants on the ordinate axis, and time on the abscissa axis.

§ 32. Socio-geographical features

human demographics

  1. Decipher the abbreviations: UN, FAO, UNESCO,
    WHO, AIDS.

  2. Select from the list below countries in which the demographic situation at the end of the 20th century. relatively stable, with a slight decline in population
    (mortality slightly exceeds low birth rate); stable (low birth rate and low death rate approximately
    balanced) and unstable, with a rapidly growing population (high birth rate):
Angola, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Brazil, Hungary, Great Britain, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Canada, China, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, USA, Tanzania, Ukraine, France, Japan.

Fill the table.

423 . Construct two age pyramids reflecting the age composition of the population of Russia (150 million inhabitants) and Indonesia (190 million inhabitants), using the data given in the table.

Age group



From 0 to 10 years

21 million

48 million

From 1 1 to 20 years

23 million

37 million

From 21 to 30 years old

22 million

32 million

From 31 to 40 years old

22 million

25 million

From 41 to 50 years

22 million

19 million

From 51 to 60 pets

14 million

13 million

From 61 to 70 years

16 million

8 million

From 71 to 80 pets

8 million

6 million

81 and older

2 million

2 million

Compare the pyramids built and answer the questions.

  1. Which country's population is growing?

  2. Which country's population is stable, with a downward trend?

  3. Why is the group in the age pyramid of the Russian population
    from 51 to 60 years old has a smaller population than neighboring groups?
4. Which country's population is close to simply replacing the size of one generation with another?

  1. Calculate the share (in %) of youth (age from 0 to 30 years) in Russia and Indonesia.

  2. Which country has the highest demographic potential?
424 . Name the factors that encourage people in agricultural societies to have more children and in industrial societies to have fewer.

425 . In Delhi, there are five giant clocks connected to a computer that show India's population growth minute by minute. In 1989, the country had 830 million inhabitants. Every 1-2 seconds a new Indian citizen is born, about 50 people per minute. Calculate how many children are born daily; in a year; per decade while maintaining the birth rate. Calculate the share (in %) of those born in 1990. relative to the total population in the same year.

§ 33. Demographic prospects

426. Which demographic situation is most favorable for humanity and does not bring great environmental disasters to the planet? Choose the correct answer:

A) the birth rate and death rate are high and balanced;

B) birth rate and death rate are low, balanced;

C) the birth rate and mortality rate are low, with a predominance of mortality;

D) birth and death rates are low, with a predominance of birth rates;

D) the birth rate is high and the death rate is low, unbalanced;

E) the birth rate is low and the death rate is high, unbalanced.

427. Indicate which group of countries should use population reduction strategies (A), and which group should try to maintain the existing population parameters (B) for humanity to transition to a state of stable demographic situation:

1) Angola, Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Indonesia, China, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, Tanzania;

2) Hungary, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, USA.

428 . Explain why scientists believe that a population explosion in the south could lead to catastrophic environmental consequences for the entire planet.

429 . There is an opinion that there are already more people living on Earth than it can feed for an indefinitely long time. Do you agree with this opinion? Why?

430 . Some people disagree with the idea that population growth will create serious problems in the future. So, they believe that the real problem is this:

In the unfair distribution of resources. There are enough material resources and technical knowledge in the world to feed, clothe, shelter, and transport many more people than currently live on the planet, but we have population and development problems due to our unwillingness to share resources equally . A resident of an industrialized country consumes in one month as much as will last a poor person in unindustrialized countries for a lifetime;

In the system of consumerism. As society develops, people consume more and more, and thus deplete valuable resources for the production of things that are not essential;

In the way resources are used. Although industry and specialization have increased productivity, they have also caused great harm to the environment and require energy reserves such as oil, which can become depleted.

Do you share this point of view? Give your comments on this situation.


Protection of Nature

There were many civilizations on our planet, they all died, the signs of a dying civilization are clearly visible in today’s news, but the question of the reasons for the death of civilizations is not raised in our society; they said about Atlantis: “they were mired in wars.” The main question of our time: “Who commits crimes against humanity and destroys civilizations of the species Homo sapiens?”

During evolution, a new species descends from the previous one, for a certain period of time both species coexist together and it is difficult, but possible, to distinguish individuals of one species from individuals of another species. The species of Homo sapiens descended from the previous species, if the main feature of our species is intelligence, then the previous species can be called “still unreasonable ancestors” and a very simple conclusion can be drawn: our still unreasonable ancestors are not genetically different from us, Homo sapiens originated in the body of our unreasonable ancestor , and in appearance, the two biological species are indistinguishable. Homo sapiens adapted tools, machines and mechanisms to the capabilities of the organism of our still unreasonable ancestor, created new resources and civilizations, but something changed and civilizations perished. The amount of created resources changed, when there were few resources, children born in violation of the laws of reproduction of our species did not survive, but as resources became more and more abundant, not only the children of Homo sapiens began to survive, but also the cubs of the species of our still unreasonable ancestors - according to In appearance, the two biological species are indistinguishable, they are just as cute kids. Homo sapiens, to his own destruction, saves and nurtures the species of our still unreasonable ancestor; after murders and robberies, the species of our ancestors multiplies and multiplies. The resurrected species returns society to the harem lifestyle of our unreasonable ancestors, kills and robs more and more, and ultimately destroys the civilizations of Homo sapiens.

Two biological species, Homo sapiens and our still unreasonable ancestors, differ in many characteristics, including the laws of reproduction, which they follow to continue the lives of future generations.

The laws of reproduction of a species are based on the lifestyle of this species; the laws of reproduction differ among species leading different lifestyles. Our unreasonable ancestors did not create and are not creating any resources, they lived in harems, the harem ruler kicked out the grown-up male cubs from the harem, leaving only females, two groups of characteristics were passed on to the next generations: genetic - the organism itself, and informational signs in the subconscious - feelings and desires aimed at building a harem. Our unreasonable ancestors can exist independently only in the south, where murders and robberies for food are possible; individuals who were not able to build their own great harem did not continue the family line.

Homo sapiens creates new resources and passes them on to children as an inheritance, does not build harems, thrives as a united humanity and creates more and more new resources. In the process of reproduction, four groups of characteristics are transmitted, in addition to genetic and social, new groups of characteristics have appeared: inheritance - material characteristics, and heritage - knowledge, skills and life experience acquired consciously. Social characteristics have changed, instead of feelings and desires aimed at building a harem, feelings and desires aimed at building a unified society appeared. The law of reproduction of the species Homo sapiens: in the process of reproduction of Homo sapiens, four groups of characteristics are transmitted, genetic characteristics, social characteristics of the structure of human society, heritage - knowledge, skills, life experience obtained consciously, and inheritance - material characteristics.

A new structure of the species appeared, instead of division into harems and the violent power of harem rulers, the new species began to consist of clans self-sufficient for the continuation of the life of subsequent generations with the power of women of royal age. Clan - children born by a woman together with family and friends, the head of the clan is the queen, the queen demonstrates her clan for the possibility of imitation and creating her own self-sufficient clan. In their younger years, queens gave birth to the Eldest Son on agricultural lands, he became the breadwinner of the entire clan, moving north, queens gave birth to sons and daughters in industrial regions and ensured technical progress in agriculture, daughters united the clan into a single society. In the north and during inbreeding, genetic characteristics are lost and degeneration occurs, so representatives of the species Homo sapiens have feelings and desires to carry out reproductive movements and return a young girl born in the north to the south. The elder brother can come to the north only in winter, when he is free from agricultural work, in the north he met a girl who was time to go south, the date became the countdown of a new life, a holiday of reproduction appeared, now it is called the New Year. There were many such couples, the children of such couples survived, the sign became more and more firmly established in the subconscious, the child grew up in the south with an adult, prosperous father under the supervision of his wife, the raising mother. This process is not creating a family; a young woman needs to leave in order to give birth to her own family. The creation of a family takes place on another New Year - we are irresistibly drawn to the lake for barbecue, on the lake a woman in the prime of life creates a family for a young man: the Homo sapiens species has two counts of a new life, two celebrations of reproduction. The wife is alone, but, depending on his well-being, a man must take girls and young women into his house - this is a man’s responsibility! There is another article about this: “Dispute about the number of wives.”

Now we can compare the feelings and desires of the two species, predict what should happen when the dominance of the species of our still unreasonable ancestors is established over the species of Homo sapiens, if the forecast coincides with the real state of affairs - to realize the cause-and-effect relationships - the crimes of descendants and the consequences of these crimes, and understand who destroys the civilizations of Homo sapiens.

The females spent their entire lives in the harem, but the male, who was beginning to grow old, was killed in a fair tournament fight by a young challenger, so there was no inbreeding, the harem moved around the southern lands - its habitat, so there were no frostbitten people either. People began to create more and more new resources, but, not knowing the laws of their own reproduction, they began to feed cubs with lost signs of Homo sapiens, the cubs grew up, their feelings for a harem male awakened, the males began to seize power and build their harems in the occupied territories. People retained understandings and images of the power of women of royal age, so descendants began to build their harems, disguised as the image of a woman of royal age - they seized power by substitution. Descendants have stopped releasing women for reproductive movements, due to inbreeding, people are no longer born - descendants are multiplying, the once united fraternal society of Homo sapiens has been destroyed. The descendants began to kill entrepreneurs, seize enterprises and win elections in a democratic way - to collect a hundred cyanotic ones and declare themselves the president of all descendants - the deputy of God on earth, there is no society - no one will say anything, and whoever says is killed on the bridge. Such a community is unviable, it can only steal resources created by reasonable people, insoluble problems have appeared, disasters have begun to occur constantly, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations has appeared.

In order to hide their existence, the existence of an unreasonable species in modern society, and to avoid responsibility for crimes against humanity, the harem rulers began to look for the culprits. Depending on the scale of the next disaster, a list of culprits is sought: a switchman, a snowplow driver, doctors or entire nations such as crests, for example. In fact, there are no nations, after the division into harem territories, people began to acquire appearance depending on climatic conditions - they became pale or tanned, and the rulers took advantage of this - they began to assign culprits based on appearance, as in the days of the existence of harems. Fascism - a return to the way of life of our still unreasonable ancestors - is a crime against humanity.

The species of our unreasonable ancestors moved across the distribution area - the southern lands, the society of Homo sapiens also mastered the northern lands, but the organisms are genetically identical, in the north the degeneration of organisms occurs due to a lack of vitamins and cold climatic conditions. To maintain organisms in Homo sapiens society, a new function appeared: young girls born in the north began to make reproductive movements to the south. This function is performed at certain times, like the spawning of fish, the market of birds, or the rut of animals, when adult bearded men from the southern agricultural lands may arrive. This function is distinguished by the fact that the food resources on which the next generation will be born and raised are created by the hands of these bearded men.

There is also a second countdown of the life of the next generations of Homo sapiens - the holiday of reproduction, in early summer we are irresistibly drawn to barbecue, at this time a woman in her prime creates a family for a young man. Accordingly, the two new years, northern and southern, are intended for a single society of Homo sapiens. The splitting of humanity into harems and the establishment of state borders is a crime against humanity. Judas, remember, killed everyone as a male child; modern rulers have established boundaries between nations and send boys to their deaths to enslave people in occupied territories.

In order for the Snow Maidens to engage in prostitution and bring money to the harem rulers, those disguised as queens declared reproductive movements to be fornication, and kept young women from reproductive movements. In the modern cyanotic community, the Snow Maiden is completely associated with prostitutes; open the Internet and find the original meaning of the generalized image of the Snow Maiden by Tchaikovsky. Accordingly, if the Snow Maidens do not move to agricultural lands, the bearded men become drunkards, food has to be purchased outside the occupied territories, and every day a thousand children born to the first person they meet are handed over to the Snow Maiden’s orphanages. Rulers sell children for $100,000, Asian children sell for $500,000, business is booming, that's where the disguised ones have gold.

Things are no better when it comes to starting a family. In the society of Homo sapiens, a young woman, having given birth to an Eldest son - a breadwinner for a southern man, moved north, rose as a woman in her prime and created a family for a young northern man in an industrial region. Women gave birth in different regions and united their children into a single society, men built houses, accepted inheritances, created new resources, in spring and autumn men went to the Elder Brother to help in agriculture. The southern rulers have built walls, fences, religions and do not allow women into the north; millions of unmarried men roam the north. The northern rulers destroyed royal power, began to build a vertical harem power, put together criminal groups, issue uniforms and send them out for murders and robberies, built up weapons and can kill any rulers and the entire civilization whenever they want. Accordingly, northern girls give birth to northern cubs weighing one kilogram from northern boys.

Accordingly, it is possible to describe the struggle of species down to the smallest detail. The resurrection of a biological organism is impossible, and with the degeneration of a biological species, the base instincts of the previous species awaken, the previous species is resurrected - the law of the development of biological matter, the descendants of Homo sapiens themselves discovered this law.

Say the name of the Motherland - Mother!

Dispute about the number of wives, preface or summary.

The dispute over the number of wives has grown into a worldwide struggle; why is the answer to this question so important for the continuation of life on the planet? Homo sapiens arose from the fulfillment of the laws of his own reproduction; the process of reproduction includes several signs, including the number of women giving birth to children for one man; the fulfillment of the laws of his own reproduction is an integral part of the lifestyle of any species, including the species Homo sapiens. The struggle to fulfill the laws of one’s own reproduction, for one’s own way of life and the possibility of continuing the life of the entire civilization is a struggle of species.

Charles Darwin was the first to point out the struggle between species; two species are fighting, the previous one and the next one; for us, the struggle between Homo sapiens and the previous species, our still unreasonable ancestor, is of interest. But, remember, Darwin pointed out to us the species of an ape-like ancestor? Only now has it become clear that different branches of biological matter develop in different conditions and different organisms, but reach an intelligent species in almost identical organisms, differing only in rudimentary features: a portrait of an intelligent species descended from a dinosaur will resemble a portrait of a dinosaur, such portraits have been preserved from ancient times. But the portrait of Homo sapiens is very similar to the portrait of a primate; in Darwin’s time it seemed that archaeologists would soon find evidence of the origin of man from an ape-like ancestor. Now it has become known that our still unreasonable ancestors were huge and ate all the dinosaurs, and primates - peaceful gatherers, whose behavior can be studied while sitting on the neck of a harem male, do not even eat elephants.

Dinosaurs, primates, Homo sapiens are representatives of different branches of the development of biological matter; the branches develop in different conditions, becoming similar only in a rational state - as the brain develops, in Darwin’s time there were no such understandings. Darwin made a mistake when he pointed out a representative of another branch of the development of biological matter as a species previous to us, evolution changes its name, it was the evolution of Darwin, it became the evolution of Sidorchuk. The species that precedes us - the species of our still unreasonable ancestors, which remained undiscovered by Darwin's evolution, kills, robs and builds harems on the planet; the mistake of a leading researcher can cost the life of an entire civilization. Homo sapiens originated in the body of our still unreasonable ancestor and differs from him only in reason; while observing the laws of reproduction of his species, man creates civilizations; if the laws of reproduction are violated, he degenerates into an unreasonable ancestor; the resurrected species destroys human civilizations; this is repeated many times for millions of years. Modern, so-called humanity, consists of representatives of two species - homo sapiens and our still unreasonable ancestors. Two species lead two lifestyles: the lifestyle of our still unreasonable ancestors and the lifestyle of Homo sapiens, they follow two paths. Each way of life includes processes of reproduction that are natural for the species; the processes of reproduction of each species are based on the laws of reproduction of this species - the Laws of natural reproduction of our still unreasonable ancestors and the Laws of natural reproduction and the origin of Homo sapiens. By the number of wives, one can judge what species a particular culture belongs to, the species Homo sapiens or our still unreasonable ancestors, who creates new resources and who robs and divides, who prepares weapons and puts together terrorist states, and who fights with terrorism.

An unreasonable species does not create any resources; in the subconscious of surviving individuals, feelings and desires corresponding to this way of life are fixed - desires for murder and robbery, all sorts of ways to redistribute resources. An intelligent species creates new resources; corresponding feelings and desires, desires for creative activity, the continuation of life and prosperity of the entire species, are fixed in the subconscious. By examining in detail and comparing the two ways of life, it is possible to explain all the processes occurring in the modern world - during the period of coexistence of the two species before the collapse of civilization.

In the next paragraph, we will consider the lifestyle of our still unreasonable ancestor, then, in six paragraphs, the lifestyle of Homo sapiens, then we will compare two lifestyles in the modern world.

Our still unreasonable ancestors led a nomadic lifestyle, did not create any resources, when all the resources in the old place were killed, plundered and devoured - the harem male captured the new territory. Feelings and desires corresponding to the way of life of our still unreasonable ancestors were fixed in the subconscious, all the ways of redistributing existing resources in the absence of the ability to create new resources: desires to seize power and territory, the desire to own weapons, desires for murder, robbery, violence, theft, fraud, ancestors have always done so as to deceive and profit. The laws of reproduction of our still unreasonable ancestors were fulfilled: a harem male married a female forever, when the female left reproductive age - death from his clutches separated them, male teenagers were kicked out of the harem without inheritance and legacy - raising mothers were not needed. After a few years, a mature young male received everything at once - he killed his rivals and captured a harem, no family relationships existed, males and harems could not destroy each other, there were no nuclear weapons yet, but they were at enmity with each other and seized territories at every opportunity . The species multiplied and multiplied, but the dinosaurs ended, and soon the last roots, the roots of centuries-old trees, stuck out on the devastated planet.

Another species began to emerge - intelligent, men began to lead a sedentary lifestyle and create new resources: to cultivate the land and make tools for cultivating the land. A new force has emerged that can unite the entire species for creative activity - family relationships; feelings and desires have become entrenched in the subconscious for the fulfillment of other laws of reproduction - the Laws of natural reproduction and the origin of Homo sapiens. The new Laws are aimed at maximizing the number of species, subject to the creation of the required amount of new resources. The implementation of the Laws solved several problems at once: the establishment of fraternal relations between men when they created various resources, agricultural and industrial, the prevention of inbreeding during the sedentary lifestyle of men, the presence in the family of reason and physical strength for creative activities, the development of new lands with the possibility of returning to the area spread after partial loss of reproductive abilities. Men created new resources on their territory, passed on inheritance to the next generations, young women made reproductive movements and gave birth to their own clan - brothers and sisters in the north and south, brothers united by maternal authority collaborated - cultivated the land and forged tools for cultivating it, sisters united kind. Women in their prime created families for young men and moved on to a sedentary lifestyle; at royal age, women raised their subjects - passed on heritage and united society for creative activities. Power invariably went to the one who united the creative forces - the head of the clan, a woman of royal age; the queen demonstrated her clan for the possibility of imitation and the possibility of uniting clans.

In the process of reproduction of our still unreasonable ancestors, the genetic characteristics of the body and informational signs of the subconscious are transmitted. In the process of reproduction of the Homo sapiens species, four groups of characteristics are transmitted: genetic characteristics of the body, informational signs of the subconscious, heritage and inheritance, the process of reproduction and the process of creating a family, in particular, are arranged so that a child born at any point in time receives all four groups of characteristics , became the heir. In the modern world, an unreasonable species has seized power and legislated its own laws of reproduction: boys and girls are trying to build their own harems, and children are handed over to provide for society; neither heritage nor inheritance is passed on.

In a dispute about the number of wives, it is necessary to give a precise definition of the terms. Women can be young - capable only of giving birth to their own family; they cannot be wives. A woman in her prime can create a family for a young handsome man, give birth, raise and raise heirs in her family. Women of royal age cannot give birth to children, but they can raise heirs born of young women and unite humanity for creative activities. The rationale behind the Laws of Reproduction became available only after their discovery, but colloquially these understandings have persisted. In the north they say - “I took a young wife”: there is no wife, but in the period of the collapse of civilization, family physical education is equated to family life - “Without fish, cancer is a fish,” “Without trousers, but with a hat.” In the south they say, “I took a younger wife,” there is a wife, but the level of wealth allows one to give birth, raise and raise another heir. Only one from one younger wife, keeping wives in cages leads to the death of civilization. I remember there was a sad incident, a husband killed his wife after 60 years of marriage: men consider years as a virtue, women as a cage, the female function of unifying society was not fulfilled - such a community will perish in universal hatred, which is what we are seeing. The eldest wife is really alone, but only - having created a family in the prime of life, the number of younger ones depends on the welfare - the amount of new resources created, but, each younger wife - only for one heir... . The number of wives is not the only sign characteristic of the reproduction of a particular species; one must take into account the age at which the family was born, the age at which a family was created, and whether men were involved in the creation of certain resources - agricultural or industrial. To unite a viable society, it is necessary to fully understand the Laws of natural reproduction and the origin of Homo sapiens, detailed parameters are indicated on the pages http://vk.com/ozero4 and http://vk.com/ozero5.

Like any other biological species, young women make reproductive movements - from north to south, from south to north and from south to south, the reproductive movement of a girl from the north is fixed in the subconscious in the form of a bright image of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Without reproductive movements, all those born died alone or as a whole civilization, only those born with reproductive movement survived, the desire for reproductive movement was firmly entrenched in the subconscious, I call the entire road traversed by a woman Dear Mother. By going on a honeymoon together, we create the illusion of reproductive movement.

Accordingly, the structure of a viable Homo sapiens society created on the basis of the Laws of natural reproduction and the origin of Homo sapiens. Young women give birth to the eldest son - the breadwinner of the entire future family - on agricultural lands; for this, girls from the north - Snegurochka - make a reproductive move to the south together with Santa Claus - the Elder Brother, who came to the younger brothers in the north in winter. In the south it is easier to give birth, raise and raise an heir, which is why the declared number of wives is greater - the Snow Maidens come, in addition, the Snow Maidens will, in their children, make up for the reproductive abilities lost during the clan’s residence in the northern lands. Further, moving north, young women give birth, one heir at a time, to younger brothers in the families of adult, prosperous men in industrial regions. In the prime of life, women make a Journey to the lake and create a family for a young man, give birth as many as they want, and at royal age raise heirs born to young women. The image of a young woman from agricultural lands who came to conquer a northern city has been noticed and is present in cinema, but a bright generalizing image, comparable to the image of the Snow Maiden, has not yet been collected; maybe she, beautiful and strong, came in the blooming early summer to sell cherries, and crossed the road local Snow Maiden, - Chereshnitsa – green and orange? There was a third type of reproductive movement - from south to south, girls walked along paths to unite humanity, until the Nazis banned reproductive movements between harems. Considering that girls do not go for mushrooms, I propose to rethink the image of Little Red Riding Hood for the reproductive movement of a girl from south to south, may the will of the highest creative power be fulfilled.

Fulfilling the Laws of natural reproduction and the origin of Homo sapiens, a single humanity, without harems and harem presidents, created a civilization and built 500 pyramidal energy installations. People cleaned the planet's atmosphere and pumped soot in the form of hydrocarbons deep underground, the atmosphere became transparent to the ultraviolet spectrum, agriculture became possible not only in the tropics, a supply of pure water for low-slope agriculture was formed in glaciers on the tops of mountains, people began to settle at the foot of such mountains . The sea level dropped hundreds of meters, and cities and pyramids were built in the liberated territories. In today's deserts, forests grew and gardens bloomed; with the help of the energy of the pyramids, rain can be caused from moist air; an experiment by Swiss scientists clearly demonstrated this. During the era of prosperity, polar species of animals and birds, doomed today, arose; in the rocks of today's deserts, the rivers of the era of prosperity carved out huge canyons. There were many civilizations, but they are all perishing, you and I, my dear reader, are living in a period of destruction of another civilization of Homo sapiens, the roots of centuries-old trees stick out in the desert.

The laws of natural reproduction and the origin of Homo sapiens were not discovered and understood; people unwittingly violated these laws; not the next generations of Homo sapiens were born, but representatives of the species of our still unreasonable ancestors. The unreasonable species resurrected, began to fight with all means against the species of Homo sapiens and establish a harem way of life, humanity began to have problems, and the period of the death of the civilization of the species Homo sapiens began. Knowing the feelings and desires of Homo sapiens and the feelings and desires of the species of our still unreasonable ancestors, we can compare the two ways of life and explain all the processes occurring during the period of coexistence of species in a modern multi-harem community, and identify all the ways our unreasonable ancestors fought against the species of Homo sapiens. In a short article I will list the main ones.

The main characteristic of the species of our still unreasonable ancestors is the desire to seize power and establish a violent harem rule of the harem male. In the modern world, a harem male is called a president, a harem is called a state, a piece of a harem male is called taxes and kickbacks, the entire territory of the planet is divided into harem territories.

In the lifestyle of our still unreasonable ancestors, the male performs two functions - the function of procreation and the function of protection and defense, the females graze peacefully in the emerald meadow. After the harem ruler seizes power, it turns out that it is also necessary to organize the process of creating new resources; the harem ruler has neither such abilities nor such opportunities, but there is a feeling that the population of the captured territories themselves must pluck the grass and carry pieces to the ruler. The ruler forces the last hydrocarbons to be scooped up, sends harem accomplices to collect the pieces, harass and kill entrepreneurs, and seize the enterprises they have created. In the natural economy of Homo sapiens, no pieces were collected, it was not slaves, but brothers who worked at the enterprises, and they honestly divided the money they earned, parents inherited part of the jointly created enterprise to their children, there was no need for young people to take over enterprises, entrepreneurs remained brothers and, in the case of failures, they counted on maternal guarantees. Maternal guarantees are based on fraternal kinship between men, the absence of representatives of the species of our still unreasonable ancestors and the need to kill, rob and seize enterprises. Each man had brothers - the appearance of Homo sapiens occurred when a young woman gave birth to heirs to different men in different territories, the brothers collaborated - the economy developed. The queen did not collect money, which she herself printed to exchange goods and unite society; when creating new goods, the queen printed an additional amount to be able to purchase new goods.

Another thing is that when harem rule is established, the modern community is not brothers and sisters, but harem enemies, the harem male officially registers entrepreneurs to rob the slaves working in his enterprise, but for this, the entrepreneur must bear part of the loot to the unreasonable species in the form of kickbacks and taxes, the president is protecting his harem group. In addition, slaves create enterprises, but the children of slaves do not inherit part of the enterprise created by their parents. The youth left without an inheritance are young males of the species of our still unreasonable ancestors, and, in accordance with the way of life of our still unreasonable ancestors, they themselves have to overthrow the harem male, kill entrepreneurs and seize enterprises. Capital is someone else’s inheritance stolen in huge quantities; the struggle for inheritance is a struggle for life. Those born in the harem image and likeness are not brothers, but bros, they form harem groups and engage in harem terrorism. Man arose in fulfillment of the Laws of his own reproduction, women gave birth in different territories and to different men, children were brothers and sisters, modern universal hatred will end with general nuclear destruction, the male will hide in a bunker and destroy everyone so that the entrance is not found.

In the modern world, a method has been established to seize maternal power through the election of a harem male; queens are not allowed to elect a harem male. But there is also an old way of seizing power - the method of substitution. Over the long evolutionary time of the era of prosperity of Homo sapiens, the image of maternal power, the image of a woman of royal age - in long dark clothes and with long hair - was fixed in the subconscious of a person. Representatives of the species of our still unreasonable ancestors seized power by substitution - they hid their faces under long beards, let their hair grow, dressed up in the clothes of women of royal age and began to sing in female voices and lead the people to self-destruction. Intelligent and literate people do not go to church; more orphans and sick people mean more income. Women of royal age go to church based on a sense of the need to unite society, as they did in an era of prosperity. Seizing power is a crime against humanity.

The correct harem males decided the issue in a tournament duel; under royal power, such questions did not arise: the men were brothers in different territories, cultivated the land and forged tools for cultivating it. What is happening in the modern world? The species of our still unreasonable ancestors arose, seized power, established their own laws of reproduction and returns humanity to the way of life of our still unreasonable ancestors: women do not make reproductive movements and do not give birth to brothers in different territories, they give birth to one harem male. Males build their harems, claiming the existence of national characteristics, Hitler was looking for national characteristics, but not a single national characteristic has been identified and has never been declared, the statement about the existence of a nation is an outright lie. The statement about the existence of nations comes only from a feeling that became entrenched in the subconscious during the time of the ability of harems to continue life; when the laws of reproduction of an intelligent species are violated, humanity degenerates and loses the feelings and desires of a homo sapiens, the feelings of our still unreasonable ancestors awaken. Recognition of the existence of nations is a crime against humanity.

Fascism is a return to the way of life of our still unreasonable ancestors; during the period of the death of civilization, all states are harems, but propaganda shows Ukraine: the male is not able to unite society for creative activity, harem rule is intended only for murders and redistribution of loot. The harem male senses a threat from young males, always thinks of how to send them to their deaths, awakens the harem feeling and puts weapons in their hands. The plot of fascism is always the same - Judas, I remember, killed all male babies, the correct harem ruler, to the applause of other harems, destroys the democratic opposition with missiles.

The modern harem power of the species of our still unreasonable ancestors is only capable of stealing the resources created by the species Homo sapiens, the harem male protects the plunder of resources, everyone who interferes with killing and robbing is declared terrorists and destroyed.

Brothers and contemporaries, civilizations have been dying for millions of years, contemplation of the process of the death of civilization will end in general nuclear destruction, the struggle for peace is the work of everyone. Send texts to your friends and acquaintances, publish them on the resources available to you, and we will have interlocutors whose opinions we can listen to, we will be able to understand the events taking place, and we will have a chance to prevent the death of our civilization.

All provisions are repeatedly and comprehensively discussed in the texts, the texts are written about each person and for each person, in two hundred pages, please find information that is relevant to you. The texts are in the open mailbox password konstantin or nitnatsnok and on the VKontakte pages http://vk.com/ozero4 and http://vk.com/ozero5

Collection of articles and full text.

The page presents 35 articles on the most important issues of human science and people's lives. Selected articles were published in No. 34/2008 of the ethical and philosophical journal "Fronts of the Epoch"

Humanities in brief

or a brief encyclopedia of human studies

1. Nature and man

2. From animal to human

3. What is a person?

5. About the essence of man

7. Human body and spirit

11. About human freedom

13. About life values ​​and benefits

15. About faith and knowledge

17. Money and happiness

19. Diseases and problems

20. Love, sex and children

23. About the differences between people

24. Reason and intelligence

25. Particular and general

30. From war to peace

31. Life and death of a person

32. The price of human life

34. About the optimum of energy and the expanding space and time of human life


The task of the work is to tell, in the form of small encyclopedic articles, concisely, simply and as completely as possible about the most necessary and useful for every person, which constitutes the most important categories, provisions and concepts of human science or is revealed through the consideration of generally significant and ambiguously understood by people issues. Probably, not all presented articles are equally interesting and equal in content, and some of them may not be accepted by someone due to a different vision of the issues and problems being considered. Their appearance and the selection of article topics are dictated not only by the need to popularize and promote a science that is relevant and useful for people - human studies, the subject of which is the knowledge and rational realization of essence, but also by its internal logic. Another task of human science and this work is to overcome the animal and promote the development of the human - the spiritual, rational principle in man, thanks to which he arose and lives on Earth and without which it is impossible to expand his space of life and find brothers in mind in the universe.

1. Nature and man

The phrase “nature and man” is not accidental and is an expression of what stands behind it: nature is the material world surrounding a person, of which he is an organic component. Nature is the environment and source of resources for human existence, determining its material essence and dependence on air, water and food necessary for metabolism. Man is an active and intelligent, living part of nature, which cannot be considered outside of it and, especially, positioned above it, that is, making him the master of nature. In the process of human interaction with nature, the latter changes, acquiring the features of the anthroposphere. Being an organic component of nature, a person should not disrupt natural relationships with it or degrade its quality because this is fraught with harm to himself. With the help of reason, realizing this as a vital necessity and increasing benefit for himself, a person must optimize interaction with nature, which forms the external resource-energy circuit of his life. In the body, which represents the internal circuit of a person, in the process of metabolism, vital resources are converted into substances and energy necessary for its systems and organs, which are distributed for consumption, accumulation and development in the proportion determined by its intelligence - the more intelligent a person is, the more important it is for him development. Human interaction with nature and the state of the natural environment are derived from the processes of production and distribution of life resources, which depend on individual human behavior and the organization of social life. Unfortunately, the large volume and seriousness of environmental problems and the possibility of a world cataclysm show that man, in interaction with nature, as well as with people, is not rational enough and is not fully aware and realizes his unity. /16.12.07/

2. From animal to human

Man is a living part of material nature and changes with it, having gone through a long evolutionary path from anthropoid primates to upright, active and intelligent creatures. Some people, and especially believers, are shocked by this base connection, however, believe it or not, and when, God forbid, a person becomes seriously ill, he no longer has time for this - he needs to have an operation or take medication. And this would be impossible if there were not so much in common between humans and animals: in breathing and digestion, blood circulation and nervous processes. People have long noticed that the fetus in the mother's womb goes through all stages of evolutionary development and at birth it is driven by animal instincts. Like an animal, he needs resources and favorable living conditions, but as man develops, thanks to reason, he becomes capable of being aware of himself and his needs and actions. The latter is what separates animal and man, and the degree of his rationality, as the conformity of the behavior of his essence, through the best implementation of vital necessities and the achievement of greater benefits of actions, is a measure of their differences, allowing one to judge how far man has gone from his animal ancestors. This also applies to a person’s ability to not even adapt much better, but to create a more favorable environment for life in the most difficult conditions. And produce more resources and develop effectively and increase your life expectancy. And not only better manage one’s actions, but also improve oneself... Thus, thanks to the development of the mind, a person is able to rise above his body and its animal instincts, recognizing them and subordinating them to development and improvement together with other people and in harmony with nature. And this, in the best possible way, shows the path of man from his animal ancestors and the boundaries of their community. /12/18/07/

3. What is a person?

People do not attach due importance to this question, the answer to which is important for every person, and this is strange, but not accidental, for two interrelated reasons: 1 - something else is more important for them, 2 - science does not yet provide an objective and constructive interpretation of the essence of man. However, this does not apply to human science, which arose and is developing precisely for this purpose. It says that man is material and is a product of the evolution of primates and, to a first approximation, is an animal with intelligence. If you think about this, you can understand the fundamental differences between a person and an animal, which consist in the fact that a person is able to recognize and know himself and his essence and develop and improve in accordance with it with great benefit for himself. Unlike an animal, whose actions are subordinated to instinct, which determines its vital necessity, a person is aware of it with his mind and is able to rationalize its implementation according to the degree of usefulness. Thanks to reason, a person is able to see himself as an organic element of nature, on which he depends, remember breathing, water and food, and rationalize interaction without allowing barbarism or domination over it. Unlike animals, humans are capable of being aware of their sociality and not only optimizing interactions with other people, but also solving generally significant problems. Finally, and this determines the highest meaning and benefit of his life and the actual human principle, the most important task and ideal of human existence is the improvement of the entire human species, which will make all people equal and subordinate their efforts and actions to the most important thing in life - development and improvement! /16.12.07/

4. A reasonable person. Measure of reasonableness

A reasonable person is a very capacious, ambiguous and potential definition. Not all people are equally intelligent, because the mind must be developed and regularly trained, like muscles, constantly increasing the load. Ambiguous because some people replace reason with intellect, which is not the same thing. Finally, potential because having opportunities, not all people do not fully use them and they, remaining unrealized, degrade. The most serious difference between the mind and the intellect is that the mind, as the highest manifestation of the human spirit, uses the intellect for self-knowledge and adequate behavior of its essence. That is, the concept of reason is applicable to a certain living being, and there are no other such creatures on Earth except humans, capable of recognizing themselves and their vital necessity, immanent in the essence, and realizing it with the greatest benefit. What is most curious and helps to overcome the ambiguity of the concept of rationality is that, being aware of himself and the necessity of life, a person is able to see the meaning of his life in achieving the highest benefit, which objectively, adequately and potentially expresses his essence and consists in the improvement of the entire human species. So the measure of a person’s participation in solving the problem of improving a species or achieving the highest benefit is the measure of his intelligence! /12/18/07/

5. About the essence of man

What is the best way to identify a person? You can cite at least ten interpretations of essence from philosophical anthropology, but their quantity and heterogeneity will not translate into the quality of the definition of a person. What should I do? Agree with polysemy, which means the uncertainty of the human beginning, or look for something that defines a person more than the fact that he is God’s creation or that he is material and himself created God... The important thing is that man objectively exists and has his own essence, which manifests itself in what he feels and desires, thinks and does. By considering a person’s actions as the result of the interaction of his body and spirit and himself with other people and the surrounding nature, one can come closer to understanding what predetermined, prepared and realized this particular result, and not any other. So, the human beginning or its essence is a reasonable and knowable, open and self-organizing system of metabolism, energy and information, an organic, active part of nature and society, symbiosis? body and spirit/mind, capable, thanks to movement, self-awareness and development, rationalization of life resources and energy and consistent interaction with the surrounding world of people and nature, for survival and self-preservation, positive procreation and improvement of the species, which constitute its vital necessity, in a long life the cycle of achieving the highest benefit of the entire species, the time and space of which tend to infinity. For the cognition, definition and realization of the essence, without which the improvement of man and his life is impossible, human science arose and is developing. /12/18/07/

6. Vital necessity and highest benefit of man

The rationality of a person is most clearly manifested in the knowledge and perfect realization of his essence, which determines his internal and external interactions with the surrounding world of people and nature. Like other mammals, the human physiological sphere functions almost autonomously, obeying instinct, and depends primarily on external conditions and resources. However, unlike animals, man, thanks to reason, is able to better adapt to external conditions, produce more and optimize vital resources and energy, self-organize individually and balance his external interactions to solve the problems of existence in the context of fulfilling vital necessities and achieving the highest benefit /VP/. At the same time, the concept of VP has a meaning so capacious and accessible in sound and meaning for people to understand that it seems that it does not require justification or a more strict definition of its content. However, to eliminate ambiguity and specification, clarification, justification and definition of this concept are necessary. First of all, it should be noted that VP is an ideal and potential expression and manifestation of the highest goals and meaning of human existence and, in the most general form, appears as knowledge and positive realization of its essence, as if intersecting with LN. But what distinguishes VP from life sciences is precisely its ideality, generality and absoluteness, while life sciences is more specific, individualized and realizable. However, the Life Lifestyle is, to a certain extent, ideal and potential - it is realized the better and more effectively, the more intelligent a person is, the better he knows himself and subordinates his life and its resources to achieving the Life Lifestyle. But there is a fundamental difference between the concepts of VP and VN, which consists in the fact that VP will determine the highest idea, interest, goal and meaning of existence common to all people, and VN, having a universal human essential basis, is specified for each person, taking into account his hereditary and individual features, reflecting the degree of its development and position in society and nature. That is, the idea of ​​VP is interpreted by the mind and carried out by a person through his LN! In order to finally understand these most important categories of human science, we will give and connect their definitions in the most general form: A person’s life life consists of knowing and realizing his essence through its foundations and properties for solving problems of self-preservation and procreation, ensuring its development and improvement to achieve EP in improving the entire human species. /12.02.08/

7. Human body and spirit

Man is material and the basis of his being is the body - a self-organizing and systemic hierarchical organism. The body is movement and action, metabolism and interaction with the outside world, the formation and distribution of vital energy, the body is the biological substance of a person, connecting him with the animal world, which must be controlled. But the essence of a person is not limited to the body, although from birth he is driven by the needs of the body and the desires associated with their satisfaction. As a person develops, mental needs and the voice of reason are added to the needs of the body, forming an idea of ​​the vital necessity and usefulness of his needs and actions. Depending on development, a person can hear better or worse the voices of the body and mind and obey them to varying degrees. However, the voice of the body sounds louder than others and is decisive for a person. When thinking about what is most important in a person, it is natural to think of the body. But the spirit, the mind, are probably also important because, as the Russian proverb says, “A bad head gives no rest to your feet”? The more intelligent a person is, which means consistent with his essence, the more what he does in interaction with the surrounding world of people and nature is necessary and useful for him. The most important thing in a person’s life, and this is the task of a mature mind, is to realize its uniqueness and uniqueness, as well as the fact that a person is an organic part of society and nature and in order to live well, he must fulfill his vital necessity and strive for the highest benefit by solving problems self-preservation, procreation and improvement of the species. The last task assumes the primacy of the spirit over the body, confirming Seneca’s thought: “He who controls himself is strongest!” And not the world! /12/19/07/

8. Human development and self-alienation

Like any living creature, a person has his own natural basis - essence and the logic of its implementation, which is gradually realized in time and space, in society and nature. Each of these dimensions and spheres influences human development and his task is to find their optimal balance, that is, normal development presupposes not only optimal individual actions, but also rational interactions with society and nature. To better imagine what we are talking about, it is useful to associate human development with a plant, which, under favorable conditions, develops effectively and grows freely, spreading its branches widely. Otherwise, a tree, for example, in a dense forest is oppressed and withers, and a person, among people and problems, does not develop fully usefully and does not always live his life well and long. When normal development is not ensured, and a person, unlike a plant, can harm himself, he alienates himself, which means he does not fully realize his essence. Since man is a social being, suboptimal relationships with people separate him from society and also pathologize development. To minimize self-alienation and disunity of a person, you do not need any special means and methods, the main thing is to behave reasonably, in accordance with your essence. In nature, the development of living beings occurs, as if by itself, spontaneously and instinctively, being a derivative of many circumstances - the more favorable they are, the better the development. A person is able not only to rationalize them, but also to form an ideal of development and follow it. When we talk about improving the human species, we mean such development that contributes to its improvement or the accumulation of positive species characteristics. Only in relation to a person can we talk about conscious, controlled and purposeful species development and improvement, of which he, thanks to his mind, is capable, while in the animal world and, unfortunately, to a certain extent in people too, improvement of the species - the process is random and tough, if not cruel, occurring in the order of natural selection. Changing this for your own benefit, overcoming your self-alienation and separation from the world is the most important and urgent task of a person! /12/19/07/

9. About the organization of human life

Each person, acting individually and in society, follows certain rules that predetermine the organization of his individual behavior - self-organization /SORG/ and the organization of society. At the same time, the interaction between man and society is by no means simple and optimal, but through overcoming contradictions and compromises. SORG is consistent with human development and has some features that are related to how much he knows and realizes his essence and how he understands and implements vital necessities and benefits. How a person, often not even fully conscious of his actions, organizes his life and, together with other people, forms a common field of life in the process of production and use of life resources ultimately determines his life and the organization of society. Due to his sociality, a person, as a rational being, must strive to optimize interaction with society in order to use his obvious benefits from saving effort and have greater individual opportunities and freedom! Speaking about the connection between the organization of a person’s individual life and the organization and political-economic relations of society, it can be substantiated, and this is done by human science, that the latter is secondary and is a continuation and expression of individual interests and conscious actions of a person. In this context, it should probably be clear that the struggle for social justice and improving the lives of people in society without improving the person himself and his development is meaningless, because improving the organization of society and economic relations must correspond to the tasks of a more perfect person! That is, the most important condition for improving people’s lives at the social level is the compliance of their requirements for increasing the fairness of social organization and distribution of life resources and attitude towards their own body and its resources, increasing the optimality of SORG and the effectiveness of self-realization at the individual and social levels. We must be aware of how difficult this task is, for how can one improve oneself and realize the social component of one’s essence, and even more so strive to improve the species, when the dominant life values ​​are aimed at something else?.. Turning to the essence of man in his development, one should to proceed from the fact that, thanks to his reason, realizing more and more individual benefits and better fulfilling the necessities of life, he will gradually come to the realization of a more expedient or more consistent essence of himself and a social organization expressing its new tasks. And this process is natural and endless. /12.02.08/

10. Human life resources

Human life is impossible without the exchange of substances with the surrounding world of people and nature, from which he receives, produces and distributes them. Substances that a person takes from the surrounding nature and from other people and gives back to them in one form or another organically connect him with them, allowing us to talk about a person as a natural-social phenomenon and as an active and at the same time dependent part of nature and society, which must strive for a balanced interaction with the outside world. For the normal development of a person and his society, the level of vital energy must increase, and its structure must express the need to increase the internal energy of development and improvement. The most significant thing in resource provision for human development is that, when born, he must have the necessary resources /1/. At a capable age, a person must produce so many resources that they are enough for his self-reproduction and effective self-realization, including a reserve for providing for children and parents and social insurance /2/. Well, and also, he shouldn’t pay too much attention to this!? time and effort so that there is time to think about their optimization /3/. Failure to provide one of the conditions or their components leads to a probable developmental pathology of both the individual and the entire society, which is what is happening at the beginning of the 21st century. Rationalization of a person's resource provision involves the solution of two main tasks: 1 - the actual rationalization of resources, which involves determining the norm of life resources, on the one hand, and the necessary labor costs of a person to provide himself with resources throughout life, on the other, 2 - rationalization of the interaction of man, society and nature and ensuring the quality of the living environment, which involves normalizing the load on nature and regulating the population in a certain territory, preventing their depletion in the process of using natural resources, environmental pollution beyond the norms of natural restoration, violation of the rules of rational environmental management, leading to the withdrawal of land and water from economic circulation and deterioration of their natural qualities. All this and much more has already been developed by science and we just need to implement it... /12/21/07/

11. About human freedom

What is human freedom? First of all, there is no concept of human freedom, but there is freedom of personality or will, conscience or self-expression. Existing ideas about freedom are diverse, but not so diverse that we cannot find commonality in them. It lies in the fact that definitions of freedom are associated with restrictions on the will or actions of a person. But what limits them? First of all, dependence on the means and conditions of existence. By means, first of all, we mean vital resources, and by conditions, the state of a person’s environment and the nature of his interactions with society and nature. Another factor of human freedom is very important - the level of his development and rationality. It is not difficult to see that the noted human dependencies are interconnected and correlate with how he is realized individually, in society and in nature. Acting in accordance with the essence, he will contribute to its best implementation, as if freeing up the way for his development. What is the essence of man and how is it related to his freedom? Each creature has a natural basis, which predetermines the content and form of its existence and sets the program of species behavior. It is known that the behavior of an animal is mainly determined by instinct and controlled by reason, the role of which in the life of animals increases from lower to higher. The more intelligent a creature is, the more capable it is of being aware of itself in the world around it, the less dependent on the means and conditions of existence, and the freer it is! What is fundamental in this reasoning is how a person understands himself and reduces dependence on resources and living conditions. To be aware of oneself means to understand one’s essence and the tasks of existence determined by it. Reducing dependence on resources means being freer, producing them in abundance and using them more rationally (ensuring one’s development and improvement). This is the logic of perfect reason and modern life shows that people’s ideas about their essence are different and ambiguous, and the production and use of resources is a derivative of their rationality, which, like their freedom, is still obviously insufficient. /12/21/07/

12. About desires and needs

The relationship between desires /W/ and necessity /N/ determines the very essence of a person’s life. Their definition is suggested by the sound of the words themselves: F is a person’s desire to satisfy some need and receive the pleasure associated with it, and N is a vital need that is not always associated with immediate pleasure. That is, the F expresses a certain human need associated with pleasure, which to one degree or another expresses it. The F of a newborn naturally expresses mainly the vital needs for food and sleep, the proximity of the mother and the comfort of living conditions - warmth, comfortable position and dryness of the body . Practically coinciding in infancy, a person’s F and H gradually diverge under the influence of dominant life values ​​and individual aspirations, but primarily due to the intensity of pleasures and weakness of the mind and will, causing self-alienation. The more people are pleasure-oriented, and these are the majority now, the less their F and H coincide. It turns out that a person wants what is pleasant and beneficial to him, and not what is useful and vital for him. Some feelings of a person take possession of him so much that even realizing their harm, he cannot cope with them. Moreover, it is natural for a person to strive for pleasure, and for a considerable number of people, their hypertrophy, when hunger for food develops into gluttony, sexual desire into voluptuousness, excessive rest and peace into physical inactivity, etc. As a result, what M. Shaginyan said: “You shorten your life with pleasure”... When discussing the possibility of harmonizing F and N, it is necessary to imagine that this task is akin to comprehending absolute truth and a person will seek its solution as long as his family lives . But a person realizes his N, like his F, through his sensations and determines it through reason, correlating pleasure and his life needs with the idea of ​​benefit. In order for N to become a person’s vital life and express the highest benefit, it must be adequate to his essence. To do this, a person needs to be objectively aware of his essence and the needs that express it, control F, ensuring priority N. /01.01.08/

13. About life values ​​and human benefits

It seems that everything that a person does is, as it were, given initially and practically does not depend on him. Food and clothing, housing and communication, entertainment and love, raising and educating children - desires and needs, objectively and subjectively important for a person, form his value-semantic field of life. For most people, it revolves around money, with which you can satisfy almost any desire and every conceivable need. Since money is the equivalent of the value of goods and labor, people need to work or, in other words, make money. And they do this to the best of their ability, but this is associated with many life problems. The latter gives reason to doubt the rationality of what is happening and suggests the imperfection of a person’s value orientation. Apparently, not everything that a person does is necessary and useful or valuable for him, but in order to judge this objectively, objective criteria are needed. It can be logically concluded that a person lives with such benefit /P/ for himself to the extent that he recognizes, understands and realizes his essential needs. They are objectively determined by his essence, subjectively depend on his rationality, development and life opportunities, but in reality they are between desires and necessity. Cognizing and realizing his essence, a person, to the best of his intelligence and capabilities, fulfills a vital necessity /VN/, which predetermines his essential needs and tunes the mind to the wave of increasing their usefulness. A person’s life values ​​change as his intelligence develops and increases. It is natural to try to determine the values ​​adequate to his essence as the most important substance of his life system. But a person always hears two voices - the body and the mind: without the mind - this is the choice of an animal, with the mind - a person who makes a choice to achieve his highest benefit - the development of the entire species. When doing what they consider more desirable, necessary and accessible to themselves, people are not always guided by reason; they are often driven by feelings or desires. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand: a change in a person’s life orientation is a change in ideas about his life and life skills, which are formed by his mind! With its help, a person is able not only to adequately perceive his needs, but also to form the optimal discipline for their implementation, taking into account his position in society and nature with maximum benefit for everyone. But this is only his potential ability, which can be realized when a person understands that his highest benefit lies in the rationalization of life and its resources and the organization of a single life cycle of humanity, the space and time of which tend to infinity! /02.01.08/

14. Paradoxes and relativity of human life

A person’s life is paradoxical and inconsistent with his essence, which is not so obvious as it is guessed: you need to move, but he sits, you need to overcome bad habits, but he doesn’t want it or can’t? He should do what is necessary and useful and seek his highest benefit, but he strives for enrichment and power, the flip side of which is his self-alienation and separation from people and nature. Alas, a person knows, thinks, desires and does what is pleasant and beneficial to him, and not what is necessary and useful. But necessity can also be considered as something that is pleasant and profitable, then this crazy,... crazy world with its endless problems, and this life, in which some are lucky and others are not, is a certain reality that should be accepted and not think about no other... For those who do not accept it or want to understand it better, we note that the paradoxical nature of human behavior is associated with the relativity of the interaction between his spirit and body. The flesh is unreasonable, and the mind is powerless if they are not coordinated in achieving goals vital for a person. The less effective the mind, the more paradoxical a person is in his actions, and his life is more relative. Three positions of relativity in human life can be distinguished: between his body-power and spirit-mind, between man and society, and between man, society and nature. They predetermine the most important relationships of life - the more reasonable a person’s individual behavior, the more optimal his interaction with the surrounding world of people and nature and the use of vital resources and energy, the less relative life is and the greater / to infinity! / its energy, space and time can be.. Throughout the history of existence, people have accumulated colossal experience and knowledge, but “if a person knew how to live, he would never die,” said R.P. Warren. The paradox of modern life is also confirmed by the fact that, despite the relative sufficiency of experience and knowledge, they are not available to some, and are not in demand by others. In the absence of definite, universally accepted ideas about their essence, people, when choosing between desires and necessity, do not always do it wisely, without harm to themselves, others and nature. The paradoxical nature of human behavior and the relativity of human life indicate that he is at a certain stage of his development - movement from primitive survival to perfect positive species self-realization. Development has its own rhythm and it is unnatural to accelerate it - people must gradually realize their vital necessity and the usefulness of rationalizing life and its resources. We must understand that life follows its own laws, which seem eternal and very similar to the laws of the jungle, and that all this will exist until a person takes the path of knowledge and the best realization of his essence. /06.01.08/

15. About faith and knowledge

The phenomenon of human religious faith amazes the imagination and attracts many people with its saving power. However, not all people become believers, and religion is not the most important condition for success in life. For believers in God, faith is more than conviction in something, for it is an integral worldview and fundamental worldview, moral support and a unique means of reconciling people, consoling and pacifying those who suffer. However, for a real improvement in a person’s life, the importance of faith is reduced in favor of knowledge: you can live better only by knowing what and when to do... But knowledge is not the only condition for improving a person’s life. The cardinal condition-factor for its optimization is the quality of the mechanism for choosing goals and making decisions - the human mind. We can say that knowledge is the most important condition, component and manifestation of the human mind in achieving its benefit. Unlike animals, whose actions are subordinated to instinct, man is able to distinguish what is desired from what is necessary and what is more useful from what is less useful. And this gives him the opportunity to be more rational in his actions and choose the best path. To do this, you need to get to know the world and yourself and do what is more necessary and useful. A reasonable person should not have situations where he does not know what to do next, because this means that he has stopped thinking... Any desires and actions of a person in one way or another express his needs. If a person knows or at least gets to know himself better, he will be able not only to survive, but to develop himself and together with people and nature, relying on his mind and his strength! And in this a person will be helped by knowledge of his biosocial essence and the vital necessity and benefits that express it. Of course, this is not easy and slow, like moving towards absolute truth, but it is possible because this is the vital necessity of man. And this is the path from faith to wisdom, which reveals the meaning of human life - it is much more useful to know and foresee danger, to believe less and know more! /09.01.08/

16. About deception and self-deception of a person

Deception and self-deception of a person are not scientific categories, but they are always unpleasant and irritable - even though they are aware of it, people are not always able to resist them due to the imperfection of their mind or insufficient life opportunities. Deception is a component and derivative of a person’s actions, when he thinks and does not what is necessary and useful for everyone, but what he wants or is beneficial to him, achieving his goal in various ways and, above all, with incomplete or unreliable information, a threat, or some other way. It is natural to assume that a person deceives himself and is deceived due to insufficient intelligence or information or energy influences from the outside or from the inside? Self-deception is the state of a person who thinks and does not what is necessary, but what he wants, what is more profitable, or what elevates him above people and nature. It is not difficult to see that self-deception is practically the same as deception, only in the individual sphere of a person, and it naturally turns into deception in relations between people and their relations with nature. Deception is a temporary and, at a certain level of development, even a necessary, but not optimal, mediator in relations between people when their interests do not coincide, compensating, if possible, for their inequality or lack of any resources and facilitating the achievement of a compromise, often imaginary and short-lived. The discrepancies between a person’s thoughts, desires and actions and his needs can be very large, leading to his self-alienation / harm to himself / and separation from the outside world and giving rise to problems of existence, illness and even premature death. That is, the consequences of self-deception or deception of one, a group of people, or, finally, entire nations can be very serious and affect both the fate of an individual person and the whole world. If, in order to overcome deception, it is, in principle, enough to determine and strictly follow the rules of interaction with the other party, not allowing her to violate them, then coping with self-deception is much more difficult - for this you need to objectively assess your desires and needs, without being deceived in what constitutes your need and benefit. The more intelligent a person is and the better he knows his own benefit, wants and does what is necessary, the less he will deceive others and be deceived himself, the more adequate his desires and actions will be, the better and fairer life will be. /14.01.08/

17. Money and happiness

"If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?" This idea permeates the thoughts of people and in its context, what is good is what leads to wealth and power, the expression of which is money. It seems so natural to make money, but where did the expressions come from: “Money is evil”, or “Money does not bring happiness”? How necessary are they for people, if clean air and water, daily bread and movement, good communication and interaction with people and nature are more important to everyone? Probably to have more pleasures?.. Are pleasures really what makes people happy? However, people’s existing ideas about happiness are very diverse and express their prevailing aspirations and states - faith, work, love, freedom, knowledge, understanding, motherhood, creativity, not to mention the desire for enrichment and domination over people and nature. But, as G. Skovoroda said: “the wise Lord gave happiness, accessible to everyone, just as he gave the sun, water and air. There is no need to go somewhere to the Canary Islands for happiness - happiness is close to everyone, it is in every person. is for a person to know himself, his essence, his image of God." Often, the definition of happiness places emphasis on individuality. And this is true and false because people are united by common life needs and functions. Another thing is that each person follows his own path and has to choose it... Are there selection criteria? Of course, they are also determined by his needs - their necessity and benefit. In modern life, most of people's needs seem to be able to be satisfied with money - maybe the ability to make money is what determines their vital necessity? Perhaps... But for the sake of money, people often resort to deception and violence. And how many people find themselves out of competition in this struggle and become unemployed, poor and criminals? And those who are lucky, don’t they lose anything in this race for money and power? If, while making money, a person causes at least minimal harm to someone or something, then due to the universal interconnection of phenomena this can harm him or his loved ones, if not directly now, then indirectly in the future... To live better , it is not enough to have a lot of money, because the best life is the life of the best people, open to communication and interaction with others, and not the rich, wealthy and disconnected from people with their capital and arrogance. To overcome disunity, people need to get closer to each other, acting intelligently, in accordance with their essence. And the more intelligent a person is, the louder the voice of his nature sounds, the more joyful and happy life will be. /16.01.08/

18. About self-realization and self-expression

If the plant develops on fertile soil and nothing interferes with it, it grows well and bears fruit. Otherwise, it is cramped, shallow and may be barren. Being a derivative of a person’s resource endowment and living conditions, his development can have different rates and levels, implying significant and prolonged personal efforts in the direction determined by his most important essential interests and capabilities, but above all by his vital necessity /VN/. In essence, human development is a process of consistent release of his essence, improvement of the body and consciousness and their harmonization in a single desire for its best realization. That is, development is the process of implementing a person’s life skills, purposeful and increasingly useful behavior and continuous optimization of the functioning of all systems of the body and consciousness, subject to effective self-realization and balanced interaction with the surrounding world of people and nature. Every person strives for free self-expression and creativity, and this is natural. However, no matter how personal, abstract and transcendental it may be, in self-expression a person asserts himself in society and this serves as confirmation of his sociality or community. That is, in addition to the individual self-realization of a person, there is also a social component. Their implementation is aimed primarily at achieving universally significant self-expression, which expresses not only individual interests and capabilities of a person, but also universal ones, which means the most important interests of each person, determined by his highest benefit. Self-realization of a person is a complex multi-level process that includes cognition and the realization of his abilities, which must be positively motivated and rationally organized. It does not come down only to his optimal self-expression; it also includes rational self-organization, production and use of vital resources and energy, balanced interaction with people and nature, and much more. That is, it is not enough to create an artistic, scientific or engineering masterpiece - it is vital for the optimal development of a person, so that the result of his self-realization and self-expression contributes to the achievement of his highest benefit, and therefore health and consistent interaction with the outside world and ultimately adds joy to life not only to the creator and his admirers, but was at least minimally useful to everyone! And, moreover, he did not cause even indirect harm to anyone. .. /05.02.08/

19. Diseases and problems

If a person acts in accordance with his essence, he is in a state of positive development and optimism. This statement, consonant with I. Newton’s first law, can be considered one of the fundamental laws / rules / of human life. And, just as a body can be influenced by other bodies, a person can be influenced by other human bodies and, as a multi-level entity, by individual, social and natural factors. At the same time, with his mind he can minimize the effect of negative factors, but he himself can be a source of negativity, causing harm to himself, other people and the surrounding nature. Turning to the problems of modern life of people, it is natural to believe that they arose and do not exist on their own, but are derivatives of their suboptimal individual behavior and social organization. It seems that distant and unrelated military-political and economic, environmental and energy, information and psychophysiological problems appear as links in one chain of imperfection, which still fetters and divides people, limiting their capabilities. Problems and illnesses of people are phenomena of the same order - both are a consequence of human actions that are inadequate to the essence. The health problem is now very acute - as a result of physical inactivity and cardiovascular diseases, stress and neuroses, metabolic disorders and allergies, cancer and AIDS, millions die on Earth every year. At the same time, many people are characterized by a strikingly strange, if not irresponsible and unreasonable neglect of their health and expectation of outside help - doctors and medicines. Good health is the task of the person himself, but not everyone takes care of their health, and few people are capable of curing themselves, or better yet, not getting sick. At the same time, I recall the curious ability of animals living next to a person, say cats or dogs, with some kind of instinct, not characteristic of their highly developed owners, to find the right herb and heal themselves... The problem of health also has a social aspect - one cannot help but see the relationship between the development and organization of society and the health and longevity of its members. “It has been noticed long ago,” writes V. Levi, “an organism is similar to a state. And states are like an organism,” stating: “There are no diseases. There are different ways of existence. Some of them are called diseases. There are no diseases. There are different ways of relationships “Some of the conflicts between us and the world are called diseases.” Returning to the beginning, we note that if a person acts in accordance with his essence, he will effectively develop and enjoy life, and there will be no place for problems and illnesses in his life! /05.02.08/

20. Love, sex and children

Recently, love has been talked about as a kind of bodily activity and less and less as an exalted and spiritual state associated with childbirth... It is difficult to find a person who could define love, but every person experiences it, and often more than once, which means that it is transitory, especially if we talk about enthusiastic, ardent love. Alas, such love rarely lasts because it runs into many people’s problems, and above all: lack of common goals and material difficulties, incorrect mutual assessment and insufficient mutual respect. It is no coincidence that people think a lot about sex, because it gives a unique pleasure that nature invented to encourage people to procreate. But sex is possible without love and not at all for the birth of children; moreover, it has long been a commodity and, over time, is increasingly elevated to a cult. At the same time, the birth rate in the civilized world is decreasing and the Earth's population is replenished due to developing countries?.. But why do different people's ideas about love differ so much, extending from the selfish pleasures of the flesh to the high feelings of mutual understanding and community of people, because according to the law of life, a person must continue his race . This is inherent in human nature and his mind is capable of cognizing it and helping him to love and be loved, as well as to realize what true happiness is! Love is not a simple attraction between people of the opposite sex and it is based not only on physical intimacy, but also has a spiritual component - the congeniality of loving people. In order for the fire of love not to go out, it must be constantly supported by what helps people who love each other to be and remain mutually interesting in both respects for a long time. Is it possible and what is needed for this? First of all, approach each other and have common goals, not give in to your feelings and avoid satiety, remembering the measure, that is, behave reasonably. But how can feelings, the basis of love, be subordinated to reason and is this possible in principle? Probably, but how? According to its essence. So simple? Alas, only in words, but in reality, in order to follow your essence, you need to cognize it and only, knowing how, act in accordance with the vital necessity that expresses it. However, this is a theory, but in life everything is more complicated and simpler - that is, how to look at everything and how deeply to think?.. With his mind, a person is able to return love and happiness to their natural natural purpose, so that there is neither more nor less of both , and how much is needed in a person’s life. Love, family and children are the most important components of happiness, and the more people try for each other, the more love and happiness there is in the world! /06.02.08/

21. Selfishness and altruism. Me and us

Being born an animal, a person can remain one if he does not become intelligent enough to perceive himself as a dependent and equal part of the whole community with others. However, not all people are or are not fully aware of and realize this. And such are all animals and people in whom the human element is weakly or completely undeveloped... An animal is essentially selfish because it is not capable of recognizing itself as part of a community. The existing examples of a rather complex organization of their communities, despite the apparent perfection, are not reasonable. The ability for conscious organization is what distinguishes even an imperfect human society from an anthill or a bee family. We can say that the animal is me, and the person is us! However, everything in the world, and a person’s rationality too, is relative, therefore his sociality, as the consciousness of himself as part of a community, is a derivative of rationality and is positioned from “I” to “we” depending on his development. Some people revel in their selfishness or the so-called freedom of will and feelings, property and self-expression, disregard for moral standards and responsibilities towards family, society, and humanity. Being an obvious opposition of oneself to other people, egoism is primitive and a product of human irrationality. The latter positions him in the world around him and is a measure of his animality and humanity. The more developed and intelligent a person is, the less animalistic and selfish he is, the more humane he is, the better he relates his actions to society, the more he sees their necessity and usefulness and the more optimally he organizes life. Being an organic part of a community of people, a person increasingly combines individual and common interests for two very simple reasons - he is largely dependent on people and, most importantly, he alone is not able to continue and improve life... That is, the better a person realizes and realizes his essence, the more necessary and useful for him is unity with people. The more civilized and organized people are, the less selfish they are and the more rational and tolerant their relationships between themselves and nature are, and the more optimal the social organization is, the greater the importance of what is common becomes for a person! The perception of oneself as “we” is a derivative of the rationality of a person who, without other people, will not be able to grow up, gain knowledge and skills, or live fully and have everything necessary to solve the problems of his existence. Of course, awareness of the necessity and usefulness of all this does not come immediately or easily, not to mention the highest benefit of man, which embodies his species-wide human interests. /07.02.08/

22. About good and evil. Genius and villainy

Good and evil and their struggle is an eternal and as yet unresolved problem, it is always relevant and its solution is necessary to improve people's lives. First, let's define the concepts of good and evil. Good in its most general form is what comes from fellow tribesmen and helps, or at least does not interfere with, life. On the contrary, evil is that which harms life. Is there something similar in animal life? “Good” symbioses of animals and birds come to mind, for example: sharks and pilot fish - there are a lot of them, but the point is not in their quantity, but in the fact that they do not have a reasonable basis, being rather random, arising in life and fixed in instinct. Probably, it will not require deep justification to speak conditionally about good in the lives of animals, as well as about evil, assessing, for example, the actions of a predator in relation to its prey. How and how do people’s lives differ from the point of view of good and evil? First of all, it is similar to the life of animals in that good and evil in it are correlated with the life interests and interactions of people. The main difference between people in this sense is that they are capable of recognizing good and evil. Is it possible to determine what is more in life? Probably, only the ratio of good and evil varies from place to place and depends on the level and fairness of people’s lives. But fair is more reasonable and adequate to the efforts of people, and reasonable is correlated with their essential, vital interests. This is how the moral field of people’s lives and their value orientation are formed. In modern life, egoism and self-interest dominate, giving rise to contradictions in the interactions of people, which are the fundamental basis of evil. Consequently, depending on how and in what form the interaction between people takes place, and it can be in the nature of creation or adding something good or, conversely, destruction and rejection of something, bringing benefit or harm-evil to the other side, respectively , is the measure of good and evil in people's lives. The higher the level of development of people, the more reasonable and consistent with their essence their actions become, the more their vital interests and goals come closer, and their interactions become less contradictory. It turns out that the more useful and vital a person’s intention or action is for all people, the more creative and kind he is and the less evil there is in his life. In this context, it is not too difficult to answer the question: are genius and villainy compatible? Considering genius as the highest degree of manifestation of a person’s creative powers in some area, it is natural to assume a not so high degree of self-realization in another, and in relationships with other people, including. It follows from this that morality is relatively independent of intelligence, which is by no means equivalent to rationality, but is directly related to the implementation of the social components of the essence and development of man, and therefore genius and villainy, alas, can be combined, of which there are many examples in science and technology, which in are more focused on creating means of destroying people than improving their lives... /02/08/08/

23. About the differences between people

All people are different - in appearance and in their behavior. Tall and short, strong and weak, beautiful and ugly, smart and stupid, soft and aggressive, kind and evil, hardworking and lazy, shy and impudent... This list can be continued for a long time, noting the endless variety of human qualities that determine ambiguity and problematic their relationships and interactions. Moreover, some qualities are important to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent, some have individual significance, while others are generally significant. Thanks to some qualities, people achieve success, others lead them to crimes... However, the most important differences between people appear not so much in appearance and behavior, but in their relationships with each other, which are built on the basis of proportion: what is mine is what is common. Significant differences between people in the possession of greater capital or in a better position in relation to life resources, and not a higher level of self-realization, largely shape reality, leading to the idea of ​​its imperfection. Individualism and the disunity of people that arise on this contradictory basis have long prompted the search for the reasons for this situation. It seems that there is religion and ethics, pedagogy and education, and finally, there are laws and power that help people live in this diversity of qualities and relationships? Alas, there is, because something remains that makes people’s lives imperfect and unfair, and neither religion nor power can make it better in principle, because that’s how people are... What follows from this? And the fact is that if we want life to change and become better, people must change. Is this possible, since they are so different? Indeed, but if all people were completely different, they would not understand each other, some would not be able to control others, teach and heal, create what is beautiful and necessary for others... Consequently, people have a lot in common, something that brings them together and unites them . What is this? First, kinship, tribal and national ties. Also age-appropriate, friendly and professional. Finally, there is something that unites all people, making them a society and humanity - their biosocial essence and mind, recognizing it in the vital necessity and highest benefit of the unity of people in the improvement of the entire human species. It can be said in another way: the Earth and the people who inhabit it are a tiny island in an endless universe, so as not to feel lonely and alien in it, people must learn to live together on Earth and then, with common efforts, they will be able to, if they do not find aliens , then populate it themselves, forming new worlds. However, before this becomes possible, people need to know themselves and the meaning of their existence, find and develop the best in themselves, create a wonderful life on Earth, and then only think seriously and strive for space! The better a person is able to recognize and realize his essence on Earth, the further he will penetrate into the universe and the sooner he will find other worlds, if they exist. /08.02.08/

24. Reason and intelligence

Operating with the concept of "mind", people often replace it with other concepts - mind, reason, intellect, which makes it ambiguous and lax, suggesting clarification. Of course, the mind is not only a person’s ability to think and rationally comprehend, understand and comprehend what is happening, as encyclopedias interpret it and what corresponds to intelligence. It is important to imagine that even a powerful intellect can be unreasonable if directed against a person /remember genius and villainy/! But reason is also the ability to form metaphysical ideas, standing above reason, remember Kant, and, like Hegel, the creation of new knowledge. Reason is both the highest principle and essence (panlogism), the basis of human cognition and behavior (rationalism). Finally, the mind is the mental principle of a person and can be correlated with his spirit, consciousness. Reasonableness is the most important property of a person, making him unique among all living beings on Earth and allowing him to know the world and himself, his essence, vital necessity (VN) and benefits. This ability is unique to humans and fundamentally distinguishes them from animals! But, just as the human body needs a certain norm of movement, and for the implementation of the movement itself - energy, so for the effective operation of the intellectual component of the mind, it is necessary to turn it on earlier in the child, regular training and improvement, sufficient energy and information! Reasonableness, as a person’s potential ability to adapt to changing living conditions and controlled development, distinguished him from the animal world and, through a huge amount of trial and error, brought him to a new stage of its manifestation - knowledge and realization of his essence in the harmony of body and spirit, community and unity with the surrounding world of people and nature. It turns out that reasonable is a person’s life, consistent with his essence and life life, organized and expressing his highest benefit /VP/! The better a person learns and realizes! his essence, the more intelligent he is and the greater, in a first approximation, is the advantage of the mind over the body and of man over the animal. The history of human development from Pithecanthropus to Cro-Magnon is the accumulation of intelligence potential in the process of survival and increasingly vital and useful, consistent behavior from primitive to modern very diverse forms of individual and social human life. The ideal expression of a person’s rationality is the idea of ​​his VP, and its practical interpretation is the VP of organizing life and rationalizing life resources and energy in the individual-socio-natural continuum to ensure its effective development. /09.02.08/

25. Particular and general

Different faces, figures and movements, interests and actions of people are the foundations of the individual, the private. With regard to the general, the question is more complicated, however, until people engage in some kind of joint activity or begin to communicate, in short, to do what unites them. That is, people have particular things that differentiate them and common things that unite them. Due to the differences in people's interests and actions, understanding these things is difficult and ambiguous. Some emphasize freedom of will and self-expression as something extremely valuable, like private property, others declare the priority of social values, and this also has its adherents. What is most important in the problem of the general and the particular? First of all, the unity of these essentially complementary concepts, reflecting the fact that a person turns to the world either with his individuality, when necessary, or strives for community and unity with people, because it is useful, because this is his essence. However, life shows that there is a serious antagonism between the particular and the general, leading people to military clashes and revolutions. Based on the definition of the essence of man, it can be argued that the particular and the general are antagonistic insofar as the spirit and body are contradictory and people are separated from each other, doing what is not necessary and useful for them. But what is capable of recognizing this and not leading to confrontation, if not their mind? A person is social, but this does not make him uniquely dependent on the general - a person is an independent object, relatively dependent on other people, subjectively aware of the need and assessing the usefulness of interaction with other people, which manifests itself in certain forms of organization of life and attitudes towards its resources. Human science connects the difference between the particular and the general in a person’s life with the level of his development and intelligence. The more intelligent and consistent a person is with his essence, the more united and less contradictory his spirit and body and interaction with the world around him become, and the greater the importance of what is common becomes for a person! Ideas about the particular and the general largely shape the content of a person’s life values, positioning him in relation to life resources and nature and society and determining the forms of organization of his life. As self-knowledge progresses, the ratio of the particular and the general will change in people’s minds in accordance with their ideas about their necessity and usefulness. Is it possible to achieve an optimum of the particular and the general? Theoretically, yes, but practically? Connecting this possibility with the development and rationality of man in the realization of his essence in the social sphere, we proceeded from the fact that the measure of the particular and the general is not an abstract value, but the result of a person’s fulfillment of his vital needs. A convincing argument in favor of greater socialization of his life is the modern practice of its democratization and integration, up to globalization. The latter shows people the way to overcome the contradictions between the particular and the general. And the guiding star for them will be awareness and approach to the common or highest good. /09.02.08/

26. Man - society - humanity

A person and his life are inseparable from the surrounding world of people and nature; his body and psyche are in continuous interaction with each other and with other people. When thinking about a person’s life, the idea of ​​it naturally arises as a system, the harmony of which depends on how intelligently and consistently he realizes himself. How united are his body and spirit, how optimal is the metabolism with nature and how rational are the relations with society? From birth, a person largely depends on other people, but he does not want to feel like an ant, an element of a superorganism-anthill, believing that this constrains, deprives him of freedom and forces him to do something against his will and desires - and partly this so... But we must imagine that no matter how organized an ant or a bee is, they are not able to recognize and improve themselves and their lives. Only a person is capable of this, as well as of being aware of his essence, which, whether he wants it or not, makes him an organic element of society and aims at unity with the surrounding world of people and nature. Those who are not aware of this act contrary to nature and become a stranger to themselves and others, and this is terrible stupidity - about the same as cutting off the branch on which you are sitting... Formed at the genetic level, the vector of community with people and unity with nature is one thing one of the most important, if not fundamental, life foundations, which is a natural continuation and reflection of the world process of integration of spirit and body, man and the surrounding world into a single system. A person must approach the solution of this great task gradually, in the context of his development, learning and realizing himself in interaction with society and nature and realizing his highest benefit. This cannot be forced because, being a product of human rationality, it must become a vital necessity for him and be provided with the necessary means and resources. The better a person knows and realizes his essence, the better he becomes and the more he recognizes himself as an integral part of society, the more his vital interests and goals come closer to those of humanity. Only by feeling himself a part of society and nature and positively realizing his individuality, rationalizing the production and use of vital resources and optimally continuing the race, that is, doing what is vitally necessary, is he able to see his highest benefit in replenishing the universal cup of perfection, as the greatest joy of life. And only development in realizing oneself as an integral part of the superorganism of humanity and the natural desire to improve one’s entire species will fill a person’s life with the highest meaning and make him, by and large, reasonable and happy! /10.02.08/

27. About capitalism. Profit and benefit

Capitalism /K/ is several centuries old and, despite serious problems, it continues to exist... Starting from the concept of capital as resources used by humans to produce goods and services that generate income, it is natural to define K as a society with dominant private economic interests and actions of people and social relations adequate to them. Since private interest is the basis of K, natural contradictions arise between people, reflecting, as the communists correctly noted, the contradiction between the social nature of production and the private appropriation of its results. To smooth out emerging contradictions, a positive political process of democratization of society and social orientation of the economy is underway. However, under K, economic interest easily turns into greed and making a profit at any cost, competition is not always fair, and the intensification of production leads to stress and unemployment. The development of productive forces is uneven, accompanied by crises of overproduction or depression. A very profitable direction of economic development is the production of weapons, crime and drug trafficking exist on a huge scale, and social and demographic problems are acute. Are capitalization processes inconsistent with improving the lives of most people? Apparently, but if people were an irrational mass, and K was a closed system / and this is Marx’s logic /, then its entropy would increase and there would be nothing good in the future. However, the presence of reason in the world of capital is slowly but surely grinding the power of money and the interests of society together. Life does not stand still and the practice of K does not at all mean that it is in its highest or decaying stage, as the communists wanted, but in development! Connecting the shortcomings of K with the imperfection of a person and thinking about his prospects, the thought comes about a person and his essence and its laws, which need to be cognized and optimally implemented in the necessity of life, gradually realizing the benefits of other relationships to resources and the organization of life in all its spheres. This should not depend on chance or someone else's will, but on a rational, scientific basis. Being a subject of economic processes, a person is at the same time an object of management in his individual life economy /IHZ/. At the same time, its profit has specifics - it must not only ensure a high level of vital resources, but also the optimal state of its elements and environment. Since the elements and environment of chemical fluid are individual organs and the entire human body, their condition is no less important than the final result of management. As soon as a person is part of society, gradually this vision of microcapitalist profit will transfer to society and its internal and external interactions... However, this is a theoretical premise and in order to implement IHL, people need to behave much more rationally than they do now. However, as individual life is rationalized, the human mind will begin to embrace and optimize its social and natural interactions. Despite the fact that the nature of K is contradictory and is based on the separation of owners and workers, private and general interests, it, like the old skin of a snake, becomes closely developing and differently understanding its necessity and benefit to people who will gradually find and realize others, more rational ways to organize your life and provide it with the necessary resources. /10.02.08/

28. Socialism and communism: utopia or reality

The historical experience of socialism with its ideals of social justice, freedom and equality, dating back to ancient ideas about the “golden age” and social utopias, has a great value. He not only influenced K, but to a certain extent predetermines the nature of his transformations. However, if the communist direction of socialism with a state monopoly on property and a command-administrative management system has discredited itself, then the concept of democratic socialism aims to gradually reform K and has already led to a significant transformation of capitalist society by democratizing relations of power and property and increasing the standard of living of the majority of the population developed countries. The processes of socialization of capitalism are natural and are a natural manifestation of the vital necessity /VN/ of people in its development. As for the complete replacement of K with socialism, such a task as the communist imperative is unreasonable in its formulation and it is better to talk about the fundamental possibility of significant socialization of entrepreneurship with the goal and in the context of achieving greater, if not the highest benefit /VP/ of people. After such discussions about socialism, the question of the possibility and, even more so, the necessity of communism becomes very uncertain - however, one should not completely discard this idea because it correlates with the essence and VP of man. Human science is intended to define them and give each person a fundamental information and logical basis for free and effective development and nature-conforming behavior in the individual, social and human spheres of life. It should help a person to know himself and choose life goals that correspond to his essence and the optimal means of achieving them, which do not contradict the goals and means of other people and the laws of the surrounding nature, but bring them closer and unite them, expressing universal human interests in a VP that is adequately perceived and implemented by all. Another thing is that a person’s VP is the elusive pinnacle of his existence. The whole point is when is this possible and what is needed for this? To the question of when: we will answer - not very soon... People are not yet ripe for this and they need to develop and improve for a long time so that communism becomes adequate to their lifestyle. It can be assumed that in the foreseeable future, for example, in the 21st century, the ideas of partnership and socialization of property are unlikely to become dominant in the consciousness of the majority of the world's population, and without this there is no point in talking about communism. But the communist idea is very beautiful and probably should not be forgotten. Time and reason will help a person understand and appreciate not only its advantages and disadvantages, but also the degree of reality... /11.02.08/

29. Man - present and future

What has not been said and written about man: that he is the crown of creation, and the king of nature, and that man sounds proud, and that he was created for happiness. But there are other opinions, say, a person is contradictory, all people are enemies, and their life is vanity of vanities or a crazy, crazy world in which the laws of the jungle reign... There should be no doubt that the development and intelligence of people for various reasons can greatly vary. Depending on development, a person’s life orientation is located, which is positioned between the severity and intrinsic value of pleasures felt by the body, and their necessity and benefit, determined by the mind. All this determines the diversity of behavioral patterns and meanings in people’s lives and makes the palette of real life very colorful. However, changes are taking place in people’s lives, and we see not only the development of its substantive content, but also its socio-economic and spiritual aspects. Considering how many problems all this accompanies, one can not even guess, but argue that human life is still very imperfect. What prevents a person from changing this? Injustice and problematic living conditions, some external circumstances? Probably, but first of all - his desires and feelings, which arise when certain needs are satisfied and completely take possession of him... The life of many people is not easy and therefore they are not sure of the future. At the same time, everyone is very concerned about their future and naturally wants the best... But what is the future if not a continuation of the present, stretched out in time? A reasonable person should always be aware of what and how he is doing now, and what it will be like tomorrow! Rational life must stand on the solid ground of knowledge and be planned! However, if everything depended only on ourselves, then there would be no problem. Therefore, it is necessary to find compromises and mutual understanding with other people, and this is very difficult. Alas, neither religion nor science has yet helped people to bring a better future closer; on the contrary, they predict something completely different... What to do? Don’t wait for a better future, but live now to the limit of your capabilities, so that today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow is better than today! The future of a reasonable person is not a mirage or illusion, but specific life goals and guidelines determined by the mind. The future begins in the present and for a person this is what he strives for, what his efforts are directed towards, and finally, how he sees himself in time. No one wants to harm himself, and this is as important as the fact that when thinking about one’s own benefit, it is natural to turn to one’s essence and the vital necessity that expresses it. The idea of ​​it is the very thing that the human mind is able to see and determine in any conditions of existence. Therefore, the most important condition for moving towards a better future is awareness and adherence to your vital necessity. Well, how can you practically do this? First of all, do not harm yourself, which means eating right and moving more, learning and realizing your abilities in the best possible way, not standing still in your development: physical and spiritual, by the way, the thought, like a muscle, must work so as not to become dull. We must live in the feeling of being an organic part of nature and society, continuing the family line and trying to do everything as best as possible for our future! /11.02.08/

30. From war to peace

At the beginning of the 21st century, a lot of weapons are being produced on Earth, including mass destruction... If you look at this, as if from the outside, you may get the impression that all people are enemies and they are forced to defend themselves from others who are only and are thinking about attacking them?.. Isn’t this strange and what is the reason? Could it be that weapons are a very profitable and in-demand product? Perhaps, but there are other goods - food and housing, clothing and consumer goods, which are no less, and perhaps more important for people. Apparently, the point is not in the usefulness of goods for people, but in their profitability. This is how it is - and this is not accidental, because it correlates with the life values ​​of people for whom what is valuable is not what is vital and useful, but what is profitable. Isn't this a strange discrepancy? And this - how to look?.. If you look into the past, you can see incessant wars and conquests, violence and robbery, organized primarily by the powerful of the world, for whom this was the most important goal and meaning of life! It is not difficult to see a direct connection between what is happening now and the past - of course, now this is not happening so clearly and is presented under the sauce of fighting subhumans or terrorists, in order to protect the rights and freedoms of people, but in essence remains, if not direct robbery, then a redivision of spheres influence or sharing of raw materials. As you know, war is a continuation of politics by other means, and politics is a means of struggle between those with power and property for tidbits. And what kind of struggle is it without weapons?.. So is it possible to live without wars? And it depends on who - for a mere mortal it is a necessity, but for the wealthy it is a way of existence. It turns out that there is no way to do without war for now. But what about scientific and technological progress? And it depends to a large extent on the production of ever new and more powerful weapons... So, let's forget about peace? It seems like this because if you want peace, prepare for war, remember? Probably when L.N. When Tolstoy wrote “War and Peace,” he thought a lot about things as complex and ambiguous as the meaning of a person’s life, connecting them with his mind. I was looking for answers to them and at one time I thought that “if human life is controlled by reason, then the possibility of life itself will be destroyed,” and at another time I was sure that “people will begin to develop a single, true and necessary science - how to live.” Yes, people are paradoxical, even people like Tolstoy, moreover, little has changed in the whole century after his death, but something has become clearer... Unlike an animal, whose behavior is strictly limited by instinct, human actions are determined by a more powerful, although and having a potential nature, a means of organizing behavior - reason. The less effective it is, the more paradoxical a person is in his actions, however, as he develops, thanks to reason, he becomes capable of recognizing himself and his needs and actions. The latter is what separates animal and man, and the manifestation of his rationality, as the conformity of the behavior of his essence, through the best implementation of vital necessity in unity with society and nature, of which he is a part, is the path to peace and harmony! /11.02.08/

31. Life and death of a person

Why is a person born? Then, so that the life of people on Earth continues. And who needs it? To the man himself, whose life alone is meaningless. Another answer is possible: this is a manifestation of the laws of nature - the cycle of matter and energy, the diversity of life forms and development. A person’s life is finite, although its duration can vary within quite significant limits depending on his understanding of his benefit and the expediency of efforts to achieve it, but the life of the human race is endless... And every person, if he is reasonable and adequately understands and realizes his essence , must know and perform the second task after self-preservation - procreation, which connects the finitude of the life of an individual person with the infinity of the life of people or their kind in general... In a person and his kind, cyclicality and infinity intersect, expressing the amazing depth of his essence - the less intelligent and The more perfect a person is, the shorter his life cycles and vice versa - the more intelligent he is, the longer his life. Just as it is difficult to determine the essence of a person, it is also difficult to talk about the meaning of his life and death. And this is a misunderstanding associated with a person’s external life orientation towards enrichment and domination. The human mind is able to see the benefit of a person in an increasingly less contradictory and more harmonious interaction with the world around him, however, no matter how much people would like to live forever, they die and this happens for various reasons, not always natural, which they are not fully aware of. This is due to lack of development and alienation between people, belittling the meaning of life and its values. Wanting to have more and more and to occupy a higher position in society, people become disconnected between themselves and nature and act as if they have many lives, without delaying their death... The more a person realizes that his life is finite, the more he strives do what is necessary and more useful, and this makes him and his life better and makes him want to live longer! The idea of ​​the uniqueness of life is a kind of inoculation of the human mind against laziness, which should protect him from many mistakes. The essence of man is social and his life and death are derived from his relationships with other people. The closer and more mutually beneficial they are, the more people will try for each other and the happier and longer their lives will be. Only by learning to think about the highest benefit, as the benefit of everyone, and striving for the improvement of the entire human species, will man, as an organic part of society and nature, live better and longer, not wanting to die! .. /15.02.08/

32. The price of human life

Not fully aware of the finitude and uniqueness of life, as well as the natural relationship between themselves, people often shorten their lives and prevent others from living. Even living next to dangers, people are not fully aware of them because the cost of life is not great enough for them to force them to think and do more for self-preservation than an animal does... Therefore, a person must value his life more highly in order to live safer and longer. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that this is the function and task of his mind. A rational person, who has created many things and complex devices that are very expensive and require attention, would have to treat himself and his life as the most expensive “device of nature” in order to live well and long. And for this you need to know yourself and your essence, which connects you with the surrounding world of people and nature, of which it is an integral part. The thought of unity with people and nature comes naturally, which a person at a young age feels and realizes organically, as the most precious and important thing for himself, and values ​​​​closeness and friendship with other people until life separates them according to property, political and other areas of modern life. Parental love and friendship, professional and creative unity, finally, love for people and the joy of life, which is the stronger the more a person acts in accordance with his essence - all this and much more are the components of a person’s life and the very thing that increases its value for himself. person and other people as parts of a single whole. And the better a person knows and realizes his essence, the freer and more effective his development, the closer and dearer the surrounding world of people and nature becomes to him, and the more valuable and longer his life becomes. The existing assessment of a person’s life, and this is especially clearly manifested after his death, is based on his achievements in the system of dominant life values. Therefore, it is not surprising that in a cemetery there may be the graves of a respected citizen and a criminal nearby. Of course, such an assessment is relative; an assessment of a person’s life from the point of view of his development will be closer to the truth. Being an integral criterion for assessing human life, development proceeds the better, the more favorable the conditions and the more rational the use of resources, the more effective self-realization and the more harmonious interaction with people and nature. Since the increase in the price of human life is a derivative of development, it is necessary to promote it, but modern life values ​​consist of enrichment and achieving superiority, which require other qualities. .. Is there any logic to all this? Of course, there is also it - in development and its level, to which its values ​​are adequate. Therefore, it is not difficult to see, but it is difficult to resist the desire to accelerate development by increasing muscle mass, and not the energy of unity of people, without which it cannot be effective. We must be aware that the main thing is not to interfere with development, it should be natural and free, and for this you need to know yourself and your essence and better realize it together with other people. Thanks to reason, man has become human and with the help of reason he is able to know and improve himself and increase the value of his life... /11.02.08/

33. About the uniqueness and uniqueness of human life

In order to better understand the content and structure of a person’s problems, it is necessary to consistently, deeply and systematically study his essence, based on which only it is possible to understand his life tasks, the rational solution of which will lead to an improvement in life. However, despite the obvious need and usefulness of systematic self-knowledge and increasing the effectiveness of a person’s self-realization, this is practically not realized by many, either in the hope of the will of the Lord, or in the successful arrangement of the planets or a lucky chance... And this despite the fact that a person is capable to realize that his life is one and unique and only he himself can know and must do what will help him live better and longer without problems! The biggest problem of a person is insufficient intelligence and his inability to regularly ask himself: why am I doing what I want, and not what is necessary and useful, and why I don’t know either myself or my essence and the vital necessity and benefits that express it? , not to mention the highest good that I should strive for and which determines the meaning of my life? Let us remember a child and his hundred thousand “Whys” to which he does not hear an answer - this is when the humanity in a person is destroyed and his ability to recognize the uniqueness and uniqueness of his life is the most important task of a mature mind. But, recognizing this, we must also take into account that man is an organic part of society and nature, and in order to live well and fulfill the vital necessity, he must find harmony of existence in the world around him. It seems that life is too short to have time to find it, but the potential of the human mind is so great that it can make his life useful and long enough to be enough! to achieve this harmony. The thought of the uniqueness and uniqueness of their lives, as an expression of people’s strongest and greatest desire to live, should illuminate with a bright light the movement towards a better life, predetermined by their essence, which must be cognized and freely realized. This is a very difficult task, but in solving it, man fulfills his great mission in nature - to realize the advantage of reason to achieve his highest benefit! /11.02.08/

34. About the optimum of energy and the expanding space and time of human life

It seems so natural for a person to strive for the possession of unlimited energy and information, an abundance of material goods, infinity of space and to wish, until he is old, to live forever?.. But not everyone has enough energy to survive; many people suffer from hunger and cold, and how many more fails to live to the average duration. In a single system of man, society and nature, there is a continuous exchange of substances and energy - it gradually expands and changes its state. The need to optimize a person’s vital resources and energy (LRE) is not only justified by the entire logic of his existence, but also, along with self-organization, is the most important way of demonstrating and realizing his rationality. A serious incentive to optimize LREs are environmental problems and the reduction of natural resource reserves. Being one of the foundations of its essence, the increase and rationalization of LRE is an essential and determining process of human life, connecting together its components and spheres, organizing space and changing the boundaries of time/duration/ of life. As a rational being, a person must strive for optimal interaction with society in order to use his not always obvious benefit in the fact that his LRE will be increasingly formed in interaction with him, saving individual efforts and providing him with greater opportunities for development. By organizing his life, rationalizing the organization of society and interaction with nature, a person strives to achieve an individual optimum in the ratio of external energy of consumption and accumulation and internal energy of development and improvement, which is adequate to the free manifestation of the essence with minimal total expenditure of resources and energy in a long individual life cycle, whose time and space tend to infinity. And the more reasonable - in accordance with the essence - a person’s behavior and optimal life expectancy, the freer and better he develops, the more the space of his life expands, and his life expectancy increases... /01.06.08/

35. Man - Earth - Universe

As a person develops, he becomes more free and mobile, the space of his life expands, gradually covering the near-Earth space. However, in order to further explore space, it is necessary to find new sources of resources and energy and learn to produce or obtain them anywhere and in sufficient quantities, regardless of raw material bases, production capacities and property relations. This involves developing new ways and means of producing resources and energy. This is not easy and ultimately depends on the level of development and self-realization of a person in the individual and social spheres, which are associated with resource availability and the state of the environment or space of life and the nature of interaction between people. So far this is far from optimal, but people are attracted to space, and flights are very complex and expensive, placing very high demands on people, their technical and resource support, which are more difficult to ensure the further they want to fly. It seems that the needs for air, food, clothing, housing, self-expression and communication with other people and their satisfaction that constitute the vital necessity of man do not correlate with his craving for the unknown and hinder his desire for space... However, the essence of man encourages him to do something that is useful for all people without exception, as a species, that serves for their benefit, for the improvement of all growing humanity... The time will come when it will become cramped on Earth and then in space it will be possible to find a new space for life... Unity with the world is a natural and difficult task for a person and his mind. As it is realized and resolved, a person, together with other people, will expand the space of his life and the infinite universe will become clearer, more accessible to him and will allow him to find out if he is alone in it?.. The cosmos is so vast and there are so many worlds in it, probably suitable for life that people will sooner or later find out about them. Now they are alienated from their essence and disconnected from the outside world, and this not only slows down the exploration and exploration of space, but also makes earthlings uninteresting to extraterrestrial civilizations. I would like to think that this will someday change, and people, having embarked on the path of achieving their highest benefit, will unite their efforts and energy and, with the whole world, will take on the solution of this problem. Then they too will fly to other worlds and intelligent beings from other worlds will fly to Earth. /12.02.08/

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