“Why do you see an arrow in a dream? If you see an Arrow in a dream, what does it mean? Dream Interpretation Arrow, why do you dream about Arrow? Dream interpretation of fire arrows

Dream arrow - why dream?

A person who sees a bow and arrows in a dream clearly sees the goal and knows how to achieve it. And he will certainly succeed. It’s bad if you dream that an arrow is flying in your direction. This is a warning that a conflict is brewing, participation in which cannot be avoided.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

The arrow symbolizes future changes for the better. If the arrow you fire hits the target, it means that in the near future you will achieve what you have been striving for for a long time. A wound received from an arrow hitting you promises quarrels and conflicts.

To break an arrow means to soon experience severe disappointment or grief. Finding arrows means being persistently courted by a person you don’t like.

Family dream book

Taking arrows in your hand means experiencing the pleasure of an exciting journey. In the near future, troubles will pass you by. Arrows in your hands are a harbinger of holidays and entertainment.

Broken arrows in a dream promise disappointments in your personal life and at work. If you yourself broke an arrow, then do not look for the culprit of the trouble. They are the result of your thoughtless actions and words.

Archery - set a goal for yourself. Hitting the target means achieving your plans in the near future. If arrows are flying at you, it means you will be subject to unreasonable attacks from friends or colleagues. Being wounded by an arrow in a dream and seeing blood means receiving an undeserved insult from a loved one.

Old arrows with rusty tips indicate that you are too slow in making an important decision on which the implementation of your plans depends.

Women's dream book

If in a dream an arrow is in the hands of a man, it means that soon a new admirer will seek your favor.

A dream in which you see an arrow in your own hands means that you have an object of matrimonial plans, for the implementation of which you will make every effort.

Broken arrows - disappointments in relationships with a partner. Perhaps you need a little break from each other. Hiding from flying arrows means being subject to slander.

Finding an arrow in a dream is a warning about the appearance of a new admirer, whose advances will be unpleasant for you.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing an arrow in a dream means unexpected betrayal on the part of a loved one. Shooting with a bow or crossbow means success in all endeavors.

Bow and arrows - if you see an arrow in a dream, your secret will never be revealed.

If you are carrying an arrow, then in reality you can be calm during your long walks.

1 arrows according to the Dream Book of Tarot

Seeing arrows in a dream means:

Arrows - achieving what you want, finding what you have lost.

Arrows of Cupid - a strong feeling, a love adventure.

1 arrows by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

A symbol of a clear goal, direct direction in life.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 arrows by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Arrows in a dream mean:

To an unexpected illness, a lumbago in the lower back.

1 arrows by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Arrow dream meaning:

Seeing arrows in a dream is a message of love.

If you dreamed that someone was shooting at you with a bow or crossbow, you will soon have a love date; and if the shooter hits you, the date will be intimate.

In a dream, you shot at someone with a bow or crossbow - you will meet a woman (man) whom you will fall madly in love with.

If you dreamed that you were wounded by an arrow, your love will remain unrequited.

You dreamed that you found an arrow or a quiver of arrows - a woman (man) will fall in love with you, who (who) will be unpleasant (unpleasant) to you.

1 arrows by Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The image of an arrow symbolizes determining the prospects of life at this stage. To be pierced by an arrow means disputes, disagreements, illness. See also Luke.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 arrows by Modern dream book

1 arrows by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Arrows in a dream mean:

Long-awaited holidays and entertainment, pleasant trips with friends will bring pleasure and joy.

Broken arrow - disappointment and separation from a loved one, perhaps finding new love.

1 arrows by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Harm from thoughtlessness, disagreement.

It hit you - misfortune, illness.

Pierced through - fear.

1 arrows according to Dream Book 2012

Reflection of the search for purpose (meaning). Reflection of the direction of target search.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 arrows by Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Why does a woman dream of arrows:

Portends pleasant entertainment, celebrations and travel. The streak of failures and suffering will finally be replaced by a long period of prosperity.

An ancient or broken arrow - portends disappointment in love or business.

1 arrows by Universal dream book

Seeing arrows in a dream means:

The arrow flies straight towards the target - therefore the arrow is a symbol of striving forward and quickly achieving the goal.

Who shot the arrow in your dream? - what is its purpose? What do you or someone else want to achieve and why does it need to be achieved quickly?

If an arrow flies at you, perhaps someone in real life is negatively influencing you, with physical force or words. Remember also the famous phrase of Shakespeare's Hamlet: “To be or not to be, that is the question. Is it worthy to endure the shame of fate without grumbling, or is it necessary to resist, rebel, arm, win or perish? Are you giving up or fighting?

An arrow can symbolize romance. Maybe Cupid shot an arrow at you and love is born in your life?

1 arrows by Universal dream book

Arrows in a dream in the dream book are interpreted as:

A phallic symbol, especially in combination with the mystical Center of the female type - the heart.

The arrow is a weapon that a young creature can use in her fight against the dark principles of the unconscious.

Being wounded by an arrow is a destructive state of self-centeredness.

1 arrows by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

Arrows in a dream mean:

Choosing the right direction. Sending an arrow from a bow means an unexpected meeting. To be injured by an arrow is to be disappointed.

1 arrows by Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Arrow dream meaning:

An image of harsh aggression, hatred; a lot depends on who is pointing the arrows at whom.

1 arrows by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

What does it mean if a woman dreams of arrows:

Unexpected love will break out.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 arrows by Daniel's medieval dream book

What arrows can mean in dreams:

Stretching a bow or shooting arrows is a sign of anxiety.

1 arrows by Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Arrows in a dream mean:

Holding arrows and a bow in your hands is great happiness.

1 arrows by Esoteric dream book

If a girl dreams of arrows, it means:

An arrow that hits a target means you will achieve your plan. It's time to get down to business. Having fallen into you, you have become someone's emotions: love if S.

Hit in the chest - slander, malice, if in the back, back of the head; mercantile claims if in the buttocks, legs; hope if in the stomach.

Arrow with a bow - an archer, despite many enemies, obstacles and difficulties, you will achieve your goal. Going through thorns is your credo.

1 arrows by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Why does a woman dream of arrows:

Male sexual symbol; sudden strong feeling (love, hatred, envy...).

1 arrows by Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing arrows in a dream means:

Seeing an arrow is a warning of danger; to be pierced by an arrow - to sharp stabbing pains in various diseases manifested in the corresponding areas of the body.

1 arrows by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

Interpretation of a dream about arrows:

Seeing arrows is a sign of disgust from business and a tendency to idleness.

1 arrows by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Interpretation of a dream about arrows:

1 arrows by Persian dream book Tiflisi

Arrows in a dream predicts:

If someone sees that he has hit the target with an arrow, this dream means that his intention will come true in accordance with the desire of his heart.

1 arrows by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Why do you dream about Arrows?

Seeing yourself holding an arrow in your hands is a sign of pleasure and enjoyment.

A broken arrow promises difficulties in love affairs.

1 arrows according to the Mayan Dream Book

Good meaning: If you dreamed that you hit someone with an arrow, then you will soon make a number of profitable acquaintances. To avoid missing them, bury an arrow (a cartridge case) near your house.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were making an arrow, someone wants to take your place. To ensure that nothing goes wrong for a person, carry a boom or arrow (cartridge) with you for a week.

1 arrows by Idiomatic dream book

“Arrows of Cupid” - love; “fast as an arrow” - good luck.

1 arrows by Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

Arrows are an emotional release of harsh aggression, a symbol of “energy discharges” of hatred.

1 arrows by English dream book

A dream in which a bow is aimed at you, or one in which an arrow pierces your body is a very bad dream. Be careful! Someone is planning to destroy you.

1 arrows by Home dream book

Why do you dream about Arrows?

Feelings or words that penetrate deep into the soul. An arrow that hits the heart is love; old or broken arrow - disappointment in love or business; hold an arrow in your hands - tell your love object about your feelings; express your complaints to someone.

1 arrows by American dream book

1 arrows according to Hasse's dream book

Arrow, seeing it means a chance meeting awaits you.

1 arrows by Gypsy dream book

Arrows are usually a bad omen.

An arrow shot by someone that wounds you means that evil gossip is being spread about you.

If you shoot an arrow into the air, your lover is unfaithful to you.

1 arrows according to Miller's dream book

Hold an arrow in your hands - troubles will leave you alone for a long time;

Dreaming of arrows is an auspicious dream. It means the fulfillment of many desires and, in general, a successful streak in life. For a woman, it portends a wealthy admirer who occupies a high position in society. For a man, this dream foreshadows a rapid career and wealth.

If someone shoots arrows at you, this means your success in any undertaking, especially business. You will be satisfied with the results of your work, moreover, your activities will arouse interest among people who are ready to help you completely disinterestedly. For a young woman to see this in a dream means to be waiting for her lover.

Shoot arrows yourself - your financial affairs will improve, and this will have a beneficial effect on your relationships with close relatives.

Breaking arrows in a dream means your inability to keep your mouth shut will forever block your path to high society.

An arrow hitting a target in a dream means you will be lucky enough to communicate with a person whose inner world is so rich and interesting that it will become an integral part of your own life. A poisonous arrow foreshadows the completion of plans, well-being and even, possibly, prosperity. For a woman to see her in a dream foreshadows the beginning of a struggle for a man, in which she will win. But the victory will very soon disappoint her, because... the man she fought for will disappoint her.

If you dream about being hit by an arrow, someone will try to expose your weaknesses in order to gain an advantage in the fight against you. If you dream of blood coming from an arrow wound - you should be prepared for illness or some kind of sad event.

If there is no blood, the illness will only become an excuse to avoid participating in a matter that contradicts your principles. This will be the right choice, because... thanks to him you will maintain your reputation.

Find out why you dream about Arrows in the interpretations of other dream books.

If you dream of an arrow, it means pleasant changes in life. You will have a chance to try a new activity, which over time may become more than just a hobby for you.

If you dream that you broke an arrow, then in the near future you will be disappointed in the business to which you were going to devote your life. This dream could also mean an event that will make you take a fresh look at your loved one.

An arrow protruding from the chest of your enemy means doubts about the correctness of your choice, which will overcome you in the near future.

Arrow - Brief interpretation: flight; movement towards the goal; battle.

Popular expression: good citizen; Bow and arrows; move in the right direction; hit the target.

The arrow flies straight towards the target. Therefore, the arrow is a symbol of striving forward and quickly achieving the goal.

Who shot the arrow in your dream? What is its purpose? What do you or someone else want to achieve and why does it need to be achieved quickly?

If an arrow flies at you, perhaps someone in real life is negatively influencing you, either with physical force or words. Remember also the famous phrase of Shakespeare's Hamlet: “To be or not to be, that is the question. Is it worthy to endure the shame of fate without complaining, or is it necessary to resist, rebel, arm, win or die? »Are you giving up or fighting?

An arrow can symbolize romance. Maybe Cupid shot an arrow at you and love is born in your life?

Dream Interpretation Arrow, why do you dream about Arrow in a dream?

From this article you can find out why you dream about the Arrow from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about the Arrow: interpretation of the dream

I dream about the Arrow, what does it symbolize?

Arrow – “Arrows of Cupid” (love), “quick as an arrow.”

Why do you dream about an arrow in the fall?

Arrow - Unexpected love will break out.

Why do you dream about an arrow in the summer?

Arrow - To an unexpected illness, a shot in the lower back, this is the interpretation of what you dream at night.

Why does a woman dream about the Arrow, what is this dream about?

Arrow - An arrow in a dream foreshadows pleasant entertainment, celebrations and travel. The streak of failures and suffering will finally be replaced by a long period of prosperity. An ancient or broken arrow portends disappointment in love or business.

Maly Velesov dream book

What does the arrow symbolize and why do you dream?

The arrow is a phallic symbol, especially in combination with the mystical Center of the female type - the heart, this is how the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Arrow in your night dreams?

Arrow - Seeing an arrow in a dream means treason; shooting yourself means success. Striptease For a man to see a striptease in a dream - to the appearance of a new fan, for a woman - a fan.

Why do you dream about an arrow in spring?

Arrow - An intrigue is being prepared against you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Arrow – Male sexual symbol; sudden strong feeling (love, hatred, envy...).

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

What do you dream about and how to interpret the Arrow?

Arrow - The image of an arrow symbolizes the determination of the prospects of life at this stage. To be pierced by an arrow means disputes, disagreements, illness. See also Luke.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Arrow - If in a dream you hold an arrow in your hands, then know that this dream will be followed by pleasure. You should expect entertainment, holidays and pleasant travels. Suffering will stop, and for a long time. An old or broken arrow portends disappointment in love or business.

Arrow - If someone sees that he has hit the target with an arrow, it means that his intention will come true in accordance with the desire of his heart.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

I dream about the Arrow, why?

Arrow - Seeing her means a chance meeting awaits you.

Arrow - Once you hit the target, you will achieve your plan. It's time to get down to business. Having got into you, you became someone's emotions: love if S. got into the chest. slander, malice if in the back, the back of the head; mercantile claims if in the buttocks, legs; hope if in the stomach. An arrow with a bow, an archer, despite many enemies, obstacles and difficulties, you will achieve your goal. Going through thorns is your credo, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Arrow - If someone sees that he has hit the target with an arrow, this dream means that his intention will come true in accordance with the desire of his heart.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about Arrow according to the dream book?

Arrow - Seeing her - a chance meeting awaits you

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why do you dream about Arrow in a dream?

Arrows - An emotional release of harsh aggression, a symbol of energy discharges of hatred.

Ancient Russian dream book

Arrows - Seeing in a dream is a sign of disgust from business and a tendency towards idleness.

Arrows – Achieving what you want, finding what you lost

Maly Velesov dream book

Putting an Arrow on a bowstring – Violence.

Why do you dream about Arrow?

The string with the arrow breaks when you pull it - unfortunately.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of an Arrow in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about Arrow according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream about Arrow from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about Arrow according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about Arrow from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of an Arrow in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about Arrow in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Required fields are marked with *.

interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

In mythological books, arrows are considered to be the main attributes of Cupids and Cupid, and therefore this thing in night dreams in some cases gives a romantic overtone. Everything that an arrow means in a dream is explained by the dream interpreter as an omen of great career prospects, exciting acquaintances and a pleasant pastime.

Miller on the end of suffering

As the dream book indicates, the arrow you are holding prophesies by Miller, the end of worries and fateful troubles. However, a dilapidated, rusty weapon, mined from the depths of the sea, promises disappointment in love.

Seeing a large number of fiery arrows in your night dreams warns of caution in conversations with high-ranking individuals, since an impudent attitude can bring considerable harm to your current work.

Archery or the desire to achieve a goal

The dream book of the 21st century interprets what dreams of a bow and arrow mean by the desire to achieve one’s plans, the dreamer’s great diligence and attention, which will make it possible to receive a long-awaited income and realize one’s plans.

An additional interpretation of the dream, where I happened to take aim with a crossbow, is explained by Medea’s dream book about great interest in some things. By looking at your priorities in the right way, you will definitely achieve your goals.

Throwing an arrow yourself and missing promises that the business you are undertaking requires a lot of skills and experience. Do everything possible to improve your knowledge, or ask for help from experienced individuals.

Producing arrows in a dream expresses the sleeper’s lack of restraint and determination to realize his plans.

Weapons hit - be careful

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, everything that is seen as a sharpened ammunition located in the target portends a chance to realize your plan. If you dreamed that a sharp object was pierced into your chest, this means that your love will be cruel. Seeing a weapon stuck in or the back of the skull means treason and hatred of strangers towards you.

Seeing a predominant number of arrows located in the gluteal muscles means that your desires to receive a large amount of money will be exposed by someone around you. If you dreamed that ammunition hit you, you are directly dependent on the opinions of strangers.

Flying Ammunition - Prepare for the Unexpected

An arrow in a dream flying in the air, according to the Universal Dream Interpreter, prophesies unforeseen changes in life, which can tear the dreamer away from his current work for a short period of time.

Miss Hasse compares the dreamed weapon with an unforeseen meeting with a fascinating person whom the dreamer admires. Meneghetti, in his dream book, interprets the dreamed act as an opportunity to feel outside anger, fierce aggression.

Seeing a lot of arrows flying past indicates a chance to participate in an outside quarrel. Try not to succumb to provocative words, so as not to get involved in extraneous troubles.

Love affairs in dreams and in reality

Freud's dream book explains what it means to shoot a bow, the excellent condition of the body and the dreamer's masculine strength. Shooting with Cupid's arrow and finally hitting the character actually predicts a chance to achieve the feelings of the person you like.

To see that another character is shooting with a similar attribute in night dreams, and his arrow penetrates the dreamer’s chest, prophesies torment and non-reciprocal feelings. Aim at the dreamer, but miss - hopes for mutual feelings will not come true.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 07/28/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

In mythology, arrows are considered the main attribute of Cupid and Cupid, so such weapons in a dream sometimes have a love connotation. What this weapon means in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of great career prospects, interesting meetings and promising acquaintances.

Miller's Dream Book about the End of Suffering

A dream of an arrow in your hands foreshadows, by Gustave Miller, the end of worries and troubles in life. But an old, rusty weapon found in the sea promises love disappointments. Seeing many fiery arrows in a dream warns of caution in dealing with powerful and influential people, since a familiar or disrespectful attitude towards them can harm your current affairs.

Archery or aiming for a goal

A modern combined dream book deciphers what a bow and arrow means in dreams, with the determination, incredible tension and concentration of a sleeping person, which will allow you to achieve the desired profit and realize all your ideas.

Another interpretation of a dream in which you had to aim with a crossbow is suggested by Medea’s dream book about your high interest in something. By setting your priorities correctly, you will definitely achieve what you want.

Throwing arrows with your own hands and missing means that the enterprise the sleeping person is taking on requires more knowledge and skills from him. Try to expand your knowledge or get help from knowledgeable people. Making arrows in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s unrestrained desire to achieve his cherished goal.

Being hit by a weapon - exercise caution

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, what you dream of as a sharp ammunition hitting a target speaks of the possibility of carrying out your plans. If you dreamed that an arrow hit you and is sticking out in your chest, it means you will become a victim of insidious love. Seeing this object sticking out in the back or back of the head is a sign of betrayal and the anger of others.

Seeing many arrows sticking out in the buttocks means that your mercantile claims will be exposed. I dreamed that an object pierced the stomach, suggesting the dreamer’s dependence on other people’s actions and decisions.

Flying Ammunition - Prepare for the Unexpected

A flying arrow in a dream, according to the Great Universal Dream Book, predicts an unexpected turn of events, which can distract the dreamer from current affairs for some time.

Miss Hasse compares seeing a flying arrow with a chance meeting with an interesting person whom the sleeping man sympathizes with. Meneghetti in his interpreter deciphers the dreamed action with the likelihood of feeling someone else’s hatred and harsh aggression.

Seeing many military instruments flying past indicates the prospect of taking part in someone else's conflict. Try not to react to provocations so as not to get involved in protracted quarrels.

Amorous affairs in dreams and in reality

Dr. Freud's dream book explains why one dreams of shooting an arrow with the incredible health and sexual power of the dreamer. Shooting with the Cupid attribute and hitting a character promises in reality the opportunity to win the heart of the person you like.

Seeing someone shoot with Cupid's instrument in a dream and hit the dreamer's chest predicts suffering and unrequited feelings. If you aim at a character but miss, your expectations for reciprocity will not be met.

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