A talisman for making wishes come true will help you make your dreams come true. The magic of finding: how to make a wish correctly Make an amulet of wish fulfillment

Today I want to give you an Amulet to make your wishes come true.

Tie this amulet to your right hand. It is painted on white paper with orange paint mixed with raw cow's milk.

You buy children's gouache or watercolors at a children's store. Instead of water, you pour a little bit of cow's milk into it. After that, draw this talisman and say loudly what should come true during the day.

If you put this talisman on your right wrist, it will come true one hundred percent!

“Today my business will earn $2,000,” say loudly to the talisman and put it on your hand.

Someday I will do this when I explain how to draw such talismans and amulets to fulfill wishes for all occasions.

It is believed that if you say a wish loudly for this talisman and tie it to your right wrist, it will definitely come true.

How can it be used? Do you need to sell your car?

Say: “I’m selling my car today!” – and after that go to the market!

1. Ritual on the shadow. Before lunch, stand facing your shadow, with your back to the sun, preferably so that there are no shadows of other people nearby, and say the following words: “I will pray to the Lord God, I will bow to the Holy Trinity, the True Lord God of Hosts, I stand before you, servant (name) you He created the firmament of the earth and the heavens, separated light from darkness and called light day and darkness night. And on the seventh day he created man and his shadow. That shadow that you gave me for every day. I pray to it and punish it, let it fulfill my will (short text of desire). Amen, Amen, Amen."

Do not carry out this wish spell too often, maximum every other day. Under no circumstances make shadows of different wishes at the same time!

2. Spell on an apple To make any of your wishes come true, write it on a small piece of paper and fold this paper several times with the inscriptions inward. Cut a large apple in half and cut a small indentation in the center of each half. Place the two halves of the apple together, placing your note in the cavity created by the cutouts in the halves. Tie the folded apple with a thread or pierce it through with a wooden knitting needle to keep the apple halves together and not fall apart. Bury an apple in the ground in a deserted place, and your problem will completely disappear when it rots and decays.

3. Dream spirit. To fulfill your dream, write on a piece of paper what you want, roll this sheet into a tube and set its end on fire with the flame of a red candle. When the paper is more than half burned, throw it into a small bottle, which you immediately seal with a stopper. Take this vessel with you to where the outcome of your dreams will be decided, and do not forget to uncork the bottle there.

4. Ritual with a candle and oil. You will need a large, thick candle and enough sunflower oil. Use a needle to write your wish on the candle. For example: “By the end of the week my debt will be repaid” or “I will be loved (or loved) by such and such a person.” Having done this, dip the candle in oil so that it saturates its entire surface. Then remove the candle from the oil, wait a little while the excess drains from it, and place it in the candelabra. Light a candle. When the candle burns out, collect all the remaining wax in a small envelope and store it as a talisman until the plan is fulfilled.

5. Ritual with a mirror. Write your desire on a small mirror, for example: “I want more money, love and promotion.” Then wash off this inscription from the surface of the mirror with clean water. After this, do not pour out the water, but collect it in a small vessel. You can also place the mirror in a deep plate filled with water and wait for the ink with which your dreams are written on it to dissolve. Spill all the ink water or sprinkle it in the place where your dreams are to be fulfilled.

6. Magic honey. Dip your finger in liquid honey and write your wish on the saucer with it, for example: “I want more money,” or “I want love,” or “I want to get a promotion.” Pour water into a saucer, wait for the honey to dissolve in it, and drink the resulting drink. This simple witchcraft will give you the necessary vitality that will help you achieve what you dream of.

7. The key to a dream. Talisman of wishes. Take the key to an ancient castle and throw it into a cast iron pot or into a cauldron of boiling water. Think about what “doors” this key will have to open: is it the key to money, fame and new positions, or will it open a new love for you. Focus on the goals and problems that your mascot will need to solve. When the water has cooled completely, remove the key from the boiler and wipe it on your clothes. Keep this talisman under your pillow at night and carry it with you during the day.

8. The magic of the pen. In order to achieve success and win in many matters, you will need a bird feather. It is very important what kind of bird this feather will come from and what color it will be. A gray feather will provide you with success in the service and career growth, a black one will protect you from ill-willed people and enemies, a white one will give purification and protection from the Higher Powers, a red or pink one will give you love, a blue one will give you health, and a green one will give you money. You will need a sparrow feather in order to establish new business connections, a raven and eagle owl feather will give you wisdom and the ability to learn, a rooster feather is needed to restore strength and acquire new energy, a magpie feather will determine your financial wealth, and a peacock feather will provide quick luck and honor. Read the spell on your pen:

Mafafua zangi die argmafon

- and always carry it with you. This spell is universal and can be used to fulfill any desire. In this case, you can also say the following words:

I conjure with fire, I conjure with air,

from earth to sky, from sky to earth,

everything is in my power, everything is in my favor.

9. Ritual with candles. Buy eight candles of different colors: white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. If you can't find all the candles, use only white, red, yellow, green and blue. On Sunday morning, place a white candle, shortened to the height of the cup, in the center of a large tea cup. Light other candles. Tilt the candles one by one over the cup so that their melted wax drips into it. In this way, fill the cup with multi-colored wax to the brim and to the level of the white candle. Burn this candle of happiness in the evenings to fulfill your deepest desires.

10. Threads of witchcraft.

You probably know: in order not to forget something, people tie knots as a keepsake. You may also know that this tradition comes from ancient times, when there was no developed accounting system yet and the debts of one person to another were indicated by the number of knots on a special “debt rope”. But probably not everyone knows that this had a deeper meaning. The fact is that by resorting to such a calculation system, ancient man performed a magical action that allowed him to increase wealth and strengthen his influence both on the physical and on the astral plane. Initially, the rope itself was represented as the fate of a person, and the knots tied on it as certain events that were part of fate itself. In this way, something that should happen in the future was initiated, for example, the repayment of a debt.

By tying or untying a knot, you perform a physical action, which, when combined with work on the astral plane, you get magnificent witchcraft. In other words, combine the creation of your thought form with tying a knot, connect your physical effort with your effort on the astral plane, imagine that the stronger the knot, the greater the power of your thought form. Strengthen your magic by using a rope that you have previously soaked (and dried) with wormwood infusion. You can also increase the effectiveness of your actions by carrying them out in front of a mirror. Then they will be more noticeable and visible to the other world. When your wish comes true, burn the rope with the knot on the flame of a candle.

Take a red woolen thread in your hands and say: “What I think will come true, what I speak will happen, what I will do, everything will turn out for the better.

Tie a knot on the thread and continue the plot: “As this knot is tied evenly and correctly, so would my business come together evenly and correctly.”

Place a thread under the threshold of the front door of your home and go about your business in full confidence that whatever you do today, everything will be in your favor.

More perfect witchcraft is the interweaving of your will, faith and desire into one whole physical state. Take three identical thick ropes. Place one of them in an alcoholic infusion of wormwood (lilies, pine needles, sandalwood, you can use the essential oils of these plants), the other in an infusion of bay leaves (celandine, geranium, lavender), and the third in an infusion of verbena (lily of the valley, acacia or clover). Leave the ropes in the infusions overnight, and in the morning remove them and let them dry completely.

After this, put these three ropes together and tie their upper ends with one common knot. Weave a braid consisting of twelve weaves and tie the opposite ends of the ropes again so that the braid cannot unravel. While doing all this, you must imagine how the images of the reality you desire are intertwined with your faith in their reality and with your will aimed at their actual embodiment. When braiding a pigtail, you must make exactly twelve movements - moving the outer thread into the middle, between the other two.

You can enhance the effectiveness of your witchcraft by casting special spells during these actions.

1. Amis akfom liba.

2. Heba garden giba.

3. Cados game aguerra.

4. Lafa zaul farra.

5. Assen farad taul.

6. Eda kofor maul.

7. Gibes laus edar.

8. Saul fas fadar.

9. Mal vara liba.

10.Dobas akas fiba.

11.Ziga fagas libura.

12.Amin kade kura.

These spells should be used only when it is not difficult for you to simultaneously think, create your own images and visions, and at the same time pronounce words. Therefore, here you should learn spells very well and cast them without thinking, automatically, so as not to waste your internal energy on external processes.

Being in such an intertwined state, your will, imagination and faith, directed towards one goal, bring you closer to it every minute. When this goal is achieved, unbraid the braid and burn all three witchcraft threads on an open fire.

11. The magic of the nine of diamonds.

To make your dreams come true, remove the nine of diamonds from the new card deck and place it on the table between the gold and silver candles. Light the candles, look closely at the card and mentally formulate your wish or imagine your dream. Let the candles burn out completely. Carry this card with you as a talisman for fulfilling your wishes.

12. Bottle of desire.

To make your wish come true, write it on a piece of paper. Roll this sheet into a tube and tie it with colored ribbon. If your desire is related to love experiences, then the ribbon should be red, if you need money, use a green ribbon, and in all other cases, use a blue one. Place the resulting certificate in a bottle and seal it with a cork. Write on another piece of paper the date by which your dreams should come true and stick this sheet on the bottle like a label. Keep such a talisman secret and inviolable until the day indicated on the bottle. In any case, whether your dreams come true or not, go to a deserted place on the marked day and break a bottle there, throwing it on the stones. When returning home after this, do not greet or talk to anyone.

13. Aces of desire.

Increase the likelihood of your wishes coming true: remove four aces from the card deck and place them in a saucer - one card on top of the other, face up (the bottom card is an ace of clubs, the second is a diamond, the third is a spades, and the top is a heart). Scatter nine tablespoons of granulated sugar onto the cards to create a sugar mound. Place a candle painted with silver or gold paint in the center of the saucer and slide and light its wick. When the candle burns out and goes out on its own, clear the cards of sugar and store them all together as a talisman for making wishes come true.

14. Ball with a dream.

To make your wish come true, write it on a small piece of paper. Roll the paper into a tube and place it in a balloon filled with helium. If your desire is related to money, then the color of the ball should be green, if you dream of love - pink or red, if you are thinking about a career, high positions and positions, put a note in a brown ball, and if your goal is to improve health or recover from illness, the color of the ball should be light blue. Use the white ball for protection and peace with others, the yellow one for revealing secrets, and the orange one for friendship and restoration of strength. Fill the balloon with helium. Go out into an open, deserted place, release the ball and watch it fly up to the clouds. If you have a balloon already filled with helium mixture, tie a long narrow fabric ribbon to its base and write your wish on it.

15. Money desire.

To successfully implement your plans, purchase nine Chinese coins with square holes in the middle. String all these coins on a red cord or thread and keep this necklace in your home. From time to time, hold this amulet in your hands and imagine that your dream is coming true.

16. Z aspiration to get what you want
"Monday with Tuesday,
Wednesday with Thursday,
Friday and Saturday
Sunday is the Crown of all Creation!
I Create and Create, on this day, this time, here and now.
Command of the Word! Creation of Work!
Give up the hour of doubt!
Reign the hour of Completion!
Reign and do, according to my word, according to my deed:
(say what you want)
The word is crowning! Crown with the Creator!
Come true everything you said
word for word, deed for deed.
Hour of Fulfillment - Crown my request.
What I said will come to pass!
On this day, this time.
Here and now. "
You can't abuse it. Done only in exceptional cases. No more than three times per year are allowed. I think everyone understands that you can’t talk about it, but do it completely alone.

17. Summon a Demon to fulfill a wish.

The power of demons respects blasphemy, but it comes to blasphemous words, and if the one who blasphemes wishes, they can fulfill it.
Blame is strong, and blasphemy can curse spirits many times stronger than before, and the power hidden in the word.
What is said in the book of the people of Christ, who is the Word in the beginning, and if the Word has honor and through honor the saints can be called, so through another word is spun foul and filled with blasphemy, then with this word one can do secret deeds. In these words, I am ready to come and do the black deeds.

If you intend to encourage demonic power through blasphemy, then you must do as this tale commands.

On any Thursday, you need to set the table with black in the morning, and the altar will be famous.
Yes, put a deep bowl in the middle, and pour out the standing water in it, either from a swamp, or from some ravine. Yes, put a second saucer, and pour clean water from a well into it. It looks like a demon, but the wish will come true.
Three candles must be placed in a row on the set table.
Wait until the evenings, but you need to take the icon of God, where the Mother of God herself is beautiful in her image, and even better than with a baby in her arms...
As soon as it gets dark, light the candles. Afterwards, you need to take a rag, dip it in frozen, stagnant water. Then wipe the face of the icon with that rag and pronounce sentences.

You were blessed by the river, but the spirit of the godfather was exiled to you, but now you are blasphemed with water, but washed with dirt, and glorified with filth, even if you are immaculate, but with black water you are defamed, but unglorified, and blasphemed, even if you are not pure, but made unclean by water , Yes, your conception was through fornication, your roof is laced with vice, it is said, and even though I am an unChristian darling, I have respect for the demon, and these words are filled with power. Amen. Amen. Amen,

Sprinkle and wash her face, and after a couple of times, throw the rag into a bowl full of black water.
Yes, put a bowl of clean water on the icon, and since it is placed on its face, it must be spoken.

The secret of all secrets, and the bad name that was called to the icon, and blasphemous acts, then your demonic glory is now revered, and for this necessary moment, for this secret moment, then it was called upon me, and it was spoken, and even the blasphemy was accepted, but the blasphemy is directed at you , then you are a devil, in my retreat, and do what is spoken, and for this hour it is said, like me, who have renounced people, and who am cursed by the Church of Christ, and who I ask, yes I beg, (rivers of what is needed, but fill your words with desire) then my desire, yes your fulfillment. Amen,

If you prick your finger on the left hand side, drop some drops into the water and let them drop three, and say something.

Bloodshed, yes it was agreed, but it was fulfilled. Amen,

Afterwards, wait for the spirit of mystery that you have rescued, and whatever sign he assures you, then listen to the silence that is full in the hut. If you learn something by hearing, then brain it later.
Afterwards, extinguish those candles made with wax. Let everything sit until the morning. Pour that black water into the earth, not near the hut, but at a distance. And with that water that looks like a demon, and the blood is put there. Having washed it with that water, wash your face. Yes Ruins, yes, too, drain, and if you fit, then near the edge of the hut, pour into the earth.
That is glorious blasphemy. Let it be done as you desire.

Each person has his own goals, with which he turns to higher powers. Whatever your goal or desire, you can always ask heaven for its fulfillment.

This can be done through a talisman to make wishes come true. You can make it with your own hands, the main thing is to put your pure desire into creating the talisman, then it will definitely help you.

What does a talisman do to make wishes come true?

First, a person programs a talisman to bring him good luck, and then the talisman itself programs a person to fulfill his own desires. The task of the talisman is to ensure that a person’s energy goes clearly towards the fulfillment of a desire.

Such a magical object develops in a person:

  • Purposefulness, a person is minimally distracted by other things, his energy is completely directed towards fulfilling his desires.
  • Raising energy, a magical object makes the person’s goal itself warm, because of this, his energy level increases, and he easily goes to the fulfillment of his desire.
  • Positive spirit. The talisman promotes positive thinking of its owner. Because of this, even if a person encounters difficulties along the way, he does not stop in front of them, but boldly walks, feeling confident that he will overcome everything on the way to his desire.

Some people think that as soon as a talisman appears in a person’s life, nothing else needs to be done. You can just sit and wait for your wish to come true. But that's not how a magic item works. Everything is created by human hands. A talisman is needed in order to mobilize the strength of the individual on the path to what he wants.

Rules for the formation of desire

For your wish to be completely fulfilled, it must be formulated correctly.

Not every wish a magical object will agree to fulfill:

  • Your desire should not concern the will of another person. That is, conditionally, if you want to attract love into your life, then you cannot wish for a specific person to love you. It would be right to think about what qualities you like in a person and wish for yourself, in general, a loved one with such a character. Otherwise, the desire is difficult to fulfill and the effectiveness of the talisman is reduced.
  • Come up with a plan to achieve your goal. It is advisable to have a backup plan.
  • Make real wishes. Stay in touch with reality; it’s stupid to wish for a million dollars, which is going to fall on you from nowhere. If we continue the example with money, then think about real amounts, it is advisable to have a rough idea of ​​where they can come from. It is also important to understand what you need a specific amount for. Then it will be much easier for this amount to come into your life with the help of a talisman.
  • Don't expect instant fulfillment of your dreams. Understand that it takes time to make your dreams come true, be patient.

How does an item acquire magic?

To make a talisman, you need to follow specific rules. These rules have been passed on to us by our ancestors for centuries. Of course, you can go to an esoteric store and purchase a ready-made talisman there. But for it to work for you, you need to charge it. And if you create a magical object with your own hands, then it automatically becomes charged with your energy.

It is important to know that the most powerful amulet is the one that is created for a person as a gift from a loved one. But this only works if the person himself wanted to make a talisman for you. If you asked him about it, then the magic decreases.

Bean rosary

The first example of a talisman that you can create with your own hands is a rosary made from beans. Beans are a symbol of prosperity and fertility. Therefore, if your desire is related to profit, if it is aimed at the financial sector, then use beans.

Stay in an environment where no one can disturb you. You can light a candle and look at it for a minute or two to help you concentrate. In front of you, place a spool of new strong thread, a dozen large beans and a sewing needle.

First, tune your consciousness. To do this, look at the candle, think about something you want. It is important to imagine that your desire has already come true. How does this make you feel? What emotions are these? Joy, delight, maybe you felt a sense of responsibility with the acquisition of something. Notice where these emotions are located in the body. Responsibility can be felt on the shoulders, joy is given by the ease of breathing or, conversely, by its intermittency. This is the state that will be with you when your dream has already come true. Remember how you feel in your body while doing this. And in this elevated state of spirit, begin to create an amulet.


How to make a wish bracelet with your own hands. Red thread simple master class.

Making a talisman to make a wish come true

Bracelet of Wishes

Money talismans. DIY talisman that attracts money | The way to yourself

Thread a needle and string beans onto the thread. When finished, tie the ends of the threads together. Place a symbol of your wish come true on large beans. If it is related to money, then draw a dollar sign.

Keep a bean rosary under your pillow. Every morning, take out and sort out the beans in your hands, think about realizing what you want. After a while, you will notice that things begin to unfold in the direction you need.

Lavender talisman

Create an amulet from dried lavender. This amulet is suitable for wishes related to health, and you can also ask for a meeting with your loved one. Make this amulet only if you like the smell of dried lavender. If this is not the case, it means that the plant does not resonate with you, come up with another talisman.

If everything is in order and you like the smell of fragrant lavender, then to make a talisman you need:

  1. A piece of natural fabric of heavenly color.
  2. Dried lavender flowers.
  3. Four blue candles.

During the waxing moon, stay in an environment where you cannot be disturbed. Place blue candles in the room so that they form a square. Tune in mentally to your dream. Imagine that it has already come true, catch your emotions and note how they are reflected in the body.

Then sew a small bag of heavenly colored fabric. Take a blank sheet of paper and write or draw a dream come true on it. Fold the leaf so that it can be placed in a lavender bag. Take dried flowers and say the following spell on them:

“How fragrant these flowers are, I will be just as fragrant when my wish comes true. I didn’t collect you in the field, but I put you in a bag and make a wish. Help me, fragrant lavender..."

In the place of the ellipses, say a wish. Then pour the flowers into the bag and tie it with a red ribbon or thread. Hold the bag over each candle for one second and say the phrase:

"A dream come true."

The first night the lavender bag should be under your pillow, then you can move it. But it is advisable to keep it close to you.

Wish fulfillment bracelet

A beautiful bracelet can be used as an amulet to make your dreams come true. It’s also easy to make with your own hands. Now there are stores where you can choose several pendants at once to create a bracelet. Go to a store like this. There, buy a red cord with a clasp and 4-5 pendants that will symbolize your dreams for you. For example, if you want love, then buy a heart-shaped pendant. If you want quick progress in some business, then buy a boot. In general, buy pendants that you associate with your dreams.

At home in a cozy environment, get ready to create a talisman. Set yourself up mentally first. And then, in an elevated state of spirit, make a bracelet. When he is ready, cast the following spell on him:

“I went beyond the sea, beyond the green lands, looking for my dream, I wanted to meet it. While I was walking towards her on the sunny road I met a young girl. She smiled at me like my own sister and said that the bracelet would help me achieve my dream. She gave me the symbols, said she would put them in that bracelet herself, and let me go with a blessing. I made my own bracelet and got closer to my dream. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

Bird feather as a talisman

A bird's feather will help you achieve your desires. But it must be a light-colored feather. The lighter the feather you come across, the faster your wish will come true. The white feather will lead you to mutual and pure love.

If you want to achieve career heights, then a gray feather will suit you. But under no circumstances use a black pen for these purposes. He has bad energy.

The feather is considered a talisman that nature itself gives you.

There is no need to specially mine it. You need to mentally ask for a feather from heaven, and then visit parks and lakes more often and look carefully, after a short time you will find a feather. When you find your feather, be sure to thank heaven for such a talisman.

We need the protection of Higher Powers much more often than we think. Every now and then situations arise that are not at all easy to cope with. Society is rapidly changing, life is becoming more complicated, risks of a psychological, environmental, technical and technological nature are constantly increasing, and people are subject to invisible magical attacks. Life in a modern city is like a flicker that causes destructive changes in a person’s psyche and physical health. Everyone needs a protector and guardian, and this role is very well suited.

People have been using amulets for 2 million years, and today their power and significance have not diminished. The ancestors knew how to communicate and how to wear an amulet to give it even more power. And we should know this too.

How to wear an amulet to make wishes come true - the golden rules of magical syncretism

  1. There are two types of amulets for fulfilling wishes: some amulets are shown, others are hidden from prying eyes so that they do not lose their magic.
  2. The amulet should be worn near places where the pulse is clearly beating: wrists, temples, neck. The amulet is also traditionally worn near the belt.
  3. Amulets of natural origin, such as shark, tiger, bear, wolf teeth, fox tail vertebrae, “chicken god”, all amulets made of wood, should be worn on a leather ribbon.
  4. Collections of herbs, plant roots, texts of prayers and spells should be placed in bags made of leather or fabric, tightly tied with a cord. They should be hidden from human eyes. The texts of witchcraft spells can be sewn into the hidden seams of clothing.

Amulet granter of wishes: no magic!

Every person has inner strength. With its help, you can influence external events that bring an individual closer to his cherished goal. There is no need to worry about exactly which paths you will take to get to the desired point, it is not so important. The point is that the wish will be fulfilled.

Personal inner strength is imperceptible and difficult to subjugate. This force is controlled unconsciously, but you can try and consciously orient it in the right direction. With the help of this power you can fulfill your desires. Focus your inner strength on something strong amulet of wishes. Such amulets have different types, and we will focus on a powerful amulet of cherished desires, which you can make with your own hands.

There are rules that a paper amulet of strong desires obeys

  1. it is created to fulfill one specific desire
  2. It helps if your goal is real and achievable, clearly formulated, and your aspirations are sincere.
  3. Do not expect supernatural actions from the amulet that violate all the laws of physics. But you will definitely feel his help
  4. paper amulet of secret desires must be made by you yourself, must receive your energy. And it works only according to these rules.

A wish-granting amulet will help you realize your wildest dreams. A magical item made with your own hands can work real miracles.

An amulet that fulfills any wish

You will need lavender, more precisely, its crushed flowers, a blue shred, candles, honey, rope and a small sheet of paper. When creating an amulet, we will turn to an ancient ritual that helps in achieving any goals.

Site experts advise attracting positive flows to yourself on the waxing Moon. Four candles - four cardinal directions. Place them on the floor, at a short distance from each other. Now the most important task: on a piece of paper you need to describe in detail your dream or several desires. From a piece of fabric, make a small bag that will hold lavender flowers and your handwritten dream.

Light the candles, stand in the middle, squeeze the bag tightly and repeat your wish until you feel overwhelmed with positive energy. The bag can be carried with you, or hidden in the house. However, after your dream comes true, do not forget to burn the amulet.

Fire amulet

A dream implies not only fulfillment, but also getting rid of all interfering factors that put a spoke in your wheels. The element of fire will help rid space of energy blocks. You will need white rope and a regular candle.

We get rid of everything unnecessary only during the waning moon. Your amulet, which will get rid of all blockers and interference, must first be charged. To do this, you need to stretch the rope in different directions, thinking about the hated objects that stand in the way of your dream. The more anger you let out, the better.

After this, rewind the candle with a rope from beginning to end. Light the wick and let the candle burn completely. After this, you will receive an amulet that destroys danger and blocks when wishes come true. Put it in a secret place so that no one discovers or accidentally takes it out.

For you, we have selected the most effective and time-tested amulets that will flawlessly fulfill your wishes. As mentioned earlier, you can choose absolutely any assistant for yourself. Even an ordinary bracelet can be turned into a personal amulet by charging it correctly. We wish you fulfillment of all your desires, success and good luck. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

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