Standing leg lift alternately to the sides. Raising your legs from a standing position. Exercise options

Just a great set of ab exercises that you will swing upright! This workout will dilute your daily workouts and also help you burn excess fat in problem areas!

In order to build great abs, it is not enough to exercise regularly. Only a variety of workouts will help to realize the dream of a flat stomach. So meet this 10-minute set of abdominal exercises while standing.

These standing abs exercises work more muscles, improve balance and posture, and you don't need any additional equipment to do them: you can even do without a mat. Any object is suitable as a weighting agent: even a bottle of water, even a small melon.

So, the complex consists of 10 exercises for 45 seconds. It is perfect for those for whom the classic twisting from a prone position causes discomfort in the cervical spine.

For best results:

  • do these exercises every other day,
  • do not neglect the warm-up,
  • concentrate on breathing: effort - on exhalation, relaxation - on inhalation,
  • rest between sets for 10 seconds.

An important point: during all exercises, keep your back and shoulders straight, focusing the effort in the abdomen.

1-2. Leg curls

This is a vertical version of regular crunches that, in addition to strengthening the abdominal muscles, improves coordination.

Starting position: legs together, arms extended up.

As you exhale, lift your straight left leg and at the same time try to reach your toes with your hands. , keep your shoulders and back straight. Try to raise your leg as high as possible due to the tension of the abdominal muscles, and stretch your arms forward. While inhaling, return to the starting position.

Do not hurry. When raising your legs and squeezing the abdominal cavity, exhale; when lowering your legs, take a deep breath.

3-4. Weighted diagonal crunches

To do this, you will need a weighting compound. The exercise trains the thigh muscles and the oblique muscles of the abdomen, and also improves coordination.

Starting position: the left leg is bent at a right angle, the arms with the weight are raised above the right shoulder.

As you exhale, lower the weight diagonally to the left downwards - behind the thigh. While inhaling, smoothly return to the starting position.

In order not to lose balance, you need to tighten your abdominal muscles. Move the ball smoothly up and down diagonally without dropping your left leg and keeping your back straight.

Relax and do the exercise with your right leg.

5. Jumping with a turn

Exercise strengthens the oblique muscles and burns belly fat. If you imagine yourself as a hare and smile while doing it, then you will additionally strengthen the muscles of the face. =)

Starting position: legs together, arms bent at the elbows in front of you.

Jump quickly, turning the lines of the shoulders and hips in opposite directions. Curl only around the waist, looking straight ahead. Try to make as many jumps as possible in 45 seconds.

6. Torso rotation

Despite the fact that this exercise looks simple, it works all the major muscles.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly to the sides, hands on the belt.

Without changing the position of the arms and legs, slowly rotate the torso left down through the center and right up, and then in the opposite direction - back to the starting position. Make sure that your legs and back remain straight, and the pelvis does not change position. Make turns using the oblique abdominal muscles.

7-8. High diagonal knee rise

Starting position: the right leg is laid slightly to the side, the straight arms are folded into the lock and raised above the left shoulder.

As you exhale, simultaneously pull your right knee towards your left shoulder and your arms towards your right thigh. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Do the exercise quickly but with concentration, keeping your back straight.

Relax and do the exercise with your left leg.

9-10. Side crunches at the waist

Exercise to strengthen the oblique muscles of the abdomen, as well as to improve posture.

Starting position: the weight is transferred to the left leg, the right leg is turned toe out, the right arm is raised up.

As you exhale, lift your right leg bent at a right angle to the side and lower your elbow to the knee. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Make sure that the left side of the body remains straight, do not pull the hip to the side, maintaining balance at the expense of the abdominal muscles.

Relax and do the exercise to the left.

By the way, here is the original video, from which you can familiarize yourself with the exercises in more detail, remember the correct technique!

Be slim and beautiful with!

That, without which it is impossible to imagine a beautiful, harmonious silhouette - tightened legs. A large number of muscles are concentrated in the legs of a person, so they are not in good shape, the legs will not look attractive. Let's see which exercises are most effective for shaping beautiful legs.

Exercises for slim legs

There is a huge amount of exercise that can make your legs look slimmer, tighter, and more attractive. Some of them can be performed at home without any training equipment and accessories. Let's take a look at some of the best exercises for slimming legs. Immediately, we note that each of them must be performed 3-4 approaches with 12-15 repetitions in each.


Classic squats are considered one of the best exercises for triple legs and firm glutes. It is better to perform them with weights in the form of small dumbbells or water bottles. You can also put a backpack with some kind of weight on your shoulders. Start with a small weight of 2 kg, but gradually increase it to 10 kg or more.

Performing this effective exercise for men and women is elementary: you need to stand up straight, with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. The socks should look a little apart, and under the heels, you can substitute small supports with a height of 2-3 cm (they will allow you to do deeper squats). If you are working with dumbbells or bottles, take them in your hands and begin to squat, and if you are doing the exercise with a backpack, your arms can be folded behind the neck or extended forward. You need to squat to the point at which the thighs are strictly parallel to the floor, but watch your knees so that they do not protrude much forward (no further than the toes).


This exercise uses the hips, glutes and calf muscles, so it can be considered a complex exercise. With it, you will quickly get slender and toned legs. When performing the exercise, the back should remain straight, and you can take dumbbells or water bottles in your hands to increase the load.

Starting position - standing upright, feet shoulder-width apart. One leg stays in place, and the other sticks forward, and you sink down along with it. You need to lower yourself until the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the floor, and the knee of the back leg almost touches the floor.

Swing your legs

One of the best exercises for slim legs, thanks to which they will become thin and fit. To perform the movement, you need a chair with a back. Stand to the side, put your feet together and straighten your back. Take one leg to the side, trying to raise it as high as possible, but do not bend over with your torso. Then return to starting position and repeat. We do the exercise smoothly and slowly, feeling the work and high muscle tension.

Kneeling Leg Raise

How to make your legs slim and thin with another simple exercise you can do at home? You need to get on all fours, look straight ahead and not round your back, and then, as you exhale, lift one leg back without straightening. Raise until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Do everything slowly and without momentum, so that the load on the back of the thigh and buttocks is felt. Watch the video of this slim leg exercise for a detailed look at the technique.

High chair

This exercise for beautiful and slender legs is performed statically. It will help you burn fat and tighten loose skin. Unlike all of the above, it should be performed not for the number of repetitions, but for the time.

You need to stand with your back to the wall, stepping back from it by 30-40 centimeters. We sink down, as if we sit on an imaginary chair, and linger. We rest against the wall with our backs, and lower our hands down along the body. There should be a right angle in the knees, and you will feel a lot of tension in the hips and lower legs. When you get tired, get up, rest for half a minute and repeat this 3-4 times.

Gluteal walking

Unusual but effective exercise will allow you to achieve slim legs at home in a short time. The movement works out the hips, removing fat deposits from them and tightening them. It is done very simply: we sit down on the floor, stretch our legs in front of us and spread our feet a little. We look strictly in front of us and with an even back we begin to move on the buttocks, alternately shifting each of them forward. After taking 10 steps forward, go back in the same way.

Rise on toes

It is impossible to get slender legs without working out the calf muscles. Tucked-in shins look very attractive, so pay attention to them. To perform the exercise, you will need a small hill - about 5-10 cm. Stand on it with your toes so that your heels are in the air. Hold onto something with your hands while maintaining balance. Get down on your toes as far as possible, and then go up as high as possible. Do the exercise as slowly as possible so that by 12-15 repetitions you will feel a strong burning sensation in your calves.

Ballet exercises for slim legs

If the above complex for slender legs is not enough for you, we offer additionally 3 more ballet exercises that can be performed at home. With their help, you can make your legs thinner and slender, even if there is some curvature. So, the three best and simplest ballet movements include the following:

  1. Plie. A well-known ballet position for helping to make legs look attractive, fit and thinner. To perform it, you need to rise on your toes, close your heels, and perform a squat. For beginners, this movement is difficult, but you can simplify the task: put your feet wider than your shoulders, point your toes to the sides and do a squat. For weights, you can pick up a water bottle or a dumbbell.
  2. Tandu. This exercise has several varieties: forward, sideways, and backward. It resembles the standing leg swings described above, but has a more complex technique. You need to stand so that the heels are pressed together, and the toes are directed apart. Holding on to the support, take one leg forward, then back, and then sideways. Raise it as far as the stretch allows, and hold it at the top points. Watch the video of this ballet exercise for a better understanding.
  3. Releve. A great exercise for making slim legs by working out the calf muscles. It involves an alternate rise on toes, standing near the support.

With the help of these exercises, you will not make your legs slim in a week, but with regular training, you will see positive results in a month. Our effective workout program is suitable for both women and men. The main thing is to show perseverance, and you will definitely achieve your goals!

Purpose: increased muscle tone of the lateral thigh.


Get into a standing position.

Straighten your back. Bend your arms at the elbows, put your palms on your waist.

Place your right foot on a step platform.

At the same time, spread your arms to the sides and lift your left leg.

Hold this position for 1 minute.

Repeat the same steps with the right leg.

When doing the exercise, try to pull the toe of the raised leg.

Exercise 2 Raising the leg while lying on the side

Purpose: increased muscle tone of the inner and outer thighs.

Number of approaches - 3; the number of repetitions is 10-15.


Take a lying position on your right side.

Bend your right arm at the elbow and rest your head on the palm of your hand.

Bend your left arm at the elbow and rest on the surface of the floor. Bend your left leg at the knee and put it slightly forward. Slowly lift your right leg as high as possible. Hold this position for a few seconds. After completing one approach, assume a lying position on your left side and do the exercise with your left leg.

Exercise 3. Spreading the legs to the sides in the prone position

Purpose: increased muscle tone in the front of the thigh and buttocks.

Number of approaches - 3; the number of repetitions is 15-20.


Get into a prone position on a step platform. Bend your elbows and place your elbows on the surface of the floor. Lift your chin. Arch your back slightly. Bend your knees, then straighten and spread apart. When doing the exercise, do the movements of medium intensity and do not touch the floor with your feet.

Exercise 4 Stretching the muscles of the back and hamstrings

Purpose: increasing the elasticity of the muscles of the back and the back of the thigh.

The number of approaches is 1-2; the number of repetitions is 5-7.


Get into a sitting position.

Straighten your back.

Stretch your legs forward.

Tilt your body forward and reach with your palms towards your toes.

Reaching your toes, hold this position for a few seconds.

Take the starting position.

Raise your right leg as high as possible and grab it with your hands.

Stretch so that you can feel the tension in your back muscles and hamstrings.

Do the same with the left leg.

You should not feel any pain during the exercise.

Exercise 5. Stretching the muscles of the back and front of the thigh

Purpose: increasing the elasticity of the muscles of the back and back of the thigh, straightening posture.

Number of approaches - 2; the number of repetitions is 4-5.


Get into a prone position.

Pick up a gymnastic stick and stretch your arms back.

Bend your left leg at the knee and press it against the gymnastic stick.

Slowly lift your torso and pull back, arching your back.

Do not lower your head down while doing the exercise.

Exercise 6. Raising the knees with a gymnastic stick

Purpose: increased muscle tone of the front of the thigh.

Number of approaches - 3; the number of repetitions is 5-7.


Get into a sitting position.

Bend your legs slightly at the knees and place a gymnastic stick next to your socks.

Slowly stretch your toes to the gymnastic stick, roll it towards you, then away from you.

Try to push the stick as far as possible.

This exercise involves a lot of tension in the muscles of the legs, therefore, if its implementation is difficult for you, at the initial stage you can limit yourself to 2 sets, but the number of repetitions should be at least 5.

Exercise 7. Raising the leg while standing on one knee

Purpose: increased muscle tone of the back of the thigh and buttocks.

The number of approaches is 3-4; the number of repetitions is 10-12.


Get into a kneeling position.

Lean on your bent elbows.

Arch your back, lift your chin.

Pull your left leg back.

Bend your left knee and lift it up slightly.

Hold this position for a few seconds.

Then slowly lift your left leg as high as possible and hold this position for 1 minute.

Return the left leg to its original position and do the exercise with the right leg.

When doing the exercise, you should not feel tension in the lower back.

Before performing the complex, be sure to do a warm-up: it will help make the muscles more flexible, and the workout more effective. Plus, it will reduce the likelihood of joint damage.

For the best study of the gluteal muscles, squats should be performed as deep as possible. To avoid damaging your knee joints, do not make sudden movements.

The workout works out the lower body: legs and buttocks. But keep a close eye on the top too:

  • tighten your stomach;
  • straighten your back;
  • look straight ahead.

Do each exercise 10 times with minimal rest breaks.

No additional equipment needed. In fact, even a form is not needed. If your clothes do not hinder movement, you can perform this complex anywhere: at home, at work or on vacation.

1. Regular squats

Regular squats improve the condition of all leg muscles.

Get down as low as you can. But make sure that your back remains absolutely straight. The back angle should be approximately the same as that of the shins. Distribute the weight evenly between the heel and toes.

2. Plie

Plie helps to make the legs slim and the buttocks more rounded.

Turn your socks to the side. Ideally, you should form one line of feet, but the angle of the pivot depends on your flexibility and coordination of movements. Smoothly lower yourself as deep as possible, feeling the tension on the inner thigh. Do not put your head down or look at your feet.

3. Squats and side leg raises

In addition to the leg muscles, lifting the leg to the side involves the oblique muscles of the abdomen and lower back.

Raise your leg as high as you can without tilting your body to the side. Do 10 reps, alternating legs.

4. Carousel

Rotating the pelvis allows you to work more deeply on the inner thigh.

Going down to the right foot, go up through the left. Change direction. Sink as deep as you would in a regular squat and keep your back straight.

5. Squats and leg raises

Raising the leg from a standing position allows you to additionally work out the back of the thigh, buttocks and abdominal muscles.

Remember to keep your back straight while squatting. Do not bend forward when you take your leg back. Do 10 reps, alternating legs.

6. Deep squat with triple spring

Normal squat, complicated by swinging at the bottom.

Sitting down deeply, make a movement of the pelvis up and down with an amplitude of no more than 10 cm. Then, smoothly return to the starting position. Despite the tension in your legs, try to avoid jerking when lifting.

7. Sumo + kick

A deep squat, and then lifting and turning the leg in a circle, put additional stress on the muscles of the buttocks, as well as the inner and back of the thigh.

Raise your leg about 45 degrees. Try not to bend your leg while lifting, and your back during deep squats.

8. Side squats

From the starting position (standing), take a step to the side and lower yourself as deep as possible. Try to put your feet as wide as possible.

This will allow you to maximize your inner thighs and lower glutes.

9. Skier squats

The bouncing movement in the lower position works deeper on the back of the thigh.

Sitting down deeply, do two swinging with the pelvis with a small amplitude and return to the starting position. Take imaginary ski poles into your hands, but do not jerk.

10. Jump squats

Final plyometric exercise: Deep Jump Squat. Plyometric exercises help to form a harmonious figure and avoid overdeveloped buttocks.

Jumping as high as possible, do the exercise at the highest possible pace. But at the same time, make sure your squats are deep.

If this is too easy for you:

  • repeat the complex (1-3 times);
  • take a weighting agent (dumbbells, bottle, zucchini or chihuahua).

Why? This seems like it should help you shed fat on the outer and inner thighs. But alas, this is not the case. Exercising just one part of your body will not help you lose weight.

What to replace? Lunges forward, backward and to the sides. These exercises will tone and strengthen the entire body, including the hips. Plus, they are more practical and make you more resilient for your daily life (unlike an exercise machine, according to Greg Justice, owner and founder of AYC Health & Fitness in Kansas City).

2. Extension of the legs on the simulator

Why? The exercise should be aimed at strengthening your quads. But when you straighten your legs on the machine while sitting, your knees get too much stress.

What to replace? Squats or lunges. They work directly on the quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

3. Exercises for the press

Why? Simply because they are not that effective. Studies have shown that abdominal exercises are less effective at stimulating muscle fibers than exercises aimed at stabilizing the spine (plank).

What to replace? Plank (read). By doing this exercise, you use more core muscles than when you swing the abs. Plus, by doing the plank, you won't be able to stretch your back.

4. Bends to the side with a gymnastic stick or turns

Why? It seems to you that in this way you strengthen the muscles of the core or burn fat, but in reality you are not. In reality, when you work with a weight behind your neck and start twisting and rotating the barbell, the resistance is not that great. Better to train against gravity.

What to replace? Side bar in statics or dynamics. This is exactly the gravity resistance exercise that works your muscles effectively.

5. Reduction of hands on a block trainer

Why? You are sitting, because of this, your stronger part of the body receives more stress than the weaker one. An imbalance occurs.

What to replace? Push ups. During push-ups, you have to rely on both hands and feet, otherwise you will fall. In addition, push-ups include the planks' pluses and work on the abdominal muscles as well.

6. Bending the legs on the simulator from a prone position

Why? When you do the exercises lying down, your spine is not involved, you are training the least amount of muscles. In addition, such an exercise turns out to be useless in real life: hardly anyone can name at least one reason why we need to bend our legs from a prone position.

What to replace? Raising the leg back from a standing position. This exercise activates the back of your body, which includes your lower back, glutes, thighs, and calves, while working your trunk muscles to maintain balance. Most importantly, this exercise develops the flexibility and balance required in everyday life.

7. Bench press

Why? Due to the fact that you are lying down, the exercise does not allow the load to be evenly distributed throughout the body. The front of your legs is under a lot of stress, which translates into tremendous stress on your knees.

What to replace? Lightweight dumbbell or barbell squats. The exercise targets a large group of leg muscles, including the glutes, thighs, and quads.

8. Extension of the arm with dumbbells

Why? You will not be able to lift a heavy enough weight and still maintain the correct hand position. Usually the shoulder begins to sag, and the effectiveness of the exercise is lost.

What to replace?"Skullcrusher", or French bench press on the triceps. Exercise will allow you to pump your triceps muscles without losing the shape of your arms. The Skull Breaker position allows your elbows to stay where they should and thus receive the required load.

9. Raising toes while standing on the simulator

Why? The trainer puts all the weight on your shoulders, which puts the load first on your back, and then on the calf muscles.

How replace? Sprint. It's better than regular running for developing your calves. Sprint activates more fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are responsible for muscle growth and development.

If sprint isn't for you, try calf raises using your body weight. If this seems too easy for you, then try doing this exercise on one leg.

10. Leg press

Why? People tend to add too much weight, which can potentially lead to injury. In addition, this exercise is not as effective when compared to its counterparts.

What to replace? Dumbbell Squats. You still swing your leg muscles, but with this exercise you are more stable and less at risk of injury.


How to Lose Weight Effectively and Safely:

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Comments: 28


    The most important conclusion is that most exercises can be done using only your own weight and a minimum of equipment. You can easily do without exercise equipment.

    26.06.2015 / 06:42


    oh how doubtful. Okay, more about the press - the bar is really a good thing. But the bench press and leg press are basic exercises. In addition, the leg press in the simulator is much safer than squats, especially if there are restrictions for health reasons, and the weight of the worker is large. Extension of the legs in the simulator perfectly pumps the medial part of the quadriceps. It is one thing when you are a beginner in the gym, and another thing when the length of training is from a year or two. There, insulating exercises are added and the weight of the worker should be taken into account when choosing a simulator / exercise.

    26.06.2015 / 06:57


    I agree with the author completely! From my own experience, I was convinced of the effectiveness of exercises with my own weight: squats, lunges, planks, pull-ups. Of all the simulators, I count TRX bands for myself. There are only tapes attached to the ceiling and your own weight.

    26.06.2015 / 10:31


    And further. Exercise number 5 specifically for one (conditionally) muscle group and is intended - the chest! What is the imbalance? Do your back and everything will be harmonious. It's a little offensive, but it is after such articles that the girls in the audience begin to roll their eyes and say that they will not work with "weight", since it is dangerous and not beautiful. You just need to always and everything should be approached wisely. And there are no bad machines and exercises, there are wrong techniques and laziness. Thanks to the author for the labors, at least there is a reason to discuss

    26.06.2015 / 12:43


    Yesterday I tried the bar for the first time. In 20 seconds, my abdominal muscle practically "cramped". I do not know which one, apparently, longitudinal, if there are any) I will definitely introduce this exercise into my home fitness, since I have never had such an effect from the swing of the press in my life.

    01.07.2015 / 08:26


    Everything is very controversial! And it all depends on the goal of the training and the tasks! If the goal is to lose weight, then, of course, multi-joint exercises are a priority, but for this reason, you should not discredit isolating exercises!

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