Federation Council for Defense. The Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security discussed the legal regulation of the activities of the National Security Service. Like a military man

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Mi-28N “Night Hunter” is a wonderful helicopter


Answer from Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Viktor Bondarev to all critics of the Mil design bureau's attack rotorcraft

It's super modern. High-speed: reaches speeds of over 280 km/h. It has increased firepower and a good defense system. The cabin, systems, components have armor protection that is resistant to artillery and missile weapons. It's super modern. High-speed: reaches speeds of over 280 km/h. It's super modern. High-speed: reaches speeds of over 280 km/h. The helicopter is armed with a 30-mm automatic cannon, but it can also carry missiles. Among the new products compared to its predecessor is a new sighting, flight and navigation system.

I would like to immediately say about the Mi-28N helicopters. I was misquoted by members of the media. I repeat once again: neither I nor the flight crew who operated it had any comments on the performance of the Mi-28N based on the results of the Syrian campaign.

It's super modern. High-speed: reaches speeds of over 280 km/h. It has increased firepower and a good defense system. The cabin, systems, components have armor protection that is resistant to artillery and missile weapons. The helicopter is armed with a 30-mm automatic cannon, but it can also carry missiles. Among the new products compared to its predecessor is a new sighting, flight and navigation system.

The Mi-28N is a high-tech helicopter equipped with the latest electronics. Equipped with the Crossbow radar and radio-electronic equipment: a weapons control system, an indicator on the windshield, a helmet-mounted target designation system, a thermal imager, and a laser rangefinder.

This rotary-wing combat vehicle is capable of performing a wide range of tasks, including detection (including from an impressive distance!) and elimination of air and ground targets, both stationary and moving, as well as aerial reconnaissance. Moreover, thanks to the night vision system on board, it can perform tasks at any time of the day and in any weather. The Mi-28N is the first such helicopter in the Soviet and then Russian arsenal.

The electronic warfare system on board allows you to interfere with enemy aircraft. The helicopter can suppress infrared radiation and drop heat traps.

Reliable, energy-consuming, can be used for a long time without refueling, unobtrusive, excellent in combat, including at low and ultra-low altitudes, highly maneuverable.

And, of course, what is very important, it is as safe as possible for pilots. Equipped with special seats for emergency landing, allowing to absorb emergency impacts on the ground.

To all these characteristics I would like to add that the Mi-28N has serious modernization potential, which will be realized over time.

Dear Viktor Nikolaevich, in order to judge the capabilities of a particular helicopter, you must be a helicopter pilot, not a fighter pilot, even if you recently held the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces.

“It's super modern. High-speed: reaches speeds of over 280 km/h.”

A high-speed helicopter is one that has a maximum speed of over 400 km/h.

It cannot be ultra-modern, since it was created in the second half of the last century, after which it lost three times in competitions to the Ka-50 helicopter, even under the strict control of the cost center designers. Watch the video of the destruction of the tank and at the end the presenter clarifies that the tank was destroyed from a distance of more than 3 km.

Alas, this is no longer yesterday, but the day before yesterday, because... when working against NATO tanks, this helicopter will be destroyed up to “4 km” by the air defense systems of these tanks. Moreover, the video clearly shows that after the destruction of the second tank, it is not the Mi-28N that leaves the combat course, but the Su-25.

*** “The helicopter is armed with a 30-mm automatic cannon, but it can also carry missiles. Among the new products compared to its predecessor is a new sighting, flight and navigation system.”

The guns of the Mi-28 and Ka-50/52 are the same, but the aiming ability of the gun of the Mi-28 is 5 times worse than the Kamov’s and the new sight is not a help in this case!

*** “I’d like to say right away about the Mi-28N helicopters. I was misquoted by members of the media. I repeat once again: neither I nor the flight crew who operated it have any comments on the performance of the Mi-28N based on the results of the Syrian campaign.”

It was precisely the poor quality of the night glasses of these helicopters that you were talking about in your article!

*** “Reliable, energy-intensive, can be operated for a long time without refueling, unobtrusive, excellent in combat, including at low and ultra-low altitudes, highly maneuverable.”

Have you flown on it, taken part in combat operations in order to describe its capabilities? And what is his “brilliance in battle”?

*** “And, of course, what is very important, it is as safe as possible for pilots. Equipped with special seats for emergency landings, allowing to absorb emergency impacts on the ground.”

Experience has shown that seats do not always help with a hard landing, since no helicopter falls on two wheels at the same time, so it breaks the strut that received the first blow, turns sharply onto its right side and explodes.

For such a case, Kamov’s machines have ejection seats, like your fighters, the altitude range of which is from “0” to 4000m.

And about “maximally safe for pilots”: in two years - two losses of the Mi-28N without fire impact on them, two high-class pilots were killed, which does not fit within any reasonable framework!

*** “To all these characteristics I would like to add that the Mi-28N has serious modernization potential, which will be realized over time.”

Here we need to be more specific!

Vitaly Belyaev.

Is it possible to believe that every third Russian guy is disabled?

Almost simultaneously with the start of the 2018 autumn conscription, the Committee on Defense and Security of the Federation Council held a meeting on the topic of social guarantees for conscript soldiers with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff. The figures presented at the meeting inspire optimism: this year the number of registered cases of assault in the military has decreased by 18%, as has the level of injuries, and this despite the fact that... Twice during the year of service, conscripts undergo an “in-depth medical examination.” The army has formed 16 scientific companies; warrior-athletes have won more than 300 medals in international competitions. The picture is slightly spoiled by the fact that slightly more than 12 percent of young men of conscription age serve in the army.

Speaking at the committee meeting, guest of the Federation Council, acting head of the department for supervision over the implementation of laws by the military departments of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, Andrei Prokudin, said: “This year, based on the results of nine months, there has been a decrease in the level of injuries in the troops, as well as offenses against military personnel. In particular, those related to violence against this category of citizens - by 18%. 329 people suffered from hazing. The number of violations of the statutory rules of relationships decreased by almost 11%.”

At the same time, the colonel of justice noted that the social protection of conscripts, as well as the state of the army housing and communal services, is still weak.

The analytical report of the Defense Committee states that currently 70% of barracks-housing buildings, 78% of boiler houses and other utility facilities, and 72% of utility networks require major repairs.

Chairman of the Defense Committee of the Upper House Viktor Bondarev agrees that the housing infrastructure is in a problematic state. He believes that every barracks should have a shower, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, etc. “But you must understand what kind of inheritance we got,” said the Colonel General, adding that “there is a shift.”

Senator Olga Kovitidi noted that the salary of conscript employees, even taking into account the latest allowance, is significantly less than that of contract soldiers. “We have to increase motivation,” Covitidi said. - But how can we increase it if the salary for military service is now 2 thousand rubles a month? Today we must talk about ensuring social justice, about equalization. And this issue requires its own legal regulation.”

Speaking about the motivation for conscription service, the head of the organizational and mobilization department of the General Staff, Viktor Glotov, emphasized that gifted young men these days have the opportunity to serve in scientific and sports companies, pregnant spouses of conscript soldiers receive cash benefits (the one-time benefit for a pregnant wife of a serviceman is 26 thousand 539 rubles, monthly child benefit - 11 thousand 374 rubles - "MK"). The major general also named other ingredients of the “carrot” that motivates one to serve.

As for the “stick,” it is the law that came into force in 2014, according to which citizens who have not completed military service without legal grounds are deprived of the right to hold state and municipal positions.

Participants in the meeting of the Defense and Security Committee were given an analytical note with a long title “On improving the legislation of the Russian Federation on conscription and military service in terms of the implementation of the rights and social guarantees of citizens undergoing military service upon conscription.”

The note contains interesting figures: thanks to the “carrot and stick”, the share of Russian young men called up for military service increased from 11.4% in 2013 to 12.2% in 2016. There are no more recent figures in the note, but it can be assumed that this year a little more than 10% of young people of the corresponding age group will join the army.

At the same time, Major General Glotov argued that the measures taken made it possible to staff the armed forces with conscript soldiers “in full.” At the meeting, Vladimir Putin’s words about the need to transition to a professional army were repeatedly quoted. However, the mixed principle of recruiting the armed forces still remains. The question arises: if, suppose, another 10 percent of Russian youths wish to be called up for military service, will they be sent back to their mother? After all, even now the army is staffed with conscripts “in full”...

If this is so, then why does the analytical note talk about legislative measures designed to put into service those conscripts who are “cut down” from service by not registering with the military registration and enlistment offices at their new place of residence? Last year there were 31 thousand of them. About 70 thousand more conscripts “avoid military service by not receiving a summons,” the document says.

However, what is most impressive is this statistic: every year in Russia about 30% of conscripts are released from service for health reasons. Third.

I remember my class: minus those who entered military schools and universities with military departments, everyone joined the army (with very rare exceptions). I remember my classmates - similarly. I make a mental roll call of my male peers - the same picture.

How we managed to give birth to a generation in which every third person is a visually impaired, hunchbacked epileptic, I have no idea. With so many disabled people, I’m afraid to even think what the nation’s gene pool will turn into in the next half century.

Maybe the authors of the analytical note made a mistake?..

The driver's son has been running perhaps the most mysterious (in the sense of being closed to the public) committee of the Federation Council - defense and security - for 15 years. For bureaucrats in Moscow, such political longevity of a person who came from a remote province is already a challenge. It is not surprising that one day they tried to remove him (in the sense of releasing him from office). The idea failed. They say that after the direct intervention of the top officials of the state, for whom, of course, it is no secret what and how the senator from the Khabarovsk Territory Viktor Ozerov is doing as chairman of the Defense and Security Committee.

Recipe for “star sickness”

Meanwhile, Ozerov, despite all his understandable reticence, is a well-known personality among the people. One of the Moscow Internet portals published a popularity rating of politicians in the “Chairman” category, where the Khabarovsk senator occupies the 9th position, placed between the Chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Dobrodeev and the Chairman of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao...

When I told Viktor Alekseevich about this, he burst out laughing: “What are you talking about?!” - “Exactly, exactly, ahead of Hu Jintao himself!”

It seems that the former political officer is okay with humor. Having laughed it off, Ozerov recalled a story from the occasion. A year and a half ago, Sergei Mironov, then still the head of the Federation Council, proposed that senators determine by secret rating voting who was more worthy of taking the vacant deputy post. chairman of the upper house. A list of 21 candidates was proposed, including Ozerov. Well, so, he got the majority of votes. “This rating was really important for me,” concluded Viktor Alekseevich. – Evaluation of my colleagues!” He did not become a deputy then, but a pleasant impression remained.

A natural question is about the attitude of a politician to fame and fame. After all, this circumstance spoils many!

“This morning,” Ozerov replies, “I called Alexandra Ivanovna in Khabarovsk, who was my secretary, and congratulated her on her 85th birthday. She worked with me until she was 74... One day Alexandra Ivanovna brought me a newspaper clipping to read. I remember the note was called “Recipe for star fever.” The recipe was very simple: meet old friends, only they will tell you what you really mean. I don’t know, I don’t think I got this disease. It's probably better to ask my friends about this. And then, I grew up in a simple family: dad is a driver, four grades of education, mom completed seven grades... It was customary for us to behave modestly. I think that what is acquired in childhood can hardly be destroyed over the years.

The newspapers also write that Ozerov, if you believe his income declarations, is the poorest senator among the 18 representatives of the Far East in the Federation Council. What, during these 15 years you haven’t built any palaces for yourself, haven’t earned any capital?

- (Laughs) About this, my wife, with whom we lived for 34 years, usually jokes: if you are so smart, why are you so poor?

- But there were opportunities to get rich? Surely, kind people offered to join some...

- (Grins) Projects?

- Projects, yes.

I was recently in Abkhazia and met with my first company commander, Vladimir Olegovich Vasilchenko. He is now the 1st Deputy Minister of Defense there, the Chief of the General Staff. We sat and reminisced... So Volodya, while still a company commander, told me, his political commander: Vit, the most important thing is that nothing sticks here (shows palms), and everything else in life will be forgiven. Indeed, I do not own either a dacha or a car. Neither does my wife. Well, it happened that way, I don’t know. I think we are living normally.

By the way, Ozerov did not go to Abkhazia during the parliamentary holidays to rest, but on a business trip from the Federation Council to monitor the progress of the local presidential elections. I didn’t have time to return, an official trip to Chisinau to celebrate the 67th anniversary of the liberation of Moldova from the fascist invaders and the 20th anniversary of the republic’s independence.


There is a Russian-speaking patriotic organization in Moldova, “Veche,” which is engaged in the restoration of monuments to soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War. At one time, its leader Nikolai Fedorovich Gutsul turned to me as the chairman of the committee with a request for financial assistance. I, in turn, turned for support to the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, whose residents participated in the liberation of Moldova. As they say, the necessary funds were collected from the world, and on August 28, the opening of one of the memorials took place - 1,200 people who died during the Iasi-Chisinau operation were buried there. Most of them are Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians... In the Khabarovsk Territory, by the way, we also treat military graves with care, so we don’t have abandoned, forgotten monuments,” concludes Ozerov.

But still, the main concerns of the chairman of the Senate committee are about those living today. What good is being done for people involved in ensuring the defense and security of the country?

Reform with a human face

Here Ozerov and his fellow legislators have something to brag about. The main trump card, undoubtedly, is the Law on Social Guarantees for Police Officers, adopted at the end of the spring session. Viktor Alekseevich was directly involved in the development of the landmark document. Its significance is such that Russian law enforcement agencies still cannot believe the reality of what happened.

When last month I met in Pereyaslavka with veteran organizations of the district named after. Lazo,” recalls Ozerov, “and said that police salaries would double from January 1, 2012, and pensions for former police officers would immediately increase by 60-70 percent, one elderly woman, a retired police lieutenant colonel, exclaimed: “It can’t be like that.” Maybe!". There was a large audience - probably about 100 people were in the hall. "Mother! - I answer. - Let's agree this way: if from January 1 next year your pension is increased by less than 60 percent, then I will pay extra monthly from my own pocket. Well, if there is more, then you will share with me! (laughs). After January 1, I will definitely go to Pereyaslavka and meet with this woman - this is a very important question.

In addition to salaries and pensions, the senator says, the new law provides for the allocation of cash subsidies for the construction or purchase of housing for police officers. If a law enforcement officer has served conscientiously for 10 years, you will own an apartment! Housing for district inspectors will be rented, again, at the expense of the treasury.

It is clear that in a year or two or three we will not provide all the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with apartments, but the process has begun, a lot of money is being allocated for this in the federal budget.

How many needy police officers are there in the Khabarovsk Territory today, and what funds will be allocated to buy them housing next year?

There are over a thousand people in line. As for the allocation of money, I will not give specific figures, since the draft Federal Budget has not yet been submitted for parliamentary approval.

Good news from Ozerov and for the Russian officers. A law on monetary allowances for military personnel is being prepared for adoption. The first reading has already passed.

According to this law, from January 1, 2012, as we believe, the pay of military personnel of the Ministry of Defense and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be increased by about 1.7 times, and from 2013 the salaries of the remaining “security forces” - FSB, FSO - will increase by the same amount etc. Pension provision will increase accordingly, and immediately for everyone at the same time - from January 1 next year - regardless of the power structure.

In addition, according to Ozerov, the Ministry of Defense intends to provide permanent housing for all (!) officers on the waiting list within two years (!).

Last year and the year before, more than 100 thousand apartments for officers were built in Russia. Even in Soviet times there was no such pace. And over the next two years, we expect to completely eliminate the problem of permanent housing. Thus, in the Khabarovsk Territory there are only 1,900 apartments left to be built, and there is a clear understanding that they will be built: 950 this year and 950 in 2012. The next task is the construction of office housing. The President has given two years to decide. That is, by 2014 the country will have created the necessary stock of official housing. And this fund is already being formed. Including in our region. For example, in the Volochaevsky town and on Krasnaya Rechka we are determining a list of apartments that will have official status and be transferred to officers according to their position.

In one key

A few days ago, the governor of the region, Vyacheslav Shport, approved the procedure for providing housing to former military personnel - is this somehow related to the listed plans?

This is a very good decision - as an addition to the measures that we are taking today. It concerns former military personnel who, before January 1, 2005, were registered with local authorities as those in need of housing. As you understand, today it is almost hopeless to wait for an apartment from the municipality in the general queue, so it was decided, within the framework of the Housing program, to allocate the military to a separate queue at the level of territories, regions and republics with appropriate funding. If I’m not mistaken, the country has allocated 11 billion rubles from the federal budget for these purposes this year.

You have been delegated to the Federation Council by the regional Legislative Duma, which you previously headed for many years. How are your relations with the regional executive branch and personally with the governor?

When I reported on my activities in Khabarovsk on July 30 of this year, I frankly said that I was in constant interaction with both the governor and the legislative Duma. I represent the Khabarovsk Territory in the upper chamber, which means I am obliged to solve all its problems to the best of my ability. My position: the better it is in the region, the better it is for me. Therefore, we work with Vyacheslav Ivanovich Shport in the same vein, in any direction. For example, just two months ago, the Ministry of Defense was dealing with issues at the Amur Shipyard - primarily related to the completion of a corvette for the Navy. An understanding has been reached that if in 2013 the Komsomol members launch the ship with high quality, then the construction of ships of this series can be continued by the plant. There are prospects for other programs, including underwater shipbuilding. We are also resolving issues related to the workload of defense production facilities in the village of Elban and the city of Amursk. It was possible to agree with the FSB on payment for work performed at a plant in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, where a ship for border guards was being built. About 13 billion rubles were paid, which made it possible to relieve certain social tensions in the team. This concerns my “military department”, but we have to jointly solve many other problems: be it providing clean water to the cities of Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur, transferring kindergartens to municipalities, or the future fate of the Khekhtsirsky reserve...

Without a pistol in his bosom

Among the questions that journalists traditionally ask the chairman of the Senate Committee on Defense and Security is his attitude towards arming the civilian population. I can’t resist either.

Viktor Alekseevich, I know that you are against the transfer of small arms to non-military hands. I wonder if your position has not changed after the events in the Ural village of Sagra, when local residents greeted visiting bandits with fire?

No, I still have a negative attitude towards this.

- As a military man?

Both as a military man and as a person who makes friends with his head. I think we have not yet reached the level of mentality that would allow the free circulation of weapons. People are not ready for this.

Colonel Ozerov, meanwhile, has a pistol in his reserve. Award. However, he does not keep it in a holster in his bosom, but in the safe of the former commander of the Far Eastern Military District. Now a pensioner and an avid hunter, Yuri Nikolaevich Yakubov kindly agreed to accept the “trunk” of the Khabarovsk senator for storage and gives it to him only for cleaning and lubrication...

Incentive for the soldier

About conscription into the army. Another sore subject. Young people do not want to serve, and many parents are ready, by hook or by crook, to protect their children from the soldier’s lot, contributing to the extent of their financial capabilities to the growth of corruption in our military registration and enlistment offices. So he can agree with the proposal of one of the LDPR deputies, who came up with an interesting legislative initiative: if you pay the state a million rubles, are you exempt from military service?

Ozerov, of course, is against such deals. He has a diametrically different approach. It is necessary to encourage children to voluntarily join the army, he believes. One of the incentives is to keep the young person’s job. Viktor Ozerov has already prepared a corresponding bill.

Why do many guys run away from the army? - the senator reflects. – Not necessarily because they are afraid of hazing or out of fear of wasting a year, but because they are afraid of losing the existing job that gives them and their families a perspective in life. Now, we know that women retain their jobs during pregnancy and childbirth for three years, but a soldier goes to serve for a year and loses everything. It is not right. Therefore, I propose assigning a workplace to a person for the entire period of conscription service. This rule, by the way, already applies to state and municipal employees. It would be fair to extend it to all citizens.

If this “conscription” bill by Viktor Ozerov is still going through a difficult stage of discussion, then another initiative of the Khabarovsk senator has already found its legislative embodiment: starting in 2011, high school graduates who have reached the age of 18 by the time of graduation receive a deferment from the army until the fall. Previously, they could hand over a summons immediately after the prom. And now the guys at least have the opportunity to go to university in the summer. If you enroll, continue your studies; if not, go to the recruiting station. Probably right.

- Why are you against alternative civil service?

I am for it, as long as the conditions stipulated by law are met. Yes, this does not take root here in Russia - since 2007, only 1,977 people have exercised the right to alternative civil service.

“We are moving where we need to go”

What is your attitude towards religion in the army? And in general, who should be responsible for educational work among military personnel - a priest or a political officer?

It does not interfere. I once told the Minister of Defense in a rather harsh manner that we had ruined the system of educational work in the army. At one time I had to fight a lot to preserve the Novosibirsk Political School, which I graduated from - thank God, it remains. If a political officer cuts someone’s ear, let him be a teacher, a deputy. commander for work with personnel - you can call it whatever you want! But I am deeply convinced that such a person is needed in the army. If there are still assistants to work with religious servicemen, that won’t hurt either. The only thing is that there should be no infringement of other religions and faiths.

As I understand it, you are optimistic about the progress of reform of the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies?

I agree with the goals. That the soldier does not sweep the parade ground, does not fight for the harvest - this is correct. It’s good that the intensity of combat training has increased, we fly more, we shoot more. But I have always said that the most important thing is that no person should suffer during these reforms. Of course, there are certain excesses. For example, I do not agree with everything that is happening in military education. Reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not easy. But in principle, we are moving where we should.

The autumn session of parliament will begin soon. What has been prepared in the luggage of your committee, what will you be doing in the near future?

Here in front of you lies the draft Federal Law “On the system of state control (supervision) in the field of ensuring flight safety in the Russian Federation.” Today I will sign and send it to the State Duma to Boris Vyacheslavovich Gryzlov. We have been working on it for quite a long time together with the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Defense, this is probably the 20th version of the document. Our committee is also finalizing the draft law “On Small Aviation” - it’s time to put things in order in this area too. And most importantly, we need to finalize the Law on Monetary Allowances for Military Personnel - after all, it was adopted only in the first reading. And, of course, there is work to be done on the budget, because everything we talk about must be reflected in the main financial document of the country. This is the main thing we will be doing in the fall.


On January 30, a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security was held. During the event, the most important issues of legal regulation of the activities of the Non-State Security Sphere were discussed. The meeting took place on the initiative of the Coordination Council of the NSS of Russia.

The event was attended by: media partner Journalistic control , Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the National Security Council of Russia Viktor Ozerov, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Alexander Chekalin, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Didigov Mukharbek, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and security Zhamsuev Bair, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Anatoly Vyborny, State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class Igor Zubov, Deputy Head of the Department for Interaction with the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation on internal policy Alexander Shubin, Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber Commission on Public Control, Public Expertise and Interaction with Public Councils, Chairman of the All-Russian Trade Union of the Non-State Sphere of Security, Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the National Security Service of Russia Dmitry Galochkin, Head of the Main Directorate of State Control and Licensing and Permitting Work and the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation Leonid Vedenov, Head of the Department of Organization of Activities in the Field of Private Security Activities - Deputy Head of the Department of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Main Directorate of State Control and Licensing and Permitting Work and the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation Rustam Khusainov, Deputy Director of the Department of Organization emergency medical care and expert activities of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Sergei Polunin, head of the security organization department of the Department of Physical Protection of the State Corporation "Rosatom" Nikolai Bortnikov, General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Departmental Security of Rosatom" Andrey Florinsky, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Security and Entrepreneurial Activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Anatoly Danilov, Chairman of the subcommittee of the Security Industry, President of the SRO Association "School without Danger", Chairman of the Council of the Union of OSO Sergey Saminsky, member of the Committee on Business Safety, Executive Secretary of the CS NSB of Russia, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Trade Union of NSB Sergey Khmelev, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Integrated Security of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the city Moscow Vladimir Balanovsky, President of the non-profit partnership "Association of Non-State Security Structures of the Moscow Region" Valery Arakelov, Chairman of the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers NSB, Chairman of the Board of the Association "KC ROSS" Alexander Kozlov, Chairman of the SRO "Union of Non-State Security Enterprises", Chairman of the Union of Transport Security Units "Transport Security" Valery Munko, press secretary of the CS NSB of Russia Marina Markelova, General Director of the National Certification Center LLC Alexey Avdonov, head of the working group under the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the analysis of risks and safety problems of the Russian State University "Risk and Safety", member - correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Makhutov, head of the department of “Transport Security and Mobilization Training” Vladimir Denisov, members of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security.

Meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Photo: Journalistic Control

Naturally, the main subject in the security system in all areas of activity is the state. Just like in other states, in Russia there are other security systems, but non-state ones. These include private security organizations, private detectives, associations of citizens in the field of security and public order, associations of voluntary fire protection, Cossack societies.
An important direction of the NSS is to ensure economic security. This is due to the economic changes in the country in recent years.

It is known that the ownership structure of Russia has changed:

Private ownership is 77%

State - 4%

Municipal - 6%

Other forms of ownership - 13%..

Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs provided data which shows that security services are provided by more than 23 thousand private security organizations, and about 700 thousand citizens of the Russian Federation have the status of private security guards.

Meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Photo: Journalistic Control

Other areas of activity of the NSB are participation in the protection of public order, in ensuring fire safety and anti-terrorist protection of facilities.

The NSB operates within the framework of: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws.

Private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation received legal status after the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1 “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation.” This Law defines private detective and security activities as the provision of services on a paid contractual basis to individuals and legal entities by enterprises that have a special permit (license) from internal affairs bodies in order to protect the legal rights and interests of their clients.

Victor Ozerov, Alexander Chekalin Photo: Journalistic Control

In 2014, the Federal Law introduced a new type of security service for the protection of facilities and property, as well as the provision of internal and access control regimes at facilities in respect of which mandatory requirements for anti-terrorism security have been established. The law allows private security organizations to protect such facilities.
In order to implement this law, the Government of the Russian Federation has established licensing requirements for a new type of security services, as well as the provision of on-site and access control regimes at facilities in respect of which mandatory requirements for anti-terrorism security have been established.
Federal laws dated 02/09/2007 No. 16-FZ “On Transport Security” and dated 04/14/1999 No. 77-FZ “On Departmental Security” regulate the powers of employees of non-state transport security units. The main tasks of departmental security are: protection of protected objects from illegal attacks; provision of access control and intra-facility regimes at protected sites; prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses at protected sites.

It is important to know that the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Rules, according to which the activities of a private security organization are regulated by an agreement on ensuring law and order concluded with the relevant law enforcement agency or its structural unit. Currently, more than 30 thousand security organizations have entered into cooperation agreements with internal affairs bodies. In addition, private security organizations may enter into contracts with municipal authorities to assist in maintaining public order. The forms of citizen participation in the protection of public order are determined by the Federal Law of April 2, 2014 No. 44-FZ “On the participation of citizens in the protection of public order.” These include:

Assistance to internal affairs bodies and other law enforcement agencies;

Participation of citizens in the search for missing persons;

Freelance cooperation with the police;

Participation of citizens in the activities of law enforcement public associations (people's squads).

Over the past few years, people's squads have been formed in all regions of the Russian Federation. However, according to experts, vesting people's vigilantes with additional powers is inappropriate, and the best option for their activities is to work together with police officers.

The participation of citizens in ensuring fire safety is regulated by the provisions of the Federal Law of 05/06/2011 No. 100-FZ (as amended on 07/02/2013) “On Voluntary Fire Protection”, which provides for the creation of a voluntary fire department for the purposes of prevention, fire extinguishing and emergency response -rescue work in the territories of urban and rural settlements and in organizations.

The Cossacks play an important role in maintaining public order. In accordance with the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”, Cossack societies are created in the form of farm, village, city, district (yurt), district and military Cossack societies, whose members in the prescribed manner are admitted to obligations to perform public or other service.

Alexander Suvorov, Anatoly Vyborny, Dmitry Galochkin Photo: Journalistic Control

Unfortunately, as in any industry, there are problematic issues in the activities of the National Security Service.

Firstly, there is no unified state policy to ensure the safety of property, and the legal regulation of the National Security Service does not fully meet the needs of the current state of the economy.

Secondly, there is a lack of a concept for the development of the National Security Service and the institution of bodyguards; uncertainty in the List of objects subject to state protection; lack of rights for private security organizations to work abroad; lack of a unified methodology for calculating the cost of a daily security post for state and municipal facilities; lack of uniform basic requirements for the organization of physical and technical protection of facilities.

It is also noted that there is no competition between private security organizations and private security units of the Russian Guard and FSUE Okhrana when organizing the security of objects on a commercial basis. The existing system of tenders conducted by the owners of budget-financed objects makes security services opaque and contributes to corruption schemes.

One of the main problems of the National Security Service is the insufficient regulation of the right to use physical force, special means and firearms by private security guards.

The development of the National Security Service is carried out within the framework of the implementation of the Concept of Public Security in the Russian Federation and the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation.

The main task of the NSS is to integrate forces and means into the national system of ensuring public security, moving towards the construction of public-public and private-public partnerships.

The created Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation has become a federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of private security activities and in the field of private security. In this regard, favorable conditions are being created for the revision of security legislation and the approval of the Concept for the development of the non-state security sector of the Russian Federation.

Business associations in the field of security play an important role in strengthening the interaction of security structures with law enforcement agencies. Currently, the Coordination Council of the Non-State Sphere of Security of Russia (CC NSS of the Russian Federation), the Industry Council on Technical Security Equipment (TSB) and the All-Russian Trade Union of NSS have been created and are operating. All-Russian meetings of the NSC are held annually.

In October 2016, the All-Russian industry association of employers in the field of safety and security “Federal Coordination Center for Heads of Security Structures” - FCC ROS - was created. The immediate plans of the FCC ROS include the creation of regional branches in all subjects of the Russian Federation and a unified register of private security companies, which will allow equal participation in government procurement.

It is necessary to note the important role in coordinating the activities of the NSC with government bodies of such organizations as the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. As part of the work of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, hearings and round tables are held on the place and role of the National Security Service in the security system. At the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation there is a Committee on Business Security, the main goal of which is to develop an ideology for the protection of entrepreneurs.

Currently, the National Security Service is a dynamically developing sector of the economy, directly influencing the safe and positive development of other sectors of the Russian economy.

The meeting participants noted that, in accordance with current legislation, security activities are mainly aimed at ensuring the safety of the property of legal entities and individuals, protecting the life and health of those being protected. The need for timely improvement of legislation in the field of security is dictated, first of all, by the fact that the delay in the adoption of the necessary regulatory legal acts creates serious obstacles to the creation of a civilized market for security services. The law “On non-state (private) security activities and non-state (private) detective activities” adopted in 1992 is now largely outdated, since it reflects the realities characteristic of the time when security activities were in their infancy, there was no practice, many relevant the questions were not addressed.

It is necessary to modernize legislation, taking into account the needs of modern security practice, scientific developments, positive experience and legislation of the CIS member states in the non-state sphere of security. It is necessary to take into account that:

The current law on private security activities includes two independent, different in content, business activities (security (private security) and investigations (detectives);

It is necessary to unify the legislation of the CIS member states regulating security activities;

It is urgent to create a legal basis for the formation of a unified state policy in the field of protection;

The current situation in the world and in the country requires constant improvement of legislation in the field of protection;

Legislation in security activities is required to be as complete as possible and meet the needs of modern practice in regulating legal relations that arise in the process of carrying out security activities;

There is a need for a clearer definition of participants in security activities, the procedure for them to obtain the appropriate status, their rights and obligations;

There is a need to improve control and supervision of security activities.

After all the present speakers spoke, the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, represented by Chairman Viktor Ozerov, instructed the meeting participants to send proposals by February 11, 2017 to improve the regulatory legal framework for interaction between government bodies and civil society entities that have the right to participate in ensuring security in various fields of activity (private security organizations, private detectives, citizens participating in the protection of public order in various forms, information security).

For its part, the Office of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security (Subcommittee on Security and Law Enforcement) will summarize the information received to develop specific proposals aimed at improving the regulatory legal framework for interaction between government bodies and civil society actors.

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