The meaning of the carousel figure on coffee grounds. Fortune telling on coffee grounds - how to do it, the meaning of the symbols seen. Meanings of numbers and letters when fortune telling by coffee

- an impressive and interesting rite of deep antiquity.

However, our ancestors not only knew how to lift the mysterious veil of the future, but also knew that the ritual itself coffee fortune telling And interpretation the signs of his drawings are just a hint, inexplicable by reason, of the forces of nature, which only warn of possible events and can indicate danger, without giving unambiguous recipes for happiness and precise answers to the questions posed.

Coffee fortune telling originated in Italy several centuries ago. The Italians also compiled a list of symbols used in them. These superstitious people seriously believed that any correct prediction was sent to the seer by the devil himself.

And although our contemporaries would do no harm in believing in such speculation, the mysteries of the future, even for educated people of today, contain much that is fascinating and frightening.

Which coffee to choose

Natural coffee (two thirds of the composition is coarse and one third fine). The best option for carrying out the ritual is a mixture of three tablespoons of coffee per liter of water. The sediment from the bottom of the coffee cup will tell you about the future.

The ritual of those distant times is very similar to the one that modern fortune tellers perform today, and its basic principles have hardly changed. It's quite simple. For a successful ceremony fortune telling on coffee grounds, you need to pour the ground beans into the coffee pot. Then, adding water, put on fire and bring to a boil.

What kind of utensils are needed for fortune telling using coffee grounds?

In order to carry out the ritual correctly and follow all the details exactly, you need:

Porcelain coffee cup. It is better if it is monochromatic and light, and its inner walls must be completely smooth and white.

Fortune telling technique using coffee grounds

Step 1. Before starting the ritual, you need to concentrate as much as possible, try to clearly and clearly imagine what you are interested in and what you would like to receive by performing coffee fortune telling, future, which is possible, and pictures of the past, with which the most vivid experiences are associated.

Step 2. Freshly brewed coffee should be poured into a cup and the drink should be allowed to sit for a few minutes. After this, offer a drink to a person who wants to know the fate and secrets of the future. And he should drain the cup almost completely, leaving only a little, in a volume approximately equal to a tablespoon, with liquid and grounds at the bottom.

Step 3 . Coffee fortune telling The fortuneteller will now continue. He should thoroughly shake and stir the remaining contents, once again focusing on the main purpose of the prediction. Here you need to make three circular movements, always clockwise, distributing the coffee grounds along the walls so that the contents of the cup reach the edges.

Step 4. Next, turn the cup over and place it on the saucer, and mentally count to seven. Focus on the images is the most important thing in the ritual. And the ancients believed in the deep meaning of the connection that arises at this moment between the fortuneteller and higher powers. And if the predictor did everything somehow, then they believed that such a seer should not be trusted.

Previously, during fortune telling, various magic spells were often read, but modern fortune tellers have simplified this ritual a little, but this does not mean that fancy coffee drawings cannot provide answers to the questions of curious questioners.

How to correctly interpret the arrangement of figures

After all the necessary requirements have been met exactly and the actions have been carried out correctly, you should carefully examine the patterns and stains formed on the walls of the cup, which are of great importance.

Coffee fortune telling gives figures, which can be clear, but also subtle. And the clearer the images, the greater significance they can have for the fate of the questioner.

For the correct interpretation of signs, not only the meaning, but also the location of the figures is important. And the images can be depicted both at the bottom of the cup, and from right to left and from bottom to top, telling about passing events in the life of the questioner. And those going clockwise, as well as down from the top edge, talk about what is included in a person’s life.

For ease of understanding coffee grounds patterns, you need to take the cup by hand. And then the right-sided drawings will tell about the past, and the left-sided ones will tell about the future.

The symbols located at the very top rim speak of events that should be expected, but the lower the patterns go, the more distant the past they show. The spots near the handle of the cup tell about the fortuneteller, and on the opposite side they tell about other people.

  1. Events of the present or near future.
  2. Distant future events.
  3. Obstacles and failures.
  4. Personality characteristics of the fortuneteller.
  5. That which will pass away or move away and become less significant.
  6. Something that will occupy your thoughts and become part of your life.

How to interpret symbols

Unraveling the meanings of the mysterious patterns that sediment leaves behind is a real art. For those who understand little about fortune telling, it is difficult to see signs of the future and omens of fate in the blackness of the spots.

But for true fortune tellers such puzzles are not something complicated; they know everything by heart coffee grounds symbols and can easily explain them.

There are even special tables with the meanings of the fancy pictures and lines that remain on the walls of the coffee cup. But a real predictor guesses a lot himself, since images often speak for themselves about events, dreams, thoughts and feelings of people.

Interpretation: figures

For example, a heart figurine cannot mean anything other than news of a romantic relationship. And if it has clear contours, then the pattern communicates great passion, a declaration of love or a whirlwind romance. But blurry outlines or a heart split in two cannot bode well.

Often when fortune telling by coffee, the symbols resemble a tree. And such a sign can have a wide variety of meanings. A spreading tree testifies to the tortuosity of paths, the many options for events and the large choice that fate provides to a person.

A fruitful tree foreshadows the birth of an heir or gifts, joyful events in life or financial well-being. A broken tree indicates the failure of endeavors. And large roots indicate major obstacles that arise on the way to the goal.

The outline of a dragon portends good luck in business and transactions. But dubious offers should be rejected. They will most likely end sadly. The dragon can tell girls about the strong feelings of one of the men around her. But for married women it is a symbol of discord in the relationship between spouses.

Interpretation: letters

Among the signs appear letters. Coffee fortune telling often presents such surprises. They can mean the names of familiar and unfamiliar people, the names of some events.

Some of them represent happy omens, others prophesy troubles and failures. In each individual case there may be a different interpretation, but there are also common interpretations.

A – represents a quick victory;
B – indicates the emergence of new powers, the receipt of privileges and power;
B - prophesies sorrows and problems;
G – gives advice to go to church to pray for health;
D – portends material problems and lack of money;
E - speaks of a clear conscience, even if it resulted in trouble;
F – family discord: conflicts, discontent, quarrels;
Z – household concerns and solving problems with home improvement;
And - portends the disclosure of secrets and mysteries;
K – advises purchasing a new cross to protect your own safety;
L – love relationship or romantic acquaintance;
M – instability in life situations, changes in business and everyday life;
N - prophesies anxiety and nervous experiences;
O - portends loneliness, misunderstanding of family and friends;
P – lies and insincerity among close circle;
P – unhealthy addiction to alcohol;
C – foretells joyful events and pleasant surprises in life;
T - warns that a difficult choice will soon be made;
U - prophesies changes in personal life, purchases, acquisitions;
F – the appearance of unexpected guests who will ask for help in solving problems;
X - means the upcoming wedding and marriage;
C - warns of the aimlessness of new beginnings in the coming day;
H - heralds problems with loved ones who will need help;
Ш - prophesies unpleasant news and severe upsets;
Ш – warns of the need to repay debts;
Yu – unpleasant state;
I - announces good news and future happiness.

Many of the patterns that coffee draws promise great victories in work and in life, and are an omen of personal happiness. But even if something happens that is not entirely pleasant, you should always remember that a person himself is capable of changing a lot in his plans.

The ability to unravel the secrets of coffee symbols will help you play the role of an oracle at a fun party or in a noisy company of friends. And for interesting and correct predictions, you need to have a wild imagination, natural intuition and the ability to think associatively. And such entertainment will certainly turn out to be exciting, enjoyable, funny and memorable.

Coffee grounds can be useful not only for fortune-telling rituals. She turns out wonderful. And if you don’t rush to throw away this wonderful product, it will wonderfully take care of your skin, leaving it soft and fresh.

Anyone can learn to guess the future using coffee grounds. To do this, you just need to properly prepare for the ritual. Then examine the resulting pattern and determine what signs, letters, numbers and symbols appeared on the walls of the cup. It is recommended to use high-quality, tasty coffee in your work and not to add sugar to it. While drinking coffee, you need to ask questions about your future. After the thick liquid consistency remains in the cup, shake the contents 3 times clockwise. Hold the cup with your left hand. Then turn the bowl onto the saucer away from you at an angle. The edges of the cup should touch its bottom and edge. Leave for a minute. Then you can carry out accurate fortune telling on the coffee grounds, deciphering the resulting symbols.

Accurate fortune telling on coffee grounds - symbols, interpretation, meaning

It is quite difficult to identify the symbols on the walls and bottom of the cup. To do this, you need to look through all the patterns that appear, turning it from side to side. Also, do not forget about the location of the symbols. We have selected the most popular interpretations of the meanings of symbols that may appear when telling fortunes on coffee grounds.

How can you interpret the meaning of symbols when telling fortunes on coffee grounds?

The human figure, familiar objects and things are quite easily visible when fortune telling on coffee grounds. But due to their shape and location, the meaning of the current may change. Therefore, we have selected interpretations for different objects with precise instructions.

  • man: young - difficulties in love relationships; elderly - possible betrayal of a partner, divorce;
  • woman: young - to meet the love of her life; elderly - to a long and happy family life;
  • head: turned to the side - the fortune teller is protected by a faithful person; looks down - you should beware of danger; looks up - the fortune teller will receive help from the protector; looks ahead - there is a person in love with a fortune teller; female - meeting with your soulmate; male - to separation;
  • tree: indicates the possibility of achieving goals with hard work;
  • girl: the beginning of a new romantic relationship;
  • dog: the fortune teller’s friends are faithful to her (or she will soon find another faithful friend);
  • fish: a travel offer will appear soon;
  • geometric figure: circle - to meet an interesting interlocutor; square, rectangle - successful development of affairs; triangle - success in business, acquaintance with a patron; dot - success in all matters;
  • face: the fortune teller has a good protector;
  • horse: probability of meeting a new strong friend, colleague;
  • bear: a serious danger will soon arise in the life of a fortune teller;
  • bird: the fortune teller is surrounded by only honest and faithful people.

Other equally common symbols that a fortune teller can see are no less easy to understand. Therefore, we have selected simple video tips for girls and women. They will help you learn about the meaning of other symbols and signs.

Video examples of fortune telling on coffee grounds with interpretation of symbols

In order to correctly conduct fortune-telling, you must definitely look at the examples of the ritual we have selected. They will help eliminate common mistakes. They will also allow you to correctly find the symbols that appear and correctly interpret their meanings.

Simple fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation of symbols in pictures

Quite often, when receiving a picture during fortune telling, it is difficult to make out the meaning of the symbols. Therefore, many girls look at them from different angles. The right decision would be to familiarize yourself with photo examples of the symbols that we have prepared. Visual clues in the pictures will help you easily find the interpretation of the symbols that appear during fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Interpretation of simple symbols when fortune telling on coffee grounds using pictures

In each specific case, the resulting images from coffee grounds will differ significantly. At the same time, there is no need to wait for clear edges. Each drawing will be individual, with its own characteristics. You can see examples of coffee symbols that appear in the examples we have selected. They will help you more easily recognize new signs during fortune telling.

  • heart (regular shape, not crooked): symbolizes a meeting with great and pure love, your companion;
  • fire: promises a meeting with a loved one who will turn the fortune teller’s head (being led by passion is not recommended - measured and correct decisions will guarantee a good relationship);
  • crescent moon: you should not count on quickly achieving your goals; perhaps what you have in mind will not come true at all;
  • stripes: indicate the possibility of a quick trip, which will be truly successful;
  • dragon: will guarantee a positive completion of the work started.

The interpretation of signs indicating the completion of some deeds can occur soon after fortune telling or within a year. The handle of the cup symbolizes the fortune teller herself. Therefore, the symbols closest to it indicate the near future. If the pattern is formed on the walls of the cup closer to the top, then the prediction will soon come true. If the symbols are located on the bottom, what was predicted will happen within a year.
Independent fortune telling at home using coffee grounds - the meaning of symbols with numbers and letters

During fortune telling, not only figures and symbols may appear on the coffee grounds, the meaning of which is difficult to understand. When numbers or letters appear, it is much easier to determine your destiny and find out the future. We have indicated the meaning of all alphabetic and numeric characters. With their help, it will be much easier to lift the curtain of the unknown.

How to solve fortune telling using coffee grounds - the meaning of the letters

The letters that appear during fortune telling on coffee grounds are quite often clear. Therefore, it is almost impossible to miss such signs telling about the future. The meanings of such symbols are also quite accurate:

  • A: victory is near;
  • B: the fortune teller will receive power that will bring her success;
  • Q: you need to prepare to face trouble;
  • G: to achieve victory you need to light a candle to St. George the Victorious;
  • D: financial problems should be expected;
  • E, Yo: promises cleansing of conscience from heavy thoughts;
  • F: the fortune teller is surrounded by unfaithful people who weave intrigues;
  • Z: the future will be happy and successful;
  • I, J: all actions must be carefully considered to avoid mistakes and problems;
  • K: a new cross or one given at birth must be worn to protect against evil;
  • L: the fortune teller expects pure love or a new romantic relationship;
  • M: do not be afraid of lack of money - prosperity awaits the fortune teller;
  • N: the fortune teller is waiting for anxiety about his fate;
  • A: promises a quick trip;
  • P: insincere and evil people can bring pain and disappointment;
  • R: Do not abuse alcohol to avoid negative consequences;
  • S: truth is born in disputes;
  • T: the fortune teller is waiting for new useful and important acquaintances;
  • U: promises quarrels with colleagues, friends or relatives;
  • F: don’t despair - everything destined will definitely come true;
  • X: the fortune teller will soon attend a wedding (her own or someone else’s);
  • C: the fortune teller expects career growth;
  • H: you should be afraid of the death of a loved one or loved one;
  • Sh, Sh: any disputes and quarrels will end in peace and friendship;
  • b: flirting is possible, but will not bring a relationship;
  • Kommersant: soon the fortune teller will meet guests;
  • E: promise the sale or loss of personal belongings;
  • Yu: It’s worth taking care of your health;
  • Me: life will change for the better.

When fortune telling on coffee grounds, letters can appear either separately or together. The combination of several letter symbols will allow you to get a more accurate and correct picture of your future.

The meaning of number symbols when divining a house using coffee grounds

The appearance of numbers in the coffee grounds during fortune telling occurs quite often. Such symbols are easy to recognize and no less easy to decipher. We have selected information based on the meaning of each number:

  • 0: the fortune teller has a strong savior angel who will protect her from any problems in life and save her from troubles;
  • 1: promises a meeting with your soulmate, who, most likely, is already part of the fortune teller’s inner circle (you should pay attention to friends, colleagues, acquaintances);
  • 2: the fortune teller faces danger, which may include illness, loss of things and even loved ones;
  • 3: portends the conclusion of a profitable deal, career growth and other good luck at work;
  • 4: promises good luck and happiness that will have no boundaries;
  • 5: perhaps the fortune teller is surrounded by gossips who are weaving intrigues behind her back (it is recommended to be especially wary of your girlfriends and friends, colleagues);
  • 6: the fortune teller will be associated with a wedding, which may end unsuccessfully;
  • 7: the family being created or planned promises to be friendly and truly loving;
  • 8: the fortune teller expects a conflict with a loved one and this quarrel cannot be avoided;
  • 9: a new interesting person will appear in life;
  • 10: the fortune teller’s life will certainly improve, because her angel-savior will help her cope with all her problems and meet her soul mate, strengthen her relationship with her partner.

Sometimes numbers can add up to different numbers. Their interpretation is carried out according to the combination of signs. That is, symbols located closer to the edge of the cup will indicate the imminent fulfillment of the prediction. And the long-term ones are for later dates of changes in the life of the fortune teller.

Easy fortune telling at home using coffee grounds - what do the drawings and pictures mean?

Combinations of different symbols and pictures can differ significantly from the appearance of just one symbol. After all, they indicate serious changes in the fortune teller’s life. For accurate decoding, it is recommended to write down the signs that appear on a sheet of paper, and then begin to interpret them. This will help you understand what the combinations of drawings that appear during fortune telling on coffee grounds mean.

How to understand the meaning of pictures and drawings in a coffee cup when fortune telling?

Full pictures and drawings with several symbols are the most difficult to interpret. Therefore, we have selected the most interesting of these options with transcripts. Hints will help you easily find out your future and make an accurate interpretation.

  • house: indicates the possibility of purchasing your own home; if the windows and roof of the house are visible, then the fortune teller’s family will be united and loving;
  • car: with clear contours predicts a journey, with a vague silhouette - problems in the future;
  • angel: promises happiness in the future, help from loved ones or the fulfillment of cherished desires;
  • star: with 4 vertices - to fulfill desires; with 5 peaks - a happy ending is possible, which will not bring much joy; with 6 peaks - good luck in any endeavors; with 7 peaks - sadness, problems, quarrels; with 8 peaks - the possibility of an accident;
  • book: open - you will have to face difficulties associated with litigation; closed - difficult searches that may not have a positive result.

Such pictures can form an entire panorama or merge into each other. Therefore, their interpretation should be approached with special care.

Video example of the interpretation of drawings when fortune telling on coffee grounds

To simplify the interpretation of the symbols that appear on the coffee cup, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following example. It will help you find out the exact meaning of the pictures and correctly predict the future.

It is not difficult to correctly conduct fortune telling on coffee grounds, knowing about all the features of the ritual. We have selected a detailed video example telling about it and precise interpretations of the symbols. After all, during fortune telling you can see not only ordinary symbols, things, objects. Quite often, fortune tellers can see entire drawings with letters and numbers at the bottom of the cup. With the most accurate photos you can find out what this or that sign means. You can decipher it using hints and recommendations. Also, when guessing for the future, we recommend paying special attention to the location of the symbols. It also affects the meaning and speed of occurrence of predicted events.

Many believe that fortune telling on coffee grounds originated at the beginning of the 14th century. Scientists have made assumptions: before they went hunting, the Peruvian Indians made fortunes based on coffee. Fortune telling on coffee grounds does not coincide somewhat with its interpretations and symbols of modernity and antiquity. But, in principle, this is not so important, since coffee is already popular all over the world; a huge number of people simply cannot imagine their day without this drink, which invigorates, has strength and an unsurpassed aroma. Thanks to the spread of beans, fortune telling on coffee grounds also became famous. Because of its invigorating and tonic effects on the body, legends began to circulate about coffee that it has some kind of magical power.

If you want to tell fortunes on coffee grounds, then you should drink a cup of this drink without sugar, you should not rush, enjoy every sip, immerse yourself in peace, relax, just fall into a trance, it will help you understand what the symbols mean.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - speed is not appropriate here, first tune in, and then start looking at the contents of the coffee cup.

Before you begin fortune telling, you need to concentrate and clearly formulate a question, the answer to which makes up the meaning of the moment you are experiencing. Then take the cup in your left hand, only clockwise, and in no other way, make several movements in a circle, shaking a little what is in the cup. Then place the cup on the saucer, moving away from you so that one edge is on the bottom and the other on the edge. It turns out that the cup is standing askew. Thus, everything unnecessary drains from it, and a pattern is formed on the walls. Fortune telling on coffee grounds will decipher it. The cup should stand for about a minute, after that, turn it over with your left hand, then proceed to fortune telling.

It is absolutely clear that you are unlikely to be able to see a drawing that will be clear. Fortune telling on coffee grounds attracts many precisely because, with a special mood, the subconscious will always find something familiar in the outlines, many associations will emerge, objects and figures of people will become complete, all this will give a single picture of the interpretation of fortune telling. Here are some interpretations and meanings for fortune telling on coffee grounds:

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation of symbols

What does what you see on the coffee grounds mean:

Oval - your personality is complete. If its edges are interrupted, then this means illness, or the personality has lost its harmony.

Semicircle - indicates your non-permanent character.

Crewe G- he concentrates all the problems that you have in himself. What you see in the circle is the basis of coffee fortune telling.

One or more lines - if the line is straight, then it speaks of the length of your life; if it rises at the edge of the cup, then this indicates the growth of your career or professionalism.

Broken dotted line - shows the blows of fate, they will be obstacles on your life path.

The pattern is woven into a human silhouette - for lovers, fortune telling on coffee grounds has a date in store; if you are telling fortunes about the loss, then know that the item is lost forever.

It seems to you that the pattern has the outline of lands, plants or trees - these are the messengers of quarrels, obstacles, a break in love, business failures, travel to distant countries, sadness and longing.

Shadow of a bird or animal - the news is sad, you will have to worry about your loved ones and yourself, there will be an obstacle on the way, there will be failures and slander because of envious people.

The shadow of a building is visible - for the rich, this means a lot of additional wealth, the poor, on the contrary, will lose what they have, the one who is generous will get rich unexpectedly.

The interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds is not limited to the above; this art comes only through experience. Decoding of drawings, their alternation, and merging with each other must be treated individually. Before you decide to do fortune telling on coffee grounds, remember that a clear, pre-formulated question in your head should be simple and specific, then the answer will be quite definite.

People and their figures

You can often see human figures in a coffee cup. Here are the meanings of these images:

Human head that has no body - a certain young friend influences your destiny very beneficially.

Human head looking up - a certain protector, very strong, ready to help you.

Human head looking down - expect a little danger.

If you see a couple of faces looking at each other - fortune telling on coffee grounds says that you are loved and you love.

If you see a couple of faces in a circle - expect marriage and very soon.

If you see a couple of faces that are separated by a line - betrayal, divorce.

Face profile - the defense is very strong.

There is a face in the circle - someone loves you.

Girl - tremulous, tender love.

People - someone wants to help you.

Young guy - separation.

Old woman - the love connection is reliable and strong.

Man with animal - someone is worrying about you.

The mouth that is on top of the bowl - friends, very good ones. If it is in the middle, fortune telling on coffee grounds takes on the meaning of joyful news.

Mouth - hard work, modesty.

Eyes - life changes.

Hand - means disappointment.

Shadow of a Man - nice date.

Animals and their figures in the thick of it

And here are another inhabitants of the coffee grounds, which can be seen quite often. These are animals. Fortune telling on coffee grounds interprets these symbols as follows:

Animals - joy, fun, your wishes will come true, good luck will come.

Horned animal - fast road.

Buffalo - to suffering.

Butterfly - a letter with a love message.

There is a bull at the top - a job with good earnings, profit.

The bull is below - good health.

Crow - there is misfortune in the house.

Camel - this ship of the desert portends wealth.

Pigeon - the soul is pure and innocent.

Hare - fortune telling on coffee grounds indicates cowardice and myopia. Cow - expect happiness.

Cow - expect happiness.

Snake - betrayal, intrigues, coldness.

a lion - nobility, power.

Cat - poverty, misery, ruin.

Chicken - a service for a stranger.

Swan - unexpected money.

Fox - deception, cunning.

A fox that can be seen in full length - they want to insult you, but some people don’t succeed.

Frog - luck, happiness, news full of joy, great love.

There is a frog near the road - someone who came from afar will be useful to you.

Bear - danger, life, which is very difficult, but all this can be eliminated.

Bear at the top - fortune telling tells you - be afraid of failures.

Bear below - great happiness.

Fly - inheritance, untold wealth.

Ant - troubles, anxiety.

Eagle - persist in the fight, you will win.

Deer - pure mind, honesty.

Spider - an unexpected gift.

Fish - travel or good news.

Rooster - well-being, harmony in the family, new news.

There's a cock at the bottom of the cup - they are trying to harm you.

Cock at the top of the cup - the news is very good.

Rooster on the hill - marriage, happiness.

Dog - devoted friend.

Elephant - condition and strength.

Owl - death, a very serious illness.

Tiger - anger.

Duckling - your other half, despite your gender, is faithful to you.

Lizard - surprise.

Predator - poverty, anger.

Plants in a bowl

Now let's look at the drawings of different plants that appear in the bowl and their meanings, which are used to tell fortunes on coffee grounds.

Trees - there will be an obstacle on the way.

Willow - tears, sadness, melancholy.

Oak - enemies will be defeated.

Bush - failure awaits you in business.

Forest - there is a mistake on the path of life.

The forest is dense - quarrels that you never expected with your loved ones.

Clover - you will solve your problems, they will end with success.

Rose - wedding, betrothal, engagement.

Lily - friendship, constancy.

Lily at the bottom of the bowl - to a quarrel.

Chrysanthemum - late love.

Violet - wedding with a rich man.

Items for fortune telling

The material world is often at the bottom of the cup, along with plants and animals. The interpretation of these symbols is not always clear, so it is important to include intuition when fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Diamond - happy love.

Automobile - trip, road, journey.

Angel - unexpected joy, good news.

Tower - a very good sign.

Mitten - old love.

Fork - luxurious life, wealth.

Bike - the journey is difficult.

Gates - fortune telling on coffee grounds says that guests will come to you or a friend will return.

Small house - tightness, need.

Lock - troubles.

Star - Liberty.

Dagger - loss, enmity.

Wheel - a symbol of adventure.

Box - success, joy.

Black cross - death, or news that is full of sadness.

White cross - happiness in family life.

Key - all doors will open before you.

Ring - wedding, engagement, very important union.

At the top of the cup is a shovel - you will find what you lost.

Woman with a shovel in her hands - inheritance.

The shovel is near the square or cross - you will be notified of the loss of the person you love.

Mill - in the relationship of loved ones there is insincerity, falsehood.

Knife - damage, sacrifice, sacrifice.

Hammer - make mistakes and try again, so you will come to success.

Scissors - luck.

Window that has a cross - to a fire.

Window - theft, theft.

Shoes - danger, meeting.

Weapon - scandal, quarrel, but also prosperity.

Folder containing papers - successful, good plan.

A loop - an unfavorable sign, foreshadows serious problems.

Glove - old feelings will awaken.

Dishes - a meeting that will happen suddenly.

Horseshoe - luck, good sign, luck.

Birdie - the news is good.

Chair - success, moving forward.

Candle - dream.

Flag - don't rush, attack.

Hat - a great honor.

The anchor is clearly visible - success.

The anchor is not clearly visible - difficulties in personal affairs.

Lines from coffee grounds

Having dealt with those figures that are most often found, it should be noted that fortune telling on coffee grounds often has lines that can also be deciphered.

Long or short straight line - life without worries in happiness.

Many straight lines - long summers, health. If a straight line is interrupted or zigzags, then all this indicates adventure.

The line is curved, arched - be afraid of the ill-wisher.

There are many curved lines - you are surrounded by enemies, they harm you.

The line is curved and oblique - disease.

There are many oblique lines - carefully! Not everything is fine with you, everything may end badly.

A large number of broken lines - financial difficulties are very serious.

The bottom of the cup is crossed by a separate line - fortune telling on coffee grounds says that the journey is very close and quite pleasant.

Lines like waves - cruise.

A straight line is crossed by broken or curved lines - problems in love affairs, received offense from a woman.

The cross has the image of the letter X - to marriage.

Broken line - uncertainty, illness, indecision, sometimes loss.

Many broken lines - material difficulties.

Square - the best sign that has fortune telling on coffee grounds. Success awaits you in every field of activity, life is full of happiness, expect considerable profits, a stable financial situation.

The dots are small - receipt of a large sum of money. Three dots will indicate longevity.

Short lines or dots - luck is close.

Dashes - you will change your activity or job.

A pair of triangles that touch each other - unstable position.

Circle - I have good relationships with others, it’s pleasant, there’s a general understanding.

Oval - marriage.

Many oval hills - luck accompanies business.

Triangle - luck, unexpected luck. The three triangles intersected - fortune telling on coffee grounds suggests that this means success with the weaker sex, love and luck in it.

Quadrangle - success, luck in love is very unexpected.

Numbers for fortune telling using coffee grounds

Sometimes, when doing fortune telling, you can see letters and numbers.

There is a good system of number magic, you can familiarize yourself with it if you wish. You can also make your own interpretations based on it.

0 - your birth took place under the star of happiness.

1 - someone feels love for you.

2 - illness, failure.

3 - the trade deal is very successful.

4 - hope for good luck.

5 - talk, talk about trifles, gossip.

6 - wedding.

7 - love, happiness in the family, success.

8 - conflict with a loved one.

9 - meeting new people.

10 - luck, luck.

100 - life happiness.

More than 100 - long summers.


Since the interpretation of letters is subjective and relative, we will not write about decoding the entire alphabet. Rely on your intuition, it will help you more. We will give only a small fraction of the interpretations that are used in fortune telling on coffee grounds.

A - enemies are defeated.

B - power.

IN - trouble.

D - loss, loss.

N - anxiety, restlessness.

P - lie.

WITH - acquaintance.

X - wedding.

YU - fears, anxieties.

I - positive changes.

We have sorted out the meanings of the drawings; this basic minimum will be enough for you for now to carry out fortune telling on coffee grounds yourself. Gradually, as you gain experience, you will decide for yourself what to cross off from this list, what to add to it, what interpretations to change. We should not forget the fact that symbols mean something different for each person. In this matter, imagination and psychology play a dominant role. The human brain is designed in such a way that someone looks at a picturesque image in his cup, while another person immediately sees only symbols and the simplest ones. Fortune telling on coffee grounds finds the truth between these contradictions exactly in the middle. If a person is inherently observant, then in general terms he will consider his future. Fortune telling on coffee grounds can also be distorted by adding too much personal information.

Take this advice - read the symbols coherently, but you shouldn’t think through or simplify them.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds will predict your fate more accurately if you take a holistic view of the contents of the coffee cup.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most ancient predictions of fate. Even a beginner can do magic at home using coffee. For correct fortune-telling, you need to brew an aromatic drink, pour it into a porcelain cup and drink it slowly, setting your thoughts to the positive. Sugar should not be added, as this may distort the results of fortune telling. Then you need to mentally ask a question about the future and turn the cup with the remaining coffee grounds over in a certain way. The outlines of the figures formed on the bottom and walls of the dishes will give a hint about upcoming events.

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    Fortune telling lessons

    Fortune telling lessons using coffee grounds, step by step instructions:

  1. 1. Take 2 tablespoons of coarse and one finely ground coffee to get the most accurate prediction.
  2. 2. Brew the drink in a Turk and pour it into a cup, wait a few minutes for the coffee sediment to settle at the bottom of the dish.
  3. 3. Drink hot coffee, leaving a little liquid at the bottom of the porcelain cup.
  4. 4. Mentally formulate the question of interest; it should be clear.
  5. 5. Take the cup in your left hand by the handle of the dish, the fortuneteller must make 3 circular movements clockwise. They need to be done so that the coffee sediment touches the edge of the cup.
  6. 6. With a sharp movement of your hand, tip the contents of the cup onto the saucer and count to seven at a slow pace.
  7. 7. Turn the cup back over and look closely at the stains that have formed on the walls of the dish.

    To get the correct interpretation of fortune telling, you need to take a close look at the location of the spots. They can go from top to bottom (1, 2), be on the bottom (3), on the handle (4), go from right to left or vice versa (5, 6). Description of the symbols shown in the figure:

    • 1 - the event will happen in the near future or at the present moment;
    • 2 - the prediction concerns the distant future;
    • 3 - this area is considered unlucky, so the predictions will be negative;
    • 4 - the interpretation concerns a fortuneteller, the event is happening at the present moment;
    • 5 - an event that will soon remain in the past;
    • 6 - the event will happen soon.

    You need to use imagination and associative thinking in order to be able to discern the outlines of symbols and figures formed as a result of fortune telling on coffee grounds.

    The larger the image, the greater its significance in a person’s life.

    Interpretation of symbols and figures

    Interpretation of figures and symbols:

  1. 1. Car. Clear outlines - a long-awaited journey, blurry drawing - vain expectations, vain hopes.
  2. 2. Angel with wings. An unexpected event, help from a person who is an outsider, spiritual balance.
  3. 3. Diamond. Mutual love.
  4. 4. Harp. A sign of love and great passion.
  5. 5. Arch. Great joy, a pleasant event.
  6. 6. Bank. Friendly support, success in your business.
  7. 7. Drum. Popularity, great success, talent.
  8. 8. Ram. Loss of trust from management, difficulties in business relationships.
  9. 9. Bagel. Vain fuss, useless exercise.
  10. 10. Bottle. A sharp deterioration in health, a hidden illness.
  11. 11. Bicycle. The man chose the right path in life.
  12. 12. Wreath. The business you have started will be crowned with success.
  13. 13. Rope. Difficult life period, problems in the family and professional activities.
  14. 14. Cherries. Short-term joy, positive emotions, vivid impressions.
  15. 15. Algae. The person is confused and cannot find a way out of a difficult situation.
  16. 16. Question mark. Uncertainty about your future, indecision, doubt, low self-esteem, inferiority complex.
  17. 17. Volcano. Passions are heating up, and if the situation is not defused in time, a huge scandal is guaranteed.
  18. 18. Nail. Threats, blackmail, a person will be treated unfairly.
  19. 19. Garland. Good news, a great event.
  20. 20. Human head. Memories, nostalgia, obsessive thoughts about a person from the past, self-criticism and suspiciousness. If the human head looks up - the patronage of an influential person, down - a threat, danger to health and life.
  21. 21. Eyes. Changes in all areas of life.
  22. 22. Mountains. The man has great ambitions.
  23. 23. Rake. It is necessary to reconsider your goals and correctly prioritize your life without repeating past mistakes.
  24. 24. Mushroom. Gaining body weight, a person grows and develops.
  25. 25. Coffin. Tragic event, deep sadness.
  26. 26. Pear. Cozy home, pleasant atmosphere, comfort and harmony.
  27. 27. Lips. Passionate kisses, love.
  28. 28. Fence. Prohibitions and restrictions on actions.
  29. 29. Handbag. Unexpected win in the lottery.
  30. 30. Door. Success in the business you have started.
  31. 31. Girl. Pure love.
  32. 32. Tree. Fame, fame, general recognition and respect.
  33. 33. House. A clear image - family well-being, success and prosperity, blurred contours - troubles with household members.
  34. 34. Road. A long trip ahead, full of adventure and fun.
  35. 35. Arc. The appearance of an enemy, a dangerous ill-wisher.
  36. 36. Star. Five-pointed - the plan will come true, but the person will not receive moral satisfaction from this, six-pointed - luck, seven-pointed - mental suffering, a sad event, eight-pointed - an unpleasant incident.
  37. 37. Umbrella. Life's adversity, short-term failure. You should not make important decisions in the near future.
  38. 38. Christmas tree. Someone uses a person for their own selfish purposes.
  39. 39. Drops. Huge wealth, easy money.
  40. 40. Cabbage. The person is extremely jealous and suspicious; it is difficult for him to trust others.
  41. 41. Cards. Big changes are coming.
  42. 42. Brush. Uninvited guest.
  43. 43. Key. Brilliant opportunities and prospects are open to a person.
  44. 44. Book. New knowledge and skills. If the book is closed, learning will not be easy; open means self-improvement.
  45. 45. Wheel. An exciting adventure.
  46. 46. ​​Ring. The whole is a quick wedding, the broken is a break in relations with a lover, alienation. To see two rings - everything planned will become a reality.
  47. 47. Bell. Good news. Two bells - great joy is expected.
  48. 48. Comet. The arrival of a distant relative, the emergence of conflict situations with neighbors.
  49. 49. Ship. Drastic changes of a positive nature.
  50. 50. Crown. Receiving a huge inheritance, valuable knowledge from an elderly relative, a magical gift.
  51. 51. Cross. Marriage. If the cross inside is black, bad news is expected; if it is white, family life will be happy and calm.
  52. 52. Bed. If it is made, there are clear life goals, self-discipline, if the bed is not made, the person does not know what he wants, has no purpose in life.
  53. 53. Circle. Life changes. If the circle is closed - good relationships with loved ones, mutual understanding between lovers. Torn - a new exciting acquaintance, a pleasant meeting is expected.
  54. 54. Forest. The person will soon make a fatal mistake.
  55. 55. Lemon. Black envy, hypocrisy, anger.
  56. 56. Leaves. Whole ones mean good immunity, torn ones mean big health problems, frequent illnesses.
  57. 57. Boat. A person is in search, he does not know what his true purpose is, and lives in an illusory world.
  58. 58. Shovel. Hard work will soon be appreciated.
  59. 59. Lighthouse. A person has internal magnetism and is able to win over anyone.
  60. 60. Bridge. The person will be able to avoid an unpleasant conversation.
  61. 61. Meat. An incurable disease that may be asymptomatic.
  62. 62. Spoon. Abundance, family idyll.
  63. 63. Mill. You can’t follow the lead of people close to you; you need to make responsible decisions on your own.
  64. 64. Knife. Deep disappointment in a lover or a person from a close circle, betrayal, adultery, lies, hypocrisy, severance of family ties.
  65. 65. Scissors. You must make a choice immediately, otherwise you will have to pay for your slowness for a long time.
  66. 66. Note. A person loves entertainment and boundless fun, and has a carefree attitude towards life.
  67. 67. Fire. A long-awaited meeting, a romantic date with your loved one. You need to control yourself and control your words, since a temper can cause a serious conflict.
  68. 68. Necklace. Minor losses, minor family troubles.
  69. 69. Window. Fraud, theft. If a cross is drawn on the window, this is a warning about a possible fire.
  70. 70. Island. Lonely existence, lack of support from loved ones, relying only on one’s own strength.
  71. 71. Octopus. You should not trust a stranger; there is a high risk of losing your reputation.
  72. 72. Glasses. There is a great danger due to the carelessness of a person who does not notice obvious things.
  73. 73. Lake. A person is surrounded by liars, hypocrites and traitors.
  74. 74. Web. A sign of victory and great achievements in business.
  75. 75. Glove. Renewing a relationship with a person from the past.
  76. 76. Feather. You have to distinguish yourself with intelligence and ingenuity, and show ingenuity.
  77. 77. Loop. Major troubles, sudden death.
  78. 78. Pistol. The person is in great danger.
  79. 79. Dress. The plan will definitely come true in the near future.
  80. 80. Train. Business trip, business trip to another country or city.
  81. 81. Crescent. Vain expectations, broken dreams.
  82. 82. Spot. Tragedy, accident.
  83. 83. Shell. Great creative potential, hidden talents.
  84. 84. Child. Family troubles, the birth of a child. If the baby is located at the top of the cup - an unexpected pregnancy, early conception. The child appearing at the bottom of the cup symbolizes past events that are associated with children.
  85. 85. River. Mirror reflection of feelings.
  86. 86. Rose. Wedding ceremony, wedding.
  87. 87. Rhombus. Love affair.
  88. 88. Hand. The back side is a great misfortune, the palm is success, respect.
  89. 89. Mermaid. You will have to be tempted.
  90. 90. Glass. Inner harmony, life balance.
  91. 91. Fireworks. Creation, creativity, untapped talent.
  92. 92. Boot. Long-distance travel or short-term business trip.
  93. 93. Heart. The ideal form is a family idyll, a distorted heart is a deterioration in health, loss of strength, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  94. 94. Cigar. A favorable life period for making major transactions and purchasing real estate.
  95. 95. Candle. Insight, determination, diligence.
  96. 96. Skeleton. You will have to experience material need and health problems.
  97. 97. Frying pan. Major family quarrel, severance of friendly ties.
  98. 98. Sun. The person has leadership qualities and knows how to persuade.
  99. 99. Chair. Career advancement.
  100. 100. Arrow. The symbol is the answer to the question asked. If the arrow points up - a positive answer, down - negative, to the side - uncertainty.
  101. 101. Steps. Promotion, salary increase, general recognition and respect from colleagues and management.
  102. 102. Chest. A letter from an old friend.
  103. 103. Plate. Excessive emotionality and harsh statements can cause a huge scandal with loved ones.
  104. 104. Axe. Brave deed, courage, bravery.
  105. 105. Cake. Your cherished dream will soon come true.
  106. 106. Dots or strokes. Luck, luck. Many points - big money.
  107. 107. Triangle. If the figure is closed - unexpected luck, if it is broken - the person is completely safe and has nothing to fear.
  108. 108. Iron. Hard, painstaking work that will not be appreciated.
  109. 109. Knot. Unreasonable anxiety, strong feelings, groundless suspicions.
  110. 110. Flag. You will have to attack, show aggression and imbalance.
  111. 111. Flower. Great love, fulfillment of a deepest desire.
  112. 112. Kettle. If the nose is directed upward - family well-being, downwards - troubles and minor everyday troubles are expected.
  113. 113. Cup. Minor losses, loss.
  114. 114. Suitcase. Traveling to distant countries, traveling abroad.
  115. 115. Quadrangle. Great success with members of the opposite sex.
  116. 116. Damn. Actions contrary to fate, meaningless struggle.
  117. 117. Hat. Glory and honor.
  118. 118. Yula. A useless pastime, a waste of strength and vital energy.
  119. 119. Apple. Creativity, great success in art.
  120. 120. Egg. If it is whole - a major purchase, broken - large material losses, up to complete bankruptcy.
  121. 121. Anchor. The man is rich and successful in business.

The line is a symbol of life. If it is interrupted, there is a large material loss, a serious illness, an insurmountable test. A long and straight line means a carefree and happy life. Undulating - a long road that will be difficult and full of dangers. Zigzag - love adventure. Curve - you should beware of a dangerous ill-wisher. If the line crosses the bottom of the dish - a useful pastime; if it is in the middle - a fun trip with close friends, pleasant emotions.

There are many oblique lines on the walls of the cup - the plans are not destined to come true, life priorities are incorrectly determined. A large number of broken lines indicates a difficult financial situation. Many straight lines - excellent health, many years of happy life.

Meanings of Animals, Birds and Insects

Decoding fortune telling:

  1. 1. Shark - a person is very vulnerable, enemies do not sleep.
  2. 2. Butterfly - interference by an outsider in the personal life of a person who is telling fortunes. If this insect appears in the upper part of the dish - to a fun pastime, in the lower part - to a love adventure, a short-term romance.
  3. 3. Squirrel is a waste of time. A person cannot complete a single task he has started; he acts chaotically and at random. You should rationalize your actions and prioritize your life.
  4. 4. Bull - a warning about danger from an ill-wisher.
  5. 5. Camel is an obstacle on the way to the intended goal, a life obstacle. If a person shows hard work and perseverance, wealth will soon await him.
  6. 6. Wolf - a heroic act, overcoming difficult trials, a fatal illness.
  7. 7. Raven - a great misfortune, a sad event, a family tragedy.
  8. 8. Viper - universal recognition, honor and respect.
  9. 9. Dove - to be honest and kind, an immaculate soul.
  10. 10. Goose - the fortuneteller will soon receive an invitation to a significant event.
  11. 11. Giraffe - a period of stagnation in life, vain expectations, unfulfilled dreams.
  12. 12. Hare - internal fear, fears, constant anxiety, indecision, cowardice.
  13. 13. Zebra - has difficulty finding a common language with others, being constrained and shy.
  14. 14. The crane is a sign of excellent health and longevity.
  15. 15. Kangaroo - a person is too careless and frivolous, he lives in a world of illusions.
  16. 16. Keith - insignificant profit, receiving praise from superiors and monetary reward.
  17. 17. Goat - the need for proper rest. The person is too busy with work. It is necessary to take a short break and restore physical strength and mental balance.
  18. 18. Cat - eke out a miserable existence, need money, be unhappy. A person whom the fortuneteller considers a friend can greatly damage his reputation by spreading false rumors and dirty gossip.
  19. 19. Cat - a person knows a terrible secret, it is difficult for him to remain silent. It is necessary to keep the secret from everyone so that serious trouble does not arise.
  20. 20. Cow - great happiness is expected, a pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance or school friend.
  21. 21. Crocodile - this animal symbolizes danger, it can come from a person from a close circle or a competitor in the business sphere.
  22. 22. Swallow - a trip is expected in the near future, which will bring positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.
  23. 23. Leo - inner power, nobility and decency.
  24. 24. Swan - beautiful, luxurious life, peace, tranquility and harmony.
  25. 25. Bat - strong friendly ties, long life, good health.
  26. 26. Fox - a highly intelligent person with a broad outlook and good ingenuity, success awaits him in all endeavors.
  27. 27. Horse - a new acquaintance with an interesting person, a long journey.
  28. 28. Frog - great luck, good news, pure and bright love.
  29. 29. Bear - a difficult fate, constant disagreements and conflicts with people from the immediate environment. A person is depressed, he is dissatisfied with his life and does not know how to change it for the better.
  30. 30. Jellyfish - a warning about impending danger, the negative influence of an outsider.
  31. 31. An ant is a troublesome event, anxiety.
  32. 32. Mouse - you will have to suffer defeat, failure in business.
  33. 33. Fly - problems associated with receiving an inheritance.
  34. 34. Monkey - a dubious event, a scam, hypocrisy of friends, betrayal, deception, unjustified risk.
  35. 35. Sheep - achievement of intended goals, self-realization in professional activities.
  36. 36. Deer - life wisdom, common sense.
  37. 37. Eagle - fate opens up new horizons for a person, great prospects for the future.
  38. 38. Wasp - you should not attach great importance to the opinions of others, you need to be guided by your intuition in making a responsible decision.
  39. 39. Fish - a noisy party, a gala event, an invitation to a dinner party.
  40. 40. Cancer is a harbinger of a serious illness, depression, moral devastation.
  41. 41. Pig - a secret wish will come true in the near future. Success will be replaced by mental illness and serious illness.
  42. 42. Dog - a person is surrounded by faithful and devoted comrades who will never leave you in trouble.
  43. 43. Elephant - a difficult life period will soon be replaced by well-being and financial prosperity.
  44. 44. Owl - to imminent death or incurable illness.
  45. 45. Tiger - you need to show character and get angry with yourself in order to achieve success in the business you have started.
  46. 46. ​​Parrot - empty talk, gossip.
  47. 47. Snail - if the symbol is in the lower part of the dish - great opportunities, in the middle - slow but sure movement towards the goal, in the upper - unexpected guests, a family holiday.
  48. 48. Duck - for a girl, such a drawing promises a romantic trip with her lover in the near future.
  49. 49. Turtle - self-confidence, determination, perseverance.
  50. 50. Lizard - an unexpected turn, unforeseen circumstances that will take a person by surprise.

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