Solving problems with The Forest - Doesn't work, crashes, etc. Solving problems with The Forest - Doesn't work, crashes, etc. Forest can't see my friend's server

So, friends. This page is dedicated to the game The Forest, or to be more precise, to solving problems that may arise in this game.

The Forest game is a recently released survival horror game where the player has to survive in a forest with caves and ... enemies. But now we are not talking about the inner world of the game. Let's talk about technical issues when launching The Forest game, etc.

Below we will try to lay out various kinds of problems with descriptions of their solutions.

What are the system requirements for The Forest?

Minimum system requirements:

Operating system: Windows 7
CPU: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT
DirectX: Version 9.0

Operating system: Windows 7
CPU: Quad Core Processor
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
DirectX: Version 9.0

The Forest crashes

So, what should you do if The Forest won't start?

2. Run the game as administrator

3. You must have properly installed all game additional software:

4. Check the integrity of the files on Steam, and if you have a pirated copy, then make sure that the antivirus program did not delete anything during installation or launch.

5. At the time of launch and installation, it is advisable to turn off all unnecessary programs and other software from the tray. The game is demanding on operative memory and needs a lot of resources. Free as much as you can.

6. If you have Windows 8-8.1 and a pirated copy, then it is quite possible that Windows itself has quarantined a suspicious file. Recent versions of Windows have a kind of anti-virus software. To fix the problem, go to Control Panel - Windows Defender (Gray brick wall icon), go to the History tab and display all items in quarantine. Mark the file that is marked with a number when the game was first launched (or installed), most likely you have this number today. Then click Recover.

7. Make sure the time in the system is correct (especially the year and month).

8. Your computer must have at least 4GB of RAM, or the game may not want to start at all. To be sure, enable the swap file on the system.

9. The path to the game must not contain Cyrillic characters like your username in the system.

The Forest crashes

In this part of the material, we will look at solving situations when The Forest crashes to the desktop.

1. If your PC has less than 4 GB of RAM, then a crash is possible when generating the game world. The game needs a lot of RAM, so turn off unnecessary programs before launching.

2. Try to increase the paging file.

3. Lower the in-game graphics settings and switch the vertical sync value.

4. Complete steps 1 and 3 of the solution to the previous problem.

5. If you have a licensed copy of the game on Steam, then you should check the integrity of the game cache and remember to check the game for updates.

6. If your game The Forest crashes / freezes when loading, then we need to do some kind of manipulation in the PC.

So, you need to open the registry editor. Press the key combination on the desktop Windows + R(If you don't know, the Windows key, the one at the very bottom of the key row of the keyboard with the Windows icon).
After that, in the window that appears, enter regedit and click OK. Open the path in the editor: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ SubSystems \
A number of options will appear on the right, find Windows and double click on it. Look for this in a long line: SharedSection = 1024,3072,512
It remains for us to replace 3072 on the 4096 and by clicking OK close.

Now open the small window again by pressing Windows + R and write there cmd and we do it. The appeared black window is the command line, we enter there: bcdedit / set IncreaseUserVa 4096... If you get an error, run the command line as the system administrator in Start-Programs-Accessories / Utilities and execute the same command.

Now restart your computer and you're done.

The Forest hangs

Let's take a look at what you can do to get rid of freezes in The Forest:

First, you need to check the integrity of the game cache on Steam, update.

Secondly, freezing in The Forest is quite a remarkable thing. As such, it will help you to complete all of the points from the solution to the previous problem with The Forest (Departures). We do not want to rewrite the material again.

If The Forest twitches, freezes, twitches, then you are in the solution to the next problem (Brakes).

The Forest slows down

Few players were affected by performance issues in The Forest, but some were affected. If you have low FPS in The Forest, i.e. few frames per second, then this part of the article is for you. Let's try to fix the brake issues in The Forest.

1. Lower the graphics settings in the game. Disable shadows, anti-aliasing, vert. synchronization.

2. The game is very demanding on free space in RAM, so before starting, be sure to turn off all other unnecessary programs (and antivirus), and also enable the paging file on the local disk with the game and on the disk with the system.

3. It is possible that your computer is running a virus or unwanted background software that is loading the system. To verify this or the opposite, open the task manager (CTRL + ALT + DELETE), and then sort the list of processes by CPU load and terminate the "heavy" processes.

6. If you have a laptop, then connect the power supply and Energy saving(battery icon) put Maximum productivity.

7. If you have a laptop with 2 video cards, then run the game on the game card. To do this, right-click on the game shortcut and there Run with GPU.

Endless loading in The Forest

Let's think about endless loading in the game, how to fix it?

1. Do not be sure that it is endless. The fact is that with each launch, and especially the generation of the game world, a colossal amount of resources (especially RAM) is spent. Therefore, put a larger swap file, be patient and wait for the download.

2. Try lowering the graphic settings.

3. Install the new version of the drivers for your video card (Link at the top of the page).

Black screen in The Forest

A black screen can occur for several reasons. Let's see why some players get a black screen in The Forest and what needs to be done:

2. Lower the graphics settings in the game; if vertical sync is enabled, disable it and vice versa.

3. Start the game in windowed mode (Alt + Enter).

4. Check the integrity of the cache on Steam.

Blue Screen in The Forest

If in the middle of the game The Forest you have a blue screen or it appears in the same place, then you are here. In this subtitle of the article about solving problems with The Forest, we will help you get rid of the blue screen, or let's say what it appears from.

1. The CPU or GPU is overheated

The reason for this may be either insufficiently good cooling, or dried up thermal paste, or simply lowered fan speed (if you have it adjustable).

2. Software incompatibility

This may be the incompatibility of hardware with the OS (A common reason on laptops, where the hardware is initially sharpened for the system with which it comes in the kit).

Some drivers may also be incompatible with the game.

3. For some reason, the game causes a blue screen in the same place of the game (loading stage). If you have a pirate, download another license? We check the integrity of the cache. And in any case, we update DirectX by completely removing the old one.

Graphic problems in The Forest Textures, light in the game

If you have any kind of graphic problems, then first of all update the drivers for the video card (Link above on the page) by deleting the old ones. And the next step is to customize the graphics settings in the game.

The Forest is not saved

It's time to talk about the fact that some gamers do not save The Forest. First of all, this was fixed by the first patches of the game. The problem was in the game itself, but it is being fixed with patches. On your part, you need:

Run the game as administrator and make sure that the path to the game does not contain Cyrillic characters.

You can try the cheat for endless rebirth in the cave as an analogue of saving.

If you find any other solution to the problems described on the page, then be sure to write in the comments about it.

Play The forest not only interesting, but also informative, it is difficult to argue with this, but somehow it is not very and normal at an hour, when computer technologies are developing at great speed, to wander around the enchanting game world alone. Fortunately, in one of the game updates, the developers introduced the ability to wander through the local back streets with other real players. And now let's take a closer look at what is needed for this!

Several ways to start playing The Forest online

In fact, there are not so many methods of implementing our plans. If you love managing scores, the first step is to create a server. To do this, you need to download and install the game, find the section called "Co-op" and click on "Create Game". Then it remains only to set up various kinds of game interpretations, start the created server, inform friends or other players about it so that they connect to it, well, that's all, in fact - you can enjoy playing The Forest online.

If all of the above seems too dreary or incomprehensible to you, ask a friend to create a server in this way, and you just have to join the game on the server he created. Moreover, if you do not have a friend with whom you could play The Forest online- you can find one of the suitable servers on a thematic forum or blog, and then join the game on it. So, for this you need to install the game on your PC, if you have not already done so, find the section with the name "Co-op", click on "Create Game", then - on "Join Game". Further, it all depends on the version. If you play on a license, your friend or just any other player can invite you through a special window on Steam. Otherwise, you will need to drive in the name of the server you want to play on and find it by it. After that, all that remains is to connect to the desired server by clicking on the "Connect" button.

Alternative method to play online

In addition to the above, there is another way that answers the question in the best possible way - how to play The Forest online... Its essence lies in the game using special software - Tunngle or Hamachi. To implement such an idea in life, you will need to download the game - the latest version, as well as one of the "communicators". In this case, do not forget to download a special fix for pirated versions of the toy, otherwise nothing will work if you play pirate, of course. Next, you need to download Steam, log in and add The Forest. After that, you can proceed to the direct process by selecting the desired server, or by creating your own!

For versions 0.12 and higher:

1 .Download and install Steam, go under the left account(I do not advise using the main account, they may give a ban)

2 . Download the archive and unpack it to the root folder of the Forest.

3 . Adding The Forest as a Third Party App to Steam

How to do it:

4 .
Server creation:
Co-op -> \ "New Game \" -> \ "Host \" -> Enter the server name -> We are waiting for the players to connect, or press the Invite Friend button and send invitations -> Profit!

Server connection:
Co-op -> \ "New Game \" -> We are looking for the created server (or we type in the name through the filter) -> or we are waiting for an invitation through Steam -> \ "Join game \"

You need to launch the game by adding third-party applications.


The nickname matches the nickname on Steam
You can send an invitation to a friend via Steam
If you don't see the server you want, try re-entering Coop.
To play in co-op, you need to add Forest as a third-party application and always run from the Steam library

For versions below 0.12

For versions below 0.12

Launching the game on a pirate / license (if the IP is not displayed):
1. We launch any program that simulates LAN (,) and enter the room / network with the players (Or use a real local network).
2. Launch the game through a shortcut on the desktop or TheForest.exe in the game folder.

Server connection:
Co-op -> Enter your nickname (in the upper field) and click \ "Join game \" -> Enter the IP address and port (standard port 27000) -> Connect -> Profit!

Server creation:
Co-op -> Enter your nickname (in the upper field) and click \ "Create game \" -> Share the assigned Lan IP and wait for the second player to connect -> Profit!


To create a server, you may need to open port: 27000.

Video guide from our portal.

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