Psychological Test “Associations. Psychological association test, which animal do you associate yourself with? Psychology test which animal do you associate yourself with

Women are often compared to predators. Let's try to figure out which predator women of different zodiac signs can be compared with.


Dogs are not friends at all, but patrons of humans. These amazing predators have helped and supported us since ancient times. Although now many people perceive them as a devoted pet.

However, the dog still remains a helper and protector of man: it is the only animal that is ready to sacrifice its life and health to help its owner. It’s like it’s in her blood - the duty to help, sacrifice, protect under any conditions.
So for the Capricorn woman, the main word is duty. Many people think that she is very responsible and always does only what is necessary. But in fact, the main thing in her life is love. She always takes care of those she loves. And if you want to find out what she’s like when she’s angry, try teasing the chained Alabai, for example. If you survive, you will find out.


The ferret is a very cute animal that can create an incredible commotion in a second. The Aquarius young lady is the same. Don’t be surprised that, against the backdrop of complete peace, it will suddenly explode like a pocket atomic bomb.

Since the main qualities of both are surprise and swiftness, do not try to predict or stop the attack of your chosen one. She will always hunt her prey very quickly and almost always successfully. It's better to pretend that nothing happened. In relationships with Aquarius, this tactic is most useful. And it's safe for you.


The fox is a red-haired beauty, a symbol of cunning and deceit. They are outrageously beautiful, but no less dangerous. Do you want to tame a fox? You will have to try hard. It's the same with Pisces. They are very attractive, sweet and know how to present themselves, but they are also cunning, smart and even insidious.

Pisces women are born actresses. If she gets into your home, be prepared that from now on your whole life will be subordinated exclusively to the desires of this sweet and cunning predator. Suck it up or run away.


Are these really predators? They're so cute! Yes. In the pictures. In fact, raccoons are real fighters who are not afraid of anyone or anything. Just like Aries women, who, of course, are also very sweet. Until the hunt begins. Do you know why raccoons like to rinse their food? Not at all because they like to eat clean foods, but because the prey in the water will stop fluttering faster if it is drowned. This is such a small warning.

Remember that the Aries woman does not like it when someone flutters around for no particular reason. In general, raccoons and Aries are the cutest creatures. Unless, of course, you like it when someone stages a coup in the house and climbs on your head, because it’s more convenient to steal cookies.


The image of a bear evokes the most contradictory associations: it is both a formidable predator, the owner of the forest, and a funny giant lover of honey. What is he really like? Look at a Taurus woman and you will understand everything yourself. Like a real bear, she prefers to spend time alone with herself. At the same time, she loves to do something pleasant.

For example, fishing or picking berries. She doesn't like strangers and can tear her to pieces if someone gets in her way. On the other hand, she will fiercely protect her babies and family. In between searching for something tasty. In general, if a Taurus bear attacks you, it’s better to just pretend to be dead right away.


She looks like a domestic cat, whose portrait the illustrators did a good job on. This predatory animal is absolutely charming; even as an adult she looks like a kitten. At the same time, only desperate travelers and wildlife researchers were able to see the dune cat live, since it lives in the most arid and deserted places and diligently avoids meeting people.

Gemini women also love to retreat into their inner world, which from the outside may seem like a lifeless desert. But in fact, their inner world is a real densely populated metropolis. Although only Gemini women themselves can survive in it, so it’s better for outsiders not to meddle there.


Cancer women, like lionesses, need a real Leo man. Such that it can be seen from afar. Having won her attention, he himself doesn’t have to strain himself much anymore - the Cancer lady, as lionesses do, will take care of everything herself. She goes hunting, looks after the children, and puts the house in order.

A man for them is protection and support. But she will behave this way only as long as he remains a real Leo man. As soon as he stumbles, a pride of faithful girlfriends and relatives, led by his lioness, will tear the scoundrel into small pieces, and there will be no trace left.


Beautiful, soft and independent predator. Today, cats have so many fans that it looks like a cult of some kind of goddess. And the Lioness woman is a goddess, she is used to being worshiped. And she is also a predator, like a cat: they are both capable of killing their prey for a long time and painfully. But this is only as a last resort.

If she is provided with premium food on time and served in the most expensive and luxurious bowl, then the Lioness will not strain herself once again, enjoying the due honors.


The wolf is fed by the mind, not the legs, as in the famous saying. It is not for nothing that he is one of the most cunning and cautious predators. At the same time, in a pack of wolves, the she-wolf usually dominates. It is she who is responsible for everyone’s well-being. Almost like a Virgo woman. A “flock” of people often gathers around her, who are confident that they can always count on help and her wise advice in difficult times.

But she only lets the most trusted people close, those who are “of the same blood” with her. She will never attack others without reason, preferring to avoid the conflict.


Suddenly! Many people forget, but this cute big creature is also a predator, like other bears. Note that this is the only bear in the world that has chosen vegetarianism. Of course, sometimes they can eat eggs, some small animals, birds or some insects, but most of all they like to quietly chew bamboo.

Libra women do roughly the same thing - they never attack unless absolutely necessary. And even if necessary, they will think 10 times whether it is worth getting involved in this. It is not surprising that almost everyone loves peace-loving Libra women.


The tigress is a dangerous and mysterious representative of the cat family. Tigers very often attack people, and the reasons for this have not yet been studied. About the same mysterious behavior of Scorpio women is when, during regular hunting trips, they receive someone’s heart.

Of course, you can ask them about it, but the answer will only add more questions. Because they think there's nothing special about it. Until you come across some unusual heart.


This beautiful mammal is a “killer whale”. His actions are always precise, and his hunting plan is ingenious and perfect. They are very smart, like real strategists and tacticians. But the main secret of these animals is their relationship with a person, whom they never attack. They can attack only if they are caught and put in prison, i.e. to the dolphinarium. Then she can really take revenge.

In the wild, killer whales happily communicate with people. In the entire history of mankind, there has not been a single case of an orca attacking a person in free-living conditions. There is no doubt that killer whales are noble, just like Sagittarius women. They will also never attack the weaker.

The method of free association is actively used in psychoanalysis. The essence of the method is that a person unconsciously makes an associative connection to a stimulus word with words that describe his problem.

This test, like all association tests, is used to identify a person’s personality traits. Your answers to the test questions determine your values ​​and ideals, your attitude towards yourself, towards others and towards life in general.

The psychological test “Association” is a determinant of your attitude towards family, money, loved ones and life in general. It can be called humorous, but it is still largely true, especially if you answer the questions honestly and do not overthink it.

To take the test you will need a pen, pencil and a piece of paper. Your task is to answer the questions without looking at the lines below, otherwise you will not get the desired result. Answer the questions in detail, express your thoughts in as much detail as possible. You can supplement your answers with a drawing.

You should not give yourself much time to think: the first association is the most correct. Write down the very first thing that comes to mind, and then decipher the meaning of what you wrote down and find out what is hidden in your subconscious.

Exercise 1.

Describe (in a few sentences possible) what associations you have:

  • Coffee.
  • Dog.
  • Cat.
  • Sea.
  • Rat.

Task 2.

Arrange the animals according to your attitude towards them (starting with the ones you like best):

  • Pig.
  • Cow.
  • Horse.
  • Tiger.
  • Sheep.

Task 3.

Think of 5 people you often think about and choose a color for each of them:

  • Red.
  • Yellow.
  • Green.
  • White.
  • Orange.

Exercise 1.

Associations with coffee reflect your interest in sex.

Do you think you are writing about dog, but actually think about yourself.

Description cats corresponds to the idea of ​​your partner.

Sea reflects your ideas about others.

Rat- Your enemy.

Task 2.

You have set your life priorities, since each animal in the subconscious is associated with a specific subject or concept. Sheep means love pig- money, cow– career, tiger– dignity and honor, horse- family.

Task 3.

The person to whom you assigned the color red is the one you truly love.

Yellow refers to someone you will not forget throughout your life, even if you really want to.

The person to whom the color green is assigned is your true friend.

Orange characterizes the one whom you consider to be your best friend.

White is the color of a person close to you in spirit.

Think about the test results. Are you satisfied with everything? Maybe something should be changed? Let your subconscious mind itself offer solutions, do not interfere with this process with your mental reflections.

Consider the test results only as food for thought, as starting points that you should pay attention to when choosing a further strategy. An Online Psychologist will help you use test results correctly, help you navigate the structure of accents and correct your psychological state.

Want to get a more accurate test interpretation? Save your entries and .

Theoretical justifications for data interpretation

We reveal an even deeper layer of attitudes toward politics using association method . Unlike the method of free associations, which is traditionally used in psychology, we work with fixed associations - associations with animals, associations with color and smell, which allows us to compare politicians with each other.

Interpretation of the obtained associations of the image of a particular politician with an animal, color and smell required the development of theoretical foundations for identifying the meanings of the obtained associations.

Thus, in associations with animals, we proceeded from the fact that only those associations that are associated with metaphorical images of a given culture are subject to interpretation. Hence, for example, animals that are exotic for a given culture (rhinoceros, panthers, giraffes, platypuses, etc.) were interpreted as evidence of the inorganicity of a given politician to the dominant political culture (not from our forest).

We analyzed these associations based on the general interpretation scheme proposed by M.V. Novikova - Grund. So, first of all, we identified the metaphorical meanings of this or that animal in the context of the national folklore series. The diagram looks like this:

1) “The Mythological Circle of Animals” unites the protagonists of proverbs, fairy tales, and omens. The animals of this circle are included in the plot, have their own constants, repeating from proverb to proverb roles, attributes and locus - "scene of action"", in the plot they interact with other characters, also endowed with fixed roles. The most developed and productive plots and the roles fixed in them are not distinguished by great structural diversity and fall into several groups:


Rivalry for superiority in locus (bear/wolf);

Rivalry in hunting for prey (bear/wolf/fox...)

In these relationships, the following roles emerged: the invariant LORD and the WINNER - the bear in the “non-human locus” (in the “human locus” this is the person himself, and in the “man-bear” plot both outcomes of the rivalry are possible); -strong (equal, smart) RIVAL (wolf, fox, boar...);

HUNTER/VICTIM RELATIONSHIPS (man/wolf; wolf/hare...) In these relationships, the following roles emerged: - “CHASING HUNTER” (dog, wolf); "HUNTER ATTACKING FROM AMBUSH" (cat, lynx); “A HUNTER WHO COMPENSATES FOR LACK OF STRENGTH AND AGILITY WITH CLITERNITY AND INTELLIGENCE” (man, fox); - STRONG and WEAK VICTIM; Moreover, the role of the “MAXIMUM WEAKEST VICTIM” - “FOOD” turned out to be especially interesting. “VICTIM-FOOD” (turkey, rooster) simultaneously participate in the plot of “false ruler”, “ruler of the weak”, representing an inverse, caricatured image of a character who imagines himself as a LORD, but is simply “FOOD” for the true LORD.

MASTER/SERVANT RELATIONSHIP Here the roles of the FAITHFUL SERVANT (dog) emerged; A DANGEROUS SERVANT who at the same time turns out to be a MAGICAL ASSISTANT (horse, wolf); VICIOUS SERVANT (cat); a pig occupies a special place among SERVANTS - it serves only nominally, does not know duty, gratitude, is dirty, omnivorous and insatiable; however, she is a “MAGIC HELPER” who brings “wealth” that she herself does not have and does not need. This role can be called TALISMAN SERVANT.

RELATIONSHIPS GUARDIAN OF PROPERTY/PLOGGER (dog/"strangers"; hamster/"burrowers"). It is easy to see that the plots and roles presented here one way or another interpret the relationship of dominance-submission - i.e. the very relationships that are of primary interest to this study. This fact apparently requires a special explanation, since the idea to include associations with animals in the survey belonged to a psychologist who did not foresee the possibility of decoding a series through plot-role relationships in mythological discourse. From the point of view of a linguist, we have before us an indirect confirmation of the hypothesis: on the rational level, the psychologist intended to evaluate the results on the scales of “size”, “degree of aggressiveness”, “activity”, but on the irrational level - he, like the respondents, turned to what is common to all native speakers of the Russian language folklore and mythological discourse, in which most plots describe relations of dominance, subordination and power.

In addition to “mythological” images, the respondents’ answers often repeat images of animals that do not correlate with folklore and mythological discourse. These images almost do not participate in productive plots, but have a fairly specific list of attributes, motivated by phraseological turns of the Russian language:

THICK-SKINED LIKE (elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, etc.);

UGLY (FUNNY, SMART) like a monkey (for more details, see THESAURUS);

FAST AS (doe, deer, cheetah, hound...);

ANCIENT AS (brontosaurus, pterodactyl...);

HAIRSTYLE LIKE (hedgehog, porcupine).

Respondents' answers often mention not adult animals, but cubs. We found it acceptable to interpret this as confirmation of all the attributes of the image and non-confirmation of dominant roles, for example: “bear cub” retains all the attributes of a bear (smart, rude, clumsy, inhospitable), but does not retain the role (not LORD); at the same time, the “pig” completely retains all the characteristics of the “pig”, since the role (SERVANT-TALISMAN) is not dominant.

In conclusion, let us consider the THESAURUS OF ZOOLOGICAL METAPHORS, ranked by degree of favorability:

Positive associations

1. "The bear and the circle of animals - strong RIVALS/HUNTERS, duplicating its qualities: wolf, fox, lion, bull, elk..." The "circle of the bear" has the mythological attribute of "master", "lord", "winner of the strong opponent." His attributes: “rude, angry, hungry, smart, clumsy...” Probably, such an association is most favorable for a presidential candidate. In the analyzed material, the “bears” are Yeltsin (8), Chernomyrdin (4), Lebed (4), Gaidar (2) (but Gaidar does not have the necessary quality of “calm-confident”).

2. “Horse” - with the mythological plot feature “magic assistant”. This is not a completely successful association for the applicant, since the “horse” must have an “owner,” but there are such important attributes as “unexpected willfulness” and “knowledge of fate.”

3. "Dog" duplicates the mythological plot of "horse", but without mystical attributes - an unprofitable association.

Negative associations:

4. "Cat" - "thieving sensualist."

5. “Rat”, “hamster-badger” - “a greedy and careful guardian of his own hole and property.”

Strongly negative association:

6. "Turkey-peacock" - "false lord-food", a caricatured opposition to the "bear".

Ambivalent association:

7. “The pig” is a “servant talisman”, dirty, fat, knows how to lead to wealth, dreams of power and nobility inaccessible by the will of God." This metaphor combines: a) disgusting external, psychological and ethical characteristics (note that the owner of the Pig - the Man with whom the respondents implicitly associate themselves - has the same psychological and ethical characteristics: greedy, ungrateful, resourceful); b) mysterious knowledge; c) neglect or “pigish” inability to appreciate the wealth desired by the Man; d) "idealistic" dreams of the inaccessible; e) contact, albeit of a negative nature, with God, which limits the Pig's capabilities to the "earthly, dirty" sphere. In the analyzed material, associations with the "Pig" are found in the perception of Gaidar, Zyuganov, Yeltsin.

The ideal combination of metaphors: “Bear-Wolf-Horse” with the dominance of “Bear”. Worst combination: Hamster-Turkey.

In the political-psychological part of the study, we selected the following parameters to interpret associations with animals:

attractiveness ( both external and moral) based on the existing attributions to a given animal in our culture. So, for example, a pig is unpleasant, but a pig is wow. A horse is attractive, but a snake is not attractive. This measurement of unconscious evaluations allows us to compare the level of attraction on a rational level with unconscious reactions to the same politician.

aggressiveness(we determined this characteristic by the herbivorous or predatory nature of the animal). Aggression at the unconscious level, in our opinion, characterizes a level of activity comparable to a similar indicator at the rational level.

Strength is as important an indicator on an unconscious level as on a rational level. However, in addition to the actual parameter of strength in associations with animals, we identified the size of the animal, which we interpret as a certain reflection of the scale of the personality. If before 1999, all the data that we received on Russian politicians indicated a correlation between the choice of a particular politician and the assessment of his image as large or at least average, then with the appearance on the political scene of V.V. Putin. this clear picture is confused: his image is dominated by animals of modest scale. Perhaps, to evaluate a leader of this type, respondents use a changed perception model: in the new century, Russian voters are no longer looking for a charismatic leader, they are more attracted to “people like us.” This is just a hypothesis. In the future, you will have to look for an adequate interpretation of this picture.

6.3.2. A associations with color.

The initial hypotheses from which we proceeded when interpreting color associations were the following:

The sensations that a person receives from the external environment have shaped human character and behavior for thousands of years.

The influence of the environment causes various sensations in a person - visual, olfactory, tactile. Their constant impact on the unconscious created strong associations of these sensations with certain concepts, and in the course of evolution these associations were genetically fixed in the collective unconscious.


* sensations and perceptions are associated not only with the stimulus. But also among themselves (color - with smell)

* There is a connection between sensations (perceptions) and type of behavior

* It means. that associations with a particular object can be used to interpret not only the type of behavior of the recipient, but also be attributed to the object (in our case, a politician)

Color has 3 physical properties:

1. Color tone - a certain wavelength within a certain part of the spectrum. Pure colors - red, yellow. Green, blue. The rest are mixed.

2. Brightness or lightness - the intensity of radiation in comparison with others.

3. Saturation or purity (the amount of achromatic (white, black, gray) mixed with the main color. All natural colors have this admixture.

The human eye under certain conditions can distinguish from 20,000 to 2,000,000 colors. An artist - up to a million shades. However, the language does not have such a number of notations. Even the shades of primary colors are descriptive - orange from orange. Yellow - from bile. Additional colors do not have their own names at all (raspberry, light green, brick) or descriptive ones (dark green).

For our research, the problem of the psychological impact of the color spectrum, or rather verbal attribution of color associations and their interpretation is more than the actual problem of color perception.

The psychological effect of color is twofold: primary, thanks to which we perceive the environment or object and get some kind of impression (heaviness, heat, humidity, etc.) and secondary, subconscious, acting through associations. The latter is more individual and accumulates through experience.

However, there are a number of associations of an objective nature. They came from time immemorial and became entrenched in the human unconscious and are passed on genetically from generation to generation. For example, the connection of orange with the sun, warmth, energy, blue and cyan with the sea, sky, peace. This left its mark on the culture. We have a hard time imagining a calm red color, a dry blue-green color. And the airy one is brown.

Color is poorly defined in situations of unstable consciousness: fear, anxiety, pain, poor health. IN In our study, it is worth paying attention to respondents who cannot give color associations.

Black and dark blue colors are associated with darkness. This associative connection entered the collective unconscious. These colors evoke feelings of fear, uncertainty, and depression. Bright and light colors, on the contrary, either cheer, especially those close to the sun - orange and yellow, or calm - green, blue.

Light shades evoke feelings of security and a surge of strength, action, and joy.

Darkness is a dangerous time, a feeling of anxiety, uncertainty, mystery. This is a direct indication for the interpretation of color associations with politicians. Most of which (especially successful ones) are associated in consciousness with dark tones. They either cause fear and anxiety, or seem mysterious. It is also necessary to explain why the brightest and brightest of politicians are so ineffective in getting the positions they want.

Achromatic tones are non-emotional. These are abstract colors of time and space.

The red-yellow part of the spectrum causes a feeling of warmth. Blue - cold. Orange produces maximum heat, not red. This is a purely psychological pattern, not a physical one. Because the wavelength of red is longer than that of orange.

Red is perceived as the most active. Exciting. Violet - increasing calm. Orange-yellow causes a feeling of joy, a decrease in aggressiveness and activity.

Green - balance. Combines the lightness and liveliness of yellow with the calm and heaviness of blue. Active colors are better remembered and seem more vibrant.

The greatest feeling of distance from an object (that is, an increase in space) is created by the colors of the blue-blue part of the spectrum. Time slows down.

Orange-yellows give the effect of approaching the observer. Time is speeding up. Blue-blue shades are heavy, yellow are light.

Blue colors are not sexy. Sexuality increases through purple to red.

Bright and light (warm) colors have an exciting effect, stimulating communication and activity. Cool colors evoke inhibition, rationality, and rationality.

Green, green-yellow, olive are balancing, immersing in the inner world.

Pastel colors (pink, light green, lilac) - modesty. Tenderness. Weasel.

Black and other dark colors are gloomy. gloominess, melancholy, fear.

Pair - blue-yellow - tension, movement.

Red-yellow - impulsiveness. Life affirmation.

Purple-yellow-green - hidden power, balanced.

Orange-blue - eager energy combined with isolation.

Associations with color The book will analyze in detail in relation to each policy separately. If we try to interpret the data obtained by comparing politicians with each other, the following trends emerge. We divided associations with color into the following formal categories: light-dark, warm-cold and bright-dull. Almost all effective Russian politicians are seen in a dark, cold and dull range of colors. Exceptions are “bright” personalities: Gaidar, Skokov, Yavlinsky and S. Fedorov. Predominantly warm colors distinguish only one politician - Gaidar. The overall picture of the perception of politicians in color turned out to be bleak, causing a feeling unattractiveness politicians, their alienation from respondents. It is rather a collective image of power as such, which is perceived extremely negatively on an unconscious level. Those exceptions that evoke “warm” and “bright” feelings clearly do not look like favorites in the political struggle and do not evoke a desire to move from emotional acceptance to electoral behavior.

Imagine the situation: you are looking for a job, looking for an excellent vacancy for yourself, carefully preparing for an interview, thinking through all the most tricky and tricky questions, coming to a meeting with a potential employer... and suddenly you hear the question: “ What animal do you associate yourself with?»

Most often, it is at this point that collapse occurs for an ordinary person. What animals? Am I here to get a job at the zoo? What do they want from me? Is this guy crazy? What kind of crazy questions are these?!

And, by the way, there is nothing crazy about this issue. Psychologists say that this is just a dream, and not a question: it allows the manager to assess the creativity of the job applicant, his resistance to stress, reaction speed, ingenuity and, of course, basic personal qualities - depending on the representative of the fauna he names.

For example, people who associate themselves with giraffes are individuals with a well-developed sense of beauty. They are aesthetes, they care about their appearance, so, for example, an office manager or consultant is a position just for them.

“Giraffe” people are elegant in everything: from hairstyle to communication with clients. They easily learn new things, interact well with other team members, and strive for great achievements - just like giraffes reach for fruits hanging on higher trees.

Such characters, of course, also have disadvantages, such as excessive slowness that develops from elegant regularity, or a direct consequence of the desire for great reluctance to engage in routine work, but an experienced leader can easily cope with them, forcing the positive qualities to completely cover the negative.

Many people associate themselves with bears - just like those stereotypical stories about Russian Ivan with a bear, vodka and a balalaika. Here, too, everything is eloquent: the advantages are strength, pressure and the ability to get out of the most difficult situations (a direct analogy with a bear forced to suck its paw out of hunger in winter), the disadvantages are a certain limitation, stubbornness, straightforwardness. Well, and cruelty - especially if you take away the pot of honey from these guys :)

It is recommended to carefully confront “Bears” with clients - sometimes their impulsiveness can interfere with productive work. However, if you need to fulfill the sales plan, and the “giraffes” are stalling, the “clubfooted” ones will come in handy.

Some people consider the cow to be their totem animal. They are characterized by calmness, bordering on phlegmatism, kindness, sometimes causing outright connivance, attentiveness, which can easily be confused with meticulousness.

Such people are unlikely to be suitable for leadership positions, and even if so, they will find them uncomfortable and difficult. Let’s be honest, a dull “Moo” motivates people to work much worse than “Woof-woof-woof!” or even “Crow!”

As you can see, your answer to the question about what animal you associate yourself with can give the boss a lot of information about you. Think over the answer to it, because everyone knows that the best improvisation is a prepared improvisation. Sometimes you can embellish the situation: for example, if since childhood you consider yourself somehow connected with a skunk or platypus, then it is better to keep silent about it during the interview.

P.S. Personally, the closest thing to me mentally, as you may have already understood, is the elephant: an animal that is confident, powerful, moderately kind, but at the same time demolishes everything on its way to success. What about your associations?

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