Why and by whom was the brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Nam killed? Death of Kim Jong Nam: the reason for the brutal reprisal against Kim Jong-un's brother is revealed Switzerland and Disneyland

In Malaysia, at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on February 13, an almost detective story took place: Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of the current leader of North Korea, was killed under mysterious circumstances. A citizen of Myanmar (according to other sources, Vietnam) named Doan Thi Huong was detained on suspicion of committing this crime, but what role she played in these events is unknown. Forensic doctors, after autopsying Kim Jong Nam's body, were unable to shed light on the causes of his death. summarized the available information about the circumstances of the death of Kim Jong Nam and the probable reasons for his murder.

Crown Prince?

Kim Jong-nam was born on May 10, 1971, the son of Kim Jong-il with his first common-law wife, actress Song Hae-rim. Due to the nature of his origin, he never laid claim to the role of crown prince. In 2001, Kim Jong Nam gained worldwide media attention after Japanese border officials detained him while entering the country with a false Dominican passport. It is believed that after this he fell into long-term disgrace and lived constantly outside the DPRK (in China and Singapore, but preferred Macau, known for its gambling establishments), had a reputation as a playboy, tried to avoid communicating with journalists and refrained from talking about political topics.

However, some of his statements showed mild criticism of the North Korean regime. In particular, in 2010, shortly after Kim Jong-un was declared his father's heir, Kim Jong-nam gave an interview to Japanese television. He spoke out against the transfer of power by inheritance, but expressed hope that the new leader will do everything possible to improve the lives of North Koreans, and he is ready to help him with this.

In 2012, his correspondence with the Japanese journalist Yoji Gomi was published, in which Kim Jong Nam also allowed himself quite frank statements (for example, he argued that his younger brother did not have leadership abilities) - although, I repeat, calling him a consistent critic of the regime and political brother's opponent is incorrect.

Mysterious life

The status and occupation of Kim Jong Nam was unclear, and therefore all sorts of rumors circulated about the deceased: either they made him the number one dissident, or the embodiment of the pro-Chinese lobby or a candidate who, under certain circumstances, Beijing could put in charge of the DPRK in order for the country to carry out a course more consistent with the interests of China (however, Chinese officials and scientists have always denied the plausibility of such rumors).

Often these speculations were supplemented by stories like “brother wanted to kill brother, but Chinese state security stopped this.” As part of the demonization of Kim Jong-un, such stuffing surfaced every one and a half to two years. Their authors were South Korean or Western media specializing in anti-North Korean canards and citing “anonymous but well-informed sources.” For example, in 2012, a “North Korean agent” from among the defectors arrested by South Korean intelligence said that he had to organize a traffic accident during which Kim Jong Nam would die.

According to other assumptions, Kim Jong Nam was, on the contrary, the man who kept the black treasury of the North Korean regime: any tyranny must have its own “party gold”, and if it is unknown, it means it is simply well hidden, and who else but the elder brother dictator to keep it.

Mysterious death

And so Kim Jong Nam still died, and the circumstances of his death vary greatly. The Yonhap agency, which made the news widely public, referred to the Chosun TV channel, to which another “government source” allegedly conveyed this information. In the version of this channel, which is closely associated with the South Korean conservative newspaper Chosun Ilbo (and is a local champion in unconfirmed anti-North Korean stuff), Kim was eliminated by two female killers who injected him with poisoned needles, after which they safely left in a taxi.

Such awareness of the details of the murder is extremely curious - despite the fact that the Malaysian police were not even ready to confirm the fact of Kim Jong Nam's death: regional news only reported that a certain North Korean named Kim, waiting for a flight to Macau, felt unwell and died on the way in hospital. At the airport first aid station he complained of a headache and almost lost consciousness. The head of airport security confirmed this information to the press. Over time, additional details emerged: it turned out that the deceased had documents with him in the name of a certain Kim Chol, so they could not immediately identify Kim Jong Nam.

The circumstances of the assassination attempt continue to vary. According to the police authorities, a woman grabbed Kim from behind and either splashed something into his eyes, or threw a scarf soaked in a poisonous liquid over his head. Kim then complained of a burning sensation in his eyes and was treated on the spot and then taken to Putrajaya Hospital, where he died on the way there. But there was no talk of any poisoned needles.

One way or another, the pathological examination is the cause of death, although it should be noted that there are not many poisons that can give such a quick effect. In addition, the victim did not have any burns to his eyes, face or body. On February 14, the head of the criminal department of the local police, Muhammad Saleh, said that there was no confirmation of the murder version yet; the police were investigating a case of sudden death. The cause of death is considered to be a heart attack.

Who is guilty

Without waiting for the results of the forensic examination, much less the investigation, the South Korean, and after them the Western media, successfully found the culprit: of course, this is the work of Kim Jong-un, who is trying to strengthen political leadership in a similar way.

South Korean experts began to say that the political assassination could not have happened without the direct order of Kim Jong-un and was carried out as a reminder that even members of the ruling family are no exception and can become victims of the terrorist regime: “The North Korean leader removed the last one who could openly challenge him,” “A signal has been sent to the Pyongyang elite that even those closest to them are not immune from the royal wrath.” Some even announced that Kim Jong Nam was killed because he wanted to ask for political asylum, and another anonymous defector from the DPRK said that this happened because Kim Jong Nam did not obey his brother’s order to return to the DPRK and stay there.

Photo: Choongang Monthly Magazine/AP

It should be noted, however, that North Korea did not actually conduct a targeted hunt for dissidents. High-profile assassination stories involving defectors arrested in South Korea have invariably ended with a lack of evidence. But in anti-North Korean propaganda, the actions of the DPRK leader resemble the logic of a negative hero from an Indian film, committing atrocities solely for the sake of developing the plot. Let us repeat: Kim Jong-un’s elder brother has never seriously criticized the regime and emphasized that he is a private person. But does it really matter?

So far, the authorities of the Republic of Korea, including the National Intelligence Service, have not confirmed the authenticity of the North Korean trail, although they have strengthened security for defectors just in case, and the United States has not expressed a firm belief that Kim Jong Nam was killed by North Korean agents (however, there are no official statements on this matter not yet). Acting President of the Republic of Korea Hwang Kyo Ahn was informed about the incident, after which he stated: if it turns out that the murder was committed on the initiative of the North Korean authorities, this will be further evidence of the cruelty and inhumanity of the regime.

If the information about the North Korean trace is confirmed, it will be an even more resonant fact than the removal and liquidation of Jang Song Thaek (Kim Jong-un's uncle).

Conspiracy theories

In the first version, Kim turned out to be a “sacred victim”, and the operation was planned by South Korean intelligence. It is no coincidence that the conservative channel talked about this long before the key details became known, which is why it unwittingly turned out to be like the famous joke about the condolences that were sent half an hour before the accident. The goal is simple - to push the world community towards a forceful solution to the North Korean problem. The image of a country whose ruler killed his own brother is an excellent illustration of why no agreements and no measures of interaction other than forceful ones are possible with such a regime. Very timely, considering the discussions being held on this issue in Washington.

Another version of the same version is to respond to the recent rocket launch and show Kim Jong-un: we got to our brother, we’ll get to you. For nothing, perhaps, not so long ago the Republic of Kazakhstan announced the creation of a special special forces group to eliminate it!

The second version suggests that since Kim Jong Nam was in charge of the family’s finances, it was he who knew where the North Korean billions were kept, with the help of which the regime successfully circumvented all the sanctions imposed on it. Having found a way to cut off the DPRK from the main source of currency, one force or another eliminated the only person who knew where the key to the apartment and where the money was kept.

The third version highlights personal motives. We can talk not only about an abandoned lover, but also, for example, about a brave avenger who, like other Korean “ysa” (the term can be roughly translated as “fighter for justice”; usually “ysa” acts by methods of individual terror), decided to commit a terrorist act against that representative of the hated Kim family whom she could reach. Whether she was a defector or an adherent of a radical Protestant sect can be figured out later.

One way or another, a high-profile political murder exacerbates regional tensions and draws attention to the North Korean regime. One would like to hope that the Malaysian authorities will conduct a serious investigation into the murder (if it was a murder), but the laws of propaganda, unfortunately, are such that interpretation is more important than fact. Each side will receive its truth, and anti-North Korean propaganda will in any case pin a new crime on Pyongyang.

Putin reminded experts of Kim Jong-un with a speech about the latest weapons

© Photo from the site www.kremlin.ru

With his vision for Russia's new nuclear arsenal, President Vladimir Putin did more than just remind domestic audiences that the country was regaining its position as a superpower. On the eve of the elections, he sent a signal to the United States and its NATO allies that Russia did not intend to give up in the new nuclear arms race. The Financial Times newspaper writes about this, noting that the Russian leader’s statements came after the United States announced the modernization of its strategic weapons.

“Does this technique work? And in general: does it exist? All these samples are still under development,” this is how Joseph Cirincione, head of the Plowshares international security fund, responded to Putin’s message (translation - ).

Former British Foreign Minister Malcolm Rifkind assessed the speech of the Russian President as a classic example of political propaganda. “To some extent, this is similar to Kim Jong-un, who says: “That’s it, I have nuclear weapons, and now no one will touch me.” This is done in order to produce an external effect,” the expert said.

In turn, he cites the opinion of German rocketry expert Robert Schmucker, who did not believe Putin’s statement. In the foreseeable future, he said, Russia will not be able to develop a nuclear-powered cruise missile.

“This thing would be too heavy. I can’t imagine that they can create a small flying fusion reactor,” said Schmucker, who is a professor of aeronautical and space engineering at the Technical University of Munich.

He explained that scientists studied this issue several decades ago. The advantage of nuclear power rockets is their flight duration. The idea is that the reactor produces a huge amount of energy, which allows the missile to fly at a very high speed for a long time below the enemy's radar field of view and reach a target anywhere in the world. It is very difficult to organize protection against such a missile, since it “can fly for days,” the expert says.

“According to Shmucker, Putin’s statements are nothing more than “bragging.” The scientist also considers another statement by the Russian president - about the creation of hypersonic weapons - a “chimera”. According to him, reports regularly appear that Russia or China have achieved great success in this area, but these reports are unreliable,” the German media corporation reports.

The Russian President spoke yesterday in his message to the Federal Assembly about new weapons, including a missile system with a heavy intercontinental missile and a nuclear power plant for cruise missiles. According to Putin, any use of nuclear weapons against the Russian Federation or its allies “will be considered a nuclear attack.”

Three people have been arrested on suspicion of involvement in the murder; unofficial data indicate that North Korean intelligence agents could have killed Kim Jong Nam. Meduza tells what is known about the suspects in the murder of Kim Jong-un's son [Kim Jong Il - note K.ru]- and why he could have been killed.

According to one of the versions discussed in the South Korean press, Kim Jong-un ordered his brother to return home and help the country with money, but he refused, which infuriated the DPRK leader. Kim Jong-un allegedly threatened to kill his brother. Seoul intelligence claims that attempts to organize an assassination attempt on Kim Jong Nam have not stopped for the past five years.

The Japanese agency Jiji Press writes about another version: supposedly Kim Jong-un feared that his brother could form a North Korean government in exile and lead it. Rumors that North Korean defectors were planning to form a government in exile had been circulating since October 2016, but Kim Jong Nam was not mentioned in these plans (even though he is known as an opponent of the Pyongyang regime).

Egor Gavrilov

A video of the assassination attempt on the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Nam has appeared on the Internet. [...]

The footage released shows how a woman in a white top approaches a man in light jeans and a jacket from behind. She holds his head for two seconds, lets go and quickly disappears into the crowd.

After this, Kim Jong Nam approached the security officers and showed them his face. He was taken to the first aid station. [...]

Why and by whom was the brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Nam killed?

Why was Kim Jong-un's brother killed, and what actions will follow after such a terrible event?
The killing of Kim Jong Nam was "stupid and reckless" in its decision and execution, and could have negative consequences for Pyongyang, political analysts say.

The murder of Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, raises suspicions about the involvement of North Korean intelligence services in this crime. According to the latest media reports in Hong Kong and Malaysia, citing police, Kim Jong-un's brother was killed by "special agents" with a "much more toxic poison than cyanide," RIA Novosti reported.

Political analysts explain the possible causes and consequences of this murder.

Is Kim Jong Nam a potential candidate for the “throne”?

Analysts say North Korea "is not, in fact, an absolute monarchy," but the country is ruled by one family, and anyone from that clan, no matter where they are located, is seen as a potential candidate for the "throne."

The contenders are Kim Jong-un's older siblings. In particular, before Tuesday, there were two such contenders for the position of leader of North Korea: Kim Jong Nam and Kim Jong Chol, about whom there is not much information today.

Chinese factor

According to the analyst, Kim Jong Nam never had a close relationship with his father, Kim Jong Il. Thus, in the early 2010s, he gave a series of interviews to Japanese journalists in which Kim Jong Nam clearly described his feelings for both his father and his country as “double and painful.” On the other hand, he avoided passing judgment on his brother Kim Jong Un, only noting that it would be good to carry out reforms in North Korea.
On the other hand, analysts recalled that Kim Jong Nam lived in China under the protection of the government of that country. According to the author of the article, many experts in North Korea believe that Beijing "had him in reserve" in case it one day had to overthrow the North Korean government and install older brother Kim Jong-un as the "true successor."
This explains a lot, including why the North Korean leader decided to kill Kim Jong Nam. According to the expert, there is another factor, possibly related to Kim Jong-un’s “personal hostility” towards his brother.

Negative consequences

However, analysts continue, the North Korean leader's decision to kill his brother appears to be "stupid and unwise." If Beijing decides to invade North Korea, the "presence or absence" of Kim Jong Nam will be the most important factor, as they may choose someone else to be the formal leader. On the other hand, experts warn of the following negative consequences for Pyongyang:

Firstly, the assassination of Kim Jong Nam may affect foreign investment by adding "The leader who killed his brother" to the existing reputation of the state, in which you cannot trust the country's image. A potential investor "will decide to invest in Zambia" rather than North Korea, and that "will be the right thing to do," analysts say.
Secondly, this event will increase the likelihood of an escalation of the crisis on the Korean Peninsula and a second Korean War. The author of the article recalls that US President Donald Trump warned of a “forceful” response to North Korea’s actions, and the situation is further complicated by the fact that it will be necessary to “negotiate with a fratricidal country.” If the United States, concerned about North Korea's nuclear program, attacks the country's major nuclear infrastructure, Pyongyang could respond with a massive bombing of Seoul, the expert says.
Third, the killing sends a message to the North Korean elite as they now understand that “no one is safe from the leader’s wrath,” analysts conclude.

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