Supervisory 1 kontakt html. Unofficial translation of the official manual

Professional and experienced sound editors probably know about the existence of such a software platform as Native Instruments Kontakt.

Native Instruments Kontakt is a powerful and modern software platform for creating and editing sound files. Its arsenal is equipped with all the necessary tools, which in this moment are actively used for processing and editing sound files.

First of all, it should be noted that the editor uses a special Adaptive Resonance algorithm in its work. Due to the use of this technology, the appearance of sound artifacts that arise when applying filters, sampling operations, resonance peaks and other actions is eliminated.

The editor's database contains a large database of filters that any other music platform can envy. All filters are divided into groups and conveniently sorted. You can apply one of them to the processed composition in a few mouse clicks.

Special attention in the program deserves a function to improve the sound of the recording, which works in conjunction with the TimeMachine Pro technology. Here you can find modern tools for time-scratching, tone controls for individual instruments and other useful "features".

The Native Instruments Kontakt program contains several sampling modes in its arsenal at once, which significantly expand the capabilities of the editor. For example, using the capabilities of the Kontakt Script Processor, you can create and edit instruments with support for MIDI, as well as listen to their sound in the process.

In addition to the existing databases of filters, samples and instruments, you can expand the functionality of the software product using plugins and extensions, which, as a rule, are paid. However, the platform itself can also be downloaded for free, however, subject to the purchase of a license.

(4 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Year / Date of Issue: 10.2016 Version: 5.6.1 Developer: Native Instruments Developer site: Format: STANDALONE, VSTi, AAX Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit System requirements: Windows 7 or Windows 8 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit), Windows 10, Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD AthlonTM 64 X2

If you are looking for a sampler, then KONTAKT from the German company Native Instruments will satisfy your needs 100%. The quality is so high that it has become the standard in the world of samplers. To the user "CONTACT" offers a whole set of high-quality filters, of which, according to the developer, 37 with the concept of Adaptive Resonance, which automatically controls the characteristics of the filter and at the same time prevents all kinds of artifacts. Fifth Persia offers TimeMachine Pro time scratching, which provides superior sound quality for solo instruments. Without going into details, with new version NI KONTAKT lets you create better music tracks with more powerful, expressive sounds.

  1. Delete everything previous versions KONTAKT from a computer.
  2. Delete the branch in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Native Instruments \ Kontakt 5 ... (To open the registry, press at the same time WIN + R on the keyboard, in the window that appears, enter "Regedit" and press Enter)

No library found

A message familiar to everyone who deals with KONTAKT :) Many problems arise when adding new libraries, or when adding libraries from third-party creators. The video below under the cut can help you solve this problem.

Adding Libraries to NI Kontakt

Observation types:

1. By the nature of the contact: direct; mediated.

2. According to the conditions of activity: field (natural); laboratory (experimental).

3. By the nature of the interaction: open or hidden; included or third party.

4. By goals: random; purposeful.

5. By fixing the results: ascertaining; evaluative.

6. According to the ordering of activities: selective or continuous (time); arbitrary or structured.

In the course of observation, the experimenter does not interfere with the studied mental phenomenon, but only fixes it. There are two important requirements for observation: 1) a well-thought-out plan, 2) recording the results of observation in a diary. It is necessary to plan in advance what exactly and how you will record in the diary.

Survey. It could be conversation, questionnaire or interview... They provide information about the motivation of a person's mental activity, about a person's subjective assessment of his actions, about goals, assumptions. Survey methods include expert judgment method... It is widely used in personality diagnostics. Competent persons who know the subject well can act as experts: educators, class teachers, sports coaches, classmates, etc.

Types of survey methods.

1. Oral. It is used when it is also desirable to monitor the reactions and behavior of the person answering the questions. The disadvantage is a large expenditure of time and the need for deep professional training of the researcher.

2. Written. Allows you to reach more people. Its most common form is a questionnaire. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to take into account a person's reactions.

3. Free. Here the list of questions and possible answers to them is not limited in advance. It can be oral and written. It allows you to change tactics during the survey, the content and number of questions asked, and get non-standard answers.

4. Standardized. The number of questions and possible answers is given in advance. More economical in time and material costs.

Testing.Test - (from English - test) is a method of obtaining information about the individual characteristics of the development of individual properties of the psyche of a particular person. Testing is a specialized method of psychodiagnostic research, using which you can obtain an accurate quantitative characteristic of the phenomenon under study. It assumes a clear procedure for collecting primary data plus the originality of their subsequent interpretation.

Types of tests.

1. By the form of conducting: group; individual.

2. By purpose: for classification; for distribution; for selection.

3. By the studied attribute: intelligence tests; achievement tests; special ability tests; personality tests (situational, questionnaires, projective).

Test task involves an assessment of the psyche and behavior of a person on the basis of what he is doing. Most often it is a series of special tasks, based on the results of which they are judged on the presence or absence and the degree of development of the studied quality. Test questionnaires are based on a system of pre-thought out and selected questions, the answers to which can be used to judge the psychological qualities of the subjects. Projective tests... They are based on the mechanism of projection, according to which unconscious personal qualities, especially shortcomings, a person is inclined to ascribe to other people. The positive aspect of this type of testing is more informative, there is no problem of social desirability, it reveals some phenomena, personality traits that cannot be detected in any other type of testing. Negative - takes a lot of time, difficulties in interpretation, requires high professional qualifications on the part of a psychologist, as well as a sufficient level of education and intellectual maturity of the subjects.

Using the testing method, we find out individual characteristics rather than getting general information. You need to be very careful about testing, you cannot generalize. The test gives a measurement of only one side at a given time. But everything changes, the human psyche is very plastic.

Experiment. Basic method for obtaining new psychological facts. The main difference and advantage of the experiment is that the researcher can, at will, trigger some kind of mental process or property, trace the dependence of the mental phenomenon on external conditions. However, the experiment cannot be applied to every research task. An experiment is classified into two types: natural and laboratory... The natural is organized and carried out in ordinary life conditions, where the experimenter practically does not interfere with the course of the events taking place, fixing them in the form in which they unfold by themselves. A laboratory experiment involves the creation of some kind of artificial situation in which the studied property can be best studied. This type of experiment wins in the accuracy of the results, but is inferior in the degree of conformity to life.

Modeling. As a method, modeling is used when the study of a phenomenon by other methods is difficult or impossible due to complexity or inaccessibility. The model should repeat the basic parameters and assumed properties of the studied phenomenon. They are classified into: mathematical, logical, technical, cybernetic.

Mathematical modeling is formulas expressing the laws of Bouguer-Weber, Weber-Fechner, etc. Logical models are used in the study of human thinking. Technical modeling is often used in the study of human perception and memory. Cybernetic - the use in psychology of the ideas of mathematical programming on a computer.


1. The problem of the method in psychology is mainly solved by a careful selection of methods and the development of a methodological apparatus.

2. There are differences between the concepts of method, technique and methodology.

3. Among the stages of psychological research, the most difficult is the preparatory stage. At the end of the study, conclusions and practical recommendations are always formulated.

4. The main methods of psychology are observation, questioning, experiment, testing, modeling.

Workshop on general psychology ... Textbook / Ed. A.I. Shcherbakov. - M .: Education, 1990 .-- 207 p.

Burlachuk L.F., Morozov S.M. Dictionary-reference book on psychodiagnostics - SPb .: Publishing house "Peter", 2000. - 528 p.

KONTAKT is an extremely powerful, all-round tool. Before getting acquainted with its specific features, let's try to describe KONTAKT in general terms. The structure of most samplers, hardware or software, is similar to that of synthesizers: a sound generator outputs the raw signal as MIDI notes, and then these signals are processed, summed, and sent to the output port. The difference between a synthesizer and a sampler is that the sound generator of a typical synthesizer creates its original waveforms electrically or mathematically, often limiting the range to well-defined waveforms (remember: sawtooth waveform, square wave, etc.).

Whereas the sampler can use any type of previously recorded audio data - sampled acoustic musical instruments, sound effects, vocal tracks, and (of course) any type of classic waveform. The general structure of KONTAKT is no different in this respect, although it is much more complex than the structure of standard samplers.

For example, KONTAKT does not impose a specific signal structure on your Instruments - instead, different modules can be used in any order to process sound and modulate parameters. Everything is possible, from playing simple one-shot samples to building complex virtual instruments that will accurately reproduce all aspects of their acoustic duplicates and respond correctly to your performance.

However, while you can immediately load and play your first Instruments in KONTAKT, it will take some practice to master the technique of creating your own Instruments.

Supported interfaces
  • Stand-alone
  • Audio Units
  • RTAS (Pro Tools 9 or higher)
  • Core Audio

Video tutorials | watch and repeat!

Kontakt 5 - 01 Introduction. Configuring audio and MIDI parameters

Adding any libraries via Add Library

KONTAKT 5: Sounds on different channels

NI Kontakt 5

Unofficial translation of the official manual




In plugin mode tabs Audio and MIDI in the dialog box Options absent, because


the audio and MIDI parameters are controlled directly by the host.

extremely powerful, comprehensive tool. Before getting to know its specific

features, let's try to describe KONTAKT in general terms. The structure of most samplers

hardware or software, similar to the structure of synthesizers: the sound generator outputs raw

signal in the form of MIDI notes, and then these signals are processed, summed and sent to the output port.

The difference between a synthesizer and a sampler is that the sound generator of a typical synthesizer creates

their original waveforms electrically or mathematically, often limiting the range clearly

specific waveforms (remember: ramp, square wave, etc.). Whereas

the sampler can use any type of previously recorded audio data - sampled acoustic

musical instruments, sound effects, vocal tracks, and (of course) any type of classical

signalograms. The general structure of KONTAKT is no different in this respect, although it is much more

more complex than the structure of standard samplers. For example, KONTAKT does not impose on your Instruments

a certain signal structure - instead, for sound processing and modulation of parameters, you can

use different modules in any order. Everything is possible, from playing simple one-shot samples

to building complex virtual instruments that will accurately reproduce all aspects of their

acoustic duplicates and correctly respond to your performance. However, while you immediately

can load and play your first Instruments in KONTAKT, it takes some practice to

mastering the technique of creating your own Instruments.

3.1 Basic elements of the Kontakt structure

All the functionality of the KONTAKT sampling environment is divided into segments (modules), which allow

concentrate on a specific task without being distracted by other details. This division is reflected in

interface - most of the elements belonging to a certain type of tasks are concentrated in

individual panels, tabs, or dialog boxes. In this chapter, we will discuss two main types of elements

Kontakt structures: basic elements that are organized hierarchically and form a transformation chain

MIDI data to sound, and auxiliary tools that enable you to perform a wide range of peripheral

management, configuration, and monitoring tasks.

3.1.1 Kontakt Structure Root Hierarchy

Let's try to track the path of converting simple audio files into a ready-made functional tool,

starting at the smallest element of the root hierarchy:

Sample- a simple audio file stored on your hard drive. Sometimes samples contain

additional metadata, but ideally, they carry nothing other than the recorded audio signal. An example

The sample can be a digital recording of a single piano note. Samples come in different formats -


Zone- a shell tied directly to a specific sample, which contains

information with which the MIDI data will play this sample, for example, its pitch and

other details. An example of a zone would be the aforementioned piano sample, with the attached

information that this sample should be played without transposition whenever

KONTAKT receives a note-taking message F3 with a velocity between 64 and 95 ... Since the zones include

a small amount of additional data, they exist only in context and cannot be stored and

loaded separately.

Group- a container that combines several zones. Since each zone belongs to a group

(and only her), each instrument will include at least one group. Usually, to combine zones

you have to add a few more groups through various aspects - which, you decide, but there is

some general principles... All zones belonging to a specific group share several

general parameters and signal flow modules. For example, their samples will be played with one sound

source module ( Source Module ). Therefore, if you want to change the parameters of some zones,

playable by the source module, you will first need to split them into their own group.

In this user manual, modules belonging to a group are referred to as Group Modules
(Group-level modules

). A typical example of a group would be all areas of the instrument that must

stroke mezzoforte... Groups can be saved and loaded into separate files with the extension .nkg.

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