For a large family, the subsidized forest almost cost a pretty penny. How to get free timber from the state to build a house for a large family

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Forest for families with many children

In Belovo, a large family of 5 people; Is it possible to get timber to build a house? Where should I go?

You need to submit an application to the Administration at your place of residence.

What documents are needed to get free timber for a large family.

Hello! To obtain the right to harvest under a purchase and sale agreement, citizens submit to the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of forest relations (usually a forestry department), an application indicating the following information: full name, place of residence, passport details; name of the forest district (forest park) within the boundaries of which harvesting is expected; the required volume of wood and its quality indicators (industrial or firewood). Attached to the application are: copies of the applicant’s passport, documents confirming the right to a land plot allocated for individual construction (if the procurement is required for the construction of a house); a copy of the applicant’s passport and the decision of the local government body (urban district, urban or rural settlement), adopted in accordance with the report on the inspection of living conditions for the repair of housing and outbuildings. Then a contract for the purchase and sale of forest plantations is concluded. State forest protection inspectors may come to the citizen who has harvested the wood to, for example, inspect a house under construction. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office can also control the use of wood as part of scheduled inspections. Wood harvesting by citizens can be carried out by the efforts and means of the citizen himself or with the involvement of other forces and means. Wood harvesting requires special knowledge, special tools and equipment, strict adherence to safety rules, fire safety rules, and sanitary safety rules. Therefore, if a citizen decides to harvest wood himself, he needs to carefully study the “Wood Harvesting Rules” approved by the order of Rosleskhoz dated August 1, 2011 No. 337. Failure to comply with these Rules entails administrative and criminal liability. If a citizen entrusts the harvesting of timber to other persons, he must draw up a legally competent contract agreement. Otherwise, the citizen for whom the contract for the sale and purchase of forest plantations was drawn up will be responsible for violations during timber harvesting. On February 1, 2014, Part 4.1 of Article 30 of the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation came into force, according to which wood harvested for one’s own needs cannot be transferred to another person. The law prohibits exchange, donation and any other transactions with forest plantations. When the line approaches, the forestry employee is obliged to notify the citizen to arrive at the forestry and personally or by proxy inspect the forest area allocated for felling. The law does not provide for a citizen’s requirement to provide a forest plot with good access roads in the immediate vicinity of the land plot allocated to the citizen for construction. If a citizen does not like the plot or is not satisfied with it for some reason, he has the right to write a written refusal and get back in line. This forest area is inspected by the next citizen in line. If a citizen agrees to take a plot, then a purchase and sale agreement is concluded with him, he makes payment for the wood according to the material and monetary assessment and signs an act of acceptance and transfer of the forest plot for short-term use for a period of one year. Upon completion of harvesting, the citizen is obliged to hand over the forest plot, cleared of logging residues and harvested wood, to the forestry department.

Which forest can we designate as a large family for development?

Good day. To clarify your question, I advise you to contact the administration at your place of residence. I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

Please tell me, what are the consequences of selling forests allocated by the state for large and low-income families?

Hello. This issue is not regulated by federal legislation. We don’t know whether there is regional or even local responsibility. All the best to you and successful resolution of your problems.

Are there any benefits for families with many children? Home construction. Forest. ? Where to contact?

Good day! To receive free timber for building a house, you should contact your local district administration.

I am a mother of many children and have a plot of land. Can I get timber for free for construction?

GOOD DAY Write an application to the administration for the allocation of timber for construction. Present your house project GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND ALL THE GOOD

How to order timber to expand a house for a large family in Chebarkul.

Hello, please contact the administration - there is such a service "Keeping records of citizens who need wood for their own needs"

Good day! To obtain timber for construction, contact the local administration of your area with an application for the provision of timber.

To do this, you need to contact the local forestry (forestry) with an application for the provision of forest for your own needs and the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement for forest plantations.

Hello dear Oksana! You need to write an official written application to the administration at your place of residence about the allocation of forest. I wish you good luck and success. Best regards, A.A. Bogolyubov.

We are a large family and have the right to forest for building a house for free.

Hello, you need to contact the district administration with a corresponding application or the MFC, the service is called “Keeping records of citizens who need wood for their own needs”

How to get timber for construction for large families.

Good afternoon, Alena! Large families can purchase 300 cubic meters of wood to build their own home. In the Vologda region, a new standard for timber harvesting for the construction of housing for members of a large family has been introduced. Now they can count on 300 cubic meters of wood. The corresponding changes were adopted into the regional legislation in early October (regional law of October 3, 2012 No. 2852-OZ). The previous standard was 200 cubic meters. However, the regional authorities decided to increase this volume by a third to 300 cubic meters, so that the family would have a real opportunity to build their own house. Deputies unanimously supported this initiative. Let us remind you that according to the law, applicants must independently remove the forest from the plot and cut the materials. Not all families have the money for this, especially those with many children. Having purchased 300 cubic meters of timber, citizens can negotiate with logging companies and sawmills to carry out this work, and they can pay with the same timber. Please note that a large family is a family with three or more children under the age of 18 (for children studying full-time in educational institutions, with the exception of educational institutions of additional education - until they complete such education, but no longer, than before they reach the age of 23), including adopted children, as well as wards in a foster family. It is important to remember that an application for concluding a contract for the purchase and sale of forest plantations for the construction of a residential building is submitted by citizens in the period from January 1 to September 1 of the year in which the harvesting is expected to take place. This decision, of course, needs to be approached carefully. It is important to resolve issues with the land plot, the project of the future home, as well as with who will be involved in the procurement and removal of wood. The detailed procedure for concluding a purchase and sale agreement is published on the official website of the forestry department ( under the heading “Forest plantations for the population.”

Is the forest suitable for a large low-income family?

Good day. In some regions, you can purchase a certain amount of timber free of charge for the construction of a house and outbuildings. This information should be obtained from your local administration.

Is it possible to obtain timber to build a house for a large family in the Kurgan region? for free? What documents need to be prepared?

Not all regions provide free timber for housing construction. There are no more than 10 such regions, so you need to contact the social welfare department at your place of residence with this question, since these funds are allocated from regional budgets.

To resolve your issue, contact the city administration; if there is such a benefit, they will advise you; usually the forest is given to low-income families.

A large family needs to receive free timber to build a house, what is needed, where to go? Please tell me how many cubic meters of timber a large family should receive and what is the price or is it free?
How to get free timber to build a house for a large family in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Zhuzhur.

Hello! You need to contact the forestry department or the local Administration, and clarify the information you are interested in there.

Hello! You need to contact your local administration and register there. Conditions are different in different regions, they will tell you. I wish you good luck and all the best. I hope my answer helped you.

The provision of wood to citizens for their own needs is regulated by the Procedure for the procurement of wood by citizens for their own needs, approved by the law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of February 14, 2007 No. 21-5820. In accordance with it, 125 cubic meters are provided for building a house. m. once every 25 years, for the construction of outbuildings - 25 cubic meters. m. once every 25 years. Wood is provided on the basis of a forest purchase and sale agreement at rates determined in the same Procedure and depending on the type of wood, its location, diameter and other factors. You should check with the forestry enterprise at your place of residence about the availability of benefits for payment for timber.

A large family has to pay for forest, and what is needed to get it.

Good afternoon These issues are resolved by local authorities. Submit a written application to the administration at your place of residence for the allocation of forest. Thank you for your question.

We are a large family and have applied for a forest for large families. Is there a priority?

Hello, this question will be answered by the settlement administration, but it’s not a fact that there is no queue of people in need, incl. and there are also many people with many children. All the best, best regards.

We have a plot for private housing construction as a large family, but we cannot obtain the timber allotted to us because there is no building permit, they simply don’t give it to us, what should we do and where should we apply. They said that our site belongs to the reach and that the reach allegedly does not have a license for a building permit.

Hello, go to court to the administration and write a complaint to the prosecutor's office, how they were given a plot for individual housing construction, but you cannot build. This is a violation.

We have a plot for private housing construction as a large family, but we cannot obtain the timber allotted to us because there is no building permit, they simply don’t give it to us, what should we do and where should we apply.

Why don’t they give it??? Contact the MFC with documents for a building permit - Article 51 gr. krf. - if they don’t give it, get a refusal and go to court or the prosecutor’s office.

How much is the state duty for timber for families with many children?

The above is not regulated by federal legislation; forest of this category is not allowed under it. See regional and local laws on this issue.

I am a mother of many children, do I have the right to free timber for construction?

The above is not regulated by federal legislation; it is not required by it. See regional and local laws on this issue.

We are a large family and have allocated a plot of land for construction. We heard that they were allocating forest to build a house. How to get it and how much it should be.

Hello! Yes, you can get timber for free; to do this, you should contact your local administration with a written application.

Is it possible to obtain timber to build a house for a large family in the Irkutsk region?

Go to your local administration and find out. This is not a legal issue

Is it possible for a large and low-income family to receive free timber for construction in the Altai Territory and what documents are required?

Hello, the answer to this question needs to be prepared (to raise local legislation) and this is a paid service. Contact any lawyer you choose personally and agree on a paid consultation, or simply transfer the question to VIP. Best wishes.

What is the price of preferential timber for a large, low-income family in the Altai Territory, Biysk District? Thank you!

On this issue, it is better for you to contact the settlement administration, write a statement there and they will explain to you what documents you need to collect.

We received land as a large family. Can I get free timber to build a house on the site.

Hello! Write a statement to the administration. GOOD LUCK TO YOU

Hello. Yes you can. First, get an individual housing construction project, then contact the administration with a corresponding application.

I am a mother of many children and heard on the radio that you can get free timber from the state to build a house. Is this true and based on what law?

are regulated by regional laws - Art. 30LKRF - if you have a plot of land, obtain a building permit and contact the forestry department.

Hello, based on regional or local law. contact the city administration or social security and find out this issue. Best wishes.

Plots of land have been allocated for large families on the outskirts of a settlement in the forest. There are no roads or communications. Should the district administration resolve the issue of communications or should it all be done at the expense of the modest budget of large families?

The administration will decide that this will not happen.

Can I get free timber for construction in the Krasnoyarsk Territory? As a large family, we have a plot for construction, how much can we allocate and who to contact.

Contact the forestry department if you have a building permit - regulated by regional laws - Art. 30LKRF.

Please, can I, as a large family, receive timber for construction on my own site?

You can apply to your local administration

Social support for certain categories of the population is provided in different directions. The main task of the Government is to help low-income families. This can be done by obtaining a mortgage on preferential terms, as well as allocating free apartments and land for development. Another available option is the provision of forest for large families, which can be used for construction, agriculture or small business development. But to obtain this privilege, a number of essential conditions must be met.

Rules for providing wood to large families for building a house

The main legal act used to regulate this issue is the Forestry Code of Russia, which entered into legal force on December 4, 2006. Articles of the law contain rules for the distribution and use of forest resources and confirm the right to receive timber on preferential terms. In particular, in Art. 3 of this code states that it is additionally necessary to refer to other law-making documents, which include:

  • adopted on November 30, 1994, which displays the types of legal relations, the rules for their registration (in particular, this applies to the free receipt or purchase and sale of timber);
  • , which entered into legal force on October 25, 2001 (regulates the procedure for operating land plots with forest plantations);
  • A Presidential Decree of 1992 establishes that municipal and state authorities must provide all possible support to families with children;
  • in 2005, federal requirements for the minimum acceptable standard of living of the population were developed and adopted, reflected in

Additionally, regional laws and regulations must be taken into account, since municipalities independently regulate the following issues:

  • conditions for assigning preferential status to large families;
  • list of available privileges;
  • , its types and volumes of provision.

Conditions for receiving timber from the state

There are several areas for using logs in 2019. These include:

  • purchasing forest on a general basis by participating in an auction (a minimum price is set, and all bidders offer their coefficient for increasing it; the one who offered the highest price takes the tree);
  • free receipt of resources (federal legislation stipulates that only indigenous residents of the Far North and Siberia can receive wood free of charge);
  • purchase of raw materials at a starting price without participating in auctions (this right is reserved for preferential categories of the population, but only in some regions).

Important! To receive such preferences, it is necessary to prove that the family will use the forest for personal needs. That is, the sale and processing of resources for the purpose of sale is not allowed.

The list of our own needs includes the following purposes for using raw materials:

  • building a house (it is necessary to provide a design for the future home and prove that the foundation has already been laid);
  • reconstruction of existing housing;
  • construction of outbuildings on the territory of one’s household;
  • heating of personal square meters.

If the acquired timber is found to be misused, legal sanctions may be applied to the recipient.

Forest allocation standards

There are no uniform rules regarding the volume of timber obtained on the territory of the state. These indicators depend on many factors. In particular, the following are taken into account:

  • the region in which beneficiaries live;
  • targeted use of resources;
  • the property status of the applicants and the urgency of obtaining the forest.

That is, all indicators are purely individual, but we can highlight the average indicators for the country.

Table No. 1 “Average rates of forest allocation to large families”

Another feature that needs to be taken into account is whether the family owns other housing. If the property was destroyed by fire, then there is a right to priority receipt of logs for construction.

Cost of preferential wood

The law establishes that municipal authorities can independently fix the cost of forest resources on their territory. This is due to the fact that not all subjects of the Federation have forest plantations on their territory, so it is not always advisable to freely dispose of them.

Thus, forest for large families in the Vladimir region in 2019 will be available at an average price of 170 rubles per cubic meter. Forest for a young family in the Perm region will cost about 80 rubles for the same volume. If we take the average figures for the country, they will vary within 65 rubles.

These prices are calculated based on the minimum indicators when putting wood up for auction. As for the maximum cost, it is artificially increased by the auction participants themselves.

Procedure for allocating forest for construction

Only forestry enterprises in charge of the forest area can issue permission for timber. Therefore, citizens have to go there. The applicant’s algorithm of actions will look like this:

  • if there are legal grounds for preferential acquisition of forest resources, the citizen submits a written application to the municipality at the place of his registration;
  • after accepting the application, you will have to collect a complete list of related documents and also transfer them to authorized persons;
  • within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application from the beneficiary, officials make a decision regarding the right to receive forest resources;
  • to make a decision, a commission consisting of representatives of the public, forestry workers and other specialists is assembled;
  • upon agreement to satisfy the request, payment documents are prepared and an estimate is drawn up;
  • a plan diagram of the territory where the trees are located that are available for felling by the beneficiary is formed;
  • the applicant signs a purchase and sale agreement with the forestry enterprise and begins processing the site (trees are felled by the individual independently or by involving private companies);
  • after the logs obtained on the site are stacked, you will have to re-apply to the forestry enterprise, where a permit for the removal of trees is issued;
  • the cargo is transported for further use.

At first glance, everything is simple, but in practice people face a lot of difficulties and questions. The most important thing is how to cut. It is unlikely that it will be possible to process the entire allocated area on our own, so citizens are increasingly turning to private companies for help. On the one hand, it is convenient and fast, but you will have to spend extra money on the company’s services.

On the other hand, there is a risk of falling for scammers who transfer not collected logs, but already processed raw materials, which significantly reduces the volume of timber received. Whereas the “extra” is sold by the company for heating and other household needs. Therefore, when agreeing on services with a company, you need to indicate that the trees must be delivered completely and without processing.

There may be cases when a citizen, after processing the site, counts the logs, but their cubic volume is less than the allocated one. Such situations arise due to the difficulty of accurately accounting for the number of trees in an area. This means that we have to record the cubic capacity of the resulting forest and make sure that this figure is reflected in the permitting documents. Then the beneficiary will retain the right to re-provide the benefit.

List of documents for registration

In order for the commission to meet to consider the application, the following package of documents must be submitted.

The editors receive requests from residents of the area regarding clarification of the procedure for allocating wood to large families for their intended use. The head of the State Public Institution “Puchezhskoe Forestry” Yu.V. Kruglov spoke about everything related to the procedure for allocating wood to this category of beneficiaries.

Yuri Viktorovich, please tell us on what basis wood is allocated to large families in the Ivanovo region and what legislative documents provide for this procedure?

Large families who have given birth to a third or more children since 2011 and have received ownership of a land plot on the basis of the law of the Ivanovo region No. 111-OZ dated December 31, 2002. “On the free provision of land plots to citizens of the Russian Federation” have the right to receive timber in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 3 of the Law of the Ivanovo Region No. 157-OZ of October 19, 2007. “On the procedure and standards for harvesting wood for one’s own needs.”

The wood harvesting standard is set at up to 100 cubic meters. meters per family. Large families receive standing timber on the basis of a contract for the sale and purchase of forest plantations after payment of its cost. In accordance with the regional law, forest areas are allocated for timber harvesting that are free from the rights of third parties to harvest timber, that is, not leased. Felling of forest plantations is carried out in the form of selective and clear felling in accordance with the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and the “Rules of Timber Harvesting”. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Ivanovo Region No. 93-P dated 04/09/2010 (as amended on 02/06/2014), the tax cost of wood for large families who received a free plot of land for the construction of a residential building was reduced tenfold. The cost of medium-sized pine wood will be 39.57 rubles, spruce - 34.54 rubles, birch - 19.72 rubles, aspen - 3.97 rubles. for one cube meter. For the entire total volume of wood, a citizen will pay about 4000-5000 rubles to the budget. The legislative documents do not indicate what type of wood should be selected and what type of felling should be carried out. Therefore, based on the quality of the forests of the Pestyakovsky municipal district of the State Public Institution “Puchezhskoe Forestry”, which consist of mixed trees, when clear cutting on a forest plot, in addition to coniferous wood suitable for construction, in any case there will be deciduous trees on the forest plot. According to the “Rules for Timber Harvesting”, all the wood allocated for felling will need to be harvested from the allocated forest plot, and the allocated forest plot will need to be cleared of logging residues in the manner specified in the contract for the sale and purchase of forest plantations. The paid volume of wood cannot include trees that have been felled or damaged by rot and are not suitable for use. The qualitative composition of harvested wood, if controversial issues arise, can be resolved by an established commission in the presence of the owner of the wood and forestry workers.

What should a citizen who decides to harvest wood for its intended use know? What types of violations entail his liability during this procedure?

Wood harvesting by citizens can be carried out by the efforts and means of the citizen himself or with the involvement of other forces and means. Wood harvesting requires special knowledge, special tools and equipment, strict adherence to safety rules, fire safety rules, and sanitary safety rules. Therefore, if a citizen decides to harvest wood himself, he needs to carefully study the “Wood Harvesting Rules” approved by the order of Rosleskhoz dated 08/01/2011. No. 337. Failure to comply with these Rules entails administrative and criminal liability.

If a citizen entrusts the harvesting of timber to other persons, he must draw up a legally competent contract agreement. Otherwise, the citizen for whom the contract for the sale and purchase of forest plantations was drawn up will be responsible for violations during timber harvesting. On February 1, 2014, Part 4.1 of Article 30 of the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation came into force, according to which wood harvested for one’s own needs cannot be transferred to another person. The law prohibits exchange, donation and any other transactions with forest plantations.

Wood at preferential prices is allocated for its intended purpose - the construction of a residential building on a plot of land allocated for this purpose. The intended use of wood will be checked by authorized bodies. During the inspection, citizens are required to present for inspection and measurement either a structure, or wood, or a document confirming its location (for example, a contract for sawing or processing wood). For violation of Part 4.1 of Article 30 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, as well as violation of the terms of the contract for the sale and purchase of forest plantations, citizens are charged a penalty in the amount of ten times the cost of standing timber.

Yuri Viktorovich, tell me, how is the procedure for allocating a forest plot for timber harvesting by citizens?

After receiving a plot of land and registering it as ownership, the citizen applies to the forestry department according to its territoriality. He must write an application in the prescribed form and provide the necessary documents to draw up a draft agreement for the sale and purchase of forest plantations. This is a passport, a certificate of ownership of a plot of land allocated for construction, and a permit to build a residential building. After the documents are accepted by the forestry staff, the citizen’s name is included in the priority list, consisting of citizens belonging to the preferential category of persons falling under clause 3 of Article 3 of Law No. 157-OZ.

It should be noted that each municipal district of the Ivanovo region has an annual limit on the supply of commercial timber to beneficiaries. In Pestyakovsky and Puchezhsky districts it is 1000 cubic meters each. meters, in the Verkhnelandekhovo region - 300 cubic meters. meters. The established limit intended for large families includes industrial wood allocated to citizens who have lost their homes as a result of fire or natural disasters, and to those who decide to build housing once every 50 years. At the end of this limit, the queue moves to the next year.

When the line approaches, the forestry employee is obliged to notify the citizen to arrive at the forestry and personally or by proxy inspect the forest area allocated for felling. The law does not provide for a citizen’s requirement to provide a forest plot with good access roads in the immediate vicinity of the land plot allocated to the citizen for construction. If a citizen does not like the plot or is not satisfied with it for some reason, he has the right to write a written refusal and get back in line. This forest area is inspected by the next citizen in line. If a citizen agrees to take a plot, then a purchase and sale agreement is concluded with him, he makes payment for the wood according to the material and monetary assessment and signs an act of acceptance and transfer of the forest plot for short-term use for a period of one year. Upon completion of harvesting, the citizen is obliged to hand over the forest plot, cleared of logging residues and harvested wood, to the forestry department.

The Ivanovo Regional Forestry Committee, represented by the State Public Institution “Puchezhskoye Forestry”, is ready to cooperate in issues of providing wood to large families and jointly resolving conflict situations. At the request of the Committee, the forest fund tenant, Ivanovo Forestry Company LLC, also allocates forest plots for timber harvesting to large families and citizens for heating residential premises.

Recorded by O. Platonov.

Hovhannes Shahnazaryan’s family has four children. The eldest son is serving in the army, the youngest is a little over a year old. The old house became a bit crowded, so they decided to build a new house. Fortunately, the state promises support. The certificate for maternity capital is already in hand. The land was given for free. We collected documents to obtain building materials - wood. But then the torment began. First they refused in one forestry department, then in another. And in the third they even offered to buy out documents for preferential timber. The owner of the family turned to the regional forestry committee for the truth.

“If you don’t resolve the issue, I will go to the governor, I won’t leave it like that. I'm not a complainer. The main thing is that my case is resolved. I need to raise my children. That’s what I told them,” says Hovhannes Shakhnazaryan.

The issue was resolved - a plot was allocated in the Rodnikovsky forestry. I myself spent a week with the forester, choosing. I just couldn’t get the wood. On preferential terms, as it should be for large families. Let us remind you that according to amendments to regional legislation, for the birth of a third child, 150 cubic meters of wood are required for building a house. You just need to spend money on mandatory taxes and fees to the local budget, and delivery to the place. Forestry tenants offered to pay for the forest “in full.”

“We are aware that we have to pay 45 thousand. And who will harvest and export the timber? And she told me that we will do all this,” - talks about Hovhannes Shakhnazaryan.

But a large family cannot afford to pay for both the harvesting and removal of wood. This is hundreds of thousands of rubles. Why did they promise then, says the mistress of the house, we don’t give birth to children in order to receive something from the state. It’s just that then we wouldn’t have planned to build a house.

“This is my personal opinion: that this is not social support for large families. It’s more about supporting companies involved in the forestry business,” says Serik Babasyan.

But, as the regional authorities commented, timber harvesting for large families should be free.

“How is timber harvested? Trees are cut down, cleared of branches, and ultimately turned into logs that are stored. And from the storage site, at the expense of a large family, delivery is carried out to the place where they need it,” - says Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ivanovo Region Andrey Chuzhbinkin.

It is possible not to transport the timber anywhere, but to sell it at the storage site. This is also the right of a large family.

“If we talk about the case directly with this family, I can explain that the local provision mechanism has not yet been fully worked out. After all, we have been working for almost a year. This is not enough to work completely without mistakes,” comments Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ivanovo Region Andrey Chuzhbinkin.

We hope that Hovhannes Shakhnazaryan’s family will no longer need any other evidence for preferential timber.

04/24/2019 Ivanovo-today.Com The forest plan is a document that defines and regulates the use, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests in the Ivanovo region for a ten-year period.
24.04.2019 Newspaper Light Path Operational daily forecast of the occurrence and development of emergency situations in the Ivanovo region on April 24, 2019 (based on data from the Monitoring and Forecasting Center,
04/24/2019 Administration

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