How do drug addicts break down? The most terrible disease in the world: name. The most terrible diseases in the world: photo, list. Why drug addicts rot

The drug desomorphine, or in the common people "crocodile" - the cheapest way to start rotting alive. Do you want to plunge into the atmosphere of zombies? Then this article is for you. The terrible consequences of taking desomorphine, photos, videos, diluted with the dry facts of the drug epidemic .... are already waiting for you.

This dangerous drug is "crocodile". Desomorphine - or the city of the living dead.

Death is what awaits a person who meets a three-meter crocodile in the wild. Approximately the same outcome awaits a person who decides to take the drug of the same name. If we put aside the pseudo-romantic name, then only one fact will remain in sight: in a few weeks the use of "crocodile" a person falls into an incurable dependence on him, which inevitably leads him to death.
Biologically, this drug is a synthetic opiate of artisanal production. Unlike regular morphine, it is much more addictive. It is enough to agree to make a repeated intravenous injection of this home-made drug, so that a person finds himself in complete physical dependence on him. Moreover, experts say that psychological addiction is noted after the first injection, since the user has an irresistible desire to repeat the effect obtained.

The origins of the popularity of the drug "crocodile" (aka desomorphine).

Desomorphine (colloquially "crocodile") was widely used at the beginning of the 21st century. Already in 2006, he began to rapidly spread throughout the planet, as a result of which he took the second place after heroin in terms of mass use in the world.

Such popularity is due to the tightening of the methods of combating drugs and the drug mafia. As a result, the main routes for the supply of potent drugs to megacities and large cities in many countries were blocked. But the reduction or, in some areas, even the complete disappearance of drugs has not reduced the number of drug addicts, because they began to actively seek replacements for heroin, cocaine, and the like. As a result, this led to the emergence of a new synthetic artisanal drug on the mass market.

In addition, there is another reason for the popularity of the "crocodile", because of which it was called the "drug for the poor." This reason is the relatively low cost of ingredients. Over time, those who took heroin and the like. When a drug addict feels light in his wallet, he begins to use desomorphine.

Being the President of the Russian Federation and being in the spring of 2011 in Irkutsk on a working visit, Dm. Medvedev noted that the Yandex search engine is a kind of indicator of society's attitude towards this drug. As a result of searching for the word "desomorphine" The search engine first returns how to cook it . That is, users are interested in a drug prescription based on the use of codeine. The result of the president's statement was the restriction of the free sale of medicines, which include this ingredient. Codeine medications are currently only available by prescription.

The composition of the crocodile drug. Desomorphine potion.

Why drug crocodile is that what they call it? It was the recipe for "crocodile" that became the reason for such a name. Its composition includes substances with a high level of toxicity containing heavy metals. The resemblance to a crocodile gives the injection site, around which signs of erosion and suppuration appear, at first covered with a crust. As a result, the skin around the injection begins to look like a crocodile.
The chemical composition of desomorphine includes:

  • Chemical solvents for household purposes.
  • Automobile gasoline.
  • Sulfuric acid.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Sulfur from match heads.

The action of the crocodile drug. The effect of the use and consequences of desomorphine.

Almost all of the ingredients in desomorphine are toxic. But when they are combined into a single drug, they increase their danger to such an extent that even a very strong and healthy human body becomes unable to overcome this muck on its own.

To better understand the whole process, let's look at an example:

  1. Once injected into the bloodstream, the "crocodile" affects the unprepared walls of the vessel, literally "burning" them due to its increased toxicity. In response, the body produces connective tissue for blood vessels, which narrows the vein. As a result, the vessel closes. Since there are many such vessels in the human body, this does not lead to instant consequences. But because of the narrowing veins, the addict is looking for new places for injections, which gradually reduces the number of functioning vessels.
  2. The injection site is affected by tissue necrosis. Outside, suppurations with a crust appear, which also leads to the need to search for new venous arteries. Subsequently, the affected tissues fuse together to form "scales" that subsequently flake off the skin.
  3. Further, desomorphine enters all important organs. Heavy metals settle inside them, exerting an increasing toxic effect. Organs gradually cease to resist, as there is a large-scale "invasion" of dangerous foreign bodies into the body.
  4. A person is designed in such a way that dangerous substances and microorganisms, before getting inside his body, go through a kind of "border control" - natural barriers (skin, stomach, nose, etc.). But desomorphine bypasses the "customs", getting immediately to the "rear" - into the blood arteries. Since the drug is produced in unsanitary conditions, and, given the gradual weakening of the body due to the total impact of hazardous substances, pathogenic bacteria and toxins form abscesses on all internal organs, which leads to an inevitable death. Death occurs from the so-called "multiple organ failure" - a violation of the activity of most organs in one short period of time.

It should be noted that most often the process of accumulation of harmful substances and microorganisms to the level of the "point of no return" takes about 8-10 weeks. After this period, a person, even under the condition of medical intervention, is usually considered incurable.

Lovers of the "crocodile", or the club of suicides. Getting used to desomorphine is lightning fast, and the consequences are deplorable.

In addition to almost instant addiction (after the first dose), and the appearance of a stable addiction (after the second dose), a drug addict who uses desomorphine is subject to another risk - the risk of a quick death. The fact is that "crocodile" is more dangerous than heroin. A person who uses heroin has a chance to live an average of seven years, while a crocodile addict most often dies by the end of the first year of his use.

In addition, there is one more fact that must be taken into account by "lovers of relaxation" and the people around them. Most often, after regular use of desomorphine during the first 2-4 months, the user goes into the category of incurable drug addicts. Therefore, loved ones need to know the signs of taking the drug "crocodile" in order to take appropriate measures in time.

Signs of "crocodile", desomorphine addiction

The main signs of dependence on the synthetic homemade drug "crocodile" include:

  • The smell of medicinal preparations emanating from a person, iodine.
  • The presence of inflamed veins, traces of injections, the appearance of ulcers.
  • Rapid weight loss, decrease in the protective functions of the body.
  • Insomnia, in which a person may not sleep until 2-4 am, and then not wake up for a long time in the morning.
  • Redness of the eyes, constriction of the pupils (the same effect occurs when using hashish).
  • Apathy, chronic indifference to everything that happens.
  • Abrupt change of mood.
  • The appearance of secrecy in character.

In addition, there are a number of indirect signs that apply to all novice drug addicts, especially children:

  • The disappearance of money, valuables from the house.
  • Constant demands for money for a variety of purposes.
  • Increasing facts of lies, resourcefulness, unscrupulousness.
  • Increase the number and time of walks.

Unfortunately, in our country, desomorphine has become one of the most popular drugs, due to the ease of manufacture and the low cost of the ingredients.

Never start using drugs! And about all the facts of the use or sale of drugs - immediately report to the police! Let's beat addiction together!

Terrible photos and videos of "crocodile" drug addicts. Or "desomorphine is not for the faint of heart."

Let's take a break, and moving away from the prose and lyrics of our story, let's look at horrifying images and films about desomorphine addicts (everything is clickable).

2. The new anti-drug campaign is likely to be more successful than the previous ones, as it tries to attract the attention of teenagers by playing on their vanity. For this, pictures of drug addicts taken “before” and “after” are used, which make a very difficult impression.

3. The sheriff's office of Multnomah County (Oregon) has collected a collection of photographs that clearly demonstrate the damage caused to the appearance of drug use.

4. Normal - even attractive - faces in the pictures taken during the first detention of drug addicts, after years, and sometimes even months, turn into emaciated, ulcerated, toothless ruins.

5. These photos are part of Sheriff Bret King's 48-minute documentary From Drugs to Mugs. King hopes the film, available on DVD with photo CDs, will help turn kids off drugs by showing them concrete evidence of the destruction that occurs after months of using methamphetamine, heroin or cocaine.

6. "The point is to show kids the real picture of what happens if they start using hard drugs," says King. "We really wanted to impact their sense of vanity."

7. King knows how strong vanity is in teenagers. “I remember when you were in high school, you had to look your best, wear the ‘right’ clothes and shoes,” he says.

8. Probably the most stunning thing about these pictures is how quickly the appearance changes.

9. Specialists involved in drug addiction problems are not surprised by this speed.

10. For example, according to A. Thomas McLellan, director of the Center for Addictions at the University of Pennsylvania, methamphetamine use compresses the blood vessels around the face.

11. "This causes the gums to shrink, as in old age," - continues McLellan, former director of public policy in the field of drug control of the US Presidential Administration. "The remaining teeth lose color and turn black."

12. Both methamphetamine and heroin are often mixed with powdered sugar. "Fatty and sugary foods cause pimples, but if sugar is injected directly into a vein, the effect is even greater," he adds.

13. "Other foreign matter can lead to cysts on the face and other parts of the body, such as the armpits and groin," says McLellan.

14. The emaciated appearance of drug addicts can be caused by a lack of vitamins and sleep, according to Dr. Larissa Mooney, an addiction psychiatrist and assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles.

15. Regarding facial ulcers, Mooney says: “Sometimes when using methamphetamine, drug addicts hallucinate as if insects are crawling on them. Trying to get rid of them, drug addicts scratch the skin until the formation of open wounds.

16. Experts do not know exactly when this program will lead to real results, however, Mooney and McLellan are full of hope.

17. "This video is trying to influence what's important to young people," Mooney says. “It's not as abstract as just saying that eventually, after many years, they will get lung cancer. This is what you can see right now.”

18. McLellan agrees that the short time it takes for appearances to break down should have a profound effect on teenagers. “Some of these shots show changes in just six months,” he says. "Such time frames are quite accessible to the understanding of children."





Multnomah County Sheriff's Office

The "crocodile" drug addict lives no more than three years and literally rots alive. In Kachkanar, only officially, there are two hundred of them. Most are young boys and girls with children. Their kids, while their parents cook the drug, play with syringes.

The drug draws more and more people into its networks - the ingredients for its preparation are cheap and are sold in every second pharmacy. For some reason, the government does not prohibit the OTC sale of these drugs, and drug fighters accuse the authorities of lobbying the interests of pharmaceutical companies

Photographs and videos depicting crocodile drug addicts are nauseating. Drug fighters immediately warn: it is better for people with a weak psyche not to look at these shots.

Young boys and girls who a few years ago were in college and making plans for the future are now rotting alive. Skinny, with ugly ulcers on their arms and legs, toothless, many are diagnosed with HIV infection and tuberculosis (sores are earned due to the fact that they use one syringe). They were brought to such a state by a new drug - desomorphine ("crocodile"). The life span of such drug addicts is only 2-3 years. Only a few months of drug use deprive a person of a chance for recovery - the process of decay of the body has already begun.

First, heroin addicts switched to desomorphine - if they had to pay 1000-1200 rubles for a dose of heroin, then this drug spent many times less money. It also became popular due to the fact that the drug addict ceased to depend on the huckster - a dangerous drug can be prepared at home in artisanal conditions.

Recipe shared by "old" drug addict

Despite the fact that in Kachkanar, now almost 200 people are injected with it. Police Major Maxim Babenko says that one of the local drug addicts with experience brought the dangerous recipe to the city.

- Then the drug was prepared by a whole group of people. They learned the cooking scheme and shared it with their friends. So the recipe quickly spread around the city. There was a rumor among the drug addicts that there was a cheaper drug, and many “switched” to it,” says Maksim Alekseevich.

The main components of the "crocodile" can be bought at the most ordinary pharmacy. The recipe includes not only codeine-containing tablets, but also nonsense like iodine and cherkash from a matchbox. The drug addict injects all this terrible mixture into his vein.

To prepare the drug, they usually create a whole chemical laboratory with tubes, scales and vials. The process involves two to five people. Each has its own purpose, because it is necessary to produce a chemical reaction, at the same time shake, mix and heat something. There are such apartment laboratories in every microdistrict of the city.

According to statistics, 25-30-year-olds mostly sit on the "crocodile". True, once a 60-year-old man came into the field of view of the police. He later explained his addiction to drugs by the fact that he became bored with life.

- Desomorphine is very easy to start using. People get into the wrong companies, they become interested in learning something new. Only when they find out what it really is, it becomes too late - a fatal addiction sets in, - the policeman explains.

Over the past year, he notes, the list of "crocodile" drug addicts has grown significantly. Now 165 people appear in it, but in reality the number of desomorphine addicts is much larger - many have not yet managed to catch the eye of the police and narcologists.


It is very difficult not to notice an apartment or an entrance where desomorphine is brewed, police say. The strong and pungent smell of acetone, gasoline, which are also part of the drug, is the main sign of the "crocodile" laboratory.

Each drug den, according to the police major, has its own "kitchen", where the process of "cooking" takes place. Window panes darken from constant evaporation of chemistry, becoming as if tinted. There is often a saucepan with salt on the stove, on which everything is heated, a “moonshine” apparatus made from improvised means, scales, “mountains” of matches from which sulfur is scraped off are attached to it.

If you encounter a desomorphine in the store, the policeman adds, you can easily recognize him by the characteristic smell of clothes, skin, hair. The stench will remain even if the addict takes a shower and puts on clean clothes. Another “crocodile” can be seen in the crowd by an inhibited reaction - like a person, but he walks and behaves like a zombie.

Usually they are skinny because they stop eating - normal people go to each other for tea, and drug addicts come to visit for a dose.

“They say they can’t stop, although they see the agony in which their comrades die,” says Maxim Alekseevich.

Addiction - from the first time

Anatoly Fominykh, head of narcology, states that desomorphine is a real disaster for our city. Codeine preparations, which include chemically converted opium, are freely sold in some city pharmacies.

The short lifespan of a desomorphine user - a maximum of 2-3 years - is due to the fact that the drug also contains other substances that cause metabolic disorders. Under their influence, the body changes - someone's skin becomes scaly and dark, someone's nervous system is affected. A living organism is completely destroyed: blood vessels clog, six months later, a person’s veins disappear, and the skin dies.

The doctor says that desomorphine is instantly addictive. Already from the first time, psychological dependence begins: a person remembers a second buzz and lives with memories of it. After the second or third time, physical dependence appears, which causes withdrawal if the drug is absent from the blood for too long.

- From the ulcers that appear on the body, they do not hurt, because they have a different pain - breaking, which gives them the highest suffering. When you ask to tell what exactly hurts, they say everything: muscles, bones, joints. A person cannot sit, walk, lie down. Plus mental rut: “Give it! Give!". Then there comes a moment when a person practically does not experience pleasure, but injects himself so that there is no withdrawal, ”says a narcologist who monitors hundreds of local drug addicts.

People, according to him, rot both outside and inside. The drug "eats" the body - all organs are destroyed, burned.

- In the "crocodile" there is almost the entire periodic table, which a person introduces into himself, thereby destroying his immunity. But they are not afraid, they know that they will die anyway. This is tantamount to suicide,” says Anatoly Viktorovich.

Since the appearance of the "crocodile" in the city, about ten of its "discoverers" have already died.

"It's not a disease"

“Drug addiction is not a disease. This is a form of promiscuity,” says Evgeny Malenkin, one of the founders of the Yekaterinburg City Without Drugs Foundation. - Medicine already treats the consequences, because after taking desomorphine, almost all organs dissolve, become jelly-like. Inside a person is a complete mess.

The man is sure that people who become addicted to drugs and cannot cope with themselves need urgent rehabilitation. But since there is no compulsory treatment in Russia, drug addicts die in terrible agony at home and drag along those who have been hooked on the needle - on average, from 10 to 15 people.

It's good if the police put him in jail. But this is quite difficult - the authorities must record the contents of the drug den twice, which, like a funnel, sucks people in. It is impossible for a drug addict who “sits” on a “crocodile” to stop - he needs to do up to five injections every day, so cooking continues around the clock, explains Evgeny Viktorovich.

He is sure that "crocodile" is a greater evil than heroin. "Crocodiles" rot alive without even noticing it - after all, the drug is made on painkillers.

- For example, the hand rots, but they still continue to stab into it. To be honest, you can’t understand their psychology, because it’s drug addiction, says Evgeny Malenkin.

Detention of desomorphine addicts in a brothel

"Moral Crocodiles"

The juvenile department says it's not uncommon for families to have both parents who are drug addicts. Women's maternal instincts are dulled, they "see" only the drug and do not care about their children at all.

According to the statistics of the PDN (juvenile affairs department), over the past three years, 57 parents have been identified and registered in Kachkanar, 90% of whom are desomorphine users. Of these, one in four parents who used the drug have already died.

“We seize children and hand them over to relatives or under the guardianship of the state. In no case should a child be left to degrading people, because children in such families live in ugly conditions: they are not washed, they are not fed, a syringe becomes their first toy. The child, in the truest sense of the word, survives there, suffers both physically and mentally. Whatever he finds, he will eat, if there is nothing left to look for, he goes hungry for several days,” says the head of the PDN, Valeria Prilutskaya.

According to her, due to the specific smell, including from the clothes of a child who lives in this family, it is not difficult to identify "crocodiles". Only grandparents save the kids, who are still fighting for their drug addicted children, bring them food and actually raise their grandchildren.

- All people know from childhood that fly agaric and "wolf" berries cannot be eaten - these are generally recognized concepts. Then it is not clear how an adult begins to introduce this muck into his body, knowing perfectly well what it is cooked from. No wonder the drug is popularly called "crocodile" - people become moral crocodiles. Sometimes I am amazed: young people, but look and behave like ghouls. By the way, there are statistics that one experienced drug addict carries with him about 14 more people. I wish everyone not to fall into this number, - sums up Valeria Sergeevna.

"Russians kill Russians"

Under this slogan, the foundation fights against pharmacies that freely sell codeine-containing drugs. Basically, of course, litigation takes place in large regional cities; there is simply no one on the periphery to deal with this.

The laws themselves hinder the spread of this drug. But pharmacists - kind, sweet women who sell pills to drug addicts - are no different from drug dealers. It turns out that Russians kill Russians. These women are well aware of why drug addicts need these drugs. After all, together with them he buys a whole "set" of drugs. By the way, in some pharmacies, special kits are carefully prepared in advance, which include everything you need to brew desomorphine, ”says Evgeny Malenkin.

In our region, the issue of the sale of codeine tablets through pharmacies has long been resolved at the level of the governor - there was a verbal agreement between the government and the heads of pharmacy chains to limit sales. If you sell one pack in one hand, then you won’t be able to cook a “crocodile” - much more medicines are required. But, as the funders found out, in many pharmacies in Yekaterinburg, the vacation norm is not observed. A similar story is in Kachkanar.

The fund explains this behavior of businessmen - due to these drugs they make very good money, and if the relevant law is passed, their profits will decrease many times over. You can’t make money on simple cough and cold remedies, Yevgeny Malenkin is sure.

The founder of the fund openly states that the sale of codeine is beneficial to the pharmaceutical industry. In particular, the Pharmstandard company, which produces tablets that serve as raw materials for desomorphine. In 2008, this company reported an increase in revenue for over-the-counter drugs by 2 billion rubles. The greatest contribution to the increase was made by drugs that are purchased by drug addicts.

- What do you think, given the statistics, can even one, even the most wholesale heroin dealer, be compared in terms of profit with the profit that Pharmstandard receives from the "crocodile" segment of the pharmaceutical market? - Moscow publicist Yulia Latynina argues.

The media have repeatedly written about the proximity of this company and the Minister of Health Tatyana Golikova. But, of course, no one can prove that the minister has anything to do with it.

“These drug addicts who are rotting alive are called by the doctors themselves “Children of Golikova”, this term has already become medical,” says Evgeny Malenkin. - The authorities do not care about this - they have postponed the date of establishing the prescription of codeine-containing drugs for the fourth time.

The drug fighter is sure that it is possible to stop the distribution of "crocodile" in certain cities, first of all, by excluding certain pills from the free assortment of pharmacies.

The French are in a panic

In the last days of November, a film crew of French television journalists arrived in Yekaterinburg to film a story about desomorphine addiction by order of the state channel. They had a problem in the country: four people died from the use of "crocodile".

For France, this is a new drug. They believe that he came from Russia. Everyone is worried. And so the journalists wanted to see what desomorphine addicts look like, take part in operations, visit brothels and understand what awaits their country if they don’t take any action,” says Yevgeny Roizman, founder of the City Without Drugs foundation. - And so they looked, and asked: “How is this possible? Why is the government not doing anything?!” And what will I answer them? In fact, I understand that the prime minister is able to solve a terrible problem for Russia with one phone call. Of course, if he wants to.

Nadezhda Lesnikova

Why is desomorphine addiction thriving in the city? Who can benefit from this? How can this wave be stopped?

From time to time, modern society is shaken by another news about a terrible disease discovered in the vastness of our planet. After such messages, we thank God in our thoughts that children's chickenpox or seasonal flu is the maximum of what we have had to deal with in life. Terrifying and incomprehensible ailments not only kill, but slowly make people with disabilities. It is impossible to single out the 10 most terrible diseases in the world, since there are many more of them. We present to your attention a list of dangerous infections and viruses, which includes not only exotic ailments, but also diseases that are absolutely familiar to us.


The plague of the 20th century, the scourge of the millennium - this is how acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is called. Why is this the worst disease in the world? Yes, because until now there is no cure for it. The brightest minds puzzled over the miraculous drug, conducting countless experiments. But all to no avail. Today, about 40-45 million earthlings suffer from AIDS. If at first the virus hosted only on the African continent, now every country in the world can present its own disease statistics.

AIDS is transmitted sexually, through dirty medical instruments, in the womb - from mother to child. Since the virus lives exclusively in the blood, it is she who becomes the cause of infection. You can catch the disease even in the dental office, when applying a tattoo, or by brushing your teeth with someone else's brush. On all these objects, the blood of the patient can remain, which enters the body through small cracks. If earlier the most terrible disease in the world, whose name is AIDS, was considered shameful, today the entire planet has joined forces to help infected people.


A short word that contains so much crying and grief... Unlike AIDS, cancer can be cured with chemotherapy or radiation exposure, but it is terrible because of its unpredictability. Oncological disease spares neither the old nor the young: approximately 14 million victims are registered every year. Where the attack comes from has not been established. Medicine calls genetic disorders, the influence of bad habits, and malnutrition as the main causes. Undoubtedly, this is the most terrible disease in the world. Cancer is able to "devour" entire parts of the body. Sometimes women lose their breasts, genitals, only to stop a progressive disease.

Cancer is an uncontrolled, very rapid cell division that transforms into malignant tumors in the internal organs and tissues of a person. The tumor affects the vital centers, as a result of which they cease to function. It is not recommended to treat the disease with unconventional methods - the patient loses precious minutes, which ultimately costs him his life.


Living virus. It is able to be stored frozen for many years, and it also feels free at temperatures up to one hundred degrees. Smallpox appeared a long time ago: historians say that even the ancient Egyptians suffered from this dangerous ailment. At one time, such famous personalities as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Joseph Stalin also suffered the disease.

Smallpox rightfully occupies a leading position in the ranking, which presents the most terrible diseases in the world. The photos found in the medical literature are sometimes truly amazing: the unfortunate are covered with a huge number of ugly dark pockmarks, which then transform into large scars. It is difficult to survive the disease: mortality occurs in 20-90% of cases. Those who are lucky often get "inherited" blindness. Smallpox is a natural focal virus that causes the body to rot alive. It is almost impossible to catch a terrible disease these days, but for the purpose of prevention in Africa, people are sometimes vaccinated.

Bubonic plague

Remembering her, we imagine wagons with troupes, masks with bird beaks, bonfires in cities. Thanks to cinema, modern people know a lot about this terrible disease, which in the Middle Ages devastated literally half of Europe. In those days, bubonic plague topped the top 10 most terrible diseases in the world. Medicine did not have sufficient knowledge and treatment technologies, so millions of people died from the virus. In our time, plague is treated with antibiotics and sulfonamides.

After the infection enters the body, acute intoxication occurs, the lymphatic system is affected, which leads to a quick and painful death. The carriers of infection are rodents, which in the Middle Ages massively inhabited large cities. It was also possible to become infected from the bite of a flea that was in contact with a sick animal. At the same time, no one undertakes to name the exact number of deaths, since in those days no calculations were made. Interestingly, there are many superstitions associated with the bubonic plague: our ancestors believed that epidemic outbreaks prevented global natural disasters.


This is an infectious disease, the causative agent of which is the so-called Koch's wand. The bacterium enters the body through the digestive tract, with an open form - by airborne droplets, less often - by contact through the skin. The main symptoms are sudden weight loss, cough, bloody sputum, pale skin, increased sweating, fatigue, irritability, and sleep disturbance. A dangerous disease is often treated in hospitals with the help of antibiotics, drugs that increase immunity, and the actual anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Speaking about the most terrible diseases in the world, one cannot forget about this virus, which usually affects the lungs of a person. The course of therapy takes a rather long period of time, but if you turn to a professional doctor in time, the chances of a full recovery are quite high. Instead, a neglected disease can lead to disability, disability and death. By the way, tuberculosis in our time is infected with a third of the inhabitants of the planet.


In modern medicine, the disease is called leprosy. This is an infectious disease that affects the skin, peripheral parts of the nervous system and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and in especially severe forms - internal organs, eyes and the musculoskeletal system. The patient begins to rot alive: first of all, the legs and arms, genitals, and face suffer. The poor fellow does not lose all the limbs, but in most cases he remains without fingers. The disease progresses especially in the area of ​​the nose: it is replaced by a gaping ragged hole.

Leprosy is the most terrible disease. In the world at the end of the last century, there were about 14 million lepers. In the future, thanks to modern therapy, this figure was reduced to 800 thousand. But even today, leprosy is very insidious. The incubation period lasts from 3 to 20 years, then the asymptomatic stage begins, so it is almost impossible to detect the disease at an early stage. When the diagnosis is made, the patient is prescribed drugs from the group of sulfones.

elephant disease

Describing the most terrible diseases in the world, the list should be replenished with this ailment. Its official name is lymphatic filaria. Most common in the tropics, as it is spread by mosquitoes. An infected female insect bites a person, and its larvae enter the bloodstream, through which the infection spreads throughout the body. Usually they accumulate in the tissues, affecting the lymph nodes: they increase to enormous sizes. At the same time, the legs are transformed, strongly swelling, the skin thickens several times. In especially severe cases, the hands, genitals and chest also hypertrophy.

Having fallen ill, a person becomes ugly and incapacitated. It is difficult for him to move, he constantly suffers from nausea and migraines. Antibiotics are the most effective treatment, sometimes surgery is recommended for the patient. Doctors also prescribe hydromassage, the use of compression stockings, and therapeutic exercises. It is important to eat right and move more.

Hutchinson syndrome

The disease is also called progeria. This is by far the most terrible disease in the world - a genetic disorder that is characterized by premature aging. Sick children at 12 look like ninety-year-olds. One case of the disease is registered for 8 million babies; in the modern world, 80 children are officially known to live with a terrible syndrome. Already in the first three years of life, the baby begins to show symptoms: growth retardation, severe baldness, bone deformity. In addition, his skin becomes dry and wrinkled, his eyelashes and eyebrows actively fall out, his genitals do not develop, and his earlobes are missing.

The prognosis for patients is unfavorable: they all die before the age of 25 from heart disease and malignant tumors. At the same time, cases of reaching adulthood are extremely rare. Prevention and treatment have not been developed. Scientists continue to actively study Hutchinson's syndrome, hoping not only to invent a cure for ailments, but also to shed light on the general mechanism of beauty fading and body aging.

Necrotizing fasciitis

The main symptoms are as follows: the epidermis acquires a purple hue, huge bubbles filled with liquid form, gangrene begins. The unfortunate person's temperature rises, the pressure drops, the pulse often becomes rapid, and the consciousness is confused. The doctor usually prescribes antibiotics and removes dead tissue with a scalpel, sometimes it is necessary to amputate the limb. The disease is really terrible, so doctors recommend going to the hospital as soon as they notice that the skin around the wound has acquired a bluish-burgundy hue.

Malaria and cholera

These are also the most terrible diseases in the world. For example, malaria, popularly known as "swamp fever", is severe. It often results in death. The carriers of the infection are mosquitoes. By biting their prey, they inject pathogenic bacteria into its blood. The disease proceeds quickly, accompanied by chills, high fever, anemia and an increase in the size of organs. A large population of Africa often dies from malaria, since medical care is at a rather low level in the countries of the continent. Children usually become victims due to unfavorable living conditions, lack of clean drinking water.

As for cholera, it is also a dangerous infectious disease. His embryo successfully reproduces in fresh water: a person who drinks such a liquid quickly becomes ill. Mortality from the disease is high, but infection can be prevented by adhering to the basic rules of hygiene. People who are accustomed to washing their hands before eating, carefully rinse vegetables and fruits, do not drink water from the well, are not susceptible to this disease.

Porphyria disease and jaw necrosis

Thinking about what is the most terrible disease in the world, it is difficult not to remember these ailments. Porphyria is a genetic disease, it leads to the accumulation in the human body of specific compounds that have different functions, for example, they produce a large number of red blood cells. People suffering from the disease cannot be exposed to direct sunlight: they leave severe burns, ulcers and wounds on their skin. The method of treatment is unclear, doctors are working to invent an effective medicine.

Jaw necrosis, fortunately, ceased to be diagnosed many years ago. All that is known about this disease is that at the beginning of the 19th century, workers in the match industry suffered from it. They were exposed to a very toxic substance - white phosphorus, which provoked a terrible disease in facial bone tissues. They just rotted alive before our eyes. If the jaw bones were not removed surgically, the disease continued to destroy the body and led to death.

Cutaneous leishmaniasis and hypertrichosis

Not only ugly, but also the most terrible diseases in the world, photos of which can be seen in any medical reference book. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is common in hot countries, its carriers are all the same mosquitoes. Biting a person, they leave larvae in his body, which begin to corrode the skin. A harmless wound soon turns into a huge purulent ulcer, which heals for a very long time and poorly. The most dangerous is the defeat of the face. If left untreated, the person may die.

Hypertrichosis is the most terrible disease, it is quite rare in the world. It is characterized by the appearance of an abundant amount of hair in different parts of the body: on the face, chest, back. It occurs due to a gene mutation, may be a consequence of taking certain medications. If hypertrichosis is mild, it is easy to get rid of it with laser hair removal. At the same time, it is impossible to pull out hairs with tweezers or wax - this will only aggravate the disease. It is not recommended to resort to self-medication - it is better to immediately contact a professional doctor.

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